Charak Samhita P-4 by Dr. Bhagavan Das

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The text discusses various recipes and formulations of drugs like Madanaphala, Jimutaka, Ikshvaku and Dhamargava. It provides details on the collection, processing, and administration of these drugs. Synonyms, therapeutic effects and different preparations using ingredients like milk, alcohol, decoctions etc are mentioned.

Some of the therapeutic effects discussed are emesis, purgation, treatment of various diseases. Drugs like Jimutaka are said to be useful in fever, cough, asthma etc. Ikshvaku is mentioned to be useful as a rejuvenative.

Recipes mentioned include preparations using milk, alcohol, decoctions, pills, linctuses, ghee, powders etc. For example, recipes of Madanaphala include preparations in the form of pills, using milk and butter. Recipes of Ikshvaku include those prepared with milk, alcohol, decoctions, jaggery etc.



Verse/ Pagc
Paragraph Numbcr
Prologue l-Z I
Objectof Kalpa-sthana 3 z
Definitionof Vamana,and Virecana 4 3
Modeof Action of EmeticsandPurgatives 5 3
Innumerabilityof Recipes 6 5
PromotingTherapeuticEfficacy of Drugs j 6
Varietiesof Habitat 8 6
AppropriateHabitatfor Drug Collection 9 9
AppropriateTime andMethodof Drug
Collection l0 t0
Proper Storage lt il
Adjuvants According to Do;as t2 lt
Collection, Storageand Recipesof Madana-
phala 13 t2
Procedureof Administering Emetic Therapy t4 13
Use of Honey and Rock-salt 15 17
Eight Recipesof Madana-phala in Pill-form 16 t8
Recipes of Madana-phala Preparedwith Milk 17 19
Recipes of Madana-phala Preparedwith Butter l8 20
Recipes of Madana-phala for Inhalation 19 20
Recipes of Madana-phala in the form Treacle
and Powder 20 2l
Recipes of Madana-phala in the form of Varti 2l 2l
Recipes of Madana-phala in the form of
Preparation of Madana-phala in the form of
Utkarika md Modaka 23 23
Romanic Equivalents of Devanagari

Devanagart Roman Equivalents

Initial Medial
EI a
37I t
? I i
4 I i
3 u
s' I
fr r
q e
t .l
.f ?
e# * I au
s7 am
eI; ah
Devanigari noton Devandgart Roman
Alphabets Equivalents Alphabets Equivalents
zF ka sI dha
EI kha 7 na
rT ga Y pa
s gha v pha
g na q ba
q ca q bha
g cha q lna
q :^ zl ya

fl jhu { ra
q fra d la
z ta 4 va
d tha {I 5a
g da sa
6 g sa
vt na a ha
7I tz SI kga
zI tha x tra

E da d jfra

Verse/ Page
Paragraph Number
Preparationsof Madana-phalain thefonn of
SaqkuttandPupa 24-25 23-74
Preparationof Madana-phalain the fonn of
Badara-;adava, etc. 26 z4
Synonyrnsof Madana-phala 27 25
Contentsof the Chapter 28-30 25
Colophon 26
Prologue t-2 28
Synonyms of Jimutaka -1 28
Therapeutic Effects of Jlmutaka 4 29
Recipesof Jlmutaka Preparedby Boiling
with Milk 5-l 29
Recipe of Jimutaka Preparedwith Alcohol 8 30
Recipesof Jimutaka Preparedby Boiling in
Decoctions 9-tl2l0
Recipesof Jlmutaka Preparedby.Adding
Decoctions l0tl.-tl.ll 3l
Recipesof Jlmutaka Preparedin the form of
Pills lltl2 3l
Recipesof Jlmutakato be Used with Juice t2 3l
Recipesof Jlmutaka Preparedin the fonn of
MedicatedGhee 13 32
Contentsof Chapter l 4 - 15 32
Colophon 33
C H A P T E R .I I I
Prologue l-2 34
Synonyms 3tlz-t124 34
Effects of lk;vaku 4t/2-tl25 34
Recipes of lkqvaku Preparedwith Milk and
Alcohol 5rl 2-1/2lo 35
Recipe of lkqvaku to be Taken with Whey lOtlz 36
Recipe of lkqvaku to be Preparedby Boiling
with Butter-milk t/zll 36
Recipe of lkqvdku for Inhalation lltl2-tl2l2 36

Verse/ Pagc
Paragraph Numbcr
Recipesof lksvaku With Jaggery,etc. l2t l2-t| 213
Recipe of lkqvaku Used by IncreasingNumber
of Seeds l3tl,- Il 2 l 4 -51
Recipesof lksvaku to be used with Decoctions l4 37
I lzl5 38
Recipe of lksvlku in the forrn of Pills
Recipesof lkqvaku in the form of Linctus l 5 t l 2 - t l"l9 38
Recipe of lk;vaku to be used Along with
Mantha lgtl2-tl'20 39
Recipe of lkqvaku to be Taken Along with
Meat-soup 20 39
Contentsof Chapter 2t-23 40
Colophon 4l
C H A P T E R- I V
Prologue t-2 42
Synonymsof Dhdmargava 3 +L
Therapeutic Effects 4-t 125 +L

Recipesof Dhamargava to be used with

tl"5-6 42
Recipesof DhamargavaPreparedwith Milk
'/ 43
and Alcohol 07
Recipes of Dhamargava Preparedwith
Decoctions 7ll4-'lz9 43
Recipe of Dhamargavato be Given with Food 9'1, 44
Recipe of Dhamargavafor Inhalation l0 44
Recipe of Dhamargava in Pill-form ll-12 44
Recipe of Dhamargava in the form of Linctus l3-t lzl5 45
Recipe of Dhamargava in the fonn of Kalka lstlz 45
Recipesof Dhamargava Along with Decoction l6-t/218 45
Recipe of Dhamargava in the form of
MedicatedGhee lgtl2 46
Contentsof Chapter t9-20 47
Colophon 47
Prologue t-2 48
VarietiesandSynonymsof Vatsaka 3-5 48

Verse / Page
Paragraph N u m b e r
Therapeutic Effects of Vatsoka 6 49
Recipesof Vatsakain the fonn of Decoction 7-I1,9 49
Recipesof Vatsakain Powder Forrn g tl . - 1 0 50
Recipe of Vatsakato be Taken with Water Ll"ll 50
Recipe of Vatsakato be Taken with KrSara lltl, 50
Contentsof Chapter l2 -50
Colophon l2 -sl
Prologue l',
Synonyms of Krtavedhatm 3 52
Attributes and TherapeuticEffects of Krta-
vedhana 4 52
Recipesof KrtavedhanaPreparedwith Milk
and l^lcohol ,/15 52
Recipesof Krtavedhanato be taken Along
with Decoctions 5 1l " - t / 1 6 53
Recipesof Krtavedhanain the tonn of
Linctus 6tl2-t127 )J
Recipesof Krtavedhanain thc fonn of
Decoction J rl, 54
Recipesof Krtavedhanain Slirny Forrn '/r8 54
Recipesof Krtavedhanain the form of Pills 8'/. 54
Recipesof Krtavedhanain the form of Linctus 9 -1 0 -55
Recipesof Krtavedhanain the fonn of
Meat-soup l1-tl7l2 5_s
Recipe of KrtavedhanaPrepNedby Boiling
with Sugar-canejuice lztlz 56
Contentsof the Chapter l3-14 56
Colophon f/
Prologue t-2 58
Importanceof Trivrt asPurgative 3 58
Synonyrns 4 59
Attributes 5-6 59
Varieties 7 59


VerseI Page
Paragraph Number
'Utility of Pink Variety '/r8 60
Utility of Black Variety 8tl2-9 60
Methodof Collection l0-l I 60
Preparatory Measures ,rlzl2 6l
Recipesof Trivytto be Takenalongwith Sour
Liquid,etc. l2L/"-13 6l
Recipesof Trivyt in PowderFonn 14 62
Recipesof Trivyt to be takenAlong with
Cow's Urine l5-r/zl7 62
Recipesof Trivrt Addedwith Madhuka lTtlz 63
Recipesof Trivrt Preparedalongwith Jlvaka,
etc. l8-t/.20 63
Recipesof Trivyt to be Takenalongwith Milk,
etc. 201l2-t/z2l 64
Recipeof Trivrt the form of Linctus
(No.l) zltlz 64
Recipeof Trivrt in the form of Linctus
(No.2) 22-tlz23 64
Recipeof Trivyt in the form of Linctus
(No. 3) 23t/z'Ilz24 65
Recipeof Trivyt in the form of Linctus
(No.4) 24tlz-25 65
Recipeof Trivyt in the fonn of Linctus
(No. 5) 26-27 65
RecipesPreparedwith Sugar 28 66
Recipeof Trivrt in the form of Linctus
(No.6) 29 66
Recipeof Trivyt in the form of Linctus
(No.7) 30-32 67
Recipesof Trivrt in the form of Panaka
(Syrup),etc. 33 61
Recipesof Trivyt in the form of Tarparya
(DemulcentDrink) 34-35 68
Recipesof Trivyt in the form of Modaka 36 68
Recipe of Trivyt in the form of Linctus
(No. 8) 37-39 68
Kalya4akaGu(a - Recipeof Trivyt in the
form of Modaka(No. 2) 40-45 69

Verse / Page
Paragraph Number
Recipe of Trivrt in the fonn of Modaka
(No. 3) 46-t1"50 70
Recipe of Trivrt in the forrn of Modaka
(No.4) 50tl,-t l"5l 7l
Recipe of Trivrt in the form of Modakn
(No. -s) 5l r/,-5-5 12
Recipe of Trivrt Useful in Rainy Season 56 73
Recipe of Trivrt Useful in Autumn 51 73
Recipe of Trivrt tbr Winter 58 t,)

Recipe of Trivrt fbr Summer Season | 1.59 73

Recipe of Trivrt for All Seasons(No. I ) 59'l"-60 13
Recipe of Trivrt for All Se:rsons(No. 2) 6l-62 73
Recipe of Trivrt in the forrn of Powder 63-64 74
Recipe of Trivrt in the forrn of Tarpary
(DernulcentDrink) 65-t1,66 / _')
Recipesof Trivrt in the fonn of Medicated
Ghee and Milk 66t/,-68 15
Recipesof Trivrt in the form of Alcoholic
Drink 6L)-1| 76
Recipes of Trivrt in the fonn of Krzriil (Sour
Drink) 72-13
Recipes of Trivrt in the lonn of Badara, etc. 74 17
Recapitulation 75-76 77
Contentsof Chapter 71-80 78
Colophon 80
Prologue t-2 8l
Synonyms 3 8l
ThernpeuticUtility 4-5 8l
Processing_ofA ra gvadha 6-7 82
Recipe of Aragvadha (Caturahgula) to be
Taken along with Fruit Juice 8-t l29 82
Recipe of Aragvadha (Caturangula) to be
Taken along with Sura-Maeda, etc. 9'l2-10 82
Recipe of Aragvadha to be Taken with
Decoctions lt 83

Verse/ Pagc
Paragraph N u n r b c r
Recipe of Aragvadhu preparcc) in the fonn of
Linctus l2 83
Recipesof Aragvadka preparedin the iorm of
MedicatedGhee l3-14 83
Rccipe of Aragvadha in the fonn of Arista l-5 84
Usc of Aragvadha Added to Food and Drinks l6 84
Contentsof Chapter l 7 - 18 8.+
Colophon 85.
L-L 86
rl? 86
Processingof Tilvaka {,/ -\ 86
Recipesof Tilvaka with WheY, etc' 6 81
Recipe of Tilvaka in the fonn of Satrvlraka 87
Recipe of Tilvaka in the form of Sara 8 i/, 87
R.ecipeof Tilvaka in the fonn of Ariqta 9-tl,10 87
Recipe of Tilvaku Preparedalong with
Kampillaka l0tlz-tl"ll 88
Recipesof Tilvaka in the form of Linctus I lt l,-13 88
Recipesof Tilvaka in the forrn of Medicated
Ghee 14-16 89
Contentsof Chapter 17-I 8 89
Colophon 90
Prologue l-2 9l
Effects of Surih7 -1-+ 9l
Indicationsof Sudha 5-t /2'7 92
Varieties of Sudha 7 1 1 2 -1t 2 8 9Z
Synonyms 8',/, 93
Method of Collection 9 93
Recipesof Sudha to be Taken along with
Sauv'iraka, etc. l0-tI 212 93
Recipesc:f Sudha to be Taken with Ghee, etc. lzt I 2-13 94
Recipe of.Sudha in the form of Panaka l4 94
Recipe of Sudha to be Used for lnhalation l 5 -l 7 95

Verse I Page
Paragraph Number
Recipe of Sudha Preparedin the form of
Linctus l8 95
Recipe cttSudha to be Taken with Vegetable-
soup,etc. II g'5
Recipesof Sudha to be Taken with Dried Fish
or Dried Meat l9l lz 96
Recipesof Sudha in the fonn of Medicated
Ghee and Alcohol 20 96
Contentsof Chapter 2l-22 96
Colophon 97
Prologue ta
l-L 98
Synonyms J 98
Therapeutic Eff-ects 4 98
Method of Collection 5 99
Recipesof Saptala andSahkhirrlto be Taken
along with Decoctions,etc. 6-8
Recipes of Saptata andSankhizr in the fonn
of Medicated Ghee,etc, 9-lr 100
Recipes of Saptala and.SankhinTin the forrn
of Medicated Ghee, etc. t2-16 l0l
Recipesof Saptala andSai*hizl in the form
of FerrnentedDrink t7 l0r
Conte_ntsof Chapter l 8 -l 9 ra2
Colophon t03
C H A P T E R .X I I
Prologue r-2 104
Synonyrns 3rc4
Parts to be Collected 4 l()4
Processingof Danti andDravantl 5 105
Attributes of Danti tnd Dravantl 6 105
Recipes of Danti and Dravartrl to be taken
with Yoghurt, etc. 7-t/z8 105
Recipes of Dantl and Dravanli to be Taken
with Meat-soup 8'/" 106

Verse/ Pagc
Paragraph Number
Recipesof Danti and Drovanrr in thc tonn of
Medicated Ghee. etc. 9 -l 0 t06
Recipesof Dantl andDravar,tt in the form of
Linctus I l-14 101
SecondGroup of Sixteen Recipes l 5 -1 9 108
Third Group of Sixteen Recipes 20-3s 109
Contents (up to This Portion) of Chapter 36-39 n2
Summaryof Contents 40 lt4
Surnrnaryof Kal pu-section 4l-42 I l5
Recapitulation 43-44 I l5
Similarity or Dissitnilarity of Potency 45 ll6
Need for Using Drugs of DissirnilarPotency 46 I l6
Need for Impregnation 47-t 1248 tt7
Modification of Etfects of Recipe 4g\l2-tI '49 ttl
lnnurnerabilityof Recipes 49tl,-50 n7
Three Categoriesof Recipes
' / , 5I ll8
Characteristicsof TlksryaRecipe 5lt l2-t1253 ll8
FactorsResponsiblefor Making a Recipe
.Strong 53tlz-54 I l9
Characteristicsof Madhya (Moderate) Type
of Recipe -5-5 I l9
Charircteristics of Recipes H'aving Mrdu
(Mild) Eft-ect 56 I l9
Suitability of Different Categoriesof Recipes
for Differenl Types of Patients )l tz0
Selectionof Recipesfor Different Categories
of Diseases 58 l2t)
RepeatedUse of Therapy 5L) t2l
Exceptionsto This GeneralRule 60 l2l
Adrninistrationof Another Recipe 6l 122
Necessity to Prevent Digestion of Emetic
Recipe 62 t22
Digestion of PurgativeRecipe 63 122
Repetition of Therapy for Strong and Weak
Patients 64-65 t'23
Treertmentof ResidualDo;as 66 t23
Persons to be Given Mild Recipe 67 124
Verse/ Pagc
Paragraph Number
Preferencetbr Milder Recipes 68 124
Essentialityof Purification 69 124
Emetic Eff-ectsof Purgative Drugs 70 124
Managementof Complications 7l-72 125
Elimination of ResidualMedicarnents 73 125
Delayed Action 74 126
Repetition of Dose 75 126
Use of Pitta-'dlleviatingMedicines 76 126
Use of Kapha-alleviatingMedicines 77 126
FastingTherapy 78 127
Digestion of Recipe 79-80 127
PersonsUnsuitablefor Elirnination Therapy 8l -82 128
UnctuouserndUnunctuousTypesof Purgation 83 128
Appropriate Administration of Purgation
Therapy 84 t28
Proper Administration of Therapies 85 129
Dosage 86 t29
Table of Weights and Measures 87-t1.98 129
Doubling the Quantity of Liquids and Fresh
Drugs 98t12-99 132
Use of Water 100 133
Proportion of Ingredientsin Preparationof
Medicated Ghee, etc. l0l r3 3
Three Types of Paka (Cooking) 102- 103 t34
Therapeutic Effects of Medicated Oil Prepared
According to Three Types of Paka 104 134
Two Traditions for Weights and Measures 105 135
Summary of Kalpa Section 106-107 135
Colophon 136

Prologue t-2 137

Verse / Pagc
Paragraph Nuntber
Queriesof AgniveSa 3-2/16 I 38
Duration of Oleation Therapy 62lo-)/,7 140
TherarpeuticEtfbcts of Oleation Therapy 7'lo 142
TherapeuticEffects of FomentationTherapy '/r8 l4Z
Measuresfor Exciting Morbid Material 82lu-2/^() 142
Reasonsfor E,meticsand PurgativesWorking
in OppositeWays 9214-2ltl0 143
Order of Adrninistering Ernetic and Purgation
Therapies 10214-2loll 143
krama) | l2lo-2/ol2 144
Effects of Sarysarjturu-Kranra l2zlo-zl^13 146
Characteristicsof Three Types of Emesisand
Purgation l3zlo-2lr'15 146
Signsof AppropriatelyAdrninistered
ErneticTherapy 15214-21116 150
Signs of Inappropriately Adrninistered
Ernetic Therapy 162/t 150
Signs of Ernetic Therapy Adrninisteredin
Excess 21417 150
Signs of Appropriately AdministeredPurgation
Therapy l72lo-21,18 15I
Signs of Improperly AdrninisteredPurgation
Therapy l82lo-21419 l5l
Signs of PurgationTherapy Administeredin
Excess 192/o-21u20 15|
.Spacingof Therapies 2021!-21o22 152
Tirne of Attuvdsana 22zlo-2/023 154
Frequencyof Anuvasartrz Therapy 23214-24 l5-5
Numberof Artuvdsana-basti 25 156
Tirne Gap for Niruho After Purgationand for
Purgation After Nirnha 26 151
Effects of Niruha-basti 27 -28 158
Effects of Anuvdsana-basti 29-31 L59
Effects of.Niruha andAnuvasanain General 32-34 l6l
Selectionof Basti for Different Types of
Patients 35 162

Verse I Page
Paragraph Number
Contra-indicationsfor Anuvdsana-basti 36 162
Contra-indicationsfor Niruha-basti 37 163
Irnportirnceof Basti Therapy 38-21440 163
Definition of Basti 4021^-2lo4l 164
Signs of Appropriately AdministeredNiruha-
Basti 412/o-2/o42 164
Signs of Improperly AdrninisteredNiruha-
basti 42214-2/443 165
Signs and Symptomsof Niruha-basti
ExcessivelyAdministered 43214 165
Signs and Symptoms of Properly Adrninistered
Artuvdsana-basti 44 166
Signs and Symptoms of hnproperly
AdministeredAnuvasana-basti 45 166
Signs and Symptomsof Excessively
AdministeredAnuvasana-basti 21446 166
Duration of Retaining Anuvasana-basti 4621o-21o47 167
Different Types of Basti Therapy 4Jzl"-21^49 167
Number of Anuvasana-bastifor Oleation 4921^-2/"50 169
Siro-virecana or Erihine Therapy 502/,-2lo5l 169
Signs and Symptoms of Appropriately
Administered Errhine Therapy 51714 170
Signs and Symptoms of Inappropriately
Administered Errhine Therapy 2l^52 170
Signs and Syrnptomsof Excessively
Administered Errhine Therapy 522/4 170
Managementof Conditions Arising Out of
Excessiveand InappropriateAdministration
of Errhine Therapy 21453 170
Utility of Paitca-karmaTherapy 53214 l7l
Interval Period BetweenTwo Coursesof
Therapy 21454 17|
Prohibitions During Pafica-karmaTherapies 54zlo-2/o55 l7 |
Factors Inhibiting Recipesof Basti to Enter
and Come Out Smoothly 5521o-21o56 172
FactorsResponsiblefor Quicker Elirnination
of Enema 562lo-2lo57 172

Verse / Page
Paragraph Numbcr
Incapability of Basti to Cure a Curable Disease57214-7/459 173
Reasonsfor Failure in Treatment 5921
o-21o60 174
Contents of Chapter 602/4-61 174
Colophon 174
Prologue t-2 176
Dialogue 3 176
Personsfor whom All Pafica-karmaThertpies
are Prohibited 4-7 177
Contra-indicationsof Emetic Therapies 8 178
Complications Causedby Emetic Therapy
Administered in Contra-indicatedConditions 9 180
Indicationsof Emetic Therapy l0 182
Contra-indicationsof PurgationTherapy ll t84
AdverEe Effects of Purgation Therapy
Administered in Contra-indicatedConditions l2 r85
Indicationsof PurgationTherapy t3 187
Prohibitions of N iruha-basti t4 189
Adverse Effects of Niruha-basfi Administered
in Contra-indicatedConditions 15 190
Indicationsof N iruho-basti 16 192
Contra-indicationsof Anuvasana-basti t7 t94
Adverse Effects of Anuvdsana-basti in Contra-
indicatedConditions l8 196
Indicationsof Anuvasana-basti 19 tL)1
Contra-indicationsof InhalationTherapy 20 197
Adverse Effects of Inhalation Therapy in
Prohibited Conditions 2t 198
Indicationsof InhalationTherapy 22 200
SeasonalPropriety of lnhalation Therapy 23 202
Contentsof Chapterand Epilogue 24-28 202
Colophon 204
C H A P T E R- I I I
Prologue t-2

Verse/ Page
Paragraph Nunrber
Dialogue 3-5 20s
Factorsto be Kept in View for Successful
Administration of Ni ruha 6 207
Material tor Enema-nozzle 7 207
Size and Shapeof Nozzle 8-2/4Io 207
Sourceof Enema-receptacle (Basti) and lts
Attributes l02l 4-ll 209
In Caseof Non-availabilityof Bladder 21412 210
Auspicious Time for Administration of Basti
Therapy 12214-zl4l3 2t0
Method of Administering Basti 13214-z/?o 2t0
hnproper Administration of Basrri 202/4-2/423 2'13
Order of Adding Ingredientsof Different
Categories 23214-21424 214
Postureof Body During Enema 24214-21425 2t5
Managementof Cornplications 252/{z/426 215
Effects of Three Enemas 262/4 215
Post-therapeu tic Measures 27-2/430 2t7
Proportion of Ingredientsin Bcsti-recipe 30214-zl43l 2t8
Dose of Niruha-bastl for Different Age-groups 312/4-21433 220
Bed to be Used After Therapy 33214-21434 221
Diet to be Given After Therapy 34214-21435 221
Recipe of Niruha (First Recipe) 35214-z/036 222
SecondRecipe of Ni.ruha 36214-71438 222
Third Recipe of Niruha (Eranda-basti) 38214-42 223
Fourth Recipe of Niruha 43 224
Fifth Recipe of Niruha 44-45 224
Sixth Recipeof Niruha 46 225
SeventhRecipe of Niruha 47 225
Eighth Recipeof Niruha 48-52 226
Ninth Recipe of Niruha -s3--s5 227
Tenth Recipe of Niruha 56-2l458 227
Eleventh Recipe of Niruha 5821 4 228
Twelfth Recipe of Niruha 59-60 228
Thirteenth Recipeof Niruha 6l-64 229
Recipe of Niruha for Cornbined Dosas 65-68 230
Number of Bastis for Different [)osas 69 231

Verse/ Page
Paragraph Numbcr
Regirnen After N iruhu-basti 70 231
Epilogue 7l 232
Colophon 232
Prologue t-2
Detailsof Topics to be Discussed J L.1J

Anuvasan Recipe for VAyu@iLva-taila) 4-tl2l .'\4

Other AnuvasanaRecipesfor Valtu 7t l2-8 231

Recipe of Attuvasartu-bastitor Pitta
(Jivanilta-yamaka) 9-l I 235
Another AnuvasanaRecipe for Pittct t2 235
AtruvasanaRecipe for Kaphtt 1 3 - 1 6 236
Another AnuvasanaRecipe for Kapha
(Madontt-taila) 11 i-)o

Recipefor Anuvasana-basti t8-22 237

Effects of Anuvasana-bastiin General 23-24 238
ConditionsLeadingto Complications 25 23r
FactorsResponsiblefor Occlusionof Enema-
fluid 26-27 239
Signs of lmpedirnentsby Vayu 28 210
Treatmentof Vayu Impediment 29-30 240
Signs and Treatmentof Pitta Impediments 31 240
Signs of Kapha Impediments 32 241
Treatmentof Kapha lmpeidments 33 241
Signs of Impedimentsby Intake of Food in
Excess 34 241
Treatmentof lmpedimentsCausedby Intake
of Food in Excess 35 242
Signs and Treatmentof Impedimentsby Stool 36-37 242
Ailments Causedby Administrationof Basti
on Empty Stomach,and their Treatment 38-40 243
Non-elimination of Enema-fluid ' 4t 244
Diet After Anuvasana-basti 42 244
Hot Water 43-45 244
Frequencyof Artuvdsana-basti 46-41 215
Prohibition of UncookedFat 48 246

Verse/ Page
Paragraph Numbcr
Prohibition of Fat atterAnuvasana 49 246
Prohibitionof ExclusiveAdrninistrationof
Niruhu andAnuvosatttt 50-5| 246
Matra-basti 52-54 247
Epilogue 5-5-56 248
Colophon 249
C H A P T E R- V
Prologue t-2 250
Topics to be Discussed 3 250
InappropriateNozzlesand Cornpiications
Arising out of Their Use 4-5 251
InappropriateBastisand Complications
Arising Out of their Use 6-7 2s2
DefectiveTechniquesEmployedby Physicians 8 252
ComplicationsArising Out of Anucchvastt,
etc., and Their Treatment 9-tl2l0 2s3
Cornplications Arising out of Rapid Insertion
of Nozzle,etc.,and Their Treatrnent t/" l0- I I 254
ComplicationsCausedby Oblique Insertion
of Nozzle. etc.. and Their Treatment t2 254
CornplicationsArising From Interrupted
Administration of Basti, and Their Treatment t3-tl2l4 255
ComplicationsCausedby Shakingof Nozzle
During Administration of Basti, and Their
Treatment l 4 t l z - t1 2 1 5 255
ComplicationsCausedby Excessive
Penetrationof Nozzle, and Their Treatment l5tlz-16 255
Effects of Slow Enema, and Their Management l7 256
Effects of Forceful Administration of Enema,
andTheir Treatment t8 256
Epilogue t9 256
Colophon 257
A N D P U R G A T I O N T H E R A P I E SA N D T H E I R S U C C E S S F U I ,
Prologue t-2 2s8

Versc/ Page
Paragraph Numbcr
Topics to be Discussedin the Chapter .,' 2-58
SuitableSearsons 4-6 259
Administrationof Oleationand Fomentation
in Intervals - 262
Prohibitionof ExcessiveOleation I 262
N:rtureof PurgativeRecipe 9 262
Conditions Responsiblefor AppropriateEfl'ects l0 263
Need for Oleation and FomentationTherapies I l-13 264
Digestion of Food l4 264
Appropriate Dose I_s-t6 265
Concentrationof Mind t7 265
Preparatory Measures I 8 - ' / ,I 9 266
Signs of AppropriatePurification l9t l2-20 266
Measuresto Remove ResidualDruss 2l -t1,22 267
Afier Care 22t12-23 268
Need for RegulatedDiet 24 268
Dietetic Regirnen 25 269
Signsof Drug-digestion 26 269
Signs of ResidualDrugs 27 270
Characteristicsof Drugs Producing
UndesirableEffects 28 270
Adverse Effects and Their CausativeFactors 29-30 270
Different Types of Actions of Elimination
Therapies 3l 212
Movement in ReverseDirection 32-34 272
Indigestion of Recipe 35 273
Repetition of Therapy 36 274
Avoiding Repeat-dose 37 214
Causesand Complicationsof Ayoga 38-39 274
Another Type of Altoga and Its Management 40-41 275
Treatment of Ayoga 42-44 276
Signs and Treatmentof Ati-yoga 45-48 276
Recipesfor Treatmentof Over-actionof
PurgationTherapy 49-51 279
Treatment of Over-action of Emetic Therapy 52-56 280
Need for Regulated Diet 57 280
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof AdhmAna 58-60 280

Verse/ Page
Paragraph N u m b e r
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Parikartika 6l-63 281
Recipesfor Pari kartiku 64-67 282
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Parisrava 68-70 283
Etiology, Signsand Treatmentof
Hydayopasararya 7t-75 284
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Afiga-graha 76-77 285
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Jlvadana
(Bleeding) 78-84 286
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Vibhronria 85-87 288
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentaf Stanbha 88-89 288
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Upadravas 90-91 289
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Klama 92-93 289
Epilogue L)4-95 290
Colophon 290
Prologue t-2 291
Dialogue and Topics to be Discussed 3- 4 291
Complications,Their Number and Etiology in
General -5-6 292
Etiology, Signs and Treatrnentof Ayoga t-tl 293
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Atiyoga t2-14 29s
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Klanta l5-20 295
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Adhnnna 2t-26 297
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Hikka 27-29 298
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof H_rt-prapti 30-3r 299
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Urdhva-
gannna (Upward Movernent) 32-39 300
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Pravahika
(Gripping Pain) 40-42 302
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Sirorti
(Headache) 43-46 302
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Ahgarti
(Pain in Lirnbs) 47-53 303
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Parikartika
(Sawing Pain) 54-57 305
Etiology, Signs and Treatment of Parisrava
(Anal Exudation) 58-62 306

Verse/ Page
Paragraph Nuntbcr
Drugs for Mild and Strong Enema 63 307
Importanceof Basti 64 307
Elirnination of Morbid Matter Excluding
Nutrients 6_s 307
Epilogue 66 308
Colophon 308
R E C I P E SF O R N / R ' H A
Prologue l-L 309
Dialogue 3 309
(l)Recipe of Niruha for Promotionof
C o m p l e x i o nE
, tc 4 3r0
(2) Recipe of Niruha for VaYu 5 310
(3) SecondRecipe of Ni.ruhafor Vayu 6 3r0
(4) Recipe of Niruha for Promotion of Semen 1 3ll
(5) Panca-tiktaNiruha 8 -' / , 9 3l I
(6) Recipe of Niruha for Hehninthiasis 9 tl 2 - l o 3ll
(7) Recipe of Niruha for VirilitY ll 3t2
(8) Recipeof Niruhafor Bhedana 1 2 3t2
(9) Recipe of Niruha for DYsuria l3-t I 214 3t2
Administration of RepeatedBasll l-s 3r3
Recipe for Burning Sensation in Anus l 6 - 17 3r3
Treatmentof Diminished Stool l 8 3l . l
Treatmentof Six Types of Diarrhoea l9-20 3 1.1
Number of Diarrhoeas 2l 315
Complications of Diarrhoea 22 315
Treatrnentof Diarrhoeawith Arla 23 3l_s
Treatrnent of Diarrhoea Along With Fecal
t1224 316
Treatmentof DiarrhoeaWith Flatus 24112 316
Treatment of Diarrhoea With Blood, Pitta and
Kapha 25 316
Treatment of Diarrhoea Causedby Two Factors 26-33 317
Treatment of Diarrhoea Caused by More than
Two Factors 34 319
Treatmentof DiarrhoeaCausedby All Six
Factors 35 320
Medicated Ghee for Diarrhoea 36-37 320
c0N'tEN't's XXXI

Verse/ Page
Paragraph Nunrbcr
Medicated Gruels tbr Diarrhoea 38-42 321
Recapitulation 43-45 321
Epilogue 46 323
Colophon 323
Prologue l-2 324
Dialogue 3 324
Heart, Head and Urinary Bladder 4 326
Injury of Vital Organs 5 328
Aihnents C:rusedby Injury to Vital Organs 6 329
Involvement of Vayu in Aihnents of Vital
Organs 7 330
Recipesfor Treatmentof Aihnents of Vital
Organs 8 331
Summary of Topics 9-10 333
Description of Additional Diseasesof Vital
Organs ll 334
Apatantr akalnd Ap atanaka (Convulsions) t2-15 334
Treatmeht of Apatdntaka andApatanaka t6-20 33s
Etiology, Pathogenesis, Signs and Treatment
of Tandra 2l-24 336
Enumerationof Urinary Diseases 25-26 337
Pathology,Signs and Treatmentof
Mutraukasada 27-28 338
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Mutra-
jathara 29-31 339
Etiology of M utra-kycchra 32 340
Etiology and Signs of Mfttra-utsafiga 33-t1234 340
Etiology and Signs of Mfrtra-saftkqaya 34t12 340
Etiology and Signs of Mutratita J-) 340
Etiology and Signs of Vataqthlla 36 341
Etiology and Signs of Vata-basti 37 341
Etiology and Signs of Usrya-Vata 38 341
Etiology and Signs of Vata-kurt(alika 39-40 341
Etiology and Signs of Rakta-granthi 4l-t 1242 342
Etiology and Signs of Vid-vighata 42t/2-43 342
Etiology and Signs of Basti-kundala 44-tl24g 343

Verse / Page
ParagraPh Nunlbcr
Line of Treatmentof Urinary Morbidities 4911"-t1,50 344
Netra (Nozzle or Catheter) 50'/,-51 344
Dose of Recipe for Douche 52 345
Methods of Administering Urethral Douche 53-tlz57 345
Retention of Doucho-fluid 57t/.-61 346
Urethral Douche for Women 62-t1,65 347
Nozzles of lJttar-basfrfor Females 65t1,-t1"67 348
Method of Administering Uttara-bastito
Females 67t/,-I/270 348
Diseasesof Head 70t1, 349
Sai*haka 7l-73 349
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof
Ardhdvabhedaka(Hemicrania) 74-78 350
Etiology, Signs and Treatment of Sirryavarta 79-83 352
Etiology, Signs anclTreatmentof Ananta-vdta 84-t1286 354
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Siraft-kampa 86t/2-87 354
* -,-* Ilnportanceof lr{r:rlationTherapy 88 355
Varieties of Inhalation Th-erapy 89-92 35-5
lnhalation Therapy for Diff'erent Ailments 93-t1296 357
Drugs for Virecana zrndTarpana Nasya 96t1,'tlz98 358
Method of AdrninisteringAvapi{a Nasya 98tlz-tl2107 359
PradhamanaTypeof InhalationTherapy l07tlz-ll0 361
Cornplications Arising Out of Kapha, md
Their Treatment nt-tt? 361
ComplicationsCausedby Vayu,andTheir
Treatment I l3-l 14 362
Timira and Its Treatment I 15 363
PratimarSaType of InhalationTherapy I 1 6 - l1 7 364
Epilogue I t8-l19 365
Colophon 36-5
Pgologue t-2 366
Dialogue 3 366
Importanceof Basti Therapy 4-5 366
Superiorityof Basti in Comparisonin
Purgation 6-tlz8 367

VerseI Page
Paragraph Numbcr
Three Types of Basti 8 ' / 2l-0 369
Contra-indications ll-12 369
Different Types of Ingredientsfor Various
Aihnents 13-14 369
Ingredients for Avapa l5-t6 3 7|
Strong and Mild Enemas t7 371
Enema Recipes for Vayu, Pitta and Kapha 18-24 372
Enerna-recipes for Colon-cleansing 25-27 373
Enema-recipefor Promotion of Semen and
Muscle-tissue 28-29 374
Enema-recipefor Astringent Action 30-31 374
Enema-recipesfor Arresting Excessive
Secretion 32 375
Enema-recipesfor B urning-syndrome 33 37s
Enena-recipesfor Sawing Pain 34-35 37s
Enema-recipesfor Gripping Pain 36 376
Enema-recipesfor Correcting Over-action of
Basti 37-tl,3g 376
Enema-recipesfor Correcting Haemorrhage 38tl2-4t 377
Enema-recipesfor Rakta-pitta and Prameha 42-43 377
Enema-recipesfor Other Ailments 44-45 378
Epilogue 46-48 378
Colophon 380
Prologue l-2 38l
Seminarto ResolveDisputes 3-4 381
Opinion of Saunakaof Excellence of Jimirtaka 'lr5 392
Opinionof Vamakaon Excellence of Kagu-tumbi5tl?-1126 392
Opinionof Gautamon Excellence of
Dhamargava 6tl"-t1.7 3Bz
Opinionof BadiSaon Excetlence of Kulaja Tl:rt:B 3g3
Opinionof Kapyaon Excellence of Kyta-
vedhana Stlz-tlzg 393
Refutationby Bhadra-Saunaka grln 393-
Atreya'sconcludingStatement '383
QueryAbout Action of Basti ts-t6 385

Versc/ Pagc
Paragraph N u m b c r
Preceptor'sReplY l7-18 385
EnemaTherapYfor Animals l 9 386
Enema-receptacles for Different Animals z0 387
Enema-nozzle for Different Anirnals 2l 387
Dose of Enema-recipefor Different Anirnals 22 388
Enema-recipefor All Anirnals in General 23 388
21424 388
Additional Ingredientstbr Elephants
Additional Ingredientsfor Cows 24214-21425 389
Additional Ingredientsfor Horses 25zl 4 389
21426 389
Additional Ingredientsfor Assesand Catnels
Additional Ingredientsfor.Goats and Sheep 2621 4 389
Query About PersonsAlways Exposedto
Diseases 27 390
21428 390
King's Servants 2821
4 390
21429 390
Merchants 2921
4 391
Common Causesof Their Diseases 30 391
Use of Phala-varti for Treatment of Their
Sickness 3l 391
N iruha andAnuvdsana-basti 32-33 392
Other Recipes for Basti 34-35 392
Enema-recipes for Infants 36 393
Epilogue 37 393
Colophon 394
Prologue t-2 39s
Post-therapeuticManagementof Patients 3-5 39s
Post-therapeuticDiet 6- 8 396
Restoration of Normal Health 9 398
Eight Impediments lo-12 399
Details of Impediments l3 399
( I ) Complicationsof Loud and Excessive
Speech l4 (l) 400
(2) Cornplicationsof Jolting by Conveyance t4 (2) 400
(3) Cornplicationsof Long Wayfaring l4 ( 3) 401
(4) Cornplicationsof ConstantSitting t4 ( 4) 402

VerseI Page
Paragraph Numbcr
(5) Cornplications andAdltya|ana 14 (55
of Indigestion 4Oz
(6)Complications of Unwholesome Foodand
Irregular Meal l4 (6) 402
(7) Cornplicationsof Day-sleep t4 ( 7 ) 403
(8) Cornplicationsof SexualIntercourse l4 (8) 404
(l)Managementof CornplicationsCausedby
Loud Speech& ExcessiveSpeech 1 5( l ) 405
(2)-(.4)Managementof CornplicationsCaused
by Conveyance-jolting, etc. ts (2) 405
(5) Managementof ComplicationsCausedby
Indigestion andAdhyaiana r_s(3) 406
(6) Managementof CornplicationsCausedby
Irregular Meal & UnwholesorneFood ls (4) 406
(7) Managementof ComplicationsCausedby
D:ry-sleep l5 (5) 407
(8) Managementof CornplicationsCausedby
Sexual Intercourse l5 407
(l) IM ustadya Yapana-bastil l6 (1) 408
(2) lErarlfu -m ul adya Yapana -bast il t6 (2) 409
(3) ISahacaradya YApana-bast il l6 (3) 410
(4) lB yhatyadi Yapatta-bast il t6 (4) 4ll
(5) [BalAdya Yapana-bcsti - First Recipe] r6 (5) 4ll
(6) lBalAdya Yapana-bdsti- SecondRecipel 1 6( 6 ) 4tl
(7) IH ap u; adya Yapana-bast il t6 (7) 412
(8) [Lag hu-pafica-muladya Yapana-bastil l6 (8) 4t3
(9) IBal Adya Yapana-basli--Third Recipe] 1 6( e ) 413
(l 0) IBahdy a Yapa na -bdsti--FourthRecipe] r6 (10) 414
( D tSaU-par4yadya Yapana -b astil l6 (l l) 4t4
(12) ISt hirad i Yapana-bast i] l6 414
Extension of Recipe No. Twelve t7 415
(l 3) IT itil rAdya Yapana-bastil l8 (l) 4t5
(l 4) [Dv i -paiica-muladya Yapana-bast il 1 8( 2 ) 4t6
(l 5) IM ay uradya Yapana-bast i) l8 (3) 416
Extension of Recipe No. Fifteen 1 8( 4 ) 417
(l 6) IG od hadya Yapana-ba.stil l8 (5) 4t8
(17) IKurntadya YapanT-bastiand Ten Other
ExtensionRecipesl l8 (6) 4t9
(l 8) IK arkata- rasadya Yapana-bastil l8 (7) 4t9

Versc/ Pagc
Paragraph Nunrber
ddya YaPana-bastil
( I 9) [Go-vt's l8 (8) 420
(20) IDaSamuladya YaPana-bastil r 8( e ) 420
Extensionof RecipeNo. TwentY l8 (10) 421
(21) IMadhvddya YaPana-bastil l8 (l l) 421
(22) tSadyo-ghytadya YapanT-bastil l8 (12) 422
(23) IMadhu-tail adya Yapana-bastil r 8( 1 3 ) 422
Yapand-bastr - First
Q$ tMadhu-ghytadya
Recipel l8 (l4) 423
(25) lMadhu-ghytatlyaYapana-basli - Second
Recipel l8 (ls) 423
(26) ISurddya Ydpana' bastil l8 (16) 424
[Dvi-pafica' nruladyaYdpana-bastil l8 424
Recipesof Artuvdsana-b asti l9 42s
QT lSatdvaryad i Sneha-bastil l e ( l) 475
(28) IBa6dy a Sneha-bastil te (2) 426
(29) lSahacaradya Sneha-bastil r e( 3 ) 428
AugrnentingPotency of Basti Recipes l9 429
Recapitulation 2A-22 429
Prohibitions 23 430
Summary 24-27t12 430
AugmentingPotencY of ReciPes 28tl,-tl22t) 431
Management of Non-eliminated Recipes 29t l2-tI 230 431
AdverseEffectsof ExcessiveUseof Yapana-
bastis,andTheir Management 30t12-t1232 432
hnpediments and Their Management 32t12-t1233 432
Definitionof "Siddhi-sthdna " 33117-tl'34 432
MeritsAchievedbY StudY 34t1"-t 1"36 433
PratisaryskartA or Redactor 36t l2-11238 434
DyQhab ala and his Supplementations 38t lz-tl24l 435
Tantra-yukrls (Canons of Exposition) 4ltl2-t1245 436
Availabilityof Tantra-Yukt is 45t12-t1246 444
Importanceof Tantra-Yuktis 461l2-t | '47 444
Assistance of Tantra-yuktis in Understanding
Other Treatises 47tl{48 445
Properand ImproperUnderstanding of
Treatises 49-50 445
Meritsof StudyingThis Treatise 5l 446
Epilogue s2-55 447
Colophon 448

C H A P T E R .I
elQn* rrflffid qr€rrRznq: | | t | |
Efa a tr6 ErqqFn*T: ll R ll
Now we shall expound the chapter dealing with the
"Pharmaceuticsof M adana (Randia dumet orum)" .
Thus, said Lord Atreya. I l-21
Purpose of ComposingThis Section
In theprevioussectionon the"Treatment
of Diseases",
reoipesfor emesisandpurgationareprescribed
in thecontextof the
treatmentof various ln thepresent
diseases. on 'Pharmaceutics',
theserecipeswill bedescribedin detailalongwith theirapplicabilityin
the treatmentof variousdiseases. Thus, this is a sectionon recipes
Need for Describing This Section Before Siddhi-sthana
Bcsti (medicatedenema),etc.,arealsodescribedfor thetreatment
of diseasesin the previoussection.Therefore,thesectiondealingwith
variousaspectsof this biasti-therxpy is alsorequiredto
bedescribedasapartof thetreatmentof diseases.But while administering
Pafica-karma(five speeialised eliminationtherapies)in general,emetic
. (vamana\ and purgation (virecana) therapiesar.ero be admiiistered
beforetheadministrationof basti(medicaredenematherapy).Theretbre,
Kalpa'sthanodealingwith theseemeticsandpurgativesis placodbefore
ibc descriptionof Dastrtherapy.Bastithertpywill bedescribedlaterin
the Siddhi section.
C A R A K A - S AM H I T A I CH.

Purpose of Describing EmeticsBefore Purgatives

Generally, purgation therapy is adrninistcredonly.,lfter th,9
administrationdI emetic therarpy.Therefore,the,chaptersdescribing
Tln"etic therapy are placed before thc chaptcrsdeiling with purgativc
. therapy in this section.
Purposeof DescribingMadano-phalain the First Chapter
Among the emeticdrugs,madana-phalais the bestbecause.itdoes
not produce
- 'Chiapter any adverseeffect (-- vide para no. l3). Therefore, the
dealing with the recipescontaining this drug is placed in the
beginningof this section.
Obj ects of Kalpa-sthana
3Ter qq qmhiqqTrJ qrrPdf-utc-danuri gdq$furr*:
q6r+idfdfdr): irer;rsf-ct<ref tfl{T?ITrJ +€ef:, ?r€irnrrf ?
ffie): Fqgffidq{rrf qq€?rnEqeeil-
*sn6o !rr Qrr
O, AgniveSa! hereafter, Kalpa-sthana (section on
Pharmaceutics)will be describedby me (refersto Preceptor
Atreya) for the appropriateprocessingof the recipeswith the
following objectives:
( I LBfpp-aratiqnsfrglipes for emesisand purgation with main
drugs addedwith the subsidiaryoneslike sara (alcohol),
(vinegar) and kovidara {g.vi1g t!,g;g9st useful
' effects to facilitate emetic and purgative actions along
*iift-itt" ir bheda{varieties) and viihaga (proportions);
(2) Preparation of theserecipes appropriately through di fferent
pharmaceuticalprocesses(kriya-vidhl) to facilitate easy
action (sukhopaya). t3l
" 'atha'
The term usedin the abovetext implies a referenceto the
earlier statement.The term 'bheda' implies varieties.For example, in
Sutra4:4, madana-phalaisdescribedto be usedin 133different ways.
The term implies proportion.For example,in the para no, l6
of this chapter,it will be describedthat twb out of the three parts of the
seeds of madana-phala should be strained (sravayet) by adding the
decoction of koviddra. etc.

Definition of Vamanaand Virecana

irr tqwurqdr+m erffi*tf*,,q, a*ir+rrr feWilfrq;
The processof expelling morbid material through the
upward tract (mouth)is calledvatnana(emesis).The process
of expelling morbid material through the downward tract
(anus) is called virecana (purgation). Since they expel
(virecanat) morbid material from the body, both these
processesare also called [by the common term] virecana
(purgation). t4)
Like ernesisand purgation,niruha type of medicatedenemaalso
helps in expelling rnorbid material from the body. By the definition
given in the abovetext, the termvirecana may alsostandfor this niruha
type of medicatedenema.This presumptionis, however, not correct.
'pahkaja' (one which grows in the mud) is applicableonly to
The term
lotus, and not to others which also grow in the mud. On the same
analogy,the term virecanais applicableonly to emesisand purgation,
and not to niruha type of medicatedenema.
Mode of Action of Emeticsand Purgatives
T*ET-*ryr-qqn-aarFa-ffiqenft TT*{vr Eeq-
g}ar errrfir{g€ rsfdrn5ffitq: *;mf vrfu'kf ffird-
ffi, tgqr{ffi, RFeFd*: qfilqq.t
+fl{rR qr} Ti€tlffi{rsfirrFrq @-
g@, : trekti,
Drugs [used for emesisand purgation] which are uqrla
(hot), tlkqrya( sharp),s ma (subtle),vyavayi (thosepervading
the entire body before getting digested) and vikafr (those
causinglooseness of joints), by virtue of their own potency,
reachthe heart,and circulatethroughthe vessels.Becauseof
their agneyc nature (predomi n ance of agn i -mahabh uta), they
liquefy the compact(adhered)dosas(morbid material),and
becauseof their sharpness(tikqryaattribute) they separatethe
C A R A K A - S AM H I T A I CH.

adhereddosaslocatedin the grossand subtlechannelsof the

e n t i r eb o d y.
Like honey kept in a pot smearedwith fat, the morbid
material,afterseparation,movesfloating without adhesionin
the body which has been oleated [by the administrationof
oleation therapy]. Becauseof its nature to move through
subtle channelsand to flow (towards the gastro-intestinal
tract), this morbid material reachesthe stomach,and gets
propelledby udana vdyu.
Be c a u se o f th e p re d o mi n a nceof ,.agni and vdvu-
mahabhutasin these (emqtic)drugs, and becauseof their
specific action Qtrabhava)to move upwards, the morbid
material gets expelledthrough the upward tract (mouth).
[On the other hand, ng1g"Jluel drugs, because of the
predominanceof prthvi andjala-mahabhutas,andbecauseof
their specific action{' Qtrabhava)movedownwards to expel
the morbid materialthroughthe downward tract (anus).
Combination of both these attributes results in the
expulsionof the morbid rnaterialthroughboth the upwardand
downward tracts.
This is the brief description[of the mode of actions of
emeticsand purgativesl. t5l
Both the emetic and purgative drugs as stated above serve to
liquefy the morbid material becauseof their Agneyatva(predominance
of agni-mahabhuta).Emeticdrugs areagaindescribedto be agni-vaya-
dtmaka (dominated fi agni and vayu-mahabhutas).By'implicarion,
agni-mahabhlttaisexceedinglypredominantin emeticdrugs.In purgative
drugs,-.agni-mahabhuta is not dominant to that extent as in the caseof
emetics.The purgativedrugs are mainly dominatedby-pythvl andjala-
mahabhutaswith slight predominance of agni-mahabhuta.This is also
the view of SuSruta(Su|ruta : Sutra 33:33).
Emetics and purgatives as statedin the text above serve as active
purgatives becauseof the predominanceof specific mahabhutas, and
also because of their prabhava (specific action). prabhava is the
specific action which cannot be rationally explained (acintya Sakti --

vide Sutra 26 :70). If the predominanceof mahabhulasis considered

to be the causativefactor, then the emetic and purgativeactions cease
to be the resultsof prabhava.Thispresumptionis, however,not correct.
theqe are many drugq wlth pgngent taste(which are dominatedby agni
and vayu-mahabhutas)but they are not emetics.So the emetic drugs,
apart from the predominanceof pungent taste in them, elnetic
becauseofp rabhdva(specificaction).Similarly,purgativedrugi prodtide
their effecti noi oniy becauseof the predominance of prthvl andjala
mahabhutas,but also becauseof their prabhava or specific action.
I nnumerab ility of Recipes
irr q,fl-Efr{dr*Fr$-elrcFfe-agm-F?*t-{rTr, FTTIT-
Eq$tq.. d-ft reqm-rraeqr-sqrcn-vrf€rfr-irfr -F{frtr q,
ilqft erdtT-qrrcTqrrqrcqrE-rq-# -futftqa-gqt-dTErrr<
|5 -Ar{-9.q;Fd-*-*** -qftn-qre-ftrreecrrffi IFTT-
g'qrec161r6r,frF{Trr*r-euf -rq-@-
*iffi ra stri Egruri ffi qqFffirr-
vrdrF{ EIr@nFnrT:|| Q II
[ . Em e ti c d ru g s, vi z.,) p h ala, jTmutaka, iksvdku,
dhamar gava, kutaj a and krt avedhana, and{'urgati ve drugS;
viz., |yamd, trivrt, caturahgula, tilvaka, mahavrk;a, saptald,
1ahkhin\,dantl anddravantl arc of $if{gent types depending
upon thejefa (habitat), kala (time of their availability),
til^\ffi;a (origin),,asvadi* (palatability), r asa (taste),vIrya
(potency), vipdka (the tastethat emergesafter digestion)and
prabhava (specificaction).Patientsfor whom thesedrugsare
to be used are also of different types dependingupon the
'nature of their deha (physique), condition of the dosas,
prakrti (constitution),age,strength,agni (powerof digestion
and metabolisrn),bhakti (liking for a particular type gf
recipe), sdtmya (wholesomeness), rogavastha(stageof the
disease),etc. [To caterto therequirementof all thesefactors],
the recipesof drugsbecomeinnumerablein types.Individual
descriptionof the recipeswith permutationand combination
is impossible. Therefore, by way of illustration, we shall
confine our description only to six hundred recipes with
C A R A K A - S AM H I T A I CH.

multiple smell, colour, taste,and touch which are helpful

(bestowersof happiness)with immediateandmediateeffects.
Six drugs are described above for emesis, and nine others are
describedfor purgation.Use of thesedrugs individually is not enough
to obtain thedesiredresults.Effectsofthesedrugsvary, dependingupon
their habitat,etc., and the natureof the physique,etc., of the patient.
Therefore,the recipesbasedon theirpermutationsand combinations:rre
innumerable, and it is not possible to describe thern all. Only six
hundredof theserecipeswhich.are neither too brief nor too elaborate
will be describedin this sectionfor the useof physiciansof low calibre.
On the basisof this description,the intelligentphysician,well-versedin
inference and propriety, can formulate many other recipes (which are
not describedhere) to suit the exact requirementof his patient -- vide
S u t r a4 : 2 0 .
Promoting TherapeuticEfficacy of Drugs
?nR g (qrfur tn-qra-Iur-+rrq{-Tfrfr4-{drsrrlr(
f*-crccrfrilcrR$rqfr | | e | |
Thesedrugs ffor emesisandpurgation]becomecapable
of producingmaximumtherapeuticeffectswhentheirpotency
is augumenteflby,,deia-sarypar (collecting_ the plantsfrom the
appropriatehabitat),kala-sarppat(collecting theseplants in
on), g una -sa\np at (coI Iecti ng p I ant s w hen
enriched with excellent attributes)and bhajana-
Taffit $torihg theseplantsirl appropriatecontainers).[ 7 ]
[Note: (l) The appropriatehabitat from where theseplants are to be
collectedwill be describedin para nos. 8-9.
I n , ,l (2) The appropriateseasonof collecting theseplants, and their
.r i';\ enrichedconditionswith excellentattributesare described
- ii para no. 10.
(3) Appropriate methodsof storageof thesedrugs in containers
are describedin para no. I l.l
Varieties of Habitat
frher: ug tu: - vr-ff.Fr:,3dt[tr:,qremursfr | ir:r qr$.d:
qqt€rvn$x€:, iltfi+tfu q qq{-€RrrgrTrqqiut-qq-ftrfrvt-

vr€tr*1-qrd-Tfr Fcn-qEfr -Fcqa.rgeter*q4qofr qaq6q;,

qTfr{rft-6,€ar-frflTqlqrgrq:, -

fia:; wrr1fr ;, qfrsgqqfu-
!T€[:,trtrrrr*<c6e:, @: @rw-
rra$IfuTrrr:,ffifiFril"ffiFrd:, @-
rrgr:, :, Frerd€gtrr+qr16:,
€q-qo-qr*-qor*,r-r€gs-Srsfi €-qr+q-rrq-Tff'{rq-Yrfl r*-
@:, gffi[€'ut:, qT{fiq.grd iqr;
sndtq : fr+rrgE_
ll / ll
: TTrerr{uilfieT:
Habitats (de|a) are of three types, viz., jdngala (dry
folest land), anftpa (marshy land) and sadharaqta(normal
The jangala-de1a (dry forest land) is characterizedas
follows :
(1) It aboundsin open sky;
(2)lthas deepforestsof treeslike kadara,-khadira,asana,
asva-karna, dhava, tini1a, Sallakl, sdla, soma-valka,
badarT,tinduka, a|vattha, vaga and dmalakl;
(3) It is mostly surroundedby treesof 1ami,kakubha and
Sirpiapain large number;
(4) The tenderbranches of thesetreesdance,being swayed
by the force of continuous_drywind;
(5) It aboundsin thin, dry and rough sands as well as
gravelswhich give rise to mirages;
(6) This area is inhabited by lava, tittiri and cakora,' and
(7) The people inhabiting this type of land are dominated
by vayu and pitta, and most of them are sturdy and
C A R A K A . S AM H I T A I CH.

Thggyupa-de.Sa (marshyland)is characterrzedasfollows :

( I ) It containsdeepforestsof treeslike hintale, tamdla,
narikela and kadall:
(2) lt is*locatedgenerallyat the banksof rivers and sea;
(3) Mostly cold wind blows here;
(4) This type of land is locatedin the neighbourhoodof
rivers whose banks are beautified by plants like
vafijula and vanlra:
(5) It has"mountainscoveredwith beautiful creepers;
(6) The trees in this tlipk forgs! wave with the _gentle
(7) The areais surroundedby thick forestswith beautiful
and blossomingtrees;
(8) It is coveredwith tenderbranchesof trees;
(9) The branchesof treeslocatedhere are echoedwith
the soundproducedby birds llke hamsa,cakravdka,
balaka, nandi-mukha,puryQarlka,kadamba,madgu,
bhrngaraja, Satapatra and inebriated kokila; and
(t0&Sp!" inhabiting this type of land are of tender
body, and generallythey are dominatedby vayu and
The sadharana-defc(normal land) is characterizedas
follows :
( I ) It hascreepers,vanaspati(treeshavingfruits without
apparent flowers), vanaspatya (trees having both
and flowers), birds and beastsdescribedabove
inrespectofjahgala-deia (dry forestland)andanupa-
de1a(marshyland); and
(2) lg'r;-o_nsinhabiting this land are sturdy, tender,
endowedyith strength,complexionandcompactness,
as well as other attributesof peopleinhabiting in the
land of generalnature. t8l
[Note : Cakrapani refers to some recensionsof Caraka-saUhita

where the characteristic features of different types of land (deSa) are

describedin the third chapterof Vimdna-section.Scholarshaving that
recensionof Caraka-samhitdconsider thepresentdescriptionof different
types of land as unauthentic
In the presentedition of this text, only the morbid conditions of
landare describedin Vimdna3 : 7, and the descriptionof threedifferent
typesof landwith their naturalcharacteristics is not available.Therefore,
the text aboveis consideredto be appropriateand authenticaccording
to him.l
Appropriate Habitat for Drug Collection
T{ iS Frqnd ErY.Aqr qsrcFrafffi
qf q-d vqflrr-*s
[email protected]
qqfiil* qr qrfrrF{
g{rwi il j il
Medicinal plants, for producing excellent therapeutic
effects,shouldbe collectedfrom placeshavingthe following
( I ) Ttreseare to be collectedfrom sadharana-deSa(forestsof
normal land) or jahgala-deSa $y land fores-!p);
(2) Plantsshouldhave been exposedto seasonalcold, sun,
. wind and rain appropriately;
(3) Plants should have grown over plains and clean land
. surroundedby water reservoirs;
(4)Plants should.not ltave p--een grown in a crematoriurt
caitya (sacredtomb), prayer ground, assemblyground,
pits, parK3nt-hitts arid salinesoil;
(5) The land should have enormous growth of kufa and
(6) The soilshould be unctuous,black in colour and sweetin
. tasteor golden in colour and sweetin taste;and
(7) The land shouldnot havebeenploughed,andthereshould
not be other big trees in the vicinity over-shadowing the
medicinal plants. tel
rO C A R A K A . SM

Appropriate Time and Method of Drug Collection

TT rTrR@-rsfrd-q*nn qilFrfr -
fqfrr fterdrh; N ffii ercffiAi, ffi
{drFr ffi qr ffi, qrtft am.<qffir, ilv+
t'{q t{dr arFw* +f,rduns g*cr*ru: vrqgq y<Wd qr
1@+rqtI qorl
Drugs shouldbecollectedin the appropriateseasonwhen
they have attained maturity in respectof their size, taste,
potency and smell. Their gmell, colour, taste, touch and
pra.bhava(specific action) shouldhaveremainedunaffected
by kala (time, viz., over-maturity),excessiveexposureto
sun-rays,fire, water and wind, and by parasites.They should
be endowedwith all attributes.Thev shouldbe collectedfrom
theSorthern side.
Freshbranchesand tenderleavesshouldbe culled in the
rainy seasonand spring. Their roots should be collected in
summer or late winter (iiiira) when the leavesof the trees
have ripened and withered out. Theirlultt, rhizomes and
latex should be collectedin the autumn. Their sara (heart-
wood including exudates)should be collectedin. hemanta
(early winter).flowers and fruits shouldbe collectedduring
appropriateseasons[when flowers and fruits appearin the
pl a n t l .
One shouldcollectthe variouspartsof theseplantswhile
facing towardsthe eastor north after performing auspicious
while living a pure life, while
rites in a spirit of compassion,
wdaring white dress, after offering prayers to the gods,
ASvins,cows and brahmins,and while observingfast.I l0 ]
According to theparagraphno. 7, drugs arerequiredto be collected
keeping in view the appropriate habitat (defa-sarypar), appropriate
season(kala-sarypat) md their effective attributes (guna-sampat ). ln
the above text the last two items are explained.

The flowers and fruits which appearin their natural and appropriate
seasonsshould be used in medicine
Stems as well as tender leaves are required to be collected in the
rainy season and spring. The bark, etc., of these stems may also be
collected during this period.
Roots of plants are required to be collected either in sumrner or in
3ifira (late winter). By implication, roots having heating effects are to
be collected in summer, and those having cooling effects are to be
collected in the late winter (Vide Susruta: S-utra36 : 5).
Proper Storage
'J-e€r yrrJEfdng frfliT-
@sora*fr rrrtqlqnqqtl
The collectedplant productsshouldbe kept in appropriate
'-containerswell coveredwith a lid, and hung on a swing. The
itore-room shouldhave doors facing towardsthe east or the
- n.itft. The room should be immune-.toth; wind or storm and
there should be onfy one window for ventilation. Flower-
and sacrificial rituals should be performed in the
. store-room every day. It should be free from the hazards of
fire, water, moisture,smoke,dust, mice and quadrupeds.
t 1l l
The container to be used for storing drugs should have attributes
similar to those of the drugs.
Adjuvants According to Doqas
arF q qerrqlq y$lfia g{T-tt+G-Efcfr@-+tq.t(q'-
ref-quqwrQft qf+Itrfi rffi -rql-tTg-fr-rr6rr.F-
ulFrrfr-ffitrr: firfr, seETFrg qg-qr-u,w?nF$rrrtFdr-
qdkdTFt q; Sgtvr: r a ftratqr Etq-k-tq-qrerfrfr
gfrTq ETr€ltrttnT: u tR | |
Different adjuvantsare requiredto be usedalong with
thesedrugs in accordancewith the dogasinvolved in the
causationof the disease.Thesedrugsshouldbe impregnated

t2 C A R A K A - S AM H I T A I CH.
andmixed wtth sura,sauvlraka,tuqodaka,maireyaka,tneclaka, 1

dhanyamla,phalamla (1uiceof sourfruits like pomegranate). !

dadhyamla(sour yoghurt),etc.,for the treatmentof diseases

causedby {dyi;u.For the treatmentof diseasescausedby pitta.
these drugs are to be used by adding mrdvlka, amalaka,
madhu (honey),madhuka,parltsaka,phanita, milk, etc. For
the treatmentof diseases causedby kapha,theserecipesare
to be added with madhu (honey), murra (urine). ka;aya
(decoctions of kapha-alleviatingdrugs), etc. Thus. the
adjuvantsare describedin brief.
We shall hereafter,describethem in detail in relation to
different categoriesof dravya (nature of the drug), deha
(requirements of varioustypesof physique), dosas(aggravated
to causethe disease)and satmya(homologation). I 12 )
Apart from dravya, deha, do;a and satmya as mentioned in the
above text, different types of prakrti (constitution),bala (strength).
etc., are also to be takeninto considerationwhile describingthe recipes
to be preparedof these drugs.
Collection, Storage and Recipesof Madana-phala
eqrf*rruri qqncrarf{ *Edt{r;€ttqq{i, gffitnfucrr(t Frh
Erq:ilrffi TqFrrwqrlffi*gqtrurFt
ffi ;arR
qlFq, wrg) Erq3T,rffitzr, a*g1g;vrr,wnnersmer-
3E.s vMqt g{q'rq'r ffiR I arcrfTnetrqgrm-
er@ ga: qwT wf q?i q-crgiryi
Wfu€r ET6T TqTgRffiqrrrq vqqrcrnr+qt I t? | I
Fruits of madanaareconsideredto be the bestamongthe
emeticsbecausethey are free from any adverseside effects.
Thesefruits areto be collectedduring the middle of the spring
and summer in a maitra-muhltrta (auspiciousperiod of the
day) when the moon is in the constellationof Pusya,AivinT or
Mygafiras. Thesefruits shouldbefully matured,not perforated,

not green but yellowish white in colour, not rotten, not

infestedwith parasitesand not small in size. These fruits
shouldbe cleanedand tied up insidea bundleof kuiq grass.
Thesebundlcsshouldbe kept insidea heapeitherof barley
husk, md;a, Sali type of paddy,kulatthaor mudgafor eight
ni g h t s .
with desirablesmelllike thatof honey,thesefruits shouldbe
taken out of the bundle and dried up. When these are"well
dried up., their seedsshouldbc takenout. Theseseedsshould
be rubbed with ghee,curd, honey and oil-cake.and dried
again.Theseseedsshouldthenbe keptin a newjar cleanedof
sandanddustparticlesandfilled up to its brim. Thiligf should
be properfy coveredwith a lid, and after the performanceof
, protectiverituals,shouldbe placedin a swing. I 1 3l
In contrastto other emetic drugs,madana-phalahasmuch lessof
cornplicatiouswhen administeredfor emesis.
Procedureof AdministeringEmetic Therapy
eTer qr ffi
B*fr{rrrr{r Elr6 5116 ,qgoCFffiqfiTfr
!]rEqq$Efr.,qrFw-qft -qtT-rnq-feo-vn*irRfir, qgdFm-
fdkr?r'ftrrreTT Tdcmf frdE[a, arci @tl
qrqgr srt q+d qdtqta qflqqgfiqr*ur Efrf{Ert-qdqr{
fEFT-ffi -vrurggfr-Fqrgq-yilqgfr -qqnnsnrqa*rqr{rh-
5fuil f{Ts q:f qg+€r+g.{igd'et' Ftwr Wf vrn* rr+urr-
E6t-€r:*ftqftryrFr Tr€Eirg rna t il
Tsrfifud{uri @ qsnl
gffiflFnq1-nr tffi4T€ trr'
vqrqrdffi*qr gr: gr{rfrrfrr{rrrr(, tr wrg qqfr; ffi E

frrqqrrrer*'-q{rr-ffi : g{: g{: ffitr-

EVf'rrqtEl-eqFffiqfu: I I ?y | |
The person should be subjected to oleation-cum'
fomentation therapies for two or three days prior to the
administrationof emetic therapy.
During the night before the day of administration of the
emeiib therapy,he shouldbe given the diet consistingof the
soup of the meat of gramya (domesticated),anupa (marshy
land-inhabiting) and audaka (aquatic)animals, milk, curd,
maqa,sesamumseeds,vegetables,etc., for the excitation of
In the next morning when the food takenin the previous
night is digested,after performing bali (religioussacrifices),
homa (sacredritual of offering oblations of ghee to fire),
mahgala (auspiciousrituals) and prdyaicitta (rituals for
neutralizing effects of possible sinful acts), and when the
stomachis empty, the patientwho is anati-snigdha(has not
been excessivlyoleated),should be given gruel addedwith
some gheeto take.
Seeds of madana-phql4,a fistful in quantity or in a
qirantity as may be found appropriate,may be crushed,added
with the decoction of either yaq(i-madhu,kovidara (which
flowers in the autumn),karbidara(kaficanarawhich flowers
in the spring), nlpa (kadamba),vidula (vetasa),bimb1,farya-
pu$pi (ghaytgaravd),sadd-pu$pl(arka-puqpika) or pratyak'
pu$pt (apamarga),and kept overnight.In the morning, this
should be stirred with hand and filtered. The liquid, thus
obtained, should be added with honey and rock-salt,-made
slightly warm, filled upto the brim in a drinking pot, and
impregnatedwith the following mantra. [The mantra has to
be recited in its original language for which the script is
Romanized below. The translation is furnished thereafter
only for the comprehensionof its connotations.]

Original Mantra:
' Om brahma-
daksaiv i rudr endra -
bhu- candrarkanilanalah I
Hayah sausadhigrama
bhutasahgha|capantu te ll
devandmamrtam yafuA I
bhaisajyam idam astu te ll'
Translationof the Manta :
May Brahmd, Daksa, the A6vins, Rudra,
Indra, the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the Wind,
the Fire, the Sages,all the Drugs and all the
living beingsprotect you.
Let the recipe produceeffects on you as the
. rejuvenatingrecipeshave done to the sages,as
the ambrosiahasdoneto the gods,and as sudha
(a type of ambrosia)hasdone to the chief of the
After the recipe has been impregnatedwith the mantra
describedabove, it should be administeredto the patient
while he is facing towards the eastor the north repeaiedly tilr
the bile comesout along with the vomited material.This is
essential, specially for the patients suffering from kaphaja
type of fev er,g ulma (phantom fumour) andp r at i Sy dya (chr onic
cold). By this method,emesistakesplace properly.
If the urge for vomiting is weak, then this should be
augmented by the repeated administration of the paste of
pippa.E, dmalaka,sar{apaandvacdaddedwith salt and warm
water till the bile appearsin the vomited material.
This is the method of administering all types of emetic
recipes. t 14 l
The term 'sneha-sveda'mentionedin the abovetext refersto
16 C A R A K A - SN

fornentation(sveda)aftermassagewith oil, etc.,(sneha).lnSiddhi | :

6, a physicianis advisedto give fomentationtherapyafteroleationfor
threedaysminimum andsevcndaysmaximum.That statementretersto
the oleation thcrapy administeredthrough rnouth.Thus, therc is ntr
contradictionbetweenthesetwo statements.
Beforethe administrationof emetictherapy,sneha-sv'eda (tnassage
with oil accompanied with fomentation)is statedto be givcn for two or
threedays.'Thisoil massageculn fomentationtherapyshouldbe givcn
only after the administrationof oral oleationtherapy.In fact, it should
start from the last day of the oral oleation therapy.After oral oleation
therapy(as statedin Suta l3 : 8l), a gap of one day should be given
before giving food. Thereafter,emetic therapyshould be given. So oil
lnassagecum fomentationtherapycanbc given for threedaysbeforc the:
administrationof emetictherapy,i.e.on the lastday of the oraloleation
therapy,on the interveningday and on the day when /tapftrl-cxcitrng
food is to be given at night.The durationof threedayscan be rcduced
to only two days by ornitting this massagecurn fomentationtherapl'
either on the first day or on the last day as per the requiretnentof thc'
'anati-snigdha'neaning'not very unctuous'mentioned
The term
in the abovetext can be interpretedin two differentways, viz., (l) the
patient,only when he is not very unctuous,should be given elnetic
therapy,and (2) the patient,if he is not very unctuous,can be givert
emetic therapy after he has taken gruel addedwith ghee which causcs
Emetic therapyshouldbe adrninisteredin the morning when there
is sadharana-kala(neithertoo hot, nor too cold, nor too hurnid)--vide
Seedsof madana-phalaarestatedto be takenin antar-nakha-must i
or fistful quantity or in any other appropriatequantity. By implication,
thereis no fixed doseof this recipe.The dosemay vary, dependingupon
the strengthofthe patient,natureofthe aggravateddosasandsuchother
While enumeratingthedrugsfor decoction,yasli -madhuis separated
from the remainingeight drugs ltke kovidarc becausethesc(group of)
eight drugs will be frequently usedin the preparationof recipesto be
Powderof thd seedsof ntadana-phalaisstatedto be rnixed with the
decoctionof drugs,kept,strainedand then administered.By

irnplication, the recipe has to undergoa secondprocessof decoction.

Alternatively, this recipeis to be usedin the form of f|ta-kaqaya(cold
The cup to be used for taking the recipeis statedto be filled upto
the brim with the liquid recipebecauseof its auspiciousnesslike purna-
kumbha (ar filled upto the brim with water and coveredwith leaves,
flowers and coconutwhich is during sacredrituals, kept neer the main
entranceor in the sacredpendalfor bestowingauspiciousness).
The patient should take the reciperepeatedlytill the bile appears
in the vomited material. This point will also be emphasisedin Siddhi
Use of Honey and Rock-salt
qtg A qg$€Ef u,m'F{drrr*{ref qq+g F+qszrr(rr

In all the emetic recipes,honey and rock-salt should be
added in order to facilitate the liquefaction and chedana
(separationof adhesion)of kapha. This honey added to
emetic recipesis not incompatiblewith heat (i.e. taken after
it is added to hot water which generally produces toxic
reactions)becausethis honeyis thrown out undigestedalong
with vomitedmaterial,andhelpsin theeliminationof morbid
dosas. I ls l
There are emetic recipeswhich are taken by inhalation. In such
recipeshoney and rock-salt are not added.Since in many recipes for
emesis,thesetwo drugs areused,the term'servesu' generallymeaning
all' is used only to emphasisetheir more frequent use (bahulyat).
It is statedin Sutra2T :246 that honeyheatedor given to a patient
suffering from hot ailmentsis harmful. In the emetic recipes,however,
honey taken along with hot water is thrown out beforedigestion along
with vomited material. In addition, honey helps in the elimination of
morbid material. So it is usefully added to the emetic recipes.
Similarly, in the recipesfor basti (medicatedenema),useof honey
along with wanrr liquids is consideredto be non-contradictory.
Along with nine drugs like yasti-madhu, etc., nine recipes of
madana-phala aredescribed in the above text.

Eight Recipesof Madana-phala in Pill Form

rnFrffi Et Et srrril ffiq fr;sqF-s3
srq+(, *q T+{ trtr arrdfrqqr qr*f ffi
Eqi qfaE, drqrH i ar qdtr+i ffi-
qrlur kga qrqnftC lnqFf
(out of three) parts of the seedsof madana-phala
shouldbe addedwith (six timesof; thedecoctions of kovidara,
etc., (inciui,dingkarbudara, nlpa, vidula, bimbl, 1a4a-puspl,
sadd-puspl andp ratyak-puspi- -theseeight drugsaredescribed
in para no. 14), and strained(srdvayet)for twenty one times.
With this liquid, the (remaining)third part of the seedsshould
be trituratedand madeto a paste.From out of this paste.,pills
of the sizeof harltakl, bibhltakaor dmalaft7shouldbeprepared.
One or two of thesepills shouldbe given by rubbing with one
afijali (approximately 192 ml.) of the decoctioneither of the
eight drugs (described above) to a patient suffering from
p raseka (salivation),granthi (tumouror nodules),7v ara (fev er),
udara (obstinate abdominaldiseasesincluding ascites)and
aruci (anorexia).
The remainingprocedureasdescribedabove(in para no.
14) should be adoptedfor theserecipesalso. l16 l
Seeds (powder) of madana-phala should be divided into three
parts. Two parts of it should be addedwith six times of the decoctions
of kovidara, etc. On the line suggestedfor alkali preparations (ksara-
nirmdna.vidhi),this mixture of powder and decoctionshould be strained
(through a cloth) for twenty one times. This process should be done
separately by adding each of the eight decoctions. To the liquid that
comes out after adding decoction and straining for twenty one times
eachof theseeight decoctions,the third part of the (powder of) madana-
phala should be triturated and made to a paste. From out of this paste,
pills of different si,zesare to be prepared. One or two of these pills are
to be given to the patient for emesis.Theseare c alled,mata-yoga (recipe
of pills).
These pills are to be administered with the decoction of any one of

the eight drugs describedabove.Thus, they constituteeight recipesof

The procedureprescribedfor recipesin parano. 14 like recitation
of mantra is to be followed for the recipesdescribedhere and others to
be describedlater in this chapter.
Recipesof Madana-phala Prepared with Milk
{irfir+ trgG q;
u,dFrqddlt ior er qfrrrrarTqefu{r}
irErFr Errqq YiTr*i @; FFt qr qqg:
FdrFrdrqfti fir+ r€FTt s{:zfiua€d q r3qilhiqF{*; Ffr
sqr=f {** il qs l l
The four recipesofmadana-phala preparedby boiling
- with milk are as follows :
( 1) According to the procedure prescribed for kslra-paka,
seedsof madana-phalashouldbe cookedby addingmilk.
(2) Gruel should be preparedby adding this milk. Both the
abovementionedrecipes areusefulasemeticsfor patients
suffering from downward (adhoga)type of rakta-pitta (a
diseasecharacterizedbybleedingthroughthe downward
tracts) and hrd-dalra (burning sensationin the cardiac
(3) Cream should be taken out of the yoghurt preparedof the
abovementionedmedicatedmilk. This is usefulinkaphaja
type of chardi (vomiting), tamaka (asthma) andpraseka
(4) The milk describedin item no. I aboveshouldbe cooled,
and the.creamfrom this milk should be taken out. This
cream should be administeredin the dose of one afijali
(192 ml). This is useful whenpitta is aggravated,and the
phest, throat as well as heart are adheredwith thin layer
of kapha.
Therestof theprocedure,tobe followed in this connection,
should be as describedbefore (in the paragraphno. l4).

