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Thomas Aquina College - Book List

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Thomas Aquinas College Bookstore

Freshman Booklist
As of August 18, 2017
All of the books needed for the academic year are provided to each student free of charge; books are distributed at the beginning of each
semester. If a book was required for a previous year, the College will assume the student still owns that title and will not provide an additional
copy free of charge. Only one copy of one translation of each required text will be provided free of charge. Additional translations, replacement
copies and other non-required texts are available for purchase.

Semester Title ISBN Author Translator Publisher Price**

First Semester Books:
1st, 2nd The Basic Works of Aristotle (PB) 9780375757990 Aristotle McKeon Penguin Random House $13.25
1st, 2nd Cassell's Latin Dictionary* 9780025225800 Wiley Publishing $14.98
1st Categories and Propositions* 9780960287055 Aristotle Apostle Peripatetic Press $18.45
1st, 2nd Complete Works of Plato 9780872203495 Plato Cooper Hackett $57.84
1st, 2nd Euclid, Archimedes, Nicomachus* Euclid Encyclopedia Britannica Publishe $12.25
1st, 2nd Euclid's Elements 9781888009194 Euclid Heath Green Lion Press $19.18
1st, 2nd Greek Tragedies Vol. 1 9780226035284 various Grene and Lattimore University of Chicago $9.74
1st, 2nd Greek Tragedies Vol. 2 9780226035598 various Grene and Lattimore University of Chicago $9.74
1st, 2nd Greek Tragedies Vol. 3 9780226035932 various Grene and Lattimore University of Chicago $9.74
1st, 2nd Holy Bible, hardcover 9780898708332 RSV Ignatius $21.00
1st Iliad 9780226470498 Homer Lattimore University of Chicago $10.68
1st Insect World 9780807085134 Fabre Teixeira de Mattos Beacon Press $21.12
1st Isagogue 9780888442659 Porphyry Edward W. Warren Pontifical Institute $10.13
1st The Landmark Herodotus 9781400031146 Herodotus Strassler Random House $19.40
1st, 2nd Latin Grammar* 9780829401127 Henle Loyola Press $9.50
1st, 2nd The New College Latin & English Dictionary 9780553590128 Traupman Penguin Random House $5.00
1st, 2nd New Latin Grammar* 9780486448060 Allen and Greenough Dover Publications $12.82
1st, 2nd A New Latin Syntax* 9780862920425 Woodcock Bristol Classical Press $22.00
1st Odyssey 9780061244186 Homer Lattimore Harper-Collins $10.58
1st On the Motion of the Heart 9780879758547 Harvey Willis Prometheus Books $9.71
and Blood in Animals
1st, 2nd Plutarch's Lives Vol. 1, paperback 9780375756764 Plutarch Dryden Penguin Random House $9.22
1st, 2nd Plutarch's Lives Vol. 2, paperback 9780375756771 Plutarch Dryden Penguin Random House $9.22
First Semester Manuals:
1st, 2nd A Primer in Latin Morphology NA Thomas Aquinas College $15.00
1st, 2nd Concepts in Latin Syntax NA Thomas Aquinas College $7.00
1st, 2nd 3 Colored Grammar Booklets NA Thomas Aquinas College $3.00
1st Fr. Natural Science Vol. 1 NA various Thomas Aquinas College $11.50
Second Semester Books:
2nd 4 Texts On Socrates 9780801485749 Plato & Aristophanes West Cornell University Press $13.38
2nd The Birds and Other Plays 9780140449518 Aristophanes Barrett Penguin Random House $8.42
2nd Landmark Thucydides, The 9780684827902 Thucydides Crawley/edited by Strassler Simon and Schuster $17.78
2nd The Metamorphosis of Plants 9780262013093 Goethe MIT Press $18.82
2nd Posterior Analytics* 9780960287079 Aristotle Apostle Peripatetic Press $22.14
2nd Posterior Analytics; Topics* 9780674994300 Aristotle Tredennick and Forster Harvard University Press $22.14
2nd The Republic 9780465069347 Plato Bloom Harper-Collins $15.84
2nd The Wonder Book of Plant Life 9781587760037 Fabre Miall Vivisphere Publishing $16.03
Second Semester Manuals:
2nd Fr. Natural Science Vol. 2 NA Thomas Aquinas College $8.50
2nd Latin Readings According to the NA Thomas Aquinas College $9.00
‘Stem Method’ Vol 1
2nd Measurement and Equilibrium NA $10.00
*Alternate / Optional
**Prices are subject to change
Thomas Aquinas College Bookstore
Sophomore Booklist
As of August 18, 2017
All of the books needed for the academic year are provided to each student free of charge; books are distributed at the beginning of each
semester. If a book was required for a previous year, the College will assume the student still owns that title and will not provide an additional
copy free of charge. Only one copy of one translation of each required text will be provided free of charge. Additional translations, replacement
copies and other non-required texts are available for purchase.

