Section 3: The Material/Economic Self
Section 3: The Material/Economic Self
Section 3: The Material/Economic Self
The concept of the “whole person” is usually associated to
the idea of human beings as having physical ans
psychological aspects. However, there is third aspect of
being human that is as important as the 2 precedents: the
spiritual aspect.
Highlighting the mind-body-spirit connection, the spiritual
self is an ongoing, personal life journey, contextualizer by
the belief in a higher being, culture, relationships, nature, and
the discovery of meaning in one’s life.
There are several definitions that have been formulated
regarding spirituality.
Puchalski (2014), spirituality is the aspect of tbe self
that is associated to an individual’s process of
seeking and expressiny meaning and how he or she
is connected to the self, to others, to the moment
and to everything else that composes his/her
environment, including the sacred and significant.
Beauregard and O’Leary (2007), spirituality is any
experience that is thought to bring the experiencer in
contact with the divine; it is not just any experience
that feels meaningful.
Sinnott (2002), spirituality is also posited as the
indivudual’s personal relation to the sacred or
transcendent, a relation that then informs other
relationships and the meaning of one’s own life.
Myers and his colleagues (2000), spirituality is the
“personal and private beliefs that transcend the
material aspects of life and give a deep sense of
wholeness, connectedness, and openness to the
What do these definitions have in common with regard to
This section discusses the natural affinity people have with nature and similar
constructs, the factors that contribute to such connections, how these
relations to nature are manifested, and how they can be enhanced in the
context of one’s spirituality.
This section discusses the natural affinity people have with nature and similar
constructs, the factors that contribute to such connections, how these
relations to nature are manifested, and how they can be enhanced in the
context of one’s spirituality.