Recipe of Madana-phala Prepared with Butter

farr1.drfr{fuge{6 q q:r€n qq+frfd vqd Tt* 1 qe tl
The buttercollectedfrom the rnilk boiled with the seeds
of madaia-phalashouldbe cookedby addingthe pasteand
decoction of nn dana -p haIa, (jlmut aka,i ksvaku, dhamar g ava,
kutaja and krta-vedhana).This medicatedshee should be
administeredin appropriatedoseto a patient suffering from
the suppression of agni (enzymesresponsiblefor digestion)
by,kapha, and dehydrationof the body.
Therestof theprocedure to befollowedin thisconnection
shouldbe as describedearlier(in parano. l4). t 18l
Four recipes preparedby boiling madana-phala with milk are
describedin parano. I 7. In the abovetext one recipepreparedby boiling
ntadana-phalain butter is described.Theseare the five recipesof milk
and gheewhich arereferredto in the verseno. 28 while summarisincthe
contentsof this chapter.
Recipeof Madana-phala for Inhalation
tn'afuq*+i tn;crfffiqrlor F:HuarSiq: EqFn+rRq
gqlw:gnrrtr Rdt F{fu ffi Tffi vrar}s+quf\,
irilFr€tud s$rri grcn{Ffilg.qer @
tnqt'qedffifr Fqr"i {*"r | | t3 r r
Seedsof madana-phalashouldbe well impregnatedwith
the decoction of phala, e-tmutaka,iksvaku, dhamargava,
kutaja andkrta-vedhana)for twenty one times, and made to
fine powderresemblingthepollensof flowers.In theevening,
a big lotus flower growing in a pond shouldbe sprinkredwith
this powder,and kept thereovernight.In the nexf morning,
the powder should be collectqdfrom over the pet;ls of the
flower.This powdershouldbegivenfor inhalationto a patient
who is of tendernature,in whom pitta andkaphaare excited
andwho hasaversionto takingmedicineorally.This inhalation

therapy should be adrninisteredafter the patient is fully fed

(upto the throat) with Haridra-krsara (a type of gruel
preparationcontainingrice and lentils), milk or gruel after
addingrock-salt,jaggery andphanira(treacle)'
The rest of the processto be followed in this connection
shouldbe the sameas describedbefore(in para no. l4).
t te l
This is the recipe of nradana-phalato be used for emesis by
Recipesof Madana-phalain theform of Treacleand Powder
q;affi @i Fts q?ren q.rFrrfr-
@ ; s{rdqqE$ar quft.*,?fSrTrfirffiur
ft+ q,rnrerrflrt qFdGfr qqFi X** I I ?oI I
Thejuice of madana-phalashouldbe extractedaccording
to the procedurealreadydescribedfor extractingthe essence
of bhallataka(vide Cikitsal: 3:14).It shouldthenbe cooked
of treacle,and till threads
tiil it is reducedto the consistency
appearrvhena portionof the pasteis pulled out. This linctus
shouldbe takenby the patient.
The seedsof madana-phalashould be dried in the sun,
addedwith the decoctionof ilmutaka, etc.madeto a powder,
andadministeredto thepatientwho is sufferingfrom ailmcnts
causedby the migrationof the morbidpitta to the habitatof
The restof theprocedureto be followed in this connection
shouldbe as describedbefore(in para no. l4). l20 l
Two diffcrent recipesof mad.ana-phala aredescribedabove-- one
in the form of treacleand the other in the form of powder.
Recipes of Madana-phala in theform of Varti
qFttE;'qr: ffi: tqr Efd rrqd {** | | RqI I
. Powderof theseedsof madana-phala shouldbeboiledin

the decoctionof either of the six drugs, viz., madana-phala,

jlm utaka, i ksvaku, dhamd r gava, kuyaj a andkr tavedhana, and
made to iartis (elongatedpills). Theseare to be taken mixed
with the decoctionof madana-phala,etc.
The restof theprocedureto be followed in this connection
shouldbe as describedbefore(in para no. l4). f,2l l
The varti (elongated pill) of madana-phala is to be prepared by
boiling with the decoctionof eachof the six drugs,viz., madana-phala,
ji m utaka, iksvdku, dhama r gava, kutaj a andkyt a -ved hana indi vidu all y.
Thus, these'constitutethe six different recipesof madana-phala in the
form of varti.
For the preparationof varti, the powder has to be added with four
times of the decoction and boiled. Like any other linctus preparation,
honey should be addedto this recipe also. Some physicians,however,
do not like honey to be added to this preparationbecausecooking a
substancewith honey as an ingredientis incompatible.
Recipesof Madana-phala in theform of Linctus

@-Frg*,q?rfi -rrrdr-qrear-VrEbT-
Wt-qwwt-rairna-egqt-rr+61-gq*-Tq+-+ffiffi -Etkfi ''i
fr q.ift-fr ordTfr-tffi urcfr-F{rfi -TS.Mqremqerqr+ur
ffi A€ VFdsrni {S"r|| RR||
Seedsof madana-phalashould be made to linctus by
_.boiling with the decoction of one of (l) aragvadha, (2)
v yksaka,(kuyaja), (l) svadu-kantaka (vikahkata), (4) p AftA,
(5) patala, (6) Sarhgesta(gufija), (7) murvA,(8) sapta-parna,
(9) nakta-mdla, (10) picu-marda, (Il) papola, (12) su;avi
(karavellaka), (13).gu(uci, (14) somavalka,(15) dvipika,
(l 6) p ipp aE, (l 7) p ipp alt -mula, (l 8) hast i -pipp alt, (19) ci traka,
or (24) Srhgavera[and given to the patientfor emesis].
The rest of the procedureto be followed in this connection
shouldbe as describedbefore(in para no. l{). t22)
sincetheseeds of madana-phala aretobeboiledbyaddingtwenty
different drugs separately,thesearetwenty recipesin the form of linctus

Preparation of Madana-phala in the form of Utkarika and

q-fl fiTur#dr-atu5a,-vrcgwr-EETt€^-FrR-Et6-Fq-
*ra-@-SAs€-qRfr rq-rrr$-*&nd-
rsth€r*-Frfr-ffi ffif{trFs q,qr}qr
qrftrffi"q, vffirfi.firq-*{, dqqT , qsn*q-
+'111fur+qr vfr qfl=f {A*u ??tl
Seeds of madana-phala should be cooked with the
decoctions of one of the twenty drugs, viz., (l) ela, (2)
harenukd, (3) Sata-pu$pA,(4) kustumburu,(5) tagara, (6)
kustha,(7) tvak, (8) coraka, (9) marubaka,(10) aguru, (ll)
guggulu, (12) ela-valuka, (13) Srlves{aka,(14) paripelava
(ka i v a r t a - m u sta ka ),(1 5 ) md q n sl ,( 16) Saileyaka, ( 17)
sthauneyaka(granthiparryaka),(l 8) sarala, (19) parAvatu-
paf4 and (20) q.foka-rohiryi(kayu-rohiry7).
With the pastes,thus obtained(twenty types each of),
utkarika (pan-cake) and modaka (sweetmeat) should be
prepared,followin g theprocedureprescribed f or'utkar i ka and
modaka respectively. These are to be administered in
accordance with the aggravated doqas, the nature of the
disease,and likings (proclivities)of the patient.
The rest of the procedureto be followed in this connection
should be as describedin para no. 14. 123l
Twenty typeseachof utkarika rnd modakaare describedin the
The plant aSoka-rohi47has leaveslike afoka. Somephysicians
interpretit to mean'kagu-rohigi'.
Somephysicians use'apdki-pdtrt'in the placeof 'sthau4reyaka'.
The methodsof preparingutkarika[md modakalaredescribedin
the works on "the Scienceof Culinary" (Suda-Sdstra),
Preparationsof Madana-phalain the form of Saqkutiand
C A R A K A . S AM H I T A I CH.

Ffficn"iffinh Vqemi+r qr VrE@:, {qfrd{ dT {ct'r:,

Efr qqrl T** n RY t l
Ri+q q a,,*r Bgq-ETrT-E&-€-*.,rrft-EilFrtfl?r.F-
qrrft se.-f+q-wfu r.Er€-r.rqq-e.rsrd-q-S.rtcfl ai+\arfufi r-
E6rcrsi.ilfi'-wffi qreftrrer q.qr+ur q'rrfqr | ?\ | |
The paste af tila and iali-rice should be preparedby
addingthejuice or decoctionof the seedsof madana-phala.
This pasteshouldbefurtherprocessed by addingthedecoction
of the seedsof madana-phala.Out of this paste,Saskull(a
type of pan-cake)and pupa (a preparationof sweetmeat)
shouldbe prepared,and administered to the patient.
Therestof theprocedure to be followedin thisconnection
shouldbe as describedearlier(in para no. l4).
[The pasteof tila and,Sali-ricepreparedwith thejuice or
decoction of thc seedsof madana-phalamay be further
processedby adding thel decoctionof [one of the fiftecn
drugs, viz.,) (l\ sumukha,(2) surasa, (3) kutheraka, (4)
kandlra, (5) kalamala, (6) parnasake, (7) ksavaka. (8)
phanijjhaka,(9) gyfijana,(10) kasa-marda,(11\ bhfnSaraju,
( 1 2 ) p o t a , ( 1 3 ) i k s u v a l i k a ,( 1 4 ) k a l a n k a t a k a a
, nd (15)
dandairaka (gundra or nala). From this paste. iaikults and
pltpas rnay be prepared[and administeredto the parienr
following theprocedureearlierdescribedin theparagraphno.
t4). | 24-2sl
In the paragraphno.24, one recipeof Saskuliand the other recipe
of pupc are describedto be preparedwith the decoction of ntadana-
phala.ln addition,as describedin the paragraphno, 25,by adding the
decoctionsof fifteen drugs,Saskullsandpupas (fifteen types each)are
also describedto be prepared.Thus,in the abovetexts, in total, sixreen
types each of Sa.qkullsandp-upasare described.
Preparation of Madana-phalain theform of Badara-saday,a,
iTsnq(tqr*t-TrrT-+a -ffi mr-Hdur-qTqqi-qrrrq -

{q-rmT{r @ qrrrfrqftr$TfinEsr(; *:
qrg qrfrfr il Rqt l
Seeds of madana-phalamay be added to one of the
preparationslike (l) badara-sadava(nameof a sour liquid
preparedof jujube fruit), (2) raga (an appetiserhaving sour
and pungenttastes),(3) leha (linctus),(4) modaka (sweer-
meat),(5) utkarika(pan-cake), (6) torpana(demulcentdrink),
(7) panaka (syrup), (8) mamsa-rasa(meat-soup),(9) yu$a
(vegetablesoup),or (10) madya (alcohol),and given to the
patient, dependingupon the stateof the dosas,natureof the
diseaseand likings (proclivities).By thesepreparationsthe
patientvomits well. 1 2 6l
In the aboveparagraph,tenrecipesof nadana-phala aredescribed.
nonyms of M adana-phala
rrFTr r5-{6ra3l na: ftnr*ra: r5,-dql
qqtM irer E6Fr;n I I Re | |
The recipes describedin the previous paragraphsare
those of the drug whoseSynonymsare : madana,karahata,
ratha, pindltaka, phala and Svasana.
Sincethis drug is popularly usedin severalrecipes,it is necessary
to describeits various synonyms.Similarly, synonymsof other drugs
will be describedin the subsequentchaptersof this section.
Contentsof the Chapter
ftt e*e5r:_
qet zfunr qqrlg, rn-nrcrqt, qffi r
q:a, qrfuikrqff Et *+, eftb-+rg qu_tI R4tl
vr5efrqrd3fr-51 *m: qtsvr S-sv1 t ?qtl
qvrr* qr€lqrlg rqfurrRE erd{l
ffi anrqFFt rn.ffiic+ rraFrnnI I ?o| |
To sumup :
In this chapterdealingwith the preparationsof madanq-

phata the Great Sage(Atreya) has described133 recipes,as

follows :
(l) Nine recipesin the form of decoction;
(vide para no. l4)
(2) Eight recipesin'the form of matra (pills);
( v i d e p aran o . l 6 )
(3) Five recipesin theform of medicatedmilk andmedicated
( v i d e p aran o . l 7 -1 8 )
(4) One recipe to be usedfor inhalation;
(vide para no. 19)
(5) Two recipesin the form of treacleand powder;
(vide para no. 20)
(6) Six recipesin the form of varti (elongatedpill);
( v i d e p a ran o . 2 l )
(7) Twenty recipesin the form of linctus;
(vide para no.22)
(8) Twenty recipesin the form of utkarika (pan-cake);
(vide para no.23)
(9) Twenty recipesin the form of modaka(sweet-meat);
(vide para no. 23)
(10) Sixteenrecipesof Sasku[i(a type of pan-cake);
(vide para no. 24-25)
(l l) Sixteenrecipesof pupa (a type of sweet-meat);and
(vide para no. 24-25)
(l 2) T enrecipespreparedby adding madana-p hala to badara -
(vide para no; 26)
rrqrd,d qrq ysrfrsqrq: | | I | |

Thus,endsthefirst chapterof Kalpa-sectiondealingwith

the "Pharmaceuticsof Madana-phala" of AgniveSa'swork.
as redactedby Caraka,and becauseof its non-availability,
supplementedby Drdhabala.


C H A P T E R- I I

op liuOrnrcn)
onrrtr frKffiFf qr@nelrq: I r I r I
Now we shall expound the chapter dealing with thc
"Pharmaceuticsof Jimutaka".
Thus, said Lord Atreya. l t-21
Kalpa-sthana dealswith six ernetic drugs, viz., madana-phalu,
-jlntfttaka, ikqvaku,dhamargavu, vatsaka andkrta-vedhano.The forrner
ones are less and less risky than the latter ones.Therefore,in the first
chapter, is the least risky is described. In the
subsequentchaptersdrugs which are less risky are describedbefore the
more risky ones. Oleation, fomentation and such other procedures as
described in the previous chapter (vide para no. 14) are also to be
followed for processingand administeringthe drug [fimutaka] being
described in this chapter, and also the remaining four emetic drugs that
are going to be describedin the four subsequentchapters.
Synonymsof Jlmutaka
tfi-s tfi{ru1** r6-crgqrrdd fl[l
rrrrrft q ffi q aqr gGfcrsq: || ?||
Now listen [addressedby Atreya to AgniveSa] to the
exposition on the pharmaceuticsof/rn utaka whosefruits and
flowers are used in recipes, and whose synonyms are :
gardgafi, veni and devatddaka. t3l
As describedin the abovetext, only the fruits and flowers of
jimutakaareusedasemetics. By implication,otherpartslike leavesand
branchesof this plant ire not usefulin emesis.

Therap eutic "Effects of fim utaka

J7m-utaka,taken with appropriateadjuvants,gUrgsa.ll'-tJle
* LllI"" doqas.It is useful in the treatmentof fever, asthma,
hiccup and suchotherdisorders. |4)
Jlmtuaka taken with the vayu-alleviatingdrugs alleviate vayu.
When taken along with pitta-alleviatingdrugs, ir cures pitta. When
taken along with kapha-alleviatingdrugs, it alleviareskapha.
Recipesof JTmutaka
Preparedby Boiling with Milk
tgrc||;ri qgTrIEftTI
rr€r: gqser, F{,i+ qre fur qqFilr | | \ | |
ffi ffi, Es{irrdq*l
Tt qqfu qerwi qrd @nqtl
lftrrrH q Ugq,un ?nar.ri errq+ qdr
qsfg q€rqT {RF eram{a, fir&(t r s rr
. Jlntiltaka endowed with all the attributes,growing in
appropriateland and collected accordingto the prescribed
procedure as describedbefore ffor madana-phala in Kalpa
I : 9, 10, 14] shouldbe used,as follows :
(l ) The flower shouldbe boiled with milk and this milk
shouldbe used;
(2) The freshlyappearedfruit shouldbe boiled with milk
and usedas gruel;
(3) The fruit when coveredwith hair should be boiled
with milk, and the cream taken out of it should be
(4) The fruit which hasbecomefree from hair shouldbe
boiled with milk, and the milk should be made to
curds.The creamof this curd is to be used;
(5) The matured fruit which is green and yellowish
shouldbe boiled with milk. The sour curd prepared
of this milk is to be used:and

(6) Fully maturedfruit which is dried shouldbe kept in

a cleancontainer.OneSwkti(24 Gms.) of this fruit
shouldbe madeto pcwder and takenby addingmilk.
This is useful for a patient who is suffering from
ailmentscausedby vayu andPitta' t5-71
In the abovementionedtext six recipesof Jtmrttakapreparedwith
milk are described.
Recipeof Jlmutako Preparedwith Alcohol
3{rgil q grrqu} Erd(arr$f firaql
qln}sM q,rt qrrrgfri Fqeqfurllz ll
Tlre [powder of the] fruit of Jlmutal<ashouldbe soaked
in sura.-ry1aryda(supernatantpart of alcohol) and kept over-
niglif. fnereafter, the recipe shouldbe stirredwith hand and
strained.The liquid thus obtained,should be taken by the
patient sufferingfrom anorexiacausedbykapha,bronchitis,
anemiaand tuberculosis. t8l
For this and for such other preparationsto be described later, the
ripe fruit of Jtmutako should be used. As a general rule (unless
otherwise specified) the fruit should be ripe and matured when it is to
be used in a recipe.
byBoilingin Decoctions
of JimfitakaPrepared
i qrdcnrrcrqr*fur Uqqr qta,lzT ErT
ffi qr fTETFTE-q{q qTllS ll
qrqr*qrEi {€r tie f{fuqr nr&qt
Two or threefruits of Jlmutaftc shouldbe boiled in the
decoctionsof [one of the twelve drugs, viz.,f (l) guducl, (2)
madhuka,(3) kovidara, (4) karbuddra, (5) nlpa, (6) vidula,
(9) sadd'puspf ( l0) pratyak-puspi,
(7) bimbt, (8) Sana-puqpi,
(lI) nimba and (12) kutaia. Then the liquid should be
fermented,filtered out and given to the patientaccordingto
theprocedureprescrlbedformadana-phala(vide kalpa I : l4).
[9 -
In the above text, among others karbuddra, etc., are described to

be used as decoctions.Thesesevendrugs (item nos. 4 to l0 above) are

describedin Kalpa | : 14.
Thus, twelve recipesof jimutaka to be preparedby boiling with
decoctionsare describedin the above text.
Recipesof Jlmutaka Preparedby Adding Decoctions
Fanf {-+{( fir*qr I to | |
q${fizT a,,qr}ur fqnrffida: r
Alternatively, the powder of JTmutakashould be taken
alon&.yit!" the decoctionsof one of (l) aragvadha, (2)
vrksaka,(3) svadu-kantaka,(4)patha,(5)patala,(6) iarngesta
and (7) murva by the patient sufferingfrom fever causedby
aggravated pitta and kapha according to the procedure
describedealier(vide Kalpa I : l4). uDt/2- t/2lll
In the abovetext sevenrecipesof Jimutaka to be taken along with
the decoctions are described.
These seven drugs beginning with aragvadha are described in
Kalpa | :22.
Recipesof JlmutakaPreparedin theform of Pills
HTTT:q: qdf,€fcz) flT E?IT:| | qq | |
Eight typesof pills (varti) of ilmutaka areto be prepared
on the line suggestedfor madana-phala(vide Kalpa l:16).
The size of each of thesepills should be like that of a kola
(ujube fruit). I Itt/21
For the preparation of pills of jlmutaka, the procedure laid down
in respectof the pills of madana=phalain Kalpa I : I 6 is to be follorved.
There the size of the pills of madana-phalais describedto be that of
either hantaki, vibhltaka or amalakl. However,in the caseof fimutaka,
the size of the pills should be like kola Qujtbe fnrit).
Recipesof JTmutakato be Usedwith .Iuice
lMrr$qr11 Vrdpqf rtq qrr
The powderof fim-utakashouldbe usedalong with the
juice of oneof the four drugs,viz., (l) jTvaka,(2) ysabhaka,

(3) iksu,or (4) Satavariin the treatmentof fcver causedeithcr

by pitta or kapha or by vayu andpitta. f.t2)
ln the irbovetext fbur rccipesof/nr r taka to be takenalong with the
juice of drugs are described.
Recipeof Jlmutaka Preparedin theform of MedicatedGhee
ir€n *qr€str( Fgcr qa|(-€rdRI
q-crrtr q,,qrfur*€ -erci rd(t I qQtl
From themilk boiledby addingjTmutaka,gheeshouldbe
prepared.This gheeshouldbe cookedby addingthedecoction
of madana-phala,etc. It is an excellentrecipe[for emesis].
t 13l
In the above text one recipe of medicated ghee prepared of
fi ntutaka is ciescribed.
Clntents of Chapter
nr s*dl-
qa- St qffi qfti grffr qrqtr
qq =nrreerrffi t5.qras€t u aFd'g| | ty | |
ffiqg iildqrfr Td +{i gqfrffrd{l
q,e+ *xrq,rqf q +rnFgrxErFr*l: ll t\ ll
To sumup :
There are thirty-nine recipesof ftmutaka, as follows :
( I ) Six recipespreparedby boiling milk with ilmutaka;
(vide versenos.5-7)
(2) One recipepreparedby soakingiTmutakain alcohol:
(vide verseno. 8)
(3) Twelve recipespreparedby boiling with decoctions;
(vide versenos.9-tl, l0)
(4) Sevenrecipesto be usedalong with decoctions;
( v i d ev e r s en o s . l 0 t l r - t l z l l )
(5) Eight recipesin the form of pills (varri);
( v i de ve rsel l tl r)

(6) Fourrecipesto be usedalongwith thejuiceof jivaka,

e t c . :a n d
( v i d e ve rsen o . l 2 )
(7) One recipe of medicatedghee.
( v i d ev e r s en o . 1 3 ) t 1 4 - 1 5l
FsFr+rFt F* @ EaqilFqfr-t
q'w+sn+*Tc*rae* qrq ffifrsrq: n Rn
Thus, ends the secondchapterof Kalpa-sthdnqdealing
with the "Pharmaceuticsof jtmutaka" in Agnivesa'swork as
redacted by caraka, and becauseof its non-availabilitv
supplementedby Drdhabala.

(P H A R MA cE U T ICoSp lr $vAr u)
3[ena FFr€eF,.€ qrGn€IrrT: | | ? | |
Eft a gra rrrrqrqr+q:ll R| |
We shall now expound the chapter dealing with the
"Pharmaceuticsof lkqvaku".
Thus, saidLord Atreya. Lr-2|
ffi egrqdqqr€€Fd Eoi s{rstt
I shall [hereafter]explain the effective recipesof iksvdku,
and the types of patientsfor whom theseare very useful.
FrEltserasororqF$fr ftrgq.e{r itsn | | I l I
. VFr€: qffi *q *qi inq e-erill
[Synonyms of iksvdkuj are lambd, kaYukalab-u,tumbl,
piryQa-phala,and phalini. Its recipes will be described
[hereafter]. l3tlr-
Efficts of lkqvaku
ydrqFd =Tt +q qr{Td irFeeqtr
It is useful as emetic for patients suffering from cough,
asthma,toxicosis, vomiting and fever, for thosewhose kapha
is dried up, and for thosewho are distressedwith palpitation.
[ 4rlr_ |

Recipesof lksvaku Preparedwith Milk and Alcohol

srgqs ritr€ffii 5fu qrtvRtfud{t | \ tl
srs€e) Td Esr( firfrfq.+ irq-+l
gqrftg q E€rt: qfrt ffi rTenuq n
*tn $marr{qr Etrquln {!dut: I
qesrsrrrf q t{rcrqffirql lsll
gt'furi q.* €r( €{tt q ffir
ff rlefrEi qfr{ gRrffqr qftrrr e u
qn rqrq Ffi* eli sqr+ Rr q rq ftr\t
arqTqfitur ffi qrd+( qr++fr qu s rl
,Fffig ql
Eight milk preparationsand one alcoholicpreparationof
ikqvaku are as follows :
( I ) Oneprastftaof milk shouldbe boiledby addingone
loose fistful of iksvaku-sprouts which have not yet
put forth flowers,and shouldbe given to the patient
suffering from kaphaja type of fever associated
with aggravatedpitta. (To this recipefour prasthas
of water should also be addedwhile boiling).
(2-5) As per the descriptionof the recipesof ltmutaka in
the earlier chapter(vide Kalpa 2 : 5-6), four types
of milk preparationsare to be made out of the
flowers, etc., of ikqvaku.
(6) Alcoholic preparation: The maturedfruits of ikqvaku
which is greenandyellowishshouldbe kept soaked
i n su ra -ma rl Qa(su p e rnatantpar t of alcohol)
[following the proceduredescribedin Kalpa 2 : 81.
This constitutesthe fifth recipe of flowers and
fruits. (Theearlierfour recipesarealreadydescribed
abovein item nos.2-5).
(7) One part of thejuice of ikqvakashouldbe boiled by
addingthreepartsof milk (andfour times of water).
This should be administeredto the patient whose
chestis afffictedwith aggravatedkapha, and who is

suffering from hoarseness of voice (svara-bhecla)

as well as coryza (plnasa).
(8) The pulp of a ripe fruit of i ftsvdku shouldberemoved
and in this shell, milk should be kept for such a
period till it gets convertedinto curd. This curd
shouldbe takenby the patientsufferingfrom cough
with phlegm,asthmaand vomiting.
(9) Seedsof ikqvakushouldbe impregnated with goat's
milk. This milk shouldbe given as a porion to a
patient suffering from toxicosis,gr.t/nra(phantom
tumour), udara (obstinate abdominal diseases
i n c l u d i n g a s c i t e s ) ,g r a n t h i ( n o d u l e s ) ,g a r l 4 a
( e n l a rg e rn e n to f th yro i d gland) and iltpada
(elephantiasis). tl2l0
[ 5r/r- ]
In the above text, eight rnilk preparationsand one alcoholic
preparation of iksvaku are described.
Recipe of lksvaku to be taken with Whey
TfiETI qr rFatrrTEi qrug-{Effi{il: lt !o tl
Thepulp of iksvakushouldbe mixed with whey and taken
by the patient sufferingfrom anernia,ku;lha (obstinateskin
diseasesincludingleprosy)and toxicosis. I l 0 ' / 2]
Recipe of lksvaku to be Prepared by Boiling with Butter-rnilk
t{ F*i fuTtri qr rTqqt(Fqoffr*qr
The pulp of iksvakuboiled by adding butter-milk, and
mixed with honey and salt may be taken (for emesis).
I ]
Recipe of lksvakufor Inhalation
gqr rftr{*: qd: FEfEhrqqtrrdRt
I tt | |

The juice and powderof dried flowers of iksvdkushould

be sprinkledover a garland.The patientshabituatedto pleasant
smell will vomit by the very smell of this garlandof flowers.
I llt/^ - tl^ 12l

Recipesof lksvaku with Jaggery,etc.

qqr+( rnficeri qr glT rr€r+{ q | | qRI I
qr ffi qr Tfr+q?aqr
For emesis,the pulp of iksvakumay be takenalongwith
jaggery or oil-cake.
The medicatedoil preparedwith the pasteof the fruit of
The medicatedghee preparedon the lines suggested
e a r l i e r( i n Ka l p a 2 : 1 3 )a l soca u sesvomiting.l lztl2- tlzl3l
Recipeof lksvaku Usedby IncreasingNumber of Seeds
trgrqwrSarF{ q-cnffi qefrirtqt I qQll
ftrAfdp ffi arqr}qwmt
The seedsof ikqvaku beginning with fiftv in number
should be graduallyincreasedby tens till the numbercomes
to one hundred.Thus,either50, 60, 70, 80, 90 or 100 seeds
of iksvakushouldbe crushedand addedto the decoctionsof
jimutaka, iksvaku,
one of the six plants,(viz., madana-phala,
dhamargava,vatsakaandkrtavedhana),andusedfor emesis.
I l3tl2-
In the above text, six recipes of iksuaku, depending upon the
number of seeds(viz., 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 or 100) or rhe number of
decoctions(which is also six) to be used for emesisare described.
Recipesof lksvaku to be Used With Decoctions
fir*qil qy t l
One closedfistful of the seedsof iksvakushouldbe taken
alongwith thedecoctions (nine)of anyoneof ( l)yastimadhu,
(2) kovidara, [(3) karbudara,(4) nlpa, (5) vidula, (6) bimbi,
(7\ Sana-puspi, (8) sada-puqpl or (9) pratyak-puspil for
€mesls. I t4t/2]
In the above text, nine recipesof ikqvakuto be taken along with
decoctions of nine drugs are described.

Recipe of lksvaku in theform of Pills

By adding the decoctionsof any one of kovidara,
[karbudara, nlpe, vidula, bimbl, 3at.ta-pu;p7,sadd-pu;pi or
pratyak-pu$p11,pills (matras) should be prepared out of
ikqvakuon the lines suggestedfor madana-phala(vide Kalpa
I : l6), and usedfor emesrs. t/215
I ]
In the above text, eight different recipes of iksvaku prepared by
adding one of the eight decoctionsare described.
Recipesof lksvaku in theform of Linctus
futaqnovr*urESffidrqiqr lq\ll
TilqRzr Td $Trrnsgrjrta'TftrRfizr
qT-e *eqrrrs ffinqqrl
if +d qTerH Egr{E.{rsF-fin r qe rl
qrn( FcrrffSrr$n qkf e =r vfldt r
d fucqrf,qr +6 gwm u Rquqan
*w qq)sFq*Qrrqtqg* gergET+r
One aftjali (192 Gms.) of the seedsof iksvakushouldbe
boiled by adding(eightaftjalis)of the decoctionof the root of
bilva till the liquid is reducedto one fourth. To threeparts of
this straineddecoction,one part of phar.tita(treacleor half
boiled sugar-canejuice) andonepart of gheeshouldbe added.
To this, half parts each of the paste of maha-jalini (plta-
kosatakl), frm-utaka, krtavedhana (jyotsnika) and vatsaka
should be added.
The linctus shouldbe preparedby cooking over mild fire
and by stirring with the help of a large spoon till the stuff
becomesthick in consistency,and threadsappearwhen a part
of it is pulled-out, and it doesnot spreadwhen a part of it is
put into water.
This linctus should be taken in appropriatedose and

thereafter, pramathya(decoctionof digestion-stimulant

should be used as post-prandialdrink.
Similarly, recipes of linctus of iksvaku-seedscan be
prepared by adding the decoction of the roots of one of
agni-mantha,(|yonaka,patala andgambhari) separately.
Five different varietiesof linctusof iksvaku-seeds aredescribedin
the above text one each in the decoction of the roots of bilva,
agnimantha, Syonaka,patala dnd ganrbhcrT.These five roots are
collectively called "pafica-mltla" (vide Cikitsa I : I : 43).
In the placeof "caturthahphanitasya/t", sometexts read"travah
trikatukasya ca", i.e. three parts of trikatu (Sunthl,pippall and marica)
should be used Iin the place of one part of phanital.
In the above text the procedureof cooking a recipe of linctus is
described.At the time of final cooking, if a part of the thick stuff is
pulled out of the pan, then threadsappearand if a portion of it is placed
in water, it continuesto remain as such and doesnot get disintegrated.
This processis to be followed in respectof other linctus preparations.
Three recipes of pramathyd are describedin Cikitsa 19 :20-21.
Any one of thesethree recipescan be used as post'prandialdrink.
'mantha'(thin gruel) is
In some editionsof this work, the term
mentioned in the place of
Recipeof lksvaku to be Usedalong with Mantha
yr{ftraf freT"i gdwfiTrrrF*: | | t3 | I
Errrfiserqt 6rt q,qa:iffir
Saktu(roastedbarley flour) shouldbe impregnatedwith
thejuice of tumbl (iksvaku).Themantha(thin gruel)prepared
of this Saktu should be taken as a potion by the patient
suffering from kaphaja type of fever, cough, diseasesof the
throat and anorexia. t1220]
[ 19t12-
Recipe of Ikqvaku to be Takenalong with Meat-soup
1.d tt yH q ueS qffi' fir*qr
rfir: wg qqAd q q dtdgqT3tnRolr
The pasteof [the seedsofl iksvakushouldbe takenwith

meat-soupin gulma(phantomtumour),meha(obstinate urinary

disordersincludingdiabetes)andpraseka(ptyalism).By this,
the person gets vomiting easily and does not suffer from
weakness. t202l1l
Contentsof Chapter
ir:r cF*65l;-
q{s€t g{rqus-T<-il+T q re: I
tr rrrrilef ft{ qefcmr: *Ag qa_rr Rqrl
ga*ai e',qftg rErA ngc,,rFqTr
e{d ErFdFfi?Tr*6r: qg F{fr {FRcrTI I RR| |
+tn gprqq,,d i qanfrwa qla ql
vor qaftun rrrrrq rqmi Fccqlqqr | | RRI I
To sumup :
In this chapteron the Pharmaceutics of lksvaku,the great
sage,with the healthy well being of the people in view, has
describedforty five recipesof iksvakawhich are as follows :
(l) Eight recipespreparedwith milk;
( v i d e ve rsen o s.5 -1 0 )
(2) One recipe with sura-maqtda(supernatantpart of
(vide verseno. 7)
(3-4)Two recipesone eachof whey and butter-milk;
(vide verseno. l0- I I )
(5) One recipe for inhalation;
( v i d ev e r s en o . 1 l - 1 2 )
(6) One recipe to be taken with palala (oil-cake);
(vide verseno. l2)
(7) One recipe of medicatedoil;
(vide verseno. l3)
(8) Six recipeswith increasednumberof seeds'
( v id e ve rsen o . l 3 -1 4 )

(9) One recipeof medicatedghee;

( v i d e ve rsen o . l 3 )
(10) Nine recipesto be takenalong with decoctionsof
vastimadhaor other drugs;
(vide verseno. l4)
(l l) Eight recipesin the form of pills;
( vi d e ve sen o . l 5 )
( 1 2 ) F ive re ci p e so f l i n ctu s;
( v i d e ve rsen o s l 5 -1 9 )
( I3) One recipe of medicatedSaktu;and
(vide versenos. l9-20)
(14) One recipeto be takenalong with meat-soup.
( v i d e ve rsen o . 2 0 ) [ 2l- 23 ]
Td{i{R+ qq+cn} FFrqqrF* Trq
gffisare: n ? tl
Thus, ends the third chapter of Kalpa-sthdna dealing
with the "Pharmaceuticsof lkqvaku" in AgniveSa'swork as
redactedby Caraka, and becauseof its non-availability
supplementedby Drdhabala.

snrrfr errrFi{ffid qr€qrenrT: | | t I I
Vfa A grd sr{rq6r}q: | | R I I
Now we shall expound the chapter dealing with
rr.Pler \rv.rrrr' wrlrr the
ttpharmacgutics of Dhamargeva". it

Thus, saidLord Atreya. I l-2 )

Synonymsof Dhamargava
q-# qtatrflr rrarcnFoRtaqr
qrqFtq{q qqftn trsrffi iTentt? tl
The synonyms of dhamargava (p\ta-ghoqaka) are
kar koIakl, kotha-p hala, maha-i al i ni and r ai a -ko3atakl .
Therapeutic Effects
'rt 1-€+qfr6rA qft sffiertr
q,d q qllYll
tHS qa\EdF{r(fl{crns 1re } t
Dhamargava ls useful in the treatmentof stable and
obstinate diseasesincluding toxicosis, gulma (phantom
tumour), udara (obstinate abdominal diseasesincluding
ascites), cough, ailments caused by the localization of
aggravatedvdyuinthe habitatof kapha,diseasesof the throat
and mouth and otherdiseasescausedby the accumulationof
kapha. 14 -
Recipesof Dhamargavato be Usedwith Decoctions
uai gq varai q frfu{r Fs {t\r l\ ll

Irdt"r€rr€ qlqi Far a gfua"r: qerenI

fu<fin: tqr' qqr*{gq.€q ?n q tl
The fruits, flowers and tender leaves of dhamargava
should be collectedaccordingto prescribedprocedure.The
juice of the tenderleavesof dhamargavashouldbe dried and
made to pills. Thesepills are to be taken as a potion mixed
with the decoction of one of the drugs, vrz. kovidara,
(karbudara, nlpa, vidula, bimbl, ia4ta-pu;pl, sada-pu;1t7,
p ra tyak-p u{ pi) or yasti -madhu. t6l
These pills of dhamargava are statedin the above text to be taken
with the decoctionsof any one of the nine different drugs separately,
thus constituting nine different recipes.
Recipesof DhamargavaPreparedwith Milk and Alcohol
gunRg qffitnrtqn: qgfi grr r
Four milk preparationsand one alcoholicpreparationof
dharnargava should be made according to the procedure
describedbefore (vide Kalpa 2 : 5-6). Ltlo7 l
Recipesof Dhamargava Prepared with Decoctions
\fiui{Uqlunrd: tR'F[: geqrd u e n
qgffiq q,qrlqr ffi€tf q-dql
FrIF qfuf rfi fuqnrwefinetl
€r{gdffi.reil n qrEra EE'tFrstqT:
Now the recipespreparedof matured and dried fruits of
dhamargava will be described.
The seedsof dhamargava should be removed from the
fruit. The fruit should then be filled up with the decoctionsof
yaqli-madhzmixed with jaggery andkept overnight.Similarly,
the fruit canbe filled up with jaggery mixed with the decoctions
of one of kovidara, (karbuddra, nipa, vidula, bimbi, 1arya-
putpi, sada-puqpi or pratyak-puqp7,) and kept overnight.
These(nine)decoctionsareto be used[for emesis]to paticnts

suffering from gulma (phantomtumour). udara (obstinate

abdominal diseasesincluding ascites)and other diseases
c a u s e db y k a p h a . tl29l
Nine recipes of dhamargavo with nine ditfbrent decoctionsare
describedin the above text.
This processof taking out the seedsof dhanmrgavaand filling it
with jaggery is also describedin Jatukarna.
Emetic therapyis generallycontra-indicatedfor patientssuffering
from gulma (phantom tumour). But in certain stagesof this ailment
emetic therapy is useful for which it is describedhere.
Recipeof Dhamargavato be Given with Food
qsrEiq vgm EFtc*qsnnA | | q | |
The powder of dhamargavashouldbe addedto food and
given for the alleviationof vomiting and cardiacailments.
Recipeof Dhamargavafor Inhalation
quHsr3ttrdrfrh qrffi FXITVT:I
T€qfrttrqrrqrF{Ed glcrT q+q\Fe-{l I QoI I
Flowers of utpala, etc., shouldbe impregnatedwith the
powder of dhamargavafor severaltimes.The patienthaving
takenrasa(meat-soup), milk, gruel,etc.,sumptuouslyshould
inhale the smell of this impregnatedflower which causes
emesiswith ease. t t0l
In addition,to utpala (water lily) other flowers llke saugandhika
(redvarietyof waterlily) andlotusmay alsobeusedin suchpreparations.
Recipesof Dhamargava in Pill-form
RttrF-rR qftf qr F,Fr r{rfrilr{l
fr+qrsqffi E ftr+(+$qvr$q+ | r qqr I

,qdE:qrqqrrrqr*i tfl vr$.r+ltqRtl

Alternatively,with the powderof dhamargava,thepill of
the size of kola fiujube-fruit) should be prepared. This pill

shouldbe mixedwith oneanjali ( 192ml.) of thejuice of cow-

dung or horse-dung,and taken[for errresis].
This pill may alsobe usedaftermixing with thejuice of
the dung of prsata (bindu-citra-harina), fsva (nilary4a),
kurahga(caficala-gati),gaja (elephant),ustre (camel),asva-
tara (vegasara),avika (sheep),ivadamstra (mouse-deer),
khara (asg)and khadga(rhinoceros)[for emesis]. I I l-12 ]
In the above versestwelve recipesof dhantargavearedescribed.
Recipesof Dhamargava in theform of Linctus
ffitr6i t1111q1g1*'i vraru.frqr
EFrffi srqutr *qr Fdr+q'frTe{FffirqtI q?1
qdffi{ilsFrtr{rrd F6 snrrFlfu i r
vrdTrtTgFgffiT e6r Eflffirf€"nql lqY ll
: q: fffit q+r
Jlvaka, ysabhaka, vlra, atnm-gupta, Satavarl, kakoll,
fravanT,meda,maha-medaand madhulikA(markata-hasta)
should be made to powders separately.Each one of these
powdersshouldbe addedwith (equalquantityof) the powder
of dhamargeva, and by adding honey as well as sugar, a
linctus should be prepared.These (ten emetic recipes) are
useful in hrd-daha (burning sensationin the cardiacregion)
and cough. Tepid water should be given as post-prandial
drink (anupana)if aggravatedkapha is associatedwith pitta
t/, 15
which is hot in nature. I 13 - |
Recipe of Dhamargava in theform of Kalka
qeu: vdAerq6: u t\ ll
Administration of the pasteof dhamargavaalong with
the decoctionof dhanya and tumburu fas emetic] cures all
forms of toxicosis. I l5t/" ]
This recipe is describedin the work of Jatlrkarna also.
Recipesof Dhamargava Along With Decoction
vrdtT: TilTr€rfrrqr rqqr*rsg ql

€ts q6rq.dFdrarrrds qil qq rl

Fwr: gft{FTr q1 6RrqCR qr yerql
\tfi ErqFfd e Er q,qra qRTg g r I qe r I
{d fir&armg1rql
Decoction should be prepared out of each of jat\,
sau,nanasyayini (y uthi kA), raj an| (har idra ), cora ka, vr Scl ra
(white variety of punarnavd), maha-saha (mudga-parnl),
k s u d r a . - s ah d(md sa -p a rn i ), h a imavatl ( vaca) , bim bl,
punarnava (red vareity) and kasamardaseparately.Each of
these[eleven]decoctionsshouldbe addedwith [the powder
of] one or two fruits of dhamargava, squeezed,and filtered.
These are excellentrecipesfor emesisin psychic disorders
(mano-vikara). t16-'/2 l8l
In ttie above text, eleven recipes of dhamargava prepued with
decoctions are described.
Recipe of Dhamargava in theform of Medicoted Ghee
rqaqfrtd qffi: qrfuf qr rFi{rRFr:n t4 rl
Dhamargavashouldbe boiled with milk, and from out of
this milk ghee should be prepared.This ghee should be
cookedby addingthe decoctionsof ncdana-phala, etc.[This
is usefulas emetic.l t l8t/, l
Contents of Chapter
rrfrr* ET *n.l: Sr gq'r gTrslr
6cn* ffi. 6F* qvr d q vrs--<}il 19rr
€nr (q'acn *i qvr a6r€t n Tdtl mqFffiT: qFz:{iftnrdftunu Rou
To sumup :
The greatsagehasdescribedsixty recipesof dhdmdrgava
as follows :
( I ) Nine recipesof tenderleaves;
(vide verseno. 6)

(2) Four recipespreparedby boiling with milk;

(vide verseno. 7)
(3) One recipe preparedwith alcohol;
(vide verseno. 7)
(4) Twenty recipespreparedwith decoctions;
(nine in versenos. 7-9, and eleven in verse nos.
(5) One recipe in the form of paste;
(vide verseno. l5)
(6) Twelve recipesto be used along with the juice of
dungsof variousanimals;
(vide versenos. I l-12)
(7) One recipe to be takenalong with food;
(vide verseno. 9)
(8) One recipe for inhalation;
(vide verseno. l0)
(9) Ten recipesin the form of linctus; and
( v i d e ve rsen o s. l 3 -1 5 )
(10) One recipe of medicatedghee.
(vide verseno. 18) [ lg-Z}j
Whilesummarising, theorderasgivenin thetexthasbeenslightly
changed perhapsfor metrical convenience.

Tfrq'$i errqr|tqfi.eil qrq
Thus, ends the fourth chapter of Kalpa-sthdna dealing
with the "Pharmaceuticsof Dhamargava" in AgniveSa's
work asredactedby Caraka,andbecauseof its non-availability

C H A P T E R. V
3Terr* ETr€EIRznrT:il ttl
gfd a trd $rrrdrrriq: I I R I I
Now we shall expound the chapter dealing with the
"Pharmaceuticsof Vatsaka".
Thus. saidLord Atreya. r.12l
ln Kalpa l:6, emetic and purgative drugs are described in a
particularsequence.In the sameorderpharmaceuticsof different drugs
are being describedin this section.Therefore,after the pharmaceutics
of dhamargava, thar of kutaja (vatsaka) is being described in this
Varieties and Synonymsof Vatsaka
sTer qrwq;1rqrp ,iE ffiffisaw r
e'oi qrg rqeqrfu Mtqr qermer{l I t ll
EFT: Vr*} Bqfd fqFrqftirfi'r r
ffigqrws nefrqt qfrff.ql: I I Y | |
{6FEFT: V+frgq: fuartrr: gqq Er*qt
wrm qrurgqr d wr-*5Rq*en: ll \ ll
I shall hereafterdescribeappropriatelythe synonymsof
vatsaka.distinctivefeaturesof its femaleand male varieties.
and its recipesin detail.
Synonyms of vatsaka are : kutaja, 1akra, vrksaka and
giri-malli&a. Its seedsare called indra-yava and kalihgaka.
The male variety of vatsakahasbig fruits, white flowers
and smooth(unctuous)leaves.The femalevarietyhasbluish

blackandpink flowers.It hastiny fruits aswell as tiny stalks.

Both thefernaleand male varietiesof vatsakchavesimilar attributes
as well as therapeuticeffects. Both the varieties, therefore,can be used
in all the recipes to be elaboratedhereafter.Only to facilitate their
identification.thesedistinctive featuresof both varietiesare described
in the above texL.
Therapeutic Effects of Vatsaka
.fiFr*fiqiltrq Eqwtk{sq: I
Vatsakacures raktq-pitta (an ailment characterizedby
bleeding from various parts of the body) and kapha, and is
useful for patientssufferingfrom heartdiseases,fever, vata-
rakta (gout) and visarpa (erysipelas).It is free from any
adverse effects even if administeredto persons of tender
health. t6l
Recipes of Vatsaka in theform of Decoction
Ere qdlfr qTA Td: qqrfur fqQ+*qt
ffi gfu lrdfts-s qltraE|tetl
qg6,s q.Gn+ur qifuqlrTmrFcn r
FTFr frerif @n4tl
nr*r** *ei totffiqr
Fruits of both the varietiesof vatsaftashouldbe collected
in appropriatetime (season),dried and coarselypowdered.A
closed-fistof this powder shouldbe impregnatedby adding
the decoctionof madhuka,kovidara,(karbudara,nipa, vidula,
bimbl, Sana-p uqpl, sadd-puspl or p raty ak-puspi). After keeping
soaked for the night, the powder and decoction should be
stirred [and filtered]. After addingsalt and honey, this liquid
(decoction)shouldbe takenaspotion.Thesearethe excellent
emetic recipesfor the elimination of pitta and kapha.
[7 - l
Nine recipesof vatsakaare describedin the above text with the
decoctionsof nine differentdrugs.Eventhoughsalt andhoney areadded

to all the emetic recipes,their mention in the abovetext indicatesthat

thesetwo ingredientsare to be usedin theserecipesin large quantities.
Recipesof Vatsakain Powder Form
3{qr6 q{sfsrdur ttrf qgrtR lTreraEt | 3ll
q'qriur iftT: rnfrrriri fir*qr
qttr@q{r{-ffi T€rq iTerTuio tl
The powder [of the fruits of vatsaka]is to be impregnated
in the milky latex of arka for eight days.Onepani-tala of this
should be taken along with the decoctionof jTvaka.
Similarly, this powder can be taken separatelywith the
decoctionsof madana-phala,ftmlttaka, iksvakuor jivantl.
l9'lr- l0 l
In the above text five recipes of vatsaka in powder form are
Recipe of Vatsakato be taken with Water
Trffi qr{firqr trdrnRqrerqrs€Tr I
The powder of vatsaka [processedas per the above
descriptionl may be taken along with yater mixed with the
powder of sarsapa,madh-ukaor salt. Itl2tl]
In the above text, three recipesto be taken along with water (by
adding three different ingredients) are described.
Recipe of Vatsakato be taken with Kriara
5.yfturrrrdrg* f+<ar6wt frrqqr I qqtl
The powder of vatsaka [processedas per the above
descriptionin the verseno. 7-81may alsobe addedto kyiara
(a preparationof rice and pulses),and administeredby the
physician[to the patient]for emesis. t llt/.,]
contents of chapter
w* da:-
a,qr+dq qdg rr*r,: qffiqaq;1
q3nryF.{rrrqfendrrf*sqrqqr SiTr:n tRrr

To sum up :
Eighteenrecipesof vatsakaaredescribedIin this chapter]
as follows :
( I ) Nine recipesin the form of decoctions;
(vide versenos.7-9)
(2) Five recipesin powder form;
( v i d ev e r s en o . 9 - 1 0 )
(3) Three recipesto be taken along with water; and
(vide verseno. I l)
(4) One recipe to be taken with kriara.
( v i d e v e r s e n o l.l ) tl2l
mlcr€qR+ ErdE1i5i5d rTIq
q =A rffsE E n q:llkll
Thus,endsthefifth chapterof Kalpa-sthdnadealingwith
the "Pharmaceutics
of Vatsaka"in Agnive6a'swork asredacted
by Caraka,and becauseof its non-availability,supplemented
by Drdhabala.

3defliT:F.ffuTch-id qr@ntnq: II t ||
Now we shall expound the chapter dealing with the
"Pharmaceuticsof Krtavedhana".
Thus, saidLord Atreya. I l-21
This is the last chapteron the pharmaceuticsof emetic drugs.
Synonyms of Krtavedhana
5-ditrr{rrnh u-s qrer Frdqdl
Ss: qivmr*t =il*; gqgqffi+q qu Qtl
Now listen to the synonyms of krtavedhana, and its
Its synonymsare : ksveda,koiatakl andmrdanga-phala.
Attributes and TherapeuticEffects of Krta-vedhana
srdrfr*.gfrFilEr rnlFq€ 'rtg ur
It is exceedinglypungent,sharpand hot. It is useful in
deep-seateddiseases,viz., kustha (obstinateskin diseases
includingleprosy),anemia,splenicdisorders,Sop ha(oedema),
gulma (phantomtumour), toxicosis,etc. t4l
Recipesof KrtavedhanaPreparedwith Milk and Alcohol
SnFq€gq'fr V{r *tS q{q(r
Preparationsof the flower, etc., fof krtavedhanal along

with milk and alcoholshouldbe madeon the line suggested

before, [and usedfor emesis]. l'lr5 l
Thesepreparationsare to be madeas per the rnethoddescribedin
respectof jTntutaka (v ide K alp a 2 : 5 -6) detailsof which areas follows :
. (l) The flowers of krta-vedftancshould be boiled with milk and
this milk should be used:
(2) The freshly appearingfruit should be boiled with milk and
used as gruel;
(3) The fruit when it is coveredwith hair should be boiled with
milk and the cream taken out of it is to be used; and
(4) The fruit when it is free from hair should be boiled with rnilk
and the milk should be madeto curds.The creamof this curd
is to be used.
Though someof the abovementionedrecipesare not exactly milk
preparations,still thesearepreparedof milk derivatives like yoghurt for
which theseareenumeratedin the verseno. l3 as milk preparations.
The alcoholic preparationof krta-vedhanais to be done following
the method prescribedfor llmutaka (vide Kalpa 2 : 8).
Recipesof Kyta-vedhanato be takenAlong with Decoctions
gqe5,run E tffi*i i qr ee11.fld{l | \ | |
q,qr*{gq,rffi =rqFr: q'ilf,{ fir*qr
Dependingupon his strength,thepatientshouldtake one
or two of the ripe fruits of krta-vedhanaalong with the
decoctions of any one of the nine drugs, vrz., madhuka,
(kovidara, karbudara, nlpa, vidula, bimbl, flarya-pu;pT,
pu$pl or pratyak-pu$pl).This potion is to be used according
to the procedure prescribed for madana-phala (vide Kalpa
l:14). [5'/r-'lr6]
In the above text, nine preparationsof krta-vedhanato be taken
along with decoctions are described.
Recipesof Krta-vedhana in theform of Linctus
€rerfuiErrnairs E€r +6 frenq}qrr q rr
$.il*elffiffi rfiflEertvr1fgil(l
The decoction of the fruit of krta-vedhana should be

preparedand filtered. To this liquid, one part of the pasteof

kyta-vedhanaandhalf part of the pasteof,etc.,
shouldbe added.This shouldbe cooked.madeto a linctus and
used for emesis. [ 6 ' l r - ' / r 7]
[It appearsfrom Cakrapdni's commentary that the above text was
not availablein the Caraka-samhitawhichwasin his possession.He h:rs
quoted the text and agreedto its inclusion becauseof a similar text
availablein Jatukarrya-santhita.Accordingto him, thesenine recipesof
linctusareonly supplementaryonesof nine decoctionsdescribedearlier
in versenos. 5-6. Therefore,theserecipesof linctus are not described
in the contentsof this chapter,summarisedin versenos. l3-14).
Recipesof Kyta-vedhanain the Form of Decoction
Terq qrrrqeJrffi ff{trsdqt I e tl
The powder of krta-vedhanamay be maceratedwith the
decoctionsof any one of the thirteendrugs, viz., aragvadha,
(vyksaka,svadu-kaqtpaka, pathA, pAtulA, Sarngestd,mltrve,
sapta-parna, nakta-mala, picumarda, patola, susavi and
guQuci).[Theserecipesmay be usedfor emesis.] [7 tl?]
In the verse no. 5, nine recipes in the form of decoctions are
described.In the abovetext (verseno. 7), thirteenrecipesin the form of
decoction aredescribed.Taken together,thesetwenty-two recipesin the
form of decoction are referred to in the summary to be described in the
verseno. 13.
Recipesof Krta-vedhana in Slimy Form
vrrsfr qn-{urfTrfi ranFrffi +wsrn
Krta-vedhana should be added with the powders of the
roots of one of the ten drugs Qticchas), viz., idlmall,
fsalmalaka, bhadra-parn|, ela-parn|, upodika, udddla,
dhanvana, rajadana, upaciffA andgopi. Powder of theseten
recipes becomesslimy when mixed with water]. These ten
slimy recipesshouldbe usedfor emesis. ['/r8]
The above mentioned ten drugs are elaboratedin Vimana B : 135.
Recipesof Krta-vedhanain theform of Pills
qftfFnrn: q q'trq(, rt-cTT{=rryf nw I I a I I

On the lines suggestedfor madana-phala,six types of

vartis (elongated pills) should be prepared. In the same
manner,medicatedgheemay alsobe made.[Administration
of thesepills and the medicatedgheecausesemesis.][ 8t/r]
Methodsof preparation gheearedescribed
of pills andmedicated
i n K a l p al : 1 8 , 2 1 .
Recipes of Kyta-vedhana in the form of Linctus
qivrrfrfirf{ qswr( fu qtqt
d qqrq s-irrsrr u,-c*fr6 gq: q*qr r s rr
q+ssirr rlrrl: ffiEr
ursr*: fut* F( effi+( Ecrqu io ll
Fifty fruits of krta-vedhanashouldbe cookedby adding
the juice (or decoction)of kovidara. This should then be
added with the pasteof madana-phala,(jlmutaka, iksvdku,
dhdmargava, kulaja or krta-vedhana),cooked again and
made to a linctus. To the decoction,one part of the pasteof
ksveda or krtavedhana(which should be one fourth of the
decoction)andhalf partof the pasteof eachof madana-phala,
(fimutaka, ikqvaku,dhamargava andkugaja)should be added
before cooking.
Similarly, these recipes of linctus are to be prepared
separatelywith thedecoctionsof ( I ) kovidara,(2) karbudara,
(3) nlpa, (4) vidula, (5) bimbl, (6) 1arya-puqpl,
(7) sadd-puspl,
or (8) pratyak-puspl. te-r0l
Alongwith eightdifferentdecoctions above
of thedrugsdescribed
eight typesof linctusareto be prepared.
Recipes of Kyta-vedhana in the form of Meat-soup
q,qr+s u-erftrerlti ftFti FerEil
rrq qffir ri lrtrqni firdqr I tq | |
qerfqnrurfuar R3;( $<td ftrdqr
To the decoctionsof (l) madana-phala,(2)fimutaka, (3)
ikqvdku,(0 dhAmArgave,(5) ku{aja, or (6) krta-vedhana fthe

powderofl koiatakl or krta-vedhanaandequalquantityof the

meat of aquatic animals should be added and cooked. This
meat-soupshouldbe administeredwith salt [as emetic].
Similarly,with thedecoctionof koiatakl or krta-vedhana,
mea[of aquaticanimalsandequalquantityof [thepowderofl
madana-phala,ltmutaka, iksvaku,dhamargava,kutaja and
krta-vedhana fall taken togetherl should be cooked. This
meat-soupmay alsobe administered for emesis. I I I -tlzl2]
In the above text sevenrecipesof meat-soupare described.
Recipeof Kyta-vedhanaPreparedby Boiling with Sugar-cene
e*d q,r$ fit*(ffi frrrfrqr+{ ?u qRrl
The powderof krta-vedhanashouldbe boiledby adding
sugar-cane juice and administered
[for emesis]to the patient
sufferingfrom kasa(coughing). I lzt lzl
Preparationof this recipe by cooking is specifiedby Jatflkarna.
Contentsof the Chapter
d* etflr5t-

St d at g{r *qr wtelr EirrdsrftrRerTl

ryr fltrar Td +qi q? qftlFx-{Tr:
{rn: n q?tl
e*s€t rrat rrR ia z*'r gQ;risq1,1
Ft*erffidsfuq qHrn: sqtft{m: lt qYll
To sumup :
In this chapter describingthe Pharmaceuticsof Krta-
vedhana,sixty recipesof this drug are described,as follows:
(l) Four preparations with milk;
(vide verseno. 5)
(2) One preparationwith alcohol;
(vide verseno. 5)
(3) Twenty-twopreparations
in the form of decoction:
(vide versenos.5-7)

(4) Ten preparationsin the form of piccha (slimy

( v id e ve sen o . 8 )
(5) One preparationin the form of medicatedghee,
(vide verseno. 8)
(6) Six preparationsin the form of varti (pills);
(vide verseno. 8)
(7) Eight preparationsin the form of linctus;
( v id e ve rsen o s.9 -1 0 )
(8) Sevenpreparations of meat-soup;and
(vide versenos. I l-12)
(9) One preparationwith thejuice of sugar-cane.
( v i d e ve rsen o . 1 2 ) [ 13- 14]
lrrTqETs&[fq;ll Q ll
Thus, ends the sixth chapter dealing with the
"Pharmaceuticsof Krta-vedhana" in the Kalpa-sectionof
Agnive6a'swork as redactedby Caraka,and becauseof its
non-availabili+y,supplementedby Drdhabala.

C H A P T E R .V I I
or SvAvtA-rntvnr)
wmrrroet ETr€ttrFnrT:
| | ?I I
EFcA g16 rrrrqrtrlq: | | R| |
Now we shall expoundthe chapterdealingwith the
'oPharmaceutics -trivyt".
of Sy'atna
Thus, said Lord Atreya. l t-21
In the previoussix chaptersof this section(Kalpa-sthalta),recipes
of different drugs for the purpose of emesis are described. In the
remaining six chapters, recipes of different drugs for the purpose of
purgation are to be described.Among the purgatives,trivrt is the most
innocuous.Therefore,in the presentchapter,recipesof this drug are
being describedon priority basis.
Trivyt, dependingupon the colour of its root is of two types, viz.,
Syana-trivyt(black) 'dndarurya-trivrr (pink). According to the verseno.
7,the arurya-trivrtis betterthanthe former. But the Syam7-trivrthasthe
property to eliminate the rnorbidrnaterialfrom the body (by purgation)
quicker becauseof which in the title of this chapterthe epithet
is prefixed to trivyt.
Recipes of this drug (trivrt) to be described later can be prepared
with either of theseor with both these varieties dependingupon the
natureof the aggravateddo;as,strengthof the physiqueof the patient
and such other factors.
Importance of Trivrt as Purgative
frrH *qtrr6{+Fqqr: r
ireqr: ffilr gwr: a'd *q, q-rqg ag* n ? t l
Accordingto wisephysicians, therootof trivrt is thebest
among the purgatives.Its synonyms,attributes,actions,
varietiesandrecipeswill be described[hereafter]. t3l

The root of trivrt as described above is the best among the

purgatives.This refers to both the varieties,i.e. the one having aruna
(pink) and the other having Syama(black) root.
tflryr$ Ff,{dr *a eqrqr q-wn iTslrl
FqhT.rd: gT6T Vrd, qqkcrFEr+:llY ll
Tribharydt,trivytd, fydmd, kltgarana,sarvanubhutiand
suvaha- thesearethe synonyms of this drug'trivft'. f,4l
6qr€il qg{r f f i r e q T q q T l
E6,t6ftrf,lrvrlr+ rleqFaaTFrdqHu \ rl
ffiN{-tl ffi:r
qcq*iqqrcns Trdtrrf{r qr\r ren
Tri.vytis astringentand sweet in taste,ununctuousand
pungentin vipake.It alleviatesKapha andPitta. Becauseof
its ununctuousness it aggravatesvdyu.However,when drugs
for the alleviation of vdyu, pitta and kapha are addedto it in
a recipe, it becomescapableof curing all types of diseases
(causedby vdyu,pitta and kapha), ts-61
lthas the naturalpropertyto aggravatevdyn.But when compounded
with vayu-alleviating drugs in a recipe, it becomes capable of curing
diseasescausedby vayu as well. It has the natural property to alleviate
pitta andkapha.But when added with pitta andkapha-alleviating drugs
in a recipe, it becomesall the more useful in curing diseasescausedby
pitta and kapha respectively. Becauseof combination with different
drugs and becauseof preparationsaccordingto different pharmaceutical
processes,it cures all diseaseswhether causedby vayu, pitta or kapha
individually or jointly.
rtfr il Fdfu inzn: yqrd qr€'urlerq I
a*ffi ftfr T,fi rrdFilrrnrqt
Its roots are of two types-one having black (fyama) and
the other having pink (aruna) colour. Trivrt having pink
colouredroot is more useful. t7 l

When administeredfor the purposeof purgation, the variety of

trivrt having pink root is more useful becauseof its innocuousnature.
Utility of Pink Variety
g.{qtf"ffi TA fE.*te q ?r€${ql
It is useful as a purgative for persons having tender
health, for children, for old people and for personshaving
laxed bowel (mrdu-kostha). ['/r8]
In general, persons having tender health and children are nol
supposedto be given purgativetherapy.Even then at times, in special
circumstances,purgativesare to be given to such patients' For them,
trivrt having pink root is very useful.
Utility of Black Variety
@frq*dTd*qt rert
*ffir( E6{fr Effi€rrn[ ff ercrmt
yr€qt q6M 4r*i€rs n T{t:lli ll
The variety of trivrt having black root, becauseof its
instantaneous action,causesunconsciousness, loss(of tissue
elements)and fainting. Becauseof its sharp(tlksna)action,it
causesspasmin thecardiacregionandthroat.It eliminatesthe
morbid materialfrom the body instantaneously.[Therefore],
it is useful for persorrshaving excessivelyaggravateddosas
and costivebowel (krilra-koqlha). lStlz- 9 )
Method of Collection
$rr+€f Ffttnt qri {€ qgatqt
v*q yeril: {d q'ercremn:grTGtr: llto ll
rrnfr{r5rr?f ,qErtqft1rffi'argf ia T(l
affi(tnf ffif {q,i finnq}qt I qq ll
The root of trivrt growing in good soil should be culled
(uprooted) from the earth carefully in the bright half of the
lunar month by a person who has observed fast. who is
wearing white appareland who has concentrationof mind.
The roo'tswhich have penetrateddeep into the earth, which

are smoothand which are not spreadingside-waysshould be

collected.By splittingtheseroots,thepith shouldbe removed
and the bark of the root shouldbe collected.After drying, this
root-bark is to be appropriatelystored. I l0-1r]
The method of collecting emetic and purgative drugs is already
describedin Kalpa I : 10. The samemethod has to be followed in the
presentcasealso.In addition,someotherpoints arealsoto be'takenciue
of while collectingthe roots of trivrt. For example,it is the root of trivrt
which has penetrateddeep into the earth that is to be collected. This
point is not mentioned in Kalpa I : 10. Therefore,a brief descriptionof
the method of collection is repeatedin the above text.
For the storage of the root-bark of trivrt, the method already
describedin Kalpa I : I I should be followed.
ffi Fcf-qrg trnqr*fun: gGr( I
Tliepersonwhohasundergone oleationandfomentation
therapiesearliershouldbe givenpeyA(thin gruel)asfood in
the previousnight so that he purgeswith ease [by the
administrationof purgative,
in thenextmorning).Itlz121
It is alreadystatedin Sutra l3 : 80 that purgativetherapy should
be given to a personafter giving him liquid diet along with meat-soup
which is unctuousandhot continuouslyfor threedays.The presentcase
is an exceptionto that rule inasmuchas when purgationtherapyis to be
given with the help of trivrt, the patientshouldbe givenpeya (thin gruel)
during the previousnight beforethe administrationof the therapy.The
peya mentioned above should, however, be prepaLred with meat-soup
and added with ghee and hot ingredients.
Recipes of Trivrt to be Taken along with Sour Liquid, etc.
rd: fu F+frqntr rn fo*(r I qRtl

y{rEr'n Fduinrqr VItrqr ?

Ecrq fir*qrl qQI I
Oneaksa(12 Gms.)of thepirlda (pastein a round bolus
form) of either of the two varietiesof trivrt should be mixcd
with sour drinks (kafijika), and taken by a person [for

Similarly, the urine of cow, sheep,goat or buffalo,

sauvlraka (vinegar), tusodaka (a sour drink prepared of
pulses),prasannd(atypeof wine) orthe decoctionof triphala
should be separatelyused to take this paste of trivrt ffor
purgationl. I t 2 t t 2- l 3 l
with nine different vehicles,nine different recipesof the root of
trivyt aredescribedin the abovetext. As hasbeendescribedbefore, both
the varieties of trivyt, viz., the one having black root and the other
having pink root can be used either separatelyor together'
Recipesof Trivrt in PowderForm
q*Ei +{rdr{Tf 6r<srmfPsrPQt
ffi6igunfgtiqglgwnq.{rfirdqtItY ||
Two parts of the powder of the root of trivyt should be
mixed with the powder of one part of either of the twelve
drugs(typesof salt),viz., (l) saindhava,l(2) sauvarcala,(3)
kala, (4) vida, (5) pakya, (6) anupa, (7) kupya, (8) valukaia,
(9) maulaka, (10) sdmudra,(11) romaka or (12) audbhidal.
These recipes should be taken along with the powder of
nagara [for purgation]. l14 l
Along with twelve different drugs,the powder of the rootof trivrt
should be used, and each one of them should be taken along with the
powder of ginger. Thus, twelve recipesof trivrt are describedin the
above text.
Recipesof Trivrt to be TakenAlong with Cow's Urine
firqd fiTqifrKf qR"d rrqfitqeftt
FGr: ffi{ fd't rrrfi ffi irsnllt\ ll
gci M wqr ffi Tq* q=rTl
eutsffi<r ? vffiar q t: Ecrql lqq ll
One part of the powder of the root of trivrt should be
added with half part of the powder of either (l) pippall, (2)
pippall-mula, (3) marica, (4) gaia-pippafi, (5) sarala, (6)
kilima, (7) hihgu, (q bhArTi, (9) tejovatl, (10) musta, (lL)

haimavatT,(12) pathyA, (13) citraka, (14) rajanl (haridra),

(15) vaca,(16) svarna-kqlrl,(17) ajamoda,or (18) irngavere.
Each one of theseshouldbe takenalong with cow's urine for
purgation. [ 1 5- l
Eighteen recipes of trivrt along with eighteen different types of
drugs are describedin the above text.
Recipe of Trivrt Added with Madhuka
qg.*rrrffigciYrdrrqgdfir*qr rqerl
One part of thepowderof trivrr shouldbe addedwith half
part of the powder of madhuka.This potion should be taken
with sugar-waterfor purgation. tl?]
I 17
In the verse no. 77 describing the contents of the chapter, two
recipes of madhuka are mentioned. One of these is described in the
above text.
Recipesof Trivyt Preparedalong with Jlvake, etc.
tMtrd }qf tnqufr q;d46qr{l
5-{.rmqr5awrqT q rrffi :rrqutr Rsn I I qz I I
;6,rqffi ffierqr fuet-6r irsnl
stgwr q{si q rrwrr€i frRrqrftr}(r lqq tl
[The powder of trivrt should be taken along with the
powder of eitherl (l) jTvaka, (2) rsabhaka, (3) meda, (4)
SravaryTor mur.tfi, (5) karkaya-|yhg|, (6) mudga-parni, (7)
masa-parrfi, (8) maha-frdvan\, (9) kakoli, (10) ksira-kakoll,
(1 I) indra or kokilak$a,(12) chinna-ruhd,(13) kslra-|ukla ar
kslra-vidarl, or (14) payasydor arka-pu;p7[for purgation].
Similarly, thepowderof trivrt shouldbe takenalong with
the powder of yaqyydhva(madhuka)[for purgation].
The above mentioned recipes are useful for diseases
causedby vayu or pitta. Other recipeswhich are useful for the
diseasescausedby kapha andvdyu [will be describedlater].
I lg -

In the above text, fourteenrecipesof trivrt added with fourteen

different drugs like/vaka aredescribed.In addition one recipe along
with yasri (madhuka)is also describedhere.The presentone along with
the one describedearlierin the verseno. l7 constitutesthe two recipes
of madhukawhich are mentionedin the verseno. 77 summarisingthe
contentsof this chapter.
Reiipesof Trivytto be TakenAlong with Milk, etc.
{fitqr qr F*{utmrqTqfffi nr*qt
One part of the powder of trivrt and half part of the
powder of harltakTmay be taken along with either ( I ) milk,
(2) meat-soup,(3) juice of sugar-cane,(4) decoction of
kasmarlta,(5) grape-juice,(6) juice of pilu, or (7) ghee ffor
purgationl. l2D\/,- tlrzt I
In the abovetext, sevendifferentrecipesof trivrt to be takenalong
with seven different ingredients are described.
Recipe of Trivrt in theform of Linctus (No. I )
fugrdr qg€Ffsqf rig{i I I Rqll
I The powder of trivrt shouldbe ] addedwith honey and
ghee,I andmadeto a linctus]. Intakeof thislinctusalongwith
sitopala (sugarwith large crystals)[ causespurgation ].
[ 2ltl, ]
Recipe of Trivyt in theform of Linctus (No. 2)
qrm"en $nqfrt ffi Yrdfrrf*5qr
qF fR q*drrFftqfnt€r rrrg frFrq+ u ?Rr l
Tt: I
The powder of ajagandha (ajamoda), tugdkqlri, vidan,
sugar and trivrt shouldbe addedwith honey as well as ghee.
Intake of this linctus is useful as a mild purgative for the
patient suffering from sannipatikajvara (fever causedby the
aggravationof all the three dosas),stambha (stiffness of the
body), daha (burning syndrome)and trclxA(morbid thirst).
[ 22 - ]

Recipe of Trivrt in theform of Linctus (No. 3)

wrqrF*gt*vr}ur EFdT q rerftt{t I R? rl
wq*Fenlro+a Fd-gr( qTfui?rdikr: I
With the decoction and paste of the black variety of
trivyt-root, a linctus should be prepared according to the
prescribedprocedureby addingsugar.Onepanitala (12 Gms.
approx.)of this linctusshouldbe taken [for purgation].
In this recipe, one part o_fqle powder of trivrt, one part of sugar and
one-fourth part of the decoctionof trivrt should be used.
Recipe of Trivrt in theforin of Linctus (No. a)
rrff vrqfu q?rGrEqi:F{rrrq+ q* r r ?x r r
ltridt flrrqff FqqrqRd: F6l
qrrrr ffiffigqnun fet*rtn R\ n
Sugarshouldbe boiled with honey in a new earthenpot.
After it is cookedandcooled,the powder of trivrt along with
tvak (cinnamonbark), pata (cinnamonleaves) and marica
should be added.This linctus shouldbe takenin appropriate
dose which is useful as purgative for personsbelonging to
aristocraticclass. [24t/2-251
Normally honey is not cooked. But the present recipe is an
exception to this rule. [t is the characteristicfeature of this recipe in
which honeyis cookedand addedwith otheringredients.In this recipe,
one part of the powder of trivrr should be addedwith the one-fourth part
of the powder of tvak, etc., taken together.The purposeof adding tvc&,
etc., in this recipe is only to provide aroma.
This recipe is administeredto personsof aristocraticclass. The
physique of thesepersonsis generallytender and unctuous.oleation
therapy is therefore,not essentialfor suchpersons,and this recipe alone
is enough to cause appropriatepurgation.
Recipeof Trivyt in theform of Linctus(No. 5)
nrfrqqrwi qtflEE.gqrd q vTel+(tI Rqrl

d+dd-qn*f frgqil{YnsF*qr
@ ftiqtqt lRsrl
One kudava (192 ml. approx.) of the juice of each of
sugar-cane,grape, pilu and parusaka, one pala (48 Gms.
approx.) of sitopala (sugar having big crystals) and half
kudava of honey should be cooked. After it is cooled, the
powder of trivrt shouldbe addedby thephysicianwell versed
in scriptures.This is a goodpurgativefor aristocraticpersoris
having excessivelyaggravatedpitta. 1 2 6 - 2 )7
Even though the quantity of trivrt is not specified,it should be
understoodasone-fourthin quantityof the remainingitemsof the above
mentioned linctus.
RecipesPreparedwith Sugar
vrffi<mrt @l
q+t frFrrT {qf( tFrqr+i futqrqt I Ra| |
Following the above mentionedprocedure [recipes of
trivyt) should be preparedin the form of Sarkara-modaka
(sweet-meatpreparedof sugar),Sarkara-vartl(rolls made of
sugar), Sarkara-gulika(pills made of sugar) and Sarkara-
marysa -p ltpaka (pan-cakeof sugar preparedw ith meat).These
recipesare to be usedas purgativesby peoplesufferingfrom
diseasescausedby pitta. t28 l
These recipes are prepared according to the process similar to
linctus. Therefore,thesearedescribedhere. For preparingtheserecipes,
sugar-canejuice, etc., and the powder of trivrt are to be used as
describedin the versenos. 26-27.
Recipe of Trivyt in theform of Linctus (No. 6)
fiTqffi Trrrt q{rt vqrtri frgtrqr wa t
eqwr {ref $AwTrf frtfi{llR3ll
[The powder ofl trivrt (the variety having pink root)
should be added with the powders of pippalT, nagara, k;ara
(alkali preparation) and Syama-trivrr (the variety having
black root). To this, honey shouldbe added,and it should be

given in the form of a linctus for purgation to patients

sufferingfrom diseases causedby kapha. 1,29l
Recipe of Trivrt in theform of Linctus (No. 7)

ESwt rarr*ndd €rEra=il{ qrqtqr r to 1l

T6fi',Itr(qfirerra q rrqq,flql
f*gqff Fqrq+qt | ?qll
serf,*vtfar+i q"f qg ? qrr€r I
ffis+ @ frt{rqr rQRtl
The juice of matuluhga,abhaya,dhdtrT,frl-parnl, kola
anddadima shouldbe well sizzledandcookedin oil by adding
the pulp of sahakara (mango), kapittha and sour fruit
(matuluhga).When it becomesthick, the powder of the root
of trivrt along with the powdersof tvak,patra, keSaraandela
shouldbe added.To this, honey shouldbe addedand madeto
a linctus. Intakeof this linctusin appropriatedoseis useful as
purgativefor aristocraticpersonshaving aggravatedkapha.
[30 - 32)
The recipeshouldbe preparedon the line suggestedin the verse
nos.26-27.By implication,juice of matuluhga,etc.shouldbe takenin
the quantityof onekuSavaeach.
Recipes of Trivrt in the form of Panaka (Syrup), etc.
qrTfifi Ttrrt Tr{r[tl$rrtl
q+t frRrqr E.qfFdE.ref qrmftr* | | ?Q| |
Following the above mentionedprocedure,the recipes
[of trivyt] should be preparedin the forms of (1) panaka
(syrup),(2) rasa (meat-soup),(3) yuqa(vegetablesoup),(4)
modaka (sweet-meat),and(5) raga -qaQava (soutdrinks having
pungent taste). These recipes are to be administeredfor
purgation to a personhaving aggravatedkapha. t 33 l
Becauseof the similarity in natureof preparations,five recipesin
the form of pdnaka, etc., are describedin the above text.

