Busch Instruction Manual Huckepack HO 0429 0441 F en 0870114286
Busch Instruction Manual Huckepack HO 0429 0441 F en 0870114286
Busch Instruction Manual Huckepack HO 0429 0441 F en 0870114286
Operating Instructions
Rotary Vane
Vacuum Pumps Huckepack
HO 0429-0441 F
Preface HO 0429-0441 F
HO 0441 F
4 10 8
10 1
1 Seal fluid vessel
2 Flushing fluid vessel (option)
3 Holding plate
4 Bypass valve
5 Flap valve
6 Exhaust silencer (accessory)
8 7 Tread rollers
8 Holding screws
9 Guide rail
3 10 LP rotor
2 11 HP rotor
6 7
5 9
HO 0429-0441 F
The vacuum pump is intended for use in a potentially non-explosive en- – HO 0429 = 160 m3/h
vironment. – HO 0433 = 250 m3/h
Max. permissible number of startings per hour: 12. – HO 0437 = 400 m3/h
– HO 0441 = 630 m3/h
As far as temperature is concerned, the vacuum pump is suitable for
continuous duty at any pressure between atmosphere and ultimate pres- Non circulating cooling
The Huckepack vacuum pumps with direct cooling system have a water
The vacuum pump is tight down to ultimate pressure. inlet unit with a magnetic valve that stops the water inflow at the shut-
down of the pump and releases the water flow when the pump is run-
Operating principle ning in order to ensure cooling. As an option, a water inlet unit with
temperature regulating valve is possible. With this valve, the operating
The Huckepack vacuum pumps work according to the rotary vane temperature of the vacuum pump can be regulated. A pressure control
principle. Thereby the pumping direction is vertical that means, that the switch (accessory) controlling the static water pressure can be used to
circulation of the gas-flow is downwards. There are two modules which turn off the vacuum pump.
are placed one upon the other. The Huckepack vacuum pumps are water
cooled. An eccentrically installed rotor rotates in the cylinder. The
centrifugal force of the rotation pushes the vanes, which are gliding in 1
slots in the rotor, towards the wall of the cylinder. The vanes separate
the sickle-shaped space between the rotor and the cylinder in the
When connected with the inlet channel, the gas is sucked in, compressed
by the rotation and compressed again in a further level (multistage
versions) and discharged.
The seal fluid of the vacuum pump constantly causes the seal fluid to be
pressed into the compression chambers, which is discharged with the
medium as seal fluid fog.
There is a seal fluid separator or an exhaust muffler available. The use of 2
these accessories makes it possible to reach an exhaust air which
contains almost no seal fluid.
Liquid and solid particles must not enter the vacuum pump.
They can lead to ablution of the lubricating film in the compression
chamber and to increased abrasion of the cylinder trads and therefore 3
to overheating of the vacuum pump. Direct cooling
Additionally, it must be checked that there is no condensation during
the compression (boiling point, partial vapour pressure). In the case of 1 Cooling water outlet
acids or alkaline vapours respectively solvents, consult your local 2 Cooling water inlet
Busch-Agency. 3 Drain cock
3 The drive motors designed for vacuum operation below 100 hPa (mbar)
Direct cooling with temperature regulating valve that means that in this measurement range, the gas may be compressed
to an overpressure of 0.2 bar relative.
1 Cooling water outlet
2 Cooling water inlet Gas temperature
3 Drain cock
The admissible gas temperature on the operating side depends on the in-
take pressure. Above 100 mbar 70°C should not be exceeded. For 10
Radiator cooling mbar, the max. temperature is 90°C.
The Huckepack vacuum pumps with radiator cooling system are inde-
pendent of the cooling water net. The water circulation is made by a
Seal fluid circulation
gravity thermosiphon effect. The Huckepack vacuum pumps are lubricated by a lubrication pump. The
For higher demands (60 Hz operation, from 30°C ambient temperatures seal fluid is transported through tubes directly to the lubrication spots.
on) the pump can be equipped with a cooling circulation pump (contact (See “Lubrication system”)
your Busch representative). Water circulation pump can be retrofitted, if
necessary. Cooling
1 3 2 The Huckepack vacuum pumps are available with:
– Direct cooling
The cooling water connection can be made with flexible hoses or water
pipes. The water outlet must be without pressure. The cooling water in-
let is controlled by a magnetic valve. It stops the water inflow at the
shutdown of the vacuum pump and releases the water flow when the
vacuum pump is started.
For non circulating cooling, the cooling water must fulfill the following
– Water pressure: 3...8 bar
– Water temperature: 15°C (max. 40°C)
– Water hardness: 12 dH
The water must be neutral and clean. The water outlet must be without
pressure. Hose liner LW 13.