Semester Title ISBN Author Translator Publisher Price**

First Semester Books:
1st Aeneid 9780679729525 Virgil Fitzgerald Penguin Random House $9.07
1st Annals of Imperial Rome, The 9780140440607 Tacitus Grant Penguin Random House $11.66
1st, 2nd Cassell's Latin-English Dictionary* 9780025225800 IDG Books Worldwide $14.98
1st, 2nd The City of God: Books 1-10 (s) 9781565484559 St. Augustine Babcock New City Press $22.98
1st, 2nd The City of God: Books 11-22 (s) 9781565484818 St. Augustine Babcock New City Press $30.18
1st, 2nd The City of God: Books 1-10 (h)* 9781565484542 St. Augustine Babcock New City Press $35.00
1st, 2nd The City of God: Books 11-22 (h)* 9781565484795 St. Augustine Babcock New City Press $42.00
1st Confessions of St. Augustine 9780199537822 St. Augustine Chadwick Oxford University Press $5.74
1st Elements of Chemistry 9780486646244 Lavoisier Kerr Dover Publications Inc $11.98
1st Handbook (Encheiridion), The 9780915145690 Epictetus White Hackett Publishing Company $8.53
1st On Christian Doctrine 9780024021502 St. Augustine Robertson MacMillan Publishing Co $23.59
1st On Duties 9780521348355 Cicero Atkins Cambridge University Press $28.80
1st On the Incarnation 9780881414271 St. Athanasius Behr St. Vladimir's Seminary Press $12.00
1st On the Nature of Things 9780801850554 Lucretius Esolen Johns Hopkins University Press $33.60
1st Physics, or Natural Hearing (h)* 9781587316289 Aristotle Coughlin St. Augustine $29.64
1st Physics, or Natural Hearing (p) 9781587316296 Aristotle Coughlin St. Augustine $14.10
1st Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Kepler NA various Encyclopedia Britannica Publishers $10.00
1st Rise of Rome, The 9780199540044 Livy Luce Oxford University Press $10.86
1st Studies in Words 9781107688650 C.S. Lewis Cambridge University Press $14.40
1st Selected Writings on Grace and 9781565483729 St. Augustine Teske New City Press $30.18
First Semester Manuals:
1st Latin Readings According to the NA various Thomas Aquinas College $11.00
‘Stem Method’ Vol 2
1st, 2nd Introduction to Atomic Theory NA various Thomas Aquinas College $13.50
1st Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Kepler NA various Thomas Aquinas College $6.50
1st, 2nd Sophomore Readings NA various Thomas Aquinas College $7.50
Second Semester Books:
2nd Canterbury Tales 9780140424386 Chaucer Charles E. Tuttle $7.13
2nd Consolation of Philosophy 9780486421636 Boethius Green Dover Publications Inc $5.38
2nd Divine Comedy (I Volume) 9780142437544 Dante Musa Penguin Random House $14.26
2nd Faerie Queene 9780872208070 Spenser Hackett Publishing Company $13.08
2nd Inferno* 9780812970067 Dante Esolen Penguin Random House $8.06
2nd On Conic Sections (Books 1-4) 9781888009415 Apollonius Taliaferro Green Lion Press $16.73
2nd Paradise* 9780812977264 Dante Esolen Penguin Random House $8.64
2nd Proslogion 9780268016975 St. Anselm Charlesworth University of Notre Dame $29.83
2nd Purgatory* 9780812971255 Dante Esolen Penguin Random House $9.22
2nd Saint John of Damascus; Writings 9781470149246 St. John Chase CreateSpace $22.76
2nd Astronomia Nova 9781888009477 Kepler Donahue Green Lion $32.22
2nd Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 9780393930252 unknown Borroff W. W. Norton & Company $18.55
Second Semester Manuals:
2nd De Anima NA Aristotle Coughlin Thomas Aquinas College $5.50
2nd Latin Readings According to the NA Various Thomas Aquinas College $8.50
‘Stem Method’ Vol 3
2nd Sophomore Math Vol. II NA Kepler Donahue Thomas Aquinas College $3.50
*Alternate / Optional
**Prices are subject to change
Thomas Aquinas College Bookstore
Junior Booklist
As of August 18, 2017
All of the books needed for the academic year are provided to each student free of charge; books are distributed at the beginning of each
semester. If a book was required for a previous year, the College will assume the student still owns that title and will not provide an additional
copy free of charge. Only one copy of one translation of each required text will be provided free of charge. Additional translations, replacement
copies and other non-required texts are available for purchase.