Recipesof Trivrt in theform of Tarparya(Demulcent Drink)

slddrsqr qqr dd i@a prtrrr
q"f qwrsdqvrqF+erfu fr*qr | ?y rl
qrdFrnEmttri$ tMg ql
qi,S g-qrntg Fmqrq fqtqqr | ?\ rl
A tarpana(demulcentdrink) shouldbe preparedfrom the
powderof one partof bhrnga(guda-tvak), onepartof ela,two
parts of nlll, threeparts of trivrt and sevenparts of sugarby
adding the juice of dadima. honey and roastedcorn-flour.
This is an innocuouspurgative for patients suffering from
diseasescausedby vavu, pitta and kapha, for personswho
have less of digestivepower, and also for personswho have
delicateconstitution. [ 3 4 - 3 s]
This is the first recipe of tarpana (dernulcentdrink). The second
recipe of demulcentdrink will be describedin the verseno. 65-66.
Recipe of Trivrt in theform of Modaka
*qq': ffi:tt?etl
A modaka(sweet-meatof large size)shouldbe prepared
of sugar,harltakT,vibhitaka, dmalaki, black variety of trivrt,
pippati and honey. Intake of this [purgative recipe] cures
sannipdta(diseasescausedby the simultaneousaggravation
of all the three doqas), ltrdhvago-rakta-pitta (a disease
characterizedby bleeding from the upper openings of the
body) and fever. t36 l
This is the first recipe of modaka. Other four recipes of ntodaka
will be describedin the verse no. 40-45.
For the preparatiortof ntodaka,sugarshould be addedin double the
quantity of the other ingredients.By implication, in the above recipe,
one part each of haritaki, vibhitaka, dmalaki, trivyt having black root
and pippalT should be added with ten parts of sular.
Recipeof Trivyt in theform oJLinctus(No. 8)
fr56rqn rrcrffiag fiqari+q: r

@ q$trm:nQell
fugr( rTtr{gsqf q *Ed er $t gr
$ef !ffi ,qrs 5.61q.F*frqqtl
e,m-dff5--drgrdrr1 qrsfi*rqaffd | | Qqr r
ThreeSanasof thepowderof trivrt shouldbe addedwith
one Sana of the powders each of haritakl-pulp, vibhttaka-
pulp, amalakT-pulp, vidanga, pippall and ksara (alkali
preparation).This powder should be added with ghee and
honey, and made to a linctus or (made to) a modatc (sweet-
meat)with jaggery.This is an excellentpurgative,and it does
not require any dietetic prohibitions. Intake of this, cures
gulma (phantomtumour), plThodara(splenomegaly),Svasa
(asthma),hallmaka (chronic jaundice), arocaka (anorexia)
and such other diseasescausedby the aggravationof kapha
and vayu. 137-3el
This is the eighth recipeof linctus notwithstandingthe statement
that this recipe may also be preparedin the form of modaka (lit. sweet-
meat in the form of a bolus) with guda (aggery).
Kalyanaka Guda - Recipe of Trivrt in the form of Modaka
weurrqwfu u qffi 6,rffi qsrml

itgn I
q?ren TdF-r{r tyRll
Tsrt Far;T qEr gGEr{rdrcrqunl
t+<TFfti .qi qaf n yQ ll
srFrq rrrdgFi ra E5,ni,qr1T rlq qrq{l
fsr9f,@ llYYll
T6ufrwogims €: gremrs ir
Efr wrm: rfugg qtFrfi,r:il y\ tl
Ffr utglrq1g: rr

One karsa (12 Gm. approx.) each of vidahga, pippall-

mula, harltakl, vibhitaka,amalaki,dhanyaka,citraka, marica,
indra-yava, ajaj\, pippali, hasti-pippalT (gaja-pippalT),
lavarla, audbhida-lava7aand ajamoda should be made to
powdersseparatelyandmixed together.To this powder,eight
palas eachof sesameoil andpowderof trivrt shouldbe added.
By addingthreeprasthasof thejuice of amalakTand half tula
of jaggery, the recipeshouldbe cookedover mild fire. From
out of this paste, pills (Suda) of the size of badara or
udumbarashouldbe madeout. While taking this recipethere
is no restrictionof food andregimen.Intakeof this (purgative)
cures mandagni (suppressionof the power of digestion),
jvara (fever), milrccha (fainting), mutra-krcchra (dysuria),
arocaka (anorexia),esvepna (insomnia),,gatra-(ula (body
ache), kasa (cough), Svasa(asthma),bhrama (giddiness),
kqaya (consumption), kusyha(obstinateskindiseases including
leprosy), arfas (piles), kamala (aundice), meha (obstinate
urinary disorders including diabetes),gulma (phantom
tumour), udara (obstinate abdominal disorders including
ascites), bhagandara (analfistula),g r ahary|( spruesyndrome)
andpandu (anemia).This recipe also helps in procreatinga
male progeny Qtumsavana).
This recipe is called Kalyanaka (which bestowsauspi-
ciousness).It is usefulin all the seasons.
Thus, ends the descriptionof Kalyaryaka-guQa.[40-45
This is the secondrecipe of trivrt in the form of modaka (sweet-
meat in large bolus form).
Recipe of Trivrt in theform of Modaka (No. 3)
FTT$TTITT q gqilflE5'{r r Yq r I
ffisqgur qFf vrdrrqrg trqgurql
qFiii gBoT : F€r qtAuT q61sfi161;n ys | |

arqrh utqgerrq vfri qe fir&wo{t

qls.* Gilt qqi q,r+ sqr+ sri {+ I I Yz I I
d *q*r"Asd"+ PrFnffirq: t
*q: rrdM q {?T: *d fqtq}ttYqtl
qrqm ? :M frfrrffia:t
One part each of Sunthl,pippalT,marica, tvak, pata,
musta, ela, vidanga, amalaki and harltaki, two parts of
mukulaka (dantfl, eight parts of trivrt and six parts of sugar
should be made to powder. To this, honey should be added
and large size pill(s) or gudito measuringone pala each
should be prepared.One such pill should be taken in the
morning after rising from the bed. Thereafter, cold water
shouldbe taken.It is an excellentrecipefor purgation,and it
should be administeredby an expert (physician).It is useful
in mutra-kycchra(dysuria),jvara (fever), vami (vomiting),
kasa (cough), Svasa(asthma), bhrama (giddiness), ksaya
(consumption),tapa (burning syndrome),pary4u (anemia)
andagni-mdndya(suppressionof the power of digestion).It
is useful'for all types of poisoning and all types of urinary
diseases.While taking this recipe, no dietetic restriction is
necessary. [ 46-
This is the third recipe of modaka.In other texts, this recipe is
known asAbhayadya-modaka.The quantity of honey to be addedin this
recipeis not specified.It shouldbe usedin suchquantitywhich will help
in the preparation of modaka.
There is a difference of opinion about the quantity of ingredients
to be added in this recipe. According to some physicians, fu4thl, etc.,
should be one part in total, and to this two parts of dantl shouldbe added.
Recipeof Trivrt in theform of Modaka(No.4)
wmur$E*ruri ygd d r*gffir{t t\o il
q$r ilrqlEar'q €qffi 'q1rsri frtqrq r
One pala (48 Gms. approx.) of the powders of trivrt
should be addedwith two prasftas of the powder of pathya,
dhatri andurublr&a(castorseed).[This should be addedwith

honey in adequatequantity.]From out of this paste,ten large

size pills shouldbe prepared.Intake of this pill helps in the
purgation of aristocraticpersons. | 5 o L l -2 l
In the above text, the fourth recipe of trivrt in the form of modaka
is described.
Recipe of Trivrt in theform of Modaka (No. 5)
FTdr firurcfr €R@T EtttTanl
Hrffi Trrrq"i telzr qdFdvrfid{t| \R tl
qtrrd qlq*.r1 @t

Sr<q.q a'qWwrl Fg€-uqrFd: n \Y tl

Onekarsaof thepowder eachoftrivrt (thevarietyhaving
pink root), haimavatl, Syamd(the variety of trivyt having
black root), nll inl, hast i -p ipp ali, p ipp aI7-mula,p ipp all, must a,
ajamoda and duralabha, onepala of the powder of nagara
and twentypalas of guda (aggery) shouldbe mixed together.
From out of this paste,modakas(large size pills) of the size
of udumbara shouldbe prepared.Thesemodakasshould be
sprinkled (smeared)with the powder of hihgu, seuvarcala,
furyyhi,pippali, merica,yavanl, bida,frraka,vacd,aja-gandha,
haritakT, vibhltaka, amalakT, cavye, citraka, dhanyaka,
tumburu and dadima. These modakas are very useful for
patients suffering from pain in trika (lumbo-sacralregion)
vahkqana(pelvic region), hrt (cardiacregion), basti (region
of urinary bladder)ko;pha(colon),arias (plles),pllhan (splenic
disorder), hikkA (hiccup),, aruci (anorexia),
Svdsa(asthma) and kaphaja udavarta (upward movement of
wind in the abdomencausedby aggravatedkapha).
l51tl,- 55 l

In the above text, the fifth recipe of trivrt in the form of ntodaka
is described.
Recipeof Trivrt Usefulin Rainyseason
Ff,{ilr q*zrt' ftf fiTttr€Tflecq*sq(r
qtlq?Tqrru*id qffifrqtqt t \q n
[Thepowderofl trivrt, seeds of kutaja,pippallandvi|va-
blte;aja(Sunlhi)shouldbemixedwith honeyandgrape-juice.
This purgativerecipeis usefulin rainy season. ts6 l
Recipe of Trivrt Useful in Autumn

ErqTrqTrrrerwracrrei veGrsa I | \,e I r

[The powder ofJ trivyt, duralabha,nxusta,sugar,udicya,
candana, yagli-madhu and (carma-ka,fa) should be
taken along with grape-juice.It is useful in autumn. t 57 l
Recipe of Trivrt for Winter
frgtn fuirqi qrdrrqrtr rrr?i {dr{l
Frsiqfit q ffi fueqr qurr€qT nrdqr lqe lr
The pasteof trivyt, citraka, pAfuA,ajAfi, sarala, vacd.and
svarrya-kq7r7 shouldbe takenalongwith hot water.This recipe
is useful for purgationin winter season. t s8l
In the winter seasonwhen there is strong current of cold wind,
purgationtherapyis prohibited.But in thecaseof somespecificdiseases
purgation therapyis essential.Therefore,the recipefor purgation even
for winter is describedin the above text.
Recipe of Trivrt for SummerSeason
vrdrT Ff,{drgsr frqfiTA fetq+qr
The recipe containingsugarand equal quantity of trivrt
is useful for purgationduring the summerseason. I t/,59 ]
Recipeof Trivrt for All Seasons(No. I )
l@+ggqr: Hrtr€f E69ftffi{l t\q ll
F{sfft{T q iqr{'m qrcrhq6(l

qq Fdffi frqt funrr<t qqfrr6(l I qo ll

Trivyt, trayanti, hapusd,sdtald,katu-rohinTand svarna-
kq7r7shouldbe madeto powder,and impregnatedwith cow's
urine for threedayq.This recipefor purgationis useful in all
the seasons.It helps in eliminating rnorbid matter from the
body of personswith unctuousness. | 59t12 - 60 l
This recipe is useful for all the seasonsincluding those not
describedabove,namely spring, etc.
Recipeof Trivytfor AII Seasons (No. 2)
@aarnr ETrfrr$n rrcqi ffnFrqfrt
*ffi fflFdr Ect qgq.r a gqffTdnl I qq l l
@i qrfirrfti irir:l
fireE gqtref daqg{runqfr vr€q+ | | qRI I
Trivyt (havingpink root), Syama(the varietyof tivrt
havingblackroot),durdlambhd, vatsaka, hasti-pippall, ntlinl,
harltakl, vibhitaka,dmalakl, musta and katukd should be
madeto a finepowder.Oneparyitala(12Gms.approx.)of this
recipeshouldbe takenalongwith ghee,meat-soupand hot
water.This is anexcellentrecipefor purgation,andis useful
evenfor personswho areununctuous, t 6l-62 )
Recipeof Trivyt in theform of Powder
qqsr frwfir Fffi a,rfi*Ei ff,{inw-c(l
ti*tar*m{ q-qfird ll qQll
rquf YrcfinE.iqfrr*rnt{ rn fir}qt
T.€qrrqtFt'ffi *d qrsr<*<rnll qv ll
One karqa (12 Gms. approx.) each of Sur.rth|,pippa[i,
marica, harltak\, bibhitaka, dmalaki andhihgu, one pala (48
Gms. approx.) of trivyt, half karqa (6 Gms. approx.) of
sauvarcala andhalf pala (24 Gms. approx.) of amla-vetasa
should be made to powder. To this, equal quantity of sugar
shouldbe added.It shouldbe takenalong with either alcohol
or the juice of sour fruits. After the recipe is digested,the

patient shouldbe given rice with meat-soupto eat. It is an

effectiverecipeforpurgatronto curegulnta(phantomtuqrour)
andparivarti (pain in the sidesof the chest). | 63-64 l
ICakrapanihasdescribedthe recipementionedaboveasthe second
recipein powder form. The text of the first recipein powder form is not
available.The recipedescribedin theearlierversenos.6 | -62 could have
beentakenin this connection.But Cakrapanihasspecificallymentioned
this to be one of the six recipesfor different seasons(sarvartuka-yoga).
If this is treated as one of the two curna))ogas, then there will be
shortageof one recipe for seasons.
In the verseno. 79, surnmarising the contentsof the chapterit is
written "dvau curryetdrpanetatha". By implication,in powderform and
in the form of tarparyathere are in total two recipes.Thus, the total
number of recipes will corne to one hundred and ten. Cakrapani's
c o m e n t o r y".. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c. .u. r n a y o g od v i t l y a h "i s s l i g h t l ym i s l e a d i n g . l
Recipeof Trivrt in theform of Tarparla(DemulcentDrink)
txgin ffi q:aT ITuilfli *qt*reqr
EF''d{rWf A qqrd rrrqrnqir# | I q\ t t
ndH ?rft qi fiAt} rFrgtugr
Tr iv r t, har1takl, vi bhlt aka, dmalakl, dantl, sap ta Ia, 3unthi,
pippalT,morica andsaindhavashouldbe madeto powder and
impregnatedwith the juice of amalakTfor sevendays. This
powder should be addedto tarpana (demulcentdrink), yu$a
(vegetablesoup),piSita(meatpreparations or meat-soup)and
raga (preparations havingpungenttaste). I 65 - )
This is one of the two recipesof tarpana (demulcentdrink), the
first one is alreadydescribedin the versenos. 34-35.
Recipesof Trivrt in theform of MedicatedGheeand Milk
E.iqrci @md Tffir Ttr{t tqqll
Tqr'nrFf,Ttra*f q€|-(Ir|-tr€: T16|
qA t{ Erqr+urrr.IGIt qfif: fr**t: | | ee I I
Frr[rk5qr*u1 ffi q6f: fir*tmr
rrrkf qr qcwnqf g.q t{ FqR'ETt| | qe | |
Ghee should be boiled with equal quantity of sourjuice

and the paste of trivyt. This medicatedghee cures gulma

The root of Syama(thevarietyof trivyt havingblack root)
andtrivyt(thevarietyhavingpink root) shouldbe cookedwith
waterby addingamalakt.With this decoction,gheeshouldbe
cooked [and used for Purgation].
with the decoctionof Syama(the variety of trivrt having
black root) and trivrt (the variety having pink root), ghee
should be eooked [and usedfor purgation]'
Milk should be boiled with Syama(the variety of trivrt
having black root) and trivrt (the variety having pink root)
may similarly be usedas a comfortable(painless)purgative'
l66tl2- 68 l
In the above text, three recipesof medicated ghee and one recipe
of medicated milk are described.
Recipesof Trivyt in theform of AlcoholicDrink
qr:qfr[[ E,qrd ?f w Tsildrg.fqll q3 ll
ffi qg.{r qri qtf t{r*qT fir*qtl eo ll
g{r ur @ ilffireni5drql I sq | |
Eight fist-fuls of tivytshould be cookedin one drona of
water till one fourth of the tiquid remains. The decoction
should then be strained out and added with one tula o.f
jaggery, honey, pippati, madana-phala and citraka' Thrs
should be kept in an unctuousjar the inside wall of which is
smearedwith honey for one month. When well fermented, it
should be taken in appropriate dose which cures grahanl
(spruesyndrome),parydu(anemia), gulma(phantomtumour)
and Svayathu (oedema).
The wine madeout of the decoctionof trivyt by adding its
kiryva(yeast)may also be usedfor purgation. [ 69 - 7I ]
In the text above, two recipesof trivrt preparedin the form of
alcoholic drink are described.
Recipesof Trivyt in thefonn of Kanji (Sour Drink)
zr*: @:
sTeFi qs6 rrd qrd Tftfu fr*qu \e?rr
Tqq qr varerquh+gilrtt
3{rgdmsrrsr a-d-q ffi g*q.q;tt I eQ tl
Barley should be steam-boiledwith the decoction of
Syama(the variety of trivrt having black root) and.trivrt (the
varietyhavingpink root).This steam-boiledbarley (kutmasa)
shouldbe addedwith waterand madeto fermentlor six days
in a vesselcoveredwith a heapof grains.The sauv'iraka(sour
drink) thus prepared[shouldbe usedfor purgation].
Alternatively, the unhuskedand clean grains of barley
should be roasted.To this, the powder of trivrt should be
added along with water and made to ferment in the above
mentionedmanner.when fermented, thistuqodaka(atype of
sour drink) should be used for purgation.
t 72_73l
Recipesof Trivrt in theform of Badara, etc.
a?Ir trfifiFh611 qrsqrft
$5rqyr I
f*qqffr {+q FaW yftr}qr teytl
As describedinKarpa| :26, with thehelpof thepowder
of trivrt, ten different recipesin the form or
1r) iadara-
qadava, (2) raga, (3) leha, (4) modaka,(5) utkarika, (6)
tarparya,(7) panaka,(B) mdrysa-rasa, (9) yil{a, and (10)
madyashouldbe preparedand usedfor purgation.
t 74 l

q*qaqT* rrffi{nnh t€nfr frffiue\tt

vftdrqqr *drfrg rgft€Tqsffitr:r
Esrs @i e <urg@ansqtl

Thus, it is said :
Pu r g a t i ve re ci p e ssh o u l d b e a dminister edalongwithtvak
dadima (pome-
(cinnam-on),keiara (saffron), amrdtaka'
big crystals)'
granate),eld (cardamom),sitopald(sugarhaving
h o n e y , m d t ul u h g a 'w i n e a n d so u rdr inkswhichar epleasingto
the patient.
the intake of
To preventthe tendencyfor vomiting' after
shouldbe sprinkled
purgativerecipe,the face of the patient
and sour ingredients'
the earth,flowers, fruits, tenderleaves
the aromaof which is pleasingto his heart' 175-76l
vomiting sensation' To
Purgative therapy, sometimes' causes as
prevent vomiting, ."ii-"nt are describedin other rnedicinal texts
Contentsof ChaPter
ar s*anl:-
qdsw6**** ? Evt $ S*rarffi: t
g|sqr{T rrsrf d ffi ag-{'{rlleell
qflr.d qq AAsd wtn: fgrqrsfr ? I
qmfirF<5 q*q *f,d qla *<qT: ll ee ll
qGrrt€I E* qfit d qm ffi asrl
qrs-drfqs | | eq | |
d TA q.tfq* d ra EvTra
Yqrqrqfiqdrqr2l s5Er€il(l
YRi wil*t fira dFrmr qrqeun I I z'oI I
To sumuP :
In thischapteron thePharmaceuticsof SyamaTrivrt'the
ten recipesof
GreatSagehas illustratedone hundredand
effectivePurgativesasfollows :
(l) Ninerecipesprepared with sourjuice' etc';
(videversenos' 12-13)
(2) Twelverecipesprepared with rock-salt'etc';
(videverseno' l4)

(3) Elghteenrecipeswith cow's urine;

( v i d e ve rsen o s. 1 5 -1 6 )
(4) Two recipespreparedby adding yasti-madhu;
(vide versenos. 17,19)
(5) Fourteen recipesprepared with jlvaka, etc.;
( v i d e ve rsen o s. l 8 -2 0 )
(6) Sevenrecipespreparedwith milk, etc.;
( v i d e ve rsen o s.2 0 -2 1 )
(7) Eight recipespreparedin the form of linptus;
(vide versenos. 2l -27, 29-32,37 -39)
(8) Four recipesprepaedwith sugar;
(vide verseno. 28)
(9) Five recipesin the form of syrup, etc.;
(vide verseno. 33)
(10) Six recipesfor different seasons;
(vide versenos.56-62)
(l l) Five recipespreparedin the form of modaka;
(vide versenos 36, 40-55)
(l2)Four recipes in the form of medicated ghee or
(vide versenos.66-68)
( I 3) Two recipes(one)in theform of powder (vide verse
nos. 34-35) and the other in the form of tarpana
'(vide versenos.63-66);

(14) Two recipesin the form of medicatedwine;

( v i d e ve rsen o . 6 9 -7 1 )
(15)Two recipesin the form of kafiji (fermentedsour
drink); and
(vide verse nos.72-73)
(16) Ten recipesin the form of sddava, etc.
(vide verse no. 74) t 77 -80 l


Tatrdr{i{fti a,eu*cn+YqrnF*a-
Fffid =ilrTrtrwfrsqrq: n b ll
T h u s , e n d s th e se ve n th ch a pter dealing with the
"Pharmaceuticsaf Syama-trivyt" in the Kalpa-sectionof
Agnive6a's work as redactedby Caraka,and becauseof its
non-availability,supplementedby Drdhabala.

3{qfrseqr?r: lr
Efrawra qqerniq:nRtl
We shall now expound the chapter dealing with the
"Pharmaceuticsof Caturahgula".
Thus, said Lord Atreya, tt-2)
Like trivrt, caturahgula is a mild purgative. Therefore, after the
chapteron trivyt, in the presentchapter,the pharmaceuticsof ccrurahgula
are being expounded.
11v{s: vrantnrg$.ar: r
fT6: Fdrrrr€ qfirfrrtls€rdq,: | | QI I
A r agvadha, r dj avr kqa, 3ampdka, catur ahg ula, p r ag raha,
kr tantdI a, kanpi kdr a andavag hdtaka - these are synony mouS.
Therapeutic Utility

qe* Tg{e5{vfriT:nytl
qre EA $ qfid gq5mi.r qr}r
Becauseof its mildness,sweettasteand cooling effect,
r dj a-vrksa (caturahgula) is exceedingly useful (asa purgative)
for diseaseslike fever, cardiac ailments, vdta-rakta (gout)
and uddvarta (upward movement of wind in the abdomen).
Becauseof mildnessand innocuousness, caturangula is

, suffering from phthisis and emaciation,and for persons

I - having delicateconstitution. t 4-5 l
Pr o c e s s i nogf A ra g va d h a
rFtrfirA wf rs Tr€i qFtvtti q zr(l
N Tur+dr cTr{ fffidrg FaqrqiEt r q tt
qwrrfr( qgq-€ Yiq+EriTt ftqr{t
rfr rrvrg€a g* .ntA ftenq+qt I s ll
During appropriateseasons of fruiting, the maturedfruits
! of aragvadha(caturanguta)shouldbe collected'Thesefruits
endowedwith therapeuticattributesshouldbe taken in large
quantityandkeptcoveredwith sandfor sevendays.Thereafter,
thesefruits should be taken out of the sandand dried in the
sun. The pulp of thesefruits should then be taken out and
storedin a cleanjar. t 6-7 l
Recipeof Aragvadha(Caturahgula)to be Takenalong with
Fruit Juice
i Erq{rrsgii <grEr*dr{dfrFs}|
Tdddgd qr& qa<grqvrqrftr*lle ll
T{.ffiq t
rga arserar.ssFeq
sufferingfrom daha (burning syndrome)as well as udavarta
(upwardmovementof wind in the abdomen)shouldbe given
oi" prorrta (48Gms.approx')or oneanjali (96 Gms' approx')
of the pulp of aragvadha (caturangula) along with grape-
juice. [8-'/29]
Specific mentiqn of the ageof the patientin the abovetext implies
that this recipe should not be given to patientsbelow four years, and
abovetwelve Yearsof age'
Recipesof Aragvadha(Caturahgula)to be Takenalong with
rt5onemr ffig-{rllS ll
qffiqq}{ ETr g.{i {+{rrffig EtTl

Ftqr vfrr+,qrq d firaE ri\*r*ur Er I I qo I I

Sna-kaqavaor cold infusion [of one prosrta (48 Gms.
approx.) or one afijali (96 Gms. approx.) of the pulp of
dragvadhal may also be given along with the following
(l) Sura-maryQa(supernatantfluid of sura type of
(2) Kola-sldhu(a type of wine preparedofjujube-fruit);
(3) Dadhi-manda(whey);
, (4) Juice of amalakl; or
(5) Sauviraka(a type of vinegar). Ig'lr- to l
Recipesof Aragvadha to be Takenwith Decoctions
@ qr ;rqr*ur r1q: ete aerrftr&Er
rtsn ffiur 6qnrqil-ffQFrqlI qqtl
Similarly, the pulp of aragvadha should be made to a
paste and taken along with the decoctionof either trivyt or
bilva by addingsalt and honey. t II l
Thesetwo recipesare also describedin Jatukarna-samhitd.
Recipe of Aragvadha Prepared in theform of Linctus
a,qrlqnerarrs f*.aquf g-Jtkq,
rrrqRnqr {rfdd @;rrrjrcTr rTr{rI tRrr
A linctusshouldbepreparedof thedecoctionof aragvadha
addedwith the powder of trivrt andjaggery by cooking over
mild fire. This linctusshouldbe takenin appropriatedose[for
purgationl. I 12 )
Recipes of Aragvadha Prepared in the form of Medicated
rrF: 6€*FT qrfu ri irdwrfudfir*qr I qt rl
dtq <{rqfrg 5.d?rrrrr ?rcret ?l
q.qr+ qrfrrfrqffr qd: vqrqrFqfir:fir*qr I qy rl

Milk should be boiled wrth aragvadha, and from the

creamof this medicatedmilk, gheeshouldbe prepared'This
ghee should be cooked by adding the paste of the pulp of
aragvadha and the juice of amalaki. [This medicatedghee
should be taken for Purgation.l
The gheepreparedin the abovementionedmannershould
be cooked by adding the decoction of dafa-mula (bilva,
Syonaka,gambharl, pAtulA, garlikarika, fala-parnl, prini-
parryl, brhatl, kantakarl andgoksura),kulattha and yava as
well as the paste of (nine drugs, viz.,) fydma, (trivrt,
caturahgula,tilvaka,maha-vyksa, payala,Sankhinl,danti and
dravantl). I 13-14]
Recipe of Aragvadha in theform of Arista
qfr€Trlsgfti rrg: vrarcFFT{ss ql
Fr qrqrefqrg€srqREj qFr+d ?llq\ll
In the decoctionof danti, oneafijali (96 Gms' approx')
eachof the pulp of Sampaka(aragvadha)andjaggeryshould
be addedand kept [to ferment]for one and half months' The
ariqya(medicatedwine) thus preparedshould be taken as a
potion [for purgation], t 15 l
(tse of Aragvadha added to Food and Drinks
qFr zr(qrqd q E€i Fraer qr q€l
Fqui trr $rR{ gffi qgrFdtffi(l l?q tt
fAragvadhc] should be administeredas purgative by
adding to either sweet, pungent or saline food and drinks
which are pleasingto the heart of the patient. t 16 l
Contentsof Chapter
61 $frqir3-
Erq{rrQ V{rffi{h qrqtrfrt{+l
*ffi q,qr+q m fueqq,s qllqe ll
AtSe $ e q Eilrnarqsrqffitcr:
gtrTr{t: $crrffTT:| | qZ I I

To sum up :
In this chapter dealing with the pharmaceuticsof
dragvadhc, twelve purgative recipes are describedfor the
happinessof personsof delicatenature.Theserecipesare as
follows :
(I ) One recipe to be taken along with grapejuice;
(vide verseno. 8)
(2-8) One recipeeachof (l ) sura (alcohol),(2) sidhu
(a type of wine), (3) dadhi (whey),(4) juice of
dmalaki,(5) sauvira,(6) decoctionof trivrt and
(7) decoctionof bilva;
( vi d e ve rsen o s.9 -l l )
(9) One recipe in the form of linctus;
(vide verseno. l2)
(10) One recipe in the form of medicatedwine; and
(vide verseno. l5)
(l 1-l2) Two recipesin the form of medicatedghee.
(vi d e ve rsen o s. 1 3 -1 4 ) t 17- 18I
{aftrs{frt 1tvttrr+ TSq'6qFF+
Thus, ends the eighth chapterof Kalpa-sthanadealing
with the "Pharmaceutics of Caturartgula"in Agnive6a'swork
as redactedby Caraka,and becauseof its non-availability,
supplementedby Drdhabala.

sIETdM qrernFtrq: ll l ll
EFaa Fr6 vrrqmrlq: | | R | |
Now we shall expound the chapter dealing with the
"Pharmaceuticsof Tilvaka".
Thus, saidLord AtreYa. lt-2)
ftftq*'q T* dsi qrsrfirflzq': t
Tilvaka is known by the synonymsllke lodhra, brhat-
patro and tiritaka, l'lr3l
Processingof Tilvaka
?rFt {trtri @l l?ll
quilg far 5ar d rrr'il gilalta: t
q}qr*q q.qr*trr Efief t{ rrrq*(t tx tt
qr.i d <YrTfis $r: mt*t qnE+(l
{qi q"f gl: giar rfr sd rr*cr}ql | \ ll
The dry root-barkof tilvaka which is free from its inner
layer shouldbe pounded,and madeto threeparts.Two parts
of thir powdershouldbe addedwith waterand strainedby the
pro""ri ot percolation.With this liquid the third part of the
powd"r of tilvaka should be impregnated.Thereafter,this
powder should again be impregnatedwith the decoction of
dasa-mula (bilva, Syondka,gambharl, pdtalA, ganikdrika,
3dla-parii, pr3ni-parryl,byhatl,kary1akdrland goksura)'This
shouldthen be dried and madeto a powder againand usgd [in
recipesl. l 3 t t z- 5 l

The inner part of the root-bark of tilvakc is not useful in recipes

For percolation, the powder should be added with six times of
water.This processshouldbe repeatedfor twenty onetimes assuggested
in respectof madana-phala(vide Kalpa I : l6)'
Recipesof Tilvaka with WheY,etc-
'EItiTif: qrnrrfti fir*qt r q r r
be taken along with the following vehicles:
(l) Dadhi-takra(wheY);
(2) Sura-maryda(supernatantpart of alcohol);
( 3 ) C o w 's u ri n e ;
(4) Badara-sldhu (a type of sour drink prepared of
jujube); and
(5) Juice of amalakl. t6l
In the above text, five recipesof tilvaka are described'
Recipe of Titvaka in theform of Sauvlraka
T€-qq Ufqffi€ ETTtf*frtqi qEtll \e ll
$ffi{T ffe dqrEi€i fir*qrrqrt
To thedecoctionof meqa-|yhg\,abhaya,kyqryaandcitraka,
roastedbarley shouldbe addedand fermented.The pasteof
lodhra should be mixed with one aniali (96 ml. approx.) of
and takenas a potion.
this sar,rvlraka, l7-t|28l
ecipe of Tilvaka in theform of Sura
grr Aqrfiqr*trr qrdf qq{Rerdifir&rqtt a r r
1 Sura(alcoholicdrink)preparedofthedecoctionof lodhra
I uy keeping (fermenting)it for a fortnight shouldbe taken as
a potion. [ 8'/2]
ecipe of Tilvaka in theform of Arista
ffinmq,+ftt qfuirsrdd Ecrql

qr€rPdql | 3ll
IrgiEF{rcq T.s*fif E-flr dqnq
srrq*rq rrr qq{r€qmi tetqtqt
Onedro4taeachofdanti andcitraka shouldbe addedwith
oneadhakc of water,and a decoctionshouldbe prepared.To
this decoction, one tula of jaggery and one aniali of the
powder of lodhra should be addedand allowed to ferment.
The arista (medicatedwine) thus preparedby keeping the
recipe for a fortnight is an excellent purgative potion for
personshabituatedto the intake of wrne. [9-tl2t0]
Recipe of Tilvaka Prepared along with Kampillaka
qfiqtrq'qiqrilT (yrFrcr: €s{rf{ilrqlt lo I I
rlr*iffieq,qrfurgl: fir}(r
The powder of tilvaka shouldbe well impregnatedwith
the decoction of kampillaka for ten times. A dose of this
recipeshouldbe takenagainwith thedecoctionof kampillaka.
t l 2r l
I l O t l 2- l
Recipesof Tilvaka in theform of Linctus
ffisq, q,,rdga qnqtn

*erqofg.d:fird *a' *d frtqiuqRrl

q,qrlur q-*{ ia rTyrdt: I
rr{a: qrffi *E: lr q H fifi=+n q?ll
A linctus of tilvaka should be prepared on the line
suggestedfor caturahgula(vide Kalpa 8 : 12).
Linctus should be preparedby adding the powder of
lodhra, ghee,honey andpharyita(penidium)to the decoction
of .tr ip ha Ia (ha rl takl, vi bhit aka andamaIaki) . lt i s an ex ceI I ent
recipe for purgation.
To the decoction of tilvaka, its paste, sugar and ghee
shouldbe addedandcooked.This linctus is excellentlvuseful
for purgation. I t r t t 2 - 1 3l

Recipesof Tilvaka in theform of Medicated Ghee

s{qr€t lffi gqTq F{qrlqqrnl
*.nsqr €Ter}( rrrq*+ q{ei Tfrr( q*qr I qy | |
fiT*{ite fuei*: wIrce*rur
n-fr qmi ftr*{ q,r& *Effiatq=rqt I q\ tl
FfrqrE6rd'r TdrRcFutS o.+AT{l
Frtrfi e q qrq*qrtte rr
Eight fistfuls eachof fyama, trivyt, (caturangula,maha_
vrk;a, saptald, iankhint, dantt and dravantT\ and sixteen
fistfuls of tilvaka-powder should be boired by adding one
droryaof water separatelytill onefourth of the liquid remains.
Thesedecoctionsshouldthenbe mixed together.To this, one
prastha of ghee, onebilva of the pasteeachof the nine drugs
describedabove,and onepala eachof cow's urine as well as
saltshouldbe added.This shouldthenbe cooked.It shouldbe
takenat the appropriatetime and in appropriatedosewhich is
an excellently useful potion for purgation.
By addingthe pasteof lodhra, cow's urine, sour liquid
and salt, ghee may also be cooked.
ln Kalpa 8 : 13-14,two recipesof medicatedghee of
caturahgula arc described.Following the same procedure,
two recipesof medicatedgheecontainingtilvakamay also be
prepared[and usedfor purgation]. [ 1 4 - 1 6]
For the preparationof decoction of lodhra, the drug should be
taken in double the quantity though it is not specified in the text.
Doubling the quantity of lodhra is necessaryto justify the inclusion of
the recipe in the presentchapter.This view is also supportedby the
statementof Jatukar4a.
In the above text, four recipes of lodhra in the form of medicated
ghee are described.
Contentsof Chapter
il{ sFilr*t-
qld qqrFqft{€*fir Sft*ur ql

qa)fifwrrr zfui qq': *fiq€tr*l q I I q\eI I

M gaiqrfu qGrr: rilr*fttfrr: r
ffi tfuTrrqr qd qtwT qffrm,llqall
To sum uP :
In this chapter,sixteenrecipesof the root of lodhra are
describedas follows :
(1-5) Five recipes with dadhi-takra, sura-marlQa'
m-utru,batlara-sldhuandjuice of amalakl;
(vide verseno. 6)
(6) One recipe of lodhra in the form of sura:
(vide verseno. 8)
(7) One recipe to be taken along with sar'rvlroka;
(vide versenos' 7-8)
(8) One reciPein the form of arista;
(vide verseno. 9)
(9) One recipe of todhra to be taken along with
(vi d e ve rsen o s. l 0 -1 l )
( l0- l2) Threerecipesof lodhra preparedin the form of
(vi d e ve rsen o s. I l -1 3 )
( l3- 16) Four recipesof lodhra in the form of medicated
( v i d ev e r s en o s .1 4 - 1 6 ) [ 1 7- 1 8]
ffir+@w- qrq =ilq.frsq,rq: ll j 11 -
q-fi{i{fte 6F|T€n+ ftr€.fifi.€tit
Thus, ends the ninth chapterof Kalpa-sectiondealing I
with the "Pharmaceuticsof Tilvaka" in Agnivesa's work as
redacted by Caraka, and becauseof its non-availability'
supplementedbY Drdhabala.
C H A P T E R- X
3f,etRT:{elrd;€ qf@rf€rffrT: | | t I I
VftaFr6 $r.rrrrlq:n?rl
Now we shall expound the chapterdealing with the
"Pharmaceuticsof Sudha".
Thus, saidLord Atreya. f,t-2l
In the previous chapterph:rrmaceutics
of tilvaka having sixteen
recipes was described.The presentchapter on the pharmaceuticsof
sudha has twenty recipes.Thus, chaptershaving gradually increasing
number of recipesin successionwill be describedhereafterseriatim.
Effectsof Sudha
fqffi Trfu Btn furrqr rrtrrl
FS.Rffd ftTFqT{ fu ffirqr | | ?| |
dFwr*qr Ed EN yftFqr ?r;-qt=rr
T ffrq+ qrd qFd ffipytl
Sudhais the strongest(sharpest)amongall the purgative
drugs. It quickly disintegratesthe accumulatedimpurities.
Wrong use of this drug may lead to consequences which are
difficult to handle.Therefore,it shouldneverbe administered
to a person having laxed bowel. It should also not be
administeredwhen there is less accumulationof do;as and
when other therapeuticmeasuresare availablefor correcting
the malady. f , 3 - 4)
when other measuresfor correctingthe malady are availablethen
sudha should never be used. Its inappropriateadministration may lead
to unmanageableadversereactionsbecauseof its instantaneoussharp


Indications of Sudha
qrrffi 1s Ed efrffid+r
,q€Tqtqgtt q ffimrffinqtl
ttWddct frar Fsrurqrgrql
lrftr*q6r?qi sq{q 6r+aft-a:netl
rd Erfr fu rcraqfu dqqtr
Mahd-vrkqa(sudha)shouldbe administeredto a strong
person suffering ftom par.tQu(anemia), udara (obstinate
abdominal diseasesincluding ascites),gulma (phantom
tumour), kuqtha(obstinateskin diseasesincluding leprosy),
dusi-visa (poisoning caused by artificially made toxic
ingredients), Svayathu(oedema),madhu-mehaor prameha
(obstinate urinary disorders) unmdda (insanity) and such
otherdiseases. If properlyadministered,it quickly eliminates
the doqaseven if they are excessivelyaccumulated.l5-tl27)
Theterm'madhu-meha' generally mellituswhich
is caused by the excessiveaggravationof vayu. This condition is
incurable. Therefore, prescribing a purgative remedy for its treatment
appears to be inappropriate. In the present context, the term
meha' actually implies which means obstinate urinary
disordersin general.Use of madhu-mehaandprameha rc synonyms is
alreadyexplainedin the commentaryon Cikitsa 6 : 57.
The term " do;a-vib hrdnta-cetasi" meaningperversion(vib hranta)
of the mind (cetasi) becauseof aggravateddosas implies unmada or
Varietiesof Sudha
Efrq: s rrfrsds rrgfir$rr6na*: u e rl
g@t qred:cdr frqft trgif,'nezfi': I
Sudhais of two types- one type of which has small but
numerousthorns,andthe othertype haslessbut sharpthorns.
The one having numerousthorns (i.e. the former) is better
than the other (i.e. the latter). I 7 ' / r - ' 1 r . 8|
xI rllplsrHAru 93

q rn41 lTrgsr T<r Eqr FqFvrr*q: il z | |
Snuk, gudA, nandd, sudha and nistrirySa-patraka -
theseare synonymous. I gr/2]
Methodof Collection
d ffiq fi{ vrdqr qFdqqftqrqt
H qt ffi qT f{rffi ffitra:nqtl
A wisephysicianshouldincisethesetwo typesof plants
of sudhdwith the help of a sharpinstrumentto collect its
milky latex. The tree of sudhashouldbe two to threeyears
old, andthemilk shouldbecollectedspeciallyat theend(last
part) of the winter. tel
In Kalpa I : 10, milk from plantsis prescribedto be collected
duringautumn.But in theinstantcase,milk of sudhais prescribedto be
collectedat the end of winter.This is an exceptionalcase.
Recipes of Sudhd to be Taken along with Sauvlraka, etc.

ffiri T6sr qT ?Fu-6rqfw*a,$: I

Eqrlqr vefrf t 5,ars:fltg vMqn ?otl
iliT; EE'IFtFrn qle'r ft*q d*{*uT E r l
gqtq+{ ffi T+{twr€s qilrqtrl
E'(qI qffi{ qTl

The milk of sudha should be mixed with equal quantity

of the decoctibn cif either'bilva, (|yonaka, gambhara pd;ala
and gat.tikarika), byhati or karllakari. and made to get dried in
a pan kept over charcoal fire. From out of this paste,pills of
the size of kola should be prepared.These pills should be
taken along with either of the following vehicles :
(l) Sauviraka (sour vinegar);
(2) Tugodal<a (sour fermentedliquid preparedof husked
paddy, etc.);
(3) Juice of kola(ujube-fruit);

(4) Juiceof antalakl,

( 5 ) Su r a (a l co h o l );
(6) Dadhi-manda(whey);or
(7) Juiceof matulunga. ll0- ttzt2)
Along with sevenvehicles,sevenrecipesof sudhdlre describcdin
the abovetext.
RecipesoJ'Sudhato be Takenw'ithGhee,etc.
qrtrtri q,ra{qfrfr qunrn{ft Ek*rtr I tR rr
qeffi s6r6 €snqfltur qrq*qr
*tircrjri qtTrd, firffi{ EnI I qQ| |
fyama, ftrivrt,
caturangula,tilvaka, maha-vrksa,saptala,fankhi,i, clantl,
dravantll, Sunthl,pippali andmarica,asmanyasareavailable
shouldbe collected.andmadeto powder.This powdershould
bc imprcgnatedwith the latex of sudhafor onc week. From
out of this paste,pills of the size of one kola should bc
prcpared.These pills should be taken with either of the
fo l l o w i n g v eh i cl e s:
(l)Ghcc; or
(2) Meat-soup ll2tl, - l3l
Along with two vehicles,viz., ghoeandmeat-soup.two recipcsof
sudha:rredescribedin the abovetext.
The abovementionedtwo recipesare curativeof aggravarted vayu
:rs theseare to be taken with two uayn-alleviatingdrugs like ghee and
Satala (saptala) is mentioned twice in the above text. By
implication,satala(saptala)is :rnimportantproduct,and the recipeof
sudha preparedwith it alone is very effective.
RecipeoJ'Sudhain theJ'ormof Panaka
qqur ffi <aT Fqrd @ nwr
qqqfrtrrrH@1 qyrl
Sunthl, pippall, tnerica, harltakl, vibhltaka, amalakl,

dantl, citraka andtrivrt shouldbe impregnatedwith the milky

latex of snuhi.ln the form of a syruppreparedwith jaggery.
[it shouldbe administered for purgation]. i14 l
Recipeof Sudhato be Usedfor Inhalation
F-f,{drrsei FT PGqT EftTf lrq{l
tit{i Tqfi Fiqr ffi ikr: n R\ rl
Trrar6 Errqffii qqSW ga: r
€Etr6 ilflTffi rnFfi{r I qq u
rr;erqr€ ilErgrq yr.{g qe+q q I
E{Trn$ fqRrqi TEq}Er T{rftrtr: ll qe ll
Trivrt, aragvadha,dantt, Sahkhinlandsaptalashouldbc
takenin equalquantitiesand madeto a powder.This should
be impregnated with cow's urinefor onenightanddriedin the
sun. This processshould be repeatedfor sevendays. This
recipe should again be impregnatedfor one week with the
rnilky latex of snuhl. Aromatic garlandsshould be sprinkled
with this powderand uppergarmentsshouldbe impregnated
with thewatermixedwith thispowder[of themilky latex].By
theinhalationof this garlandor by wearingthis uppergarment,
a personof royaldescentor a personwho haslaxedbowel gets
purgationeasilyand quickly. t 1 5- 1 7 l
Recipe of Sudha Prepared in thefornt of Linctus
r1q@r*: r
*a qmr fqiq,ref @qrqr q.{(r I qetl
The decoctionof Syama-trivrfshoulclbe addedwith thc
milky latex of snuhi, ghee and phanita (penidium), and
cooked.This linctusshouldbe takenby a personin appropriatc
dosefor the purposeof purgation. t l8 l
Recipeof Sudhato be Takenwith Vegetable-sctup, etc.
Afrf{rrdr{*: r
The milky latex of sudha should be given as a potion
along with either vegetable-soup,
meat-soupor ghee [for
purgationl. '/',-lg
[ ]

With threevehicles,threedifferentrecipesof sudhaaredescribed

in the abovetext.
Recipes of Sudha to be Taken with Dried Fish or Dried Meat

@q r rr€ qr qqAET:1t3tl
Dry fish or dry meat should be impregnated with the
milky latex of sudhd and taken [for purgation]. I lgtlz)
With dry fish anddry meat,tworecipes
of sudhdaredescribedin
the above text.
Recipesof Sudhain theform of MedicatedGheeandAlcohol
SM: qffirygrgorq q*qr
gri ar u,rtaES Ed qr {duq q}qr I Ro| |
Following the procedure described in respect of
caturahgula (vide Kalpa 8 : l3), medicatedghee should be
preparedof the milky latex of sudhaandtakenalong with [the
juice ofl amalakT.
Sard (alcoholic drink) shouldbe preparedof [the powder
of Sunghi,pippa[i, rnarica, haritaki, vibhitaka, dmalqkl, danti,
citraka andtrivyt impregnatedwithl the milky latex of snuhi.
Medicated ghee may also be preparedwith the latex of snuhi
[these recipes may be used for purgation] according to the
method prescribedbefore. | 20 l
Contents of Chapter
dmqfu: TrtrTqtrqT q r*q qr
qr+qi fu+6t q qqGFqsq: n RR| |
d {q,rgqnTrqf dq,r i q qFtfrr
T6rg{s ffi ftiYrfr: r(rfff,rff: il RR| |
To sumup :
In thischapter,twentyrecipesof maha-vykga(sudha)
illustratedas follows :
(l-7) Sevenrecipesof sudhato be takenalongwith

(8-9) Two recipesof sudhdto be takenalongwith ghee

and meat-soup;
(vide verseno. l3)
(10) One recipe in the form of sYruP;
(vide verseno. l4)
(11) One recipeof sudhdfor inhalation;
(vide versenos. 15-17)
. (12) One recipe of sudhdin the form of linctus.;'
(vide verseno. 18)
(13-15) Three recipesof sudha to be taken along with
vegetable-soup, meat-soupand ghee;
(vide verseno. l9)
(16-17)Two recipesofsudhato be taken along with dry
fish and dry meat;
(vide verseno. l9)
(18) One recipe of sudhd to be taken in the form of
alcoholic drink; and
(vide verse no. 20)
(19-20) Two recipesof sudhd to be preparedin the form
of medicatedghee (including alcohol).
(vi d e vrsen o . 2 0 ) [2]- 22 )
. qrqqtJrftsqrq: l'l io ll
Thus, ends the tenth chapterof Kalpa-sthdnadealing
, with the "Pharmaceutics of Sudhd"in the AgniveSa'swork
I redactedby Caraka,and becauseof its non-availability,
supplemented by Drdhabala.
C H A P T E R- X I

qwdrTG-fr{.df qr€qrtnrT: || { ||
Vfra :tlRtl
Now we shall expoundthe chapterdealingwith the
of Saptalaand,Sahkhinl".
ThuC said Lord Atreya. t.t-2)
In the seventh chapterof Kalpa-sectionrecipesof both syama and
trivrt aredescribed.Similarly, in the iiesent chapter,the recipesof both
saptala and sankhini will be described.These recipes can be prepared
of either sapta.laor Safikhiruor both.
ITq|FTT q{qr6r q q€+{$Fr ia Tn I
VrEi* FffiHr *q zrqFdirrsFqr(W)*gm: n ? tl
Saptala, carmasahvd and bahu-phena-rasa-these are
synonymous. Similarly, Sankhinl, tiktalA, yeva-tihA and,
aksi(a)-pidakaare synonymous. t3I
Therapeutic Effects

Becauseof their attributes,viz., vikdsitva(which causes
loosenessof joints), tiksnatva (sharpness) and ruksatva
(ununctuousness), these two drugs (saptala and iahkhini)
should be usedin the treatmentof gulma (phantomtumour),
gara (poisoning),hrd-roga (heartdiseases|,kuqyha(obstinate
skin diseasesincluding leprosy), Sophc (oedema), udara

(obstinateabdominaldiseasesincluding ascites)and such

other conditionscausedby aggravatedkapha. t4l
Method of Collection
qTFtgqi u,FiyrgyQ.qr Frqtr5cqg
qqwlr.rer Tnrh rJ-frdr qrq+ Rr}qr rq rr
The fruits of Sankhinlshouldbe collectedwhen theseare
not very dry and excorticated.
The roots of saptalashouldbe collectedfor use.Both of
theseshould be preservedin a pot. t5l
Recipes of Sa.ptalaand Sahkhinl to be Taken along with
srErqri rd: firus v@1il{l
E*+ qtncnte) 5.d *E ydrsrA(rr q rr
: ll\9ll
tt+ qtuqu}s* *frrn-E+ddl
$eft qr*q EE'Frr:rnr( gq vffidrftr: || 4 ||
One aksa of the pasteof saptald andSankhinl should be
addedwith prasannd(a type of wine) and salt.This is useful
for hrd-roga (heart diseases)causeciby kapha and vayu, and
f o r g u l m a (p h a n to m tu mo u r). This r ecipe should be
administeredwith the vehiclesas follows :
( I ) Decoctionof priyala;
(2) Decoctionof pllu;
(3) Decoctionof karkandhu;
(4) Decoctionof kola:
(5) Juice of amrdtaka;
(6) Juice of dadima;
(7) Juice of drakqa;
(8) Juice of panasa;
(9) Juice of kharjura;

(lO) Badardmla (sour preparationof jujube-fruir);

(l l) Juiceof par-usaka;
(12) Maireya (a sour drink);
(13) Amla dadhi-manda(sour whey);
(l 4) Sauviraka(vinegar);
(15) Tusodaka(anothersour drink preparedof paddy,
etc.); and
(16) Srdhu(a type of wine).
Intake of theserecipeshelp in easyand quick purgation.
With sixteendifferent vehicles,sixteenrecipesof saptala md
Safikhiniaredescribedin theabovetext.In theverseno. 18enumerating
the contents of this chapter,all the above mentionedrecipes are
thesevehiclesarenot decoctions. sincedecoctionsconstitutethemajor
items,all theserecipesareincludedunderthegroupof t4ayc (decoction).
Recipes of Saptala and Sahkhinl in the form of Medicated Oil
fuiffi: qqfueqRr*q*qr
q|@{ qrftq ffi r( qrq}e qr
yrffiqFil di Fffiqqts ?TrR:n qotl
rffiq tr a-dFs?fftiqr
ffi riRf4:ntqtl
Milk shouldbe boiled by addingdrugsbelongingro
Vidari-gandhadigroup.Oil shouldbe cookedby addingthis
milk, the pasteof saptglaandSahkhini(onepart), andtrivrt
as well as Sydrna(half parts).This medicatedoil shouldbe
addedto dadhi-maryda(whey)andadministeredas a potion
[for purgation].
Twopartsof thepowderof SahkftfnTshouldbeadded with
one part of the powderof sesamumseed,and oil shouldbe
expressedout of it. This oil shouldbe takenalong with the
decoctionof haritaEi[for purgationJ.

Following the sameprocedure,oil shouldbe expressed

from the seedsof atasi, sargapa,eraryQaandkarafiia, land
takenalongwith the decoctionof haritaki for purgationl.
te- ll l
In the above text, five recipes of saptala-Sahkhinlin the form of
medicated oil are described.
Recipesof Saptalaand Sahkhiniin theform of Medicated
q'ffil[rn ildtq {@$gt1q?rl
SWsq t'(*i fir}tra ftts;rtr
q;frEq<*: :llt?ll
Sfitu.r *fuq,crg a*e q qwq): t
trq{frrq-d{rqtg rg{qtrffi qlrqYll

ffit rrf( lrtd Ff F, l

qTqkgir{r rq\ ll
@t fr Td +6rs ailq+qr
qllqq ll
EFTqFqffiqHtT, qrfr ffiq
From the milk boiled with Sahkhini and saptald, ghee
should be taken out. This ghee should be cooked by adding
one part of the pasteof saptald andSahkhinT,andhalf part of
the paste of trivyt as well as |ydma. This medicated ghee
should be mixed with milk and taken as potion for purgation.
In the place of the paste of trivyt and |yama, the above
mentioned medicatedghee may also be preparedby adding
half part of the pasteof the following drugs :
(l) DantT and dravantl;
(2) Aja-fyhgi (viqaryikd)and aia-gandha;
(3) Kqiri,?i (dusdhika) and nllika;
(4) Two varieties of karafiia,' and
(5) Mas ura-vidald ( Sydma-lata) and pratyak-pan.t-t
Medicatedgheemay also be preparedby boiling ghce
with the decoctionof Sankhinl,saptala andamalakl.
Medicatedgheeof saptala-iahkhinr mayalsobeprepared
accordingto the proceduredescribedfor the preparationof
medicatedghee of trivrt (vide Kalpa 8 : 66-6g).
Following the procedureprescribed for lodhra, three
t y p e s o f l e h a o r l i n ctu s (vi d e K a l pa 9 : ll- 13) . sur a ot
alcoholic drink (vide Kalpa 9 : 8-9) and recipeof kanpiltaka
(vide Kalpa 9 : I0-ll), may alsobe preparedof saptala and
ia n k h i n T . I t2- t6l
In the abovetexts,eight recipesof saptala-iaitkhirttin the forrn of
medicatedghee; three recipesin the fonn of linctus; one recipo in the
fonn of alcoholic drink; :rnd one recipe prepare<lwith kantpiilnkn lrr-"
Recipes of sapta.laanrt Sankhinl in the form tf Fermented
C*f{d: qdr ut*rmqffir
ei-drF€rrwf$'.+g ir6i-(FzTrfrf
Fqtq+ I I qe I I
According to the procedureto be describedin respectof
dantl-dravanti(vide Kalpa 12:35), sauvrra.ka (vinegar)and
tusodaka(a type of sourdrink preparedof huskedpaddy,etc.)
of saptala andSankhinlshouldbe prepared.
Similarly, gauSa type of wine of saptala and iankhini
may also be preparedby addingaja-gandha and,aja_irngi(on
the lines suggestedin Kalpa 12 : 33).
These [four recipes]are useful for purgation. l" 17 I
while summarisingthe contentsof the chapterin verseno. l g, the
above mentioned fouf recipeswill be describedas madya (fermented
drink) becausethesepreparationsinvolve the processolfermentation.
As describedin Kalpa rz : 35, even the decoctionof aja-gandha
should be added to saptala-sankhini for the preparation oi sauvlraka
and tusodakc referred to in the above text.
Contentsof Chapter
- EEqr.TrEivr qE *a trq *&sd q qfth r

qg rrd T* +6r +.r, EFfiTffi* asr I I qz I I

vrerfrffiurr t t{Yrilfir =reTftf,fir:
zhnr fu€irr q fr Fm: u ?j tt
To sum up :
In this chapterthirty nineeffectiverecipesof saptala and
Sahkhinlare describedas follows :
( I -6) Sixteen recipesof saptald and Sankhinlto be
takenalong with decoctions,etc.;
(vide versenos.6-8)
(17-22) Six recipes of saptalaandSankhinltobeprepared
in the form of oil;
(vi d e ve rsen o s.9 -l l )
(23-30) Eight recipes of saptald and Sankhini to be
preparedin the form of medicatedghee;
(vide versenos. l2-16)
(31-35) Five recipes of saptald and Sankhinl to be
preparedby fermentation;and
(vi d e ve rsen o . l 6 -1 7 )
(36-39) Threerecipesof saptala-Sahkhini to beprepared
in the form of linctus and one recipeof saptala-
f ahkhinl to be preparedby adding kampillaka.
(vide verseno. l6)
For the preparation of the above mentioned recipes.
either saptala or SahkhinTseparatelyor both of these taken
t o g e t h e ra r eto b e u se d . t 18- 19l
@ rr+@Fnds{Re q,q€rrr+
Thus, endsthe eleventhchapterof Kalpa-sectiondealing
with the "Pharmaceuticsof Saptala and Sankhini" in
, AgniveSa'swork as redactedby Caraka,and becauseof its
I non-availability,supplementedby Drdhabala.

(pHARMAcEUTrcs on oeNri ANDDRAvnNri)
srenrfrqtffiueq rrncilRunq: n t | |
ghtFrrd qrrqmt?T:nR||
We shall now expoundthe chapterdealing with the
of Dantl andDravqnti."
Thus,saidLord Areya. t l-2 )
gqFr.[': I
Es* rTrrdb{r qffi {Frfirdqn t Qtl
Cdcn qRarqutr qrgqF{* q yrarfrl
rgqMg.dMrdr(q)usr q q1ftlarr r)
The synonymsof danti are: udurnbara-parr4i,nikumbha
and muk-ulaka.Synonyms of dravanti are : citrd, nyagrodhi
andmftqikahvaya.(It is alsoknown asm-uqika-pan.ti, upacitrd,
fambafi, pratyak-freni, suta-|re4t\,danti and r(c)ar1dA.)pl
Parts to be Collected
T+{SrTft rffg ftsrtlfur qAerfr r*r
Effti;arfrrrrfrT venqcrrfurgFaqrtn y | |
A wise physician should collect the roots of danti and
dravanti which are strong,thick (having thick root-bark) and
resembling the elephant's tusk. The roots of danti should be
dark brown, and those of dravafiT should be coppery in
colour. t4l
The roots of danti anddravanfishouldresembleelephant'stusk,
i.e. they should be thick at the top gradually tapperingdown to the

Processing of Danti and Dravanti

fi1tffiqgffi{ e}fr9q;Ynatt
The roots of dantTanddravanl7should be smearedwith
the paste(of the powder) of pippalTand honey,and covered
with ku{a. The bundle shouldthenbe srnearedwith mud and
fomented with steam.Thereafter, the roots should be taken
out and dried in the sun.By the exposureto theheatof the fire
andsun, thevika37attribute(toxic effectwhich causeslooseness
of joints) is removed. tsl
Becauseof the effects of the heat of fire and sun-rays, dantl tnd
dravanti do not produce much of adverseeffects.
Attributes of Danti and Dravantl
ffi *"il Et qm+ Effi qnqtl
The roots of dantl and dravantl arc tikqrya(sharp), a^144
(hot), aiukart (producing effects instantaneously),vikast
(causingloosenessof joints) and guru (heavy).They cause
liquefaction of two doqas, viz., kapha and pitta. Vdyu gets
aggravatedby theseroots. t6I
Recipesof Dantt and DravantTto be Takenwith Yoghurt, etc.

firer<gFffitffirU*gdqr, t
The root of dantl anddravanfl should be madeto a paste
(by triturating with water). One aksa of this paste should be
given to the patient along with the following vehicles :
(l) Yoghurt;
(2) Butter-milk;
(3) Sura-maryda(supernatantpart of alcohol);
(4) PriyAla-sidhu (a type of wine preparedof priyala);

(5) Kola-sidhu (anothertype of wine preparedof kola

(6) Badara-sldhu (another type of wine prepared of
badara); and
(7\ Pllu-sidhu (anothertype of wine preparedof pllu).
These recipes are useful for patients suffering from
gulma (phantom tumour) and udara (obstinateabdominal
diseasesincludingascites).Theserecipesare also usefulfor
thosewho are overpoweredwith morbid dosas. [7-t/28]
With thesesevenvehicles,sevenrecipesof dantl anddravantl are
describedin the above text.
Recipesof Danti and Dravantl to be Takenwith Meat-soup
rirgrnqr$: eTo€: E[firffi $rrrqfr n 4 l l
[One akqa of the pasteof dantl anddravanf7]should be
taken with the soup of the meat of cow, deer or goat by the
patientsufferingfrom pa4dn (anemia),krmi (infestationwith
intestinalparasites)andbhagandara(anal fistula). [ 8r/2]
With three vehicles,three different recipesof dantl anddravantl
are describedin the above text.
Recip es of D anti and D ravantTin theftt rm of M edicat ed Ghee,
ad, 6d Eqr+ q Etrrelil
a'Frtr*F{sf5 qrt q ffiqgd{r IsIr
tufttq 3ei u ffi c,m,,firir
wg,*a @ilqotl
Gheeshouldbecookedby addingthepasteanddecoction
of danti anddravanti, and[equalquantity]of the decoctionof
da1a-mula.This medicatedgheeis usefulforpatientssuffering
from kaksa (herpes in the axilla), alaji (boils), visarpa
(erysipelas)and daha (burningsyndrome).
With the above mentioned ingredients,oil should be
cooked. This medicatedoil is useful in meha (obstinate

urinary disorders), gulma (phantom tumour) and udavarta

(upward movementof wind in the abdomen)causedby the
aggravation of kapha and vdyu.
With the abovementionedingredients,catuh-sneha(four
types of fat, viz., oil, ghee, muscle-fatand bone-marrow)
should be cooked. This recipe of medicatedfat is useful in
conditionsof obstructionof feces,semenandflatus,and other
diseasescausedby aggravatedvayu. l e-r0l
Recipesof Danti and Dravanti in theform of Linctus
*a, fird Fqt'6rel
i{rffi{ =qt ++ gr( rr qefllrr*l.n I
{ffitrr qffirfrnrRn
fiq ilF inqr€rer+rrritd qrfumrq q r
dA rfih *e qT $rdiffi qrar*qrI qQtl
t6.€i f<ffiS Yq1qrffi ? 11T1I{I:I
?rfrwa ynrRa W *t Fqfrstt I qy I I
To the decoction of danti and aja-Syhgi,jaggery, honey
and ghee shouldbe addedand cooked.This recipe of linctus
should be used for purgatibn which cures daha (burning
syndrome), santdpa (heating sensatbn) and,mcha (obstinate
urinary disorders).
In the place of aja-fyhgl in the aboverecipe, aja-gandha
may be added, and the linctus should be prepared which is
useful in morbid thirst causedby vdyu, and fever causedby
The root of dantl and dravanfl should be cooked by
adding the juice (decoction) of amala&l. Three parts of this
decoctionshouldbeaddedwith two partsofphdnita(penidium)
which shouldbe sizzledby addinghot gheeor hot oil. To this,
one part each of the paste of danti, dravanti, |ydmd, ltrivrt,
cqturahgula, tilvaka, sudhd,saptala andSahkhinll should be
added and cooked.This linctus should be taken as a potion
which helps in easypurgation. lil-14 l

In the verse no. 40 describingthe contentsof this chapter,three

groups of sixteen recipes are mentioned.The first group of sixteen
recipesis describedabove in the versenos. 7 to 14'
Second Group of SixteenRecipes
Tt q qvrTfrs iTsn +qir* tt r
affi qe ffi q+( Esrqttq\ll
r*fu q"f il{Af+q EnF*cqt
srg* fqFr i{r*e} g.d qrqgd {s{qt I qq ll
qrcFreq.firwi qr u,effi qmrrl
ffi€r ra: rnt( gq t q F q F r q t n q e t l
Td effis Fa g(ifffiqt
qr+qffig t rGtT: FgdHllqz ll
Fffsfr Erqrluurdr{ qr5i rrs1l
qrq{q q riq-€ qsr*g fqMllls ll
( I -3) In the recipeof linctus describedin the verseno'
| 2- | 4, the decoction of da3a -mul a or v i bh1taka or
harTtakimay be usedin theplaceof the decoction
of amalaliL and threeother recipesof linctus may
be prepared.
(4) One bilva of the powder of dantT and dravantl
should be impregnatedwith the decoction of
dantl anddravantT.This shouldbe taken with the
sourjuice which is usefulin theretentionof feces
and in gulma (phantom tumour) caused by
(5) Stem of the sugar-caneshould be split, and its
inner surfaceshouldbe smearedwith the pasteof
dantl and dravantT.Thereafter, the sugar-cane
should be fomented. Taking the juice of this
sugar-caneby chewing causeseasypurgation.
(6- 13) The root of dantl anddravantl alongwith mudga
shouldbe cookedwith the meat-soupof (1) lava,
(2) vartiraka, [(3) vartlka, (4) kapifiiala, (5)
cakora, (6) upacakra, (7) kakubha or (8) rakta-
carmakal.Theseeight medicatedsoupsareuseful
for purgation.
x r rl KALPASTHANA r09
(14-15)With the decoctionof dantl anddravantl, gruel
(yavagu) or the soup of the meat of animals
living in arid zoneshouldbe prepared.Thesetwo
recipes should be sizzled with spices, and
administeredas potions for purgations.
(16) Similarly, with the decoction of dantl and
dravantt,yavagil (gruel) shouldbe preparedby
addingthe soupof masa.This shouldbe sizzled
and administeredas a potion for purgation.
[ 1 5 _ l e]
The second group of sixteen recipes of danti and dravunti is
describedin the above text.
Third Gi:oupof SixteenRecipes
rqqrqad qpn 6| flftn:*r-sefu r,
\F} riltrqFTfrf q,,rqtftnRqT tlqr | | ?o I r
ffi qTsprq-*{ qldwa Feirffi{r
n-ffi Erqrfur n Rqtl
<fr€rrh qr*sr q-fr*Ar Hrfrrtrql
gsdt'qfrort t+FqfdrF€r1 rrqr}fi: I I RRI r
Ed F+ffi qnrtf qerftgqtFganrqr
il'!1t trgari q flqrt$ iFd qtrrfrtft I R?| |
qqr6 rnq}q} €f qrfuaci Tir: I
frW{ tffi g ffi dftrrRttRytl
rtdfu g@ Fr*EgS zilFrqtr
qf @ q . f u q rt R \ t l
qusqrdrg qrt q rTrrgirt q pFFr+il Rqt l
wf Fqrq,qdg Efrilfins ft'wFiT:I
{@ E+ g.starenrfuirquRetl
ft{q rF€irt EqR$ rrqrhftT:l
sqrr€ u ftr*aq Evri qvrlsFa qt I Rail
\i Frqn6rn: Tt: TrdirlF{?rdun:
rrtrar: i l R q r l
c$Fdqnpa{a+ ErffrdytcrwfuiT:I
ffiffi q vrstntot|

€Fr1=f {frrarRgtf fir*qr r

F{M gqdrf 6Trdrfigirr(r | ?q tl
yqFrrFitt.ils, ffi:t
ffiffi@: ntRtl
iTen #g q.qd qrcFr;tr*r I
.tgr 6r$srqrffr.Trqrrg*gqhi''ffi: u QQtl

qF<rr @ntytl
qriFrqTeFqr€rur *drq,-Effit
E.{rfiFrer* diril Aqrffi n"fr' qd | | t\ I t
( I ) Three parts of the decoctionof dantl and dravantl
shouldbe addedwith two partsof sugarandone part
of wheat-flour. With this,utkdrika(pan-cake)should
be preparedwhich is useful for purgation.
(2) With the above mentioned ingredients, modaka
(sweet bolus) may also be preparedand used for
(3) From the decoctionof danti anddravantT,wine may
be preparedand usedfor purgation.
(4) Different types of eatablesmade of jaggery or salt
can also be preparedby boiling food ingredients
with the decoctionor oil of dant1.[Theseeatables
may be used for purgation.l
(5) Dantl, dravantl, marica, yavani, upakuficikd,
ndgara, hema-dugdhaand citraka should be made
to a powder.This shouldbe impregnatedwith cow's
urine for one week. One pani-tala of this recipe
shouldbe given to the patientalongwith ghee.After
the potion is digestedand the patient is purged, he
should be given demulcentdrink. This recipe is
immenselyusefulfor all kinds of diseases.It can be
administeredin all the seasons.Since it has no
untoward effects, it can be safely given to children
and old persons.It is useful in loss of appetite,
indigestion,pain in the sides of the chest, gulma
(phantom tumour), splenomegaly,garyQa-mala

(cervical lymphadenitis),diseasesof vayu and

(6) Onepala of citraka, onepala of dant|, twenty fruits
of haritakl, two kar;as of trivrt and two karsas of
pippalTshouldbe addedwith eightpalas ofjaggery.
Out of thesei ngredients,tenmodaftas(sweet boluses)
shouldbe prepared.Oneof thesemodakasshouldbe
taken along with hot water, and this should be
repeatedevery tenth day. No dietetic restriction is
necessarywhile using these modakas. These are
useful for curing all diseases,specially grahani
(sprue syndrome), parldu-roga (anemia), arfas
causedby vayu.
(7) The decoctionof two palas of dantt addedwith half
prqstha of draksa is a purgative useful in kasa
(cough) causedby pitta, and in anemia.
(8) The pasteof dantl shouldbe addedwith jaggery in
equalquantityand takenasa potion along with cold
water. It is an excellentpurgativerecipe for curing
(9) The decoctionof Syamaanddantl shouldbe added
with jaggery and kept for fermentationin a jar the
inside wall of which is smearedwith the paste of
pippalr, phala and citraka. This arista (medicated
wine) is useful for ailments causedby vayu and
kapha, andfor diseaseslike p llhan(splenic disorder),
anemia and udara (obstinateabdominal diseases
(10) The decoction of danti, dravantl and aja-gandha
shouldbe addedwith jaggery and madeto ferment.
[This arista is useful for purgation.]
( I I ) In the above recipe, aja-iyhgt may be added in rhe
place of aja-gandhd. This crisra helps in easy
(12) The decoctionof the powder o,fdantl anddravantl

shouldbe addedwith the decoctionof masa and

made to ferment. From out of this fermented
(ki n va ) w i n e , a l co hol ( m adir o) should be
extracted which is useful rn gulma (phantom
tumour) causedby kapha, suppressionof the
power of digestionand stiffnessof the sidesof
the chestand the waist.
(13-14)With the decoctionof dant7,dravantl and qia-
gandha, sauvlraka (vinegar) and tuqodaka (a
type of sour drink) should be preparedon the
lines suggestedfor lodhra (vide Kalpa 9 : 7).
[Thesetwo recipesare useful for purgation.]
(15) With the decoctionof dantl and dravantT,sura
(alcoholicdrink) shouldbe preparedon the lines
suggested for lodhra(videKalpa9 : 8- l0). [This
is usefulfor purgation.]
(16) D a n tl a n d d ra va n rTshould be added with
kampillaka,andtherecipeshouldbe preparedon
the line suggestedfor lodhra (vide Kalpa 9 : l0-
I l). lThis recipeis usefulfor purgation.]
[ 2o-3s
In the above text, the third group of sixteenrecipesis described.
The sixth recipe describedabove is also calledAgastya-modaka.
Contents(up to this Portion) of Chapter
m' eFlTfi't:-
GeqrFqg r{: rrs 1@ rftr
*tg * T* *gr, qa.qff *m q3 ?tt tq tl
Yq{r+*,R Ir tErrqrsrri q {FTFFrr:I
Erqrrqrd Tq*a wF eFfiTFtq,rfuft| | Qet I
qfis ffi rrA *q,wi*ererH,r
quitsdi g-{H frEq: rca qrse | | Qe| |
ga: *ffisH frq; s1-E E*r$t
qfir gtfi: qfiqo& iren qid gt *5cr, ll RqI l)
To sum up :
In this (up to this portion of the) chapter,the following
recipes of dantl and dravantl aredescribed:

(l-3) Three recipes to be prepared with dadhi or

yoghurt, etc.;
(vide versenos.7-8)
(4-7) Four recipesto be preparedwith priyala, etc.;
(vide versenos.7-8)
(8-10) Three recipes to be preparedin the form of
(vide verseno. 8)
(ll-13) Three recipesto be preparedin the form of
(vide versenos.9-10)
(14-19) Six recipesto be preparedin the form of linctus'
(vi d e ve rsen o s. I l -1 5)
(20) One recipeto be preparedin the form of powder;
(vide verseno. 16)
(21) One recipe to be preparedwith sugar-cane;
(vide verseno. l7)
(22-29) Eight recipes to be prepared with the soup of
mudga and meat-soups;('rasdstrayal.t'in the
text appearsto be an error).
(vide verseno. l8)
(30-32) Three recipes to be prepared in the form of
yavagu, etc.;
(vide verseno. l9)
(33) One recipe in the form of utkarika;
(vide verseno. 20)
(34) Onerecipeintheformofmodoka(sweetbolus);
(vide verseno. 21)
(35) One recipe in the form of alcoholic drink;
I (vide verseno. 2l)
(36) the
nffi:'ffi :?#T,:;-o::;T:;::",-;th

(37) One recipe in powder form;

(vide verse nos.23-26)
(38) One recipe againin the form of modaka;
(vide versenos.27-29)
(39-44) Six recipes in the form of asava (medicated
w i n e );
(vide versenos.30-34)f"paficacdsave"appears
to be an error]
(45) One recipe in the form of sauvlraka (vinegar);
(vide verseno. 35)
(46) One recipe in the form of tusodaka(sour drink
preparedof huskedpaddy);
(vide verseno. 35)
(47) One recipe in the form of sara (alcohol);
(vide verseno. 35)
(48) withkampillaka;
(vide verseno. 35)
(49) Five recipes to be prepared in the form of
f"Pafica ghpe smytalq"in the text appearsto be an error
becausesuchfive recipesof medicatedgheeare not found in
the text. Only three recipesof medicatedfat are describedin
versenos.9- 10which arealreadyenumeratedin item nos. I I -
13 a b o v e . l t 36- 391
I T h e a b o v e m e n t i o n e d - v e r s e sa p p e a r t o b e s u b s e q u e n t
interpolations, and Cakrapani has not commented on the above text.
Different categories of the above mentioned recipes are differently
explained by other commentators. However, in the translation and
interpretation, thosefurnished by Cakrapaniin the earlier text have been
Summaryof Contents

il"ilfEqTfi ffi
In this chapterdealingwith the "Pharmaceuticsof Dantl
andDravantl', threegroupseachcontainingsixteenrecipes,
have been describedto suit the likings of the patient, dosas
aggravatedand diseasesto be treated. t 40 ]
Summaryof Kalpa-section
ffi qgqgrsr€ffi qrl qFrql
e glt rGrE6.T:qs ffi E Fffi | | yq | |
lTerrz|?r:gqrEr€ qqrfur wT q=aq | | YR| |
In this Kalpa-section,355 recipesfor emesis and 245
recipesfor purgation,thusta'tentogethersix hundredin total,
are describedfor the purification of the body (by elimination
of dosas)throughupwardanddownwardtracts.Theserecipes
are mainly composedof f-!{qeen drugs. [ 4t-421
Fifteen basic drugs composingthe six hundredrecipesdescribed
in this section are (l) Madana-phala, (2) jlmutaka, (3) ikqvdku, (4)
dhamargava, (5) kuyaja, (6) krtavedhana,(7) fyama, (8) trivyt, (9)
caturahgula, (10) tilvaka, (ll) maha-vrksa(sudha),(12) saptala, (13)
1afikhinl, (14) dantt and (15) dravanti (vide Kalpa I : 6).
lrdFfr qEr-
ErFq +{ yan+{ Elq rrgqgq+ r
rr ffi * uqai6 frFgq: | | Yl | |
q-drffi Yeffir{r TUT$IilT:${re[213I
i F6 dreqrR rS+<Fq}atn YY tl
Thus it is said :
The recipes are invariably named after the principal
(most active) drugs usedin their composition.
Alcohol, etc., used along with the principal ingredients
llke madana-phala,etc., play a secondaryrole. Their effects
follow the attributesof the principal ingredientsused in the
recipe as the attendantsfollow the king. | 43-44l

In different recipes, alcohol, etc., are added as constituents,

vehicles or expicientsto the main drugs llke madana-phala.In these
recipes,madana-phala,etc.,arethe main ingredients,and alcohol,etc.,
play only a secondaryrole. Therefore,theserecipesare named after the
principal ingredients,and not after the ingredientshaving secondary
therapeuticvalue. Theseingredientslike alcohol, however,follow the
effects of the principal drugs usedin the recipe.
Similarity or Dissimilarity of Potency
trna*fttr gq6m.-",*-tl
sTFrEilFvfr{ ft t*qrcpuf6rqt | | Y\ | |
S o m e t i m e s t h e d r u g s o f s e c o n d a r yn a t u r e h a v e
antagonisticpotency.Even then they do not contradictthe
-. ,ef,fectsof the principal drug. If these drugs of secondary
nature are similar in potency as that of the principal drugs,
thenthe recipebecomesall themoreeffectivetherapeutically.
Principal drugs like dantT,etc., have strong action, and meat-soup,
etc., addedto the recipes'ofdantt aremild in action. Eld, etc.,arecardiac
tonics. When added to emetic drugs, llke,madana, they are likely to
* reduceihe emetic effEct.Combinationof ihesedrugs having opposite
however,doesnot affectthe effectsofthe principal ingredient.
On the otherhand,notwithstandingtheir oppositepotency,they actually
help emetic and purgativeeffectsof the principal ingredient.
If the drugs of secondarynaturehavethe potencysimilar to that of
the principal drug, then obviously the effect of the compound recipe
becomes all the more potent.
Needfor Using Drugs of Dissimilar Potency
lrft qrr{r{l
ereffir+qEfr f<fatt I Yq rl
Drugs of antagonisticpotency are addedto a recipe in
order to impart desirablecolour, taste,touchand smell. Such
additionalso helpsto effectivelycure the diseases. 1,46l
Emetic and purgative recipes (therapies)are administered for the
treatment of several diseases.But the diseasecannot be fully cured
simply by emesis or purgation. Therefore, in emetic and purgative

recipes,some other drugs,even thosehaving oppositepol.encies, are

addedso that the recipeas a whole becomes to cure the disease.

Needfor Impregnation
spSqi TmrqFf a,rd FrR$rrdT+: I
g+rrF{d@Rqfu <ad sr{Egfi{5.(l I Ye ll
Fr$qq*tr?gr{qrfur qrq}qt
In additionto addingto the potencyof the recipe,it is
necessaryto impregnatethe ingredientsof a recipe with the
j uice or decoctionof otherdrugs.Whenproperlyimpregnated,
even a small quantity of the drug becomes exceedingly
effective. Therefore, ingredients of a recipe should be
impregnatedwith thejuice or decoctionof other ingredients
having identical potency. [ 47 - ]
Modification of Effects of Recipe -]
ersgrfuw5rrfdur1.dgt€"dilrql I Ya ll

By virtue of appropriatesamyoga(additionof ingredients),

viSleqa(eliminationof ingredients),kala (appropriatetime of
administration) and sarytskara(processing)even a small
quantity of a drug may producemore powerful effects, and
otherwiseeven a recipe in large quantity may produce very
mild effects. [4gtl2-t1249]
If a drug is addedwith ingredientshaving identical potency,then
the effect of the recipe taken even in small quantity becomesmore
powerful. Similarly, if a drug is addedwith ingredientshaving opposite
potency then the effect of the recipe taken even in large quantity
becomesmilder. In certain cases,the milder effect of the recipe is
necessaryin order to make it suitableto the requirementof the nature of
koqtha (natureof bowel).
In the sameway, the effectsof viflesa (eliminationof ingredients),
kala (timeof administration)andsarpskara(processing)can be explained
and illustrated.
Innumerability of Recip es
ffi qrrdtl I Y3 ll

ril$dd"f rrt€rfur q.tffsfu qfi€AEl

@ rT ffin\otl
Six hundredrecipesfor emesisand purgation,described
in this section,are only a fraction of the total numberof such
recipes.The physician,accordingto his own wisdom, may
prepare thousandsand billions of such recipesbecausethe
permutationandcombinationof ingredientsareinnumerable.
Therefore,there is no limit to theserecipes. [4gt/, - 50 ]
Three Categories of Recipes

E tqr TuJfr rtqqr{l

Recipesfor emesisand purgationare of threecategories,
viz., t\ksr4a(strong or sharp),madhya (moderate)and mydu
(mild). Their characteristicfeatureswill be describedwhich
you may listen to (addressedto the disciple AgniveSa).
[ ]
Characteristics of TikqryaRecipe
W W rrdr*trrfif ?r( r*f+n\qn
ffi rnqt Eq} q q E-eFF-ql
effi{ryrqqftgr{t 5-€i dtu ffin \R tl
Fqt?dFrFd qr riffifr frFd*qr
Strong type of recipe for emesis,purgation as well as
niruha type of enemahas the following characteristics:
(l) It causespurgation and emesiseasily, quickly and
with strong force;
(2) The morbid material does not get adhered to the
(3) It doesnot causeexcessivefatigueof the anal region;
(4) It does not causepain in the cardiacregion;
(5) It doesnot causeany erosionin the gastro-intestinal
tract: and
(6) It eliminatesthe morbid materialin its entirety.
Isltl., - tl"53 l
'virecana' used in
The term the above text generally rneans
In the presentcontext,however,it implies both purgation
as well as emesis (vide Kalpa I : 4).
Factors Responsiblefor Making a Recipe Strong
wdrffi}r€TE evr€rdIgTfiTd{t | \t u
Mr*fnf Eer*{: €rrnF*qr
fr*frqqxtq frryttf qrh rt{q{r r\Y rl
The following factorsare responsiblefor increasingthe
strengthof a recipe :
(l) The ingredientsare not impaired by exposure to
water, fire and insects;
(2) The ingredients are imbibed with the beneficial
attributesof the soil and season:
(3) The recipeis administeredin a slightly higher dose;
(4) The ingredientsare appropriatelyimpregnatedwith
drugs having similar potency;and
(5) The patientisadministeredoleationandfomentation
Typeof Recipe
aeft I
ctq!ilqr | \q tl
Recipeshavingingredientswhich are slightly infenor rn
the above mentionedcharacteristics,and administeredin a
lesser dose to a person who has undergoneoleation ind
fomentation therapies appropriatelyproducemoderateeffect.
t55 l
Characteristicsof RecipesHavingMrdu (Mild) Effect
T<*d fi{'qT g rhrqqr
srgerd{: Ii5.{i Tg F{r;rrq{*rrr(t | \q | |
Recipesare categorisedas mild (mfdu) when they cause
slow urge [of emesisandpurgation]becauseof the following :

(l) The ingredientsare of low potency;

(2) The ingredientsare of contradictorypotencies;
(3) The recipe is administeredin small dose;and
(4) The recipe is administeredto a patient who has
ununctuousness (i.e. hasnot beenproperlyoleated).
ts6 l
Suitabilityof Dffirent Categoriesof Recipes
for Dffirent
Typesof Patients
€ uffi firnAkrn t\\e n
Recipesof moderateand mild categoriesdo not cause
purification of a patient with strongly aggravateddosas as
theseare too mild to eliminatemorbid matter (dosas)in its
A physician desirous of professionalsuccessshould
administersuchtherapiesonly to patientswith moderatelyor
mildly aggravateddoqas. 1,57 1
Recipesof mild and moderatenaturedo not causeappropriate
purificationof a strongpersonastheyareincapableof eliminatingdo;as
of his body in their entirety.Thesemild and moderaterecipesmay,
however,causepurificationof a personwith mild andmoderatestrength
respectivelybecausein such casescompletepurificationby these
recipesis possible.
Selection of Recipes for Dffirent Categories of Diseases
ffi qd TEqffur rrd@rtqeqlT- |
*eunfrR qdrffi +qtilr+g ffiqu \a tl
Strong, moderateand mild diseasesare characterisedby
the manifestation of all the symptoms; manifestaionof only
s o m e s y m p t oms w h i ch a re o f moder ate natur e, and
manifestationof only some symptoms which are of mild
nature respectively. For such strong, moderate and mild
diseases,therapiesof strong,moderateand mild natureare to

be usedrespectivelyprovidedthepatientis strong,of moderate

strength, or of mild strength. [The patient who is strong
should be given strong therapy,the one who is of moderate
strengthshould be given moderatetherapy,and the patient
who is of mild strengthshouldbe given mild therapy.ll 58 l
In the selectionof a therapy,the following points should be kept
in view :
(1) The natureof the recipe;
(2) The strengthof the patient; and
(3) The seriousnessof the disease.
RepeatedUse of Therapy
H EF{€i q{ fit qsr(g{: gt: I
s}mt' mrT?td grq o{rftrrEvf{r(t| \q rr
If by the administrationof the emeticrecipe,the morbid
material (dosa)is not eliminated[completely],then it (same
recipe)shouldbe administeredagainandagain(to thepatient)
till there is appearanceof bile (in the vomited material).
The sign of properemesisis the appearance of bile along with the
vomited material at the end (vide Siddhi I : l4). Therefore, if there is
improper emesis, the emetic recipe should be administered again and
again till bile appearsin the vomited material.
Exceptions to this General Rule
qe*Aeaqrag dwtunltErs ql
yq: lrEgRrHvffiqrHlqt I qo u
After ascertainingthree different types of the strengthof
the doqas(morbid material) and that of the patient, the recipes
(of appropriatecategory) should be administeredrepeatedly.
However, if the patient is weak and the diseaseis of mild
nature, then the therapy may be avoided altogether. t 60 l
If the patientis of moderate
strength,and if the diseaseis of
moderatenaturethencompleteavoidanceof thetherapyis not necessary.
such a patient can be administered the therapy (moderately) in the
beginning. But in such caseseven if the dosa (morbid material) is not
completelyeliminated,the repetitionof the therapyshould be avoided,
as statedabove.
Administra.tionof Another Recipe
ffi ar.sfu*'fr qr AqFnSrdger:I
ftrqsqs5$d grrffi€grqr{t lqq ll
If the recipe administeredfor elimination of dosasitself
gets eliminated or gets digested (without eliminating the
doqa), then another recipe should be administeredto the
patientby a wise physiciandesirousof professionalsuccess.
t6l l
If without causing vomiting and without eliminating dosas, the
recipe gets eliminated or becomesdigested, then there will be no
stimulation of the urge for vomiting. It is only the undigestedrecipe
which provides such stimulation for the urge for vomiting. In such a
case,on the sameday, another(a different) recipefor emesisshould be
Necessityto PreventDigestionof EmeticRecipe
s{rr*i qr{ Alq qqqFf Fetqr{t
fr&-gqrena: qr*. r gFdqnir+(l I qRr r
An emeticrecipeproducesemesisonly when it is not
,9ig"st"i[,.A purgativerecipecausespurgationduring the
processof itl digestion.Therefore,the physicianshouldnot
lose any time after the recipeis digested[and administer
anotherrecipeimmediatelyl. l62l
Digestionof PurgativeRecipe
{t y# *qr P{t€ qn rrtr
qfir) ffi *r: rrrqlN g{: n e?tl
_ If a purgativerecipeitself getsdigestedor getseliminated
by,vorniting without eliminating the doqa (morbid material),
[even] then an intelligent physician should administer the
pufgative recipe alain (on the sameduy).