The pressure control switch (accessory) in front of the water inlet turns
the vacuum pump off when the water pressure is too low.
3 4
Radiator cooling
1 Cooling water inlet
2 Thermostat for water circulation (option)
Pressure switch control
3 Hose clips
4 Cooling water outlet
80°C 78-83°C
90°C 89-93°C
Pressure control
switch connexion
The speed control (option) is an additional safety device. It is highly re-
Dust separator
commended in hazardous areas.
Shut off tap
When using the vacuum pump in hazardous areas, the speed control
is highly recommended.
The gas ballast valve is recommended for installation in the HP stage. If The maintenance instructions must be followed and observed.
there is danger of condensation in the vacuum pump, when pumping These installation and maintenance instructions must be read and un-
aggressive and high-boiling vapours. derstood before the vacuum pump is used. If you have any doubts,
The flushing device makes it possible to clean the slide and compression contact your Busch representative.
chambers from resinating, polymerizing, subliming or corrosive tailings.
As options, manual and automatical flushing devices are available. Safety information
The suction filters in the standard version are delivered with steel/ alumi- The vacuum pump is designed and manufactured in compliance with the
nium housings and paper cartridge. The alloy steel version is equipped latest technical standards and safety regulations. Nether less an element
with a PTFE-filter cartridge. of residual risk remains.
The retention is 5mm. Install the suction filter vertically, if possible.
Various safety instructions are to be found in this handbook and on the
A safety thermostat in the LP stage is installed in the cylinder cover. This vacuum pump. These instructions must be followed. You can recognise
thermostat prevents overheating of the vacuum pump. The safety ther- these instructions by the signal words DANGER, WARNING and
mostat switches at 15 ± 3°C higher level than the thermostat for water CAUTION, which are defined as follows:
If no thermostat for water circulation is installed, a safety thermostat
with a set point of 95°C must be installed. DANGER
Safety HO 0429-0441 F
Disregard of this safety instruction may result in minor or moderate Do not work, walk or stand under suspended loads.
injuries or damage.
Refer to the table “Technical data” for the permissible noise level in free Please check out the weight of the vacuum pump before lifting it up
field conditions according to DIN ISO 2151. (see "Technical Data").
Temporary storage
l Make sure that the intake and exhaust flanges are closed (put on the
protective caps included in the delivery package of the vacuum
l Store the vacuum pump
– if possible, the vacuum pump should be stored in its original
– indoors,
Transport in packed state – dry,
Packed on a pallet, the vacuum pump can be moved with a hand forklift – in a dust-free and
– vibration-free room
HO 0429-0441 F Transport
0870114286 (En) Page 7
Removal of the vacuum pump Mounting position and space
Before starting a vacuum pump that has been stored outside the building l Make sure that the environment of the vacuum pump is not
for a while, the vacuum pump must be moved to a room with ambient potentially explosive.
temperature, where it should rest for a day.
l Make sure that the following ambient conditions are fulfilled:
l Make sure that the vacuum pump is connected with leakproof lines. – Cooling water pressure: 3...8 bar.
– Cooling water temperature: 15°C (max. 40°C).
– Water hardness: 12 dH
Water must be neutral and clean. The water outlet must be without
When the intake lines have been connected, make sure that the sys- pressure. Hose liner LW 13.
tem does not leak. Leakages of dangerous substances must be
prevented! Installation
l Make sure that the intake lines do not exercise any force on the in- Mounting
take flange. Mount bellows if necessary.
l Make sure that the “Necessary installation instructions” are follo-
In the case of long suction lines, the line cross-section should be larger wed.
than the intake flange to prevent a drop in the performance of the va-
cuum pump. If you have any doubts, contact your Busch representative. l Fasten or install the vacuum pump at its final installation site.
Do not put hands into the outlet aperture. Risk of electrocution, risk of damage.
Risk of body damage! Electrical installation must be performed by a suitably qualified elec-
trician who knows and follows the following regulations:
The following instructions for connection to the discharge only apply if - IEC 364 or CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100,
the sucked gas is discharged by the vacuum pump into a suitable envi- - IEC Report 664 or DIN VDE 0110,
ronment. - VBG 4 or corresponding national regulations on accident
l Make sure that the protection that was attached to prevent penetra-
tion of particles during transport has been removed before the va-
cuum pump is connected to the vacuum line. CAUTION
l Make sure that the nominal diameter of the exhaust line is at least
equal to the diameter of the exhaust flange of the vacuum pump to The circuit diagrams described below conform to the standard. Other
prevent a drop in the performance of the vacuum pump in the case circuit diagrams might be used. This depends on the particular order
of a smaller cross-section. and the market.
l Make sure that the vacuum pump is connected with leakproof lines. Risk of damage to the motor!
