Warfighting Notes
Warfighting Notes
Warfighting Notes
Land Navigation
How to plot a point
How to read contour lines
How to identify a map (numbers and designations)
Plot points along a patrol route
Convert azimuths between magnetic and grid
Measure distances between points
How to shoot a back azimuth
Combat Lifesaving
Treating heat casualties
Treating cold injuries
Routine/Priority/Urgent casualty triage and classification
CCI definition and regulations
Communication and the MAGTF
Standards of Conduct
Sexual harassment
USMC hazing policy
Leave and Earnings statement
Marine Corps’ Alcohol Abuse Program
Marine Corps’ illegal substance policy
Red Cross notifications
Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society
Uniform regulations
Levels of War
Mission Tactics
The nature of War from MCDP-1
Commander’s Intent
Main Effort
Operational terms and graphics
Leave and Earnings statement
Marine Corps’ Alcohol Abuse Program
Marine Corps’ illegal substance policy
Organization of the Marine Corps
Horizontal Themes
MAGTF composition
Warfighting Functions
Force Protection
Command and Control
Purpose of the Warfighting Functions- Conceptual planning and execution tools used by planners
and subject matter experts to produce comprehensive plans
Maneuver- gaining a position of advantage over the enemy. (spatial, psychological,
technological, or temporal)
Fires- Use of weapon systems to create a specific lethal or non-lethal effect on targets
Intelligence- Provides an understanding of the enemy and the battlespaces and identifies the
enemy’s centers of gravity and critical vulnerabilities.
Logistics- 6 functions: supply, maintenance, transportation, general engineering, health services,
Force Protection- Safeguard our own sources of strength and protects, conceals, reduces, or
eliminates our vulnerability that if exploited will do the most damage.
Command and Control- The exercise of authority and direction by a designated Commander to
accomplish a mission.
Chapter 1
The Nature: War Defined
War- “A violent clash of interests between or among organized groups characterized by the use
of military force.”
“A violent struggle between two hostile, independent, and irreconcilable wills, each trying to
impose itself on the other.” Pg. 3
Preparing: Organization
Characteristics of Marine Corps Forces - Forward or rapidly deployable; Expeditionary; Reserve
Marine Air Ground Task Force- Scalable/ Tailorable; Task organized
Preparing: Training and Education
Training- Techniques and Procedures; Science
Education- Tactics; Art