Repetition of Therapyfor Strong and WeakPatients

ffii qE.+{ E qs€rWr r{ql
€:tfq il€$ni sft$ qmnEg.{:n eY| |
E.ffi qgdqs Mt * qt:t
fqF:qi ffiuq\tl
If a personwho has strongpower of digestion,who has
moreof aggravateddosas andwhosebodyis stronglyunctuous,
is not fully cleansedof morbid material,thenhe may be given
food on that day, and on the secondday, he should be given
If a weak patienthasaggravateddosas(morbid material)
in large quantity,and his dosashavedevelopedthe tendency
to undergo paka (metabolic transformation)leading to
purgation,thenonly giving him food (whichcausesdownward
rnoverl€nt of wind in the colon) will again help in slow
purgatlon. [ 64-6s)
If there is already a tendency of the rnorbid do;as to move
downwards becauseof paka (metabolic transformation),then purgative
recipe should not be given again because it may lead to ati-yoga
Treatment of Residual Dosas
arr*s R*s fuqasrgqn rf,,r
$wrrrqmnqr ffi *'tgrnqr rqq rl
If a person is not fully cleansed by emesis or purgation,
then the residual doqas (morbid material) may be alleviated
by the appropriate diet like gruel and antara-pdna (decoctions
of drugs) which stimulate the power of digestion. t 66 l
Theterms"vamanaifi...virekaifi.."areusedin pluralbecause even
one recipecausesmultiple boutsof vomiting andpurgation.
In the place of 'vifuddhasya-aprama4atal.t' there is a variant
reading'viSuddhasya pramaqatcf". Accordingto thosewhoacceptthis
latterreadingasputhentic,evenwhenthereis appropriateemesisand
purgation,the patientshouldbe given suitablediet and drinks which
stimulate the power of digestion for alleviating the residual do;as
adheredto the walls of the gastrg-intestinal

Personsto be Given Mild ReciPe

E*-dvfrRrdffiq q qmq{r
eilfiFrr"tei q qrqHqei Tgllqsll
Personswho are weak, who haveundergonethe process
of purification earlier,who havelessof aggravateddosasand
whose bowel-condition is not known should be given
purificatory recipe of mild nature. 1 . 6 7)
Those who have undergonethe processof purification earlier
becomephysicallyweak.To themonly mild recipeis to be administered.
If strong recipe is administeredto such weak persons,then they lose
their strength exceedinglY.

for Milder ReciPes

M frrs-*crgqrq Frrsqqt
q ?rftfrFi T(ftfq vrr+grurci[rq(l I qe ll
Mild recipesareattendedwith lessof discomfortand do
not involve any risk. Therefore,it is betterto take such mild
recipes if required even frequently than strongrecipeswhich
may causeimmediatedangerto life. t 68 l
Recipes of very strong nature should never be given to weak
patientsbecausethesemay endangertheir lives.
Essentiality of Purification
E.ffisfr TdrN frH t
E3.dqqF{edr:ll QRll
If the dosasareexcessivelyaggravatedthen evena weak
persoiiTlioutdbb liven elimination therapies.However, such
therapiesshould be administeredin small doses,but very
frequently with the ingredientshaving mild effects. If the
dosas are not eliminated, then thesemay cause death of the
patient. t6el
EmeticEffectsof PurgativeDrugs
q#66{igtd ftqrsqdfrrqqt
qfrf arqd: q.€ EFtrf qpr+d r{ll so ll

A purgative recipe may get mixed up with kapha and

move upwards.This may causevomiting. To such patients
emetic therapy and kavala (gargling therapy) should be
administeredfor the elimination of (lit. purification) lof
kaphal. He shouldbe madeto fast,andthereafter,the purgative
potion shouldbe given to him. t70 l
Managementof Complications
f{ce.rd fiil{r+n F{qqr firtsqcqt
t{Temi Tqr wfded*cr+q vnqh | | sq r I
dr('nt rTrff{Fi q r+E aarq"nrAEneRrl
If the morbid dosasget obstructedor get eliminated in
small quantitiesor get eliminatedafter a long time, then hot
water should be given to the patient to drink. [Apart from
correctingtheabovementioneddefects],it relievesflatulence,
morbid thirst, vomiting and constipation.
At times.,the medicinegetsobstructedby morbid dosas
and movesneitherupwardsnor downwards.Sucha condition
getsassociatedwith eructationsand bodyache.In suchcases,
fomentationtherapyshouldbe administered. l7l-72 )
Elimination of Residual Medicaments
sTFdrqeftr Vqfr+:wr+riqFqql t\et ll
If a personwho hasbeen well purgedcontinuesto have
eructations, the residual medicament inside the gastro-
intestinal tract should be eliminatedby emesis.If after the
digestion of the recipe, there is excessof purgation,then it
should be stoppedby excessivelycooling ingredients.[ 73 J
Evenif themorbiddo;asareproperlyeliminated fromthebody,
occurence of eructations
indicatesthata partof therecipeis still in the
processof digestion.This residualmedicamentshouldbe takenout by
emetictherapyon the sameday.

If a part of the recipe is not digestedthen it may causeexcessive

purgationwhich has to be arrestedby excessivelycooling ingredients.
u,,qTF{€q*qunuai nna;rgrf*r*Tqql
dlon sffir qrqre rrrt qr ilg+de | | sY | |
At times,the recipebeingobstructedby kapharemalnsln
the chest (oesophagus).It producesits effects when kapha
getsdiminishedeitherin the eveningor at night. t741
If the recipedoesnot produceits etfbctsbecauseof its obstruction
in the chestby kapha, then it is necessaryfor the physicianto await its
action when naturally kapha is reducedin the eveningor at night.
Repetitionof Dose
sEnqt€rrffiT fuqr# rrtsfu qrr
qrgTr rH trqq fir*qt I e\ ll
If becauseof ununctuousness of fasting, medicine gets
digestedor if becauseof aggravate d vayu,it movesupwards
along with flatulence,then anotherdoseof the recipe should
be given to the patient along with unctuousingredientsand
salt. 1 , 7 5)
Use of Pitta-alleviatingM edicines
W+5uqptqr: Fgd+dfr rHr
firirEarang vfta q $Ff ffi us+ | | sq | |
lf during the digestion of medicines there is morbid
thirst, stupor, giddiness or fainting, then pitta-alleviating
medicineswhich are sweetand cooling should be given.
t76 l
Use of Kapha-alleviating M edicines
tfi,qrtqt I
twinr@e.<TrR E,q-5Fddqi l \ 9 ' 9 t 1
If there is salivation, rEUSeo;intestinal stasis and
horripilation becauseof the medicamentgetting covered up

by kapha, then the patientshouldbe given kapha-alleviating

drugs which aretlksna (sharp),hot, pungent,etc.
Fasting Therapy
ER.rrri EE{*g q trE*rGifrtr{r
+ng S6ia: ,eGqTF$.HrrqnEqfrr | | ez I I
If thereis no purgationevenafterthepatienthasundergone
appropriateoleationtherapybecauseof krilra-kostha(costive
bowel), then the patientshouldbe madeto fast. As a result of
this, his kaphaaggravatedby oleationtherapyandits adherance
to the body get alleviated. t78 l
Digestion of Recipe
s'q-q6f{m-q3qi€-ErrqrrTgnfu n(r
{wrrffi q {ffiHe *dFdus3tl
fu* qfr grr <at qsrqsrfttffiql
qffi&f dd Efdd Rqrqu aotl
Becauseof ununctuousness of the body, aggravationof
vdyu, kr-ura-ko;tha (costive nature of the bowel), habitual
exercise and strong power of digestion, a recipe may get
digestedwithout causingpurgation.
To suchpatients,medicatedenemashouldbe given prior
to the administrationof purgationtherapy.By this medicated
enema,the morbid dosasgetexcitedandtherecipeof purgation
eliminatesthe morbid doqasquickly. t 7e-80l
Accordingto somescholars,thebasti(medicated enema)referred
to aboveshouldbeof anuvasanatype. Niruhatypeofmedrqated enema,
accordingto them, shouldnot be given "becauseit aggravatesudyr"
(vide siddhi 4 : 50). They alsoadvancerhe argumentthat niruha type
of medicated enemais specificallymentionedto be givenonly aftera
gapof sevendaysafrerpurgationtherapy(vide siddhi | : 26). But this
view is not correct.The term.'basti' referredto aboveimplies borh
anuvdsanaandniruha types.Niruha doesaggrav^rc vayuif it is given
alonefor a long time wi thoutanuvdsanatypeof enema.I n general,both
the types of enemacausealleviationof vdyu (vide sutra 25 : 4a).
Prohibition of purgatipn after nir-uhatype of enema is a general

statement.But in specialcircumstances,asstatedabovesuchexceptions
are possible
In the above text purgation is stated to be given after enema
therapy.As statedin Siddhi l:26, theremay be a gap of sevendays'
Therefore,thereis no contradictionin the statements'
PersonsUnsuitablefor EliminationTherapy
s&:nP-Fn:6dFeI n Ttr *qmq?rr: I
frqi frvr: q1.qqrFfr affir:nZltl
F6Ffr TI
*drR qrt-f,rqgr =rrqrsftarlnwfur+ql I zRI I
In personswho indulge in ununctuousfood, who are
accustomedto physicalexerciseandwhosdliowerof digestion
is very strong, the aggravateddosas get diminished by the
influenceof exerciseandexposureto wind, sunaswell asfire.
They arecapableof toleratingthe effectsof antagonisticdiet,
intake of food before the previous meal is digested and
indigestion.Such patientsshouldbe given oleationthe-l3py'
and shouldbe lirotectedfrom the aggravationof vdyu. They
shouldnotbe givenpurgationtherapyunlessthey.areaffected
by a (serious)disease. I Sl-82 ]
(Jnctuousand UnunctuousTypesof Purgation
+AFffiqyrfiTrq sW qsGiqqr | /? | |
Unctuoustype of purgationtherapyshould not be given
to a personwhosebody is excessivelyunctuous.To the person
whose body is saturatedwith unctuousness,a non-unctuous
type of purgationshouldbe given. t 83 l
Appropriate Administation of Purgation Therapy
gE friEt fERf *fr lprfircrwrqlk(l
PqH t&sq: y{rqr;rrtRTtqFdn eY rl
A wise physician who is acquaintedwith the above
mentioned procedure (for the administration of purgation

including emetictherapies),and who is well-versedwith the

natureof the land,seasons anddosage,doesnot commit errors
in the administrationof purgationincluding emetic therapies
to personsfor whom thesetherapiesare indicated. t 84 ]
P roper Administration of Therap ies
fufPil sqffi qensir{l
fu tri q rsrtrfrr(gffi(t I a\ tl
Purgationincludingemetictherapieswork like poison if
inappropriatelyadministered.If properlyadministered,these
work like ambrosia.
It is essentialto administerthesetherapiesat the time of
need. Therefore, these therapies are to be administered
carefully. lssl
For the treatment of diseaseswhich are curable by purgation and
emetic therapies,suchtherapiesshould be administered.Thesetherapies
must not be avoidedsimply becauseof the risk involved.
Eqqqrqf g rE-t-qRryq€*S ir( qiEawhq&gl
The dosageof recipesdescribedin this sectionis with
referenceto personshaving moderatetype of ko;1ha (nature
of bowel movement),ageand strength.Keepingthis standard
in view, changesin the dosagecould be done either by its
increaseor decrease. t86 l
Table of Weightsand Measures
lrE E*srq wfrfu: Rr(qurfrqq {fr: t
3ild i q{qr tt,rwrE.€rfu r€iq(n 4s tl
qrqqr* $Afd qt={qrr6d {cT: I
elFgar + g r€rrwrgtrwq1 xrGrGF:nLLtl
tqg qrqffi rtewrqrcA t T{: I
vnqrt * EEfrr ftrsr( *{ 6rq{ta qnasrl
faurqit ffiTft u'{ gaof qr{+q ql

furfrqqEi iq fird qrFrftf a?fi | I 30 | |

fdrg.{i ? mcrq a.rerra}e \al
a gqd qdref eregFffiqFrq,,r trsn | | 3q I I
a rrdrtr rri gFa: rqSsu wg$r*,,rt
ki ffirfir qrq e qe y{a fug: u i? tl
s{qqFf E ftril q.d Et E qfaq;1p
wi TSf frrsrEsh ?rgnll3Qll
IEIGFI: 55cn: tr€rAtg:Y€slqqTF{Al
qrl daSr firid qq: Yfrrrwi iTsn | | 3Y | |
ffi Tdqui q ir(l
1r ger EFFtYt: sre Te5-qr{}q qlls\ll
*sr€ fi5w: YFT ftr}a: {rrr ga ql
tM yftr fsr( srfi arm a*q qllSq ll
ffi ffi yFttuT gFanrlt
Eeri vrdwi frrur{ qfi:qrqrFwrE:ll 3ell
SGryffi ffi Y*tFtaqr
The tableof weightsandmeasuresusedin Ayurvedais as
follows :
(The basic weight is dhvam,iTwhich is also called to some physicians,it is also called
dhuli or a floating dust particle.)
(A) 6 dhvamfls make one marlci;
(B) 6 maricis make one(rakta) sarqapa(lit. red mustard
(C) 8 rakta-sarqapasmake one taryQula(lit. grain of
(D) 2 tarySulasmake onedhanya-maqa(lit. black gram);
(E) 2dhanya-mdsasmakeoneyava(lit.grain of barley);
(F) 4 yavas make one aryQika;
(G) 4 aryy'ikasmake onemdqaka(maqa);[It is equivalent
to I graml; Its synonymsarc herna and dhanyaka;

(H) 3 mAsasmake oneSAna;(It is equivalentto 3 grams);

(I) 2 Sanasmake onedrahkqa,la;(It is equivalentto 6
grams);Its synonymsare kola and badara;
(J) 2 drahksaryas makeonekarqa;(It is equivalentto 12
grams); Its synonymsare suvarna, akqa, biQAla-
padaka, picu, pat.ti-tala,tinduka andkavala-graha;
(K) 2 suvaryas (karqas)make one palardha, i.e. half
pala; (It is equivalentto 24 grams;Its synonymsare
Sukti anda$lamika;
(L) 2 palardhas make onepala; (It is equivalentto 48
grams); Its synonyms are mu;Ii, prakufica,
caturthikA, bilva, qoQaqikaand amrai
(M) 2 palas make one prasrta; (lt is equivalentto 96
grams);Its synonym is a$tumAna;
(N) 4 palas make one afijall; (It is equivalentto 192
grams);Its synonymis ku(ava;
(O) 2 kuQavasmakeonemanikd;(ltis equivalentto 384
(P) 4 kuQavasmakeoneprastha;(ltis equivalentto 768
(Q) 4 prasthas make one adhaka; (lt is equivalent to
3.072kilograms);Its synonymis patra;
(R) 2 aQhakas (8 prasthas) make one karytsa;(It is
equivalentto 6.144kilograms);
(S) 4 karTtsasmake one drorya; (lt is equivalent to
24.576 kilograms); Its synonyms are arma,le,
nalvar4a,kalafa, ghaga and unmdna;
(T) 2 droryasmake oneSltrpa;(It is equivalento 49.152
kilograms);Its synonymis kumbha;
(U) 2 f-urpasmake onegoni; (It is equivalentto 98.304
kilograms); Its synonymsarc khdri and bhdra;

(V) 32 Surpas make one vdha; (It is equivalent to

1572.864 kilograms;and
(W) 100palas make one tula; (It is equivalentto 4.800
The abovementioned andsuchotherweightsandmeasures
are applicableto dried articlesof drugsand food ingredients.
I 8 7- t t 2 9 8l
The above mentioned weights and measures, according to
Drdhabala, belong to Magadha-mdna(thoseprevalent in the country of
Magadha). Anotherpopularly usedunit of weight is rattl (fruitof Abrus
precatorious). According to Magadha tradition, ten rdttts constitute
one mdqa (gram). According to SuSruta,who follows the weights and
measuresof Kaliftga tradition, five rattis constituteone maqa.According
to Jatfikarnx, six rattis also constitute one md;a.
[in addition to the above,other units of weight like valla which is
equal to three rattls are also describedin the text. The Pharmacopoeia
Committee has found out 125 mg. as equal to one ratti or gafria.In this
text lineal measurementslike afigula (3l4rh of an inch), vitasti (9
inches) and hasta (18 inches)are also mentioned.l
Doublingthe Quantityof Liquidsand frlsh Drugs
figw r6*E€ iTsn w*q*g quqatl
qta qr=fE.dnfrfiT qai rn il(reFd+ql
qR-qrmE g.ef qrr yqlFtaqr r qs| |
Liquids are freshly collectedherbs should be taken in
double the prescribedquantity for a recipe.
If, in a recipe,the unit of measurement is describedin the
form of tuld or pala, then the drug of the sameweight (without
any change)shouldbe used.
Whenthe weightof ingredientsin a recipeis not specified,
then all theseingredientsare to be takenin equal quantities.
198 l
In the above text, liquid ingredientsof4 recipe arestatedto be used
in double the prescribedquantity. But, accordingto the instructions
provided in other texts, the ingredientswhose weights are described in

the form of rcttt up to kuQavashould be usedaccordingto the prescribed

quantity (and not in double the prescribedquantity). Jatfrkarnashares
this view. While describing Suniqaryryaka-cahgeri-ghrta (vide Cikitsa
14 :238), Carakahasmadean exceptionto this rule of drava-dvaiguryya
(doubling theprescribedquantityof liquids) by specificallymentioning
that, "for the preparationof this recipe thirty two p alas of the ingredient
should be taken in the place of prastha". By implication, the quantity
should not be doubled as prescribedin the general rule.
When an ingredient can be used both in dry and green forms, the
prescribedquantity in a recipeis applicableonly to the dry ingredients,
and the quantity should be doubled only when their green counterparts
are to be used.There are, however, herbs llke vdsd, kulaja, kuqmaryQa,
Satapatri,sahd,amytd,prasdratli, aSvagandha,Satapuqpaxndsahacara
which are generally usedin greenform, and their quantity should not be
Useof Water
rqfir{sfr qrj+ rrdT FFdreiqdql
?riTgl @ q:llqooll

Somerecipesarepreparedby processingwith liquids. If

the type of liquid is not specified,theninvariablywater hasto
be used foi the preparationof such recipes.
When the quantity of the ingredientis specifiedaspada
(lit. foot), then this implies one fourth in quantityof the main
ingredientin the recipe. t l00l
Recipes like medicatedoil and medicatedghee are to be prepared
by liquids. If the type of liquid to be usedis not specifiedthen water has
to be used in its place.
'pdda' (lit. foot) generallyimplies "a quarter".This has
The term
been reiterated here only by way of clarification.
Proportion of Ingredientsin Preparation of Medicated Ghee,
\n6*tM € IIIfrui q:r ifi-cnt
ffi srdwrr(*t: ffi qE{urql I qoqll
If in a recipe of medicated ghee or medicated oil, the
quantities of water (liquid), fat (ghee or oil) and other drugs

(to be used in the form of paste)are not specified,then the

pasteof drugsshouldbe one part, the fat (oil or ghee)should
be four parts and water (including decoction,juice, milk,
etc.,)shouldbe sixteenparts.i.e. the fat shouldbe four times
in quantityof the paste,and water,decoction,etc., shouldbe
four times in quantity of the fat. tr0rl
In the recipesof medicatedgheeor medicatedoil, the quantity in
which the paste,the ghee or oil and liquids like water, decoction and
milk are to be usedis generallyspecified.The sameshould be followed
in the preparationof theserecipes.Thereare,however,instanceswhere
the quantitiesof theseingredientsare not specified.In such casesthe
rule provided in the above text has to be followed.
Three Typesof Paka (Cooking)
ffien i+ Tg{q: EN'rRTerTl
i\ Ee+ ar*r F{qft sffi {g: {rT: n toRrr
t'qrq Fq f{qft qeil <qT fugafr r
vfrffi E FrqR {ftil+ Ertkrsr I I loQ| |
Medicatedgheeor medicatedoil is preparedaccordingto
threedifferenttypesof paka (cooking),viz., mrdu-pdka(mild
cooking), madhya-paka(moderatecooking)and khara-pdka
(hard or strongcooking).
When the liquid fractionof the recipeincluding the paste
takes the consistencyof samydvaor gruel (a preparation of
ghee,jaggery andbrokenpiecesof wheatin a bolusform), and
when the liquid including the paste slides down from the
laddle,then this is calledmadhya-pdkaor moderatecooking.
If the liquid along with the pastesnapswhen rolled by
fingers, it is called khara-paka(strongor hard cooking).
I 102-103]
TherapeuticEffectsof MedicatedOil PreparedAccording to
Three Types of Paka
qfrsrrySrTa: qr+l, ggdta:f*arg ur
qqqrqi g vrrr$ qeil q il ioy tl

Medicatedoil, etc., preparedaccordingto khara-paka

(strong or hard cooking) are useful for massage,Those
preparedaccordingto mrdu-paka(mlld cooking) are useful
for inhalationtherapy.Thosepreparedaccordingto madhya-
paka (moderatecooking)areusefulfor beingtakeninternally
as a potion and also for medicatedenema. tl04l
Two Traditions for Weightsand Measures
qri q FdFd?igrg: qlG rnqd am r
q.rFcff.rqrrrq Mi qrqH fug: rr lo\ ll
Weights and measuresare of two different types, viz.,
. Kalinga (thosetraditionallyusedin theancientlandof-Kalihga
- part of present Orissa) and Magadha (those traditionally
used in the ancient land of Magadha - part of presentday
Bihar). The latter is betterthan the former. [ 105 ]
[Cakrapanihas opined this text to be unauthentic).
Summary of Kalpa Section
T{ s*d}-
qeqrei, yil.t{ riilr TsFig, rqdi r
ffiq-drffiTqnffitr<r|ioe, I|
F{dFqAEtrt @r
fregrqfterqi qr{ T+aqrfis efgtaru qoe| |
To sumup :
The topicsdiscussedin the Kalpa-sectionareas follows:
(l) Objectsof pharmaceuticalprocesses;
(2) Definition of purificatory procedure;
(3) Raisond'etre of the effectsof drugs;
( v i d eK a l p a l : 5 )
(4) Characteristicsof land (clime), etc.;
( v i d eK a l p a I : 7 - 1 1 )

(5) Attributes of madana-phala,etc.;

(vide Kalpa l: 12)
(6) Six hundredrecipes;
( v id e K a l p a 1 2 :4 1 -4 2 )
(7) Purposeof vikalpa;
(8) Synonymsof drugs,
( v i d eK a l p a| : 2 7 ; 2 : 3 ; 3 : 3 - 4 ; 4 : 3 ; 5 : 4 ; 6 : 3 ; 7 :
4, 8 : 3;9 :3; l0 : 8; ll :3; 12:3)
(9) Characteristicsof recipeshaving sharp, moderate
and mild actions;
( v i d eK a l p a 1 2 : 5 1 - 5 6 )
(10) Managementof different types of morbidities;
(vide Kalpa l2 : 59-85)
( I I ) Weights and measures;and
(vide Kalpa 12:87-99, 105)
( 12) Methodsof preparingmedicatedoil and ghee;
(vide Kalpa 12 : 100-104) [ 106-107 ]
ilA @
EerFraarqr5t qaqnq{Rt
qer€sn+ qqffi ll lR ll
Trq EfE{frsgqT€T:
Thus, ends the twelfth chapterof Kalpa-sthanadealing
with the "Pharmaceuticsof Danti andDravantT'in AgniveSa's
work asredactedby Caraka,andbecauseof its non-availability,
supplementedby Drdhabala.
vK{ qffi{sr|;T( Irqruil(r |
Thus, endsthe seventhsectionof Caraka-sarythitacalled

C H A P T E R- I
P A N C A -K A R M A)
3[en?[: EFGqqTfirE qr€pnFnrT: | | t | |
Efr a Frr6 Frcrr;ni"r: ll Rll
Now we shall expound the chapter dealing with "the
Procedurefor SuccessfulAdministration of Pafica-karma
(Five SpecialisedTherapeuticMeasures)".
Thus, said Lord Atreya. It-2)
In the previous section,i.e. Kalpa-sthdna,different pharmaceutical
processes(kalpa) involved in the preparation of recipes for paitca-
karma are described. These recipes are to be used according to the
prescribed procedure for achieving success in the treattnent. This
residual part of the therapeuticmeasures,i.e. their successfulapplication
(siddhi) is being describedin the presentsection (sthana)called Siddhi'
'siddhi' in the presentcontext implies "the procedurefor
The term
the administration of emetic therapy,etc., complications arising out of
their improper administration,and their successfulmanagement".Since
the present section (sthana) deals with such measuresas would lead to
the success(siddhi) in the administration of emetic therapy, etc., it is
caflea Siddhi-sthana.
138 C A R A K A . S AM H I T A I CH.
The term can also be interpreted in a diffeqent way. At
times no distinction is made betweenthe cause(karana) and the effect
GArya). Emetic therapy,etc.,arecause(kdrana),andsuccessfultreatment
of diseasesis theeffect(karya).Sinceemetictherapy,etc.,which arethe
causes(karana) are describedin this section,it is called Siddhi-sthana
on the basis of the effects(karya) of thesecausativefactors (karana).
K e e p i n gt h i s i n v i e w , i t i s s t a t e di n . S u t r a 1 5 : 5 - t h a t a p p r o p r i a t e
administration of emetic therapy, etc., and the managementof their
complicationswill be describedin Siddhi-$hAna.
Becauseof the aboveinterpretationof the term "Siddhi-sthana",
one should not extendits meaningto include Cikilsa-sthanaalso. This
term isused herein the senseof yoga-rudha.By implication, though the
meaningof this term etymologicallycan be extendedto other sections,
in the presentcontext,it refersto only Siddhi-sthana.

Queriesof Agnive1a
tF,[ t5-F[r|r lr5g qdqfir, 9;45 ifi,:, fr q F-drFtg I
ftG d*qr@g, dqr qr, fr lur:, *g q.F2I qk: u Qrl
ffi Td+d sfilm,,{ale, 5i f*,qrt er qfrErr*rfr: r
qufrqqmg r qrfr ?iii, *+fd vfr'f, gf*tra qk: n y rl
qrerT vrfl: d: yrq+s *fu( 6wr( y3|*{ {r{ rqf€ | -
lr*k: {!'tqetor HqFiqF?*iT ftvwqnE: n \ tl
tret rrffi t*r*,,qlqr
AgniveSa,theforemostamongthedisciples(of Punarvasu
Atreya) put forth queries before his preceptoras follows :
(l ) What is the prescribed procedure for the
administration of pafica-karma (five specialised
[The answerwill be providedin the versenos. 6
(2) In which orderthesetherapiesareto be administered?
[The answerwill be provided in verse nos. l0'/o -
(3) What arethesignsof proper,improperandexcessive
administrationof thesetherapies?

[The answerwill be providedin the versenos. l5 2/n

(4) What is the number of enematato be given ?
[The answerwill be provided in the verse nos.25-26
a n d 4 7 2 1 4 -5 0 1
(5) What are the therapeuticeffectsof medicatedenema
(basti) ?
[The answerwill be provided in the verse nos.27-
3 4 ,3 9 - 2 1 4 4 o l
(6) What type of basti (medicatedenema)is useful for
which type of disease?
[The answer will be provided in the verse nos.
(7) What is to be avoidedduring the course of the
[Theanswerwill beprovidedin theversenos.542lo
(8) What shouldbe the interval.betweenthe adminis-
trationof differenttherapies?
[Theanswerwill beprovidedin theverseno.2ln54l
(9) What for the recipeof enema,when administered,
doesnot enterinto the rectum?
I Theanswerwill beprovidedin theversenos.55 2/n
(10) Whatmakestherecipeof enemato comeout earlier
than the scheduledtime ?
[Theanswerwill beprovidedin theversenos.56 2/o
- 214571
(1 l) What is the causeof delayin the evacuationof the
administeredrecipeof medicatedenema?and
[Theanswerwill be providedin theverseno.2l156l
(12) Why somediseases thoughcurabledo not get cured

z_\ r -.
\- lzL

evenwhenrecipesforeachof theseareadministered?
[The answerwill be providedin versenos.57
2l 5gl
Having regard to these (above mentioned) questions,
Punarvasu,who is the foremostamongphysiciansand who is
well-versedin scriptures,replied as follows with a view to
promote the welfare of humanbeings. [ 3 - 2/o6 ]
Pafica-karmas (five specialisedtherapies)play an important role
in the successof therapeutics.Therefore,The methodof administration
(kalpana) of thesefive typesof therapies,viz., emesis,etc., leading to
success(siddhi) is called Kalpana-siddhiwhich is the title of this first
chapterof Siddhi section.
In the abovetext, twelve questionsof the disciple areenumerated.
Answers to each of these questionswill be elaborateClater in this
Specific questionsof the disciple illuminate the intellect of the
teacher to give appropriate answer.This point has been elabr,ratedby
Bharadvajain his work [no more extant now].
The question no. l2 deals with the reasonsfor which a curable
diseasedoes not get cured even when recipesfor it are administered. If
the recipesare appropriatethen thereis no question of a curable disease
not getting cured. Therefore, the question refers to curable diseasesnot
getting cured becauseof inappropriaterecipes/ therapies.
Duration of Oleation Therapy
s6[q{ €qFfi q{ E ft{rdi rTt: *qfrflrar Ffi': il e rl
qRT:rrf ffi Frdrrdqv,qrffir(qr gt
therapy shouldbe administeredto a person
after he has undergoneoleation therapy continuously for a
minimum period of ftrgg drys_,or a maximum period of seven
days. Oleation therapyis not recommendedto be continued
after the seventhday becauseby then the person'sbody gets
saturated(satmyl-bhavet) with it. l6r/o-rl07 l
The first queryof AgniveSais aboutkalpandor procedureof the
administrationof five specialisedtherapiesQtafica-karma).Oleation
and fomentationtherapiesare given prior to the administrationof

pafica-karmc as a preparatorymeasure.Thus, these two practically

constitute puts of partca-karma;hencetheseareelaboratedin the above
Oleationtherapycanbe administeredcontinuouslyfor a maximum
period of seven days becausethe body of a person gets saturatedwith
these different types of fat (oil, ghee, muscle-fat and bone-marrow)
within these seven days. After the seventhday, further oleation is not
possible becausethe body has alreadybecomesaturatedwith thesefats.
This is the normal phenomenon.If, however,becauseof any abnonnal
situation, the body of the individual does not get saturatedwith fat even
after giving oleation therapy for seven days then the therapy can be
continued.In suchsituations,traditionally,ayurvedicphysiciansintemrpt
the oleation therapy for a few days, and thereafter, commence again
giving snehain a higher dose.
The prescribed duration of oleation therapy for minimum lhlqe
days and maximum sevendays is with referenceto the natureof kosyha
_li-g1{!tion of the bowel). If the personhas mylu koqtltq (la11edbs_wel),
then administration of medicated ghee, etc., for three days will be
enough for proper oleation. If the patient is of krura-.&,o;!7g(costive
bowel), then properoleation of thebody is achievedby giving medicated
ghee, etc., for seven days (vide Sutra 13 .',65).
If a person of krura-kosflra (costive bowel) gets oleated by taking
medicatedghee,etc., where was the needfor describing the prohibition
of such oleation therapy thereafter ? A person with krura-koqtha, no
doubt getsoleation in sevendaystime, but only the recipesof medicated
ghee, etc., are given_in,Sqfjgig"q!dose. If the dose is less than what is
required for krirra-ko;lha,then the persondoesnot get oleated properly
even in seven days, and he may need the recipe for more days to get
oleated properly. In someother texts,oleation therapyis describedto be
given for either three, six or nine nights (days). This exceedsthe limit
of seven days which is not acceptableto the present author.
The above statementin other texts can be explained in a different
way. The recipe for oleation therapycan be given exceedingthe limit of
seven days only when the body is not saturatedwith medicated ghee,
etc., within the prescribed limited period of seven days.
Though it is mentionedthat the minimum period of oleation should
be three days, therearerecipeswhich causeinstantaneousoleation even
within one day.
Koggha (nature of the bowel) is of three types, viz., krlrra-ko;lha
(costive bowel), madhya-ko;gha (moderate bowel) md mydu-ko;1ha
(laxed bowel). Far kr-ura-ko$lha,oleation therapy is prescribed to be
given for sbvendays, and for mydu-kogyhc,the sameis prescribed to be
given for three days. Fnr madhya-kogfta, though not specified in the
text, the duration of ol' rtion therapyshould be betweenthree " nd seven
days, i.e. for five de only.
Some scholars. .rd the view that a person with mydu-koqtha (laxed
bowel) should not be given oleation therapy for more than three days
because according to them, the body of such type of persons gets
saturatedwith fat within three days itself. This type of interpretaticn of
the text is not convincing to the mind becausethe Preceptorhas clearly
stated in the above text that the body gets saturated(satmyl-bhavet) in
sevendays time. By implication, if a person with mydu-kofllr4 does not
get oleated in three days time becauseof the small dose of the recipe,
then he should be given the therapy for more than three days.
Therapeutic Effects of Oleation Therapy
frsffti EFr IKq-tFd t6 q-eTrqf
firFrgk Ff;qt I s tl
i aggravatedvayu,sgftensthe
body and disintegratesthe adheredmorbid material [in the
channelsof circulation.] t7 ' l o l
Therapeutic Effects of Fomentation Therapy
flgrqs qMStrF*eK ffTqfd qra{l
In the person who has undergone oleation therapy,
fomentation liquefles the adheredmorbid material (even) in
the fine channelsof his body. l'lo8 l
for Exciting Morbid Material
I ,-l'''"'' : wTit6dvr+'r: v€t€Tq im:llall
0\. :.1 rtrnQn sng.a$:v{*' ffi: qq,gf,ffitEa: I
tr The personwho is to be administet"O;il6S-isshouldbe
1r grygl 4!4k andthuneqtaswell asmeat-soup of domesticated,
' ..1'
aquatic and w-p!:lqndinhabiting animals as food f'r the
excitation[of kaphal. ^fr
The personwho is to be givenpuilation therapyshould
be given soupof the meatof animalsinhabitingin arid zone

and vegetable-soupaddedwith fat [for the excitation of pitta'l

whiCh do not causeaggravationof kapha. I gr/o- og]
To the person who is to be administered emesis, the above
mentioned diet (describedin the first paragraph)sn6ut,OGgiven for one
-day-prior d-tn" duy of the administration of the therapy. To the perion
who is to be administeredpufg{ion, the abovementioneddiet (described
in the secondparagraph)should be given for thre,e_days prior to the day
of the administrationof the therapy vide Sutra 13 : 80-81. i,.-, J
Reasonsfor Emetics and Purgatives Working in Opposite
c+dilrgtrd 6g,Er ftnFai v;ffi6q sEr{r I s n 4 n,1l ir .r'
srer: E+sd qwf FffiFgtwi Ftrdr'+ nsiled{l '1,
gri't r
A person with excessively aggravatedkapha. ygmits {
-withoutanydifficulty, andthepersonhavinglessof aggravated,d : t t t i ; f
kqha purgeswell. However, if thereis less of [aggravated]
p,urgationthroug-hthe ti i t ' : l ' '
kapha, then the e_gqticrecip-e-c_a.uses
downward tract, and in the state of aggravatedkapha, the
purgativerecipe causesemesisthrough the upward tract.
Order of Administering Emetic and Purgation Therapies
ftryr€ratq ,rtrt qefu qmrer ffircFqgu qoll
f€Tr€rg @ zfrr{rdr{ydrqtt
Emetic therapy should be administered to a person
u""orAing io the appropriateprocedure (describedin Kalpa
l:]!) after his body is oleatedwith oleationtherapy.
After emesis, he should be given systematic dietetic
regimen (satpsarjana-krama)with peyA (thin guel), etc.
Thereafter; the person who has undergone oleation and
fomentationtherapies,shouldbe administeredthe bestsuited
purgation therapyappropriately(ref. S-utral5 : l7).
The term 'snigdhdya'in the above text implies that the person
should be given a massagewith rnedicatedoil in the morning before the

administrationof emetic therapy becausethe other form of oleation,

viz., internal administrationof ghee,etc., is alreadydescribedbefore,
and its repetitionis unnecessaryhere.According to somescholars,this
term'snigdhdya' may be interpretedas "the person who has already
been oleated".
On the line suggestedfor emesis,the patientshould also be given
oleation and fomentationtherapiesbeforethe administrationof purgation
therapyindependently.The procedurehasalsoto be followed evenif the
purgation therapy is administered after emetic therapy. After etnesis,
the patient should be given restricteddietetic regimen (saryrsariana-
krama) which should be followed by oleation and fomentation therapies,
and therefter, purgation therapy should be given. Before purgation
therapy, of course,assuggestedbefore,doqa(pitta)-exciting diet (prati -
bhojana) should be given for three days. Since this has already been
[,oJ describedin Sutra l3,t 80, the sameis not repeatedhere.

P ost -therapeutic M easur es (Samsarj ana-kr ama)

, ,.,,,1. tr Hfrrrqd 5tf a W rd f*fftc|fivrsn qqtl

p,' ;
' t x,lur +}a fagaq,ra: @: I
" /
:.'t "'j' Aft", the body is cleansedof the morbidities[by emetic
J It
and purgationtherapies],the patientshouldbe given as food
pe_yq(thn gruel), vilepl(tB*_glgel)' g'kytoas well as krta-
yt$ (undJoned and seasonedvegetablejuice) andakrta as
well askyta-rasa(unseasoned andseasoned meat-soup).Each
of thesedietary items shouldbe given for three,two or one
mealtimesto thepersonwhosebody is cleansedin accordance
with eitherpradhdna-Suddhi(maximumcleansing), madhya-
Suddhi (moderate cleansing) or avara-Suddhi (minimum
cleansing)respectively. ltrzl4-21412)
Fourtypesof dieteticpreparations, viz., mayQa,peya,yavagutnd
vilepl uedifferent in theirstickinessanddensity.Ma4y'cis without any
stickiness,peyd,.i;-as9o9ia1ed with stickiness,yavdgu is exceedingly
sticky, andvilepi is very thick in nature.Of these,peyd andvilepi ue
prescribedaboveto be takenby the personafteremeticand purgation
According to Suda-Sastra (Culinary science),vegetable-soup
preparedwithout seasoningwith fat, salt and Pungentspicesis called
akrta-yitqa:vegetable-soup sqrsonedwith theseingredientsis called

krta-yu;a; meat-souppreparedwithout seasoningwith theseingredients

is called akyta-rasa;and meat-souppreparedby seasoningwith these
ingredientsis called kyta-rasa.
Each of thesefood items, viz., peyd, vilepi, akyta as well as krtc-
1tu;aandakfta Ls well as kyta-rasa are to be given for three, two or one
meal times to the personwho hasundergonepradhana-Suddhi(maximum
cleansing), nmdhya-Suddhi(moderate cleansing) and avara-Suddhi
(rninimum cleansing)respectively.
The patient who hasbeenadministeredemetic orpurgation therapy
in the nrorsing should keep fast in the noon time. Giving the above
mentionedrestrictedfood should commencofrom the evening of that
day. Peya shouldbe given to him in the eveningof that day tnd during
the two meal times of the next day (three meal times in total). Vilepi
should be given for the next three meal times. Rice with akyta ds well
as krta-yuqashould be given for the subsequentthreemeal times. Rice
with akyta as well rc kyta-rasashouldbe given for the subsequentthree
meal times. Thus, the administrationof theserestrictedfood continues
for seven days in the caseof the person who has undergonepradhana
or pravara-3uddhi.
In the above mentioned diet-schedule,akrta-yfisa as well us kyta-
yusa aredescribedto be given for three meal time. There is no specific
indication as to for how many meal times the former and for how many
rneal times the latter has to be given. Therefore,in the begin ning, akyta-
yu;a andlatterkrta-yn;a should be given. Simiku procedureshould be
followed in respectof akrta-rasa and kyta-rasa.
For the person who has undergone madhya-Suddhi (rnoderate
cleansing),eachof the abovementionedrestricteddiet should be given
for two meal times. If the personhasu ndergone avara-Suddhi(minimu'rir
cleansing),then each of the above mentionedrestricteddiet has to be
given for o_nemeal-time each. Since akrta as well as kyta y-uqa, are
prescribedto be given only during one mealtime, giving them separately
is not possible. These two forms of vegetable-soups, and also meat-
soupsare to be given only after light seasoning.
ln the caseof'pradhana-Suddlrl(maximum cleansing), morbid
matter from the body gets eliminated in large quantiry leading to
excgss!y-ef uppressionof the power of digestion.Jherefore, sarpsarjana-
krama (restricted dietetic regimen) has to be followed for a longer
Signs and symptomsof pradhana-Suddhi(maximum cleansing),
etc., are to be describedlater (in subsequentversenos. l3-15).

fln Sfrtra 15 : 16, restrictedmeals are prescribedto be given

beginningfrom the sameeveningor from the next morningof the day
of the administrationof the therapy.Cakrapani'scommentaryon this
paragraph is verysignificant.Accordingto him, if thepatientis properly
cleansed,thenrestricteddiet shouldbegivenon thesameeveninB._I,{-he
thenhe shouldnot be given any meal in the
is not properlycf_ean.ged,
eveningandtheiestrictedmealsshouldbe startedfrom themorningof-
the next dayJ
Effects of Saryts
@: dgqrqrufrqqfr E*uilttRrr
T6rtfrelt: Fdqq{adq {.fr tqlFqfiwr{F{: I
As a small sparkof fire getskindled into a big and stable
flame when fed graduallywith dry grass,cow-dungcake,etc.,
similarly the_11ternal
fire orlhe,en?yFesin {gbody regpq_ns_ib-le
fqr digeslion and metabolism[which was subduedbecauseof
purificatory measuresJin a purified persongrows strong and
stable, and becomescapableof digestingall types of food by
the [gradual] administration of peya (thin gruel), etc.
Characteristics of Threb Typesof Emesisand Purgation
vqqqqgd g &rttrsrt VEr qq+ rrsdnqQrl
r' qptq t frfiTrn ffi rr{PrwgnEFreg{rngr
rr\ f'' firsrafts qri tllarEd Ertm?fra ft*a.qrg:n ty tl
^ \' -a\
ffiqlgRr<o,mr+q ffi ftH qq+ g *cqr
[As regardsemetic therapy] ip jashanlo o, ororllfiuddhi
(minimum type of cleansing),mciTlhya-Suddhi (moderatetype
of cleansing) and pravrha-Suddhi (maximum type of
cleansing), the person gets four, six and eight bouts of
\ regardspurgationtherapy] in jaghanya-|uddhi.
,., [As
,' \, ni,aithya-Suddhiandprav'ara-iuddhi,the patient purges for
f' ten,twentyandthirty timesrespectively.In thesethreetypes
of Suddhi,the quantityof stoolvoidedby the patientis two,
threeandfour prasthasrespectively;

It is desirablethat the emetic therapyshould end up v. th

the vomiting of bile, and the vomited materialshouldbe half
of what is dJscribedfor purgativetherapy.tBy implication,in
thej ag hanya-3uddhi, madhya -3uddhi andp r ava r a -3uddh i, the
vomited material should be one, one and a half, and two
p rasthas respectivelyl.
The purgationtherapyshouldend up with the voiding of
kapla (phlegm). ,', , i
In the case of purgation therapy, the first two or three
motions containingfeces should not be taken into account
while measuringthequantityof voidedmaterial.Similarly, in
the caseof emetic therapy,the quantity of drugs taken for the
therapy should be excluded while measuringthe vomited
material. ll32l4-2/4151
The measurement of the vomitedmaterialin emetictherapy,and
voidedmaterialin purgationtherapyis {_e9.c1!b9!in t\" unit quantityof
prastha.Generally,sixteenpalas(onepala = 48 gms))constituteone
prastha.But this generalruledoesn-otapplyfor themeasurement of the
materialin emetic,purgationandblood-lettingtherapieswhere(as an
exceptionto this generalrule) thirteenand a half palas constituteone
The endo_fe,metictherapyis describedto be the vomitingof pitta
(bile), and of purgationtherapyto be the voiding of kapha(phlggq).
This equallyappliesto all the threetypesof Suddhior cleansing , viz.,
jaghanyaor avara(minimumcleansing),madhya(moderatecleansing)
andpradhdnaor pravara (maximumcleansing).
In the caseof emetictherapy,if therearefour boutsof vomiting,
eliminationof oneprasthaof vomitedmaterialandthe endproductof
vomiting is pitta or bile, thenthis shouldbe termedasjaghanya-Suddhi
(inferiortypesof cleansing).[n thecaseof purgationtherapy,if thereare
ten urgesfor voiding, eliminationof two prasthasof voidedmaterial
and the end productis kapha(phlegm)then this shouldbe termedas
Similarly, in madhya-Suddhi
Suddhi(rnaximumcleansing),theendproductis pitta (bile) andkapha
(phlegm)respectivelywith regardto emeticandpurgationtherapies.

After the occurenceof different numberof urgesand quantitiesof

vomited and voided material,the sign of properly adrninisteredernetic
and purgationtherapiesshould appearinasrnuchas at the end of ernetic
therapy,pitta or bile should appearand at the end of purgationtherapy,
kapha or phlegm should appear.
Some scholarsinterpretthe abovetext Iand the text of versenos.
l5zl4 - 2lo16; l72lo - 21418I as the description of four independent
parametersto determine the appropriate administration of emetic and
purgation therapiesas follows :
(l) Antiki, i.e. dependingupon the end-product(in the caseof
emetictherapy,the end productshouldbe bile and in the case
olpurgation therapythe end-productshould be phlegrn);
(2) Vaigiki, i.e. dependingupon the numberof boutsof vorniting
and purgation;
(3) Maniki, i.e. depending upon the quantity of rnaterial
eliminated by vomiting and purgation; and
(4) Laifigiki, i.e. dependingupon the signsandsylnptornswhich
appear after emesis and purgation (to be described in verse
nos. I 52/o- 2l o16;172/4 - 2/4I 8).
The above mentioned presumptionis not correct (according to
Cakrapani).Asadha-varman(anothercommentatorof Caraka) has also
referredto the above mentionedfour items, and raisedthe question if all
thesefour iternsindividually or taken togetherconstitutethe signs of
properadministrationof emeticandpurgationtherapies.Suchquestions
areirrelevant.Similardoubts had alsobeenraisedby othercomrnentators.
To avoid details,theseare not being discussedhere.
The terms like .iaghanya-Suddhi,madhya-Suddhi and pravara-
Suddhi mentioned above, should be interpreted as referring to the
cleansingof less aggravated,moderatelyaggravatedand excessively
aggravateddoqas respectively.
The number of urges,etc., describedin the above text, in respect
of jaghanya-Suddhi,etc., should be treated as general statements.
Actually, dependingupon the stateof aggravateddo;as, the measurernent
of the material eliminated varies.
To sum up : When with eight bouts of vomiting, two prasthas of
rnorbid material is eliminated, then this should be treated LSpravara-
Suddhi(maximum cleansing);when with six boutsof vomiting, one and
half prasthcs of morbid material is eliminated, then this should be

considerednsmadhya-suddhi(moderatecleansing);and when with four

bouts of vomiting oneprastha of morbid material is elirninated,then
this should be consideredas iaghanya-Suddhi(inferior or minimum
cleansing).Similarly, different typesof cleansingby purgationtherapy
may be explained.
'pittantam'usedin theabovetext implies the elimination
The term
of pitta or bile at the end of the emetic therapy. Similarly, the term
'kaphantam'usedaboveimplies the elimination of kapha or phlegm at
the end of the purgationtherapy.In the verseno. l52loof this chapter,
it will be described that in emetic therapy when appropriately
administered, kapha, pitta and vayu get eliminated in succession.
Similarly, in the verseno.2lol8, it will be describedthat in purgation
therapy,when appropriatelyadministered,feces,pitta, kapha andvayu
get eliminated in succession.There is no contradiction between the
statementsmadein the presenttext also in the statementsto be made in
152/oas well as in2lol8. Elimination of vaya (flatus or wind) at the end
in both the casesis indicative of the elimination of pitta at the end of
emetic therapy and elimination of kapha atthe end of purgation therapy.
It is the residual vayn (flatus or wind) which gets eliminated afterpitta
in emetic therapy, and after kapha in the caseof purgation therapy.
If, as described above, verse nos. 152/otnd 21018have sirnilar
implications then. where was.the need for describing
(elimination of pitta at the end of emetic therapy) and
(elimination of kapha at the end of purgationtherapy)in the abovetext?
This statementis relevantbecausein different typesof Suddltl(cleansing)
like jaghanya, etc.,the numberof boutsof ernesisand purgation, and the
quantity in which the morbid mattergets eliminatedmay vary because
of which the disciple may get confused about the exact nature of the
Suddhi. If a person has excessivelyaggravateddoqa, but he gets fewer
bouts of urge for emesisand for purgation without the elimination of
pitta, etc., then the disciple may mistake it asjaghanya-fuddhi, etc.,
even'thoughit amountsto inappropriateadministrationof the therapy,
andnotjaghanyatypeof cleansing.Elimination of pitta, etc., at the end
certainly gives the clue to the nature Qaghanya, etc.,) of Suddhi
For the measurementof morbid material (dosa) coming out of
purgation therapy,it ils-ta1_e{that th_e
[!rqqlouts_g!gglgiltign !o-ntqinilg - .
feces should not be taken into account. In some personsthe feces may
Coriieout in two bouts of purgation, and in some others feces continue
to be eliminated even in the third bout. Therefore.description of a fixed

number of bouts to be excluded while measuringthe morbid material is

avoided in the text above.
In the case of emetic therapy, the quantity of recipe taken for
emesisshould be excluded while measuringthe output of the morbid
Signsof Appropriately AdministeredEmetic Therapy
Fqr( qrn: firtqer|ft€ qdfr rlqreFrfr: Tr g€: | | t\ r r
@ asn agesfu q FTqq,qrdl
A person who expels kapha (phlegm),pitta (bile) and
vayu (flatus and wind) in succession,who feelsclarity in his
heart, sidesof the chgst,headand channelsof senseorgans,
and who feels lightnessof his body is to be consideredas
having undergoneemetic therapyappropriately.
In emetic therapy, kapha, pitta and vayn should get eliminated in
succession.If this does not happen,ud if pitta gets eliminated befbre
the elimination of kaphc, then this is not proper. Kapha is located in the
upper part of the amaSaya(stomach), andpitta is located in the lower
partof amaSaya(duodenum).Therefore,kapha locatedin the upper part
should get eliminated before the elimination of pitta. Only then the
emetic therapy is to be consideredas appropriately administered.
The term 'krama' (in succession)describedin connection with the
appropriate administration of purgation therapy (vide verse no. 2/ol8)
has also to be explained accordingly.
Signsof Ingpfr,opryiately
gwF{t qu qqrl
If the emetic therapyis inappropriatelyadministered(in
less quantity), then this gives rise to sphotaka (pustular
eruptions), kolha (urticaria), karydlt(itching), lack of clarity
in the heartaswell assenseorgansandheavinessof the body.
In the abovetext, the term'duSchardite'
impliesayoga,i.e. the
of theemeticrecipein lessquantity.
Signsof EmeticTherapyAdministeredin Excess
q Fn(l

If there is excessiveadministrationof emetic therapy,

then the personsuffersfrom thirst, moha (unconsciousness),
milrcchd (fainting), aggravationof yQy*u,
'adi' (meamng etcetera)irnpliesreductionin complexion
The term
and voice.
Signs of Appropriately Administered Purgation Therapy 'rr
@t tqerl
y'rfid' @sqffiffig-r}q*tqrr
If the purgation therapy is appropriately administered,
then the person gets-purity of the channels of circulation,
clarity of the senseorgans,lightnessof the body, energetic,
promotion of agni (power of and metabolism),
freedom from diseases (caus'.r by doqas for which the
purgation therapy was administered)and expulsion of feces,
pitta (bile), kapha (phlegm) andvdyu (glatus)in succession.
Signsof Improperly Administered Purgation Therapy
(,:., i
sr= @: {rdFqtsr+f6aT yt"Wr I I te | | { )'; i

irqr irsn rryfdr+ffi qrdEfuf q q ERtfidl I,

If thepurgationtherapyis improperlyadministered,(i.e.
with the recipe of small quantity), then the person gets
excessive aggravationof kapha,pitta andvdyu,suppression
of agni (powerof digestionandmetabolism), of the
body, cotyza,drowsiness, vomiting,anorexia andabsence of
downward movement of the flatus. I18214-21419l
Signsof PurgationTherapyAdministeredin Excess \l!' ".t

fr*Tnilrrrqcqtyivn, *qrqFrm,rg fttHsFdl r
Excessiveadministrationof purgationtherapygivesrise
to ailmentsciusedby theaggrav3!191o_f udyuasa iesultof the
diminution of kapha, blood as well as pitta, numbness,
malaise, klama (mental fatigue), tremor, etc., insomnia,
debility,fainting,insanityandhiccup. I 19 214
- 21420|
152 C A R A K A . S AM H I T A I CH.

Spacing of Therapies
Fgerrfri TqfsF6 TfiH qr€r+drEa3qrc+dr | | Ro I I
*frrrn'rrrdrq Ffr ffi @l
u?qrtrt erqttT gfu: vfrF er dqwt qerrt{r I Rqn
, TtK* FtQ'{rJ-drgTrd =rrsrFta: erqanrfra: r
; dfter sarytsarjana-krama(intake of regulated diet), on
t' ;rI I the ninth day,to_lga_e_s*i-s],
the patientshouldbe given a potion
of ghee [if purgation therapy is_,intendedto be given
II subsequentlyl.Similarly, on thefinth day of purgationtherapy,
after samsarjana-krema, anylrjEgli, i.e. unctuous enema
i I should be given
lrf nlruha lype of medicated enema is
intendedto be given subsequentlyl.
For threedays,thereafter,the body of the personshould
be massaged with medicatedoil, and thenniruha or evacuative
type of medicatedenemashouldbe given when the personis
not very hungry.
After the recipeof nirltha (evacuativeenema)has come
out, the patientshouldbe given meat-soupof jahgala type of
animals (those inhabiting arid forest zone) or any other
appropriatediet dependingupon the nature of dosas and the
power of agni (enzymes responsiblefor digestion and
Thereafter,when the patienthas not taken a heavy meal
in the night, anuvasanoor unctuoustype of medicatedenema
shouldbe given.tohim if he is fit for suchanuvasanatherapy.
For seven days starting from the day of the emetic or purgation
therapy, the triatient should be given samsarjana-krama (regulated
dieteticregimen),andon the eighthday he shouldbe given normal food.
Thereafter,on the ninth day he should be given a potion of ghee (for
oleation if after the emetic therapy,purgation therapy is intended to be
given) or anuvdsanai.e. unctuoustype of medicatedenema(if niriha-
basti is intended to be given after purgation therapy).
Anuvdsana or unctuoustype of medicatedenemais prescribed for
rl S T D D H IS T H A N A 153

oleation (as a preparatorytherapy)beforethe administrationof niruha

or ev_acuativg=ty-_pe
o=fmedicatedenema.On the same line, after emetic
therapyandjust beforethe adminiCtiationof purgationtherapy,a potion
of gheeis prescribedhere to be takenbecausethis oleationtherapywas
not describedealier.Therefore,it should not be construedthat both the
types of oleation therapy, viz., sarpih-pana (intake of the potion of
ghee) or anuvdsana(unctuoustype of medicatedenema)are indicated
to be given prior to the administrationof niruha or evacuativetype of
medicated enema.
The ninth day describedabove should be calculated beginning
from the day of the administration of emetic or purgation therapy. This
view is supportedby the statementsmade in Jatukar4a-sarphitaand
SuSruta-saryhita(vide SuSruta: Cikitsa 37 : 3).
ln Bhadra-Saunaka-saryhita,anuvdsana or unctuous type of
medicatedenemais suggestedto be given after one month. This refers
to either the preparatory measure before anuvdsana therapy or the
administrationof this therapyfor curing a specific disease.Therefore,
it is not contradictory to the general statementmade above.
This text hasbeendifferently interpretedby various commentators
like Angiri, Saindhava,Jejjata and lSvara-sena.Other commentators
have, however,have contradictedtheir interpretationsby finding fault
with them.
The term means"of the personwhose body is
I smearedwith oil". By implication, oil massageshould be given before
the administration of niruha or evacuativetype of medicatedenema.Of
course, before the administration of nirltha, in addition to oil massage,
fomentation therapy should be given as per the generalstatementmade
in respectof all the five specialisedtherapiesQtanca-karma)-vide Suta
2: 15.
The term implies that niruha should be given withinl
three days after anuvdsana.By implication , niruha can be given on the
next day, secondday, third day or evenon the sameday when anuvdsana
is to be administered.
Niruha is prescribedto be given to a personwho is not very hungry.
If he is very hungry, then the niruha therapy may produce strong effect
inasmuchas it may move upwards.
After niruha, the patient is prescribedto be given the meat-soupof
animals inhabiting arid zone forestsbecauseunlike purgation therapy,
niruha does not cause suppressionof agni (power of digestion and

metabolism). This hasbeenmadeclearin Bhoja-sarphita. Of course,

dependinguponthenatureof dosasandthepowerof agni, appropriate
diet has to be given to the patientafterthe administrationof niruha.
Anuvdsanaisstated to begivento thepersonat night tfter niruha.
Of course,in winterandspring,suchanuvdsanatherupyshouldnot be
given at night. Acc<irdingto some other physicians,in winter and
spring,anuvdsana shouldbegivenonlyin theevening,andnotat night.
Theterm 'anuvdsandrhaf impliesthatthepatientshouldbegiven
anuvdsanaonly if he is fit for this ttrgqsts ama doqa(product
of improperdigestionandmetabolism) or if thereis suppressiofi;ofilgni',
thenanuvdscnashouldnot be given on the sameday. According to
Jatfikarna,anuvdsanashouldbe givenonly on the secondday. Harita
also prescribesanuvdsanatherpy to be given on the day after the
administrationof niritha therapy.
If thereis aggravationof vdyu,thenanuvdsanashouldbe given
Timeof Anuvasana
vflt qri q f€tsSqrd rr+ vrrqtl}wwrrrr}5ttRRtl
iTr+q*qq qRrFnr n *6{q qt qFdfifim: erel
In the winter and spring seasons,anuvAsanaor unctuous
type of medicatedenemashouldbe given during the day time;
and in autumn, summeras well as rainy seasons,it should be
administeredduring the night time. Care should be taken to
avoid mistakesas describedearlier (vide Sittra l3 :19-21) in
respectof the administration of oleation therapy.
t 2 2 2 1 4 - 2 1 4 2J3
fita or winterseason describedaboveincludesbothSiSira(early
winter)andhemanta (latewinter)seasons.Earlieranuvdsazc therapyis
prescribed to be given duringthe night.In the aboveverse this therapy
is describedtobegivenduringdaytimein thewinterandspringseasons.
By implication, in theseseasons, anuvdsana shouldbegivenat theend
of the day i.e. duringthe evening, whir', is nearestto the night.
Similarly,in autumn,summer andrainyseasons, anuvdsana therapyis
statedto begivenduringthenighttime.By implication, duringthese
seasons, thistherapyshouldbegivenin theearlypartof thenightwhich
is nearerto the day time.

In Sutra 13 : 19-21, while describing the procedure for the

administration of oleation therapy,certainadverseeffects arementioned
to take place if this therapy is given in inappropriatetime. Similar
adverse effects are likely to be manifested if anuvdsarrd therapy is
administeredin inappropriatetime.
ln Sutra 13:19, apart from the season,oleation therapy is
describedto be given during the day or night dependingupon the nature
of the aggravateddosas.The samerule is applicableto the administration
of anuvdsanotherapyalso.Mention of one pnrt(ekadefrz) of a statement
naturally covers the other ptrt (aparaikadeSa)of it as a general rule of
logic (samana-nyaya).
Frequencyof AnuvasanaTherapy
ysrtfi Fc(-drytq EgkdreT Eil,cqrqn?Qtl
qrd q $H qtd ru* qr utsgqrdstfr qsi qr r
r*} E{A qlser rgi qr ?Gnfrs€rq1qrwi qn ?rrtl
After the recipe of anuvdsanohas come out of the anal
tract,the patientshouldnot takeany food at night. During the
next day, food shouldbe given to him during the day time and
in the evening. Thereafter,on the second,third or fifth day,
anuvasancshould be given. After that, every third or fifth
daysniruhatypeof medicatedenemashouldbe givenfollowed
by anuvdsana. 2 1 -4 2 4
[23 ]
After the unctuous recipe used for anuvasana comes out of the i
rectum, the patient should again be given anuvdsanaon the secondday 1'
if there is excessively aggravated vdyu, on the third day if vayu is
moderately aggravated and on the fifth day if pitta xnd kapha are
aggravated.Giving anuvdsanaon the secondday is also describedin the_
Harita-sarphita.Sufruta-samhita(vide Snfrata : Cikitsa3T :79) hasin-,
fact suggestedanuvdsanatobe given repeatedlyevery day if vayu is i ,
aggravatedin excess.ln Siddhi 4:46, anuvdsanais also suggestedto ,
be given every day ifthere is aggravation of vdyu.
The terms 'dvyahan' tnd'tryahan' imply "on the secondday" and
"on the third day" beginning from the day and not after the second and
third days of the first anuvdsana therupy.
I Eventhough Cakrapani has acceptedthe above text as authentic,
according to his commentary,it appears,he had a slightly different text,
viz.,"pratyagate capyuqitasyakalebhojyam diva sayamatafiparum tu,


tryahe tryahe vapyathapaficanteva dadyanniruhadanuvasanam tu" '

This text is given asa variantreadingin the foot-notein Niryaya-sagara
edition of this work (1941).
N umber of Anuvdsana-basti
qd aen ftq,w'i ffi firnffi* qia E qR qrsful
qrfr <*qrelvr qr grqi qfr{gqq E{rd Fqqr(t I R\ ll
ln kaphaia type of diseasesthe patient should be given
one or three bastis(medicatedenema),in paittika type of
diseasesthe patientshouldbe given five or sevenbastis,and
in vatika type of diseasesthe patientshouldbe given nine or
eleven bastis.In this way an expertphysicianshould give
bastis in odd numbers. 1 . 2 5)
-49, the number
ln the abovetext andalsoin thetext at versenos.47
of bastisto be given to a patient is described.
,- In the diseasescausedby kapha andpitta, anuvdsanatype of basti
i (enema) is not indicated. But when kapha andpitta are associatedwith
vdyu, thenbasti should be given for which the number for kapha and
i pitta are describedabove.
--/ Bastisare describedaboveto be given in odd numbers.From the
statementof the sagein the abovetext, it appearsthatbastisin suchodd
numbersbecomeeffectivebecause of prabhava (specificaction). Simildr
statementis also availablein SArTra8 : 5, accordingto which a person
desirousof a son should have cohabitationon even (yugma)days after
the purificatory bath. The rationality of prescriptionof basti on odd days
has not been explainedby the masterin order to avoid details in the
present context.
In verseno. 49,anuvdsana-bastiisstatedto be given in three,five,
four or six numbers.This refersto anuvdsana-bastiwhich is given for
oleationbeforethe administrationof niruha.fAnuvasana-bastiis given
for two different purposes, viz., as an oleation therapy before the
administration of nirfuha, and also independently for the alleviation of
vayu.Thelatter type of anuvasana-bastiis describedherel. Therefore,
there is no contradiction betweenthe statementsmade here and the one
to be made in thg verseno' 49.
,punarvd'used in the text implies that anuvdsana-basti
The term
can be given even after the eleventh day, but only on odd days
intervened with n ir uha-bast i.

[Cakrapani has referred to a quotation from Asadha-varman's

commentary and contradictedit. He hasalso referredto a quotation from
Jatukanla-sarphitain supportof his view. Both thesequotationsare not
comprehensible because of the absence of the texts of these
Time Gapfor NiruhaAfter Purgation andfor Purgation After
Niruha j.i

=rfr FdR-68 ,Fr6-t:qrrffi+E vurFqrqorrrtr

{fd Filstur ffi q ir6Ts vf€ ffir{t tRq tl
After purgation,a personshouldavoid niruha-ba.r/ifor
sevendays,and a personwho has takenniruha-basrl should n lr
I '
avoid purgation therapyfor sevendays becauseit will have ] . ,
injurious effects on the body which is already empty [of ] o
nourishingmateriallby the earliertherapy. l,261_i i _
The term meaning 'must' implies that even if a disease
can be cured by either of the two (niruha and purgation) therapies
administered only for one day, then also a gap of seven days must be
maintained between them.
After purgation therapry,nirfuha is prohibited, and zfter nirltha
prohibited in siddhi 2 : ll, 14. But rhat srarement
_purgarion theiapy is
of prohibition refers to the administration of niruha and purgation
immediately after purgation and niruha therapies respectively. Then
there is a possibility of administering such therapiesafter three or four
days.To avoid this possibility it hasbeenclarified in the abovetexr rhat
there must be a gap of seven days.
In the verse no. 20, it is already stated to give niruha precededby
anuvdsana on the ninth day after the purgation therapy. Thereforg,
where was the need for giving a gap of seven days between these two
therapies?The statementin the verseno. 20 refers to sarysarjana-krama
(regulated dietetic regimen) that continuesupto seventhday only in the
caseof pravara-Suddhr (maximum cleansing). In the case of madhyi-1
Suddhi (moderate cleansing) a;nda.vara-Suddhi(minimum cleansing), i
this period of sarytsarjana-krdmawill be shorter. For example, in the i
caseof avara-suddhi(minimum cleansing), thesamsarjana-krama will
be over in three days. On the fourth dayanuvdsana canbe given, and on
the fifth or sixth day niruha can be given. To avoid this possibility,
therefore, a gap of seven days is specified in the above text.
158 C A R A K A - S AM H I T A I CH.

After ni r uha-bi st i, no san1sari ana -kr a nra i s necessiuy. A fter gi v i ng

oi6ilion therapy for three days, the patient can be given purgation
thererpy.To avoid this possibility, therefore, a gap of seven days
betweennirilha nnd purgation therapyis prescribedhere'
' niruhaor purgationtherapy,the body becomesempty of energy
of energy
I in addition to morbid material. If before the restoration
i another purificatory therapy is given then that becomes injurious to the
body of the patient.
Effectsof Niruha-basti
efirdq:TslrqFrar t
rdt?iarfr tnqfq:d5r Frtsq: Fdrrqrrds I I R\e| |
@ <I6-dT6:
fEqrqftqd Arqd fTts vrqlFrs€: ll RZ ll
Fqh fufirtq
Niruha-ba.r/ior evacuativetype of medicatedenemahas
the following effects :
(l) It preventsageingprocessof the body;
(2) lt promotes happiness,longevity, strength,agnrl
( p o w e r o f d i g e sti o n a n d m etabolism ) , medha
(intellect),voice and cornplexion;
(3) It accomplishes all the objects(includingmutually
contradictoryones like stability or plumpnessand
(4) It is harmlessfor infants,old personsand youth;
(5) It helps in curing all diseases;
(6) It helps in drawing out feces,kapha (phlegm)'pitta
(bile), vdyu (wind) and urine;
(7) It promotessturdinessof the,body;
(8) It enrichessemenand promotesstrength;and
(9) While eliminatingaccumulateddosas (morbid matter)
from the entire body, it (niruha type of enema)
alleviatesall the diseases. 127-28l
Thedescription to theeffectsof niruha
in theabovetextpertains

or evacuativetype of medicatedenema.The effect of anuvasana or

unctuoustype of medicatedenelnawill be describedin the subsequent
Niruha is describedaboveas "vayaft-sthApayifi"or preventiveof
ageing process. It cleansesthe channels of circulation (and causes
rejuvenationof tissues)as a result of which youthful stateof the body
is restored,and the ageingprocessis prevented
This niruha type of medicatedenema is equally hannless fg. lt , \
' '
infants,old personsand youth. This is mentionedhereonly to highlight : .
the superiority of this therapy over emetic and purgation therapies
which latter are prohibited for infants and old persons.
The terms 'sarvagaddpahah' tnd "sarvan vikaran Samayet" havQ
identicalimplications,viz.,curingallthediseases.Theformer,however,,nrl,/r,n \
implies that niruha type of medicatedenemacuresall the diseasesby r,,,r | ,,
sarytSamana or alleviationof do;as, andthe latter implies that this cures
all the diseasesby samSodhana or elimination of do;as. Thus, theseare " I
not to be construed as repetitions. Alternatively, the former tenn )/
: nirilhacuresall diseases, andthe latter terrni
"sarvdn vikaran Samayet" implies ; "nir-uha cures all the stages ofi
Effects of Anuvdsana.bast i
qFTFT ql
I ieErrr( rrqfu trg( qq ffinq TnnTqntnRqtl
Titr fu Rg.dr T€'ar*qqrta *s rcFrtzTEcnl
it{ qErdrg r{tT:ytTr( *{ qpi l l Q or l
Te F{fufri E qerTEq: HrffsE: afrrarqwqrgq: I
t5,re rr6rt gurqefEg nerT Tt: Fqtq5qns+{ | | ?q | |
The channels of the body get cleansedby nir-uha.
Admi ni stration of saryts
nehana or unctuous (anuvasana) type
of medicatedenemato sucha personpromoteshis complexion
and strength.Thereis no therapybetterthanthe administration
of-oil (anuvdsana-basti)which is specifically useful for the
patient afflicted with diseasescaused,byvdyu.
The oil by its unctuousness,
counteracts the ununctuousness,lightness arrd cooling

Becauseof this,administration
attributesof vdyurespectively.
of oil (anuvdsana-basti)instantaneouslyproducesclarity of
mind, and promotesenergy,strength,complexion and agni
(power of digestionand metabolism).Just as a tree irrigated
with waterat theroot producesblue leaves,becomesbeautiful
with tender leaves,and during the course of time grows to
produce flowers and fruits, similarly, a person becomes
\, iyoung and beautiful with procreative pow"i1 ty the
administrationof anuvdsaneor unctuoustype of medicated
enema. lze-3t)
Niruha-basfl helps in the cleansingof the channelsof circulation.
Anuvasana-basti whilemoving throughthesecleansedchannelsproduces
the above mentioned effects.
Since ghee is consideredto be the best among the different types
'taila' (lit. meaning oil) is interpretedby some scholars
of fat, the term
'' unctuousnessbeing common to both of them' But in the
'taila'should be interpreted(according to its
present context, the term
literal meaning) as becauseit is the best among the fats to alleviate
vayu. ln addition, the heating property attributed to taila in the above
text is not available in ghee. All types of fat excluding maiia (bone-
marrow) are no doubt, described to be useful fot anuv1sana type of
medicated enema.But, for this, ghee is not the most important type of
fat. Therefore,interpretationof the term'taila' asgheeis not appropriate.
Only cooked (boiled) oil is to be used for anuvdsana ther^py
because the use of uncooked oil for this therapy is prohibited (vide
Siddhi 4 : 48).
By the union of the opposite attributesof oil andvayu (asdescribed
in the text) the latter gets overcome by the former, and not vice versa
becauseof prabhava (specific action) of the dravya or matter, i.e. oil.
Apart from the opposite attributes described above, the attribute
aqutva(subtlety) is sharedboth by the oil andvayu. But this enablesthe
oil to permeate through the subtle channels of the body to overcome
vdfa. Thus, though not exactly opposite, this anutva attribute actually
serves the purpose of the opposite attribute (viruddharthakari).
Citation of the simile of nula (root) in the above text implies that
the anus is the mula or the basic organ through which the entire body
could be nourishedby the administrationof anuvdsana-basti.Itis stated

in Para(ara-saryhita,"Anus is the root of the body, and through the

vesselslocated there the entire body upto the head gets nourishment.
Like the tree whose root is sprinkled with water, anuvdsana-basti
administered through the anusmakes a personstrong and beautiful, and
he gets endowed with offsprings.
Effects of Niruha and Anuvasana in General
rcsrel g isfr i rff* isfr q tF;t-{inrt: I
frd ffie'rr F6tg qk: n QRtt
ff q vnq.rg q{Ffr ETrfT:
ens{rq+ ffift gfrn qfe q $rffi1qffid ql
q*rfirtfg rr*Ffr giqi n qrtrqr*g q qkfr€: lt QQtl
qrs 6fr qrd5ffi .rrf q rI6Fa TFr: rrtin: r
SdF<qr i ia rn: Fgngl qk: Ir{rR: rrtrf :a *g r r 1x I r
Basti or medicatedenema is specially useful for the
following types of persons:
(l) Whoselimbs havebecomestiff and contracted;
(2) Who suffer from lameness;
(3) Who are afflicted with fractures and dislocations
(rugna); and
(4) Whole limbs areafflicted by the movementof different
types of aggravatedvayu.
Basti is also useful for the treatmentof the following
ailments :
(l) Distensionof the abdomenby air;
(2) Scybalousstool;
(3) Colic pain;
(4) Disliking for food; and
(5) Such other ailmentsaffecting the pelvic region. --\
Basti is an excellent therapyfor women who are afflicted :
with the complications of vdyu, and who are unable to : \'
conceive despitetheir mating with male partners.It is also
extremely useful for men having seminal debility and
emaciationof the bodv. 132- 341

In the abovetext, the common (general)effectsof both niruha and

anuvdsanatypes of basti ue described.As a general rule, when an
aliment is causedby vnyuwithout the associationof dma, thenanuvusana
type of Dcstdshould be given. In the c:rseof others (associatedwith
dma), like bhaktanabh i nandana (disliki ng for food) n i r uha ty pe of bast i
should be given.
Selectionof Bastifor Dffirent Typesof Patients
vqnFn$S Erqfn vmnt*S acn Edwrrtl
@ FdT q*t lrF+rq gsqr(t I Q\ | r
According to experts,[in the administrationof pafica-
karma therapy] cooling basti (medicatedenema)should be
given to the patientssuffering fiom diseasescausedby hot
ingredients,and luke-warm basti should be given to the
patientssufferingfrom diseasescausedby coolingingredients.
In all cases,differenttypesof Dasfi containingingredients
having attributesoppositeto the attributesof the etiological
factors of diseasesshouldbe administered. l3sl
Apart from the cooling and heating nature,other attributes like
unctuousness, ununctuousness,heaviness,
lightness,etc.,of thecausative
factors of diseasesshould be determined,and appropriatebasti having
ingredientsof oppositeattributesshould be given to the patient.
Contra - indicationsfo r Anuvasana-bast i
T {aufrqrtfirq*d q€ftffi}g rrtg *o: r
SEsMqg tg}5 .tg n qrtu fficr; lr QQrl
To the patientsneeding[depletingtype ofl elimination
therapy, roborant (brmhantyaor anuvasana)type of basti
should not be given. Patientssuffering from diseaseslike
kustha (obstinateskin di seases
including leprosy) andp rameha
(obstinateurinary diseasesincluding diabetes),and those
having adiposityneedeliminationtherapywhich is depleting.
[To suchpatients,roborant(byryharylya) type of basti should
not be given.l l36 l
In addition to kugtharndprameha, patientssuffering from arocaka
(anorexia), tandrd (drowsiness),3fip ada (elephantiasis), etc., also need

elimination therapy which is depleting in n:rture.To such patients,

roborant (brmharylya)type of basti should not be given.
Contra- i ndicat ions fo r N ir-uha-bast i
ffi .r flqvilsr+qrx T'ilM * Tvrgd,flrrr{t
a 1ffi q ffiFrarcr N q t*5 ftr6wq3 ll Qer I
Niruha or evacuativetype of basti shouldnot be given to
patients suffering from kqata-ks1rya (pthisis), Sosa (con-
sumption),extremedebility and m-urccha(fainting), and to
thosewho havealreadyundergonetheprocessof purification,
and to thosewhoselife is dependantupon the holding up of
dosas(morbid matter). 137l
The life of some patientsis sustainedonly by the holding up of I
morbid matter in the body. If evacuativetype of elimination therapy is
administeredto such patients,then this leadsto their instant death'
Importance of Basti Therapv
YrTGNTrrifT:4i6rrdrg +tn ', "1,,
n qF;il N q f6 6ffi qr*: q{ !ilqf QZllT''''

@ Adwtqrrfrr: rt
rgrfcgqs vrlnq qrq€Ra |q{T Qqqqfk ffiql I Qi | |
Thereis noneother thanvdyuwhich is the mostimportant
causative factor of diseasesin SAkhA(peripheral tissue
elements), kostha (visceras of the thorax and abdomen),
mermo (vital spotsincluding joints), urdhva (upper part of
the body), sarvdvayava(coveringthe entire body) andahga:,
(individual parts of the body). \
Vayuisresponsiblefor theseparation(vik;epa=vibhaga\
and combination(sahghata= sarytyoga) of stool, urine.pitta,
(kapha) including other excretaand tissueelementsfalaya :
normally meaningreceptacle,which hasbeeninterpretedbl
Cakraplni as tissue elementsl. When it gets exceedinglyr
aggravatedthereis no remedyotherthanbasti for its alleviation. \
Therefore, basti is consideredby physiciansto be half of

the entire therapeuticmeasures.Some physician even go to

(not half but) the ---
the extentof suggestingthat bastirepresents
whole of therapeuticmeasures. [ 38 -
Since vayuis responsiblefor the separationand union of do;as,
malas (waste products) and dhdtus, it is consideredto be the causative
factor of all diseases.[Cakiapani in this context has interpreted the term
'aflaya'as dhdtusor tissueelements].Alternatively, if the term'dSaya'
'receptacle', then this is to
is to be interpreted in its generic sense,i.e.,
be treated as a suffix to each of the terms described earlier, viz., vit
(stool), etc. Sthana (receptacle) also implies sthAnin (ingredients
contained in them). Thus, affliction of stool, etc., are implied in the
above statement.
Basti is already described to be the best therapy to subdue the
aggravated vayu (vide Sutra 25 : 40).
Definition of Basti
TrFrqtvf fugff rr€t vtF-dtrq.f f{+<FllYoll
gfr6 qr+ qgffiq: (er{ gdffr Er: rt qk: I
The therapywhich while moving in the umbilical region,
lumber region,sidesof the chestand pelvic region churnsup
the stool including all the other morbid matter located there,
and appropriately eliminates them (stool and other morbid
material)with easeafter nourishing(lit. oleating)the body is
called basti. [40214-2/44r)
'sarysnehya' 'sara' or
The term in the presentcontextimplies
nourishment. According to SuSruta-saryhit|, basti providesnourishment
to the entirebody while drawingout stool and other morbid material
'sneha'is also usedfor
(vide Susruta: Cikitsa 351.27). The term
nourishmentin the presentwork (vide Cikilsa 8 : 25).
\I Signsof AppropriatelyAdministeredNiruha-basti
\a ER{ra F(srqEFrtsaF{ffl(l
ftfurvnFil: yS'Fr{srtrT
The following signsare manifestedif niruha-basfiis
(1) Appropriateeliminationof stool,urineandflatus;

(2) Promotionof appetiteandagni (power of digestion

and metabolism);
(3) Lightnessof theasaya(lit.receptacle;
accordingto the earliercommentaryof Cakrapani);
(4) Alleviation of diseases;and
(5) Restorationof naturalhealth and strength.
'aSaya-laghavani'has a variant reading as 'amaya-
The term
laghavani' .If the latter reading is accepted,then it implies the reduction
of the intensity of the disease.In that case,the term'rogopaSanti' will
have to be interpreted as complete eradication of diseasescurable by
niruha type of basti therapy.
Signsof Improperly AdministeredNiruha-basti \,1
@ vfrq, yftrgqrqmffi i-ntyRtl
Fdrfirfir qrtilIr€Tf: sqrfr r wEr{' q FnlEt ?Fg:r
If the nirltha or evacuativetype of medicatedenema
is inappropriately administered(i.e. administered in a
smaller dose), then this gives rise to the following signs
and symptoms:
(1) Pain in the head,cardiacregion,analregion, urinary
bladderand genital organ;
(2) Oedema,coryza,griping pain and nausea;
(3) Retentionof flatus and urine; and
(4) Dyspnoea. - 21443
L4 2 2 1 4 I
of Niruha-bastiExcessively
ffiuMateft*ce ffinY?tl
The signs and symptomsof nirltha-basfi or evacuative
type of medicatedenemawhen usedin excessquantity are the
same as those caused by the excessiveadministration of
purgation therapy(vide verse no. l92lo- 21420). | 43 214l

Signsand Symptomsof Properly AdministeredAnuvasana-

y*trsni rr{rF *d rffiTFcFldFrqrirsrE: I
Eqr5-{Filt5frr ei{ q ger$ }q1, sEarfir* e: n yy rl
Proper administrationof anuvdsana-bastior unctuous
type of medicatedenemagivesrise to the signsand symptoms
as follows :
(l) Returnof the recipecontainingoil, etc., with fecal
matter without any obstruction;
(2) Purity of the tissueelements,viz., blood, etc.;
(3) Clarity of intellect and senses;
(4) Good and continuoussleep;
(5) Lightnessand strengthin the body; and
(6) Proper manifestationof natural urges without any
obstruction. t 44l
Srgnsand Symptomsof ImproperlyAdministeredAnuvasana-
srer:vrfriqtqr6Ts-rn**5u'xquf q rrnr{l
y6*I ll Y\ l l
Improperadministrationof anuvdsana-bastior unctuous
type of medicatedenemagivesrise to signsand symptoms"as
follows :
( 1) Pain in the lower part of the body, abdomen,arms,
back and sidesof the chest;
(2) Ununctuousness
and roughnessof the body; and
(3) Obstructionin the passageof stool,urine and flatus.
,SignsandSymptomsof Excessively
AdministeredAnuvasana- |

E x cessi v e admini stration of anuvdsana -bas/ i or unctuou s

typeof medicatedenemagivesriseto nausea, unconsciousness,
mentalfatigue(klama),exhaustion,fainting andgriping pain.
Duration of RetainingAnuvdsana-basti
q*q: qFT'q3qtt ft *€1 ;n: Fn( € fuqqta: n Ye rl
s{r$qrrrtsq€Eg<H}a: # q ffi Effrqtl
If the unctuous material administeredfor anuvosana-
basti is retainedfor threeyamas(nine hours)thenthe body of ,
the persongetscleansedof morbid material.If it comes out
quickly (beforenine hours)then anotheranuvdsana-bastior I
unctuoustype of medicatedenemashouldbe administered.If
the unctuous material is not appropriatelyretained (in the
rectum) then appropriateunctuouseffect is not producedin
the body of the person. 21447
146214- 7
Dffirent Typesof Basti Therapv
fie-r*kil: ud 1 qK* G e;rewfrstlq mw *t: tt Ys tl
{rqrcr{T trrE{r * f+sarr grq *6 geF:q{€I rr5 |
a,,rAr*s+ grdada', *ar firnar<R"arglra-rg: tt Ya ll
fr\ Frs€rwq ga tqr: *6rs q*q rrfuer: I
ln karma(n) ty pe,thirtybast i s or enemaareadministered.
ln kala type of basti therapy,the numberof enemashouldbe
half of the former [as explainedin the commentaryit should
be sixteenin number,andnotfifteenl. lntheyogatypeof basti
therapy,the numberof enemato be given shouldbe half of the
former [it should be eight accordingto Cakrapani.]
ln karma-basti, twelve anuvdsanas(unctuous type of
enema)andtwelvenirfuhas(evacuativetypeof enema)should
be administered,one alternatingwith the other. Before this,
one anuvdsana-bastiin the beginning,and at the end, five
anuvasana-bastisshould be administeredfor the purposeof
oleation.[Thus,in total, thirty bastisareto be given in respect
of karma(n) type.l

In kala-basf/,six anuvdsanasand six niruhas shouldbe

given one alternating with the other. Before this, in the
beginning, one anuvdsana-basti,and at the end, three
anuvdsanasshould be given for the purpose of oleation.
[Thus, in total, sixteen bastisare to be given in kata type.]
ln yoga-basti,threeniruha-basfisare to be given. In the
beginning,in the middleandat theend, five anuvdsana-bastis
are to be given. [Thus,in this type, eight bastisin total are to
be given.l 214-21449
147 l
In the above text. the number of kala-basli is described to be half
(ardha) of the number of karma-basti. Since the number of karma-basti
is thirty, the number of kala-basri should have been fifteen. But in the
presentcontext, the term ' ardha' doesnot imply just half [but nearabout
halfl. Therefore, the number of kala-bastis should be sixteen.
Regardingyoga-b asti, fiv e anuvasana-bastis arestatedto be given
in the beginning,in the middle and at the end of niruha-basri. Two of
tbeseanuvasana-bastisare to be given before niruha, two after niruha,
and one in the middle of three niruhas. According to some physicians,
anuvdsana-bastiis to be given in the afternoonof the day of the niruha-
basti (which latter is given in the morning). According to them, one day
and one day after niruha-basti, anuvdsana-basti is to be given. In
addition, in eachof three days of niruha, anuvdsana is to be given in the
afternoon. Thus, there will be threeniruha-bastis and five anuvasana-
bastis, making the total number to eight. Similarly, in karma(n) and
kala-bastis, anuvdsana can be given in the afternoon of the day of-
niruha or on the next day.
Giving anuvasanaone day after the administration of niruha does
not lead to aggravationof vdyr becausethe recipe of niruha is partially
unctuousin nature;it is usedin the form of yapana-basti,i.e.retaintive
Eventhough terms like' kar ma-bast i, kala-bast i andy og a-bast i are
not used elsewherein this text, somephysicians consider this text to be
unauthentic. But it is not correct. There are other terms like 'yamaka' ,
mahd-sneha' a;nd'accha-pdna' which arealso very rarely used.Mention
of these terms in the text is meant for use by the specialists of these
therapies.For the samepurpose,theseterms are also used in other texts
like H ari t a-saryhit a and I at ukarna-saryhit a.