Check the connection of the motor inside the terminal box according
to the circuit diagram.
When the discharge lines have been connected, make sure that the Voltage and frequency on the nameplate must agree with the supply
system does not leak. Leakages of dangerous substances must be voltage.
l Electrically connect the drive motor
l Make sure that the discharge line is mounted in such a way that
l Connect the protective earth conductor
condensates cannot penetrate into the vacuum pump (siphon trap,
l Make sure that the discharge lines do not exercise any force on the
discharge flange. Mount bellows if necessary.
Risk of explosion!
1 2 3
The vacuum pump may not be lifted anymore when it has been filled
with seal fluid.
l Make sure before every transport that the seal fluid has been drained
First filling with cooling water out of the vacuum pump
At first start-up or start-up after having drained the cooling water, the
vacuum pump must be filled as follows: CAUTION
Non circulating cooling
The vacuum pump must remain in an horizontal position when it has
l Remove the hose at the water outlet been filled with seal fluid.
l Open the shut-off tap
l Open the magnetic valve
Lubrication system
The Huckepack vacuum pumps are lubricated. Besides oil other seal
l Open the water supply and fill with water until water overflows
fluids are possible. Please contact your local Busch representative or re-
l Connect the hose at the water outlet quest our leaflet “Special Seal Fluids for Vacuum Pumps”.
The exact measurable quantities of seal fluid are transported through
Circuit cooling with thermostat for water circulation tubes by the seal fluid pump directly to the lubrication spots.
l Open the relief cock
The seal fluid pump
l Fill with cooling water
The seal fluid pump supplies the different lubrication spots with seal
l Switch the pump on for a short time so that the air bubbles come up fluid. The measuring of the seal fluid can be varied directly by the seal
in the feed pipe fluid pump.
l Close the relief cock The seal fluid pump is connected directly to the LP-rotor. Therefore, the
NOTE: Version without thermostat for water circulation are not delivered rotational speed is the same as of the LP-rotor.
with relief cock. The seal fluid pump functions with lifting cylinders. The lifting is adjus-
Concerning cooling water quantity, see table "Technical data". table in order to be able to dose the seal fluid quantity exactly. The seal
fluid pump has eight connections for seal fluid tubes.
Connecting lines/ pipes
l Connect the intake lines Crank
l Connect the discharge lines
l Make sure that all caps, safeguards and similar covers are mounted
l Make sure that the inlet and outlet for the cooling air are not cove-
red or closed and that the flow of cooling air is not impaired in any
way. MAX
Operation without seal fluid will ruin the vacuum pump in short time.
l Unscrew the filler cap on the top of the seal fluid vessel
l Fill in seal fluid through the seal fluid screen on the vessel inlet
The vacuum pump is designed for use under the conditions specified
5 6 If these conditions are not met, there is a risk of damage to or total
3 destruction of the vacuum pump and its components!
The vacuum pump may only be switched on under the specified
1 Spring 4 Adjustment ring conditions.
2 Lifting 5 Tightening nut The Huckepack vacuum pumps are designed for use in the field of coarse
3 Rolling ring 6 Pump shaft and fine vacuum.
They can be used to suck gases and gas mixtures.
NOTE: The values below are standard values for chemical use. The quan-
tity of seal fluid depends on the conditions of the process. WARNING
When pumping inert gas without corrosive components seal fluid rate
can be reduced down to ½ (control value of scale). When using toxic, inflammable and/ or explosive gases, make sure
that the system corresponds in design to applicable local and natio-
nal safety regulations and that all applicable measures are followed.
Original calibration HO 0429 F HO 0433 F HO 0437 F HO 0441 F
of the seal fluid All product-specific safety regulations must be observed.
pump Solid particles must not get into the vacuum pump. Procedural errors can
result in the vacuum pump drawing-in a certain quantity of liquid. If the
Lubrication fluid vacuum pump has sucked in liquid, a short drying time is necessary at
pump 75 : 1 75 : 1 25 : 1 25 : 1 the end of the procedure.
8 connections, There are different filters and separators to fit in series that can be found
internal gear ratio in our accessory program.
To pump condensable vapours, a gas ballast valve should be installed.
Slide ring The vacuum pump should run for 30 minutes prior to operation with the
lubrication ½ ½ ½ ½ inlet connection closed, in order to reach the operating temperature of
Ring 1 75°C. Only at this operating temperature can condensable vapours be
pumped. After use the pump should be left running for an additional 30
Vane lubrication minutes to clear the lubrication fluid of condensate.
Ring 2 MAX MAX ½ ½ The Huckepack vacuum pump is intended for use in a potentially
non-explosive environment.