Semester Title ISBN Author Translator Publisher Price**

First Semester Books:
1st, 2nd The Basic Works of Aristotle (PB) 9780375757990 Aristotle McKeon Penguin Random House $13.25
1st Discourse on Method & Related Writings 9780140446999 Descartes Clarke Penguin Random House $7.13
1st Discourses on Livy 9780226500362 Machiavelli Mansfield and Tarcov University of Chicago Press $17.30
1st Don Quixote 9780142437230 Cervantes Cohen Penguin Random House $11.02
1st Essays* 9780140178975 Montaigne Cohen Penguin Random House $11.02
1st Geometry 9780486600680 Descartes Smith and Latham Dover Publications Inc $7.78
1st Leviathan 9780872201774 Hobbes Hackett Publishing Co $17.17
1st Meditations and Other Metaphysical Writi 9780140447019 Descartes Clarke Penguin Random House $7.78
1st Novum Organum 9780812692457 Bacon Urbach and Gibson Open Court Publishing Co $26.88
1st Nicomachean Ethics* 9780226026756 Aristotle Bartlett University of Chicago Press $11.90
1st On Kingship 9780888442512 St. Thomas Phelan Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies $12.05
1st Pensees 9780140446456 Pascal Krailsheimer Penguin Random House $8.42
1st Prince, The 9780226500447 Machiavelli Mansfield University of Chicago Press $7.80
1st Theological-Political Treatise 9780872206076 Spinoza Shirley Hackett Publishing Co $18.13
1st, 2nd Summa Theologiae Prima Pars, 1-49 9781623400064 Aquinas Aquinas Institute Aquinas Institute $33.00
1st Two New Sciences 9780921332503 Galileo Drake Wall and Emerson Inc $23.81
1st Hamlet 9780143128540 Shakespeare Penguin Random House $5.83
1st Henry IV Pt. 1 9780143130208 Shakespeare Penguin Random House $5.83
1st Julius Caesar 9780143128601 Shakespeare Penguin Random House $5.83
1st King Lear 9780143128557 Shakespeare Penguin Random House $5.83
1st Macbeth 9780143128564 Shakespeare Penguin Random House $5.83
1st Othello 9780143128618 Shakespeare Penguin Random House $5.83
1st Richard II 9780143130215 Shakespeare Penguin Random House $5.83
1st The Tempest 9780143128632 Shakespeare Penguin Random House $5.83
1st Twelfth Night 9780143128595 Shakespeare Penguin Random House $4.50
First Semester Manuals:
1st Junior Natural Science NA various Thomas Aquinas College $5.50
1st Junior Readings NA various Thomas Aquinas College $9.50
1st Math Readings Vol 1 NA Viete/Descartes Thomas Aquinas College $7.00
1st On the Measurement of tones NA Kalkavage Thomas Aquinas College $7.00
2nd Principia (abridged) NA Newton Richard Thomas Aquinas College $6.50
1st, 2nd Tonality NA Gustin Thomas Aquinas College $5.50
1st, 2nd Sonata NA Mozart Thomas Aquinas College $1.00
Second Semester Books:
2nd Basic Political Writings 9781603846738 Rousseau Cress Hackett Publishing Co $14.04
2nd Cid/Cinna, The 9780140443127 Corneille Cairncross Penguin Random House $9.72
2nd Critique of Pure Reason 9780872202573 Kant Pluhar Hackett Publishing Co $33.98
2nd History of Decline and Fall of the 9780140437645 Gibbon Penguin Random House $11.66
Roman Empire, The; Abridged
2nd Discourse on Metaphysics 9780872201323 Leibniz Garber and Ariew Hackett Publishing Co $10.20
2nd Empiricists 9780385096225 Locke, Berkeley, Hume Penguin Random House $11.66
2nd Federalist, The 9780375757860 Hamilton, Jay, Madison Scigliano Penguin Random House $8.64
2nd Gulliver's Travels 9780486292731 Swift Dover Publications Inc $3.60
2nd Lincoln/Douglas Debates 9780486435435 Lincoln/Douglas Dover Publications Inc $10.78
2nd Paradise Lost 9780393924282 Milton W.W. Norton & Co, Inc $23.64
2nd Phedre 9780140445916 Racine Rawlings Penguin Random House $9.72
2nd Politics 9780226921846 Aristotle Carnes Lord University of Chicago Press $11.40
2nd Principia* 9780879759803 Newton Motte Prometheus Books $11.47
2nd Second Treatise on Goverment 9780915144860 Locke Hackett Publishing Co $9.72
2nd Summa Theologiae Prima Sec, 71-114 9781623400095 Aquinas Aquinas Institute Aquinas Institute $27.80