Some scholarsholcl the view that karnta, kala andyoga bastis ue

meantto be usedfor diseasescausedb y vdyu,pitta andkapharespectively.
for Oleation
Number of Anuvasana-basti
*1 va qrstdsgtselqqqr @l lYill
ri€r1rErqr{ft ryqF-{qqr(mfryqqetr*Fmartt
Somehold the view that after giving three,five, four or
six anuvdsana-ba'stis for the purposeof oleation,to patients
suffering from diseasescausedby vayu (pitta andkapha) the
physician should thereafter,administernirilha-basti for the
cleansing of the [obstructed] sr otas or channelsof circulation.
'vatadikanan' correct
in pluralis grammatically
Useof theterm
inasmuch as it representsthe tadgu\a-samviifiana fonn of bahuvrlhi
compound. Similarly, usage in plural is also found in Nidana 5 : 5
[Cakrapani has quoted the reading as"vdtddiqupradu;te;u" whereas
the text the reading is"vatddiqu tri;u prakupite;u"l and in S'titra 17 : 63 '
'vatadikanan' there is also a variant reading as
In the place of

In the above text,anuvAsana-bastiis statedto be given also in even

numbers, viz., four and six. Sinceanuvdsanais describedhere to be
given for oleation as a prepalatory therapy for nirftha, it does not
contradictthe earlierstatementin verso no. 25 where the main basti is
described to be given only in odd numbers.The object of the former is
different from the latter.
Alternately, this statementcan be explainedin a different way to
represent the odd numbers inasmuch as the statementrepresentsfive
groupsof basti,viz., three,five, seven(threeplus four), nine (five plus
four) and eleven(five plus six). However,in other texts, givin g basti in
even numbersis also provided (vide Sn.frzta: S[ttra37 : 44\.
Siro-virecana or Errhine TheraPY
nrgctuq ttiT: q'iur H ilfr€Fqd5*Trfl1 1qo ll
When the body of the patientis cleansed,his headshould
be consecutivelyanointedand fomentedwith the help of the
palm. After ascertaining the strength of the three types of
170 C A R A K A . S AM H I T A I CH.

dosas, he should be given errhine therapy, once, twice or

thrice. 2/4- 2/45l
| 50 I
The Siro-virecana(errhine)therapyis suggestedaboveto be given
to a person whose body is cleansed (vifuddha-dehasya) by the
administrationof therapiesdescribedearlier. It can also be given to a
personwho has not undergonesuch purificatory therapies.Before the
administration of errhine therapy, the head of the person should be
oleatedby massageor Siro-basti(keepingoil in a capover the head).The
head should be fomentedwith the help of warm palm. Errhine therapy
can be given thrice, twice or once on the same day depending upon
excessively,moderatelyor mildly aggravateddoqasrespectively.
Signsand Symptomsof AppropriatelyAdministeredErrhine
sr:@ mFsFqg qrarFa$a
| | \q | |
Appropriately administered Siro-virecana (errhine)
therapygives rise to,lighteningof the chestand head,clarity
of the sensesand cleansing of the srotas (channels of
circulation). 214]
[ 5t
SignsandSymptoms of Inappropriately
rr*rreq: ffi UEFf F{Ehff ?rulrer gFdfidr
Inappropriateadministration of errhinetherapygives
of stickymaterialin thethroat,heaviness
rise to adhesion of
theheadandptyalism. [21452 ]
Signs and Symptomsof ExcessivelyAdministeredErrhine
ftTRtqqslqr t\Rtl
administrationof errhinetherapygivesriseto
cuttingandachingpain in head,eyes,templesandears,and
fainting. [522t4]
Management of Conditions Arising Out of Excessive and
Inappropriate Administration of Errhine Therapy
rqrntr ir* Tg rii q kfqs ffi E g.r{ *ir

F o r t h e rn a n a g e me n o
t f co n ditions ar ising out of
excessivelyadministerederrhinetherapy,the patient should
be given demulcentdrinksandmedicationswhich are soft and
liquid in nature.
F o r t h e ma n a g e me n to f co n ditions ar ising out of
inappropriateadministrationof errhine therapy,the patient
shouldbe given oleationtherapy,andthereafter,sharptype of
errhinetherapyshouldbe given to the patient. Izl453l
Utility of Pafica-karma Therapy
E;FTr{rste\fq, YdS @: | | \Q I I
Pafica -karma (fi vepurificatorytherapies)describedabove
bestowhappinessto both the patientsand healthypersonsby
promoting their strengthand longevity, and also by curing
their diseases. [53214]
Panca-karnta therapy is useful both for healthy persons and
patients.It promotesstrengthand longevity of healthy persons,and in
patientsit curesdiseases.
Pafica-karnra therapy for healthy persons is already described
(vide SutraT : 46).
Interval Period BetweenTwo Coursesof Therapv
qrcfq qsqrF<gqrfr qrenareq q+( Fd:qfr6reirm:r .:
The interval between two coursesult bastr(including
emetic,purgationanderrhine)therapiesshouldbe doublethe
periodfor which thesetherapieswereoriginally administered.
The term 'bastyddi' meaning basti, etc., includes other pafica_-
karma therapies, viz., emesis, purgation and siro-virecana (errhine)
therapies.Basti is specified in the text becauseof its importance.
Prohibitions During Pafica-karma Therapies /
While undergoing pafica-karma therapies,the patient
should avoid the following :

( 1) Excessivesitting,standing,speakingandriding (over
vehiclesand horses);
(2) SleePduring daYtime;
(3) Sexualintercourse;
(4) Suppressionof the manifestednaturalurges;
(5) Cooling regimens;
(6) ExPosureto hot sun;
(7) Grief and anger; and
(8) Intake of untimely and unwholesomefood'
Prohibitions abovearetheimportantones.In addition,
otherregimensdescribed !5 arealsoto be avoided'
FactorsInhibiting Recipesof Basti to Enter dnd Come out
rre yqftt firyi q l* qrd aerTqt,qqftr@ll\\ll
q qfr qRr{ gq F{tfr ArqnTftsd zG qrsqdd: r
r Therecipeof.bas1!_!ogl because
notreachits destination
of the following :
(l) If the nozzle is cloggedor inserfedobliquely; and
mucus or
Q) lt the rectal Passageis blocked by piles'
hard stool.
i The recipe, after enema, does not come out with ease
't be"ause of the following :
(1) If the path of the enemais obstructedby doqas;
(2) lf the recipe of enemais less in quantity; and
(3) If the recipe is of low potency. | 55
214- 21 56 l
Therecipeof enema becomes lowin potencyif it doesnotcontain
hot andsalineingredients in quantity'
FactorsResponsiblefor Quicker Elirnination of Enema
sTA i! q*em1r*+ qA*q&swc& G
srig-tiftryEr 5d a # Ysfimr:r! 5d'fr qfu: I
The recipe of enema comes out through the anus".'J':'] '
immediatelyafterit is administeredbecauseof the following : t ,.,'i'
'---- .
(l) If there is suddenurge for voiding feces, flatus o,
(2) If there is excessiveaggravationof vdyu;
(3) If there is lack of strengthin the anal muscles to
retain the recipe;
( 4 ) I f th e re ci p e co n ta i n s i ngr edients which ar e
excessivelyhot and sharp;and
(5) If the personhas laxed bowel (mrdu-kostha).
[ 5 6 2 / 4 - 2 1 4 5I7
There are three sphincters(vatis) in the of theseis called
samvaranl.If this sphincteris weak then the personbecomesincapable
of holding the enema for the appropriateperiod.
Incapability of Basti to Cure a Curable Disease
+E:qilItFqrqFrd F*a: vfdrffgFrqqeft E'tfr | | \s | |
*t g VtrgI€g rt* ffie fa art tuarnrtr
ffi: @:il\4tl
rEtFrdr errgF{tq q=*: F*rffi{Tqvrd qqfrT I
If the vQy4 getsoccludedby medas(fat) and kapha,thei/, ' i
it gives rise to colic pain, numbnessof the body and oedema. /, ,
When an ignorant physician administerssneha (unctuous i '
recipe in order to alleviate theseailments) then they actually
get aggravated.Similarly, other doqas[the term 'roge' in the ',{
text does not refer to 'disease' but to 'dosas'] overlap each , i
other in their courses(pathways)and get afflicted with tissue j
elements of different nature. If not properly determined i'
(diagnosed),theseailments do not get alleviated eventhough
specific remediesare administered. 157214-21459l
When a person suffers from,colic pain, etc., becauseof the i
occlusion of vdyr4by medas (fat) and lcapha,the unwise physician
wrongly diagnosesthem to be causedby vdyualoneor pure vdyr,l.As a
result of this, giving oleation therapyto allcviate this vdyn actually

works in theoppositeway, i.e. insteadof alleviatingvaytr,this unctuous

therapy actually aggravates fat and kapha as a result of which the
ailment gets aggravated'
when do.lasoverlapeachother,and get afflicted by tissueelements,
ignorant physicians fail to diagnose the ailments caused by them
properly, and administer medicineson the basis of syrnptoms only.
Such medicinesdo not help in curing the disease.Therefore,occlusion
of one dosa by the other, and affliction of tissue elementsshould be
correctly ascertainedbefore initiating treatment.
Reasonsfor Failure in Treatment
Trd q trrqvrqrq qt{ *{rfdqm lffirqrcql | \3ll
Mqenra r if firfirr vnfr T+( rrcqfi YgffiRl
All therapeutic measuresadministeredto alleviate a
diseaseeventhoughwholesomeand skilfully given. fail to
cure it, if they areusedin lesseror excessivedoseor at wrong
time or in wrong manner. 159214-21460l
If appropriate therapy is adrninisteredin appropriatemanner then
it certainly curesthe disease.,
Contentsof Chapter
61 S6;-
gs{rf{qqgrqyr q5-6.ffiqga fuArFd qq{rqrql I qo ll
rqffi rrrrq1.1T6rqh @:ttQtll
To sum uP :
Lord Att"yi the foremostamongthe sagesdescribedthe
successfuladministrationof pafica-karma(five purificatory
therapies) for the well-being of the people in the form of
answerto the twelve queries(describedin versenos' 3-5)'
160 - 6l l
Fdrd$+ fiRf;aGrrAqc{FTrfuEmfq

Thus, ends the first chapter of Siddhi-sectioncalled

" Kalpana-siddhi(SuccessfulAdministrationof Therapeutic
Measures)"in the text of AgniveSawhich was redactedby
Caraka,andbecauseof its non-availability,supplemented by


3wn?f: qgfi,tr firna qr{gplrgrq: ll 3ll
VFat :llRll
We shall now expound the chapter dealing with the
" I n d i c a t i o n s a n d C o n t r a - i n d i c a t i o n sf o r S u c c e s s f u l
Administration of Pafica-karma Therapy".
Thus,saidLord Atreya. t L-21
In the previous chapter, different aspects of the successful
administration of p afica -karma therapywere described.Naturally, there
is a desire to know the indications and contra-indications of these
therapies. The present chapter, therefore, describes these indications
Qtravytti) and contra-indications (nivftti) for successful treatment of
ailments through these therapies.
Aqi qwr(qga,qtrqF"Avr q qrt*qr
ff q q'rr+nrF{ il( Fd rfraeg+n?tl
O ! AgniveSa,we shallnowdescribeall thetopicsrelating
to the typesof patientsfor whompafica-karmatherapiesare
contra-indicated.reasons for whichthesearecontra-indicated,
and for which type of patientsthesetherapiesare indicated.
The contra-indications and indications mentioned above refer to
all the five therapies taken together, and to each of these individual

P er sonsfo r Whom All P afica-karma Therap i es ar e P r ohib it ed

iEtus: qrffi cftt': 5a* Erf q.T rtl
w<rqnrqqftsr T@: VffiFa: ttY tl
qr{M 5E[s tufir: ffids e: I
*fr erqrfit: gvlFg'fi:ll\ll
ftrrqrqRqs +q*lqr fi+qF-{Ert
qqrrqq H q(.t Aqr+*gcrqllq ll
qrmta wgrfiqr rr: furt
srqreriynnrtr Td q'r{ q qgfrllsll
The wise physicianshouldnot givepafica-karmatherapies
to the following types of Patients:
(l) Who is fierceful,rashful,cowardly,ungratefuland
fickle minded;
(2) Who hatesgoodPersons,kings andphysicians,and
who is hated bY them;
(3) Who is afflicted with grief;
(4) Who doesnotbelievein God $tadycchika=ndstilca)i
(5) Who is in the terminal stage of the disease, and
destinedto die;
(6) Who is unableto arrangetheessentialitems (kararya)
for the treatment;
(7) Who is inimical to the physician;
(S) Who is an imposter and considershimself to be a
(9) Who is devoid of faith in the physician;
(10) Who is sceptic;and
(l l) Who does not carry out the instructions of the
The physician who administerspafica-karma therapy to
the abovementioned typesof patientsinvites many difficulties
upon himself.
Personsother than those mentioned above should be
treatedwith all the different typesof pafica-kernxotherapies.
Hereafter,we shall explain the indicationsand contra:
indications of each of the different types of pafico-karma
therapies. l4-71
Suitability and unsuitability of patientsfor treatmentare already
describedin Vimana 3 : 45 and Vimana 8 : 13. Becauseof contextual
propriety, tneseinoicaiionsandcontra-indicationsare being elaborated
here again.
Treatmentof fierceful and such other personsis contra-indicated
becausein suchpatientsthe therapiesdo not producethedesiredeffbcts.
sirnilarly, therapiesdo not produce-the desiredeffectsin ungratefurand
such other personsbecauseof their sinful disposition. on the other
hand, by the treatmentof such sinful persons,the physician hirnself
incurs the sin. Therefbre,treatmentof such personsis prohibited.
Tlre tenn 'sadrajabhiqajarpdveqya"canbe interpretedin a different
way as "the one who hatesgood kings and good physicians".
In the above verses, 'vairT' (the one who is inimical to the
physician)and'vaidyadvesla'(theone who hatesthe physician)-these
two types of personsare describedas unsuitable fbr treatment. Though
they havealmostsimilar connotationsin form, thefbrmer type of person
tries to harm the physician while the latter does not do any hann.
The above mentioned personsshould not be given any of the
partca-karmctherapies,and also alleviation (sanl1amanc) therapies.
Contra-indicationsof EmeticTherapie
qqsqrRrf,(- -

qqfft[gfcrrdt: n / tl
Emetic therapyis contra-indicatedfor the following :
(l) The patient suffering from ksata (phthisis);
(2\ The patient who is kslna (suffering from con-
sumption), ati-sthilla (excessively obese), ati-

krf a (excessivelyemaciated).bdla (infant), vrddha

(old) and durbala (weak);
(3) One who is Sranta(fatigued),pipasita (thirsty) and
(4) One who is broken down (hata) becauseof hard
work (karma), carrying heavy weight (bhara) and
long wayfaring (adhva) ;
(5) One who has becomeweak (ksama)by excessive
Qtrasakta) fasting (upavasa), sexual indulgence
(maithuna),.study(adhyayanc), exerci se (vyaydma),
and cinta (worgy);
(6) Pregnantwoman;
(7) Sukumara(one having tenderhealth);
(8) Saryvyta-ko$tha
tract is
occludedby vayu) anddufchardana(who doesnot
respondto emetic therapy6asily);
(e) 0 rdhvaga-rakta-pitfc(one sufferingfrom ailments
characterisedby bleedingfrom upward tract);
(10) Prasakta-chardi(one
who is sufferingfrom incessant
(l l) lrdhva-vata (one who is suffering from upward
movementof vayu or wind);
Q\ Asthapita (one who has taken evacuativetype of
medicatedenema)andanuvasita (onewho hastaken
unctuoustype of medicatedenema);
(13) Hfd-roga (one sufferingfrom heart-diseases);
Qq UdAvarta(one sufferingfrom misperistalsis);
(15) One suffering-from mutraghara (suppressionof
tumour), udara (obstinate abdominal diseases
including ascites), aslhtla (enlarged prostate),

svaropaghdta(chokedvoice) andtimira (cataract);

( 16) One sufferingfrom pain in the head,temporalregion,
earsand eYes. t8l
,complicationscausedby EmeticTherapyAdministeredin
Contra-indicated Conditions
r* qrer w: qq"trf,firfrTq?Ffi:FII-(, @
rft, tiFr-
Erdrfi+qtrrsd FIr(, rrsflrqr @ qr€qn
trrgtfrr, gtFqrtF@EttE,ffi{tftTr{R:,
: q5frwqr er;n:#
q{q€affi lnr$ qrsi AFrd q{qf qr, ueffiFrt
qrrgftqtq yrstrt EW =nnrrq*Aq,Y{rir-ettqrr(, ssd-
@ qraTfrTtrEfr:,
E*F'ruil EEdsiq:,
vqrqF$+ *w{ vErcd: st-drffFr'
+r*wfoqrsrtE:,ft fi rtfiilHnmmnrgf€:,ft'rt:Y5ittRgvfmrFd-
gE:, T€nafrT @t: r qffi E u€*g ffi-
If a personsufferingfrom kqata(phthisis)is given emetic
therapy, then it further aggravatesthe injury [to the lungs],'
and causesexcessivehemoPtYsis.
If emetic therapy is given to a person who is ksirya
( suffering fro m consumpt ion), at i -sthula (excessiv ely obese),
ati-kyia (excessivelyemaciated),bala (infan!), vyddha (old)
and durbalc (weak), then this endangerstheir life because
such patients are incapableof tolerating the effects of drugs
which are usedfor emesis.
effect is produced when emetic therapy is
administeredto a personwho is faligued, thirsty and hungry.
If emetic therapy is administered to a person who is
broken down by doing hard work, carrying excessiveweight

and long wayfaring, and who is weakened by incessani-1

fasting, sexual indulgence,study, exerciseand worry, then I
because of ununctuousness,the vdyu in his body gets
aggravated.He may get haemorrhageor injury to his lungs.
If a pregnantwoman is given emetic therapy,then this
of pregnancyandoccurenceof
may giverise to_complications
serious diseasesbecauseof the abortion of immature foetus.
If thepersonhavingtenderhealthis givenemetictherapy,
then becauseof the strain in his heart, this may give rise to
haemorrhagethrough the upward and downward tracts.
In the case of a personwhose koqyha(gastro-intestinal
tract) is occluded or who does not respondto emetic therapy
easily,thenthe administrationof this therapyleadsto excessive
bouts of urge for vomiting leading to the excitation of doqas
causing internal visarpa (erysipelas),stambha (stiffness),
jadya (numbness),vaicitya (mentalperversion)or death.
If emetic therapy is administeredto a person suffering
from aga-rakta-pitta (a diseasecharacterised
by bleeding
from thupieill tracts),thenit provokesuddna-vayrleading
- -
to death or excessivebleeding.
Similar effects are manifested if emetic therapy is
administered to a person who is already suffering from
ilceqsant vorniting.
If the emetic therapyis administeredto a personsuffering
from (upward movementof the wind), and who
hasalreadytakendsthdpanaoranuvdsanatypesof medicated
enema, then this causesupward movement of the wind in
If emetic therapy is administeredto a person suffering
from.heart-disease,then it leads to cardiac arrest.
If a person suffering from uddvarta (misperistalsis) is
given emetic therapy, then this leads to severe,fnisperistalsis

which is of seriousnature,and which resultsin quicker death

of the patient.
Administration of emetic therapy to patients suffering
from m-utrdghdfa(suppression of urination),etc.,leadsto the
manifestationof colic pain of more acutenature.
Administration of emetic therapyto a patient suffering
from timira (cataract)leads to excessiveincrease of this
Aministration of emetic therapy to a patient suffering
frlm lre_adache, etc., leads to the excessiveaggravationof
Therefore, emetic therapy is contra-indicatedfor the
above types of patients.However, administrationof emetic
therapyis notprohibitedevenin theabovementioned(contra-
indicated)ailmentsif thepersonis sufferingfrom visa (ailments
caused by natural poisons), gara (ailments caused by
artificially preparedpoi sons), vi r uddhahar a (allments caused
by the intake of mutually contradictoryingredients),ailrna
(ailments caused by indigestion), abhyavaharc (ailments
caused by the intake of food before the previous meal is
digested)andama(ailmentscausedby theproductof improper
digestion and metabolism),becausetheseailmentsproduce
their effects instantaneouslv. tel
At the end of the chapter,it will be statedthat a wise physiciancan
administer paiica-karma therapieseven for prohibited ailments. Even
then, it is specified in the above text to administer emetic therapy in the
caseof poisoning, etc., to emphasiseits essentiality.
Indications of Emetic Therapy
Vlqr€ EPEtt3;

: rfuaner*
ffinqr rrarMas; q*S f6 qr{ wrrrcnnrqc;

Emetic therapy is indicatedfor the remaining ailments

specially for plnasa (coryza)rkusrlrc(obstinateskin diseases
yakqma (tuberculosis),/<dsa(cough), fu,aya(asthma),gala-
graha (spasm in the throat), gala-garyQa(enlargementof
thyroid gland),3li p ada (elephantiasis), ry,eha (obstinateuri nary
disordersincluding diabetes),ylandagni (suppressionof the
power of digestion),viruddhanna (ailments causedby the
intake of mutually contradictoryfood ingredients)rgfir n*a.q nna
(ailmentscausedby indigestionof food), visucika (cholera),
alasaka (intestinaltorpor), visa-plta (ailmentscausedby the
intake of naturalpoisons),gara-pita (ailmentscausedby the
intakeof artificially pqepared poisons),visa-daqya(poisonous
bites), visa-digdha-viddha(ailmentscausedby injury with
weapons smearedwith poisonousmaterial), adhah-foryita-
pitta (an ailment characterisedby bleedingfrom downward
tr acts),p raseka (pty alism), durndma(pile s), hyI Iasa ( nausea),
arocaka (anorexia),avipaka (indigestion),apacl (cervical
adenitis),apasmara (epilepsy),unmada (insanity), atisara
paka (stomatitis), dusta-stanya(pollutedbreast-milk), etc.
The emetictherapyis speciallyusefulfor diseasescaused
by kapha which are describedin Suta 20 : 17.
In all the abovementionedconditions,emesisis the best
therapy.As paddy,etc.,in a field full of waterarelikely to get
spoiled,but an outlet madethroughits wall to take out water
savesthecrop,similarly,emetictherapycuresdiseases caused
by aggravatedkapha by eliminating this dosa from the body.
t l0l
The term "|e;dstu vamydll" in the above text implies that the
remaining ailments not describedin the para no, 8 are curable by emetic
therapy. Even then some ailments are enumerated here in order to
ernphasisthe fact that the emetic therapy is specially useful for the cure
of these ailments.

The modus oerandiof emetic therapyfor curing diseasescausedby

kapha, describedabove, are to be augmentedby adopting the measures
, as per the statement made in sutra-2\ : 19. Similar augmentation of
.. ,,
statementsregarding the cure of plilffaiseases by purgation therapy,
rr, and vata-diseasesby basti therapy is to be made by incorporating
statementsmadeearlierin Sutra ZO t--9_q4Sutra20: l3 respectively.
"i :
Contra-indicationsof PurgationTherfif

@: qar€gl rrffilr€rfrr: | | qq | |
Purgation therapy is contra-indicatedfor the following :

i' (l) Subhaga(personshaving tenderhealth);

(2) Kqata-guda(personshaving anal injury);
(3) Mukta-ndla (prolapserectum);
(4) Adho-bhaga rokta-pitta (an ailment characterised
by bleedingthroughdownward tracts);
(5) Vilahghita (personwho is on fast);
(6) Durbalendriya (person having w'eak sensory and
motor organs);
(7) Alpagni (personhaving lesspower of digestion);
(8) Nirudha (person who has undergoneevacuative
type of enematherapy);
(9) Kamadi-vyagra-mdnasa(person whose mind is
agitatedby passion,etc.);
(10) Ajlrryi (person who is suffering from indigestion);
(ll) Nava-jvari (person suffering from fever of recent
(I2) Maddtyayita (person suffering from alcoholism);
Q , A d hma tu (p e rso n su ffe r ing fr om abdom inal
distension); I
QQ SalyArdita(personafflictedwith foreign bodies);

(15) Abhihata (personwith bodily injury);

(16) Ati-snigdha (personwho is o-vet:-unctuous);
(17)Ati-rukqa(petsonwho is excessivelyununctuous);
(18) Darurya-koqyha (personhaving hard bowel); and
( l9) Otherpersonshavingailmentsbeginningfrom kqata
(phthisis)and endingwith garbhiryl(pregnancy)as
describedin paragraPhno. 8. t ll l
[Cakrapani has interpreted the term'subhaga-k;ata-guda"
" sulthaga-guda" (onehaving tenderanus) and"k;ata-guda" (one having
anal injury). He has also referred to anotheropinion according to which
'subhaga' (one having tender health) 31d "k;ata-
this term irnplies
guda" (one having anal injury). This latter interpretation appearsmore
appropriate as the description in the next paragraphreveals; hence, we
have followed the samein our translation']
AdverseEffects of Purgati on TherapyAdmi ni ster ed i n Contr a
T{ BrrrreI g.€qrH dlq' sr(' Kf<tt 6i G vruilqt- u-qi wr}q, Eirqrc{qfltr{f,r 6erq, ereh{rrrrffiFrfuf
irElE, 3f}qq*{iq TArt, qrqrf€-
T*** q errtt F-Eqr rn @E;qt(, grfrffirr
sTrqdq:rFTr(,@Aqqq Fr€tE'qrn+qra
ihtr+(, rrqrsFtrs qssd lfr arg: grcMei €i?{h,
snqripnqrfr qr gftq*Af{ffi qrgffi1g6{Trst{rd ffi
q{tri qr q{+(, erci{rF*drfirf,r+:qt qrg{TertrEfrfrT?i
ffid qaE, rs$s qrg{Hsrd E qt(, <rtqr-
atGrs'ffici-ar tqr -
qrumFran grqrq €:, Fdr€itr rrfftrrrfrtqf s{ffi dq:
srA ffiCi rTftfrsrr I llR | |
If purgationtherapyis givento a personwhois subhaga
(having tenderhealth),then he will suffer from the same
disorders as describedfor emetic therapy administeredto
sukumdra(personhavingtenderhealth)in parano. 9'

If purgation therapyis administeredto a personhaving

anal injury, then it givesrise to distressingpain in the injured
anus which may causedangerto his life.
If purgation therapyis administeredto a personhaving
prolapsedrectum, then it may kill the person becauseof
If purgationtherapyis given to a personsuffering from
adho-bhaga-rakta-p it ta (anailmentcharacterisedby bleeding
thro_ugh the downwardtract), it may also similarly endanger
his life.
A personwho has kept fast, who has weak senses,who
has lesspower of digestionor who hasundergoneevacuative
type of medicatedenema,becomesincapableof toleratingthe
effects of purgativemedicines.
If purgation therapy is administeredto a person whose
mind is agitatedby passion,etc., then therewill be either no
purgation or purgation with difficulty. In such cases,there
will be harmfuleffectsbecauseof theimproperadministration
of purgation therapy.
If purgationtherapyis administeredto a personsuffering
from indigestion, then it leads to ailments causedby ama
(product of improper digestionand metabolism).
If purgationtherapyis administeredto a patientsuffering
from fever of recent origin, then it does not eliminate the
immature toxic products,and causesaggravationof vayu.
In a personsuffering froqt alcoholism,purgation therapy
causes aggravation of vayu becausehis body is already
dmaciated as a result of the intake of alcohol. and this
endangershis life.
If purgation therapyis administeredto a personhaving
abdominaldistension,then the vdyu accumulatedin the part
of the intestinaltractcontainingstoolcausesfurther distension,
II ] S I D D H IS T H A N A I87

andspreadsto causeserioustypeof meteorisminstantaneously.

This may causedeathof the patient.
In a person afflicted with foreign body or injured by
weapons,purgationtherapymakesthevayuto get localisedin
the injured part leadingto his death.
If purgationtherapyis givento apatientwho is excessively
oleated,then it may lead to overactionof the therapy.
I f p u r g ati o n th e ra p y i s g i ve n to a patient who is
ununctuous,thenthis leadsto spasticityof the limbs because
of aggravatedvayu.
Purgativetherapygiven to a personhavingcostivebowel
causesexcitementof dosaswhich leadsto cardiacpain,joint
pain, meteorism,malaise, vomiting, fainting and mental
fatigue.Thesemay ultimately leadto the deathof the patient.
Lrrgation therapygivento personssufferingfrom ailments
beginning with ksata (phthisis)and ending with pregnancy
produces the same complications as describedfor emetic
therapywhen administeredto such cases(vide para no. 9).
Therefore,purgation therapyis contra-indicatedin the
above mentionedcases. l 12l
Administration of purgation therapy to a person agitated by
passion, grief, anger, etc., leads to ayoga (inappropriate)effects which
includes movement of the recipe in reverse.direction, i.e. causing
emesis, absenceof purgation or less purgation (vide siddhl 6 : 3l).
Becauseof ayoga, theremay be pervertedeffects rike hiccup, stiffness,
Indications of Purgation Therapy
tqFA Rqr:, frr*rrrg -

NqrugffiR: -
frr*iltr qsrMotg; q*S F6frtq{
qYr}sFrfo*(t I qQtl

In allthe otherconditions,purgationtherapyis indicated.

It is speciallyindicatedfor the patientssufferingfrom.ku;1ha
(obstinate skin diseasesincluding leprosy),jvara (fever),
meha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes),
urdhvaga-rakta-pitta (an ailment characterisedby bleeding
from the upward tracts),bhagandara(fistula-in-ano),udara
(obstinateabdominaldiseases includingascites),arfas @i1"")'
b radhna(inguinalswelling),p Ehan( splenicdi sorders),gulma
(phantom tumour), arbucla (tumour), gala-ganda (thyroid
enlargement),grantlri (lymphadenitis),visucika (choleric
diarrhoea), alasaka (intestinal torpor), mfirAghAtu
( suppression of urin ation), kr imi -koqt ha (p arusitici nfestation
of intestin es), visarpa (erysipelas),paryQu-roga(anemia)'
Sirah-|ula (headache),pdr|va-|ula (pain in the sides of the
chest),uflavarta(upward movementof wind in theabdomen),
netra-ddha(burningsensationin theeyes),, Q;yg-daha(burning
sensation in the face), hyd-roga (heart-diseases), vyanga
( f r e c k l e s ), n tl i ka (b l u i sh b l a ck moles) , netr a- sr avalJa
(excessivedischargefrom eyes),nasika-sravana(excessive
di schargefro m the nose),dsya -sr ava4ta (excessive saliv ation),
halTmaka(a serious type of jaundice), Svasa(asthma), kasa
( c o u g h ) , ka ma l q (a u n d i ce ), a paci ( cer vical adenitis) ,
apasmdra (epilepsy), unmada(insanity), vata-rakra (gout),
yoni-do;a (gynecic disorders), reto-doqas (seminal
morbiditi es),timira (cataract),arocaka (anorexia), avipdka
'' /oedema),udara
(indigestion), chardi (vomiting), .fv,"' ;
(obstinateabdominaldisordersincludrngascites;this appears
to be a repetition),visphogaka(pustulareruptions),etc'
Purgation therapy is also specially useful for paittika
type of diseasesdescribedin Sutra20 : 14.
For the above mentionedailments,purgation therapy is
the foremost remedy.
As the extinguisherof fire normalises agni-gyha (a house
on fire), similarly, purgation therapy, by eliminating
aggravated pitta, curesall the abovementioneddiseases. I l3]

P rohibitions of N iruha-basti

Administrationof dsthapanaor niruha (evacuativetype
of medicatedenema)is prohibitedfor the following :
(l) Personwho is sufferingfrom ajirrya(.indigestion),
who is ati-snigdha(excessivelyoleated)or who is
plta-snehc(ust taken oleationtherapy);
(2) Person whose doqas are excited (utktisya-dosa)
and who is sufferingfrom mandagni(suppression
of the power of digestion);
(7) Who is yana-klanra (fatigued due to riding a
(4) Who is ati-durbala (excessivelyweak); kqudharta
(excessivelyhungry), trsqtarta(excessivelythirsty)
andSramdrta(excessivelytired due to hard work);
(5) Who is ati-krfa (excessivelyemaciated);
(6) Who is bhukta-bhakta(ust taken the meal) and
pttodaka (ust taken water);
(7) Who is vamita (ust taken emetic therapy) and
virikta (ust taken purgationtherapy);
(8) Who is kyta-nastal.t-karma
(ust taken inhalation
(9) Who is kruddha (angry) and bhita (fearful);
(10) Who is matta (intoxicated)and who is m-urcchita
( I I ) Who is sufferingfrom incessantvomiting, ptyalism,
asthma,cough and hiccup;
(12) Who is suffering from baddhodara (intestinal

obstruction), chidrodara (intestinal perforation)

andudakodara(ascites)associatedwith adhmana
( me te o ri sm);
(13) Who is sufferingfrom alasaka(intestinaltorpor),
visucika(cholera),dma-praidra (miscarriage)and
dmdtisdra (first stageof diarrhoea);and
(14) Who is suffering from madhumehaor diabetes
mellitus (accordingto Cakrapani,all thepramehas
or obstinateurinary disordersare included here)
and kustha (obstinateskin diseasesincluding
leprosy). t t4l
Adverse Effects of Niruha-basti Administered in Contra'
indicated Conditions
ffif ffiq5trwae3atrzrr:(,
:, qTq?mTtlpl$wrr* qktrs
eEvM(, @ qfrfr} Aq: tn-(, efcgvre
u,rs{ gq+T}q, ar argdRa-
gFdfq fstj *{q fffirtrs{+(, arfiraFaFrt.*qs$ vrfr{
fq6T, {fr $r TEqt(, gmrcr:uffi furvr Wrtiua*rq:
$qt(,@,Tr1futr{jhtsrffi -
qanat-{q$ qrgfsc{qfr T*(, ffi
T$Fil$nqrq rqk: gruTrlfdgr(, @-
;rft"mrqF-A dtq: sr(, rrqllF{fu+qf}: g{df;a:,Twrafr
Administration of niruha-basti in contra-indicated
conditionsproducesadverseeffects as follows :
( I ) In the case of a person who is guffering from
-!n{-igestion,who is excessivelyoleatedor who has
just taken oleation therapy, nirftha-basfi causes
the aggravationof all the three dosas),fainting or

(2) In the caseof a personhaving excited doqasor the

personsufferingfrom the suppressionof the.power
of digestion,niruha-basticausesseveretype of
(3) In the case of a person fqtigued due to riding,
of the body.
(4) In the caseof the personwho is excessivelyweak
and who is suffering frol Lr-uqger,
thirst and faii[ue,
niruha-basficausesthe samedisordersasdescribed
(5) In thecaseof a personwho is excessively
niruha-baJti causesmore emaciation.
(6) In the caseof a personwho hasjust takenhis meal
or water, nirltha-basficausesexcitementof vayu as
a result of which the recipe of enema is pushed
upwardsor downwardsleading to the causationof
(7) In the case of the person who has already taken
emetic or purgation therapy, administration of
(ununctuous) body
ni r uha-basli burnshi s dehydrated_
as-if it is ulceratedby the applicition'iif amatis.
(8) In the caseof the personwho has taken inhalation
therapy,ni rilha -basli causesimpairement ofsenses,
andfurther obstructionof the channelsof circulation.
(9) In the caseof the personwho is angry or fearful, the
niruha-basflcausesagitationin theupperpart bf the
( l0) In the caseof intoxicatedandfaintedpersons,nir-uha-
basti causesfurther agitationin the consciousness
leading to the complications becauseof mental

(l l) In the caseof the personsuffering from incessant

basti causesthe aggravatedvdyuin the upperpart of
the body to draw the recipe of enemaupwards.
(12) In the caseof the personsuffering from intestinal
obstruction,intestinalperforationor ascites,which
are associatedwith abdominaldistension,niruha-
basti further increasesthe intestinaldistensionand
may lead to the death of the patient.
(13) In the caseof the personsuffering from intestinal
torpor, cholera,abortion or amdtisdra (first stageof
diarrhoea),nirltha-barti causesailmentsdueto dma
ftl,roductof improper digestionand metabolism).
(I;f)ln the case of the person suffering from madhu-
j and kuqtha (obstinate skin diseasesincluding
j leprosy), administration of niruha-basti further
Therefore, nir-uha-basti is prohibited for the above
mentionedtype of patients. t 15l
ln Cikitsa I 3 : 89, niruha along with anuvdsana is prescribed for
baddhodara (intestinal obstruction). If this baddhodara is associated
with abdominaldistension,nirlrh a-basti should not be given assuggested
above.Therefore,thereis no contradiction betweenthe statementsmade
in Cikitsa 13 : 89 and the one made in the above text.
Some physicians solve this apparentcontradiction in another way.
According to them, when baddhodara (intestinal obstruction) is
associated with constipation (vibandha), then niruha type of enema
shouldbe given assuggestedin Cikitsa I 3 : 89. Without suchconstipation,
niruha is contra-indicatedfor the patient suffering frombaddhodara as
suggestedin the above text.
Indicationsof Niruha-basti
:;ftr*rrq -
qgdqfr*d: -



q6ffifits; qiqr+errf qqrfiqftrg.fri q11qfrq1d-
qT(ll qqll
In all the other conditionsnirltha-basfl(evacuativetype
of medicatedenema) is indicated. It is specially useful in
sarvanga-rogo(paralysisof the whole body), ekdhga-roga
(pql_alv{rof one of the limbs), kuksi-roga(diseasesof pelvic
regionl vata-sahga (retql-tigl of flatus), varcal.t-sahga
(retentionof stool), mutra-sahga(retentionof urine), Sukra'
sahga (retention of semen), bala-ksaya (diminution of
strength),varna-ksaya(diminution of complexion),marytsa-
ksaya(diminution of muscletissue),retah-kqaya(diminution
of semen),bala-doqa (morbiditiy of strength)' varna-doqa
(morbidity of complexion),mdmsa-dosa (morbidityof muscle
ti ssue),r eto-dosa (morbidity of semen),adhmana(meteorism),
anga-supri (numbness of limbs), krimi-kosyha (parasitic
infestationof the intestine),uddvarta (upward movementof
the wind in the abdomen),Suddhatisara(dianhoea without
the associationof dma), parva-bheda Qoint pain), abhitapa
(feeling of burning sensation),pllhan (splenic disorder),
gu[ma (phantom tumour), Sula (colic pain), hyd-roga fh-gart
di sease),bhagandar o\analfi stula), unmada(in sanity ), j va r a
(fever), bradhna(inguinalswellings),3irafu-3 ula (headache),
kar na-3fil a (earache),hydaya -graha (cardiacspasm), p a r 3vri-
graha (stiffness in the sides of the chest), pf$ha-graha
(stiffness of the back), katl-grahq (stiffness of the lumbar
region), vepandrti (tremor), akqepaka-arti (convulsions),
gaurava-arfi (excessiveheavinessof the body), atildghava-
arti (excessive lightness of the body), rajah-ksayarti
(amenorrhoea),visamdgni (irregular power of digestion),
sphik-f ula-floqa-stambha(pain, atrophy and stiffness of the

buttocks),j anu-3ula-3oqa-stambha (p ain,atrophyandstiffness

of knee-jo rnts),j ang ha-i il a -Sosa -stambha (pain, atrophyand
stiffnessof the calf region), ilru-3ula-1osa-stambha (pain,
atrophyandstiffnessof thethighs),gulpha-iula-3osa-stambha
(pain, atrophy and stiffnessof ankles),parsni-3ttla-io.ya-
stambha(pain,atrophyand stiffnessof heels),prapada-3ula-
Sosa-stambha (pain,atrophyandstiffnessof feet).yoni-3ula-
So{a.-stambha (patn,atrophyandstiffnessof gynecicorgans),
bahu 3ula-3osa -stambha (pain,atrophyandstiffnessof arms),
anguli-3ula-3osa-stambha (pain, atrophy and stiffness of
fingers), stananta-fula-3osa-stambha (pain, atrophy and
stiffnessat the endof thebreastsor nipples),danta-3ula-iosa-
stambha (pain, atrophy and stiffnessof teeth), nakha-|ula-
Soqa-stambha (pain, atrophyand stiffnessof nails).parva-
Sula-|osa-stambha (pain, atrophy and stiffnessof joints),
asthi-3ula-3oqa-stambha (pain,atrophyandstiffnessof bones).
antra-kfujana(intestinalgurgling),parikartika (sawingpain
in the abdomen),alpalpa-utthana(voiding stool in small
quantities frequently), saiabdotthdna (voiding stool with
noise),ug ra -gandha-utt hana (voiding of foul-smelling stool)
and such other ailments.
N i r u h a - b a sti i s sp e ci a l l y u seful in vatika diseases
describedin Sutra 20 : ll.
For the above mentionedailments,niruha-basfiis the
foremost medication.As a tree gets destroyedby cutting its
roots,similarly the abovementioneddiseasesget curedby the
administrationof nir-uha-basti. t 16 l
Contra- indications of Anuvasana-basti
q lFrrRenqrfa qqrTJqrgr: €,; @-

Anuvdsana-bastiis prohibited in all the conditions for
II ] S I D D H IS T H A N A I95

which niruha-bastiis contra-indicated. It is speciallycontra-

indicatedin the following conditions:
(l)Abhukta-bhakta(a personwho has not takenfood);
(2) The person suffering from nava-jvara (fugshly
o c c u rri n g fe ve r). p a n Qu - r oga( anem ia) , kam ala
(jaundice),prameha (obstinateurinary disorders
including diabetes)and arias (piles); protifyAya
(coryza),a rocaka(anorexia), mandagni(suppressi on
of the power of digestion),daurbalya (weakness),
pllhodara (splenicdisorders) , kaphodara(obstinate
abdominalailmentscausedby aggravatedkapha),
u r u-sta mb h a(sp a sti ci tyof thighs) , var co- bheda
(diarrhoea),visa-plta (ingestionof natural poison),
gara-pita (ingestion of artificial poison),
pittabhisyanda(conjunctivitiscausedby aggravated
pitta), kaphabhiqyanda(conjunctivitis caused by
aggravatedkapha), guru-kostha (costive bowel),
Sltpada(elephantiasis), gala-garyQa (enlargementof
thyroid gland), apacl (cervical adenitis) and krimi-
koqyha(intestinalparasites). It7 )
Niruha-basti is contra-indicatedfor a personwho hasjust taken
food hukta-bhakta).On the otherhand,anuvdsana-bast i isprohibited
for a person who has not taken any food (abhukta-bhakta). Iq th_ecllg -,
not take-nany fgod, the recipe of anuvdsana-basti
of a person wh-o-_l1as-
moves upwardsto produceadverseeffects.This doesnot happenin th€-1
caseof nlra ha-basti.Anuvasana-bastiis generallygiven in the evening. I
' i;
The fat contained in its recipe spreads faster becauseof its sik;ma
(subtle) attribute.Therefore,if the personis without any food, and the ;
gastro-intestinaltract is empty, then the recipe moves upwards very
ln Siddhi I : 33, anuvasana-bastiis prescribedto be given in
b haktanabh in andana (di sliki ng for food). A r uci or anorexia takesplace
because of this disliking for food. Therefore, the prohibition of
anuvasana-bastiin aruci which is only the causativefactor does not
constitutea contradictorystatement.Bhaktanabhinandan a or disIiking
for food is causedby vayufor which anuvasana-bastiis indicated.Aruci
implies absolutedesirelessness (aniccha)for which anuvasana-bastiis
Adverse Effects of Anuvdsana-basti in Contra-indicated

anrr3ftwvffqir+(, ffii
Sqfq, m TvrgfrwGa.&qruriTq gq dq
qd\; Fwrad Trgertn: | | qe| |
Administration of anuvasana-bastiin contra-indicated
conditionsproducesadverseeffects as follows :
(Dlf tne personhasnot takenany food, anuvdsana-basti
spreadsupwardsdueto theabsenceof any obstruction
i tn the alimentarytract.
(2)1f the person is suffering from nava-ivara (fever of
recent origin), anemia, jaundice, and prameha
(obstinateurinary disordersincluding diabetes),then
t h e a d mi n i stra ti o n o f a n uvdsana- basti causes
exoitation of doqasleading to the manifestationof
u d a r a (o b sti n a te a b d o mi nal diseasesincluding
(3)If the person is suffering from piles, then
administrationof anuvdsana-basli producesstickiness
i n t he p i l e s l e a d i n g to adhm ana ( abdominal
(4) If the person is suffering from anorexia, then the
administration of anuvdsana-basti further impairs
the desire for food.
(5) If the personis sufferingfrom manddgni(suppression
of the power of digestion) and debility, then the
administration of anuvdsana-basti further reduces
the power of digestion.
rr I srDDHr

(6) If the personis sufferingfrom coryza,splenicdisorder

(and such other ailmentsdescribedin the item no. 7
of the para-I7 above), then the administration of
anuvdsana-basticausesexcessiveaggravationof the
alreadyaggravateddoqas.So anuvasana-bastimust
not be administeredto the abovecategoryof patients.
I ndications of Anuvdsana-bast i
q qqr€cnc{FR \$(fnFr:; ffiqdq Fq1l#qurrTq!
ffi uamcrnry; q$ 6qst6T( r$ rr
; GS ir3qrq|=f
Anuvdsana-bastiis indicatedin the very conditions for
which niruha-basfi is indicated (vide para no. 16). It is
specially indicated for the person having ununctuousness,
tikqryagni(sharp power of digestion) and kevala-vata-roga
(diseasescausedby vayu alone,i.e. not associatedwith ama).
In theseconditions,anuvdsana-bastiis the foremosttherapy.
As sprinkling of water at the root preventswithering out of the
tree, similarly, administration of anuvasana-bastl cures
diseasesin the body of the person. tlel
This simile regardingthe effect of basti is alreadyelaboratedin
Sutra20 : 13.A similardescriptionwasalsomadein Siddhi I : 31.
Contra-indicationsof I nhalationTherapy
srffifrrfr{rtt€ :

.rfd E€+ ifr n Rot t

Siro-virecana (inhalation therapy) is prohibited for the
following :
( I ) The personwho is sufferingfrom indigestionor who
has already taken food;
(2) The personwho has alreadytaken oleation therapy;
(3) The person who desires to take oleation therapy,
alcohol or water;

(4) The personwho hastakenhead-bathor who desires

to take bath;
(5) The personwho is hungryand thirsty;
(6) The person who is suffering from fatigue,
intoxicationor fainting;
(7) The personafflicted by injury with a weapon or a
(8) The person who is fatigued becauseof sexual
intercourse,physicalexerciseor intakeof alcohol;
(9) The person afflicted with freshly occurring fever
and grief;
( l0) The person who has taken purgation therapy or
( l l ) A p re g n a nw
t o ma n ;
( l2) The personwho is sufferingfrom freshly occurring
coryza; and
(13) In inappropriateseasonor on a cloudy day.
Adverse Effects of I nhalatio n Therapy i n P ro hib it ed Condit io ns
5i a errrfuw:
l,si w{h, ffi frn:w*r*t:ffi,
frRt,s ergRtE+qqti $qt(, sr3*kds qq': ffiguaquq-
fuq*(, qf,ftrrsyrd FrrraE q Errur:gfw: aqrafi:
q vfiraiiqq ffi ffi ia qr+(r'owrai- T I
Administrationof inhalationtherapyin contra-indicated
conditionsgives rise to adverseeffects as follows :

(l) If the personis sufferingfrom indigestionor if he

has already taken food, then administration of
inhalationtherapycausesocclusionof the channels
of circulation moving upwards causing thereby
cough,asthma,vomiting and coryza,
(2) If thepersonhasalreadytakenoleationtherapyor if
he desires to take oleation therapy, alcohol or
water or if he takesrw-atef
4fter the therapy,then the
administrationof inhalationtherapygives rise to
ptyalism, dischargefrom the nose, stickinessof
eyes,cataractand head-diseases.
(3) If the personhastakenhead-bath or takeshead-bath
after the therapy, then Siro-virecanagives rise to
coryz .
(4) Administrationof inhalationtherapyto a hungry
personaggravates vayu.
(5) Administration of inhalation therapy to a lthirsty
personintensifiesthirst, and causesdrynessof the
(6) Administration of inhalation therapy to a person
afflicted with fatigue, intoxication or fainting
producesthe sdmeadverseeffects as mentionedin
respectof nirftha-basti.
(7) Administration of inhalation therapy to a person
injured by weapon or beatenby a stick produces
(8) Administration of inhalation therapy to a person
fatigued becauseof sexual indulgence, physical
work or takingalcohol(evenaftera day) causespain
in the head,shoulders,eyesand chest.
(9) In the case of a person suffering from nava-jvara
(fever of recentorigin) and grief, administrationof
inhalationtherapycausesthe heatto spreadinto the

channelsin the eyes resulting in timira (cataract)

and further aggravationof the fever.
( l0) If a personwho hasalreadytakenpurgatio*ntherapy
is given inhalationtherapy,thenthe vayuinhis body
gets aggravatedleading to the injuiy to his sense
(l l) If a personwho hasalreadytaken anuvdsana-basti
is given inhalation therapy,then the kapha in his
Q9{V S"_!taggravatedleadingto heavinessof head,
itching and parasiticinfestation.
( 12) If a pregnant.wonan is given inhalationtherapy,the
growth of the foetus gets arrested,and she gives
birth to an offspringwho may be karya(blind by one
eye), kuryi(with deformity of upper !-igrbs),paksa-
hata (hem*rplegic)or pltha-sarpis (with deformity
(13) If inhalationtherapyis given to a personwho is
suffering from nava-pratisyAya(freshly occurring
coryza),thenit may causemorbidity of the channels
. of circulation.
(14) Administration of inhalation therapy on a cloudy
day or during inappropriateseasonsmIy iause
dilinentsdue to cold, puti-nasyc(puttifi"d rhinitis)
and 3i ro - r oga (head-diseases).
Therefore,in the abovementionedconditionsinhalation
therapyis prohibited. l2t )
The last item mentioned above may be interpreted as "inhalation
therapy administeredduring winter seasoncausesailments due to cold,
and during summer as well as rainy seilsonscausesplfl- nasya andSiro-
roga" . According to other scholars,theseailments arecausedif inhalation
therapy is administeredon a cloudy dzy (durdinc) in the seasonsother
than the rainy seaso;n(avarqika).
Indications of Inhalation Therapy
$qrwgf:, Rvrq -

g r rR qt qo tllq T{q q Iaf$ r'F]t ttHa t qaa q tqatqqt ta' toeEa -

qrdTtr{qigr: qRtrFrTgI;
qtg ffiRtri vqrcqnry;, Tfrgil-
rrgrrge*w @ *mi ffi Acrq{q'-
Inhalationtherapyis indicatedfor theremainingailments.
It is speciallyuseful in .(jro-stambha (stiffnessof the head),
danta-stambha(stiffness of teeth), manya-stambha
(ioiiicolli s)t,gala-graha (spasmof the throat), hanu-graha
(lock-j aw), p7nasa(chronic coryza),gal a -3ur1Qift a (tonsititis),
gata-|alul<a (tumour in lhe throat), Sukra (corneal ulcer),
timira (cataract),vortma-rogc(diseasesof e-yclids), vyahga
(freckles), upa-iihvika (uvulitis), ardhavabhedaka
(hemicrania),grlva-roga-g!,t-g?99-t of the neck), skandha-
roga (diseasgsof the shoulders),,a4tsa-roga.(dise4ses-of the
rg3pUlt), Asya-ioga (diseasesof the mouth), nasika-roga
(diseases ofthe nose),karna-roga(diseases ofthe ears),aksi-
roga (diseasesof the eyes), murdha-roga (diseasesof the
cranidm), kapdla-roga (diseasesof the forehead),Siro-roga
Jdiseases_o-f the head), ardita (facial paralysis),apatantraka
apatdnaka(con_vulsion s
]!onvulsion s with unconsciousness),
w i t h c o n s ci o u sn e ss),g a l a -g a ry( a ( goitr e) , daiia- 3ula
(to;ihache), danta-harsa(settingteethon edge),danta-cala
(conjunc-t1ui1lQ'_ arbuda
Qqolql"_ls of teeth), akqi-raji
(tnmouij, svara-bheda(hoarseness of the voice), vag-graha
(loss of speech),gad-gada (spasmodicspeech),krathana
(stammering),etc., and diseasesof the headand neck which
are causedby aggravatedvdyu and which are fully matured
(free from ama-doqa).
For the treatment of the above mentioned maladies,
inhalation therapy is the foremost remedy. The recipe
administeredthrough inhalation therapy entersinto the head
(cerebrum), and draws out exclusively the morbid matter as

the pith (l;ika) is takenout afterremovingthe fibrous coating

of mufija (a type of grass)adheredto it. 1 2 2I
Plnasa (coryza) referred to above representsthe matured (pakva)
stage of the disease.In the immature stage of coryza @ratiSyaya)
inhalationtherapyis prohibited.Thus,thereis no contra-dictionbetween
thesetwo statements.The differencebetweenapatantraka andapatanaka
w i l l b e d e s c r i b e di n S i d d h i 9 : 1 4 - 1 5 ,
Supra-clavicularregion is the normalhabitatof kapha.Therefore,
the diseasesofhead and neck (supra-clavicularregion)describedabove
refes to those causedby va;tuassociatedwith kapha.
As thepith is takenoutof muitja(a type of grass)without darnaging
the surrounding fibrous material adhered to it, similarly, by the
adrninistrationof inhalationtherapy,only the morbid materialis drawn
out from the brain without causingany damageto the brain-material
SeasonalPropriety of Inhalation Therapy
qr(; fr E*te, yfl+ qqre, qrqftsgFdiifr r r r? I r
In the caseof an emergency,inhalation therapy can be
given even in the seasonsother thanpravrl (first part of the
rainy season),Sarat (autumn) and vasanta (spring) by
artificially creatingthe congenialenvironment.[n summer,
inhalation therapy shoulj be given in the *otning. in lfre
w_inter,it should be given during the mid-day. In the rainy
season,it shouldbe given when the sky is free from clouds.
For the diseasesin general,inhalationtherapyshould be given in
pravyg (first part of the rainy season), Sarat (autumn) and vasanta
(spring). Only in an emergency,this therapycan also be given in other
seasons, viz., hemanra (winter), gri;ma (sumrner) and varsa (rainy
season),and not otherwise. While giving inhalation therapy during
theseprohibited seasons,the procedureprescribedin Vimana 8 : 126-
127 should be followed.
Contentsof Chapterand Epilogue
ftr c*frT:-
Efr qstui qd ffiq Fr<Srcqr

fuil q* f6a qsrq 6d irqg qFcqn Ry tl

'a dq,r+{ 1
F€rrrq:T *aa Fd gftrdr qra(r I R\ tl
Yilft t6 rsTsarcsntgrqrffwt gFdr
qsi qlffi sr( q,f q'r{ q qFda{n Rqtl
i qFf r+ feffir
3lqTsn gFzt ftfl{q EFH cfrr*.{ qn Retl
Fgr( Irisrttr F{e* s-qt-€ F{d frqrr
fu{T TS,qt qT @ rrntRztl
To sum up :
Thus, five elimination therapies taken together called
Qtafica-karynaareexplainedabovein detail with referenceto
their following aspects):
(l)Contra-indications of these therapiesfor different
categoriesof diseases;
(2) The reasons for which these therapies are contra-
(3) The ailmentsfor which thesetherapiesare indicated.
A wise physician should n-9! m.ake a judgement
exclusivelyon the suggestions
madeabovein this chapter.He
shouldusehis own discretionand reasoningin arriving at the
Due to the natureof the habitat, time and strength of Ul J
patient, situations may arise becauseof which the therapy
indic,atedfqr an ailment becomesineffective, and a prohibiie-,1*
therapy may become useful.
In the chapters dealing with the treatment of chardi
(vomiting), hyd-roga (heart-diseases)and gulma (phantom
tumour), emetic therapy [though normally prohibited] is ,
presciibed in certain stagesof thesediseases.Similarly, basti I
or enematherapyis prescribedin the chapterdealing with the ;
treatmentof kuqgha[thought is generallyprohibited] depending
upon the stageof this disease.

/ : ,l tl ,,'r


Therefore,despitethe directionslaid down in this chapter,ll

the physician should detefmine the correct therapy for an
ailrnentbytheuseof his own discretion.The successachieved
without the exercise of the power of reasoning(tarka) is
nothing but only the successper chance. t24-28)
some ailments are described in this chapter in which emetic
therapy, etc., are indicated, and in some others, these are prohibited'
These are the general guide-lines,and variations are possible. Some
conditions describedhereascontra-indicationsmay require the therapy,
and in some other indicated conditions emetic therapy, etc., may not be
useful. Therefore, the exact utility or otherwise has to be detennined by
reasoning (tarka).
'buddhimatd' meaning "by a wise physician"
use of the term
implies that the determination by reasoning has to be done only by a
wiie physician. As has been statedin Vimana 8 : 149, it is better for the
physician of low intellectual quotient to follow the directions provided
in.ittlt text ashe is incapableof determining the exact requirementof the
therapy by reasoning.
There are exceptionsto the generalrules prescribedin this chapter
inasmuch as in the chapter dealing with the treatment of vomiting
(c ikitsd 2O : 34\, heart-diseases( cilclrsd 26 : 96) andg ul ma or ph antom
tumour Gikitsd 5 : 50), emetic therapy is prescribed'
In addition to the scriptural instructions, a wise physician should
usehis own judgement and discretionsfor taking a final decission in this
niatfer as has been suggestedin Vimana 8 : 149'

Eaffi{i{Re f€f;arerl+wc,,ffisf;mtc
fgffisqrq: tt R tl
Thus, endsthe secondchapterof siddhi-sectiondealing
with "the Perfect Administration of Pafica-kLrma" in
AgniveSa's work as redactedby Caraka, and becauseof its
non-availability, supplementedby Dldhabala.



qcrrfr qFffiffi frE En@mznq:n t tl
-,-. -5fr € tr6 rwrqrqrlq:|| R||
We shall now expound the chapter dealing with the
"Achievement of Perfection in the Treatment Through (the
Knowledge ofl the Principles of Basti (Medicated Enema)"
Thus, saidLord Atreya. I r-21
In thepreviouschapterno. II, contra-indications
pafica-karma,viz., emetic therapy,etc., were described.In the first
chapterof this section,themethodsof admini steringp afica-karma(fiv e
eliminationtherapies)weredesbribedin brief. The samein respectof
basti.(medicatedenema)therapy is being expoundedin this third
TA frQT?f q+{tTrffis qrv$r
!r.*.€ 9rgffrfq56(lt ? tl
cfir{trq: ffiF (iT: Fn( frFdFq F*lqqrs **q I
qt{rqrqr$fr f*.gur q *try ffidftguts qRcil:n y ll
F+sfqq: gfrTsrrntrfi T+69 i6t ?It T'Fr+ fd]fu: EE':I
* Egftrrts*S ffdr Ffti Qffi yr6 rr* rfi, I t\ rr
When,aftqrcompletinghis daily rituals,Punarvasuwas
sitting at leisure surroundedby a group of saints in the
beautiful valley of the Himalayas,close to the abode of
Kubera (the god of wealth), AgniveSawith folded hands
enquiredaboutthe following topics:

(l) Which are the factors to be kept in view for the

successfuladministrationof basti therapy ?
[to be explainedin the verseno. 6]
(2) The nozzlefor giving enemashouldbe preparedout
of which material?
I to be explainedin the verseno. 7]
(3) What are the size, shapeand qualities of enema-
[to be explainedin the versenos. 8
(4) What is the source material to be used in the
preparation of the enema-receptaclefor different
persons,and what are its attributes ?
- 214l2l
I to be explainedin versenos. 102/o
(5) What are the recipesof nirftha-basti ?
- 2/431]
lto be explainedin the versenos. l2'/o
(6) What shouldbe the dosageof nirilha-basti?
- 21433]
[to be explainedin the versenos. 3 Lzl4
(7) What should be the dosageof anuvasana-basti?
[to be explainedin the next chapterno. IV]
(8) In which position,the patientshouldlie down during
the administrationof basti'!
- 21434)
[to be explainedin the verse nos. 33210
(9-10) What are the recipe of basti, and for which type
of Patientstheseare useful ?
[to be explainedin the versenos. 352/o 70]
After hearing these queries, the Great Sage replied as
follows. [To be elaboratedin subsequentversesand the next
chapter.l t 3-5l
out of the ten different queriesdescribedabove, nine will be
answeredin this chapter,and the answeror explanationto the query
listed at item no. 7 will be providedin the next chapter.
ln the placeof "snehasyakd vd" thereis a variantreading,viz',
,.snehasyavdkaf,". If this variantreadingis accepted,thenit refersto
anuvasana-basti which is described in the verse nos. 27-29 to be
adrninisteredin the evening of the same day, i.e. of the day of the
administrationof niruha-basti.
Factorsto be Kept in viewfor successfulAdministrationof
qfrF r
qflw: ryti Ffira Tunq sr( vdqrqffuTq fTrEqFR|I e rr
To achievesuccessin the administrationandto obtainthe
desired therapeutic effects, basti should be administered
keepingin view the factorslike natureof thedoqas,medicinesl
habitat, season,homologation,agni (power of digestionund
metabolism), sattva (psychiccondition),etc.,ageandstrengthi
of the patient. t 6 ll
tobekeptin viewwhiletreatingpatients,
in sutral5 : 5, vimdnaI : 3 andvimana
8 : 69-78. Though their numbers are differently described in different
places, they actually form parts of the ten factors which are alreadv
described in the commentary on Cikitsa 30 : 326.
M at erial fo r Enema-nozzle

rdf$nddtunrg *{*fufrT q,rqtturg(h)q,ffi || e ||

The enema-nozzleshouldbe madeof either gold, silver,
tin, copper, brass,bronze, bone, iron, wood, bamboo-reed.
ivgry, pipe, horn or gems. It should be fitted with well
polishedrings (which are ro be three in irumUei).- (i I
ihe placeof 'sukarryikdni'
meaning"fittedwith well porished
rings", there is a variant reading as'tri-karryikam' meaning,,fitted with
three rings". Description about thesethree rings will be made later (in
verse no. zlol0).
Sizeand Shapeof Nozzle

irstsfrffi *eira rr
uerra+sgr*fffi garrd: q: qftqr6qkl

:E-qf{ rilgwqn5-frft ,qpnfr \a qtFfirgqTfrlls ll

*.(@ TnrErt t6P16uA tt
For thepatientsof theageof six, twenty andtwelve years,
the length of the nozzle should be six, twelve and eight
ahgulas (one ahgula or finger's breadth = 314 of an inch
approx.) respectivelY.
The calibre of the hole inside t\9-1t9zVlesshould be such
as to allow the passageof a seed of mudga (green gram),
karkandhu (small variety of jujube) and satina (pea)
respectively.This holeshouldbecorkedwith avarti (elongated
The circumference of the nozzle at the base and top
should be the same as that of the thumb and little finger
respectivelyof the patient of that age (i.e. six, twenty and
twelve yearsold).
It should be straight and tapering like the tail of a cow.
The mouth (openingat the top) of the nozzleshouldbe smooth
and globular.
One ring (kan.tika) should be fixed at the level of one
fourth from the top, and two other rings shouldbe fixed at the
base in order to facilitate tying the mouth of the bladder
(basti) around the nozzle. [8-74 l0]
The length of enema-nozzle for a patientof the agefrom I to 6
yearsshouldbe six ahgulas(finger's breadth),for a patientwho is l2
yearsold, it shouldbe eight afigulas,and for a patientwho is twenty
yearsold, it shouldbe twelveahgulas.
while describingthe ageof the patientas 6, 20 and l2 the serial
order is changedto emphasisethe fact that before sixth and after
twentiethyearsof agethereshouldbe no variationin the sizeof nozzle.
After the sixth year, for eachadditionalyear, the size of the nozzle
shouldbe increase{by l/3rd of m artgulc.Thus,for thetwelfth yearof
age,the size of the nozzlebecomeseightaftgulas.After twelfth yearof
age,for eachadditionalyearthe sizeofthe nozzleshouldbe increased
by half aigrla. Thus,for a patientof twentyyearsof agethesizeof the
nozzlebecomestwelve ahgulas.

The size of the nozzle describedin Su|ruta : Cikitsa 35 : 7 is only

slightly different from what is describedhere;hencethe difference is nor
very significant.
The calibre qf the hole in the nozzlefor a twenty years old patient
is described above to allow the seedof karkandhr to passthrough. This
karkandhu is Srgala-badari which is smaller in size. Keeping this in
view, SuSruta (Cikitsa 35 : 9) has stated that the calibre of the hole in
the nozzle should allow the passage of kolasthi (seed of kota). If
ka r kan d h u i s i nterpreted xs b r had -badari (bi g size j uj ube-fru it), th en i ts
passagethrough a hole inside the nozzle of the circumference of little
finger is impossible. In view of this contradiction,some physicians
interpret the term 'kola'as the pulp inside the seedof the fruit which is
obviously smaller in size.
The mouth of the nozzle is described to be plugged with a.varti
(elongated plug) to prevent extraneousmatter to enter into it when not
in use.
The mouth of the nozzleshould be smooth, and not rough. It should
be globular and not with sharp edge.
One of the rings is statedto be fixed at the level of one-fourth from
the top. This ring prevents the entering of the whole nozzle into the
rectum of the patient while administering the enematherapy. The other
two rings to be fixed at the baseof the nozzle will help in tying the mouth
(opening) of the bladder (basti) over the spacebetweenthese two rings
Sourceof Enema-receptacle
(Basti) and lts Attributes
qm(rre wffi qr sr€dtn'+ qRrrq{q qrfrn qotl
Ed'€ir{ffirfr ftrr|:q. if,e!€l'rftfi'3 gIK: {tF€: r
T"n q+ *e{ rrrrqsilf i}S d"q€ gqq.{f*: | | tt | |
The enema-receptacleshould be preparedof the bladder
of old ox, buffalo, deer,pig or goat. It shouldbe firm, thin,
free from vesselsand without any foul odour. It should be
tanned with astringentdrugs by which it becomes red in
colour. It shouldbe very soft and very clean.Keepingin view
the age of the patient, the basti (enema-receptacleor bladder)
of appropriatecapacity should be selected,and it should be
tied securedlyto the nozzleof appropriatesize with the help
of strings. t t 0 2 t 4 -l l l

In Caseof non-availabilityof Bladder

qffi wq* rrd qr rgrEgqrE: g€r=T:q* qrr
If bladderis not availablethenthe sacin the throatof a
pelicanQttava)or a sacprepared of eitherthe skinof a bat or
a ttrict clothshouldbe usedasenema-receptacle ' l2l412 7
Auspicious Timefor Administrationof BastiTherapv
g6{ fqfem: FfrF Eg}s6fr q.ffiq* | | qR| |
Thephysicianwell-versedin the methodofadministering
basti(medicatedenema)shouldgive this therapyto a suitable
patient (for whom basti therapy is indicated) after he has
digestedhis meal,andhasconcentrationof the mind. It should
be given on an auspiciousday in the Sukla-paksa(bright
fortnight of lunar mouth) having a propitious nakqatra
(constellation), muhltrta (period of the day) and yoga
214 2/413 ]
(planatoryconjuction). I 12 -
of a lunarmonthis auspicious
initiating all good activities. But Harita hasdescribedthe black fortnight
(ky;4a-pak;c) of the lunar month as suitable for the administration of
basti therupy becauseof the following :
( I ) All the dlseasestreated during this period get cured for ever;
(2) The gods appear during the bright fortnight (3ukla-pak;a)
whereasdemons as well as diseasesappear during the black
fortni ght (kf $rya-Paksa).
Therefore, according to Harita, diseasesshould always be treated
during the black fortnight'
'ekagra' implies that the mind of the patient should be
The term
concentratedon the procedureof the administration of basti (medicated
Methodof AdministeringBasti
qai Tq# f{q,df s{rgi A qg{e q qdFratF | | qQ| |
srd qrcrqff q qiqrwFlr( q+cpg wgdfrwqt

{.d @-@t tqYtl

$' rri*{d gffiq fqgsqro}: r
nsr(qci W E qmr *6{q gfiTr ug +*rii qn tq rl
sftru{ qr* qnm qir €qqgqqnq q Frffiq.{r
sr€qq*r gq frqr.r fTrr$€snqtr+q arfrhr I qqtl
*nffiqm F.aTrF€i =nfrqerrf wq+ Fgq(l
qfselMfi qr qrffi renrmcMnqetl
s*{ qrrdq gq vFlr=f Fff{f€ Ft*qqrt{l
tr*tq rrdilrqg rrF€ qrd ytTrd n tz rl
ffi Tt +r{dptqrr ffi v#<3 Ewiyr{l
@ qnni"Jgnsrfu ffit'Rql I qq| |
!r{gq ffir <n H vrfto n-frsmm{qr
One pala each of bala, guducl, harltakT, vibhltaka,
amalakl, r asna, bi lva, 3yondka, gambhdr7,p ayala, g anikar ika,
Sala-parr4l,prfni-pan.t7,byhati, karylakarl andgoksura, eight
fruits of madana and half rr,rIA QOOtolas) of goat-meatshould
be added with water, and boiled till one-fourth of water
remains.Then the decoctionshouldbe collectedby filtration.
To this decoction, onepicu (tola) eachof the pasteof yavdni,
madana-phala, bilva, kustha, vacd, Satdhvd, ghana and
pippati, onepala of jaggery, two prasftas each of ghee and
oil, and appropriatequantitiesof honey and rock-salt should
be added. The recipe should then be stirred with a stirrer
(khaja), and kept inside the basti (enema-receptacle). The
bladder(basti or enemareceptacle)shouldthen be tied to the
baseof the nozzle,lhe air inside the bladder qhould be taken
out, and the bladder should be made free from wrinkles.
Thereafter, var t i (elongatedplu g) at the moutti(of-tEe
shouldbe removed,and the opening(in the mouth) should be
coveredwith the middle part of the thumb.
The patient whose body is anointedwith oil, who has
passedurine and stool, and who is not very hungry shouldbe
madeto sleepover a well spread,and not very high bed which

is uniform in level or which is slightly low in level at the head-

The patientshouldsleepcomfortablyon his left side.He
shouldkeep his body straight,and use his folded left hand as
pillow. He shouldthen flex his right leg, keepingthe left leg
straight (fully extended). '
The anus of the patient should be lubricated, and the
lubricated nozzle should be inserted into it upto one fourth
part from the top slowly and straightfollowing the position of
the vertibral column.
The physicianshouldnot shakeor tremblehis hand, and
quickly compressthe bladder(enema-receptacle) so that the
recipe goes inside at one stretch.Thereafter,he should take
out the-nozzle-sl-o-wly. [13214-2/420)
The quantity of the seedsof madana is mentioned in the form of
number (i.e. eight) insteadof their weight.
The total quantity of ingredients for the preparation of decoction
in the above mentioned recipe comes to 66 palas and eight seeds of
madana. According to the generalrule, the decoction (kvatha) should be
equal in quantity to that of the ingredients(kvdthya), For eachbasti, ten
palas of the decoction is to be used,and three suchDcstis are to be given
in one course. Thus, in total, thirty palas of decoction are required for
one courseofthree Dasfrs.The quantity ofdecoction preparedaccording
to aboveprescription farexceedsthe actualrequirement.The remaining
quantity of decoctionthus becomesuseless.Sincethe quantity of drugs
to be used for decoction in the aboveprescription is describedby a Great
Saint, it has to be preparedas such, and the physician need not change
the recipe or bother about the residual as well as unusable quantity of
decoction.This is made clear in Sutra26: 13.
The situation can be explained in an alternative manner. The
quantity of ingredientsof the recipe given in the abovetext is by the way
of illustration only. Keeping the same in view, the dqcoction can be
prepared in the exact required quantity.
One picu (tola) of the pasteeach of yavdni, etc., should be added
to one unit of recipe. [This quantity of the pasteis not prescribedfor the
entire course of basti containing three units.]