Total consumption Max. permissible number of startings per hour: 12.
of seal fluid
50 Hz cm3/h 285 285 536 536
60 Hz cm3/h 351 351 597 597 CAUTION
The surface temperature of the vacuum pump can exceed 95°C when
A variation of seal fluid consumption of about +/- 8% must be conside- the vacuum pump is in operation.
red as acceptable, based on measured results.
Different adjustment of the oil pump can be done depending on custo- Danger of burns!
mer process conditions after validation by Busch.
The vacuum pump may not be touched when it is in operation. If tou-
Adjustment of the seal fluid pump ching the vacuum pump is unavoidable, wait until the surface tempe-
rature has cooled down or wear protective gloves.
l Turn off the vacuum pump
l Unscrew the tightening nuts
l Adjust the adjustment disc to the required seal fluid lift
The noise intensity of the vacuum pump is higher within a certain area
Priming of the seal fluid pump of the vacuum pump.
l Turn the crank of the seal fluid anticlockwise until the seal fluid rea-
ches the several lubrication spots through the pipes Risk of hearing damage!
l Remove the crank Users must wear ear protection when spending a longer period of
The seal pump is now ready for operation. time in the vicinity of a non insulated vacuum pump.
If there is danger of frost, it has to be made sure all cooling water was
drained. Therefore, open the water outlet. In the case of non circula-
ting water cooling the water inlet must be shut off at first.
In case the vacuum pump has conveyed gases that have been conta-
minated with foreign materials that are dangerous to health, the oil
and condensates will also be contaminated.
These foreign materials can infiltrate the pores, recesses and other
internal spaces of the vacuum pump.
Only authorised personnel may carry out dismantling work on the va- Rapid exchange of stage
cuum pump. Before work begins, the operator of the vacuum pump
NOTE: Huckepack vacuum pumps are constructed in a way that the ex-
must fill in a form or a “Declaration Regarding Contamination of
change of the HP stage can be done easily.
Equipment and Components” that provides information on possible
The different steps (circuit cooling) are as follows:
dangers and appropriate measures.
If this form has not been filled in completely and signed, the vacuum l Switch off the pump
pump may not be dismantled.
l Drain off the cooling water
l Take off the V-belt hood
l Release the hose clips of the water inlet and outlet pipes
Before maintenance work is started, a safety area of at least 610 [mm] l Take off the V-belt using an appropriate tool
around the machine must be set up.
l Dismantle the hose at the water inlet (direct cooling)
l Dismantle the vacuum pump
l Dismantle the valve housing
The surface temperature of the vacuum pump can exceed 95°C when
l Release the holding screws
the vacuum pump is in operation.
Now the HD stage will come down on the tread rollers. It may be taken
Danger of burns! out over the rails.
– The seal fluid level in the reservoir has to be checked at least once a l Assemble the new stage in the reversed order of operations. Use
day. If the quantity of seal fluid in the reservoir has reached a certain new seals for valve housing.
minimum, the vacuum pump is automatically turned off by the level
switch in order to avoid the destruction of the vacuum pump. Seal Motor installation
fluid must be added at the latest when the level of seal fluid is about When installing a new flange motor, mind the correct position of the
20 mm above the level switch. motor and pump shaft.
– The type of seal fluid depends on the working area. Seal fluids
adequate to DIN 51506, lubricant group VC 150 must be used.
We recommend original seal fluids of VM series, which comply with
this DIN. If you need further information, request our leaflet “Special
Seal Fluids for Vacuum pumps”.
HO 0429-0441 F Maintenance
0870114286 (En) Page 13
screws Valve
of lifting
The flange motor can be held at the side by an intermediate flange. The
elevation of the motor can be adjusted by a regulating screw.
Drain plug
screw Seal fluid separator
The seal fluid level on the sight glass of the collecting vessel must be
checked daily. If the seal fluid level has reached the sight glass, draw off
the used seal fluid through the drain plug.
The change intervals of the filter elements in the separator depend on
the dirt sediment, respectively on the medium.
Dismantling and installation of The filter element must be replaced at least once a year. The pressure
thermostat for water circulation switch (option) turns the vacuum pump off automatically when the filter
resistance is getting too high.
l Switch off the vacuum pump
l Drain a part of the cooling water
l Release the clamps and remove the hoses
l Unscrew the screws of the cover and remove the cover
l Unscrew the holding screws and the lifting bracket
l Screw the thermostat
l Remount the lifting bracket and the holding screws
l Remount the dismantled accessories and switch on the vacuum
pump Level switch
Sight glass
Drain plug
Maintenance HO 0429-0441 F
Flushing liquids
Level switch Drain plug The flushing liquids depend on the process. Oils, synthetic oils, oil/ diesel
or oil/ petroleum mixtures can be used. In case of doubt, please contact
Sight glass your local Busch-Agency.
