Pressure Plate Material
Pressure Plate Material
Pressure Plate Material
The Pressure Vessel Plate article provides you information about the
ASME Code requirement regarding plate material and related points in
the pressure vessel inspection.
You need to take care about your Pressure Vessel Plate Materials,
there are lots of requirements and specific prohibitions in the ASME
Some of these requirements are ASME and Non ASME plate materials,
plate specifications, inspection requirements and material test reports.
This article describes these requirements for you.
ASME Code Sec VIII DIV 1 requires the materials that are used for
pressure containing parts to be one of:
For example, SA 283 plate material is listed in ASME Sec II, but when
you refer to subsection C in Sec VIII Div 1, you see it is not allowed to
be used for lethal substance services as well as for unfired steam
boilers. Also, you cannot use this material when you need your
thickness to be greater than 5/8 inch.
When you refer to ASME Section II Part A, you see all material with SA
prefix identification and on one side there is an ASTM logo, and on the
other side is ASME logo.
This means you can use A 516 Edition 1990 instead SA 516 2004.
Then check the plate material mechanical test result for yield stress,
tensile strength and elongation and confirm all are in specific range of
SA 516 Gr.60.
Manufacturer control for plate material impact test requirement and
notice impact test carried out by ISO V method and in - 53 degree F;
The lab test report confirms that the P265GH plate material covers the
SA 516 Gr.60 impact testing requirement.
In some other cases, this might not be possible even by extra testing
for example if the tensile strength is less than the ASME permitted
UG-93 in ASME Code Sec VIII Div 1 specifies requirements for plate
material inspection.
You need to inspect the plate material per specification of ASME Sec II
Part A. For example, for SA 516 Gr.60 refer to this specification and
check the chemical composition, mechanical property with your MTR.
You need to check that the Heat Number stated in MTR is the same
stenciled on the plate material marking and make sure this MTR
belongs to this material.