Addition of eight tolds eachof ghee and oil is meant for a nonnal
Qtrakrtistha) individual. No fixed quantiry of honey and rock-salt is
prescribedto be addedto the recipebecauseit will vary dependingupon
the prakrti (physical constitution),etc., of the patient.
[In the verseno. I 5, in the pl aceof "yuktya madhusaindhavarytca" ,
Cakrapani had the text which is slightly differenr, i.e. "yuktyd
madhusaindhaveca". This variant reading, however, does not make
much difference in the meaningJ.The use of 'ca' lt the end of the
sentenceimplies that the quantity of meat-soup,milk, cow-urine, etc.,
to be added to the recipe will vary. The exact quantity in which these
ingredients are to be added to the'recipe, depending upon the prakyti
(physical constitution), etc., of the patient will be explained in the
commentaryon the versenos. 30214-21431.
Before the administration of basti, the body of the patient is stated
to be smearedwith oil. In addition, the associatedfomentation therapy
should also be given to him. This is madeclearin Susruta: C ikitsa 38:3.
The patient, before the administration of basti therapy, is required
to lie down over his left sideover a bedwhich hasuniform level or which
is of low level in the head-side.Thesetwo alternativesareprescribedfor
the comfort of the patient. This can be explained in a different way also.
If the patient has a bulky buttock, then he may sleep over a bed of
uniform level. If he has a thin buttock, then the head-side of the bed
should be lowered to facilitate the spreadof enema-fluid uniformly all
over the body.
The patient should lie down on his left side the reasonfor which
will be described in the verse no. 23 2lo.
The enema- recipe should be administered in one stretch. If there
is interruption, and the enema-receptacleis compressedagain to push
the remaining recipe into the rectum, then there is the possibility of air
entering into the rectum which is not desirable.
Improper Administrqtion of Basti
Fdfe gqn+ g q qrFtlqrr G quT:Rtwfr{t E i} n Rot l
(f,: VT+dyrqffr qk: EF!?i g€rwsfrfiBfrg I
vffiRrsrqr) ffi q.6f q giqtqFdqrdgcur:n {t tl
fi'rd.sFmrred q{r g l
afrFfr qr*nqfu+tsRrftf {rq € rrrq: gFdfTrifr r r rq r r
E[ETFdqrtdqqilsfr E;qfilsr( gT$ rrq]q Esr(l

If the nozzleis obliquely inserted,then the.lgid will not

flow into the rectum. If the nozzleis shifted from one place to
tGn-ttrii may cause anal ulcer. If the bladder is
compressedslowly, then th;;e;;mid may not reach the
colon. If the bladder(basti) is stronglycompressed,then the
fluid may rt1ghyery_fqq![inthe alimentarytract] even up to the
- throat. If the enema-fluid is very cold, then it may cause
stiffness[of the body]. If the en-effi-a-fluid
is very hot, then it
may cause__b_qlning sensationand fainting. If the enema-fluid
is very unctuous,then it may causenumbness[of the body].
If the enema-fluid is very ununctuous,then it may cause
aggravationpd-yWu.If the enema-fluidis very thin or added
with lessquantityof salt,thenit may leadto ayoga(inadequate
effect of the therapy).If the enema-fluidis administeredin
qgantity,thel it may causeati -yoga (over-action).If the
enema-fluid is vicid (thick), then it may cause emaciation
(weakness)of the patient, and it moves in the colon very
slowly. If the enema-fluidcontainssalt in excess,then it may
causeburning sensationand diarrhoea.
Therefore, basti should be properly and uniformly
administered. 120214-2/4231
If the nozzle is obliquely inserted, then the recipe gets obstructed
by the sphincters, and therefore, the flow does not reach the desired
Order of Adding Ingredientsof Dffirent Categories
E* tr Esrlg *uai g r+6 ftrFr{q rtrq qienqr I Rt rl
flqwq qqtq gr**R qd t@mf q*tr
In the beginning,honeyand rock-saltshouldbe addedto
the fat (gheeandoil) and stirred.Thereafter,the pasteof drugs
shouldbe addedandstirredagain.To this, theliquid (decoction)
should be addedand stirred further with the help of a stirrer.
This recipe should thereafter,be placed in the basti (enema-
receptacle). [23214-21424]

The abovetext, accordingto somescholars,is unauthentic.Since

sucha statementis found in otherclassicslike Sufruta(Cikitsa 38 : 37),
it appearsto be appropriate.
Postureof Body_.Du:ing 4lg*o
/ -\ /-
qrqr:rn RrrAqfrSi jq il(qrrrid'€ers Vffiq: | | Ry | |
fr{ra gf a6qg rsr{ Trd {'r€n=ils:fh crk+rqr
As the grahar.ti@g1q_ofagsiqlr_l4gon,i.e. duode.ngnsnd--
uppe-rpart o-ftbe qqt-allinlestine)andJec[urnjselocatedin the
left sideof the body, administrationof basti(enema)while the
patientis lying in his left sideendowspleasantbenefits.Lying
in the left sidekeepsthe sphincters(valaycs)submerged[into
the surrounding musculature].Therefore, basti should be
given when the patientis lying in his left side.I242l4-21425]
When the patientlies in his left side,both thegrahanl andgudlt-
remain in their naturalposition. Basti (enbma)-adminisidreil in this
poiilion fets"absorbedproperlyandspreadseasily.In this position,the
sphincters(gEneiatlypreveniing passage of eiiianeous material) remain
submergedinto the surroundingmusculature.Therefore,the enerna-
fluid entersinto the rectumsmoothly(withoutany obstruction),and
impregnate s thegrahani(smalliniestine)iasily io proOuieihe deiired
Monogr*ent of Complications
fuq*rrffi qR qTffiF{5,q g.+qqrHq(t tR\tl
TfliTaFs Fdqqn: srfidqruilfr taqr
While administeringenema,if in the middle, the patient
gets an urge to void fecesor flatus, then the nozzle should be
taken out, and after the patient has voided stool or flatus, the
ramainingenema-fluidshouldbe injected.The patientshould
thereafter, be made to lie down on his back with a pillow
below his head.By doing so, his body getsenvigoratedwith
the effect of enema. [25214-21426]
Efficts of Three Enemas
q*sqqtrfti EErrt-(fud Gfrqq 6qi trfrq: u Retl

The first enema helps in the elimination of vayu, the

secondenemahelps in the elimination of pitta, and the third
enema helps in the elimination of kapha from their own
channels. 126214l
For the aggravated vdyu, one Dasti should be given; for the
aggravatedpitta, two bastis should be given; and for the aggravated
kapha,threnbastisshouldbe given.It is not that for ti-do;a (aggravation
of all three do; as\, the firs t bast i eliminates vdy u, the second p it t a, and
the third, kapha.The authorhimself will explain the needfor giving one
bast i for vay u, tw o bast i s f or p it t a, tnd three bast i s for kap ha (v ide verse
no. 69). Thus, one basti eliminatesaggravatedvdyufrom its location,
two of them (given one after the other) eliminate p itta from its location,
and three of them (given one after the other) eliminate kapha from its
Basti is given to eliminate the aggravatedvayu from pakvaSaya
(colon). But as a specificeffect, this Dasriis also capableof eliminating
aggravateddo;as even from the locations of pitta md kapha. Thus, in
general, Dcsrreliminates the doqa from pakvafaya (colon). But by the
application of specialmethods,this Dastibecomescapableof eliminating
doqas located in the other parts. The description of the effect of basti in
Harita-saqthitd may be explained accordingly inasmuch as the second
and the third'basti eliminate pitta and kapha respectively from their
respective habitats.
Basti is, no doubt, not the most effective therapy for aggravated
pitta md kapha. But this is very effective only when thesetwo do;as are
associatedwith the aggravatedvayu. Keeping this in view, SuSrutahas
described b ast i to be effecti ve in vdyu, p itta, kapha aswel I as rakt a (v ide
Sufruta : Cikitsa 35 : 6).
P ost-therap eutic M easures
lrdqFrt friqrqqrqRrfi': WFr r*rr
*d g w{ ag qreqrl gttsgrs: trftr$aqm{rtn?e rl
ffiT f+q,d qrfirw*t Eqr(TtErrr vtgFrrrwnncfRn ?a tl
fq€a @ rcil lr!ryr(l
*h @ rrrdrqqqrwraf:u ?qtl
iltrrq5qfd gq itiur trCrgarma 5,frqqn: I
After the enema-fluidhasreturned,the patientshouldbe i , ' :
sprinkled with tepid water, and thereafter,given the diet
containing Sali-ricealong with thin meat-soup.
In the evening, after the previous meal is digested,the
patientshouldbe given light food in smallquantity.Thereafter,
anuvdsana-basti(unctuousenema) should be given to the
patient for all round nourishmentof his body.
For anuvdttro-iotti, medicatedoil cooked by adding
sour and vdyu-alleviatingdrugs should be used. This oil
shouldbe one-fourthin quantityof the fluid used for niruha-
basti. After the administrationof oil, the buttocks of the
patient shouldbe tapped(pressed)with the palms to prevent
early return of theiecipe (medicatedoil) from the anus.
The patient shouldlie on the bed in supineposition, and
the toe-jointsof both of his legs shouldbe pulled gently. The
solesof his feet shouldbe massagedwith oil. His heels,toes,
calf regionsandsuchotherpartswhich arepainful shouldalso
be massagedwith the oil. Thereafter,the patientshould sleep
comfortablyby keepinghisheadover a pillow (andhe should
not do any other work). I Z 7 - 2 t 4 3 0)
By the administration of niruha-basti, the inner wall of the
intestine getssmearedwith the recipe-fluid. After the intake of .fali-rice,
etc,, and after it gets digestedin this intestine,he should be given light
diet in small quantity in the evening.
The patient is suggestedto take thin meat-soup,etc., tfter niruha-
basti to protect his agni (digestive power) which is slightly subdued
becauseof the therapy. After the emetic therapy, the patient is advised
(Siddhi I : I I ) totakepeya, etc., asrestorative diet(sarysarjana-krama).
This type of restorativeor regulateddiet is not necessaryafter purgation
therapy as well as niruha-basti. On the other hand, a_fterniruha,"t\e
patient gfrould be given rasa (mett-soup), etc., in the place of peya (thin
etc., which is clearly explained in SuSruta : Cikitsa 38 : 12.
Niruha-bastihas lekhana (scraping)property. Therefore, after this
type oT aasti, ihe patient needs nourishing therapy to overcome this
lekhana effect, and this is done by the administration of anuvdsana-

basti or unctuoustype of medicatedenema.This is emphasisedin Siddhi

| :21022of this work and also in Jatukarqa-santhita.
For anuvdsana-basti,sneha(fat) which is l/4th in.quantityof the
recipe of niruha-bcsfi is to be used. For nlruha,ba;ti, 24 palas of
enema-liquidis to be used. [In the commentaryon versenos. l3-30 of
2 palas of the paste, I pala of
this chapter, lglr p,gl:q! of the dqgo-c1!on,
jaggery, two palas eadh of oil and ghee and appropriate quantity of
ho-net,salt and meat-soup,etc., are statedto be used for niruha-bastil.
Therefore, for anuvasana-basti,-sixlql!!!-ot-fat-are to be used. It is
statedin other authenticworks that for anuvdsana-basti,thereare three
different typesof dosage: the doseof sixp alas is thd optimum, the dose
of thr*eeg,glasis the medium, and the'tloseof-ql""onj half pclcs is the
rnini*ffin. Susruta has also described the dose of anuvdsana-basti
according to three different types of matra-bastl in the sarne manner
(vide .Sairnta : Slrtra 35 : l8).
Proportion of Ingredients in Basti-recipe
{r{T: ESGrrFr E rna, fir+ *d1zT qs: gFd frcr} ? | | Qo| |
qrt frrfA g qgd.r{r{fr,sI:rT t{stg a,*sqrrm: t
In the recipe of niruha-ba;li (total quantity : twelve
prasftas or 24 palas), the decoctionshouldbe five parts(five
prasftas or ten palas). If this is intendedto be given to a
patient sufferingfrom paittika diseaseor to a healthyperson,
then the quantity of sneha should be one-sixth of the total
quantity (i.e. two prasftas or fourpalas). For vdtika diseases,
the quantity of sneha (fat) should be one-fourth of the total
quantity(i.e.threeprasftasor sixpalas).Forkaphaiadiseases,
the quantity of snehashouldbe l/8th of the total quantity (i.e.
2 1 42 1 4 3 1
ltl, prasftas or threepalas). [ 30 - I
The abovementionedratio of thedecoctionandsneha(fat) should
be maintainedeven if the niruha-basriis administeredin minimum
quantity. Apart from the decoctionand fat, the recipeof nirltha also
containshoney,pasteof drugs,rock-salt,etc. The quantity in which
theseadditionalingredientsareto be usedis variabledependingupon
theprakyti (physicalconstitution),etc., of the patient.However,the
quantityof suchingredientsshouldbesuchasto makethewholerecipe
twelveprasftas (twenty four palas) in total.

Jatfikarnahasprescribedtwopalas of the paste(kalka) to be added

to the recipe of niruha. According to him, in the recipe,six pclas of oil
should be added for vatikadiseasesand for a healthy persons;four palas
of ghee should be added for paittika diseases;and three palas of oil
should be added for kaphaja diseases.In addition, one karqa (tola) of
rock-salt should be used in this recipe'
susruta (cikitsd3S : 37) hasdescribedoneakqa(t l, pala)of rock-
salt, and 2 prasytas (four palas)of honey should be addedto the recipe
of nirlrha.
Harita has prescribedone prasrta (two palas) of honey, and one
akqa (tlrpala) of rock-salt to be addedto this recipe'
The exact quantity ofhoney and rock-salt to be addedto the recipe
should be determinedkeeping the various opinions quoted above.
In addition to decoction, fat, paste, honey and rock-salt, avdpas
(ingredientswhich are addedlater), viz., meat-soup,milk, cow's urine,
etc., are to be added in such quantity so as to make the whole recipe of
niruhatwelvepala.r in total. Theseavapasare not describedin the above
text, and will be describedlater in the verseno. 69. Use of theseavapas
is also describedin Harita-satfhifi.
In anotherwork (sniruta: cikitsa 38 : 37-39), the exact quantity
ofthese ingredients ofdifferent categoriesare describedto be added as
follows :
(l) Rock-salt oneakqa(toIA= tlrprasfta);
(2) Honey two prasftas (oneprasfta = 2 palas);
(3) Fat 3 prasytas;
(4) Paste I prasyta;
(5) Decoction 4 prasrtas; and
g) Avdpa 2 prasytas
Thus, in total, the quantity of the recipebecomesl2tlrprasytas
whichis roundedto 12 prasytas. Thisrecipeis meantfor vdrikadiseases.
In the presenttext of caraka, f;e prasytasof the decoctionis
statedto be added. ln Suflruta,the quantity of decoctionis reducedto 4
prasftas.This changein the quantityof decoctionis not acceptable.
iTn"r" appearsto be a printing error in the text of Cakrapdniaccording
to which this changein the quantityis acceptable.l
Another text provides the proportion of these ingredients for
different dogasas follows :


Ingredients Quantity in Quantity rn Quantrty ln

palas for Vata palas for pitta palas for kapha
(l) Honey 3 4 6
(2) Fat 6 4 -t

(3) Paste 2 2 2
(4) Decoction t0 l0 l0
g) Avapa 3 4
Total 24 palas 24 palasor 24 palas or
or 12praspas 12prasrtas 12 prasrtas
The above mentioneddescriptionis acceptableas it is on the line
suggestedin Caraka-santhita.
Dose of Niruha-bastifor Dffirent Age-groups
Ffi€qr*r sfdrffi q{ rtrsefqtrcnFr{E: ll l? ll
srrdr<{rr( rqr( @ Er(Qrif: rr{ Q: I
s{r€EiltwFdF*f yrtrurEltT: rr{ q;tgvrqFd}zr{lI ?Rt t
Frszqmr rrgdqqrqn qrA q TA q ggFdtv: r
For the patient one yg4r-ald, the dose of niruha-recipe
should be half prasrta (one,pala).Thereafter,for each year
of age, the dose should be increasedby half prasrta upto
twelve years.[For the patientof twelve yearsold, the doseof
niruha-recipeshould,therefore,be srxprasytas.)
After twelve yearsof age,the doseof niruha should be
increasedby oneprasrta for eachyear (of age)till eigttlgeqlh
year of age. [For the patientof eighteenyearsold, the doseof
nirilha shouldthereforebe twelveprasftas,which is maximum
dosel. This dose of niruha is prescribedupto the age of
seventy.After that ageof seventy,the doseof niruha should
be like that of a patientof sixteenyearl?i.e. tgnprasftas.
Thus, the dose of niruha is describedfor patients of
different age-groupsin terms of prasyta.
For infants and old people, the ingredients of enema-
'31 2/o 2/433
recipe should be specificallymikl in nature.[ - )
Themaximumdoseof niruhashouldbetwelveprasftas.Hanta
and even Su5rutahave quoted the opinion of others who recomrnend
increaseof this dose.But increasingthis dose,thoughrecommendedby
someis prohibitedaccordingto this text becausethis may leadto serious
For infants and old persons,the ingredients to be used in the
enema-recipeshouldbe of mild nature.Ingredientslike urine,pllu, agni
(citraka), salt, alkalies and mustard are sharp in nature.On the other
hand, milk, etc., are mild in nature.lSiddhi 7 : 631
Bed to be UsedAfter Therapy
qrigFqd Trqfrrfiqqrq {qrffidi Vrqq frvr€il{u QQ| |
@ yrwfr*-d {4crq*trfrqql
After the administrationof thetherapyis over,the patient
should lie down on a bed which is neithertoo high nor with
too low pedestal.This bed shouldhavea foot-rest,and should
be spread with an adequatelybig and soft mattress.The
patient should lie with his head towards the east, and cover
h i m s e l fw i t h a w h i t el i n e n . [332/4-21434]
The processof lying over thebeddescribedearlierin versenos. I 7-
l8 is relatedto the position of the patientduring the administrationof
niruha therapy.The presenttext, however,describesthe position (bed)
in which the patient should lie down after the administration of the
therapy in speci:rl.
The patient should lie over the bed with his headtowards the east
becausethat direction is the abodeof the gods, and prayer (while he is
lying down) should be offered to them in that direction (vide SuSruta:
S u t r a1 9 : 6 ) .
Diet to be Given After Therapy
$ilqi g.rqfffiF ilf(@:u QYtl
Fd'g funFdkhdqrd eqqrfr qffiTd yrrfrqql
The diet of the patient [aftgr the therapy] should be
determinedon the basisof the natureof his disease.It should
consist of veg_etable-soup,
milk, meat-soup,etc. This is the
primary and general principle to be followed in all the
conditions.Hereafter,the recipesfor the nirltha-basriwill be
described. t 3 4 2 1 4 - 2 1 4 3) 5

Depending upon the nature of the disease,the patient is stated

aboveto be given vegetable-soup, milk, meat-soup,etc. Thesespecified
three items of food rnay be given to the patientssuffering fromkaphaia,
paittika nnd vatika diseasesrespectively. Alternatively, these items of
diet can be given appropriately on the basis of agnl (power of digestion)
of the patient.
Different items of diet described in the above text are of primary
and general nature. Exceptions to this general rule in special
circumstancesare possible.
Recipeof Niruha (First Recipe)
feiq5qsrtrr r*sqgffir 156;rrrqf1ryasgdk: ll Q\ ll
: frqt Fmt: sefffi6{: 9f(€: I
The recipe containing decoction of bilva, Syondka,
gambhd r7,p a gald, ga4 i kar i kd, 3'dIa -p,py3n i -p arr4i,b r hat|,
karylakariandgokqurashouldbe addedwith sourjuice, soup
o{ goat;meat,the pasteof drugs describedearlier in the verse
no. l3 (viz.,bald, gud-uc't, harltaki, vibhitaka,dmalakl, rasnd,
bilva, Syondka, gombhAri, pagala, garyikarikd, Sala-parrpi,
p ySn i -p a r ryl,byhati, ka4ttakari and g okqura), and,threg,types
of-fal-@hee,oil and muscle-fat)is excellentfor niruha-basti
to be given for curing all the diseasescausedby aggravated
vayu. 135214-214361
[Theterm "..p-urva-pe$yah" meaning"the pastedescribedearlier"
hasbeeninterpretedby Cakrapaqias the pasteof bald, etc.,described
in theearlierverseno. 13.This perhaps,moreappropriately refersto the
pasteofyavAnl, etc.,describedin the verseno. l4.l
Thereare four typesof ftr, viz., ghee,oil, vcsd(musclefat) and
najjd (bone-marrow).Bone-marrowis not usefulfor bssti. Hence,the
remaining three types oiffif ere fii-be usedin the recipe for niruha.
SecondRecipe'of Niruha
frcmFrdrzr n Qqtl
9Tsil : TtTEt:$t: lRffi! qrer(l
Eire. @nQsrl
Rr{tri qfrcalr€ qqfef qIfr EqrFdqfiRr:I
rrr I srDDHr

One prastha of the decoction of drugs belonging to

Sthi radi - group (srlrird or ui ddyi-gandha,p y3ni -p a rn1,br hati,
kar.tlakdrl,eraryQa,kdkoE, candana,ufira, ela andmadhuka-
vide S-utra4 : I7), bald, patola, trayantika, eraqt(a (it is a
repetition-vide com.) andyava,andhalf aprasthaof the soup
o.f goat-meatshould be cookedtogethertrll oneprastha of the
liquid remains. To this, the paste of priyahgu, kyqrpdand
ghana, oil, ghee, honey and rock-salt should be added,and
usedfor enema.It stimulatesthepower of digestion,provides
strengthto the muscle-tissueand even promotesthe strength
of the eyes(eye-sight). t36214-214381
Honey and rock-salt areprescribedto be addedto all the recipesfor
enemain general.Their repetition in the above text indicatesthat oil,
etc., are to be used in this recipe in large quantity. [There seemsto be
an error in "tailddindmatrdprakarsartham". It should have been
" t a i l ad rn dm mat r aprakar ; d rt ham" .l Altern ati vely, the repetition here
is just to remind the use of theseingredientsprescribedin the general
method for the preparation of niruha-recipe.
Repetitionsof this naturein other placesare also to be explained
on the above line.
Third Recipeof Niruha (EraryQa-basti)
q{rq3f fdwi wrvn 6;srF{ IFtF{ q qrfr qla | | Qe| |

rTrqT:qdrvrT TE{rE€ffiT traciEi* EFrRrtsq*nntqtl

kr: vrdr6r 6gqr firr€: rTFTqifrEiqgEi iq?rrq'l
t{Trqi Ertr.FifudlrRf Frqurfvrg-fiqil Yo r l
sqrftfar,+irga' wgi ERRrtr *q{&sfrq: I
ql6rgfr qr6aF{I6 qilxqrl

Three palas of the-root of eraqQa,one pala eachof the
pastesof palaSa (flai), Sala-parn1,
. i t-t
karygakdri, rdsnd, aivagandhd,ati-bald, gu{ilc\,
punarnavd,dragvadhaanddevaddru,and the pasteof eight

seedsof madanashouldbe addedwith two katytsas (5 12tolas)

of water and boiled till one-eighthof the liquid remains.To
this decoction,the pasteof one akqaor tola eachof Satahva,
hapuqa,priyangu, pippati, madhuka,bald, rasafijana, seeds
of vatsakaandmustaalongwith appropriatequantityof rock-
salt, honey, oil and cow's urine shouldbe added.
Administration of this recipe as enema is dipanlya
(stimulant of the power of digestion)and lekhanlya (which
scrapsout the morbid matterfrom the body). Administration
of the Eranda-basficurespain in the calf region, thighs,feet,
lumber rggion a4d bacli, kaphavrri (occlusion of vayu by
kapha),mdruta-nigraha(immobility of vayu),obstructionto
the voiding of stool, urine and flatus associatedwith pain,
ddhmanata(tymphanites),a|marT(stonein the urinary tract),
Sarkard('graveluria),andha (constipation),arfas (piles) and
g rahat.ti-dosa (spruesyndrome). [382/4- 42]
Fourth Recipe of Niruha
Ergrre Fqtrs TqrgrrrFatilsil ffiqrq: t
T{t: Ft* : ll YQll
Fifty palas of the soup of goat-meatshould be sizzled
with four palas of gheeand oil, madeiour by adding dadhi
(yoghurt) anddaQima,andaddedwith the paste(of bald, etc.
describedearlier in verseno. l3).
Use of this recipefor enemapromotesstrength,muscles,
complexion, semen and agni (power of digestionas well as
metabolism),and curesblindnessas well as headache.[43 ]
lCakrapanihas prescribedthe useof the pasteof bala, etc.,
described in theverseno.13.Useofthepasteofyavdni,etc.,described
in the verseno. 14 appearsto be moreappropriate.]
Ffth RecipeofNiruha
qif,F{eifsqwi rc{rvrr(rcFn r*ffiq: t
ffi qlfr r I yy | |
gff: vrdraTGFr&T
rrftsrq: €}rg.c, qH fpil F{Gd Erarcrotqrfrl
@ n-f,rfqrrrtwi q Eerq | | y\ r r

Eight p:a.tasof,-pqlasa
shouldbe addedwith two karsas {. ,
(128 palas) of water, and boiled till the liquid is reducedto " j' l'
half adhaka (32 palas). To this decoction,the paste of one
pala eachof vaca andmagadhikA,and two palas of Satahvd
along with rock-salt, honey and oil should be added. This
recipe should be used for niruha.
It promotesstrengthand complexion.It cures dnaha
(constipation),pdrfvdmaya (pain in the sidesdf the chest),
yoni-dosa (gynecic diseases),gulma (phantomtumour) and
uddvarta(upwardmovementof wind in the abdomen).t45l
Sixth Recipe of Niruha
g-di FqFffg ffi F+sa:nYqu
Milk boiled by addingeightpalas of yasti-madhushould
be mixed with [the paste]of Satahva,phala (madana-p.hala)
andpippall, gheeand honey. Administration of this recipe in
the form of niruha-basti cures vata-rakta (gout), vaisvarya
(hoarseness of voice) and visarpa (erysipelas). t 46 l
The first five recipes of nirltha described before are for the
treatmentof vatika diseases.The presentone and the subsequentthree
recipes (total four : from sixth to ninth) are for the diseasescaused by
Yaqti-madhzis describedin the abovetext to be boiled by adding
milk. For this purpose,the method prescribed for ksira-paka (cooking
with milk) is to be followed.
SeventhRecipe of Niruha
@ Td qdqrd qrr*trful
qvrdt ffi Wfrd firfrFr€rqtm v*e*zrqr I ys rl
candanq, kamala and utpala should be added with sugar as
well as honey, and cooled. To this, the [paste] of drugs
belongingto Jlvanlyc-group(f;aka, yqabhaka,medd,mahd-
medd, kakoli, ksir a -kakoFr,mudga -p an.ti, mdsa -p a r nl, ftv anti
and madhuka : vide S-utra4 : 9) should be added.

with thisrecipecuresdiseases
9!9Qp itYd,
causedby aggr3_v 1 . 4 7)
This recipe is prescribedto be usedafter cooling. ln gener:rl,cold
recipes are useful for personshaving laxed bowel, and for diseases
causedby aggravatedpitta. On the same line, other recipes for paittika
diseasesshould be used in cold form.
Eighth Recipe of Niruha
fu-@ uyetl
fr{ qgiarta r+{ +{ Tc vmsuta*,,rqfqt
il|FFEVf€'cFTr$T: ll YR ll
(Rrtfgtf,al Mguqotl
i15}aci vfrffiiq @r(l
yd{rrri ryq{+r vrrtrt frur qlsErr( qRfufirr|-[: | | \l | |
ffi-Egrrs+rrq M ql
@ qqtqqq nrtffi<llqtr
Two karqas (tolas) eagh qf. cqn4_qya:..-padmaka, rddhi,
ya{tj madhu, rdsnd, vrse, sariva, lodhra, mafiiiqgha,anontA
(utpala-sarivd), bald, viddri-gandha, prfni-parryl, byhatl,
karygakarika,eranda, kdkolT,candana, uflra, ela, madhuka
(vide Siltra 4 : l7), 1ali, kafa, iare, darbha and ikqu (vide
Cikitsa I : I : 44) should be boiled by adding water.
To this decoction,half aQhaka(72 palas) of milk should
be addedand boiled till the moisturecontentof the liquid gets
evaporated,i.e. only 72 palas of milk remains.Thereafter, to
this milk, the paste of jivanti, meda, yddhi, Satdvari, vlra,
kako[i, kqir a -kdkofi , ka3er ukd, si top aIa (cry staI su gar),lw aka,
anthors of lotus, prapaurySarika, kamala, utpala, lodhra,
dtmag uptd, madhuka,vidari, mufijataka, ke3ar a andcandana
along with ghee,-honey and smallquantityof rock-saltshould
be added.This recipe,when cold, shouldbe given as nirilha-

After the returnof enema-fluid,thepatient'sbody should

be sprinkledwith water, and he shouldbe given Sali type of
rice eitherwith meatof animalsinhabitingarid zoneQahgala-
marysa)or milk.
This type of enema cures daha (burning sensation),
atisara (diarrhoea),pradara (meggg!1gia),-rakta-pitta (an
ailment characterisedby bleeding from different parts of the
body), hyd-roga (heart-diseases), panQu-roga (anemia),
viqama-jvara (irregular fever), Sulma (phantom tumour),
mutra-graha (anuria), kamala (aundice), etc., and all the
other diseasescausedby aggrav-ated pitta. | 48 - 52 )
Ninth Recipe of Niruha

lI€[: arfirgErrqoft-@:rr\Qrl
asrrssqr*: ffi:r
@ qfu g.d ffi Fqqr(t r\Yrl
ffi q Fa['-{q}l
Sd q{t ffi qrfu qe t+sftrqft u yn ell'Ft: ll \\ ll
M i l k b o i l e d w i th d ra kq a (and such other sweet
ingiedients), kdfimdrya,madhuka, sevya, sdrivd, candana
and Sttapdki (iitali) should be added with the paste of one
karsa (tolil each of Srdvat.ti,mudga-parnl, tugdkqirT,
atmaguptd and madhu-yasfi as well as with one aksa of
wheat-flour.To this, hone), ghee,madhu-yasll,oil, haritaki,
vidarT, sugarcane-juiceand jaggery should be added and
given as basti (medicatedenema).This alleviatesaggravated
pitta.It is an excellentremedyfor the patientssufferingfrom
burning sensationin the cardiacregion, umbilicus, sides of
the chest, head and the interior part of the body, mlttra-
kycchra(dysuria), kqirya(consumpiion), kqata (phthisi;);t oss
of semenandpaittika typeof diarrhoea. Is3-55]
TenthRecipeof Niruha
ffi-@ I

q.Fr Erdilcrq Tffi q dd rFrer irg lrgin ({r I€: | | \q | |

?rrt qd+flTq+: , rqr*s gfrrtl
vlnffis qrrwr fus q Fr*qsuqsrl
qffi qqtffi n T<r'+} qrqwrffi ql
Ten prasrlas (one prasfta = two palas) of decoction
shouldbe preparedby boilin gkoq.ataka, aragvadha,devaddru,
Sarhgestd(gunja), mf.trvd,kugaja,arka, pa;ha, kulattha and
brhati with water. To this, the paste of one aksa each of
sar$apa,eld, madana and kusyha,and one prasrta each of
madana-phala, oil, honey, ksdra (alkali preparation) and
mustardoil shouldbe added.An expertphysicianshoulduse
this recipe as niritha-basti for the patients suffering from
diseasescausedby aggravatedkapha,manddgni(suppression
of the power of digestion) and aiana-dvesa (aversion for
food). t56-214581
Recipe nos. ten to thirteen are for the patients sufferin.g from
diseasescausedby aggravatedkapha.
The quantity ofingredients of this recipe describedabove exceeds
the prescribedlimit of twelveprcsltcs in total. Use of the recipe which
is more than twelve prasftas in quantity is prohibited. Therefore, these
ingredients :Ire to be takep in the prescribed ratio so that the total
quantity does not exceed the limit of twelve prasftas in total.
EleventhRecipeof Niruha
ffi qffi*: wftr*ddsrtt | | qe | |
Alternatively,water shouldbe boiled over fire by adding
palola, pothyd, deva-ddru andpippali. [With this decoction,
enemashouldbe given accordingto the proceduredescribed
for the tenthrecipe.l l5g2/4)
TwelfthRecipeof Niruha
q-f,rF{ ril,Trgil: E6'ETcT:
g$;*ra: ffifiT: qie, n \i tt
E-amwn qru'ilrfirtr ffi *qt tqotl

To the decoction of Qilva (root), Synnaka,gambhdrl,

p a1.ala, ga4ikar i ka, 3dIa -p ar nl, p r 3ni -p anfi , byhati, kantakarl,
gokqura, harltaki, bibhitaka, amalakl, bilva (fruit) and
madana-phala and musta prepared by adding g,"lyllg{ile,
the paste of kalinga, pAthA,madana-phala should be added.
This recipe should'be mixed with rock-salt, ksara (yava-
k;ara : an alkali preparation)andoil, andusedfor niruha-basti.
It is excellentfor curing diseasescausedby aggravatedkapha,
pary(u-rogc (anemia),alasata (intestinal torpor), ailments
caused by'ama (product of improper digestion and
metabolism),obstructionto the voiding of flatus as well as
urine, and serioustype of bladderdistension. t 59 - 60 l
Thirteenth Recipe of Niruha

@EFITet; rfirufficTr:r
@-@: ilqRll
@ qd: qqtrdgffirr :l
3r.i F+sA: fonr$s+6-@: | | QQI I
ffi qig tffi F€ E(T:l
F{6€ qttf lircri yfrq frfud{ fug qd q.ifd I I qy | |
To the decoction of rdsnd, amytd, erar.tQa,vidahga, ddru-
haridrd, saptacchada, I!!o, suidhva, -nimba,
3ampdka,bh-un imba, atola, p AfuA, fi kt a, akhu-p a r ryi, b i lv a,
Syondka, gambhdri, pagala, garyikarika,Sdla-parni, prfni'
par4tl, byhatl, kangakdri,goksura, mustt, trayantika, figru,
haritakT, vibhTtaka, dmalaki, the decoction of piryfitaka
(madana-phala)and miltra (cow's urine) should be added.
To this liquid, the paste of madhu-yaqli, kyqna (pippali),
phalinT, Satdhvd, rasdfijana, Sveta-vacd,viQahga, kalihga,
paftA, ambuda (musta) and rock-salt along with ghee,honey
and oil should be added.
Administration of this recipe for nirftha-basti cureskymi

, ku;lba (obstinateskindiseases
leprosy),meha(obstinate urinarydisordersincludingdiabetes),
bradhna (inguinal swelling), udara (obstinate abdominal
diseasesincluding ascites),ajlrrya(indigestion)and diseases
causedby kapha. Administrationof this nir-uha-basfito the
aforesaidpatientswho are emaciatedbecauseof the use of
ununctuousmedicinesalleviates vdyu, stimulatesag ni (power
of digestion and metabolism),cures diseasesand promotes
strength. t 6 l - 6 4l
Recipeof Niruhafor CombinedDosas
@-@: I
tdrs5f q qffi qqunF{ qffi q,drF{qte+ u e\ r r
fuFi wdq qitrglal.drqrq-qflfT *q ygfrFqcrn t
irqffid ilqqrl

q,dfqr-;qT rrE+g g-# rrqqrvkf n.s+qqrtr(rrqe rl

qtg *frs Er rrfitqs a*q gffi sg*ffi{sr
tffi frfu{r frfuil: rr n e4 rl
One pala eachof punarnavd (red variety), eranQa,vf qa
(vdsaka), aSmabheda (paqarla -bheda), vr 3cI r a (3vet a or w hi te
variety of punarnavd), bhutika, bald, paldSa,bilva, Syondka,
g ambhari, p a1ala, garyi knr i ka, 3aIa -p a r ryl,p y3ni -p a n.ti,byhati,
kar.tgakariand gokqura and eight fruits of madana-phala
should be cut into piecesand washed.To this, one prasfta
(two palas) each of bilva, yave, kola, kulattha, dhdnyaka and
madana-phala, and two aQhakaseach of milk and water
shouldbe addedandboiledtill the mitk i.e. two aShakasof the
liquid remains. The milk should then be filtered out through
a white cloth. To this milk, the pasteof vacd, Satahvd,deva-
ddru, kuqgha,yasti-modhu,siddhdrthaka,pippal1,yavdnl and
madana-phala should be added.When luke warm, jaggery,
rock-salt, oneprasfta eachof honey, oil and ghee should be
added to this recipe, and administered as nir-uha-basti

appropriatelyby a physicianwell-versedin this field. It cures

all the diseases caused by samsarga (combination of
aggravateddo;as). t 65 - 68 l
This recipe is useful for diseasescausedby the combined form of
aggravated vdyu, pitta andkapha.
Number of Bastisfor Dffirent Dosas
ft-rrsnqr {a': val srid d FrEgfr* q.rsT q firi r
Tq: r$IrT! reftiErfiWn: qd f{6Er r qt ffiqt:;1 Qsll
i i
Patientssuffering from vatika diseasesshould be given , .
o-gepiyQ!1a-bastiwhich is unctuousand warm, and which
containsmeat-soup.For the patientssuffering from paittika
diseases,two niruha-bastis which are sweet and cold, and
which contain milk shouldbe given. Patientssuffering from
kg,pbajqdiseasesshouldbe given three nirfuha-basfiswhich
contain cow's urine and which are pungent,hot as well as
Niruha-basri should not be given in excess of these
specifiednumbers. t 69 l
ln Susruta: Cikitsa32 : 6, evenfourniruha-baslis
to be given. Such additional enemasbeyond the limited number (of
three) described above are exceedingly harmful, and therefore, not
RegimenAfter Niruha-basti
rt{ qA sfflffi sr( Sqr fir* E q'* q qS,r
aen€?m+S ra ftrq*ef rgrffd qawFe?f qlleoll
patigntU ' ' '
After the administration of nir-uha-basti,the ,
sufferingfrom vatikadiseases shouldbegiveg-meat--soup; the
patientsufferingfrompaittiftadiseases shouldbe givenmilk;
and the patient sufferingfrorn kaphaiadiseasesshould be
givenvegetable-soup as diet.
After theadministrationof niritha-basti(evacuativetype
of medicatedenema),those requiring anuvdsana-basti
(unctuoustype of medicatedenema)should be given this

\, enema containing Bilva-taila (if the diseaseis caused by

" .uayu), Jlvanlya-taila (if the diseaseis causedby pitta) or
Madhu-phala-taili(if the diseaseis causedby kapha).t70 l
The recipeof Bilva-taila is describedinSiddhi4 :4-7 , of Jivanlya-
taila in Siddhi4:9-12, andof Madana-phalatailais describedin Siddhi
Ftr< f{ki qerr*CR<r<rr{q Fetrrr-raat
*s?frs fraTF+aqfrirqil{ q-frfr FH rtrrt q fisflqq1| \eqtl
Thus.the foremostmethodsof theadministrationof basti
is fully described.The wise physician,who, after studying
this, practises basri (medicated enema) therapy achieves
successin this world. f.7r)
Thus,endsthe third chapterdescribing"the Principlesof
Basti" in the textcomposedby AgniveSa,redactedby Caraka.
a n d b e c a u se o f i ts n o n -a va i l a bility, supplem entedby

T+td[r[TftTrr€qr@mznq: il { tl
We shall now expound the chapter dealing with "the
Management of Complications Arising from the
Administration of Anuvdsana-basti(UnctuousEnema)".
Thus, said Lord Atreya. t r-21
In the previous chapter(verseno. 70) Bilva-taila, etc.,aredescribed
to be used for unctuousenema.Theserecipes,and the managementof
the cornplications arising frorn their administration are describedin the
Details of Topics to be Discussed
ffiffi*rrr1 qranqrqqflT6rtr
fteqrffi q qrqE: qFqfficr: | | QI I
Now listen ! [addressedto AgniveSaby the preceptor
Atreyal to the descriptionof the following topics :
(l)Recipes for sneha or anuvdsana-basti(unctuous
enema)for the treatmentof diseasescausedby vayu,
pitta and kapha;
(2) Complicationsarising from their wrongful adminis-
tration: and
(3) Treatmentof thesecomplications. t3l
In this chapter, different topics relating to sneha or anuvasanu ts
indicated in the above text are discussedin detail. In the prologue, there
is no mention of the other topic which is describedin this chapter (vide
verseno. 50-5 I ) becauseof its brevity.
, ,'c '
^ rr, ^n I >.
? AnuvasanaRecipefor Vayu (pilva-tailp)
wrqgi qmi rrerrc#
vrdrrfi F6qt qrqqrtri qqrFrErql
@ rgdf{dqt tq,ll
qEdds$T: {i(ar N*qr *a qt
M sqsf rffit: qfrffi3 llqll
One pala of each of bilva, Syonaka,gambharT,pAtulA,
garyikarika, Sdla-parn|, prSni-parn|, byhatl, karyyakarikd,
gokqura, bald, r dsna,,a|v agandhd,p unar nQvd, g uduc1,er anda,
bhutika (yavani), bhargi, vrqaka (vasa), rohiqa, fatdvarl,
sahaca r a aswell askdkandsa (vayasl-p hala), and onep r asfi a
(two pala.r) of each of yavn, maqa, atasl, kola as well as
kulattha shouldbe addedwith four dronas (one dro4ra=256
palas) of water, and cooked till one dro4ra of the liquid
remains.To this decoction, onedShaka(64 palas) of eachof
oil and milk, and the paste of one pala of each of iivaka,
rsbhaka, meda, mahd-medd, kdkoFt, kqira-kakol1, mudga-
parryl, maqa-parnl, fivanti and madhnfta should be added.
Anuvasana-basti(unctuousenema)with this recipeeUresall
- jbre diseasescaused.byvayu- l4 - l
In the place of kakanasa,some physiciansuse vasd-phala
(kayuyatuli).one of the ingredientsof da1a-mulc(a groupnameof ten
drugswhoserootsareusedin medicine)is bilva becauseof which the
recipeis calledBilvalaila.
OtherAnuvdsanaRecipes for VaYu
err{{r{t wer ffillell'
ftqffiq ffii qrF+g1.*fdqnetl
Anuvdsana-bastipreparedof-y4-sd fat) of animals
inhabiting marshy land, boiled with drugs belonging to
Jivaniya group(fivaka,yqabhaka,medA,mahd'meda, kdkoFt,

ksl r a -kako Il, mudga -p a rryl,maqa-p ar ry|,jlv antl andmadhukt\,

sirnilarly cures vatika diseases.
Anuvasana-bastiwith the oil cooked by Satahvd,yava,
bilva and sourjuice is also usefulin vatika diseases.
Anuvasana-bastiwith gheeheatedby the immersion of
hot rock-saltcuresdiseasesgausedb; yayu. [ 7 /z - 8 )
These are the three additional recipesof anuvasana-bastiwhich
cure vatika diseases.
'; ), '|
for Pitta (Jlvanlya-yamaka)
Recipeof Anuvasana-basti
ffi rrqq H enqutr q5*, ilcTrql
vnrrA*mt prrri eirfrTrsi grinq{r(t I i ||
Fgqr qffiu.fuvrfirurqr
ftq* fu Tn qfit srrr}rag{frn qon
Tdrr qrafirtrsf coqilffitqt
d-rqlFrrqr I qqu
Ghee and oil"taken togethermay be cooked by adding
four tiines of mrlk along with the paste of jivanti, madana-
phala, meda, Sravanl, mdhuka, bala, Satdhva, rsabhaka,
kf qrya(p ipp a I7),kdkanasa, 3ata: g:1, svag upta (atma -g upta),
kslra-kakoli, karkatakhya (karkata-3rhgi), Sati and vaca.
Anuvdsana-bastiwith this recipeis ryglishing, allevi4tqr of
vayu andpitta, promoterof strength,semenandagni (power
of digestion including rnetabolism)and curative of urinary,
seminal and menstrualmorbidities. Ie- lr ]
Another AuvdlsanaRecipefor Pina
Hrrms<{r$s ft1*: Scag{urq1
M ga ffi twe1erwqr rRRrr
. Ghee cooked with four times of milk, one fourth in
quantity of oil, andthe pasteof drugsbelongingto Candanadi-
groupwhicheverareavailable,shouldbe usedfor anuvdsana-
bastiwhich alleviatqspiua. It2)
Drugsbelongingto Candanadd-group aredescribedin thechaptcr
dealingwith the treatmentof fever (vide Cititsa 3 : 258).

AnuvasanaRecipefor Kapha
+*rd TdF g;trt vrdrdi frgi qqrql
6*t qg-fi $rFrtr e[T{€ F*.qqtmqlI ql ll
qrrrt 5ffi{ +(i qffi f{f,4i vrfiqt
yqrsf fr dffi fiPrrr{t rqYtl
qrsq+rrsi fu fu Ett qrntryqt I q\ tt
3Tr{I6trgrfi +q Eqrtr(3ztrwr(l I qq ll
Castoroil or sesameoil shouldbe cookedby adding the
paste of-qaladhavq(rock-salt), madana, kustha, Satahva,
nicula, vecd, hrTvera,madhuka,bhargT,devadaru, katphala,
nagara,puqkara,medd,cavikd,citraka, 1atl, vidahgo,ativi$4,
|ydma, hare4ru,nllini, sthird, bilva, ajamoda, kf$rya, dantj
and rasnd. Anuvas'ana-bastiwith this medicatedoil cures
kaphaja diseases,bradhna (inguinal enlargement),udavarta
(upwardmovementof wind in theabdomen), gulma (phantom
tumour), arias (piles), plihan (splenic diiorders), meha
(obstinateurinary diseasesincluding diabetes),adhya -vata (a
joint disease),anaha (tympanites)and a|mari (calculus).
I 13-16
Another AnvdsanaRecipefor Kapha (Madana-taila)'
TrstET qT I

fu mrrafefuAq,q,.Efq,tr+{ftilrtllqe ll
-Oil cooked with madana-phalaby adding sour liquid
(vinegaretc.,)or by adding(thedecoctionaswell as pasteof)
bilva, Syondka,gambhdrl, pagala, garlikarikd, Sala-parnl,
pysni-parryl, byhati, kangakarl and gokqura, or by adding
kapha-alleviatingdrugsmay be usedfor anuvasana-bastifot
the alleviation of kapha. f.t7l
Drugsmentionedby group nameof gagato beusedin a recipe(of
oil), areto be addedin theformsof bothpasteanddecoction.

Kapha-alleviating drugs are already described in the previous

chaprer (vide Siddhi 3 : 56-64). These drugs are ro be used in the
preparationof the recipe describedabove (last). Alternatively, trikatu
(fu\thl, pippatl and marica) or pafica-kola (pippalt, pippalt-mula,
cavya, citraka xnd ndgara) can be used in this recipe.
Rec ip e fo r Anuvdsa,xa-bast i

qqf eqr*{ ffiffiF+s qftq*: ll qq-lI
d-( $ErR ffi1 +at=rsrffuffifrqt I Rqtl
ffirilr ffirl Ri M iretTl
gg-fri qE?qTr{l
Oil shouldbe cookedby addingthe decoctionof viQanga,
era,!{a, rajanl, patola, harltaki, bibhltaka, amalakl, amftA,
tender leaves of jati, nirgundi, bilvd, Syonaka,gambhari,
p al al d, garyikari ka, 3ala -p ar 4tl,p y3ni -p a ryl, byhatl, kantakari,
gokqura, dkhu-parn1,nimba, pAthA,sahacare,Sampdka,and
karavTra,and the pasteof madana-phala,bilva, trivrt, kf$rya,
r dsnd, bhu-nimba, deva-daru, sapta-p erne, vacd, uSir a, darvi,
kustha, kalinga, Iata (mafijiqtha),gauri (haridra), iatahvd,
agni, fatl, coraka andpuskara-mula. Administration of this
medicatedoil as potion, for massageor for anuvasana-basti
immediatOlycureskuqgha(obstinateskin diseasesincluding
leJrosy),krimi (parasiticinfestation),meha(obstinateurinary
disordersincluding diabJies),ir1as (piles), grahar1ilspruej,
klTbata (impotency), viqamagni (irregular digestion), mala
(productionof morbid matterin excess)and diseasescaused
by all the three doqas(viz., vdyu, pitta andkapha).

Effectsof Anuvasana-bastiin General


aturgxe qrfrE TffiFrd-crfq: ll Rl ll

@ ftprrdr wrql
EFr+ffirti q ycTr ff nen TtrnRl I RY ll
Sneha or anuvdsana-basti (unctuous enema)
[administeredwith the above mentioned medicatedoils]
promotes excessivestrengthof personswho are emaciated
and debilitated becauseof long suffering from diseases,
excessiveexercise,hard labour,walking long distance,loss
of ojas (vital essence)and diminution of semen'It causes
excellentstabilityof feet,calves,thighs,back,shoulderand
lumbar region. !t helpsin theprocreationof offspringsby the
s t e r i l em e n a n d w o me n . t23- 24.1
ConditionsLeading to Complications
ort+ \4 guflT{zrffi: sGlrtr(:ll R\ ll
. [Improperadministration ofl anuvasana-basti may give
rise to complicationsin the following six conditions:
( 1) Occlusionof the enema-fluidby vavtt;
(2) Occlusionof the enema-fluidby pitta;
(3) Occlusionof the enema-fluidby kapha;
(4) Occlusion of the enema-fluidby food, taken in
(5) Occlusionof the enema-fluidby feces;and
(6) Administrationof enemain empty stomach. t25l
Complicationsarisingout of the administrationof anuvasna-basti
i n the abovementionedsix conditionsconstitute mit hya-yogc (improper
administration)of this type of rnedicatedenema.These are described
here with referenceto the statementin verseno. 3 of this chapter.This
does not include the complications arising out of less or excessive
administration (ayoga or ati-yoga) of anuvasana which are already
rv I srDDHrSTHANA 239

describedin Siddhi | : 45-46. For the treatnent of aihncnts caust:dby

less administrationof anuvasana,the same Dnsrrshould be repeated.
For the ailmentscausedby excessadministrationof anuvasana,niruha
(Sodhana)type of bastr should be given. [In this connection,Cakrapani
is rnaking aref'erenceto the statementin verseno. 51, the irnplications
of which are not very clear.l
Factors Responsiblefor Occlusionof Enema-fluid
qTsftr+art firfrsqwr: q* Tg: t
sfing-+ Tu*4,rfurlseqqer+aenu Rqr l
qF*Tr.ffi, ff T qrsF{$rqrfrl
qIF*d trFt FTqrur{l I Re I I
The sneha (unctuousfluid of anuvasano-basti)being
occluded does not reach its destination becauseof the
following :
( I ) If cold recipeis usedin small quantityfor unctuous
enemawhen vdyu is aggravated;
(2)It excessivelyhot recipeis usedfor unctuousenema
when pitta is aggravated;
(3) If mild recipeis usedfor unctuousenemawhen kapha
is aggravated;
(4) If heavy recipeis usedfor unctuousenemawhen the
patienthas consumedfood in excessquantity;
(5) If a recipe of mild nature (alpa-bala) is used for
unctuousenemawhenthereis accumulationof stool;
(6) If the recipe is afflicted (abhibhavdt) [becauseof
If thepatienthasnot takenfood beforethe administration
of unctuousenema,then the enema-recipereachesupwards
(much abovethe desiredlevel) becauseof the absenceof any
Hereafter, the signs of different impediments will be
described. t 26-27 l

Signsof Impedimentsby Vayu

qpffiFdsr( *d qrdrsf f$Tqtn Reu

The physician should ascertainthe obstruction of the
unctuous fluid by vayu from the signs and symptoms like
malaise,fever, adhmana(flatulence),37ta(feeling of cold),
stambha(stiffness),uru-pidana(pain in the thighs),par|va-
ruk (pain in the sides of the chest) and parSva-vesfano
(crampsin the sidesof the chest). t28 l
Treatment of Vavu Impediment
ffif rrtTrfrtgifu*:l
nnntf+$rq qqt rrq*, qrs{k*: I
ilFqr+q q *firqr wr* g*rganr\l I Qoll
The occlusion [of the enema-fluidby vayu] should be
removedby the 4!m,i4i9trat-ion of nrr uhq:bas-liwith the recipes
of Rasnadi-taila and Pitadru-taila having the characteristic
fealures as follows :
(l) Which are addedwith unctuous,sour, salineand hot
(2) Which are preparedby adding sauvlraka (vinegar),
surd (alcohol), kola, kulattha andyava; and
(3) Which are mixed with cow's urine, and the decoction
gambharl,payala andganikarika.
of bilva,,Syondka,
After the evening meals, the patient should be given
onuvdsana-bastiwith the abovementionedRdsna-taila and
Pitadru-taila. 129-30)
Rasna-taila in Cikitsa28 : 165-166.
is described
Signsand Treatmentof Pitta lrnpediments

firur( firrrSf F{tgfrr*ilFfcnsnnfiqt I Et | |


The occlusion[of the unctuousenema-fluid]by pitta can

be_ascertained from the affliction of the patient by burning
sensation,redness,morbid thirst, unconsciousness, tamaka
, II
(enteringinto Uarkness)and fever.
This occlusioncan be removedby the administrationof It

sweetand bitter ingredients..

enema9o,11!_gining t 3l l
Signsof Kapha Impediments

TiEmTdRl l ?Rll
The occlusionof the unctuousenema-fluidby kapha can
be ascertainedfrom the affliction of the patientby-dfqWSiless,
cold,fever,indolence,salivation,anorexia,heaviness, fainting
and depression(glani). 1 3 2l
Treatment of Kapha Impediments
e'qrrqtfrtpiruir: g{rqrrrsrfuA: I
qrd{ffi, sSdfiffirta frF+&qt I Q?tl
The occlusion (of the unctuousfluid by kapha) can be
removed by the administration of basti p_repare_d by alcohol
ary!to_w's urine by adding Madana-phala-taila,as well as
astringint,]itrfllent, sharp,hot and sour ingredients. t 33 ]
Madana-phala taila is already described in verse no. l7 of this
Slgnsef Impedimentsby Intakeof Food in Excess

ornrffi: F<rtFdAsrciry-{xgilql I ?Y il
The occlusion (of the unctuousfluid) by the intake of
food in excesscan be ascertainedfrom the afflictions of the
patient by vomiting, fainting, anorexia, depression,colic
pain, excessivesleep,malaise,signs of dma (causedby the
product of improper digestionand metabolism)and burning
sensation. t34 l
Signsof dmaincludesindolence,

Treatment of Intpediments Caused b y- Intake of Food in

q{i Fqurmr q wreuftr qrrql
tqid TErdrqFqF&T? ffr-qr fem t I tq | |
For this typeof occlusion(of unctuousfluid by theintake
of food in excess),pacana (metabolictransformationof the
undigestedproducts)with pungentand salinedecoctionsas
well as powders,mild purgationand therapiesprescribedfor
correctingama(productof improperdigestionandmetabolism)
are useful. t3sl
Therapeutic measuresfor correcting dma are describedin Vimana
2 : 13. [The exactreferencequotedby Cakrapaniis not availablein the
extant edition; it is only in a slightly modified forrn.l
Signsand Treatmentof Impedimentsby Stool
ri€ frrwgd Fr€r $6*{: wqffir: i l l q r l
Frs*: Frgqrs+'l

The occlusion(of the unctuousenema-fluid)by stool can

be ascertained from the afflictions of the patient by the
obstruction to the passageof stool, urine and flatus, pain,
heaviness,flatulenceand cardiacspasm.
Such a patient shouldbe treatedby oleation, fo4enta!!,on
and phala-varti (medicated suppository)'therapies.With
fydmd, bilva, etc.,niruha-bastifollowed by anuvasana-basti
shouldbe given appropriatelyfor the removalof obstruction.
The patientshouldbe given therapieson the line suggestedfor
the treatmentof udavarta(an ailment characterizedbyupward
movementof wind). | 36-37l
'varti' thereis a variantreadingas 'basti'. Bilva,
In the placeof
etc.,albngwith Syamdaresuggested aboveforthetreatment.Bilva,etc.,
refers to dafia-mula which is a collective name far bilva, iyonaka,
gambhdri,fr1ald, ga4ikdrikfr,Sdla-parqi,p yflni,-panpibyhatT,karylakarl

irnd goktura. The term'Syantabilvadi...' in the verse no' 37 can be

interpretedin two different ways, viz.,'fydma andbilvadi' or "Syamddi
and bilvadi". The former is already explained before' If the latter
interpretationis accepted,then Syamadistandsfor the nine drugs, viz.,
|yama, trivrt, caturahgula, tilvaka, maha-vyksa, saptala, safikhini,
danti and dravantl (vide Kalpa I : 6).
The line of treatrnentof udavarta referredto in the above text is
describedin Cikitsa26': ll-31.
A ilments Caused byA dministrat ion of Bast i on EmptyStomach,
and Their Treatment
srl5.+ v5aqFft qr +rrr(*Fga: t
snrqd im: quarqfrrq: dq qsf ll Qall
RFcr€*d Edsa Fns€: lrqflr+rT: 1l Rqll
sFdtflftr: ffi+s irs zrrd Frqdqqt I Yo ll
If the anuvdsana-bastiis given on-emptystomachor on
emptied bowel or if the enema-fluid is injected with great
force, then it goesup speedily,and comesout from the throat
or through the orifices in the upper part of the body.
In this condition, oil cooked with cow's urine, Syama-
trivyt, yava, kola and kulattha should be used for giving
nirfiha and anuvdsana types of medicatedenema.
If the enema-fluidstartscomingout of the throat,then the
patient should be given stambhana therupies(like fanning
and sprinkling with cold water); pressureshould be applied
over his throat [to preventfurther upward movementof the
enema-fluidl, and he should be given purgative and anti-
emetic therapies. [ 38-40]
In the verse no. 25, only one factor, viz., administration of
anuvdsana-bastiin empty stomach is describedas the cause of the
movement of the recipe upwards, and the signs as well as treatment of
this were to be described here. But, in the above text, two additional
factofs, viz., emptied bowel and forceful injection (of the enema-fluid)

are described to cause such upward movements. Since all these three
factors produce the sameeffect, and since the sametreatmentis required
to be given, theseadditional two factors are also mentioned in the above
Anti-emetic therapiesas describedin Cikitsa 20 : 4l-44 are to be
used in the treatment of the present ailment.
N on-eliminatio n of Enema-fluid
qFr dr1qef g;qf( ffi:Vn:l
Tr$sd qrstg* r\FrgiF: q ftrqrran t Yqll
If, becauseof ununctuousness,the unctuous enema-
fluid, being obstructed,does not get eliminated totally or
partially, but theconditionis not attendedwith complications,
then an expertphysicianshouldleavethepatientalone(i.e. he
should not try to bring out the fluid by therapies). t 4l l
If the body of the patientis exceedinglyununctuous,then even the
retention of the unctuousfluid in it does not causeany complication.
The expert physician, in such a case should not employ therapies as
prescribed for vatavyta-snehaearlier in the verse nes. 29-30. Similar
view is also expressedin other works (vide Sa.(rnta: Cikitsa3T :97).
Diet Afte r Anuvdsana-basti
gu-*6 ff iil F{gqsftri?fi{l
tsqrtr{T:rflwt tYRil
After appropriateadmini stration of anuvd.sana-bast i, the
patientshouldbe given liquid, hot, light andwholesomefood.
After the intake of this food in appropriate quantity, the
patient may repeatedlybe given anuvasana-bastievery third
day. l42l
The statementabove regarding the repeat of the anuvdsana-basti
every third day is a general one.
Hot Water
errqqrffi f6 # Esfftrqrur: I
€Frdnq FTyrwiunfsi i{r *qci Eler(rI yQrl
qrT.fsr:r€}trf q EqtgEts€i Trnqr|ry||

qq+ q ftH q Frs't TTEqr€r+

Esrgwf€i ig ffisMllYqll
In the next morning,after the night, the expertphysician
should give water boiled with dhanyaka andndgara(furylhi),
or simple warm water.
This warm water helps the patient in the digestion of
undigestedfat and it.disintegrateskapha. Therefore, after
emesis, purgation, nirilha and anuvasanathetapies,warm
water is to be given to the patientfor the alleviation of vdyu
and kapha. 143-4sJ
The undigestedportionof snehq(fat) remainsadheredto the wall
of the colon which getsdigestedby the intakeof warm water'
F re quency of Anuvdsana-basti

ao6sff g6rq fnq: *6 r5dfr sTer€6':

I I Ye | |
: '
Personswho are habituatedto taking ununctuousfood,
who have strongagni (power of digestionand metabolism),
who perform physical exercise,who are afflicted with vatika
diseases, whosepelvicregionandhip regionareafflicted with
vdta, andwhoaresufferingfromuddvarta (upwardmovement
of vayu) shouldbe given anuvdsana-bastievery day. As the
water falling o-yerslnd gets absorbedimmediatlly, ti-iiuify
the fat given to thesepatientsgets immediatelydigested.
In the case of others, the agni (digestive-enzymes)
generally digests sneha (fat) in three-ilnys. 146-471
The above mentioned frequency of giving anuvasana-bastifor
different categoriesof persons is also described in other works (vide
Susruta : Cikitsa 37 :79).
In ordinary cases, the fat adhered to the wall of the colon gets
digested in three days by the agni located in the colon which gets
exudated to the exterior.

Agnl (digestiveenzymes)is locatedabovethe colon; hencethe fat

adheredto the wall of the colon does not come in direct contact with
agni.Even thenpartsof jatharagrri which get mixed up with fat perform
this work of digestion.
Useof the term'prayaft' meaning'generally'implies the digestion
of fat even on the fifth day. Keeping this in view, anuvdsana-bastiis
also suggestedto be given on the fifth day (vide Siddhi | :24).
Prohibition of IJncookedFat
q Hrri yrrrAE*6 s 66qsa;E*(Tql
TTrqN q €rda argt ti f6 ftTEfd | | YZ I I
Uncookedfat shouldnot be usedfor anuvasana-basti
stuffiness (abhiqyanda)in the rectum.
i!, p1o_dg9_9;
Someportion of the fat (enema-fluid)shouldbe allowed
to remain in basti (bladder which is used as receptacleof
enema-fluid)becauseit containsair. t 48 l
Prohibition of Fat after Anuvasana
:T *E g-{firanqr i{ur( *tr{ffql
3q"rcqr( q{ rrst qlncFf ? (q}qr I Y3 tl
After the administrationof anuvasana-basti,fat should
not be given through the anus or mouth, becausethe fat
coming out from both the sides (upper and lower)
simultaneouslyvitiates vayu andagni (enzymesresponsible
for digestion). t4el
Vitiation of vayu describedaboveis causedby indigestionand its
Prohibition of Exclusive Administration of Niruha and
\,^/\/' , ri(Grfr re qt +fi+qrFdqfrFr}ql
t4 t,:
I ' rffi Tffirs6r(€rrr{srq{t 1qoI I

asrPinala. riftit Frs@rgerFva:r

i qM Ff,dqxqtt\ttl
Either nirlthaor anuvAsanashouldnot be taken in excess

(without interruptionby the other).Excessiveadministration

of anuvasana lexclusivelyl gives rise to utHeSa-(elqltglq9n!
of kapha andpitta) and supp-ressionof the power of digestion.
Excessiveadministrationof niruha feiclusively]leadsto the
risk of vayu getting aggravated.
Therefore,after niruha-basfi,the patientshouldbe given
anuvdsana-basti,ind afier anivasana-basti, niruha-basti
should be given. Thus. by giving anuvasana and niruha
appropriately(oneafterthe other),this basti therapycuresthe
diseasescausedby all the threedosa.s. t so- sl l
Artuvdsana-basticures vatika diseases,md niruha-basti cures
diseasescaused by kapha as well as pitta. Therefore, if appropriately
administeredone after the other, thesetwo typesof bcsll therapiescure
diseasescausedby all the three doqas.

emw+ q qrdrrfia:
vEr EiT:ll\R ll
q@ F{firci F+rsq:t
qral-qk3 Hfr q+(l | \? ll
e'F{ gM q Efq geTfitqS-(l
ffi11-r F6 t!5uf qniltrt5(t t\Ytl

Matra-basfi is always useful for personsemaciatedby

karma (playing with ball, etc.),vyayama(practicingarchery,
etc.),carryingheavyload,long way-faring,riding vehiclesor
indulgingin sexualintercoursewith women,and for persons
who are weak and who are afflicted with vatika diseases(get
broken by vayu).
While taking matrd-basfi,a personcan take any food,
and may do any work ashe likes. Itcan be safelyadministered
in aU !!g,,seasons.
The doseof matra-bastiisequalto themintgyTq_uantity
in which anuvdsana-bastiis prescribedto be administered.
This matra-basti which is a form of anuvasana-basti

promotesstrength,and can be administeredeasily.It helpsin

easy voiding (elimination) of stool. It causesnourishment,
and cures diseasescausedby aggravatedvayu. | 52 - 54 l
For matra-basti,-th_edoseof fat to bqg!venis equalto the minimurn
quantity prescribedfor anuvdsana-basti. This-et$9€98 diggl-tediqholf
a day (vide Sutra 13 : 29). According to another work, six palas of fat
is the maximum dose, threepalas of fat is the medium dose,and one and
half apala of fat is the minimum dose for anuvdsana-basti. Sufrutahas
also stated accordingly (.videSufruta : Cikitsa 35 : l8). Thus, the dose
of matra-basfi is one and half a pala.
MAtA-basti can be administeredeasilv becauseit does not call for
any restriction in fbod and activities.

qrdrffi YrqrdfrT: FRT: fr5cweTr I

tqf =rr*rpT+i qrqE: qFqfuftrdr: n \\ t l
yTnfudrffid( ed?*i.t6fw6ra nt
TffidFffi q|.'rrqkrdrRr€aerr
| | \q | |
To sum up :
In this chapter,the topics describedare as follows :
( l ) F o r e m o s t r e c i p e s o f a n u v a s a n a - b a s t if o r t h e
alleviation (elimination)of aggravatedvayu, etc.;
(vide versenos.4-24)
(2) Complicationsarising out of their administrationby
ignorant persons, and treatment of these compli-
. cations;
(vide versenos.25-41)
(3) Diet to be given before the administration of
(vide versenos.42-45)
(4) Personsfor whom anuvasana-bastiis indicatedto be
takenevery day andfor whom it is indicatedon every
third day;
(vide versenos. 46-47)

(5) The methodof administeringanuvdsana-basti;and

(vide versenos.48-51)
(6) The methodof administeringmatra-basti.
(vide versenos.52-54) ls5-s6l
trcffirT1fti fiqF€rsn+*6qrq-
ftsnElqtqwgsmsaTrq: IIY||
Thus, ends the fourth chapterin Siddhi-sthdnadealing
with "the SuccessfulTreatmentof ComplicationsArising Out
of Anluvasana-basti"of AgniveSa's work as redacted by
Caraka,and becauseof its non-availability,supplementedby

C H A P T E R- V
oTerrtr ffi ErrglrRzrrlT: | | ! t I
EFc A grA rrrrqrqTlq: I I R I I
We shall now expoundthe chapteron "Complications
Arising out of the Useof DefectiveNozzle,andits Receptacle
(including the Technique of Administration). and their
Thus, saidLord Atreya. I l-2l
Toltics to be Discussed
srerffir qdg
"IuJFzrtf{ u,,{gl
Now, listen to the descriptionof the following topics : -
( I ) Typesof nozzles(netras)andtheirreceptacles(bastis)
which are not to be used for the administrationof
(2) Complicationsarisingout of their use;
(3) Complicationsarising out of the mishandlingof the
nozzles (including enema receptacle) by an
(4) Treatmentof thesecomplications. t3l
In the previouschapter(no.IV), differentconditions
in which I
administration of enema gives rise to complications, and their
management are described. Because of contextual propriety the
complicationsarisingout of the useof inappropriateappliances(nozzles

and their receptacles),:rnd wrong technique for enemaare described in

this chapter.
Inappropriate Nozzlesand ComplicationsArising Out of
Their Use
6Fd 6d q *ryi lfrrqf frffirqqqqt
qFq{FEit aen q*qd ffir ard*(r rx rr
gffisr qFdP$ur tqf *qr qerr*-qlqt | \ rl
The eight types of nozzles(netras) which are not to be
used for the administration of enema, and complications
arising out of their use are as follows :
Characteristics of Nozzles Complications Arising Out
of Their Use
(l) Hrasva (smallerin size) Aprapti (enema-fluidnot
reachingits destination)
(2) Dirgha (longer in size) Atigati (enema-fluid
penetratingfar above)
(3) Tanu (thinner in shape) Kqobha(irritation causedby
the unstability of the nozzle
in the rectum)
(4) Sthula (thicker in shape) Karqarya(bruisingthe wall of
the rectum)
$) firrya (worn out) (causinginjury to
the rectum)
6) Sithila-bandhana Srava (leaking out of the
(loosefixation) enema-fluid)
(7) PdrSva-chidra(having Guda-pl(a (causingpain rn
holesin the side) the rectum)
(8) Vakra(curved) J ihma-gafi (tortuouspassage
of the fluid) t4-51
Sincethe eight itemsaredescribedin the abovetexr, specifying
their nurnberagainas eight(aila) impliesthatall the otherdefectsof

nozzlearealsoincludedin theseeight iterns.Similarly, the specification

of number in the subsequentversesis to be interpretedaccordingly.
InappropriateBastisand ComplicationsArising Out of Their
frrel: fffi*g drTqt qtrt H{-g Erd+(l I q I I

*Rtrq-flrrrftf q*: ffiffi: II e II

The eight types of bastis(bladdersused as receptacles)
which are not to be usedfor the administrationof enema,and
the complicationsarising out of their use are as follows :
Characteristics of Bladder Complications Arising Out
of Their Use
(I) Visama(irregularin Gati-vaisa.mya(inegularflow
shape) of enema-fluid)
(2) Mamsala (fleshy) Visratva (making the enema-
fluid smell fleshy)
(3) Chinna (torn) Srava (leakageof the fluid)
(4) Sthula (thick) Daurgrahya (difficulty in
6) JAlika (having net-work Nisrava(exudationof enema-
of small perforations) fluid from the receptacle)
(6) Vatala (having air Phenila (frothinessof fluid)
(7) Ati-snigdha (excessively Cyuti (slipping away of the
unctuous) receptacle)
(8) Klinna (putrified) Adharyatva(inability to hold
thereceptacle) f,6-7l
Employedby Physicians
@: Vfrga:ll4ll

The defective techniquesemployed by the (ignorant)

physician for administeringbasti are as follows :
(l) Savata(pushingthe enema-fluidalong with air);
(2)Atidrura (pushingthe enema-fluidtoo rapidly);
(3) Utkqipra(injecting the enema-fluidtoo high);
(4) Tiryak (injecting the enema-fluidobliquely);
( 5 ) U l l u p ta (p u sh i n g th e e nem a- fluid again after
interruption); -
(6) Kampita (shaking the nozzle while injecring the
(7) Atiga (excessiveinsertioh of the nozzle);
$) BAhyaga(wrong pushingso that insteadof entering
the anal canal, the enema-fluidflows outside);and
(9) Mandati-vega (compressingthe receptacleeither too
slowly so that the enema-fluid does not reach the
colon, or too forcibly as a result of which the enema-
fluid rapidly entersand reachesthe distantpart of the
alimentarycanal). t8l
ComplicationsArisirtg Out of Anucchvdsa,etc., and Their
q:fqqlFq q 6rA qr Ed fr,tq qa qrl
sF{q EFfuil rr(!: vfe#{*-{i Er*(r I q rr
d:rrur$ G fi enrqrarYrtrh ql
If the enema receptacle is tied to the nozzle without
taking out the air from the bladder, or if the entire amount of
fluid is rushedinto the rectum without leaving any residue in
the bladder (bast i),then the vayu (air)entering into the rectum
causescolic pain and piercing pain.
In sucha condition,massageand fomentationshould be
given over the anus, and the patient should be given vdyu-
alleviatingfood. [9-'l2 l0]

In Siddhi 3 : 16, giving enelnawithout taking out the air tiom the
bladder(receptacle),etc., is prohibited.But suchthings rnay happenby
mistake.Therefore,treatmentof the complicationsarising out of these
mistakes is described here again.
ComplicationsArising Out of Rapid Insertirtnof Nozzle,etc.,
and Their Treatment
gd sqftfr FT5.d Fdqlfqrn qq qr I I qo I I
gr( :l
,*q{ r* qrd *ar, *+: Falrrt T:t t qq tl
If the nozzleisinsertedrapidly,if it is takenout hurriedly'
and if pushedvery high, then there will be pain in the
lumbar region, anusand calf region; stiffnessof the bladder,
and pairr in the thighs. In such cases,the patient should be
given vdyu-alleviatingfood, oleation,fomentationandenema
therapy. l,/rlo- lll
The enematherapy,describedabove,should be given with vayu-
alleviating drugs.
Complications Causedbv ObliqueInsertionof Nozzle,etc.,
and Their Treqtment
nr@c qd ersfuq rrafrl
t* a6g F{5'q fiq q eevraElltRtt
If the enemanozzleis insertedobliquely, if the passage
is obstructedby the anal sphincters,and if thereis blockage
becauseof the (fibres in the) recipe itself, then the fluid will
not flow into the rectum.
In that case,the nozzleshould be taken out, (the passage
of the nozzle should be) cleaned,zrd the nozzle should be
insertedagain straight. t t21
While describing the managementof the adverseeffects causedby
oblique insertion, other factors which also cause obstruction to the
passelgeof the enema-fluid are describedhere again'

ComplicationsArising From Interrupted Administration of

Basti, and Their Treatntent
ffisrur E.+ Tt qftrafrsFrd:I
w:ffiFtqfra Ffi Er<tqrfrllqQrl
If the enema-receptacle is compressedagain after an
interruption,thenthe aggravatedvdyubeingobstructedin the
rectum causespain in the chestand head,and prostrationof
the thighs.
In sucha condition,therecipepreparedof Bilvadi (DaSa-
mula), Phaladi and S1'amadi groups of drugs mixed with
cow's urine shouldbe given as enema. I 1 3-
C o m p l i c a ti o n s C a u se d b y S h a k ing of Nozzle Dur ing
Administration of Basti, and Their Treatment
srdld (ae{: vfrq', q,,smnrat gf r r qx r r
6qrqqg{T: vfrtn: +€Rar w6rkrq:I
If the anus gets injured becauseof the shaking of the
nozzle, then there will be burning sensation,sneezingand
oedema. In such conditions, the patient should be given
astringent,sweetand cold affusion along with enema.
t / 2 - t / 21 5 7
I 14
ComplicationsCausedby ExcessivePenetrationof Nozzle,
and Their Treatment
e{ftrqr"guff*{ +}ur | | q\ | |
sr( qrFS Er6ft+{.drd'YqdT{t
rl qfif: fog, Si firarcR<s vnst | | qq| |
If the nozzle is excessively penetrated (or inserted
repeatedly),thenit causesinjury to theanalsphinctersleading
to pain,burning sensation,pricking pain, prolapseof the anus
I and dischargeof fecal matter.
L In such conditions, sarpi-picu (pack of ghee-soaked
cotton-pad)shouldbe appliedover the anus.Milk andp iccha-

basti (mucilagenousenema)are useful in this condition.

l 15 - 16l
Effects of Slow Enema, and Their Management
T +rrqqfr TqqI qr€r€rq Frqtt r
*twd gr: vcre yfrq: fttffiscn rqs tl
If the receptacleis inadeqatelycompressed,then the
enema-fluid does not reach its destination.and comes out
I n s u c h a co n d i ti o n , a n u vd s ana- basti should be
administeredappropriatelyagainby the physician desirousof
successof treatment. f ,1 7 )
Effects af Forceful Administrationof Enema, and Their
g{ftTgmfs: rN ftqsrqft qT
n:r cffiru ffi E{ qnqz,tl
If the enema-fluid is injected with excessof force, then
the fluid either gets retainedin the gastro-intestinaltract, or
goes up to reach the throat.
' In such cases,the patient should be given enema and
purgation (if the fluid getsretainedin the alimentary tract) or
gala-p1Qa(application of pressurein the throat) etc., (if the
fluid tends to come up from the throat). tlsl
In thepreviouschapter,this conditionis describedto becausedby
the administrationof anuvdsana-basti (enema)on empty stomach.In
the above text, this condition is describedto be caused by the
administrationof niruha or anuvdsanawith excessof pressureover the
of enema.
AT rFlItS:-
ffisW +qr+dq €*Tqrtl
nFiTEr*a qnrqrtrrfiaq,qttr qrtlqt I qq| |

To sum up :
The physicianwho is conversantwith thedefectsof netra
(nozzle)andbasti(receptacleof enema),theeffectsof wrongful
techniqueappliedby the administrator,and treatmentof the
complicationsarisingout of thesefactors,shouldb"_gttti!gd_.
by a wise personto administerbasti (enema)therapy.
Thus, ends the Fifth chapter of Siddhi-sthana dealing
with "the Successin Treatmentof ComplicationsCausedby
the Use of ImproperNozzle and Receptacle"of AgniveSa's
work asredactedby Caraka,andbecauseof its non-availability,
supplementedby Drdhabala.

erems#ffi ErncilrtmT: | | t | |
gFdagra qrrqrtrla:u?||
Now we shall expound the chapteron "the Successful
T r e a t m e n t o f C o mp l i ca ti o n s A r ising Out of W r ongly
AdministeredEmetic and PurgationTherapies".
Thus,saidLord Atreya. l t-21
In the previous chapter, complications arising tiom the use of
defective nozzle, etc., are described. In the same context, the
complicationsarisingout of wrongly administeredemeticandpurgation
therapiesare being explained in this chapter.Since Dasti (rnedicated
enema) is administered after emetic and purgation therapies, the
cornplicationsarising out of basti will be describedin the next chapter
(no. VII). A full chapter is exclusively devoted to the description of
cornplicationsarisingout of the wrong administrationof basti because
of the importance of this therapy (vide Siddhi | : 39-40).
In addtion to complications, even the normal methods of
adminrstration of emesis and purgation are describedin this chapter to
show that complicationswill arisein future if thesenonnal procedures
are violated.
Toltics to be Discussedin the Chapter
srsr VM @:r
srrrrErryir+$rq *qq qeFnfuTilqqrtr | ? rl
Now the topics to be describedirt this chapter are as

( I ) Appropriate methodsfor the administrationof the

and purgation);
(2) Complicationsarising out of the improper adminis-
tration of thesetherapies;and
(3) Treatmentof thesecomplications. t3l
The methods of administering emesis and purgation are already
described in the first chapter of Siddhi-sthdna and fifteenth chapter of
Sutra-sthanc. In the presentchapter,someof thetopicsearlierdescribed
are repeatedbecauseof contextual propriety, and many new topics
which were not describedearlier are elaborated(vide verse no. 8).
qrgqrqffidr fd ffif5rrrm: r
ilq-* gr{grerrfu qprnuns.T: n y tl
srTE {Fffis{t id vrrq.$R* gt: I
TErrtg qg*e ErGIir: Vil?ri fittqtt
qdrfiR ftrndt' Esr(ffiFtql
E€rlgtrqF{i?q qrdt ffit Ellqll
Griqma(summer),var:yo (rainy season)andhimagemaor
hemanta (winter) are characterisedby excessiveheat, rain
and cold respectively.The three intervening seasons,viz.,
pravyg(the period betweensummerand rainy season),fiarat
or autumn (the period betweenrainy seasonand winter) and
vasontaor spring (the period betweenwinter and summer)]
are of general nature.
The months composing the three seasonsof general
natureare as follows :
is composedof Sucior
(l) Pravrt (approx.June-August)
aqaQa (June-July) and nabha or Srdvarya(July-
(2) Sarat or Autumn (approx. October-December)is
composed of urja or kartika (October-November)
andsaha or mdrgafTrgc(November-December); and

( 3 ) V a s a nta o r sp ri n g (a p p ro x. Febr uar y- Apr il) is

composedof tapasyaor phdlguna(February-March)
andmadhu or caitra (March-April).
The above mentionedthree seasonsare suitablefor the
administrationof elimination therapies.
After determining the exact months constituting the
a b o v e m e n t i on e d se a so n s,th e p h ysician should give
appropriateeliminationtherapiesto a healthyperson.However,
for a patient,the appropriateness of the time (season)should
be determinedon the basisof the natureof the diseases.
In the context of svastha-vrtta (Ldoption of measuresfor the
preventionof diseasesin a healthyperson)andrasotpafti(rnanit'estation
of different types of tastes),the year is divided differently into six
seasons,viz., var;d (Rainy season),Sarat (Ar@gtn), hemanta (etly
Winter), SiSira(late Winter), vasanta(Spring)and grisnn (Sumrner)-
ln Caraka-sarytskara(Agnive(a's work as redacted by Caraka),
caitra, Srdvaryaand agrahayarya or margafir;a are described to be
suitablefor the aministrationof emetic,enemaand purgatibn therapies
respectively(vide SutraT : 46).
ln Vimana 8 : 125 -128, divisions of*te year into six seasons(by
excluding 3i3ira and including pravrt) has been mentionedkeeping in
view the administrationof elimination therapies.
Thus, the six seasonsinto which the year is classifiedhere by the
preceptor are only to determine the good period for the administration
of elimination therapies though these are different from the actual
classification of the year basedon seasonalcharacteristics.
Some physiciansexplain thesetwo types of classificationof the
seasonsof the year in a different way. According to them, in the northern
side of the river Ganga, the winter lasts for a longer period, and there is
less of rain becauseof which the year is classified into six seasonsas
gftqma, varqd, 1arat, hemanta (early winter), Sifira (late winter) and
vasanta.But in the southernside of the Gahga,becauseof longer period
of rain and less of winter, the six seasonsLregrisma, pravyt (early part
of the rainy season),var;d (actual rainy season),Sarat, hemanta a;nd
vasanta. This explanation is not correct because in that case the

statement"Sodhanatp prati i.e. the descriptionhereis keepingin view

the administrationof eliminationtherapy"in the abovetext doesnot
hold good.
[Thetwo typesof seasonal of theyeararesummarised
Classification Months accor- Months accor- Classification
of the year for ding to Indian ding to Gregor- of the Year for
Svastha-vytta Calender ian Calender Elimination
and Rasotpatti (approx.) Therapy (vide
(vide Caraka z Caraka: Siltra
Sfrtra 6 z 4) 7246,Caraka z
Siddhi 6 t S)

Vasanta VaiSakha April-May

(Spring) Griqma
Gri;ma Jyeqgha May-June
(Sulnmer) Asadhta June-July Pravyg
(early Rart
Var;a Sravaqa July-August-J of rainy season)
(Rainyseason) Bhddrapada August-Sept.1
I Var;a
I season)
Sarat Asvina Sept.-Oct. I
Kartika Oct.-Nov.-
Scrat (Auturnn)
Hemanta MargaSirsa Nov.-Dec. I
(Early winter) Pauqa --,
Sisira Magha Jan.-FebruaryJ(Winter)
(Late winter) Phalguna -1
Vasanta Caita March-AprilJ

period of ahsorption; and vargd, Sarat and hemanta
constitutevisarga-kalaor the period of elirnination.l

Eventhough,on regionalbasisInorthernand sourthernpartsof the

river Gangal,thereis actually a seasonaldifferenceas statedearlier, in
the presentcontext.,however,the Preceptor'sstaternentdoes not imply
that. This has already been explainedin detail in the commentary of
Sutra 7 : 46.
The appropriate time (season)describedhere does not hold good
in the caseofpatients suffering from seriousdiseasesneedingernergency
treatment. In such situations, heat, etc., of the summer should be
counteractedby creating cooling environment,and theseelimination
therapiescan be administeredas describedin Vimana 8 : 127.
Administration of Oleation and Fomentationin Intervals
E5'8TUTT iet I
*6*d rySil €a qre edrsr+(rr e rl
During the interval period betweentwo therapies,viz.,
e m e s i s , e t c ., th e p a ti e n t sh o u l d be given oleation and
fomentationtherapies,andat theendof eachtherapy,oleation
therapy should again be given. t7 l
If purgation therapy is to be administeredafter emetic therapy, and
if enema therapy is to be administered after purgation therapy, then
oleation and fomentation should be appropriately done before the
secondtherapy.One should not be under the impressionthat oleation
and fornentationin the beginningof pafica-karma(emetic) therapy is
sufficient for the rest of the therapies.At the end of each elirnination
therapy, rnedicatedghee, etc., should again be administeredfor the
alleviationof residualdo;as, and alsoto overcomethe fatiguecausedby
the earlier administered elimiantion therapy.
Prohibition of ExcessiveOleation

3tftrtnafrtndfg TrFdfurqq frt{+(l I e||

Purgationtherapyis to be given to the patient suffering
from vi sa rpa (erysipelas),p idaka(pimples),3op ha (oedema),
kamala fiaundice),poryflu(anemia),injury and poisoning
only when the patient is not excessivelyoleated. t8l
Nature of Purgative Recipe
qrFaFmqyrftrq qur( rffitr*q t
+dFffitz{rfr{rq sW aprfetqqu q rl
vr I stDDHtSTHANA 263

Unctuousrecipefor purgationshouldnot be given to a

patient whosebody is excessivelyoleated.If the unctuous
elementin the body of the patientis excited,then he should
be givena purgationtherapyrecipeof which is ununctuousin
nature. tel
-_._[!_t!g-body.-o1.the patielt is n-ot :1pp1gpri4telyoleatei,l!-gJt--!-hc
administration of ulc-tuous,purgatiog. tlqrqpy- pay n9l."P;.gCg-ce.
'adsiieileffd;1or;og)7 the
for wtrictr the purgation theiapy is prohibited. lf
the body is oleatedin excessthen unctuouspurgationtherapy,because
of excessof unctuousness, moves quickly as a result of which it
becomesincapableof elitninittingeven the excited do:;tts.Becauseof
this, the do;as displaced from their own habit:rt get adhered to the
channelsof circulntion.In orderto preventsucha situation,ununctuous
purgativetherapyshouldbe given to thesepatientswhich producesthe
appropriate effect (samyag-yoga).

for AppropriateEffect
ConditionsResponsible \
ffi \frfr | \-l
qq,trircr ftf gqrdqrq q-f,t | | qo I
Factorsresponsiblefor appropriateeffect (samyag-yoga)
[of the purgation therapy]are the following :
(l)The patient should have taken oleation and
fomentationtherapies;[to be further explainedin the
v e r s en o s .I l - 1 3 ] ;
(2) The purgationtherapyshouldbe given only after the
previousmeal is digested;[to be further explainedin
verseno. l4];
(3) The purgationtherapyshouldbe given in appropriate
dose; [to be further explainedin versenos. l5-16];
(4) The patientshouldtakethetherapywith concentration
of mind. [to be further explainedin the verseno. l7 ],
t l0 l
Regarding the appropriate dose of purgation therapy, the recipe
shouldbe asfar aspossiblein small dosebut with quick action.This will

be explainedin detailin the versenos. l5- | 6. While taking purgationthe

patient should have concentrationof mind. If his mind is diverted or
agitated because of passion, etc., then this will affect the urge for
purgation as a result of which there will be less of effect of the therapy
Needfor Oleation and Fomentation Therapies
qt:rgcrT ffiq wgerir
ynJg* frrarq +6rfrsilq*:llttll
if,.rEt qsfi qeaffic wda:l
6qr kfsr€q * tqq *i frq<f( fterrqn ?Rtr
fu qr* qstsdgq rter: rwMsrqqn
- vM vMHa: | | qetl
As water can be taken out easily from a pot smearedwith
oil, similarlrykapha, otg., can be taken out easily by therapies
from the body of the patient who is oleated.As fire makesthe
liquid content of a piece of wet wood to ooze out in all the
directions, similarly the fomentation therapyhelps the stable
(adhered) doqas in an oleated person to get eliminated
As the dirt adheredto a piece of dirty cloth gets detached
[by the application of heat or hot steam and alkalies] which
can be washedout easilyby rinsing with water,similarly the
malas (morbid and adhereddo;as) become detachedby the
application of oleatiou and fomentation therapies, and get
eliminated by elimination therapy. I l l - 1 3]
Citation of several similes in the above text implies emphasis on
the need for oleation and fomentation therapiesbefore the administration
of elimination therapies,viz., emesis, etc.
Digestion of Food
sr*dqdt rcrR|Mqrqir
ftf ffi *q ftrqftf sqftuqxrl
If ejliminationtherapiesare administeredbefore the
previousmealis digested,thenit givesriseto the following

(l) GlAni (depression)

(2) Vibandha (constipation)
; and
(3) The therapyworks in the oppositeway (i.e. the emetic
therapy causespurgation and the purgative therapy
causesemesis). t 14l
Appropriate Dose
3rtrlfl:r r6ril qtrfu g{T(l
ffi qtetrvrrqn q\ tl
qffi^ ? qrcrf,t Tridrdri{fi.r q rr(l
rrseut[fr+fi ffiiqqqnqqtl
Aapropriatedoseof the recipefor elimination therapies
ifl-haracterised as follows :
(l) It shouldbe small in quantity,but quick in action;
(2) lt shouldbe ableto eliminatemorbid dosasin large
quantitybut easily;
(3) It should be light for digestion,palatable,pleasing
and curative of the concerneddisease:
(4) It should not causeseriouscomplications;
(5) It should not causedepressionin excess;and
(6) It shouldpossessagreeablesmell, colour and taste.
I ls-16]
Although aggreeabletaste, etc., are not directly relevant to the
dosefor the effect of a recipe,'eventhen thesearedescribedin the above
text so that the recipe is appropriately processedfor excellent results.
Agreeable taste, etc., are no doubt, the attributes of the drug (dravya)
and not of the dose. But a recipe containing drugs having agreeable
taste, etc., contributes to the excellenceof the recipe for which these
factors are included here.
Concentration of Mind
frqq rrmsr1Aqq qTqr{"qffr€ql
qFrIF{sr ftf qqrftnq qFqf | | qs | |

Passion,etc.,are inauspiciousimpuritiesof the mind. If

a pcrson whose mind is cleansedof these irnpurities, and
whose mind is concentratedon the therapy,takesrecipesfclr
the efimination of morbid matter, then appropriateeffects
(samyag-yoga)of the therapy are produced. lt7 1
Preparatory Measures
Tr: t* qrf srifr VSd qqecfqt
g.qr FrtfuEi, Hqvfrf futq-{qil qe tl
ffiftrsaqr: wqFa f€ r
The personscheduledto take the emetic therapy the next
day should eat kapha-aggravatingdiet which is easy for
digestionand which is mostly of liquid nature(in the night of
the previous day). The person scheduledto take purgation
therapythe next day shouldtake diet which is light and hot.
Becauseof the aforesaiddiet, the kapha gets excited or
aggravated(in the patientwho is to be given emesisthe next
morning). In the case of the patient who is to be given
purgation therapy in the next morning, intake of the above
mentionedlight and hot diet during the previousnight causes
reduction(alpa) of kapha.As a result of this [the emesisand
prugationtherapieslhelp in the eliminationof dosasquickly.
I 1 8- )
The diet to be takenduring the night before the adrninistrationof
ernesis,etc., is already described.Becauseof the contextual propriety,
and also in order to provide more specific information, this topic is
Emetic therapy actsquickly if thekapha is in a stateof aggravation
or excitement, and purgation therapy works quickly if there is less of
Signsof Appropriate Purification
{dqqs E ftrrq{RaFdg.Tfrnw}qn qi tl
qE{ Ern,r{nffi frr{Fr+sjq+ tpt: I
Erdd ctq q,rv++ffi +( Firnrltt Rotl

After the therapyis administered,the physician should

keep observing the appearanceof signs of appropriate
purification which are as follows :
( I ) In the case of emesis, the bile appears after the
elimination of kapha;
(2) In the case of purgation, kapha appears after the
voiding of stool and bile; and
(3) After the therapies(both emesisand purgation),the
body becomesemaciated,weak and light.
Appearanceof the above signs indicates appropriate
elimination of the (morbid) dosas. I 1 9 t t 2 -2 0 |
Although the signs of appropriately administered emesis and
purgation are already describedbefore, even th€n the topic is discussed
above again in order to furnish seme additional specific information.
C;'rring out of pitta at the end of emesis, and of kapha at the end
of purgation, as described before, may occur even in inappropriate
purification (asamyak-Suddhi). Therefore,additionally associatedsigns
like emaciation, weaknessand lightness of the body are described here
in order to indicate the appropriate purification.
Measuresto RemoveResidualDrugs
qrrr+d inT: W :T €flqAl
dFrdsF{frtr$ q f{€-{rrftsfr qFraEn Rt tl
qrwFrr€ ifi,tFsrqqqr q+(t
The patient shouldbe given emetic therapyto remove the
residual drugs (provided all the signs of appropriate
administrationof elimination therapy are observed).But if
only lightness of the body is not observed(in spite of the
presenceof the remainingsigns),then emesisshould not be
If there is staimitya (a feeling as if the body is covered
with a wet skin) and occlusion of vdyu, then emetic therapy
should be administered, even if there is no eructation, till
there is lightnessof the body and thinnessof kapha. Giving


emesisthereafterleadsto seriousconsequences.[2]
The secondline of the verse no. 2l is interpreteddifferently by
others. According to them, emesis should be given even if there is
stainritya,occlu$ionof vayu and absenceof eructation.
qFr* edi EG: wf tqr rqm G u tq t t
qtuf FS*(@t
arFt Ev-ar g ffi $qfa FrEir{t I RQtl
Emesis promotes the agni (power of digestion) [after
some time], and alleviatesdo;as. After emesis,the patient
should keep fast till the appearanceof the signs of proper
digestionof themedicines.After havingobservedthesesigns,
the patientshouldbe given regulateddiet in the form of peva
(thin gruel), etc., and he shouldnot be madeto keep fast any
more. [22tt2-231
The signsof properdigestionwill be describedin the verseno.26.
Needfor RegulatedDiet
ri{fremnqr g.qe if,6r: I
qtffi Tgr(:nq t{nffiql lRytl
[Immediately] after purification of the body, and
elimination of dosasfrom the body by emetic and purgation
therapies,the agni (power of digestionand metabolism)in a
persongetssubdued.Therefore,forhim, controlleddiet in the
form of peya (thin gruel), etc., is recommended. t 24 l
After niruha-basti, agni gets only mildly subdued for which
regulateddiet in the form of peya, etc., is not essential.On the other
hand, after emesisand purgation therapies,suppressionof the agni is
much more. To hirghlight this point, the term
usedherein dual numberto includeonly emeticand purgationtherapies
(and not niruha-bastil.
ln Siddhl I : l7 (and also in verse22of this chapter)agni isstated
to get stimulated after elimination therapies.This statementrefers to a
relative activation of agni in comparison to its earlier suppressedstate
becauseof excessiveagitation by the drugs used in these therapies.