Inspection and adjustment of the belts
l Press with moderate pressure onto the middle (F) of the two of the
CAUTION three belts
Only open the drain plug with Duosec ventilated (pressure side) and l The belts are tightened correctly when the belts can be pushed in
the vacuum pump turned off. (D) to the thickness of the belt itself
l In case the belts are too slack, they ought to be tightened up to the
Suction filter required tension
The cleaning intervals depend on the application. To change the filter l In order to do this, loosen the two bolts of the belt tensioning guide
l Loosen the nut (A)
l Turn off the vacuum pump and ventilate
l Turn the screw (B) in order to tighten up the belts with the belt ten-
l Remove the cover clamps sioner (C)
l Remove the cover and replace the filter cartridge l Check the tension of the belts again the correct adjustment
l Clean the PTFE-filter cartridges with solvent l Tighten up the nut (A)
l Tighten up the two bolts of the belt tensioning guide again
Flushing device C
Manual flushing device F
l Open the shut-off valve during the vacuum pump running. The du-
ration of the flushing depends on the process sediment but should
last at least 10 minutes.
l After finishing the flushing, close the shut-off valve again and keep
the vacuum pump running for another 5 minutes.
Maintenance program
NOTE: The maintenance intervals depend on the operating conditions.
The following intervals are basic values, which can be shortened or leng-
thened depending on operating conditions. In especially difficult opera-
ting conditions such as, for example, a very dusty environment the
maintenance intervals must be shortened considerably.
HO 0429-0441 F Maintenance
0870114286 (En) Page 15
Daily Refilling the seal fluid
l Dismantle the fine screen and check for particles NOTE: Seal fluid does not normally have to be refilled outside the re-
commended seal fluid change intervals. A drop in the seal fluid level indi-
u Clean and remount the fine screen
cates a fault (see “Troubleshooting”).
l Check the seal fluid level and the colour of the seal fluid in the seal
fluid vessel
l Clean the fan hood and the inlet flange
If the discharge is equipped with an exhaust muffler: Only fill in seal fluid through the seal fluid vessel filler opening.
Weekly Danger of injuries when the seal fluid cap is not screwed on properly.
If the vacuum pump is equipped with a safety knock-out vessel Duosec:
Only unscrew the seal fluid filler cap when the vacuum pump has
l Check the level of the cooling liquid been switched off.
If the vacuum pump is equipped with a suction filter:
The vacuum pump may only be switched on when the seal fluid filler
l Clean the suction filter cap is properly closed and tight.
l Control the adjustment and the functioning of the seal fluid pump l Make sure that the vacuum pump has been switched off and that it
If the vacuum pump is equipped with a seal fluid separator: cannot be switched on again accidentally
l Exchange the filter elements l Unscrew the seal fluid filler cap
l Control the water quantity and the pressure of the non circulating l Fill in the seal fluid up to the indicated limit
cooling l Make sure that the seal of the filler cap and the screen are not da-
l Clean the screen of the seal fluid vessel maged and that they sit properly. Replace if necessary.
l Check the functioning of the safety devices l Screw on the filler cap again
l Control the water quantity of the circulating cooling Checking the colour of the seal fluid
Yearly NOTE: The seal fluid must be clear and transparent or foamy or slightly
cloudy. A permanent milky colour is an indication for contamination by
If the vacuum pump is equipped with a safety knock-out vessel Duosec: foreign bodies. A dark colour is an indication for seal fluid that has to be
l Exchange the filter elements replaced because it has been burnt or contaminated by foreign bodies.
l Control and grease the bearings Lifetime of the seal fluid
Every 5000 hours of operation The lifetime of the seal fluid depends mainly on the operating conditions.
Under ideal conditions, the seal fluid must be replaced every 5000 hours
l Drain the seal fluid (see “Draining the seal fluid”) of operation or at the latest after six months.
If the cooling water line is equipped with a filter: Under slightly worse operating conditions, the seal fluid can expire after
u Check the filter and clean or replace if necessary less than 500 hours of operation. A short lifetime is an indication that
there is either a fault (see “Troubleshooting”) or the operating condi-
Every 10 000 hours of operation tions are not appropriate.
l Check the seals and replace if necessary
If you do not yet have any experience on the lifetime of the seal fluid,
l Check the intake and discharge lines and clean or replace if we recommend that you analyse the seal fluid every 500 hours of opera-
necessary tion and fix the maintenance intervals accordingly.
Every operation of dismantling If the vacuum pump has pumped gases that were contaminated with
l Control the V-belt tension foreign bodies that are hazardous to health, the seal fluid is also
contaminated with these foreign bodies.
l Exchange the wearing parts: the slide rings and the vanes
There is a health hazard when changing contaminated seal fluid.