Second Semester Manuals:

2nd Jr. Math Manual Vol. 2 NA Various Thomas Aquinas College $7.50
*Alternate / Optional
**Prices are subject to change
Thomas Aquinas College Bookstore
Senior Booklist
As of August 18, 2017
All of the books needed for the academic year are provided to each student free of charge; books are distributed at the beginning of each
semester. If a book was required for a previous year, the College will assume the student still owns that title and will not provide an additional
copy free of charge. Only one copy of one translation of each required text will be provided free of charge. Additional translations, replacement
copies and other non-required texts are available for purchase.

Semester Title ISBN Author Translator Publisher Price**

First Semester Books:
1st A Doll's House 9780486270623 Ibsen Dover Publications Inc $1.91
1st Billy Budd & Other Tales 9780451530813 Melville Penguin Random House $3.10
1st Capital Vol.1 9780394726571 Marx Fowkes Penguin Random House $24.00
1st Faust I & II 9780691162294 Goethe Atkins California Princeton Fulfillment $11.40
1st Communist Manifesto 9780717802418 Marx and Engles International Publishers Co. $2.93
1st Democracy in America 9780226805368 Tocqueville Mansfield/Winthrop University of Chicago Press $15.36
1st Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts 9780717800537 Marx Milligan International Publishers Co. $9.60
1st Emma 9780141439587 Austen Penguin Random House $5.83
1st Essay on the Theory of Numbers 9780486210100 Dedekind Beman Dover Publications Inc $5.98
1st Geometrical Researches On the Theory of Parallels 9781432520694 Lobachevski Halsted Kessinger Publishing $16.80
1st German Ideology 9780717803026 Marx and Engles Arthur(editor) International Publishers Co. $9.12
1st Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals 9780872201668 Kant Ellington Hackett Publishing Co $12.37
1st Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of 9780143107323 Twain Penguin Random House $5.18
1st Old Regime and French Revolution 9780226805306 Tocqueville Kahan University of Chicago Press $28.45
1st Phenomenology of Spirit 9780198245971 Hegel Miller Oxford University Press $13.66
1st Philosophy of History 9780486437552 Hegel Sibree Dover Publications Inc $8.98
1st Physics, or Natural Hearing(softcover)* 9781587316296 Aristotle Coughlin St. Augustine $14.10
1st Physics, or Natural Hearing(hardcover)* 9781587316289 Aristotle Coughlin St. Augustine $29.64
1st Three Tales 9780199555864 Flaubert Krailsheimer Oxford University Press $7.58
1st War and Peace 9781400079988 Tolstoy Penguin Random House $12.96
1st Wealth of Nations 9780679783367 Smith Penguin Random House $8.29
First Semester Manuals:
1st Natural Science Vol 1 NA various Thomas Aquinas College $10.50