Therefore, the presentstatementis not a contradiction of the earlier

Dietetic Regimen
q,sffi frqd.Fd T€ri qrd+Rr*l
affiqgrf Sqfq tqr.finrq*Fa trrtt I R\ | |
lf kapha andpitta are cleansedon partially becauseof
alpa-yogaor lesseffect (of emetic and purgationtherapies),
if the patient is addictedto alcohol, and if he suffers from
vatika or paittika diseases,then he should be given the
regulateddiet in the form of tarpana or demulcentdrinks,
etc., becausepeyd (thin gruel), etc., producesabhisyancli
effect (i.e. obstructionto the channelsof circulation)in such
cases. l.2sl
Normally, afteremeticand purgationtherapies,the patientshould
be given peya (thin gruel), vilepi (thick gruel), akrta-yfisa (unsizzled
vegetable-soup),krta-yusa (sizzled meat-soup). But in the condition
describedabove,thepatientshouldbegiven suaccha-tarparla(transparent
or thin demulcentdrink) in the placeof peya (thin gruel), andghanu-
tarparya(thick demulcent drink) in the place of vilepi (thick gruel).
Slgns of Drug-digestion
srgeHsFffi3 1qrtcnfq--frqN rqfiqf,rr
Signs of completedigestionof drugs usedin the recipe
are as follows :
(l) Downwardmovementof the wind in the intestine:
(2) A senseof well-being;
(3) Properhungerand thirst-
(4) Feeling of energy(prornotionof strength)and self_
(5) Lightnessof rhe body;
(6) eiarity (excellencein thefunctioning)of senses;ancl
(7) Purity of eructations(without the smell of drugs).

Signsof ResidualDrugs
ffiq\ qrdsF'rr+t ErmT.d ffitqtt
swnffig qrqmqtqqrgA:ll Rell
If the drugsof the recipearenot fully digested,and a part
remains undigested,then this gives rise to the following
signs :
(1) Klama (mentalfatigue);
(2) Burning sensation;
(3) Prostrationof limbs;
(4) Giddiness;
(5) Fainting;
(6) Headache;
(7) Disliking for everythingaround;and
(8) Diminution of strength. l'27 )
cha.racteristics of Drugs Producing undesirable Effects
sr6resgrftrqg ra grrri:r :a rnPqc(l
3{qrrqtiq.if *q qrqa*qd EirRll Rall
Drugsof the following nature,if usedin the recipesfor
eliminationtherapies,produceadverseeffectsquickly :
(1) Unseasonal anduntimelycollecteddrugs;
(2) Administrationin lessor excessdose;
(3) Storagefor a longerperiodaftercollection;
(4) Usedwithoutproperimpregnation; and
(5) ImproperlyProcessed. t 28 l
AdverseEfficts and Their CausativeFactors
srTtrrEf qRqF{g €r* €({rrf,*f€: I
r . FfrqrE=fqfr$vt: 6rr{; tqtra: ffiq: ll Rq| |
ffirrra qsl-dr qrrd rt?TI:I
itq*sq*snf ATqqrffgfia ?ll lo ll

Emetic and Purgativetherapiesmay ploduceten adverse

ai rott;;;,'
(1) Adhmana or flatulence(causedby ayoga or under
action of the recipe);
(2) Pari-kartika orgrippingpain(causedbyati-yoga or
overactionof the recipe);
(3) Srava or excessivedischarge(causedby ayoga);
(4) Hrd-graha or stiffnessin the cardiacregion (caused
by ayoga);
(5) Gdtra-graha or stiffness of the body (causedby
("q) Jwadana or bleeding (causedby ati-yoga);
(7) Vibhrary1a, i.e. guda-bhrary1a or prolapsedrectum,
safijfia-bhratpiaor mental perversion (causedby
ati-yoga),andotherslike itching (causedby ayoga);
(8) Stambhaor rigidity;
(91 Upadravaor complications(causedby ayoga);and
(10\ Klamc or mental fatigue (causedby ayoga).
The above mentioned adverse effects arise out of the
ayoga (underaction)and ati-yoga (overaction) of the recipe
becauseof the following :
(l) Preqya-vaigur.tya(defect in the attendant);
(2) Bhaiqajya-vaigunya(defect in the recipe);
(3) Vaidya-vaiguryya(defectin the physician);and
(4) Atura-vaigurga (defectin the patient). t29 - 30 )
Ten adverseeffectsdescribedaboveincludeadhmana,etc., and
upadrava(complications).Separatementionof upadravaimplies the
othercomplicationsarisingexclusivelyoutof ayoga(underaction)and
ati-yoga (overactin)of the recipe.
The signs of ayoga (underaction)and ati-yoga (overaction)of
recipesand their management will be describedin detail later in this

Adverse effects are manifested by three defects, viz., ayoga, ati-

yoga anCmithya-yoga(wrong action) of the recipe.But in the context
of emetic and purgation therapies,the third category is not relevant.
Do;as areeliminated in four different ways, viz., ati-prav,ftti (excessive
elirnination ), asamyak-pravftti (improper elimination), apravytt i (non-
elimination) andalpa-pravrtti (elimiantion in less quantity). Of these
four categories, apravytti xnd alpa-pravytti are included in ayoga
(underaction)of the therapy.This ayoga also includes action of the drug
in the reverseorder (vide next verseno. 3l).
Dffirent Typesof Actionsof EliminationTherapies
er+rr: yrFr*+{ T qrtr qr qefrrqn ?qI I
Emesis and purgation therapies act in three different
ways as follows :
(l) Yoga or appropriate action resulting in proper
elimination of dosas;
(2) Ati-yoga or overaction which causes excessive
elimination of dosas;and
(3) Ayoga orunderactionwhich causesactionof the drug
in the reverse order, non-eliminationof do;as, or
their elimination in lessquantity. t 3l l
Pratiloma-pravyttior movementin the reversedirectioncauses
purgationby the emetictherapy,andemesisby the purgationtherapy.
Since movementin the reversedirectiondoesnot causeappropriate
eliminationof theconcerneddoqas,it is includedundercyogaor under-
Movement in Reverse Direction
cffiftwerr gltqqtgqfd qT Erg I
fiis<r*d q yqttu QRtt
qgrffsftienqf rqefrfrefrqd*t qTr
ffi fid ftqii E6q qri rqrBfsrqr I QRtl
fu E{sTr+@gFT{t:I
snM'i, qfi*'ur qTFdfi T EnsFIvt:| | QY| |
Intake of purgationtherapyby a personwith excited

(aggravated)kapha may produceaction in reversedirection

(i.e. it may causeemesis)becauseof the following factors :
(l) Foul odour of the recipe;
(2) Unpalatabilityof the recipe;
(3) Large quantity of the recipe; and
(4) Intake of the recipe before the previous meal is
Similarly, emetictherapymayproducepurgationbecause
of the following factors :
(l) Affliction of the patientwith hunger;
(2) Laxed bowel;
(3) Less excitementof kapha;
(4) Ttksrla (shary) nature of the drug;
(5) Sthita or stagnationof the recipe; and
(6) Ksubdha or agitating nature of the recipe.
If the emetic and purgationtherapiesproduceaction in
the reverseorder,then they becomeincapableof eliminating
the morbid matter in its entirety.Thus, theseconditions are
called ayoga (inappropriate or underaction). In these
conditions,the morbid dosasget eliminatedwith difficulty or
they do not get eliminatedat all or they get eliminateclonly in
small qugntity. 1 3 2- 3 4 1
[Thg term'sthitam'in the verseno.33 hasbeeninterpreted by
Cakrapanias"suddenupwardmovement".Thereseemsto besomeerror
in this part of the commentary.l
In theplaceof "kycchre1ta
yati do;o na va'lpaSa{r"in the verseno.
34, thereis a variantreadingas"kycchrerya yadagaccha,ticdlapasal;".
If this latter reading is accepted,then it implies "difficulty in the
elimination becausethe output of morbid do;as is only in small
Indigestionof Recipe
trM q {Iad-nfrfr nFrrtgr: fir}qr
s*qd q F*frrilsqqlrd sr<Fnfrrnr n Q\ tl

If the medicinetaken for emesisand purgationdoes not

produce the appropriate cleansing effect, then after its
digestion,the therapyshould be administeredagain (on the
sameduy). Before the digestionof earlierrecipe,the therapy
should not be repeated.Repetition of the therapymay lead to
at i-yoga (excessive action). t35 l
Repetitionof Therapy
wm Fn€T rlEFi qolq qr
srdt TE qr qard'{ef @q qn t tq tl
If thereis ayoga(underaction),
natureof the bowel (hard bowel or laxedbowel) and the
strength,the patientshouldbe given [repeateddose]of the
medicinewhich is eithermrdu (mild) or tlksrya(sharpor
strong) in nature. t36 l
If there is hard bowel (krura-kostha), then the patient should be
given the recipe containing strongly acting drugs of tik;rya (sharp)
natureas the repeatdose. If thereis laxed bowel (mydu-ko;yha),then the
patient should be given the recipe containing mildly acting drugs of
mfdu (soft) nature.
Avoiding Repeat-dose
qq{:T E W6l{ E#:r frtaqAr
rTrq+dqdr1fr rr.rrq fti g.*g d t t Q'st t
If the patient is a bad subject for emesis,then second
emeticdoseshouldnot be given.Similarly,a secondpurgative
doseshouldnot be given if thepatientis hardboweled.Repeat
dose for emesis and purgation to these two categoriesof
patientsmay lead to their death. t37 l
Causesand Complications of Ayoga
sffidrq rK{{q|r|.edqerql
ffiffiq Ft.e$rflrri n Qatl
Fqlrvrlqqg ftBu.f ilnfr qvti Wrqr
fitfuaifuf e'uqqfr: q'Rf.Hqufar{ll Qqll

If the patient is not oleated and fornented,if there is

tununctuousness in his body and the ingredientsof the recipe
have becomeold (storedfor a long time as a result of which
their potency is diminished), then in such a situation, the
therapy becomesincapableof (completely)eliminating the
morbid doqasafter causingtheir excitation.This gives rise to
ailments like vib hr ary3a (actioni n reversedirection), oedema,
hiccup,excessivefainting, crampsin the calf region, itching,
astheniaof the thighs and discolorat_ion of the skin.
Another Type of Ayoga and lts Management
karfigxeq ffidqeqr
vfitr K6eFTriar frergftww qr€tqt I yo tl
dr+q ilmaffiq:' rrd qq rt: I
F{f,rq qftfiftil{ qeH qnt+( foqrqt I Yq||
Even in a personwho is properly oleatedand fomented,
the doqas which are already excited do not get eliminated
becauseof the following factors :
(1) If the recipe is administeredin a very small dose:
(2) If thepatienthasstrongpower of digestion(dlptagni)
as a result of which the recipe administeredin small
doseitself getsdigested(withoutproducingits effects);
(3) If therecipehasbecomeineffective(stabdha)because
of cold ingredients;and
(4) If the recipe is takenwhen the body of the patient is
afflicted with dma (product of improper digestion
and metabolism).
In the abovernentionedconditions,all the complications
(llkevibhrarytia- vide versenos.38-39above)aremanifested.
All theseconditionsaretheresultof ayoga(underactionof the
purificatory recipe).Having determinedthis condition, a wise
physicianshouldtreatthem on the suggestedlines (vide verse
nos.35-42). l

Sincethe abovementionedthreeconditionshaveidenticalcausative
factors and treatment, these are describedhere after the verse nos. 38-
39 as additional factors of ayoga (underaction).Similarly, additional
factors of ati-yoga (overaction) will be described later.
Treatment of Ayoga
?f H
qr€r+d g.fitruT Fr{*qt Fnsalqn YRr l
' '
tl' tuq@r
'n | ,,'
ffi qEr€nilYRtl
ffi qrrrt: *t: gffi{ vMqr
r,.,i,) r qrfrffiEfr{ iltr Affi.r€ qrqtnyytl
:t , After thedigestionof the previouslyadministeredrecipe,
the patient shouldbe given massagewith oil mixed with salt,
and fomentedwith p rastar a andsahkar a ty pesof fo mentation
therapies(vide Slttra 14 :41 & 42). Thereafter,he should be
given anotherdoseof the purificatoryrecipeor may be given
nir-uhatype of enemamixed with cow's urine.
After nir-uha-basti,the patient should be given food
alongwith the soupof themeatof animalsliving in arid zones.
Thereafter,anuvdsana-bastishouldbe given to him with the
medicated oil prepared by boiling with phala (madana-
phala), magadhika (pippalT) and daru (deva-daru) in
Thereafter, he should be oleated with medicated fat
prepared by cooking with vdyu-alleviating drugs. Then
purificatory therapy with recipe containing fikq4ta (sharp)
ingredientsshouldbe given again.Of course,the ingredients
should not be exceedinglysharpbecausethat may result in
at i-yog a (over-action). [ 42-44)
Signsand Treatmentof Ati-yoga
srFrffi qqrtlq TEa+s€ rtqcrqr
tsrsql frrqFr-rfrt6,,r{eTr{.q€rrqi(qqt I y\ tl
qegtrq qr6 i5,r6vn{ ?Ii Eqr{r

E;fu qgtffi Nqergfu+(r ryqtl

qq+ g fttrm': wrFffi ?tq"i gq: I
ffi, gVft*, Kr$rh ir(ilYetl

Exceedinglysharpmedicationgiven to a patient who is
hungry, and who haslaxedbowel quickly eliminatesnot only
stool, pitta (blle) and kapha (phlegm), but also the liquid
elements(tissues)of the body.
As a result of this there is loss of strengthand voice,
burningsensation,drynessof the throat,giddinessandmorbid
. In sucha condition,theresidualdrugsshouldbe eliminated
with ingredients belonging to the group of sweet drugs
In the caseof ati-yoga (over-action)of emetic therapy,
the patientshouldbe given purgationtherapy,and in the case
of over-action of purgation therapy, he should be given
The urgefor vomiting andpurgationin excessbecauseof
over-action may be arrestedby the following :
(l)Exceedingly cold pariqeka (sprinkling of water),
avagdha (bath), etc.,
(2) Intake of food, drinks and medicaments which are
cooling, astringentas well as sweet.intaste;and
( 3) Therapieswhich arecurative of r akta -p in a (an ailfnent
characterisedby bleeding from different parts of the
body), atisdra (diarrhoea),daha (burning sensation)
andjvara (fever). [45-48]
The abovementionedsignsof arr-yogareferto the over-actionof
purgationtherapybecauseadministrationof this therapyto a patient
who is hungryandwho is of laxedboweldoeseliminatefeces,pitta md

kapha in successionas described.The physicianshould int'erthe signs

of overactionon the similar lines.
The above text can be interpreted differently to cover the over-
action of both the emeticandpurgationtherapiesinasmuchasexcessively
sharp (cti-tikqUa) medicamentsmay cause over-action of the emetic
therapy, and administration of medicines when the patient is very
hungry and to a patient who has laxed bowel may causeoveractionof
the purgation therapy. The order of the elimination of stool, pitta and
kapha should be appropriatelychangedand applied to both the emetic
and purgation therapies.
Recipesfor Treatmentof Over-action of Purgation Therapy
3lwf I
arrqoT fir*rq"effi q q r I Y3ll
q-ffrFrqt Terfrqf fiR:af M qqrfqffirqt
qa:qfrffffq: tg€ dit $*cri ia ErqA(11 qo tl
q' Tsltu firsrolkg vrsil
ffi ffiq1 r\ttl
The patient (suffering from the complications of over-
action of emetic and purgation therapies)should take the
following recipes :
(l) Mantha (demulcentdrink)preparedof artjana(daru'
haridra), candana,u37ra,bone-marrow,blood' sugar
and water along with the powder of the roasted
This is an excellentrecipe for curing overactionof
elimination theraPies;
(2) Peya (thin gruel) preparedof the Suhga(still root) of
ve[a, etc. (nyagrodha, udumbara, afvattha and
kapltana), mixed with honeY;
(3) Milk and food articles prepared by boiling with
drugs which are vlrcas-sahgrahika ot intestinal
astringents(vide S-utra4 : 9, l5);
(4) Food along with the soup of the meat of animals
inhabiting arid zone;

(5) Piccha-basti(mucilagenous medicatedenema);and

(6) Anuvasana-bastior unctuousenemaof kqTra-sarpis
(ghee taken out from the milk) cooked with drugs
belongingto Madhura-varga(groupof drugshaving
sweettaste). [ 49- 5l ]
Treatment of Over-action of Emetic Therapy
q*nqfir*n e sfttrrqqfi&Fqfr:I
fir+( qqafd;si qgdffirql l\R ll
*Er[r{ Tvrqqi T6fqn errqgwd:r
+5*qr5{i5.d{t t\Q rl
qrfrsa:Y|M fw6rcn ffirerr6ts I
: ll\Yll
qalrqwrfr qragwtq qt*srfr Trr: I
ft:gai E @,s*Yr+ql l\\ll

uar{ il1-df qilE ffit q gEdqqrl\q rl

If there is ati-yoga (overaction) of the emetic therapy,
then the patient should be sprinkled with cold water. He
shouldbe given mantha(demulcentdrink) preparedof kapha-
alleviating ingredientsand addedwith ghee,honey and sugar.
In the case of excessive vomiting associated with
eructation or fainting, the patient should be given to lick the
powder of dhanya,musta,madhuka andafiiana (solid extract
of daru-haridra) mixed with honey.
While vomiting, if the tongue gets drawn inside, then
kavala-graha (recipe used for rinsing the mouth) with the
vegetable-soup,milk or meat-soup prepared by adding
unctuous, sour, saline and palatable ingredients should be
given. Another person may eat sour fruits in front of the
patient (to cause salivation of the patient which helps ihe
indrawn tongue to come to its normal position).
If the tongue is protruded out, then it should be smeared

with the pasteof til anddraksa,andpushedback to its normal

If there is vdg-gralra (obstructionin speech)or other
disorderscausedby vdyu, then a wise physicianshould give
thin gruel preparedwith gheeand meat to the patient to eat.
In addition,thepatientmay be givenoleationandfomentation
therapies. t 52 - 56 )
Needfor RegulatedDiet
qfufrg frR€ rrqrFrg ftreFfc: r
s{Fntgrqfu5{ardx{ffid Ertqr | \\e | |
A person who has mandagni (suppressedpower of
digestion and metabolism)and who was fasting becauseof
emetic and purgation therapies,should be given regulated
diet in the forrn of peya (thin gruel),etc.,for the promotion of
his agni andprdrya(vitality). 1,57
The person who suffers on account of over-action (ati-yoga) of
emetic and purgation therapiesshould also be given regulated diet as is
prescribed for the person who has undergone therapies appropriately
Etiology, Signsand Treatmentof Adhmdna
Tg.A$R s,{tr ffiqqtr
*<rqfur *Fffi{q dqrrErF fFflFq qn \a l l
,qrsEuTrqrdrTi FS g'fu qrarr{il \S ll
EErrfu Trd q,qtqrilF{ vr-Fq} I 1qo | |
To a patient who is afflicted with excessof morbid dosas,
whose body is ununctuous,who has less of agni (power of
digestion), and who is suffering from uddvqrta (upward
movement of wind), if medicines for purifications are
administeredin a small dose, then this, while exciting doqas
may causeobstruction to the channels.This causesfrequent
adhmana (distension)in the umbilical region, pain in the
srDDHr aEl

back,sidesof thechestaswell ashead,andseriousobstruction

to the passageof breath,stool, urine and flatus.
For the treatment of these complications, the patient
shouldbe given a.bhyanga(massage) , svedana(fomentation),
varti (medicated suppository), etc., along with nirllha
(evacuative)and anuvdsana(unctuous)types of eneina.All
the therapiesprescribedfor the treatment of uddvarta (vide
Cikitsa 26 : I I -3 I ) are useful for the treatmentof the present
ailment, i.e. adhmana(flatulence). Is8-60]
The adverseeffects describedabove-donot necessarilyoccur as
signs of crl- yoga dndayoga. Thesearesirnply the adverseeffects arising
out of ati-yoga andayoga (vide Sutra I 5 : I 3 and verseno. 29-30 of this
chapter)which are as follows :
Q) Adhmatrc (abdominaldistension);
(2) Parikarrl&c (sawing pain);
(3) Parisrava (exudationof liquid);
(4) Hydayopasararya(migration to cardiac region);
(5) Aftga-graha (stiffnessof limbs);
(6) J tvadanc (bleeding) ;
(7) Vibhraqtia (prolapse: ref. to versenos. 29-30);
(8) Stambha (rigidity);
(9) Upadrava (cornplications);and
(10) Klama (rnentalfatigue).
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Parikartika
ffir Ut.N{ {rf qtrfrdtqEr{l
Srfur TS.*BI sTrffi{ Ernqlll
ft rrar T.q wrqqrg ff F+rer qr
frirvFf qkgrsi q-nFd qRtrFt-€r{rI qRrl
!rS{ qr*f {rf s$uri Frgrfrqql
Ei6uftfrEfu: sd: Frrrs qtJTRcnilqQtl
If a personwho is oleated,who has costive bowel and
who is afflicted with am,a(product of improper digestion and
metabolism),or if a personwho is weak;who haslaxedbowel,

who is fatiguedandwho is weaktakesa quick-actingmedicine

for purification, then the recipereachesthe rectum to cause
excitation of doqas along with ama. This gives rise to
excruciatingsawingpain accompaniedwith slimy andbloody
In this conditionassociatedwith ama, the patientshould
keep fast, takepdcana (digestive stirmrtants)and food which
is ununctuous,hot and light for digestion.
If the patient is weak, then all the nourishingtherapies
and recipes containing drugs having swtiet taste should be
ta k e n . [ 6l- 63 ]
The abovementionedcomplicationQtarikartiftdor sawingpain) is
stated to occur when the medicine taken for purification reaches the
rectum. This, therefore,refers to parikarti&d causedby the over-action
of the purgation,and not emetictherapy.ln Sutra l5 : 13,complications
arising out of the ayoga (under-action) and ati-yoga (over-action) are
directly described.Though not specifically mentioned in the above text,
the complications of emetic therapy can be construed on the line
suggestedfor purgation therapy above.
Some scholarsexplain this in a different way. According to them,
as described in another text (Sr.fruta : Cikitsa 34 : 2l), parikartika
causedby the over-action of purgation therapyis representedbykarltha-
gharqalra (rubbing of the throat) in the case of emetic therapy; and
adhaf;-parisrdva (exudation of liquid through the downward tract) is
representedby kapha-praseka(excessivesalivation) in emetic therapy.
The patient is advised above to keep fast which helps in the
cooking of uncooked ama.

Recipesfor Parlkartikd
enntrsgalq ff{rrcf ag wetr
gqfirffif qr Wftqr Fqdrt qTilqYrl
rrqTfsrr{t qfiL firffisffi qfrr
qqwi rffi qr+ ri5i qrFsrtrqn r q\ n
irqmfremr qr qffitwnq1rr tr&qt
@ Td lrer:ilQQrl

a,qrlqgr vftf firsrcRaqcnfu qT|

v€nqeFme qr rffi tqstl
lf parikartilca (sawingpain) continueseven after the dma
(productof improperdigestionandmetabolism)getscooked,
intake of light food added with ksdrdmla (a preparation of
alkaliesand sour ingredientsas describedin Cikitsa 19 : 43\
is uspful.
lf vayuis aggravatedthenthe following recipes(therapies)
are useful :
(l) Ghee along with pomegranare-juiceadded with
puqpa-kdsisaor alkalies or salt;
(2) Food and drinks containingsourcurd mixed with the
skin of the pomegranate;
(3) Pasteof deva-ddru andtil along with warm water;
(4) Milk boiled by adding asvauha,udumhara,plaksa
(5) Picchd-basti (mucilageneousenema) containing
astringent,sweefand cooling drugs; and
(6) Sneha-basti(unctuousenema)preparedby cooking
oil with ya{ti-madhu. 164-671
Puspa-kasisais a variety of kasisaor Iron sulphate.Sornescholars
treat this term asa compound of pu;pa and kdsisa,and interpret the tenn
'puSpa' as
the flower of dhataki, etc., which are constipative.
Etiology, Signsand Treatmentof Parisrdva
srcq g {6tTFr ftrgFmw *qqtr
er€Rq €rq+( uuiivilqi g;€rFr .ftrqn qa | |
qft€rq: q, d +{ Wrr}6nr*qFr|| qq | |
€ffi qT g.{ffifr qrq+d frtqqqr
q-A quffiqq riq.drs rqrur}qneotl
Purificatoryrecipegivenin a small doseto a person


having excessivelyaggravateddosascausesexcitationof the

morbid matter, and eliminates them frequently in small
quantities.This givesriseto itching,oedema,kuqtha(obstinate
skin diseasesincluding leprosy), heavinessof the body.
diminution of the power of agni (digestion)and strength,
staimitya(afeelingasif coveredwith a wet leather),anorexia
and anemia.This condition is calledparisrava'
This morbidity may be correctedeither by alleviation
therapy(if thereis lessof morbid matter)or by emesis(if the
morbid material is presentin large quantity).
After oleation,the patientmay be given strongpurgation
therapyagain.After purification,the patientshouldbe given
recipes of powders, dsevls and aristas processedwith
appropriateinlredients (asdescribedin the treatmentof arSas
or piles and graharfi or sprue syndrome (vide Cikirsa 14
& l5)' t 6 8 - 7 0l
Etiology, Signsand Treatmentof Hydayopasarat.xa
M F*gElqruarEq: t
g;ftrdr Efi qen *f g;dFd E{r6{l I sq | |
fu6f qrqfr ft:rffr qnqmcFfrarqql I eRll
=t rr€Fdgq a:T qrq*<r{ if ft{tr{l
eg!: fimT.€t-* ugF+: qw{fuil(ll e? rl
qrffi*wnsrs AErfrd ffiqr
6rqrFi{ ra wf qnrr q.ffienq+ffi: n eY tl
qqffi Efi qFt ffir
wil M qerr( firrq*sqcnue\tl
Becauseof the suppression of the manifestednatural
urgesin a personwho hastakenpurificatoryrecipe,vdyu,etc.,
get aggravated.Reachingthe heart,theseaggravated doqas
give riseto seriousailmentsllke hrd-graha(cardiacspasm).
The patient afflicted with this condition suffers from

hiccup, cough, pain in the sides of the chest, prostration,

ptyalism and agitation of the eyes. He bites his tongue,
becomesunconsciousand gnasheshis teeth.
The physicianshouldnot commit a mistake,and should
administeremetic therapyto the patient immediately.
If the patientfaints becauseof aggiavatedpitta, then the
emetic therapyshouldbe given with sweetingredients.If the
patient faints becauseof aggravatedkapha, then the emetic
therapyshouldbe given with pungentingredients.Thereafter.
the residual doqasshouldbe got digestedby theadministration
of digestive stimulantsafter which his kayagnl (digestive
power) and strengthshouldbe restoredgradually.
Becauseof vomiting in excess,if the heartis afflicted by
aggravatedvdyu, then the patient shouldbe given unctuous,
sour anJ saline drugs. If this is causedby pitta or kapha, then
drugs having opposite attributes(like ununctuousnessand
bitter as well as pungenttastes)shouldbe given. l7l-75 |
If there is spasm of the heart (hrd-graha), then the physician
should not misunderstandthe patient as dead. Giving emeric therapy as
described in the above text to a fainted patient is difficult. This erneric
therapy is therefore,indicated for the beginning stageof fainting (when
the patient is partially conscious). If the patient has already fainted
(fully), then the emetic therapy may be given by inserting the finger
smearedwith emetic recipes(into the root of the tongue of the patient).
Etiology, Sfgns and Treatmentof Anga-graha
ffi Friur q,*lr qrl
td* qr ftrgqF{ tICr€S.rF{rrr6ir:n sq tl

irlr qrd.r rrd g6dtrR cmrlqil ee | |

If a personwhohastakenpurificatorytherapy,suppresses
his manifestednaturalurges,or if the vdyuin his body gets
occludedby kapha,or if the purificationis done in excess,
thentheaggravatedvdyucauses ppasmin differentpartsof the
bodyof thepatient.Thisproducessrambha (stiffness),vepathu

(trembling), nistoda (pain), sada (prostration), udvestana

For theseailments,all the vdyu-alleviatingtherapieslike
oleationand fomentationshouldbe administered.176-71 l
These complicationsarise becauseof both ayoga (under-action)
and ati-y oga (over-action).
Etiology, Signsand Treatmentof Jlvadana (Bleeding)
sTRrfrryr Td aH wg.Aqs $sq{l
Aqq rtqr ftrFr{rq !foi 6rFd Yfrfirrfr(lt ee | |
M frffi qsrdr.€rtnq qisfu qTl
t* rffid =t g$ finilnR(r reirl
q*f qr wfua qqqrdni ffiunt
eqrfrltf M sr( fir+ q-€ E vfrfitrt I I eo | |
Eqnffis g;qtqrr{nrr( Fl*r{l
irFT fir€fi veft{Fr*n q qT familetll

Iffi q.g-Fi
firffirsqrf !fui iq5rq rr€Fdll zRll
deq q$FFqd Tfri qfta YErq+ql
: tJtT Tet: ll 4? ll
fti 6rfra rqrur+(l
firwrcfra Wfrd qT Efirrsr5ryql I eY ll
If a strongpurificatoryrecipeis givento a personwho has
laxed bowel, and who has less of morbid drtqas,then after
eliminating the morbid doqas,the recipecauseschurning (of
the intestine)which resultsin bleeding.
This (fluid) should be mixed with food and given to
crows and dogs to eat. If they eat it, then it is to be treated as
I:a-rakta (live or pure blood), and if it is not eatenby them,
it should be treated as bleeding from different parts of the
body), i.e. pollutedblood.
A piece of white cloth shouldbe impregnatedwith this
fluid and then dried. When washedwith luke-warm water, if
vr J srDDHrSTHANA 287

the piece of cloth becomesdiscoloured,then the bleeding is

to be treated as caused by rakta-pitta, and if it becomes
absolutelyclean, then this is to be treatedasjlva-rakta (live
or pure blood).
If the patienthaving bleedingsuffersfrom morbid thirst,
fainting and intoxication,then thc physicianshouldtreathim
till the last moment of his life. All the therapieswhich are
meantfor the alleviationof pitta, andwhich areuseful for the
managementof over-action of purificatory therapies (as
describedin the verse no. 47) shouldbe given to him.
He should be given to drink the fresh blood of a living
deer,cow, buffalo or goat which is life-supportingbecauseit
immediatelygetstransformedinto the live-blood.This blood
[of animals] may be mixed with the powder of darbha and
used for basti (medicatedenema).
The milk cookedby addingSyamaQtriyangu),kasmarya,
badari, dltrva and ufira should be mixed with ghyta-mat.tQa
(supernatantpart of ghee) andafijana (solid extractof ddru-
haridrd), and cooled. This may be administeredas basti
(medicatedenema).He may be given very cold picchd-basti
(mucilagenousenema)or anuvdsana-basri (unctuousenema)
preparedof ghrta-ma,?da. t 78-84l
Blood coming out of the gastro-intestinal tract may be of two
types, viz.,jlva-3oryita or live-blood which is one of the tissueelements,
and the (polluted) blood which comesout becauseof the diseaserakta-
pitta. Methods describedabove are to ascertainthe exact nature of the
blood, becausein two conditions, two different types of treatmentiue to
be employed.For bleedingbecauseof the diseaserakta-pitta, therapies
for this particular diseaseare to be there is live-blood
coming out of the gastro-intestinaltract, then the treatmentdescribedin
the verse nos. 81-84 is useful.
The fresh blood of living. animals, becauseof its specific action
(prabhava), gets transformed into the blood of the patient quickly.

Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof VibhramSa

5q $r€ q;qr*S wrqfuar yffiqr
drrriss qlr+(r I a\ rl
qEr frfrq{ ftf ffir
qFf M Etr ffimw qrqtqu zq tl
iGT SdFfr urqqrft d.rrt g1Ffudrrrqql
TI futyil q?rcrr tgrscrreqrfu *Tq{t I as tl
If there is prolapse of the rectum (guda-bhrary3a),it
shouldbe madestiff by applyingastringentdrugs,andpushed
into its own location.
If thereis lessof consciousness
the patient should be consoledand he should be entertained
with soothingmusic.
If the intake of purgative recipe stops action after the
elimination of stool, and if the intake of emetic recipe stops
action after the elimination of medicineas a result of which
the excited doqasdo not get eliminated,then the aggravated
doqasgive rise to ailments,viz., karyQu(itching), etc. This is
called vibhrarytfla(wrong action). These ailments are to be
appropriately treatedaccording to their nature. [ 85-87 ]
Three different types of vibhramia are describedabove. The first
two types are caused by ati-yoga (over-action), and the last type is
caused by ayoga (under-action) of the therapy.
The term used in the above text is of technical nature
Etitslogy, Signsand Treatmentof Stambha
ftf ffi{ rfr rfrffi*q'<q
q En6qfr dmnq rr{errrr( Krrr}irydqn L;t.
F{fr ?t'GdtVt: I
ffi qFft tfrd Eil Ssfr FlF€ffiqrFfr:nztrl
Unctuous type of purificatory recipe taken by an oleated
person gets occludedby do,,;asbecauseof its mild nature. It

becomesincapableof expellingthedosas.The dosasdisplaced

from their locationsthus get obstructed.Associatedwith the
obstructionto the voiding of flatus and stiffnessas well as
colic pain in the anusthesemorbiddosasgeteliminatedonly
in smallquantities.Sucha patientshouldbe treatedby strong
enemaorpurgationtherapyafterhe is givenlanghana(fasting
therapy)andpdcana (carminativetherapy). [ 88-89 ]
Etiology, Signsand Treatmentof Upadravas
6tr ffu ftf 6M{ Erl
qr€d ffiffs{ ffi{rgr6drqt tRo tr
17uwgen Ehrfur ffig gffi: I
ffi<*w* EFrd qrilffr FcrRr:ll 3t ll
Intake of ununctuoustype of purgation therapy by a
personwhosebody is ununctuousandwho is weak,aggravates
vdyu tmmediatelyto causeserioustype of complicationslike
serioustype of stambha(stiffness)and colic pain all over the
body of the patientwho graduallylosesconsciousness.,
In such cases. oleation. fomentation and such other
therapiesfor the alleviationof vayu shouldbe administered.
I eO-el]
AdhmAna,etc., describedearlierare no doubt, cornplications.But
colic pain, etc., describedin the abovetext are specifically designated
as complicationshere.Though inla (colic pain). etc., are independent
diseases,theseare designatedhere as cornplciationsbecausethesearer
manifestedat a later stage(vide Sutra 5: 38-39).
Alternatively, since cornplicationsarise at a later stage of the
disease, ayoga (underaction) may be treated as a disease entity, and
|ula, etc.,which are manifestedlater may be trated as complications.
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Klama
Fr4q ggdqs EFqRf
fittf rrT?f q ti€q wrr{t I RRtl
qrg.sni q giqtEr{ Fgfud{.l
trS{ qr*f vtr ffi ffi q yfr?rrqn qQll

Mildpurificatory recipeadministeredto an oleatedperson

having laxed bowel exciteskapha andpitta becauseof which
thevdyu getsobstructedleadingto the manifestationof klama
(mental fatigue) associatedwith drowsinessand heaviness.
This causesweaknessand prostrationof limbs.
Such a patient should be administeredemetic therapy
quickly. Lahghana(fasting) andpacanc (carminativedrugs)
shouldbe givento thepatientfollowed by purificatorytherapy
containingunctuousand sharpdrugs. Ie2-e31
Tr qfrq*-
FA?nqrr(: inm'r: FFTIT:qfuffiar: t
?rr?rtT F-rsr{i{r*{o,n{r I qY rl
qfrr fu{rq qftrqrffirrr*a itFkr: I
Esr( ffi lTqrTRtr{ctr T"n lr<r I I q\ | |
To sum up :
The complications along with signs, symptoms and
treatment arising out of the administrationof emetic and
purgationtherapiesby the unskilledphysicianare described
in this chapter.A wise physicianhavingcorrectknowledgeof
purificatory therapies (free'from complications) with the
objective of providing good health to the people. [94-951
5aF<}vrFfr tr*@ Earir€r1fti Rrf€rsn+
Thus, ends the sixth chapter of Siddhi-sthdna dealing
with "SuccessfulTreatment of the Complications of Emetic
and Purgation Therapies"in AgniveSa'swork as redactedby
Caraka,and becauseof its non-availability, supplementeilby
C H A P T E R- V I I
s{srrfreffi elr@lrerrq:n t ll
VFat g16 rrrrcrmr+q:
ll Rll
Now we shall expound the chapteron the "Successful
TreatmentofComplicationsArising out of theAdministration
of Basti (MedicatedEnema)Therapy".
Thus, said Lord Atreya. lt -21
In the previouschapter,the treatmentof the complicationsarising
out of emetic and purgation therapieswgre described.Next follows basti
or medicated enema therapy in the order of sequence.Becauseof this,
out of this Dasti therapy is being
the treatment of complications arisirq,g
djscussedin this chapter.
Basti or medicated enema therapy is of two types, viz., niruha-
basti or evacuativeenema and anuvdsana-bastior unctuous enema.Of
these,the complicationsarising out of nir-uha-bastiare describedhere.
Dialogue and Topics to be Discussed
g-+*€ FTEFTIT: 1116 ftffiqrFqfi: n ? tl
trl: tFfr qrrft qd: frqgemttqcn: r
q'T fefu'sr VA unqar dFffiqg€: n Y tl
Punarvasu,the veritable store-houseof dhl (wisdom),
s), g ambhl ry a
dhairy a (fortitude), audarya (large-heartednes
(profundity), kqama (forgiveness),dama (self control) and
tapas (penance) was asked with humility by the group of
disciplesabout the following topics :

( I ) Which complicationsariseout of the adrninistration

of basti?
(2) What is the numberof thesecomplications?
(3) What are their causes?
(4) What are their signsand symptoms? and
(5) What is the treatmentof thesecornplications?
Havingheardthesequestions, theTeachersaidasfollows
[to be discussedin the subsequent verses]. | 3-4 l
Complications,Their Numberand Etiology in General
qrffi trerrnelrr+ F6ffir Eegrft-rs-€*?nr
YEIFf€r ffit: qfitq-S: qfi:wE: ll\ ll
CrE{r qrrd ffi:l
errffi Fq fqffi q rfderfrllqll
T w e l v e co mp l i ca ti o n sa ri si ng out of the impr oper
administration (asamyag-yoga)of basti or enema are as
follows :
(l) Ayoga (underactionor absenceof any action);
(2) Ati-y oga (over-action);
(3) Klama (mentalfatigue);
@) Adhmana (flatulence);
(5) Hikka (hiccup);
(6) H yt-prapfi (cardiacdisorders);
Q) 0rdhvata (excessiveupward movement);
(8) Pravahika (gripping pain);
Q) Siro -arti (headache);
(l 0) A hSa-a rt i (bodyache);
(ll) ParikarfikA (sawingpain); and
(12) Parisrava (excessivedischarge).
Signs (including etiology) and treatmentof each one of

them will be describedthereafterwhich you may hear

(addressedto AgniveSa). t 5 - 6l
The term improper use irnplies d-voga(under-
action), ati-yoga (overaction)and mi.thyu-yoga(wrong action). These
are the generaletiological factorsdescribedas answerto the query no.
3 describedin the verseno. 4 above.The specific causativefact<lrsof
eachone of theseadverseeffectswill be describedlater in this chapter.
Inappropriateuse (asantyag-yogu) of niruhu includesborh ut,ogu
md ati-yoga. Even though causedby uvo14u;l,ndati-t,ogtt,klttttro,elc.
are described here separatelybecausctlrcy' have slrecitic citusativc
of'tili. . tiiiltntorta( flirlirl,,'ncc
factors,signsandtreatment.Becau:ic' ). cl('..
thoughcausedby ayoga,nclati-vttgtiof ctttet i,' ;rtrdpurgatrrl:r! tlcritpic\.
were describedseparatelyin the previouschaptdr.
Some scholarsfbllow a different readingof thc abovc tcxt. In thc
place of "nAtiyogauklanndhm?hte",Ihev:iriant rcaclingis "rtrltil;t:gr1t
klanrldhmarte". ilnd in the placc of "dt,idditt-t't'upittlo ltusteh" Lhe
variantreadrng is "daiaita vltapudoltustt:h . Thus,crc lutlittu rt-t,o.grl
ati-y-oStt,they enutncrateonly tcn advors(jeftcr:Ls.
A)'rtgttrntl rtrl-r't,).grt.
accordingto thesevariantreading..: arc the causlttivefltctors'.)ftlle Ioll
adverseeffects. In respectof thc crneticand purgationthorapiesin the
previouschapter,only tenadverseeffectsweredcscribed.lf the atorcsaid
variant readings are te be taken as authentic, then these are to be
interpretedon the line followed in the previouschapter.However, the
reading in the text is faultless.
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Ayoga
IFGhHffi s,* qrffisfu EITI
vffi@ E+sfu qnr\erl
qfirrr risrq ?f tr gffi+drtr
EFTfr qrirsFvrlF(fd(r I z rl
ilftrqk€Ef Er6 Edd gtr
EuqrrrrgrR *qxr*F{Ffu q f f i q u qtl
q4 $O: EsrFqen;I
ir*qnqr: qqt€trn-.Tr:
qdrdswqT qrei fnqr vrci fi*ilqu qorl

E.{rFqT.€rt qk: Trgr{;ffi(t lqqll

The enema.while exciting the morbid matter does not

help in their elimiantionbecauseof its weakactionasa result

of th e f o l l o w i n g :
(l) If the patientis of costivebowel;
(2) If the colon of the patientis dominatedby vayu;
(3) If the body of the patientis ununctuous;
(4) If there is aggravationof vayu in the body;
(5) If the enemarecipeis cold;
(6) If therecipeof enemacontainslessof salt,unctuous
materialand liquid;
(7) If the enemarecipe is of small dose;and
(8) If the enemarecipe is dense.
As a result of thesefactors,the patient suffersfrom the
(l) Heavinessin the gastro-intestinal
(2) Retentionof flatus, urine and stool;
(3) Pain in the umbilical region and urinary bladder;
(4) Burning sensation;
(5) Hrllepa (a feeling as if the heart is adhered with
sticky material);
(6) Oedemain the recturm;
(7) Itching andgat.rQa
(8) Discolorationof the skin;
(9) Anorexia; and
(10) Suppressionof the power of digestion.
The above mentioned ailments can be treated with the I
following therapeuticlneasures:
(I) Eli{piamathya (w armdigesrivedecocrions
which are describedin the treatmentof diarrhoea-
vide Cikitsa 19 :20-21);
VII I S T D D H IS T H A N A 295

(2) Administration of different types of fomentation

(3) Administration of phala-varti (medicated
(4) Administrationof purgationtherapyin appropriate
time; and
(5) Administration of enema recipe prepared of the
root of bilva, trivyt,deva-ddru,lava,kola, kulattha,
surd, etc. (sauvlraka,tuqodaka,etc.,) and cow's
urine by addingthepasteof drugsdescribedearlier, -*-
(viz., bala, etc., describedin Siddhi 3 : l3).[7-l l]
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Ati-yoga
ffi ggaHsFcgqq+t
ds fuff fuFqror q Yilffirrqi rrqr r++(l ltR tt
gFqrqutrftern rqf qrgqd q.Ja' Erdrql
ftq*r Erqn qT{i q qfrt lllQ ll
ErQTrcrT: Irqa lTgfis q I
ffiq qgd iilfr @rqrtsfrrftr$n qYtl
Ati-yoga (overaction)is causedby the administrationof
excessivelysharpand hot recipeas enemato a personwho is
oleatedand fomented,and who has laxed bowel. The signs
and treatmentare similar to thoseprescribedfor the treatment
of ati-yoga (overaction)of emetic and purgationtherapies.
The recipe for basti should be prepared by adding the
paste of py1ni-pan.r7,sthird, padma, kdfmarya, madhuka,
bald, drakqa andmadhltka to milk, rice-water (tat.tdulodoka)
and |1ta-kaqaya(cold infusion) of draksa, baked earth and
madhuka. Administration of this recipe by adding ghee as
basti, cures daha (burning sensation)caused by ati-voga
(overaction)of nir-uha. I t2-t4l
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Klama
sTrq$ ffiur Tg.{r dq fFra:r

qr.f €urk qrret E€Fr {.ffin tq n

wi f-{ri-i wi +6arryrr}r4{/
g;qh €tfffirti wq+srgqn*qn qqrl
@f qmqr
frAE +{ffiFqri ffi Effiqurerl
qqrrrrrvr-+ar qffi{ afum: r
tqr: Irqrrqr Etr ql|ffir Enn qz,tl
qrt. Ff,qEi qcqi rdrvi F€r*Ei yr*{l
g;taiu {*rrr fir+( Wrtra{rrrrtr I ts rr
qRamq fuqqr€ vqr Eryrrftra{l
rrqrqQrqr qdicqqi qrg*fffi{u Rol I
If a mild recipe is used for niruha-basti, when there is
residual ama (product of improper digestion)in the gastro-
intestinal tract, then the doqas (pitta and kapha along with
ama) excited by enema obstruct the channel of vdyu that
causesperversionand suppressionof the power of digestion,
further aggravationof vdyu, klama (mentalfatigue),burning
sensation,cardiacpain, stupefaction,crampsand heaviness.
Such a patient should be treatedby fomentation with
ununctuousingredients,and pacana (carminatives).
The patient should drink water boiled with pippa[I,
kattrna, uiira, deva-daru and mfurvdby adding sauvarcala-
salt which stimulatesthe power of digestionand cleansesthe
The powder of vacd,ndgara, Sagiande/a should be added
with whey. This recipe should be taken along with prasannd,
ariqla or dsava (types of alcoholic preparations).
The patient should take the paste of deva-daru, {ur.tghl,
pippali, rnarica, pathyd, paldfla, citraka, Sati and kuqgha
along with cow's urine.
He may also take alkali preparationswhich are digestive
stimulants(describedin Cikitsa l5 : 168-193).

He should be given basti preparedof bilva, Syonaka,

gambhdr1,p d1aIa, ga4ti -kar i ka, 3dIa -p ar rfi, p r 3ni -p,byhat7,
karylakariandgoksura along with cow's urine. [The enema
recipe containing this daia-mltla is describedin Siddhi 3 :
Alternatively, he may also take Madhu-tailika type of
medicatedenema(to be describedlaterin Siddhi 12: 18 : l3)
addedwith cow's urineand adequate quantityof salt.I l5-20]
Etiology, Signsand Treatnrentof Adhmana
3Tc{rtr F6rAt s^t q{rsr} g?: I
Tarrrril E-qr( Tr*{ur{t I Rq| |
q ffi.sFre: €;qf{FrFf q{frs*qt
ffi 1t-*tEets te-*g1vr*firqt I RR| |
E,UTF€ EEq vfdftadas errqfrr
g€[rqrtE-flrRftTt @:ilRQll
u-{tr€fun qF{ qqqqf ffiqtl RYll
enqffiRqtrrns ffi *fat gtt
: $ar{l lR\ll
ffi<* frs€: sr( flqvduqrarlt
wcTrlrfdlr5.|qi fci ll Rq ll
If enemaof mild potency is given to a personwho has
excessivelyaggravateddoqas,whosebody is ununctuousand
who has costive bowel, then it gets occludedby doqas, and
getscloggedin the channeltherebycausingobstructionto the
movementof vdyu.This vayu then movesthrougha diverted
p a t h c a u s i n g th e re b y e xce e d i ngly painful adhmana
(flatulence), vidaha (burning sensation),guru-ko$hafi
(heavines'sof the gastro-intestinaltract) and pain in the
testicles as well as groins. It causes impediment in the
functioning of the heart by causing cardiac pain, and moves
about irregularly in different directions.

Avarti (medicatedsuppository)of the sizeof thumb,and

shapeof barley-seedshouldbe preparedof |yama, etc., (nine
drugs, viz., |yamd, trivrt, caturahgula, tilvaka, maha-vrkqa,
saptala, Sahkhinl, dantT and dravantT-- vide Kalpa | : 6),
phala, etc., (six drugs, viz., phala, jlmutaka, iksvdku,
dhamargava, kutaja and krta-vedhana -- vide Kalpa I : 6),
kustha, kfqrya (pippali), salt, sarsApa, powder of dhuma
(kitchen soot), maqa,vacd, kiryva(yeast) and ksara (alkali),
and jaggery.
Alternatively, this varti (suppository)canbe preparedby
adding salt, kitchen-sootand siddhdrthaka(to |yama, etc..
andphala, etc., describedabove).
Thesesuppositories may be smearedwith oil andinserted
into the lubricatedanusof the patientwho is previouslygiven
massageand fomentationtherapies.
The patientmay be given nirltha with a recipecontaining
bilva, etc., (vide verseno. I l), and addedwith pllu, sar{apa
and cow's urine.
Oil cooked with sarala and deva-daru may be used for
giving anur,,dsana-basti
or unctuoustype of enema to the
patient. Izt - 261
In the first recipe, adequatequantity ofjaggery should be addedso
that the recipe could be of the suitable consistencyto take the size and
shape of t varti. In the second recipe of varti,jaggery should also be
Etiology, Srgnsand Treatmentof Hikka

giqff€lffii, ffi F€+ ffi tr q ?rqtI Rs| |

qqrrsgercrqil Ra| |
q ?rrtr3qil ?q t l
If a very strongrecipeof bastiis administered
to a person

havinglaxedbowel andweakness, thenit causeselimination

of morbid matter in excessquantity as a result of which the
patient suffersfrom hikkA (hiccup).
For such a patient,therapiescurativeof hikka or hiccup
(as described in Cikitsa l7), and nourshing therapies are
He shouldbe given anuvdsana-bastior unctuoustype of
medicatedenemawith oil cookedby addingbald, sthira, etc.,
kafmarya, haritakl, bibhitaka, amalaki, guda, saind,hava,
prasannd and sour drandla.
The patient may take one aksa (told) of the powder of
kf;rya (pippatl) and rock-salt along with hot water.
He should be given vayu-alleviating dhuma (smoking
therapy), linctus, meat-soup,medicatedmilk, fomentation
therapyand suitablefood. t27-2el
Anuvasana-basti or unctuoustype of enemais prohibitedfor d
patientsufferingfrom hiccup(vide siddhi 2 : 14 & 17).Even rhen,
becauseof thespecificnatureof this hikka,anuvdsana-&csri
indicatedfor its treatmentin the abovetext.
Etiology, Signs and Treatment of Hrt-prapti
sffirfregr:Fqrfr Err EnFqq yfrfun: I
€+€(q qRnil{ 4,rvrs{td.}: il Qotl
1frdffi€a: M n ?qn
If the enemarecipeis of exceedinglystrongnature,if the
enema fluid is injected along with air, or if appropriate
pressure is not applied over the receptacleof enema-fluid
during administration, then this afflicts the heart.
In this case the decoction of kd1a, kufia, itkaga, drugs
belongingto amla (sour) andlavarya(saline)skandha(group),
karlra and fruit of badarl should be usedfor enema(niruha\.
The patientmay alsobe given anuvdsancor unctuoustype of
enema preparedof vdyu-alleviatingdrugs (like daia-mula).
t 30-3rl

Drugs belonging to amla |lnd lavana-skanrlhaare described
i ir"r^)rrtI:, o r reatment of 0rdhva-samana (upwarct
d ffi1-64:t
s{fr qr m6fr enmtma irrqrtr | ?Ril
q.€fffi Fsrd g* vftdrq-{T 5€r{l
fir*( qT"fu ETtr: qfqffi€ fi{l | ?Qll
*fuI@ qr*,rfr UgqrarcU ilql
ril€rTrqrr$, fu* rcHacfrrt: ll QYll
sewFqiqqdg sfr6s1ar: Yq{i r
qffi: q'ua wlst ffi qqtll?\ll
sruffi€ gfismfiqrtfqqt
3[rn"T: qfi] qfril rqrsffill Qqll
iT?r: iF,$d5,,65,ffirq{ qq+dtrFfi'gilql
etls{rr+Fqr(F{crlErqm dssr5*rr+(l I l\e I I
H Ffi6d Ergrqffiq;,1
qqentergrcre ffi qreiftm: tt QZ1l
fird qfiFilt.tftsr+ I
fvrt,rd qteq e(rT: r6trj {dt: frrr: ll ?3ll
If afterthe administrationof enemathepatientsuppresses
the natural urges for voiding flatus, urine and stool, and if
excessivepressufeis appliedovertheenema-receptacle during
the administrationof this therapy,then becauseof forceful
flow the enema-fluidcomesout through the oral cavity.
If on aocountof this, there is fainting, the following
remedial rneasuresshould be undertaken:
sprinkledwith cold water;
(2) His sides of the chest and abdomen should be
(3) He should be fanned;

(4) He shouldbepulledup to themid-airby holdinghis

hair, and shaken;
(5) He should be frightened by means of infuriated
bull, ass,horse,elephant,lion, executionersof the
king, serpents,fire-works and such other fearful
objects.Being terrified in this manner,the enema-
fluid will start flowing downwards;
(6) The throat of the patient should be squeezedwith
the help of a piece of cloth or by hand taking care
not to asphyxiatethe patientwhich may otherwise
lead to his death.By the obstructionto the path of
prd4a and uddna causedin the abovemanner,the
apdna-vdyubecomespredominantin the passage,
and instantaneously draws the fluid downwardsto
Ihe normal course;
(7) Thereafter,one aksa (tola) of the pasteof kramuka
(puga-p hala) addedwith sourjuice shouldbe gi ven
to the patientto drink. Becauseof hot (uSrja),sharp
(tikqryOand mobile (sara) attributes,the recipe
helps in the downward movement(anulomana\of
the enema-fluid;
If the enema-fluid is located in the pakvafaya
(colon),thenthepatientshouldbe giverifomentation
therapy,andthereaf ter,nir uha ty peof enemdshould
be given with arecipecontainingdafa-mula(bilva,
3y ondka, gambhdri, p dpald, garyi kar i kd, i dla -p a r (i,
pyini-parqi, byhati, kantakdrl dndgoksura), yava,
kola and kulattha cookedby adding cow's urine;
(9) If the enema-fluidis located in the chest region,
then niruha-basti preparedby cookin gwith pafica-
mttla (bilva, Syondka,gambhdri, palala andgani-
karika) should be administered;and
(10) If the enema-fluidgets locatedin the head (upper

part of the body), then the patientshouldbe given

ndvana (inhalationtherapy) and dhuma (smoking
t h e ra p y)a fte ra n o i n ti n ghisheadwiththemustar d
paste. | 32-39 I
Etiology,srgnsand Treatmentof Pravahika(Gripping Pain)
ffi Tdrfr+
sfmgerred Et'N q{+a rqrfeq,rql I Yo ll
q elwargvildn w$rt-rq*t qrl
*qrrqs.rFtrs€ts @r
f<qmgnrsr E grn grdranu.qqlI YRll
If a mild recipeof enemais administeredin a small dose
to a patientwho is oleatedand fomented,and whosebody is
afflitted with excessively aggravated dosas, then after
excitation, this enema eliminates morbid material (dosas)
only in small quantitiescausingtherebypravahika (gripping
The patienthaving obstructed vayu passesstool frequentl y
becauseof tn" inflammationof the bladder(basti) and anus,
and astheniaof calf regionsas well as thighs'
In such cases,after fasting, the patient should be given
fomentation,massageand nir-uhatype of enemawith recipes
containing drugs which are Sodhaniyaor purificatory
t r ivr t,etc.), andanulomanlyaor inducing downwardmovement
of vayu (like milk, sugar-canejuice) in nature' He should
resortto regimensasprescribedfor apersonwho hasundergone
purgation therapy. | 40-42)
Etiology, Signsand Treatmentof Sirorti (Headache)
qc+te ia ffii agfg: r
vfAwryrgA ffi:llYllr
qriffit Fenrn{d Ah frEqil
ffi TA q rI6rFdfvn: qud FrtFf, qll YY ll
v tr l SIDDHI STHANA 303
qrftrd q.UH q mqi tirFdqq{l
g;qi?Fqg{ rrenkfult y\ tl
g.q3r( sere+ftd{*rs ftrHqr
*prr3dFrdrTrr furei t$Eqrrur+(ttyq tl
If the enemarecipe which is thin, mild and cooling is
administeredin a smalldoseto a patientwho is weak,who has
costivebowelandwho is afflictedwith exceedinglyaggravated
do;as, then the enema-fluid gets occluded by dosas. The
vayu,thuspressedmovesfastthroughthechannelsto different
partsof the body,causesstiffnessof the neckand templesand
getsstuckup in the headand throat,causingdeafness,tinitus,
coryza and agitationof the eyes.
The patient should be given following therapies:
(l) Massagewith oil mixed with salt in appropriate
( 2 ) E l i m i n a ti o n o f d o sa s b y pr adha,nana- nasya
(inhalationtherapygiven by btowing drugs into the
nostrils) anddhuma (smoking therapy);and
(3) The patient should be oleated,and after food, he
should be given anuvdsana therapy the recipe for
which is to be preparedwith drugs which are tiksna
(sharp) anddnulomil<a(causing downward movement
of vayu). 143-461
The term "tik;t.tdnulomikena"in the text may also be interpreted as
qualifying the food. In that case,the patientshouldbe given anuvdsana
type of medicatedenemaafter the patient has taken food, ingredients of.
which are tiksna (sharp) and dnulomiftc in nature.
Etiology,Slgnsand Treatmentof Ahgarti (Pain in Limbs)
*tr*trTrqrs nw*Filsfrqr*qrl
qs uFk: Ygutc TfrSrr5i rrqd'iq1 ye 1
SS iRzT +iS Frgi&rTlFfinrvr:I
wo*<g'ae*ver ttr!: d!ftileT+ | | ya | |
CARAKA-SAMHITA I CH. rr-rtr$TF{ tffi: I

: ll Ysll
R WgurarRvnt
Tqq $T€rq Effi qs{e a?jhr}l
wf,rdfiAn quFr qrE*htr +{ qll qq ll
g;qh ffi Fnnaur{r
ii f{Git qqTrq{ii fu ll \R ll
Tfr t6'Tf{ts iE,,rr}<gqrstqt
q€qgE'*fu frrsi*t qT fiqqqil l\Qll
If without oleationandfomentationtherapies,the patient
is given enema,ingredientsof which Lreguru (heavy) and
tik;rya(sharp) in large dose, then there will be excessive
is eliminated in excessivequantity by
,When the doqa
niruha-ba,rti,then becauseof stiffnessand occlusion in the
gastro-intestinal tract, vdyu gets impeded. By its upward
movement,it causespain in the limbs of a personin the form
of cramps,pricking pain, breakingpain, throbbing pain and
j yrybhar.ta(stretching Pain).
To this patient,massagewith oil addedwith salt should
be given, and his body shouldbe sprinkledwith warm water.
He should be given fomentationwith the decoction of the
leavesof er a4Qaandp ra star a ty pe of fomentation ( v ide Sltt r a
Yava, kulattha, kola and both the types of pafica-mula
(bilva, Syondka,gambhdrl, payala, garyikarika, Sdla-parnl'
py|ni-parry|, byhatT,karygakarlandgokqura) should be added
with two aQhakas(512 tolas) of water, and boiled till one
fourth of the liquid remains.To this decoction,warm Bilva-
taila and salt should be added.This recipe may be used for
the patientshouldbe comfortedand
given tub-bath.

After he has taken food, the physician should give him

anuvasanoor unctuoustypeof enemawith yasti-madhu-taila
or Bilva-taila. [47-s3)
Even though,anuvasana-bastiis to be given afterfood as a general
rule, mention of 'bhuktavataf i.e. "of the personwho has taken food"
in the verseno. 53 implies emphasis.
Etiology, Signsand Treatmentof parikartika (Sawing pain)

ffi"rrenq r{+( qFe,fttfir{t t\y tl
+{ Trftefr lNql
i+**irssrsgp[rt @t l\\rr
Irq FFTRFT: Td{l
@qk: Hr(Srrfrftrr: il q,qrr

ffiq Er'* qfrn: Trn( qtrrq5$frFfi: u \e tl

If enemawith ununctuousand sharpingredientsis given
in a large doseto a patientwho haslaxed bowel and who has
less of aggravateddo;as, then it immediately eliminates
doqasto causeparikartika (sawingpain), pricking pain in the
lumbar region, groins and the region of urinary bladder and
pain in the lower abdomen below the umbilical region.
Becauseof the scraping effect of enema,the patient suffers
from constipation and frequent voiding of stool in small
Milk should be boiled by adding sweet and cooling
ingredientslike sugar-cane,etc. To this medicatedmilk, the
pasteof ya;ti-madhu andtila shouldbe added.Enemashould
be given with this recipe keepingthe patienton milk diet.
Milk should be added with sarja-resa, yasti_madhu,
jihginl, kardama (mud) and afijana (sotid extract of ddru-
haridra). This recipeshouldbe addedwith sourjuiceandused
as enemafor the patientwho is on soft diet. t 54_571
[Cakrapani has usedthe term ,,vyaktdmla...."
as the epithetof
'as "vyaktdmlal4
basti. lf this is accepted,then it should be read
rnydubhojinal!', i.e. two different words not in compound form.l
Etiology,SignsandTreotmentof Parisrava(Anal Exudation)
fiffi+nsa sqil qTm qt qquilserqrt
cRaFffi qi E QrufrFd fiqrsfrrr\ell
rt FePu: H{s€i fim vntra,qqt*(t
rrrd+ rc*il{ +6 rr€Fd qrg$-(u \i tl
qnffi rta: Td{l
qFfqr dPq?f ftf qffi r<rqiEttqoll
qffiq q.d ztefr{Ag \etl
: a',{Ert q Yrsfllqqll
G $*T: stdrs vfrar: q{g{rs il
rmfirtnfrrcrt* trqr qt:r g-{FsA| | qR| |
If a patient suffering from paittika diseasesis given
enemawith ingredientswhich are sour, hot, sharpor saline,
then this causesscrapingof the anus resultingin ulceration
and burning sensation.From this inflammed anus there is
exudationof blood andpittahavingvariegatedcolour. Because
of forceftrl exudation the patient faints frequently.
To this patient, cold enema of goat's milk boiled by
addingpoundedgreenstalksof Salmali,and addedwith ghee
should be given.
This enema may also be preparedwith the following
recipes :
(l) Leavesof vala, etc.;
(2\ Yava and tila;
(3) Sauvarcala (suniqaryrlaka)and upodika; and
(4) Karbudara (kdficandra).
The anal region of the patient shouldbe sprinkled (seka)
or anointedwith drugswhich arecooling andsweet.Therapies
prescribed for rakta-pitta (vide Ctkitsa 3) and atisdra (vide
Cikitsdl9) are alsousefulin this condition. [ 58-62]

Drugsfor Mild and StrongEnema

grtrfl"i feqrrci ffi'-{d aerTllqQll
Whenrequired,therecipeof enemacanbe madestrong
by addingingredientslike cow'surine,pllu (afruit of Uttara-
pa.tha),agni (citraka),salt, alkaliesand mustardseed.By
addingmilk, etc.,the enemarecipecan be mademilder in
action when required. t63 l
In different conditions describedbefore, strong and mild recipes
are describedto be used.The way of making a recipestrong or mild is
described above.
Some scholarsuse the term'bilva' in the place of
Importance of Basti
enqqfliT{*{rrq tqq q€rvr} fterif: t
*nuT ffi rqTsils{T TrsrF{qttqY tl
Basti (medicatedenema) lodged in the colon, by its
potency,draws [and eliminates]morbid doqaslocatedin the
entire body right from foot to headjust as the sun situatedin
the sky absorbsall the moisture(lit. juice) from the earth'
1 6 4)
Thebasti,becauseof its specialpotency, could draw and eliminate
morbid do;as from all over the body on the same day. This does not
happen in the case of other therapeutic measures like pacana
(carminatives). A similar description regarding the therapeuticefficacy
of basti is also described in Sufruta : Cikitsa 35 : 27 .
Elimination of Morbid Matter Excluding Nutrients
T((@f at(qa,r
FreTd{qr rq\ tl
As a piece of cloth soakedin the water mixed with the
powder of kusumbha(avegetabledye) sucksup the pigments,
similarly from the body in which both (the nutrients and
morbid matter) are liquefied (because of oleation and
fomentationtherapies),only the morbid mattergetseliminated
by niruha (evacuative)type of medicatedenema. t 65 l
The term usedin the text implies both the stool :rndmorbid
61 $a;3-
F*dr qrqqr *rr er*:
EEFI E,rdT ilrt@ilqqrl
To sum up :
Thus, the complicationsof basti along with their signs
and treatment are described.The physician administering
basti (medicatedenema)after propercomprehensionof this
therapyin all its aspectsdoes not commit any error. t 66 l
Complicationsarisebecauseof improperadministrationof basti.
Therefore, administration of basti by a physician having complete
knowledge of this therapydoes not lead to any complication.
qceqRfr Fsf;aren+qftaqrqF€-
Thus, endsthe Seventhchapterof Siddhi-sthanadealing
with "the SuccessfulTreatmentof Complicationsof Basti
(Enema)Therapy"in AgniveSa'swork asredactedby Caraka,
a n d b e c a u s e o f i ts n o n -a va i l a b i l ity, supplementedby

C H A P T E R- V I I I
( R E C I P ErSo R N t R U u n )
sdelrt: grF{ffiqi fiFE En@IrFnrT: ll l ll
gfr a gTE qrrdrqrlq: ll R ll
Now we shall expound the chapteron the "successful
Administration of Enema with Recipeshaving Ingredients
Measuredin the Unit Quantity of Prasyta"'
Thus, said Lord AtreYa. t t-21
In the previous chapter, complications of enema therapy was
discussed.In the presentchapter,recipesfor enemafor the treatment
thosecomplicationswill be described.Recipes,ingredientsof which
used in the unit quantity of prasyta, are mainly describedhere because
of which this chapter is titled as "Prasyta-yogtya siddht'. of course,
other types ofrecipes are also describedhere, but theseareof secondary
sr0rr1 g.SqrruriF{s-dq*f{q Tq-tI
q.{un Fq-irr{f q qqqrfr rg*t Eerql I Qll
Hereafter,I(refersto Lord Atreya)shallexplainunctuous
and mild recipesof niruha-basti (ev acuativetype of medicated
enema), ingredientsof which are to be taken in the unit
quantity of prasrta (two pala.s)for personsof tender health
and for those who are exhaustedbecauseof hard work. [ 3 ]
Recipes havingingredients
of niruha-basrr of
in theunitquantities
onlyin thebeginnini'of
prasfta(two patas)aredescribed thischapter.
Lot"., other having in differentotherunitquantities
(other tharl,prasyta'y are described.

( I ) Recipe of Niruha for Promotion of Complexion,Etc.

S{r( d y1d u,,'qTqg*n?irrtrq: r
lqt{ qftr* effi q.rqof-$-(tly tl
Two prasyrasof milk andthreeprasftasof honey,oil and
ghee (taken together)should be stirred with a stirrer. Basti
(enema)of this recipeeliminatesvdyu,andpromotesstrength
-aswell as complexlon. t4l
In recipes of basti, generally paste, etc., are to be added in a
particularproportionwhenthequantityof theingredientsis not specified.
If the quantitiesof ingredientsare only partially mentioned,even then
the generalrule of adding prcte (kalka), etc., should be followed.
In the above mentionedrecipe, the quantitiesof ingredientsare
fully and specificallymentioned.Hencetheseareto be usedas such,and
no other unspecifiedingredientsin the form of paste,etc., need to be
(2) Recipeof Niruhafor Vayu
g**: @r
@ Ehtrdrr{q* rT qkrgqt | \ I I
Enemawith therecipecontainingoneprasrta eachofoil,
prasanna (a type of alcohol), honey and ghee, and two
prasftas eachof the decoctionsof bilva, etc.,(bilva, Syondka,
gambhdri, p ayala, gani kar ika, 3dl a -p,py3n i -p a rn\, brhati,
kantakari andgokqura) as well as kulattha cures vayu. | 5 )
(3) SecondRecipe of Niruha for Vayu
qslff|T{rr(qs d} Fdr( qftqqffi; r
gdm': YFtr qk: ffifiHrra: llQ ll
Five prasytas of the decoction of pafrca-milla (bilva,
Syondka,gambhdrl, palala andgaryikarika), two prasrtas of
til oil and oneprasrta eachof honey aswell as gheeshould be
usedin basti (enema)for oleationand cure of vdyz-diseases.