Checking the seal fluid
There is also a danger to the environment.
Checking the seal fluid level
Wear protective clothing when replacing contaminated seal fluid.
l Make sure that the vacuum pump has been switched off and that it
cannot be switched on again accidentally
Contaminated seal fluid must be treated specially and must be dis-
l Indication of the seal fluid level on the seal fluid vessel posed of according to applicable regulations.
If the seal fluid level does not reach the MIN marking: Replacing used seal fluid
u Top up with seal fluid (see “Refilling seal fluid”) NOTE: Drain the seal fluid at the latest 20 minutes after switching off the
If the seal fluid level exceeds the MAX marking: vacuum pump.
u Check the condensate drain l Make sure that the vacuum pump has been switched off and that it
cannot be switched on again accidentally.
l Drain the seal fluid (see “Draining the oil”)
Maintenance HO 0429-0441 F
When the seal fluid stops running out: These foreign bodies can penetrate into pores, openings and other
u Screw on the seal drain plug again internal parts of the vacuum pump.
l Make sure that the seal of the drain plug is not damaged and that it There is a health hazard when dismantling the vacuum pump.
sit properly. Replace if necessary.
l Dispose of the used seal fluid according to applicable environmental There is also a danger to the environment.
protection regulations
Prior to shipping, the vacuum pump must imperatively be deconta-
minated and the degree of contamination must be documented in a
Filling in new seal fluid declaration of decontamination (“Declaration of Decontamination”),
l Prepare the quantity of seal fluid needed (see “Seal fluid type/ quan- which can be downloaded from www.buschvacuum.com.
Busch service will only accept vacuum pumps that come with a comple-
NOTE: The quantity of seal fluid in the installation handbook is of infor- tely filled in and legally binding signed form.
mative nature only. Check the seal fluid level on the seal fluid vessel.
l Make sure that the drain plug has been fitted properly and that they
do not leak
Removal from service
Temporary removal from service
Prior to disconnecting inlet and outlet pipes as well as cooling water pi-
pes, make sure that all piping is vented to atmospheric pressure
Only fill in seal fluid through the seal fluid filler opening.
Inappropriate maintenance work on the vacuum pump can damage Prior to shipping, the vacuum pump must imperatively be deconta-
the vacuum pump. minated and the degree of contamination must be documented in a
declaration of decontamination (“Declaration of Decontamination”),
Danger of explosion! which can be downloaded from www.buschvacuum.com.
If requirements are not met, the vacuum pump may not be switched Dispose of the used seal fluid and condensate according to appli-
on! cable environmental protection regulations.
Should work exceed the dismantling work described in this handbook, When the product has reached the end of its lifetime:
it may only be carried out by authorised persons. – decontaminate the vacuum pump
Only authorised personnel may carry out dismantling work on the va-
cuum pump. Before work begins, the operator of the vacuum pump
must fill in a form or a “Declaration of Decontamination” that provi-
des information on possible dangers and appropriate measures.
If this form has not been filled in completely and signed, the vacuum
pump may not be dismantled.
HO 0429-0441 F Overhaul
0870114286 (En) Page 17
– drain the seal fluid
u dispose of the seal fluid according to local environmental
protection regulations
– begin dismantling the vacuum pump
Exploded drawing
Page 19
Page 20
Exploded drawing
XX* version 0429/ 0433 F only
0870114286 (En)
HO 0429-0441 F
Wearing parts Overhaul kit HO 0433 F N° 0993 513 253
Part N°. Part Qty. Pos.