1st Mathematics Vol 1 NA various Thomas Aquinas College $13.00
1st, 2nd Senior Readings NA various Thomas Aquinas College $11.00
Second Semester Books:
2nd Billy Budd & Other Tales 9780451530813 Melville Penguin Random House $3.32
2nd Brothers Karamazov 9780679410034 Dostoevsky Pevear/ Volokhons Penguin Random House $18.14
2nd Complete Stories of Flannery O' Connor 9780374515362 O'Connor Farrar, Straus and Giroux $11.66
2nd Development of Christian Doctrine 9780268009212 Newman University of Notre Dame $28.32
2nd Division and Methods of Sciences 9780888442796 St. Thomas Maurer Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies $11.81
2nd Dubliners 9780486268705 Joyce Dover Publications Inc $2.40
2nd Fear and Trembling 9780691020266 Kierkegaard Hong California Princeton Fulfillment $20.92
2nd Go Down, Moses 9780679732174 Faulkner Vintage International $10.33
2nd Heart of Darkness 9780553212143 Joseph Conrad Penguin Random House $3.71
2nd Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis 9780871401182 Freud Strachey W.W. Norton & Co, Inc $13.72
2nd Introduction to Metaphysics 9780300186123 Heidegger Fried & Polt Yale University Press $19.91
2nd My Antonia 9780395755143 Cather Houghton Mifflin Company $4.76
2nd On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History 9780915144945 Nietzsche Preuss Hackett $9.72
2nd On the Genealogy of Morality 9780872202832 Nietzsche Clark & Swensen Hackett $16.92
2nd One Long Argument 9780674639065 Mayr Harvard University Press $27.96
2nd Origin of Species, 1st edition 9780553214635 Darwin Penguin Random House $20.15
2nd Philosophical Fragments 9780691020365 Kierkegaard Hong California Princeton Fulfillment $38.88
2nd Relativity 9780143039822 Einstein Calder Penguin Random House $8.42
2nd Selected Writings of Thomas Aquinas* 9780140436327 St. Thomas McInerny Penguin Random House $9.50
2nd Summa Theologiae Tertia Pars 1-59 9781623400125 Aquinas Aquinas Institute Aquinas Institute $27.80
2nd Summa Theologiae Tertia Pars 60-90 9781623400132 Aquinas Aquinas Institute Aquinas Institute $27.80
2nd The Fittness of the Enviornment M0D1005213442 Henderson Forgotten Books $12.99
2nd The Way of the Cell 9780195163384 Harold Oxford University Press $15.17
2nd On the Genesis of Species B0087JCQHQ Mivart Forgotten Books $11.82
2nd Two Essays on Analytical Psychology 9780691017822 Jung Hull California Princeton Fulfillment $23.48
2nd Wasteland 9780393974997 T.S. Eliot North W. W. Norton & Company $16.15
2nd What is Life? 9781107604667 Schrodinger Cambridge University Press $14.20
Second Semester Manuals:
2nd Senior Natural Science Vol 2 NA various Thomas Aquinas College $10.50
2nd Papal Encyclicals NA various Thomas Aquinas College $9.00

*Alternate / Optional
**Prices are subject to change

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