Overhaul kit HO 0429 F N° 0993 513 252 0437 000 080 Taper pin 4 69
Part N°. Part Qty. Pos. 0438 000 001 Transfer cone 32 258
0437 000 080 Taper pin 4 69 0438 000 006 Transfer cone 2 260
0438 000 001 Transfer cone 32 258 0442 500 445 Cutting ring 24 -
0438 000 006 Transfer cone 2 260 0442 500 446 Cutting ring 1 -
0442 500 445 Cutting ring 24 - 0442 000 020 Cutting ring 8 -
0442 500 446 Cutting ring 1 - 0442 000 021 Cutting ring 1 -
0442 000 021 Cutting ring 1 - 0473 508 910 Angular ball bearing 2 51
0460 508 925 Sleeve 4 21 0473 508 911 Cylindrical roller bearing 2 53
0473 508 910 Angular ball bearing 2 51 0473 000 231 Deep groove ball bearing 2 736
0473 508 911 Cylindrical roller bearing 2 53 0488 508 521 Sliding ring 4 27
0473 000 231 Deep groove ball bearing 2 736 0512 000 114 Gear rim 1 900
0488 508 521 Sliding ring 4 27 0512 000 001 Coupler sleeve 1 207
0512 000 114 Gear rim 1 900 0513 508 527 V-belt 3 707
0512 000 001 Coupler sleeve 1 207 0541 000 028 Non-return valve 8 231
0513 508 527 V-belt 3 707 0722 510 545 Vane 5 119
0541 000 028 Non-return valve 8 231 0722 510 546 Vane 6 19
0722 510 545 Vane 11 119 0433 000 006 Lubricator nipple 4 99
0433 000 006 Lubricator nipple 4 99 0754 000 055 Tube-Teflon 7 253
0754 000 055 Tube-Teflon 7 253 0754 000 056 Tube-PTFE 1.1 m 254
0754 000 056 Tube-PTFE 1.1 m 254 0513 508 528 V-belt 1 378
0513 508 528 V-belt 1 378 0472 508 918 Sleeve 2 154
0472 508 918 Sleeve 2 154 0472 508 919 Sleeve 2 158
0472 508 919 Sleeve 2 158 0433 000 059 Tolerance washer 3 56
0433 000 059 Tolerance washer 3 56 0433 000 060 Tolerance washer 3 57
0433 000 060 Tolerance washer 3 57 0433 511 324 Tolerance washer 3 55
0433 511 324 Tolerance washer 3 55 Gasket kit HO 0433 F N° 0990 513 250
Gasket kit HO 0429 F N° 0990 513 250 Part N°. Part Qty. Pos.
Part N°. Part Qty. Pos. 0481 000 164 Bearing cover seal 4 76
0481 000 164 Bearing cover seal 4 76 0481 000 165 Bearing cover seal 4 77
0481 000 165 Bearing cover seal 4 77 0481 000 257 Flat gasket 1 455
0481 000 257 Flat gasket 1 455 0481 000 272 Float switch seal 1 -
0481 000 272 Float switch seal 1 - 0482 000 079 Level switch seal 2 796
0482 000 079 Level switch seal 2 796 0482 000 096 Bearing cover seal 1 810
0482 000 096 Bearing cover seal 1 810 0486 000 518 O-ring 4 28/ 128
0486 000 518 O-ring 4 28/ 128 0486 000 534 O-ring 2 633
0486 000 534 O-ring 2 633 0486 000 538 O-ring 1 631
0486 000 538 O-ring 1 631 0486 000 616 O-ring 1 798
0486 000 638 O-ring 1 - 0486 508 909 O-ring 2 59/ 159
0486 508 909 O-ring 2 59/ 159 0486 000 707 O-ring 4 85
0486 000 759 O-ring 2 68 0486 508 906 O-ring 16 67/ 167
0486 508 906 O-ring 16 67/ 167 0487 000 144 Shaft seal 4 92
0487 000 144 Shaft seal 4 92 0487 000 055 Shaft seal 12 40/ 140
Electrical installation work must only be executed by qualified personnel that knows and observes the following regulations:
- IEC 364 or CEMELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100, respectively,
- IEC -Report 664 or DIN VDE 0110,
- BGV A2 (VBG 4) or equivalent national accident prevention regulation.
During operation, the surface of the vacuum pump may reach temperatures of more than 95°C.
Risk of burns!
Let the vacuum pump cool down prior to a required contact or wear heat protection gloves.
The vacuum pump does not The vacuum system or suction line is not Check the hose or pipe connections for possible leak.
reach the usual pressure leak-tight.
Long suction, discharge or pressure line with too Use large diameter.
small diameter.
No oil gets to the lubrication points. Follow instructions of the “Control of the suction stroke”
The lubrication pump does not work. Change the lubrication pump.
A shaft seal is leaking. Replace the shaft seal ring (Busch service).
The exhaust valve is not properly seated or stuck Disassemble or reassemble the exhaust valve (Busch service).
in partially open position.
A vane is blocked in the rotor or otherwise dama- Free the vanes or replace with new ones (Busch service).
The radial clearance between the rotor and the cy- Readjust the vacuum pump (Busch service).
linder is no longer adequate.
Internal parts worn or damaged. Repair the vacuum pump (Busch service).
The vacuum pump does not The drive motor is not supplied with the correct Supply the drive motor with the correct voltage.
start voltage or is overloaded.
The connection cable is too small or too long cau- Use sufficiently dimensioned cable.
sing a voltage drop at the vacuum pump.
HO 0429-0441 F Troubleshooting
0870114286 (En) Page 23
The vacuum pump or the drive motor is blocked. Make sure the drive motor is disconnected from the power
Remove the fan cover.
Try to turn the fan by hand.
If the unit vacuum pump/ drive motor is still frozen:
Remove the drive motor and check the drive motor and the
vacuum pump separately.
If the vacuum pump is blocked:
Repair the vacuum pump (Busch service).
The drive motor is defective. Replace the drive motor (Busch service).
The vacuum pump is blocked Solid foreign matter has entered the vacuum Repair the vacuum pump (Busch service).
pump. Make sure the suction line is equipped with a standard and a
fine screen.
Corrosion in the vacuum pump from remaining Repair the vacuum pump (Busch service).
condensate. Check the process.
Observe the chapter “Installation and Commissioning, Ope-
rating Notes ”.
The vacuum pump was run in the wrong Repair the vacuum pump (Busch service).
direction. When connecting the vacuum, make sure the vacuum pump
will run in the correct direction (see “Installation”).
After shutting down the vacuum pump, the va- Repair the vacuum pump (Busch service).
cuum system exerted under pressure onto the
pump chamber which sucked back excessive oil Make sure the vacuum system will not exert under pressure
from the oil separator into the pump chamber. onto the shut-down vacuum pump, if necessary provide an
additional shut-off valve or non-return valve.
When the vacuum pump was restarted too much
oil was enclosed between the vanes.
Condensate ran into the pump chamber. Repair the vacuum pump (Busch service).
When the vacuum pump was restarted too much Make sure no condensate will enter the vacuum pump, if
condensate was enclosed between the vanes. necessary provide a drip leg and a drain cock.
The drive motor is running, but The coupling between the drive motor and the Replace the coupling.
the vacuum stands still vacuum pump is defective.
The vacuum pump starts, but la- Connections in the drive motor terminal box are Check the proper connection of the wires against the
bours or runs noisily or rattles. defective. connection diagram.
The drive motor draws a too Not all drive motor coils are properly connected. Tighten or replace loose connections.
high current (compare with ini-
tial value after commissioning). The drive motor operates on two phases only.
The vacuum pump runs in the wrong direction. Verification and rectification see “Installation and Commis-
sioning”, correct if necessary.
Standstill over several weeks or month. Let the vacuum pump run warm with inlet closed.
Improper oil quantity, unsuitable oil type. Use the proper quantity of one of the recommended oils
(see “Oil”).
Oil change (see “Maintenance”).
No oil change over extended period of time. Perform oil change including flushing (see “Maintenance”).
The lubrication pump does not work. Replace the lubrication pump.
Troubleshooting HO 0429-0441 F
Stucked vanes. Use only approved oils (see “Oil”) and change more fre-
The vacuum pump runs very hot Insufficient air ventilation. Make sure that the cooling of the vacuum pump is not
impeded by dust/ dirt.
Temperature of the inlet gas too high. Observe the permitted temperatures for the inlet gas.
Mains frequency or voltage outside tolerance Provide a more stable power supply.
The standard and/ or fine screen on the suction Clean the standard and/ or fine screen.
connection is partially clogged.
The oil is black. Oil change intervals are too long. Flush the vacuum pump.
The oil is watery and coloured The vacuum pump aspirated water or significant Fill in new oil (see “Maintenance”).
white. amounts of humidity.
The oil is resinous and/ or sticky. Improper oil type, perhaps in confusion. Make sure the proper oil is used for the application.
HO 0429-0441 F Troubleshooting
0870114286 (En) Page 25
Seal fluid type/ quantity
Seal fluid type
l Make sure that the oil type corresponds to specification:
– The type of seal fluid depends on the working area. Seal fluids adequate to DIN 51506, lubricant group VC 150 must be used.
We recommend original seal fluids of VM Series, which comply with this DIN. If you need further information, request our leaflet “Special seal
Fluids for Vacuum Pumps”.
HO 0429/ 0433 F 12
HO 0437/ 0441 F 25
Ultimate pressure 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
50 Hz 5,5 7,5 11 15
Nominal motor rating kW
60 Hz 7,5 11 15 18,5
EN ISO 13857:2008 Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by the upper and lower limbs
EN ISO 2151:2008 Acoustics - Noise test code for compressors and vacuum pumps - Engineering method (grade 2)
EN 60204-1:2006 + A1:2009 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements
EN 61000-6-2:2005 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Generic standards. Immunity for industrial environments; Part 1 and 3
EN 61000-6-4:2007 + Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Generic standards. Emission standard for industrial environments
EN ISO 13849-1:2015 (1) Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design and 2
Chevenez, 08.10.2018
In case control systems are integrated.
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Phone: +66 2 3370360-2
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Fax: +66 2 3370363
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Phone: +972 (0)8 6810485 3750-753 Raso de Travassô - Agueda Fax: +90 216 343 5126
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Songjiang Industrial Estate East New Zone Phone: +39 0362 370 91 Phone: +971 06 5529 174
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