(4) Recipeof Niruhafor Promotionof Semen

{=lerqtqr g**': fficrq
rytr agqrq,qTFrca: qEF( rruql I s ll
The recipe of niruha containinghalf aksa (tola) of rock-
salt,oneprasrtaeachof honey,til-oil, milk andghee,andone
karqa (tola) of hapusa is excellent for the promotion of
semen. I7 l
(5) Panca-tikta Niruha

iErGlrr:ygfrr q41 Efrr( sffia: ll z ll

Frs€: qsnr*1st ffiqq<gsgqt
Four prasftas of the decotion of payola, nimba, bhu'
nimba, rasna and saptacchada, and one prasrta of ghee
should be added with the paste of sarqapc. This recipe is
called Pafica-tiktanir-uha.Administrationof this basti cures
meha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes),
abhiqyanda(conjunctivitis) andkustha(obstinate skindi seases
including leprosy). [8-'/29]
The quantity of the sarqapa-pxsteis not specified in the above
recipe. Therefore, it is to be determined according to the general rule.
In twelve prasftas of liquid, for nir-uha,two palas of the pasteis to be
added accordingto generalrule. Thus, in the above mentioned recipe
which has five prasftas of liquid, the paste should be l/12ft of five
prasftas, i.e. lDl12 palas or l/6s lessthan onepala.
The quantity of ingredientswhen not specified in other recipeshas
to be determined accordinglY.
(6) Recipeof Niruhafor Helminthiasis
qqrqr( tr{iTT: uld ffiFqendrtl
f;rs-tl: ffiqrvrt: n io tl
Five prasrtas of the decoction of vidahga, harltakT,
bibhitaka, amalakl, 3igr4, modana-phala, mustA and akhu-
parryt (dantt) should be addedwith one prasrta of til oil, and

the pasteof vidahga andpippali. The recipeshouldbe stirred

(emulcified) and used for niruha (evacuative) type of
medicatedenemawhich cureshelminthiasis. [ 9'l" - l0 ]
(7) Recipeof Niruha for Virilitv

q3iF*':uge iqnn: grds-{r I qqrl

Basti with the recipecontainingoneprasfta each(of the
decoctions)of payasya,sugar-caneffuice], sthira, rasna and
vidari, oneprasrta eachof honey and ghee, and the paste of
kfqrya(pippatl) promotesvirility (semen). t ll l
The form in which payasya,etc.,are to be usedin the recipe is not
specifiedin the text. Sincealongwith otherliquid ingredients,theseare
describedto be usedin the quantityof oneprasyta each,obviously these
are to be used in the fonn of liquid, i.e. decoction.
(8) Recipeof Niruha for Bhedana
!Sir: qdt, @:ut?tl
Basti (enema)with four prasftas of til-oil, cow's urine,
whey and sourconjee,addedwith the pasteof sarsapacauses
bhedana (disintegration)and elimination of arrestedstool
(vit-sahga)of a constipatedpatient. l ,1 2 )
(9) Recipe of Niruha for Dysuria
!r{il: rcd ffi:illQtl
qGF: sF{.fqi.q E qrrrt qk€ffiq: I
The recipe containingfive prasftas of the decoctionof
Svadarytslrd,afma-bheda and erar.tfla,til oil and surdsava
(alcoholic preparation),and added with the paste of yasti-
madhu, kauntl, magadhikd andsird should be usedfor enema
which is excellent for curing mfttra-kycchra(dysuria) and
dndha (constipation). I 13-
qi rrerqcn.drur F+str: yqe+.r| | ty | |

Thus,ninerecipesof niruha with ingredientshavingthe

unit quantity describedin the form of prasfta, areelaborated
above(in versenos.4 - tl2l4). Theserecipes,when warm are
t o b e u s e da l o n gw i th sa l t. I 14
Administration of RepeatedBasti
frqdffie erg rrsr€snqqfirqi| | q\ | |
If a mild enema (niruha) gets stagnated,then another
strong basti having sharpingredientsis to be administered.
If, because of strong enema, the patient becomes
excessivelydepleted,then anotherniriha or asthdpanabasti
containing sweetdrugs (llke ghrta, etc.,) shouldbe given to
him. t ls l
When anotherauhApana or niruha enemais given to counteract
the adverseeffectsof the previousenema,thenit is calledprctyasthapana
in Anus
Recipefor BurningSensatfon
qrdrqqqff: q{Eer6r<* qFqt
qrwrqrr fi'Ttr€i ffiF{ql l?qtt
rfu nmvrganrrlE€r <r-6rF{drgraEI
{ftrrfr firffi qqr{ vr*{rg.dr(r I Rell
If the administrationof hot basti to a vayu-afflicted
person gives rise to burning sensationin the anus,and such
other complications(like fainting and morbid thirst), then he
should be given draksa-decoctionmixed with the paste of
trivyt which causesdownwardmovementofdoqas.By causing
elimination of bile, stool and flatus, this recipe cures daha
(burning sensation),etc.
After the body is cleansed[of more morbid matter], the
patient should take cold yavagu (thick gruel) mixed with
sugar. [16-t7)
Intakeof thejuice of drdkqamixedwith the pasteof trlvrt causes

alleviation of both vdta and pitta which are responsible for daha
(burning sensation).
Treatmentof DiminishedStool
ercrerfirFqRm: RF( 3 s r1q6|q1
qrq{Aur giwrqq fir+qa"rqr ETr{r I qe| |
Alternatively, if becauseof excessivepurgation, the
patient suffers from excessiveloss of fecal matter, then he
should eat kulmaqa (food containing half steamedbarley)
along with the soupof mdsaor he shoulddrink honey or sura
type of alcohol. t 18l
lix Typesof Diarrhoea
Treatment of Six
qrIT +( E;urtf vgffit
q @: f t r * ( rr q q r l
YrgErdFg{' Tqf, E5q', qt qTsrt{T|zla I
qqd, r* p-efiftfkt N nrqnrqr I Rorl
If the patient voids dma (mucus which is uncooked)
which has the smell of a deadbody and which is associated
with colic pain as well as anorexia,then he should drink the
decoction of ghana, ativisa, kustha, nete, deva-ddru and
If the patientexcessivelyvoids stool,flatus,blood, pitta
or kaphawhich arepakva(cooked),thenenemaprepared with
groupsof drugsappropriateto eachof thesemorbiditiesis the
best remedy. lle-20 1
In the above text, six types of dianhoea are describedwhich are as
follows :
(l) Diarrhoea in which only ama (mucus or uncooked material in
the gastro-intestinal tract) is voided;
(2) Diarrhoea with the voiding of stool which is pakva or cooked,
i.e. free from dma (uncooked product);
(3) Diarrhoeawith the voiding of flatus which is pakva or cooked,
i.e. free from dma (uncooked material);
(4) Diarrhoeawith voiding of blood which is pakvaorcooked, i.e.
free from dma or uncooked material:

(5) Dianhoea with the voiding of pitta which is pakva or cooked,

i.e. free from dma or uncookedmaterial; :rnd'
(6) Di arrhoeawi th voidi ng of /capha which is p akva or cooked,i. e.
free from dma or uncooked material.
[Recipe for the first type of diarrhoeais describedin the above text.
For the remaining five types of diarrhoea, drugs appropriate to these
morbidites are to be selectedand used in the form of a recipe.l
The term 'dma' implies the first product of food which has
remained uncooked or undigestedbecauseof the weaknessof the,agni
(enzymes) located in the stomach and small intestine. It remains
adheredto the wall of the gastro-intestinaltract.
Groups of drugs to be used in the enemarecipesfor the last five
ty pesof di arrhoet areP uri ; a -sahg r aha4iy a (v ide Sut r a 4 : | 5), Vat ag hn a
(vide Sutra20 : l3), Sonitasthapanlya (vide Sutra 4 : l8), Pitta-hara
(vide Sutra 20 : l6) and Kaphaghna(vide Sutra 2O : I9) respectively.
Numberof Diarrhoeas
qqunnqiffis'rt-( fiVRt<r Erqk Er
*iqd: q6 vffeiurq drrf,qF{fut I Rq| |
The above mentioned six types of diarrhoea may get
manifestedin the form of the combinationof two types -
thus making thirty more varieties.Added with the main six
varieties,they, thusconstitutethirty six varietiesof diarrhoea
which are manifestedalong with their complications. [ 2l ]
Complications of Diarrhoea
@ F{stgtr(q-tilRRtl
Colic pain (|ula), gripping pain QtravAhikA),flatulence
(adhmana),sawi ng p ainQta r i kart i ka),anorex i a (ar uci), fever
Qvara), morbid thirst (tfqrya),hot feelinE @{rya),burning
sensation(daha), fainting (murccha), etc., are the
complicationsof diarrhoea. I22 |
Treatment of Diarrhoea with Ama
qr*f yT€qiqkri fr yFcMn ?Qtl

If there is diarrhoeaof dma type (containingmucus or ;

uncookedproduct of digestion),then the recipe for pacana
(carminativedrugsdescribedin the verseno. 19) along with :
fur.tphl,pippalT,marica and sour as well as saline drugs is i
useful.Administrationof enemain ama conditionis prohibited.
l23 l
Treatmentof Diarrhoea Along with Fecal Matter
En e m a p re p a re d w i th va yu- alleviating and gr ahi
(astringent)group of drugs is useful if the diarrhoea is -
associatedwith fecal matter. t/224I
Da(a-mula (bilva, Syonaka,gambharl, payala,ganikarika, Sala-
parryl, pyfni-parryi, byhati, karytakarl znd goksura) alleviates va-va.
Grahi or stringentgroup of drugs aredescribedinCaraka : Sutra 4 : | -5.
In the place of Jatfikarnahas described Sophaghntt(or
oedema-reducingdrugs). This also refers to da|a-mula.
Treatment of Diarrhoea With Flatus
grAuererqd: YIkt: ffi: HffillRY ll
If the diarrhoeais associatedwith the voiding of flatus,
thensnehaor anuvdsana-basti(unctuousenema)preparedof
[fat cooked with] sweet,sour and salinedrugs is useful.
[ 24tt2]
Treatment of Diarrhoea with Blood, Pitta and Kapha
{t Tt{, fir* E uqr+errEftrfr+:r
Tndqrfi q,* qk: qqrqqftrfi+: u R\ tl
If the diarrhoeais associatedwith the voiding of blood, -
then enemaof blood is useful.
If thereis diarrhoeawith the voiding of pitta, then enema
preparedof astringent,sweetand bitter drugs is useful.
with the voidin gof kapha,
If thereis diarrhoeaassociated
thenenemapreparedof astringent,pungentandbitter drugsis
useful. l25l
v r r rl SIDDHI STHANA 317

Treatmentof Diarrhoea Causedby Two Factors

VrF'ilr qrgrr qNst +{ qdsenffil
riqerffqFf sr{ Effi{-ntl I Rqll
firffis$qr qrsfr Tftr+{ qt gr: I
rfq'd**q qFf @r rRsrl
aenssl qw.@ qtqrfffitra-{l
sn}t g q,* @t tRetl
qr*{ frFr fir+ qr @mrqr acnsFr&r
qg{rRrfiqrq: gr( Tig+ qfuutq: ll Rj ll "
yr5.dfrrrir*: firwr5',tr tmfrtrfr: t
efiry1ffi ;ser+ergftffifi:1 lo tl
q'*n frFr firt qr q,* f{ffiFrr*' I
ffirqqrq: Rr( Tige qfu€.nq; n Qqtl
qg{ffffi€C T+ q @ ltQRll
qrti u,u.{fg* qr*qt
cRrqFf,{ fir+ g qr{: ergqnrtnq': ll Q?ll
Pacana (carminative recipe) added with Sunthl,pippall,
marica, sour ingredients and salt should be given, if the
diarrhoea is causedbv the combination of two factors as
follows :
(l) More of dma and lessof fecal matter;
(2) More of dma and lessof flatus;
(3) More of fecal matterand lessof ama; and
(4) More of flatus and lessof ama.
Pacana (carmiantive recipe) added with Sunthi,pippall
marica, andsweetaswell asbitter drugsshouldbe given if the
diarrhoea is causedby two factors as follows :
(l) Less of pitta and more of dma;
(2) Less of blood and more of dma;
(3) Less of dma and more of pitta; and
(4) Less of dma and more of blood.

Pacana(carminativerecipe)addedwith astringentdrugs,
Sunthl,pippall, marica and bitter drugs should be given to
thepatientif thediarrhoeais causedby two factors,viz., more
of ama and less of kapha.
Pacana (carminativerecipe)added with Sunthl,pippall
and marica, and astringentdrugs as well as salt should be
given to the patientif the diarrhoeais causedby two factors,
viz., less of ama and more of kaPha.
Enema-recipe containingsweet,sourandastringentdrugs
is useful if the diarrhoeais causedby two factorsas follows:
( I ) Less of vayu and more of fecal matter;
(2) Less of vayu and more of Pitta;
(3) More of vayu and less of fecal matter;and
(4) More of vayu and lessof Pitta.
Enema-recipecontaining astringent,sweet and bitter
drugsshouldbe given if thediarrhoeais causedby two factors
as follows :
( I ) More of fecal matterand less of blood;
(2) More of blood and lessof fecal matter;
(3) More of pitta and lessof fecal matter;
(4) More of fecal matterand less of pitta;
(5) More of blood and less of pitta; and
(6) More of pitta and lessof blood.
Enema-recipecontianingSunthi,pippalT andmarica, and
bitter aswell asastringentdrugsis very usefulif the diarrhoea
is causedby two factorsas follows :
( I ) Less of kapha and more of fecal matter;
(2) Less of kapha and more of Pitta;
(3) More of kapha and lessof fecal matter;
(4) More of kapha and less of pitta; and
(5) More of kapha and lessof blood.

Enema-recipecontaining 3unthl, p ipp all andmar i ca, and

bitter as well as sour drugsis usefulif the diarrhoeais caused
by two factors,viz., more of kapha and less of vayu.
Enema-recipecontainingSunthl,pippall andmarica, and
sweetaswell asbitter drugsis usefulif thediarrhoeais caused
by two factors,viz., more of blood and lessof kapha.
Enema-recipecontaining Sunthl,pippall, marica, sour
drugs and salt is useful in diarrhoeacausedby two faitors,
viz., more of vdyu and lessof kapha.
Enema-recipecontainingsweet,sour and bitter drugs
shouldbe givenif thediarrhoeais causedby two factors,viz.,
less of vayu and more of pitta. [26-33 ]
In the above text, use of the conditions in instrumental case
indicates their secondarynature, and in locative case indicates their
primary nature.
Treotmentof Diarrhoea Causedby More Than Two Factors
Frrg:varimf*a ffiqr
ffic,r rrdnffi qnnt?Ytl
When the diarrhoea is causedby the combination of
three, four or five factors, the correspondingtherapeutic
measuresshouldbe combinedand administered.
The methodologyof selectingtreatmentenumerated above
with referenceto diarrhoeais applicableto all the diseases.
1 3 4l
Depending upon the combination of various factors, and after
determining the predominant and subordinate ones amongst them,
appropriatetherapeuticmeasuresshould be employed in the caseof all
the other diseasesalso. Mentioning these numbers and other details
would be too exhaustive to be stated in a text. Therefore,'a physician
should use his wisdom to determinetheir varieties while selecting a
therapy for their treatment. According to the Preceptor, this rule is
applicableto all diseases.
Graharyl-roga (sprue syndrome) is of six types. There are other
diseaseswhich are ofthree or four types. In all such casesalso different
varieties should be determined by permutation and combination.

Treatmentof Diarrhoea Causedby All Six Factttrs

glTr( TS{T quq'i ff qfff l{*qt
Frtrqrqn E var*i qk: qrgFr* rtd: | | R\ | |

When all the six morbific factorsare combinedto cause

diarrhoea,thena recipeof pdcana(carminative)consistingof
drugs of all the six tastesshouldbe given. When five out of
the six morbific factors (excluding ama) are combined to
caupe-diarrhoea,thenbasti (enema)having ingredientsof all
the six tastesshouldbe given.
Medicated Gheefor Diarrhoea
wcrgrgq{Gl=t: I
vrd FdT€f ETqn q.ti q qf,rFrfi{l | ?q ll
frqxT t: qfitq: wsi SGgFqtf q'*qt
RduqTqa{t I Qs ll
Onepalaeach of udumbara-Salagu (unripefruits cut into
slicesand dried),barksof jamb-u,amra as well as udumbara,
Sahkha(conch-shell),sarja-rasa, IakqA andkardanrc should
be madeto a paste.Along with this paste,oneprastha of ghee
should be cooked by adding double the quantity of milk. In
accordancewith the strengthof the patient, this medicated
gheeshouldbe given asa potion for all the typesof diarrhoea.
Medicated Gruelsfor Diarrhoea

"I* : l l 1 4 l l
sr+(r I Qqrl
ftqvrffi @ ?trl
€rAS Trrq{rqri {dlrei: Q: $r{ gerqtl Yoll
vrrr I srDDHrSTHANA 321

rfrar: trgrglneitqr: qqf*{ngrvrtr: I

R{TFfdfrqrqFnfr qg{r p1t6tr1: Frqr: | | y? | I
Following recipesof yavagu (thick gruel) are useful for
the patient sufferingfrom diarrhoea:
( I ) A decoctionshould be preparedof kacchura (kapi-
kacchu), dhatakl, bilva, samahga,red variety of Sdli-rice,
masura and stilt rootsof aivatthc by boiling with water. (The
procedureprescribedfor Sadahga-pantya is to be followed in
this connection- vide commentaryon Caraka : Cikitsa 3 :
145). Yavagu (thick gruel) should be prepared with this
de c o c t i o n ;
(2) Similarly, yavagil maybepreparedwith thedecoction
of unripe udumbara (made into slices), katvahga (aralu),
samanga,leavesof plaksa,mesilra,dhatakt-flowerandbala;
(3) Yavagfumay be preparedwith the decoction of the
drugs belongingto Sthiradi-groupalong with masilra;
(4) Yavagumay be preparedwith the decoctionof drugs
belonging to Baladi-groupalong with masura;
(5) Yavaglt may be preparedwith the decoction of,diugs
belonging to lksvadi-groupalong with masura; and
(6) Yavagil may be preparedwith the root of kacchurd
(kapi-kacchu) and rice of 1dli, etc., and added with curd,
butter-milk, sour kAfrj-t,milk and sugar-cane
juice. Intake of
this gruel, when cold and addedwith sugarand honey,cures
all the types of diarrhoea.
The above mentionedgruels are auspicious(for curing
diarrhoea) when added with ghee, marice, ajajl, sweet
ingredientsand salt. | 38 - 42l
$rqFa qrl rqfrqiT,-
tm"mnwurq{ vn u6ng rrftfr *rur: r
vftd ffi q$ fir+ q T*' q'tQtl

nrmtwrowrrq $ffir anrgg.Sfrt

firargltr€il* r * r r Y Yr l
s{ftrrTrf signi frd ffirffi ql
@: is said:
In diarrhoeacausedby vayu, the patient should drink
pacana(carminativerecipe),anduseluke warm basti(enema)
containingunctuous,sour, salineand sweetingredients.
In diarrhoeacausedby pitta and rakta (vitiated blood),
the patient should be given pdcana (carminative recipe)
containingcooling, bitter, astringentand sweetingredients.
In diarrhoeacausedby vitiatedkapha,the patientshould
be given the recipe containing bitter, hot, astringent and
In diarrhoeacausedby vitiated fecal matter, the patient
should take recipes(in the form of enema,etc.), which are
constipativeand which are alleviatorsof vdyu.
In diarrhoea caused by dma (uncooked product of
digestion), the patient should drink pdcana (carminative
In diarrhoeacausedby vitiatedblood, the patientshould
b e g i v e n p i c c h a - b a s t i ( m e d i c a t e de n e m a c o n t a i n i n g
mucilaginousmaterial)and enemaof blood.
In this way, various methodsof treating diarrhoea are
If the diarrhoeais causedby more than one factor, then
the respectivetherapiesshould be given in a combined form.
Among thesecombinedfactors,the principle of treatment
should be followed to correct the predominant ones first.

6a r6fqi3-
grgfufi'T: qqrqfqqr ffi:t
@ T€'un yq?firdnYqtl
To sum up :
Treatmentwith Recipes
In thischapter"On theSuccessful
DescribedwithPrasrfaastheUnitQuantityof lts Ingredients",
the Teacherhas describedthe following topics :
(l)Recipes of nirfiha-bastiingredientsof which are
describedin the unit quantity of prasrta (vide verse
(2) Complicationsarising out of mild recipe for enema,
etc., and their treatment(vide verseno. l5-18);
(3) Recipes for niruha-basti, and those containing
ingredients of different tastes for the treatment of
diarrhoea(vide versenos. l9-35);
(4) Recipe of medicated ghee for the treatment of
diarrhoea(vide versenos. 36-37); and
(5) Recipes of medicated gruel for the treatment of
diarrhoea(vide versenos.38-42). t46l
Td{fr{i{Refi Ff€rrn+lrgnfr-
Thus, ends the eighth chapterof Siddhi-sectiondealing
with the "successin Treatmentwith RecipesIngredientsof
which are Described in the Unit Quantity of Prasyta" in
AgniveSa'swork as redactedby Caraka,and becauseof its

C H A P T E R- I X
ererrdffi firnA En€artnrT:n t ll
Efrawra rr'rerqrlq:uRtl
N o w , w e sh a l l e xp o u n d th e chapter dealing with
"Perfection in the Treatment of DiseasesAffectine Three
Vital Organs".
Thus, said Lord Atreya. It-2)
In the previous chapter, treatmentof various complications is
described. In the presentchapter, treatment of complications specially
arising out of the diseaseslocated in the three vital organs in being
The justification for the presentchapter can also be provided in a
different way. In the seventhchapterofthis section,treatmentof various
complications arising out of the wrong administrationof enema was
described.Diseasesof threevital organsare alsomanifestedon account
of these complictions. Hence these are describedin this chapter.
In the 26th chapter of Cikitsa-section, treatrnentof the diseases
occurring in the three vital organs are described. In order to avoid
details, certain aspectsof thesediseaseswere not described there, and
these details are being described in the present chapter.
The term "tri-marma" means"three vital organs". The word"tri-
marmiye" occurring in the title of this chapterimplies "diseaseslocated
in thesethree vital organs".
qcqffi Fqfufrr *sr $rqFd,@t iF[ vrrcrT-
FJh* qftq: w*nErcrh "rfrqTfu, vrg=ri il{rEr-a€r(.
rm,qrefteilfr gqqftnFnTfu,qcraruo*ce | | I | |

O ! AgniveSa,(addressed by PreceptorAtreya)' thereare

one hundred and sevenvital spots (marmas) located in the
trunk and limbs of the body. Affliction of any one of these
producesexcruciatingpain becauseof the specificassociation
of consciousness in theseParts.
Amongstthesevital spots,theoneslocatedin theskandha
(trunk of the body) are more importantthan the oneslocated
in the Sakhas(limbs of the body) becausethese limbs are
dependantupon the trunk.
Amongstthe vital organsin the trunk, the oneslocatedin
the heart, urinary bladder and head are the most important
becausetheseorgansconstitutethe very basic substratumof
thebody. t3l
Vital spots are locatedin the muscles,vessels,ligaments,bones
'SAkhA'irnplies tissueelementslnkerakta (blood)-vide
The term
Sutra ll : 48. In the presentcontext,however,it implies the upper and
lower limbs becauseblood, etc.,arepresentalsoin theskandhaor trunk'
Out of these 107 vital spots,44 nrelocatedin the upper and lower
limbs, and the rest are located in the trunk. As has been described in
SuSruta(Sanra 6 :4), "there are elevenvital spotsin each of the four
(upper and lower) limbs, twelve are locatedin the chestand abdomen,
fburteenin the back, and thirty sevenof thesevital spotsare locatedin
the head and neck. ln Susrutadetailsof all thesevital spotsaredescribed
which have to be followed.
These vital spots are different from other parts of the body
inasmuch as in the former the conscious element is specifically
predominant by ady;1a (unforeseencause),and this is evident frorn
excnrciatingpain experiencedbecauseof any injury to thesespots'
The limbs are dependantupon the trunk becauseof the following
factors :
(a) If the trunk is destroyedthen the limbs automatically case to
(b) Limbs get nourishmentfrom rasa, etc.,which iue produced by
the digestion of food in the trunk; and

(c) Injury to the vital spots located in the trunk causessudden

death unlike thoselocatedin the limbs.
According to SuSruta,injury to vital spots,viz.,frilgataka, adhipati,
two Sahkhas(spotsin the ternporalregions),kantha(spot in the throat),
.flrcs (head), guda (anus), hrdaya (heart), basti (urinary bladder) and
nabhi (umbilicus) causesinstant de*h (sadyah-pradna-hara)- vide
S u s r u t a :S a r i r a6 : 9 .
Head,urinary bladderand heartarethe most important vital spots
becausethey constitutethe basisof the body. This will be explainedin
the next paragraph.
There are ten parts of the body, viz., both the Sankha (temporal
region), kary1ha(throat), rakta (blood), Sukra (semen), ojas (vit'dl
essence)andguda (anus),in additionto head,heartand urinary bladder
which are the abodesof the prarya(elan vitae or life force). However,
fafikha, etc.,do not constitutethe basicsubstrateof the body like head,
heart and urinary bladder. When vayu, etc., affect these three organs,
they actually afflict the prana (elan vitae or life force).
Some scholars include all the remaining sevenpra4a-ayatanas
(abodes of elan-vitae) in the near by head, heart and urinary bladder.
Sincethis type of interpretationhas no basis,suchan ideashould not be
Heart, Head and Urinary Bladder
T{ Ed (Yr snrer:yrqnqr+ rr+ gBfl{r rdrTilrfr q
trEnrrfi Fq gRTfudrF{,ffi VFtrrfur VF(qgrqr{drh q
#R{ qSF q rT$FFr€t:
Iprqrft+rf qrSCfr)Trqs+qrqrtsgzntmi@-
rrrnqfyfrsr,q6F+9il{e+{ffi :rffiFrrlrrqfuqt<rqceir-
Effi yrfrqlty 1
As the spokes of a wheel are attached to the centre
(nabhi), similarly the ten vessels,prdrya-vayu,apAna-vdyu,
manas (mind), buddhi (wisdom), consciousnessand mahd-
bhutas are attachedto (associatedwith) the heart.
Headis theabodeofsenses,sensorychannelsandchannels
carrying elan vitae as the sun is the abodeof its rays.
The urinary bladder,locatedin the midst of sthula-guda

(rectum), muska (testicles), sevanl (perenealsutures) and

seminalas well as urinary channels,is the receptacleof urine
into which all the ihannels of the body carrying liquid
elementsconvergeas all the rivers on the earthflow into the
From the baseof thesethree,viz., heart,headand urinary
bladder, which are called m1rmas (vital organs),the entire
body is pervadedwith channels(srotas),as the entire sky is
pervadedwith the raYsof the sun. t4l
The ten vesselsattachedto the heartare the carriersof ojcs (vital
e s s e n c e-)- v i d e S u t r a 3 0 : 3 .
Prdna-vayu alnd apana-vdyu referred to above represent the
expiration (ucchvasa) andinspiration (ni 3vasa) respectively. According
to io1n" scholars,thesetwo terms representtwo varieties of vayu.They
explainthat althoughapana-vayrlis locatedin the genitalorgansandthe
pelvis, still its functions are controlled by the heart becauseof which
heart is describedto be its abode.
There are two types of indriyas or kara4as (senses),viz', bahily-
karana(externalsenses)andantafi-karaya(internalsenses).The manas
(mind) described in the above text representsthe latter'
Cetana or consciousnessis a manifestation(v1rfl) of buddhi or
Maha-bhutas describedaboverepresentthe subtlebhutas (suk;ma-
bhutas)which migratein associationwith the soul. All theseare already
describedin Sahkhya-darSanaand the SAfira-section(chapter I ) of this
ln sutra 30 : 4, heart is statedto be the habitat (controlling organ)
of six ahgas (limbs) of the body, viifiana (intellect), five senses,five
objects of senses,afna (soul) along with its attributes,mind and objects
of the mind. Mbst of theseitems are describedin the above text. Others
which are not directly described here are to be included under various
items mentioned therein.
As the spokesof wheel are attachedto its centre, and they ceaseto
function when the centre is destroyed, similarly, vessels, etc., perish
when their controller, i.e. heart gets destroyed.
'nabhyamara', there is a variant reading, viz.,
In the place of
nabhyamapard' .This reading implies that as the placenta(apara)inrhe

rnother's womb is connectedto the urnbilicus(nabhi) of the foetus (to

provide nourishment),sirnilarly the vessels,etc., are connectedto the
heart.This simile irnpliesthe connectionof channelsat a distancewith
the heart.
Sensesand channelscarrying elan vitae locatedat a distancefrom
the head are also controlledby the latter.This is the implication of the
simile of sun-raysand thc sun.
Affliction of those far off channelsby the damage to the head
shows that the head is the root of thesechannels.
The urinary blaclderis statedto be locatedarnidstseveralorgans,
like sthula-guda (recturn).This shows that the urinary bladder is the
resort (aSraya)of all the surroundingorgans.
The channelsare describedin the abovetext as marmas.
Actually, it is not the channelsbut their resorts(mulas) which are
the ntarmas (vital spots). Alternatively, the resorts described above
refer to Siras (vessels) which are also described Ls marmas (sira-
The term marma-safiiitakani'canalsobe interpretedin a different
way. Channels(srotantsl)are connectedto their resorts(mulas) which
nremarmas,and which provide nourishmentto them becauseof which
even thesechannelsare called marmasor vital organs.
Injury to Vital Organs
Nffi ciErEreqq VRrt+E: etT(,
ffiFqrvr:; ngqqrfrrt
Tsrarfi ftri+ur rqqrFr@ll\ll
Seriousinjury (bheda)to any one of thesevital organs
(heart, head and urinary bladder) causesdestructionof the
body sincethe destructionof the substratum(a|raya) leadsto
the destructionof the suprastructure.Partialinjury fupaghata)
to thesevital organsleads to affliction by seriousdiseases.
Therefore,thesethreevital organsshouldbe speciallyprotected
from external injury and afflictions by vdyu, etc. tsl
The heartis the resortof the body becauseit is the abodeof ten
primary vesselswhich are responsiblefor the creationof the body
during embryonicdevelopment.

Ailments Causedby Injury to Vital Organs

il*Esn{€*6,rs -
: R,; RTl1qffrdtq-eTrRr-
rrrrHa q€fdu qq'laJ]e qiq rqrvrq rq rq rq a3l aT{ ;rrEtrqiqr[h fq-

@:; arinQl$ser;ntr ftrffrR rqE;ftwil

Injury to the heartgives rise to cough,asthma.loss of
strength,drynessof throat,klontakarsarya (pain as if there is
stretchingof the kloman or lungs),protrution of the tongue,
drynessof mouthaswell aspalate,epilepsy,insanity,delirium,
u n c o n s c i o u sn e ss,
e tc.
I n j u r y to th e h e a d g i ve s rise to m anyd- stambha
( t o r t i c o l l i s), a rd i ta (fa ci a l p a ralysis) , cakqu- vibhr am a
(agitation of eyes), moha (unconsciousness), udve;tana
(cramps),cesta-naSa (lossof motoractivities),cough,asthma,
hanu-graha (lock-jaw), mukarva (dumbness),gadgadatva
(lulling speech),aksi-nimllana(closureof theeye-lids),garyda-
spandana(twitching of cheeks), jyrytbhana(yawning), lala-
srava (excessivesalivation),svara-hani (aphasia),vadana-
jihmatva (twisting of the face), etc.
Injury to the urinary bladder gives rise to retention of
flatus, urine aswell asfeces,pain in the groin, phallusas well
as urinary bladder,kurl(ala (spirallingspasmin the bladder),
udavarta(upwardmovementof wind in the abdomen), gulma
(phantomtumour), vatasthlla(hardtumour causedby vdvu),
upastambfta(spasticityof thebladder),stiffnessof umbilicus,
pelvis, anusas well as hips,etc.
The signs,symptomsand treatmentof different varieties
of the above mentionedailmentscausedby the affliction of
vital organsbyvdyu,etc.,arealreadydescribedin (the twenty
sixth chapter of) Cikitsa-section.

of Vayuin Ailmentsof Vital Organs

ffi ffi.@r, elFrd E fitrfiq:strftd
tE: grorqFtq, € qMrgrurtrq:, trFtrr qk{rrf ffif(a.{
qfr Frrtqffitgaqrft rqr{rarqffi Mq-
Thesernarrnas(vital organs,viz., heart,headand urinary
bladder) are to be protectedfrom aggravatedvayu becauseit
is this aggravatedvayuwhich is responsiblefor the excitation
(aggravation)of pitta andkapha,andtheelan vitaeis dependant
upon this vayu.This vayu is besttreatedby basti (medicated
enema-therapy).Therefore,there is none other than basti-
therapywhich can safeguardthe vital organs.
Therefore,after intelligent consideration,basti-recipes
prepared of six groups of drugs for niruha (vide Vimdna 8 :
139-144),two groupsof drugs for anuvasana(vide Vimana
8 : 150)and therapeuticmeasuresprescribedfor the treatment
of vata-vyadhi (diseasescaused by aggravated vdyu - as
described in 28th chapter of Cikitsa-section)should be
employedto protect thesevital organs. 1,7 l
Pitta andkapha, by themselves,are inactive. They become active
only when these are excited by vayu. This vayu is also an independent
causeofvatika diseases.Therefore,forprotecting the vital organs from
diseases,it is necessaryto protect them from vayu which is responsible
for all their diseases.
The pra4a or elan,,,itaeis also dependantupon vdyn inasmuch as
when in its normal state, it protects the praqa, and in its morbid state,
it takes away life, i.e. causesdeath of the person. Therefore, all these
vital organs should be protected from affliction by morbid uayr.
Basti or enema-therapyexcells all the other therapeuticmeasures
for correcting morbid vayu (vide Sutra 25 : 40). While selecting the
appropriatetherapy (recipe),the physician should intellectually analyse
the ten factors, viz., do;a, bhe;aja, etc., as enumeratedin Vimana | :3.

Recipesfor Treatmentof Ailments of Vital Organs

rps Eqqge Fd{'{m @ qrgq*fe
T+rr+{ qrs+{ u}r qr qrq}q, ftenrFqraqtrrr: Hprdr:
@ q ttttrrf:,E.trqfea a ud; qila
g :q'qf-qrfrsre1rr$f;qs$
g gnffiq:, qifq3,
E{rfu€:, M-
FFfFdtq.ref, -

Ir the heart gets afflicted by vayu, then [in addition to
bastil thefollowing therapeuticmeasuresshouldbe employed :
( I ) The patientshoulddrink thejuice of matulungaor any
other sour drink which is pleasingto the heartby adding the
powder of hihgu and any of the salts;
(2) Decoction of kqudra-pafica-mula(iala-parni, py|ni-, byhati, kantakarl andgokqura) addedwith sugar may
also be used as a drink;
(3) He may take yavagu (thick gruel) preparedwith the
decoctionof bilva, Syondka,gambhdri,patalaand garlikarika;
(4) He may be given othertherapeuticmeasuresprescribed
for the treatmentof heart-diseases (vide cikitsa 26 : 8l - 103).
If the headis afflicted by vayu, then [in addition to bastif,
the following therapeuticmeasuresshould be employed :
(l) Massage;
(2) Fomentation;
(3) Application of hot poultices;


(4) Unctuouspotions;
(5) Inhalationtherapy;
(6) Avapida (administrationof medicinalpowdersthrough
the nostrils by applying pressure);and
(7) Smoking and such other therapies.
If the urinary bladder is afflicted by vayu, then the
following therapeuticmeasuresshould be employed :
(l) KumbhT-sveda(a type of fomentation therapy --
vide Sittra l4 : 56-58);
(2) Vart|s (medicatedsuppositories);
(3) Niruha type of enema prepared of cow's urine
boiled with fyamd, etc.,(|yama, trivp, caturangula,
tilvaka, mahd-vrkqa, saptala, Sankhinl, dantl and
dravantl -- vide vimdna 8 : 136);
(4) [Niruha type of enema]preparedof alcohol boiled
with bilva, etc. (bilva, Syonaka,gambhari, patala,
garyikarikd)or root of bilva, trivyt, deva-daru,yavl,
kola and kulattha (vide Siddhi 7 : I I );
(5) Niruha-basricontainingmilk boiled with the root of
{ara, kafla, ikqu, darbha and gokqura, and added
with thepasteof trapusa,ervdruka,seedsof khara|va
(aja-moda), yava, rsabhaka and vfddhi;
(6) the oil cookedwithplta-ddru
(daru-haridrd; somephysiciansinterpretethis term
"pita-ddru-siddha-tailena" asoil extractedfrom the
heart-woodof sarald);
(7) PurgationwithTilvaka-sarpis(vide Kalpa9 : 14-l5);
(8) IJttara-basli (urethral douche) or nir-uha with the
medicatedoil cookedby adding the following :
(i) D e co cti o n o f S a td va ri, goksur aka, byhatT,
kanlakarika, guQilcl, punarnavd.,u37ra,madhuka,
srDDHr 333

two varietiesof sariva (ananta-mula and Syama),

lodhra, Sreyasl(rasna\ and roots of kuia as well as
(ii) The above mentioneddecoctionand four times of
milk; and
(iii) Paste of bald, vyqa (vdsaka), rqabhaka, kharafva
(ajamoda), upakuficika (ky;r4a-jlraka), vatsaka,
seedsof trapusa as well as ervdruka, Sitivarako
(falifica), madhuka, vecd, Sata-pu;pd, afma-
bhedaka Qtasana-bheda),varsdbhu and madana-
phala; and
(9) After the patient hasbeen subjectedto purification,
oleation and fomentation therapies,nirltha-basti
should be given for the cure of pain in the bladder
and urinarv disorders. t8l
Summary of Topics
Tqk qrr g*q,:-
E<} qh qd q *m vrun: sfrftrtn: I
rcnfuf rrEr wf g;fd qffi il3rl
s{rqrqq+{ f.rdi Tqrer5ilrgatr(I
sfdTfdfunas qfu qRqrcilql l t o l l
nurl'itis said:
Prdrla or elan vitae of human beings is located in the
heart, head and urinary bladder. Therefore, efforts should
always be made to protect thesevital organs.
For the protectionof thesevital organs(heart,head and
urinary bladder), measuresto be taken are as follows :
(1) Avoidance of the causeof injury to theseorgans;
(2) Constantly following the rules and regimens for
svastha-vyua (maintenance of positive health and
preventionof diseases);and

(3) Prompttreatmentof thediseasesof thesevital organs

immediatelyafter their onset. te-10l
Description of Additional Diseasesof Vital Organs
srn # t{nrtr n ffin fiaffir
T *fr-T ffi q,B-ae€nf dqtrrtr I qq ll
Hereafter,I (refersto Lord Atreya) shall describesome
diseasesalong with their treatment,originating from these
vital organswhich were left out in the twenty sixth chapterof
C i k i t s a - s ecti o n . tll l
Ap atantraka and Ap atanaka ( Convulsions)
6.€: d, Elqlqtg: r{tmr{S sqert I
frgrt E<d rrer Rn: v€+ q frsrtr I tRrl

@f Fffiqfuqu)
FAqr vrguryneA wqnfrsrr fi1ft6*: n tQrl
a,,+fr Fq q;+a fr.*r*, *sqrqq': I
Efu riwrrq ri;n q E€r a'qaq q;"TFdI I qY I I
fr g* rr: Frceri rTrfr qt6 Et go,r
qrgrr qr€uT ?rrrtrfrr{fi{t lq\rl
Therearespecificcausativefactorsfor theaggravationof
vdyu. Being provoked by thesefactors, it spreadsupwards
from its natural habitat to affect the heart. From there, it
moves further upwards to the head, and afflicts the two
temples(Sankha).As a resultof this, it bendsthe limbs [of the
bodyl like a bow, causesconvulsionsand fainting. [After
causingbendingand convulsions,it obstructsthe expiration]
as a result of which the patientbreathswith difficulty, and his
eyesremaineitherfixed or closed.He breathslike the cooing
of a pigeon,andbecomesunconscious. This ailmentis called
This aggravatedvdyu, after keeping the eyes fixed and
causingunconsciousness,makes the patient to moan with

cooing soundcoming out of the throat.After the affliction of

the heartby this vayuis relieved,the patient'snortnalhealth
is restored.If the affliction of the heart by this aggravated
vayu takesplaceagain,thenthepatientbecomesunconscious
again.Somephysicianscall thisseriousailmentcausedby the
fexceedingly]aggravatedvayu (in associationof aggravated
kapha) as Apatanaka. I l2-ls ]
Apatanaka is only a form of Apatantraka.The latter is causedby
vdyu alone while the former is caused by the aggravated vayu in
association with aggravatedkapha.
According to Jat[karna, both these types of Apatantraka aie
caused by vayu and kapha.
An alternativeinterpretationis '. apatantrakais of two different
anddistinct types;one is causedby vayuwhich is describedin the above
text as apatantraka; and the other causedby vayu in associationwith
kapha which is described above as apatAnatc. [There seems to be
someprintingerrorsin Cakraplni'scomrnentary.l
Sufruta has describedthis ailment apatantrakaunder the
groupof vata-vyadhis.
Treatment of Apatantraka and Apatanaka
sqF{ qt6-{rdrqi Ei irFr fq*qdEl
ffi: wrq+: rifli Hrg Et,III fu<fr | | RqI t
qfi=f frrrr;-ffi{ k<gi ta qfin.lgr*ql
qdrF{ q3r{u'fh qE|d{friTr(r I qe rl
E{fs'retr{qr F6€ M p1qug{rql
qrdF{rsn€Tr id E{qf qrrfiT* | I q4 I I
ftqram*ai qrd rn*TdqrFsrr{l
ntffi q t5,,{ 6.*rr3fq.dql I qq ll
Yfrerqrqraeffigm rl idfrrmg F-Fryr: I
TftqdimmTrom*:firG Feil Efr fccqr I Rotl
If the breath of the patient gets obstructedby kapha and
vayu, this obstructionshouldbe corrected,and he should be
made capable of breathing freely by the administration of
strong pradhamana therupy(a type of inhalation therapy for

which drugsin powderform areblown into the nostrils).After

the obstruction to breath (in the channel carrying
consciousness)is removed, then the patient gets back
For Siro-virecana(eliminationof morbid matterfrom the
head), fine powder of marico, seedsof |igru, viQanga and
pharyijjha&cshould be used.
If there is hrd-graha (cardiac spasm) in apatantrqka,
then the patient should be given the powder of tumburu,
abhayd, hihgu, puskara-mltla and three types of salt along
with the decoctionof yava(preparedaccordingto the method
prescribedf or Sadanga-p dniya - v ide commentary on Ci ki tsa
3: 145-147).
The patientsufferingfrom cardiacspasmandapatantraka
should take the decoction of hihgu,, amla-vetasa,fury1hi,
sauvarcala and daSima.
Therapieswhich alleviatevdyuandkapha,and which are
curative of heart-diseasesare useful in the treatment of
apatantrq&a (includ ing apatanaka).
Cleansingenema(niruha-basti)of strongnatureshould
not be given in full quantity (but can be given in small dose
becausein large dosethey may provoke aggravatedvayu).
For such patients (of apatantraka and apatanaka),
medicatedgheepreparedby cooking with sauvarcala,abhayd,
|w.tthi, pippalT and marica is useful. I 16-20]
Etiology, Pathogenesis,Signsond Treatmentof Tandra
qrg.+frRa: qrr: ll Rqll
q<rsd wrrcrF5Er E€ E<fl?r.rrtl
qqrguifr ilrqrtrFEr il ?Rll
6q+ Eqr€fafur* tffirett
T+g-qarsrg Tqrqr F{qf rrd{t | ?Qtl

EFq.Ef H:r q-{ezi Yilsrf YrFrTlq ial

Eqrrnd rffiqlws ri=ri a qftm-*ql I RY ll
Whcn the vayuprovokedby the intakeof sweet,unctuous
and heavy food, by worry, fatigue and grief, and by constant
suffering from chronic diseases,incites kapha, then this
kapha getting lodged in the heart occludes the inana
(knowledge), etc., located therein giving rise to tandrd
Uncomfortable feeling (vyakuli-bhava) in the heart'
heaviness(slowness)of the speech,actionand functioning of
the senses,and absenceof clarity of the mind as well as
intellect - these are the signs and symptoms of tandra
This ailment shouldbe treatedwith the following :
( I ) Therapiesfor thealleviationandeliminationof kapha;
(2) Physicalexercise;
(3) Blood-letting;and
" (4) Food, ingredientsof which are pungentand bitter in
... taste. l2t-24l
[Cakrapani,while referringto the abovementionedverses,does
not acceptthem as authentic.Accordingto him, theseversesare
mentionedonly in someeditionsof this work.l
Enumeration of Urinary Diseases

ffi qdt F-qgffitrf,Fdl

q*rn*sfrer*en ll R\ ll
arrgrsfcrql TRffi qRtr$usfr{ I
ff* {nq N'ffqa: lruJllRqll
The following are the thirteenurinary diseases:
( I ) Mutraukasada(passageof denseurine);
(2) Mutra-jayhara (abdominal swelling becauseof
urinary retention);
(3) Mlttra-krcchra (dysuria);
(4) Mutra-utsahgraha(retentionof residualurine in the
(5) Mutra-sanksaya(anuria);
(6) Mutrdtlta (delayedmicturition);
(7) Vataqthlla(stone-likegrowth in thebladderbecause
of aggravatedvayu);
(8) Vata-bastl(affliction of bladderby vayu);
(9) Uqrya-maruta(burning micturition);
(10)Vata-kundalika (spiral movement of vdyu in the
(l l) Granrlri(tumour);
(12) Vid-vighata(fecal fisrula); and
(13) Basti-kundala(spiral distensionof bladder).
The signsof the abovementionedurinary disorderswill
be describedhereafterwhich you (addressed by Lord Atreya
to AgniveSa)may listen to. I2s-26)
These urinary disorders are different from the various types of
mlttra-kycchra descrlbedin cikitsa 26 : 3z-s}. [one of rhe ailmenrs
described in the above text is "mutra-kycchra" whereas this tenn
"mutra-kycchra" representsthe group name of all the urinary disorders
described in Cikitsa 26 : 32-581.
Pathology, Signsand Treatmentof Mutraukasada
fud EFq}Erqfu qr qrril fa;q* qEr r
qftfr{ il{r q.* v* tr rf g*qr I Rsll
FqT6 sersrli En (tr cqot{rqr
ffi ?f tur( frnq+q6l-sa(nR4rl
When, either vayu,pitta or kapha, orbothpitta andkapha
in the bladder get condensed,then the patient voids urine
which is either red or yellow, thick and associatedwith
burning sensation.The urine may also be white and dense,

and may be associatedwith all the signs (relating to all the

three doqas).
This ailment is called Mutraukasada.and it should be
treatedwith therapiesfor the alleviationof pitta andkapha.
[27 _ 28]
Mlttraukasddais of threetypes,viz., causedby vayuandkapha,or
by vayu and pitta or by all the three do;as. The colour of the urine
becomesred or yellow becauseof pitta, and white becauseof kapha.
In this ailment, vayu getsaggravatedbecauseof cyarana (occlusion)
by piltaandkapha. This type of ailmentgetscorrectedby the alleviation
of occluding do;as. Hence,the treatmentprescribedhereis for correcting
pitta and kapha.
Etiology, Signs and Treatmentof Mutra-jathara
furrurr( sFr6dqr*Erqftffr Tqt I
lt{.rq.({ T.{ ir<r ilqr{futrFqil Rj tl
q.rAHrrfuffirirffi(t tQotl
quf ffi+ y*lftrtr
gq}S*: ll Qqll
When becuaseof the suppressionof the manifestedurge
for micturition, the retarded flow of urine moves upwards,
and fills up the abdominalcavity, then the patient suffersfrom
the following :
(l) Pain without any appreciablereason;
(2) Indigestion;and
(3) Retentionof urine and stool.
This condition is called Mutra-jathara (abdominal
swelling by urine).
The patienf should be treated with diuretics. Hingu-
dvi rut tara -c un.ta (or Dv i r utta ra -hihgvadi -c ur na) described
in Cikilsa 26 : 20 cures mlttrodara (or mutra-jathara),
constipationand distensionof rectum as well as phallus.

Mutru-virecativ-0or diureticdrugsare describedin Sutru 4 : 15.

Etiologyof Mutra-krcchra
qFfis qqrqrg H qrnttrf E?r{l
Xd *re rTsrrgT y*q 5'E ilSqt | | QRI l
If a personhaving the manifestedurge for urination
enters into sexual act, the semenexcited by vayu gets
discharged beforeor afterthe
from itslocation.It is ejaculated
passage of urine which is painful,and it is calledMiltra-
krcchra. 132l
The disease entity (group) called Mutra-kycchra described in
Cikitsa 26 : 32-44 has different signs and syrnptoms; and therefore,
different from the one with same name described in the above text.
Etiology and Signsof Mutra-utsanga
u-*grffit: ffir{rqftruafrt
q|ffi €ra( qgrtrEwrqrserqrftr€-ql I t? | |
{*ffir € @:t
If the urinary tract (urethra)is vitiated, then becauseof
the spasm caused by vdyu, a part of the urine remains
accumulatedin the sphincterof glans penis. Subsequently,
the residual urine [flows out with interruptions]witir either
severepain or no pain from the heavyphallus.This condition
is called Mutrotsahgc (dribbling of the residualurine).
Etiology and Signsof Mutra-sanksaya
@ScqFd riFq:llQYll
If the urinary secretiongets dried up (becomesless in
quantity)becauseof aggravatedvayu,then signsandsyrnptoms
of vayu are manifested,and this condition is called Mutra-
sahkqaya (dirninutionof urine-flow). l34tl2l
Etiologyand Signsof Mutratlta
fiilt qr{fr q Yedtr
T{ ierr<t
ftlqrirg rr< zn q*rda: Tr lrqt | | R\ | |

The personwith the habit of holding up urination for a

long time, becomesincapableof passingurine immediately
after the urge, and the flow of urine becomesslow. This
condition is called Mutratlta (delayedurination). t 35 l
Etiology and Signsof Vata;lhila
3ileqrq{q qRffi$i EEFT qrgyfr}Tdr{l
q.{ftruEnrttffi(t | ?q rl
Vayucausingobstructionin the bladderand rectum, and
distensionof these organs,produceshard tumour (a;lhlla)
which is mobile and elevated,which is exceedinglypainful
and which obstructsthe urinary and fecal passages.[This
ailment is called Vatasthila.l t36 l
Etiology and Signsof Vata-basti
qr qrrrd qF* qrgr 6d frqrturrqr
Bqtn Q st l
In the person who habitually suppressesthe manifested
urgefor urination, vdyu getsaggravatedbecauseof obstruction
therebygiving riseto retentionof urine,pain anditching. This
ailment is called Vata-basti(affliction of bladder by vayu).
1 . 3 7l
Etiologyand Signsof Uqrya-vata
Yqun *Erd T.{ viTq rffitrrfi.qr
Vdyu, in associationwith pitta, dries up the urine. It is
associatedwith pitta, and therefore,red and yellow in colour.
This causespainful voiding of urine, and pain as well as
burning sensationin the bladder and phallus. This is called
Usna-vdta (affliction of urine by vdyu in associationwith
pitta). t38 l
Etiology and Signsof Vata-kuryd.alikq
qksgrgqrgfr: q qnerrrmrtrfr:r

TTffi @:l
Becauseof the obstructionin the urinary passage,the
vitiated vayu movesupwards,and afflicts the bladderas well
as urinary channelas a result of which urination takesplace
in broken, curved and spiral manner.This ailment is called
Vdta-kundalika(spiral movementof vayu in bladder). It is
characterisedby morbidities of urinary tract like stiffness,
breaking pain, heaviness,twisting, excruciatingpain and
retentionof urine as well as feces. 139-40l
Etiology and Signsof Rakta-granthi
Ttri qmfiq,r€p ffi €ilFqr{l
ffi g;qt( u*g{u ffi ir{r-{trqrr Yqrl
srvreitrryFf ?f llffiTFer vqq{} r
Blood vitiated by vayu andkaphaproducesserioustype
of tumourin theneckof thebladder.Becauseof this occlusion,
the patient voids urine with difficulty, and experiencespain
like that which is felt becauseof calculi in theurinarypassage.
This is called Rakta-granthi(blood tumour in bladder).
[ 4l )
Etiology and Signsof ViQ-vighata
@ vrqq€rqruYRrl
qr*a: sdd i*qrfge FEr rt:l
trErr*r {*+( F'qlrrqr€rif FdF{Fifr(lI Y? rl
When the fecesgetsoccludedby vdyuto enterthe urinary
passagein an ununctuousandweakperson,thenhe voids foul
smelling urine mixed with fecal matter with difficulty. This
condition is called Vid-vigrahc (recto-vesicalfistula).

Etiology and Signsof Basti-kundala

@ gtns{r(l
@: rnt+qr rYxrl
qfdsqrffdrdT Ri Ri wqsfrr
frFstrK !ffi @t tYqrl
Eilf vrqffiqqqr
qq<n*i ffi€Fr:nYetl
dRq fiftTrfqi (16: v[-d q*Mnn
,.r*qqn riltd vilr6. Frrei Tr ql frrcqr I ye tl
qtdtrr<k€: qrs* a g e: E;rsifrFd: tt YZ tl
F{r{qFir g;r*fltqi erirar eqr€ ge1q I
Becauseof fast-wayfaring,fasting, exhaustion,trauma
and compression,the urinarybladdergetsdisplacedupwards,
and becomesenlargedto appearlike a gravid uterus.
Being afflicted with colic pain,throbbingpain andburning
sensation,the patientpassesurine in drops.When pressedin
the bladder region, the urine comes out in jet. The patient
suffersfrom stiffness,crampsandpain. This ailmentis called
Basti-kunQala(spiral distensionof bladder).This is a serious
condition like injury by weaponsor poison.This is generally
dominatedby aggravatedvayu,andcan not behandledby less
intelligent physicians.
Associationwith vitiatedpitta, this ailment gives rise to
burning sensation,colic pain and discolorationof urine.
Association of kapha with this ailment gives rise to
heaviness,oedemaandunctuousness, densityaswell aswhite
coloration of the urine.
If the urinary passageis cloggedby kapha, andif pitta rs
aggravated,thenthe ailmentis incurable.If the passageis not
blockedortwisted,thenthe ailmentiscurable.Twisting of the
bladder is characterisedbv cardiac distressand asthma.
| 44 - )

Line of Treatment of Urinary Morbidities

@{rqr€pEfd+(r rYqrl
qFm5-f,rdRr q rr{qr+q qrq+qt
After ascertainingthe predominanceof variousdosasin
the abovementionedurinary disorders,the patientshould be
treated with therapiesprescribedfor curing mutra-krcchra
(vide Cikitsa 26 : 45-58).Basti (medicatedenema) anduttata-
basti (urethral douche) should be administeredin all the
above mentionedailments. tl2- tl250l
Netra (Nozzle or Catheter)
qrarq6{ffr sd +gw{frQrtrql
rtef qr r@ M \q tl
The netra (nozzle or catheter)for uttara-basfi (urethral
douche)shouldbe preparedof gold or silver, and it shouldbe
smooth.Its tip shouldbe of the sizeof the flower-stalkof jati
or aSvahana(karavlra), andin shapeit shouldbe tapering like
the cow's tail. It must havea hole in the middle which should
allow a mustard seed to pass through. It should have two
rings, and its length must be twelve angulas (one angula or
finger-breadth= 3l4th of an inch approximately).
tlz- 5l
[50 ]
The nozzle or catheter used for giving uttara-bastr (urethral
douche) is called "pu;pa-netra". The therapeutic process is called
"uttara-basti", becausethis type of douche (basti) is used through the
passageslocattld above or in the front part (unara) of the anus (where
normal Dastlis given). Alternatively, the term'uttara' meansexcsllence.
The douche given through the urethral passagehas better (uttara)
therapeutic effects for which the procedureis called "uttara-basti".
The tip of the catheter should be like flower-stalk of jati or
aSvahana. Harlta has described the tip to be like the stalk of kunda-
There should be two rings in the catheter: one at the end (base)for
tying the bladder (receptacleofdouche), and the other at the level ofsix
angulas (which is normal size of the pfihlus) from the tip.

' has a variant readingas'tri-karrlikont'

The tenn
Dose of Recipefrtr Douche
ffig*q r@rr?i q*(l
qcrrqffiiur r+6qrdi fr6@ qT I I q? | |
The nozzleor cathetershouldbe tied to a goat's bladder
containing half pala of the unctuousrecipe which is to be
administered.The exactdosein which this unctuousrecipe is
to be administeredshould be determinedon the basis of the
age of the patient. l s2l
The dose of the recipe for urethraldoucheprescribedin the text,
i.e. half patc is meant for a personwho is 25 yearsof age above' For
younger patients, the dose should be proportionately reduced
commensuratewith the age of the patient. This is stated in Su|ruta :
Cikitsa 37 : 102.
Methods of Administering Urethral Douche
Ffl?rFf tfig r+{ q€rffsfr EITI
qrEef<uqr*rrs de qr${T} 5firrt1 rr
x.*: EffissEet}ytrmrqrl
vrfrrfiqrsFqq rrfti qsgFf€trr q*qr | \Y | |
RiT: *q':Yqrfrt Wrh UMqt
T-qr{[qrilqr wr+(3 +{+qt r\\ ll
g{e g+ea fqqai FrqilHe ?r | \Q ll
rrsr.rt ffid q Tftt' q yErq*(l
The patientwho hastakenbath,who hastakenfood along
with meat-soupor milk and who has voided stool as well as
urine should be made to sit over a knee-high soft seat in a
straight and comfortable position. In his 91gg!qq-p_l3Jlusthe
passageof urethra should be determined with theAelp of a
ghee smearedprobe.If the probe passesthrough the urethra
without any difficulty then the nozzle or cathetershould be
insertedup to the lengthof the phallusfollowing the direction
of perineal suturein the mannerprescribedfor the insertion of

the enema-nozzlein the anus(for basti or medicatedenema).

If the catheteris insertedbeyond the prescribedlimit,
then it will causeinjury to the bladder.If it is insertedlesser
than that limit, then the unctuousrecipe will not enter the
Gentle pressure should be applied over the douche-
receptaclewithout shakingit. Thereafter,the cathetershould
be withdrawn. After the injected fluid has come out, the
processshouldbe repeatedfor the secondand third time.
153- )
Ret ention of D ouche-fluid
3[;|rrr6{tq4q {tr+qlfr?r{q qlt \s il

T*r6rqt: ll \Z ll
TrrEnFTe:rrg€#{ F€T sMqr
3{q g qffi
3Ti rrgr$ qrqsFrdr{n \R rr
ffi Edrratm,i g$qrrqtrgtr{l
irq{rqrgqf E qrd Err{.cdsfudr{n eo tl
dt ysrtr* dnqrqrfdrqFr*} frfu: I
rfi.-6r{g Fqrr( Tr{rEFqftTSUr: il el tl
If the fluid does lgt-come-ouLlhenthe physician should
* _wail f.sro ne ni git-Thereafte r, a var t i (medicated supposi tory )
should be insertedinto the urethra.For this varti, pippall, salt,
salt, house-soot, apdmarga, sarqapa, juice of vartaku,
_lLfgury{t, Sampaka and sahdcara should be triturated with
cow's urine and sourjuice. By cooking with jaggery syrup,
varti should be prepared(cooking with jaggery syrup should
be done in sucha way that the suppositorybecomeshard and
smooth. The tip of the vcrti should be of the size of a mustard
seed, and the base should be of the size of a mdsa (black
gram). The length of this vcrfi shouldbe like the netra(nozzl,e
or catheter).Smearedwith ghee,this tenderand unbreakable
suppositoryshouldbe insertedinto theurethra.Simutaneously,

the suppositoryof the size of the thumb should be inserted

into the anusof the patient.
After the return of sneha (unctuous recipe used for
douche)by thesetwo vartis or suppositories(one insertedin
the urethra and the other in the anus),the patient should be
given regimenswhich are prescribedto be given after the
administrationof the anuvdsanaorunctuous typeof medicated
Prohibitions Qtar ihara), complications (vyap at)andsigns
of appropriate administration (samyak-yoga-laksarla)of
uttara-basti are the same as those describedin respect of
a n u v a s a n a -b a sti . tSS- Of l
Urethral Douchefor Women
ffi g sFced aqrEt(r
:TsqfF{TW *d rqrssq+ EqrFn t qRtl
.nf *p+so vfts ffi'f6rFd rrrctr
qffig ffig q\frfursr*g qn qt rl
*FrsfAS ftS *FreriqisqfEtl
q* u Ri Ri w+sfu | | qy | |
ftrqqr5r ek qendqsnr€F?r{l
In the caseof a woman, this uttara-basti(urethrardouche)
should be admini-s_lered during her menstrualperiod because
[the geinfx-oflJhe uterus remains open during this time, and
receives the unctuous fluid given in the form of
douche. This therapy subduesthe (local) v&yu as a result of
which the uterusbecomescapableof conception.
The dorche prepared with appropriatedrugs should be
administele{.tothe woman for the following ailments :
( I ) Di;;Q.sesof. rhe .Uqq,ury.lbtadder;
(2) Prolapseof uterus; ,:'' " "
(3) Excruciatingpain in,:th€uterur;''
(4) Gynecic disorderg ':

(5) Menorrhagia;
(6) Anuria; and
(7) Dribbling of urine. 162- l
As a generalrule, women should be given uttara-bastl (urethral
douche)during theirmenstrualperiod.Becauseof theflow of accumulated
blood, the obstructionin the passagegets removedduring this period.
IJttara-basti thus becornesmore effective to alleviate vayu and makes
the uterussuitablefor conception.
Nozzlesof Uttara-bastifor Females
gIq+{trqru'iE ssrfii qvnEdRllq\ll
Tr*n:ffi g<rr*d€qrR ql
3T(sqril qrffi fr$}d rg{EFTqll qq ll
The pu;pa-netra (nozzle or catheter)for woman should
be ten ahgulasin length.In circumference,it shouldbe of the
size of their urethral canal. The hole in the middle of the
nozzle or catheter should be spacious enough to allow the
passageof the seedof mudga (greengram).
For giving douchein the genital organ of adult woman'
the nozzle should be inserted up to four ahgulas (finger
breadth),andfor douchein their urethralpassage,it shouldbe
insertedup to two angulas.ln the caseof young girls, the
cathetershould be insertedup to oneahgula in their urethral
tl2- t1267
passage. [65 ]
The urethraof young girls is smallerin length; hencethe catheter
shouldbe insertedin their urethraonly up to one ahguli. Vaginal douche
should not be given to young girls astheir passagein their genital organ
is closed.
M ethod of Admini st ering Uttara-basti to Females
qqqF$+q lrEsrfill qs ll
zlqlqr rqarl
qdl, qF* yufr* q qftf: mqirtr rrlqr
fu q,{ g;da fu M*qnqqrl
qi+q ffi EF{ g;.Tt-( gfrgr6r{l
uttara-basti should be given to a female when she is
lying in the bed in her back with thighs lifted up and flexed.
The catheter (nozzle) should be inserted comfortablv iri the
direction of her spinal (vertibral)column. Two, threeor four
unctuousrecipesshouldthusbe administeredinto the bladder
during the courseof a day and night.
For women,the varti (suppository)to be insertedinto tlre
urethra [in the caseof retentionof unctuousfluid] should be
In the aforesaidmanner,douching should be done for
three nights by gradually increasingthe dose of unctuous
recipe'After a gap of threedays,this douchingtherapyshould
be repeatedfollowing the abovementionedpro""dui".
| 6 7 t / 2 _t / 2 7 0 l
The doseof unctuousrecipeto be given to a femalepatient for
doucheshouldbe oneprasrta (vide saJrzta : Cikitsa37 : 1061.
Diseasesof Head
srfi: mfu{rtnrn qF{*E: yqe{tt I eo tl
Hereafter we shall describe some diseasesof the head
i 70t/2)
Earlier,in thischapter,thediseases
of heartandurinarybradder
were described. Hereafter,those of the remaining vital organi
i.e. head
will be described. Some diseases of head are already
cikitsd 26 : 104-118. only the remaining once witi
be discussed
Ttrffi*m gr: v€t* @m:r
ffifrvilqi qT€uFtil eq t l
R f{rfr fqcrr*fr ftt,€qr{ qFt iTenI
frtrrru*ffi EFfr vrf,r* rnq irrrr: | | eR| |

qr qarffi +q rsr@rqrdin E.crqt

ffiFffi Fd
The vitiatedblood,pitta andkaphainteractin the regron
of templesto causeserioustype of oedema"associated
excruciatingpain,burningsensation and inflammation'This
diseasecalled Sahkhakawith the velocity of poison,
immediateobstructionin the headaswell asthroatleading
the death of the patientwithin three nights'
If the patient survives after three critical days, the
physician,while appropriatelyinforming aboutthe difficulty
in the patient,shouldadministerall therapieslike.iiro-
"uring an,J affusion including those prescribed for the
uirecani tl2-73 ]
treatmentof visarpa (erysipelas)' [70
for the treatment
becauseof the specificnatureof the disease.[Therapies
Etiotogy, Signsand Treatment of Ardhavabhedaka
Ffrq} qrsd vJ-e€r

vrsruFnfiqf g'ffi rfrwfqrlqqi' 1

=rrf qruerqr *mqfrtTd ffi(tl sq ll
wg:ffarr qrrn fvn:q, qf*qq{t
il*fr Td tr cnn*,qtgrrtql le\e ll
gtt=fTti: ql:r grga I
ffi ffifrn rrdFEEtnamtraql rserl
ingredientr,r"oo iR excessquantity,intakeof food beforethe
prluiou, meal is digested,exposureto the easterlywind as
of the
well as fog, excessivesexualindulgence,suppression

manifestednatural urges, fatigue and physical work' This

vdyu,aloneor in associationwith kaphdcausesseizureof half
of the head therebycausingexcruciatingpain in the sterno-
mastoidregion,eye-brows,temples,ears'eyesand fore-head
of that half side.The patientexperiencesexcruciatingpain as
if causedby the injury of a weaponor ararli (churning rod
usedfor producingsacrificialfire), i.e. by the fire itself. This
ailmentis calledArdhavabhedaka (hemicrania).If exceedingly
aggravated,this ailment may even destroythe eyesand ears
of the patient.
For the tratmentof this ailment the therapiesto be used
are as follows :
( I ) Catuh-sneha(fourtypes of fat, viz.,oil, ghee,muscle-
fat and bone-marrow)to be taken in heavy dose;
(2) Si ro -vir ecana (inhalation therapyfor the elimi nation
of morbid matterfrom the head);
(3) Kaya-virecana(emesisand purgation therapy for
the elimination of morbid matterfrom the body);
(4) Nddi-sveda (a type of fomentation therapy - vide
Su tra 1 4 :4 3 );
(5) Jtrna-ghyta(ten yearsold ghee);
(6) Niruha andanuvdsanatypesof medicatedenema;
(7) Upanaha(applicationof hot poultice);
(8) Siro-basti(keepingmedicatedoil over the headwith
the help of a caPwith oPenends);
(9) Dahana (cauterization);and
(10) Therepies prescribed for pratifydya anrdSiro-roga
(head-diseases).- [ 7 4 - 7 8]
Arani is thewoodwhichis usedfor bringingforthfire by churning'
This term alsoimpliesfire whichis producedby its churning'
Somescholarsconsiderupanahaas a form of Siro-bastlwhich is
called 'mdstiqka'.Accordingto them, for mastigka,eight ailgulas of
cloth, and for Siro-basti.twelve ahgulas of cloth should be used. The
method of Siro-basti is describedin Salakya-tantra.Accordingly, for
this therepaya piece of leatherhaving t*"iu" ahgulas of breadth,and
of the size of the headto be tied to the headwhich is alreadycovered With
a strip of cloth aroundup to the level of earswith the help of a string or
cloth. The junction betweenthe cap and the scalp should be sealedby
the applicationof the pasteof ma;a (black-gram).Into this cap, luke-
warm medicated oil should be poured so that the spacein the cap gets
filled up to the upper limit of the hair in the head.This medicaredoil
should be preparedof drugs appropriateto the disease.Over the scalp
inside the cap, this medicatedoil shouldbe retainedtill the face and the
nosebecomegreasy,andtill completionof the countingof 10000,8,000
or 6,000 number for vayu, pitta and kapha respectively. During this
process,the shoulderof the patientshouldbe kneaded(massaged).This
Siro-basti therapy should be given along with medicated oil for a
maximurn period of sevendays.
In another text of SalAkya-tantra, the process of Siro-basti is
describedin a slightly different manner.A piece of leatherof the size of
the head, and eight finger breadthin size should be surroundedover the
head, and thejunction betweenthe leatherand the headshould be sealed
with the p'asteof (black gram). The patient should sit morionless,
and the leather cap should be filled with luke-warm medicated oil. It
should be retainedover the headfor one or hilf yama (one yama = three
hours) till the pain of the head causedby vayu is relieved.
The patient is statedto be given dahana (cauterization)therapy. As
describedin other texts, this therapy should be administeredin the two
ahgulas areabetween the forehead and the temple with the help of Sara-
kdqQa (stem of Sara), etc.
Etiology, Signsand Treatmentof Surydvarta
ffii TfirTr€dl
glet Eq€tirw€ E€ ?rnqffrr{fuqn eq tl
ffiq@ ffi yr*:r
irfr Fq+f{m,W F{rgqr Mirr 4 0 t l
ffi n-a:wrt qRqnEtrfgvnErfrl
1ffi: H irr sr(qfifffiqtr ret rl
F{n:qrqffi q qaf ffitqrorqr
qtF*€ffirar YaSfEr +{qtl 4 R l l

@t Td{l
sr*r*f @uattl
Be c a u se o f ve g a -sa n d h a ra na( suppr essionof the
manifestednatural urges), altrrla (indigestion),etc., rakta
(blood) andmaruta (vayu)being vitiated,afflict the mastiqka
(cerebrum).The cerebrum,thus getsinteractedby thesetwo
vitiated factors. Becauseof the effect of sun-raysafter the
sun-rise,the morbid matterin the cerebrumwhich is in liquid
form getsexudatedslowly. Therefore,during day time, as the
day advances,the headachebecomesmore and more intense.
When the sun goes down, the liquefied morbid material
becomesthicker and thicker in densityin the brain as a result
of which the headachegetsalleviated.This ailment is called
For the cure of this ailment, therapeuticmeasuresto be
given are as follows :
(1) The patient should be given a potion of ghee after
(2) Si r o -vir ecana (inhalation therapyfor the elimi nation
of morbid matterfrom the head);
(3) Kaya-virecana (emesis and purgation for the
elimination of morbid matter from the body);
(4) Siro-basti should be given with three types of fat
(oil, ghee and muscle-fat);
(5) Upanaha (hot poultice) prepared of the meat' of
animalsinhabiting arid zone forests;
(6) Sprinkling of the headwith gheeand milk; and
(7) Milk should be boiled with the meat of peacock,
partridge,quails,etc., and gheBshouldbe taken out
of this milk. This gheeshould be addedwith eight
times of milk, and the pasteof drugs belonging to
JTvaniya-group(vide S-utra4 : 9 : l). With this

be given to the patient. [ 7e-83]
The characteristicsignsand symptomsof surydvarta aremanifested
becauseof vikyti-visana-sanravrlya(manifestationof new symptoms
not connected with the causative factors) of dosas dnd dhatus. The
headacheincreasesby the heat of sun-rays,and not by other forms of
heat like that of the fire becauseof former's prabhava (specific action).
Etiology, Signsand Symptomsof Ananta-vata
gsr t'srgq} rt;qrqgr€rerg eEir1r I zy rl
rrtrf rrusqTr:ds iTfu Egr6qn e\ tl
*s++erdkf Eqr( firrreffit t
Becauseof fasting,excessivegrief, intakeof food which
is exceedinglyununctuousand cold, and intakeof extremely
small quantity of food, all the three doqas (vdyu, ltitta and
kapha) get vitiated to causeacutepain in the sterno-mastoid
region (manya= region of jugular veins),in the back and at
the back of the neck (ghafa). This pain (thereafter) gets
localisedin the eyes,eye-browsand temples.The patientgets
throbbingpain in the sidesof cheeks,eye-diseases and lock-
jaw. This ailment is called can be cured by
venesectionand by therapiesprescribedfor the treatment of
s-urydvarta(vide versenos. 79-83). t 8 4-
In other works, this ailment is describedas Anyato-vdta.
Etiology, Signsand Treatmentof Sirah-kampa
I aq tl
erfr senFqFr:E-€: frrr:aaug116Ot

Tffi{ qrf,Ef yr€f T€ q a{ur{r | 4e ll

Being aggravated by the use of ununctuousand such
otheringredients,vdyucausestremblingof the head(firah-
kampa). For the treatmentof this ailment, oleation,
fomentation,nasya (inhalation)andtarpar.ra

rnedication)therapiespreparedwith vayu-alleviatingdlugs
Ilke amyta, bala, rdsnd, maha-fveta and aivagandha are
useful. t / 2- 8 7
[86 ]
Inxportanceof Inhalation Therapv
Tffi{ iil E'-da ffimg vnsF+(r
trR fd ffi qrsr irT tq E{rtzrEF;aartr I cLtl
For the treatmentof the diseasesof the head,the expert
phy sici an shouI d admi ni ster nasta -karma (inhalati on therapy )
becausethe noseis the gatewayof the head.The inhalation
therapy given through the nasal passagespreadsinto the
different parts of the head,and curesdiseaseslocatedthere.
t88 l
Varietiesof InhalationTherapy
=nfi Enefrsg exrrf efq qE ql
fug Fq}d =rm:ar{ E qidgnue3tl
r}5:1 vilq{ +q Fdfqefrilerf ryd{l
vilerq: Rrr$rrglgregffi ffi wa:1;io ll
qofsrerrri dF€ til+dFd{ilem{l
ffifr e(e:grgm:ymrfrir: u 3t tl
ffi -r+(*at Frdq
qE a*qi q,.{ iltr I'rr{ feqrrlsRll
Inhalationtherapyis of five types as follows :
(l) Navana (inhalation of drugs in the form of nasal
drops).This is of two types,viz.,snehana(dropsfor
oleation) and Sodhana(drops for elimination of
morbid materialfrom the head);
(2) AvaplQa (insufflation of drugs in thin paste form
through the nasal passage).This is of two types,
viz,, Sodhana (insufflation of drugs for the
elimination of morbid matter) and stambhana
(insufflationof drugsfor the stoppageof excessive

(3) Dhmdpana (insufflation of drugs in powder form

throughthe nasalpassage).It cleansesthe channels
of the body;
(4) Dhuma (inhalationof drugs in the form of smoke):
It is of three types, viz., Samana or prayogika
(smokeusedfor the alleviationof dosas),snaihika
(smoke used for oleation of different parts of the
head),andvirecana(smokeusedforthe elimination
of morbid materialfrom the head);and
(5) Prati-maria (application of medicatedoil in the
nostrils).It is harmlessandit servesboththepurposes
(i.e. oleationandeliminationof morbid matterfrom
the head).
The inhalation therapy(as a whole) can be reclassified
into three categoriesas follows :
(a) Recana(which causeseliminationof morbid matter
from the head);
(b) Tarparya(which provides nourishmentto the organs
locatedin thehead).It includessnehanaactionalso;
(c) Samana (which alleviates the aggravateddosas in
the head).It includesstambhanaaction also.
[ 8e-e2
Inhalation therapy is useful for the treatment of diseasesin the
head. Therefore, its different types ofaction are describedin the above
text. In Sufruta (Cikitsa 40 : 2l) excluding dhuma (inhalationof drugs
in the form of smoke), the inhalation therapy is describedto be of five
types as follows :
(l) Nasya;
(2) Siro-virecana;
(3) Prati-mar1a;
(4) Avapi(a; and
(5) Pradhamana.

Siro-virecanatypeof inhalationtherapyis includedin thenavuna

type of Caraka. Ndvana type of inhalation therapy as described in the
above text is of two types, viz., snehana(which causesoleation) and
Sodhana(which causeselimination of dosasfrom the head). It is this
latter variety of navarrc which is similar to siro-virecana variety
described in SuSruta.
In the above text, avapi|atype ofinhalation therapyis described
to be of two types, viz., Sodhana(which causeselimination of morbid
matter) and stanrbhana (which causesarrest of excessive secretion).
This latter variety also includesSamanatype (which causesalleviation
of doEas).
AvapiSa implies the administration of thin paste, etc., by
insufflation. The pasteof drugs like saindhava zndpippall given for the
elimination of morbid matter is also included under this category.
AdhmApana type of inhalation therapy is stated to cleanse the
channelsof the head.By implication,this type of inhalationtherapyalso
comes under the categoryof siro-virecana (which eliminates morbid
matter from the head).
Dhuma (inhalation therapyapplied in the form of smoke) includes
Samana or prayogikc (which causes alleviation of dosas), snoihika
(which causesoleation) and vairecanika (which causeselimination of
doqas) types. It does not include the smoking through the mouth.
The characteristic features of pratimarfia type will be explained
later (vide verseno. I l7).
All the actions of inahalation therapy are classified into three
categories, viz., recarta, tarparya including snehana, and Samana
including stambhana.All the othereffectsof inhalation therapydescribed
in other texts are to be included under these three categories.
for Dffirent Ailments
FilrrgFwgcarEnt dfuqn i ffirr<r: r
ffifttq{ tg :1s35p{ yrnst | | q? | |
+ q qnnsq.r tm: fur:u"qtfr6G?r. 1
Rrrosr{ur tg rer:q{ yvnFr*| | qy | |
tu,funrFqttg vrrf qelfrert r
sqrq{ {qrn;f q iTcn ftS VrTqt | | q\ | |
GhrTF€i lrqtdq fi{qq qqq. q c,rr*qrl

In the case of head-diseases associatedwith stiffness,

numbness,heaviness, etc.,causedby the aggravatedkapha,
inhalation therapy of Siro-virecana type (which causes
elimination of morbid matterfrom the head)is useful.
ln 3iraty-kampa(trembling of head), ardita (facial
paralysis),etc.,causedby aggravate d vayu, inhalationtherapy
which causestarparya(nourishmentby oleation)of the head
is useful.
In diseaseslike rakta-pitta (an ailment characterisedby
bleeding from different parts of the body) and such other
diseases,Samana(which causesalleviationof dosas)type of
inhalation theraPyis useful.
Inhalation therapy through adhmapana (insufflation)
and dhuma-pana (inhalation of smoke) should be used in
After appropriateexaminationof doqas,etc., involved in
the causationof the disease,the physicianshouldadminister
suitableinhalationtherapy. t 93-
ln Sutra 5 :27-31, patientssuitablefor the administrationof
inhalation therapy by dhuma-pana (inha\'ation of smoke) are already
Inhalation therapy administeredby adhmapanc (insufflation) is
alreadystatedin the verseno. 9l to cleansethe channelsof circulation'
Therefore, patients having diseaseslike abhinydsa (fever leading to.
coma) andapasmdra(epilepsy)which needcleansingof channelsareto
be given this type of theraPY.
Drugs for Virecana and Tarpana Nasya
rrrcrRwi ffi ffi qrBt*<qnsqtl
iqsf u,-erRr q+( *d frtT{ql
Tff,i r}6t' +{ a'{urtt I qe tl
qrqfu€r ftqqt fr5 qs: gffiqnk(l
In Vimana 8:l5l (seven categoriesof) drugs whose
fruits, (leaves,roots, rhizomes,flowers, exudatesand barks)
IX ]

areuseful for Siro-virecanaaredescribed'Thesedrugs
usedfor pradhnxanaandavapldatypesofinhalation therapy
in powder form. Oil may be cookedby addingthe powder
thesedrugs.This medicatedoil may be usedfor inhalation
therapyof virecana type(which eliminatesthe morbid matter
from the head).
Oil maybecookedby addingdrugsbelongingto M-adhura-
rnedicatedoil may alsobe usedfor tarpanotype of inhalation
therapy. t 96-97 l

Methocl of Administering Avapl(a Naslta

yr{q{ qqq{ qT grq'ilrEqzra€ .a | | 3e | |
wn"ftq vr€rFrer Yrq+ Tqrqi g{T(l
rfrqFrf€: ffiq ffigq rrrArdrF q l l 33 l l
€r*rsrgi ft il{uf gnmrt ftqrqt
errqrqffi T€d q frrt: qftilrs+| | ioo | |
qaaqffi =rei qqgfr'safteht
3nt qdvrqr{s {EWf fffgt: ll tot ll
€s Trqrgilq qr+{r{Erdqr I
qftf+{rrr ' Rqql lqoRll
gtrrrfirT firg-{r qtsrq q5;ft qcnfuftrr
Fh q ffe1l o{ra,ila $ { : $ { : l l q o l l l
d T+€sAqun qrd aerrS q ftrsfr t
€iffiFm: sfur qra:qdqgqftcra:lltoY ll
W: *{s ffi{ ffi wrq} ikT:l
dTqqFqt+S fqq,rrq € 6@tllqo\ll
T& q<,qfr e1q fireE qqt*qrvrtqt
gtFrqef<q: n toQ II
fqffisefrsg qr{, gsqrq"rtT
In the morning or noon time, after the patient has
completedhis daily actsof ablutions,he shouldbe madeto lie
comiortably in supineposition on a well spreadbed with his
headslightly hangingdown, and legsslightlyraised.A wise
physician should give him tarpana (nourishing) type of
medicatedoil throughhis nostrils.
If the headis not kept in a lower position then the recipe
for inhalationtherapywill not reachthe desireddestinationin
the head.If the headis loweredin excessthen the recipegets
lodged in the brain (mastulunga). Therefore, the patient
should maintain the aforesaidposition while lying down.
As a preparatory measure for creaning, fomentation
therapy should be applied over the head of the patient.
Thereafter, the physician with the thumb of his left hand
shouldraisethe tip of thenose,andwith his right hand,should
appropriatelypour the recipe of medicatedoil through a
praryafi (pipette)or picu (cottonswab)in equalquantitiesin
each of the nostrils.
After this, fomentation therapy should be applied over
the head once again, and the recipe of medicatedoil along
with Slesmc(phlegm or mucousmatter) shouldbe drained out
frequently till no traceof medicatedoil is left out.
Becauseof fomentation,theslesma(mucousmatter)gets
excitedandby theadministrationof inhalationtherapy,it gets
dislodged.If a part of the medicatedoil is left behind then
becauseof its cooling effect,the localisedmucousmattergets
concealedin the head.This may give rise to diseasesof the
ears,menya (sidesof the neck), throat,etc.
After the administration of the inhalation therapy, the
patient shouldbe given dhuma-pana(smokingtherapy)which
is curative of kapha.
The patient should take wholesomefood, and stay in a
warm apartmentfree from draught.He shouldobservesensual
This is the procedureto be followed for the administration
of Avapida andAdhmdpanatypes of nasya.

AvaptQatype of inhalation therapy is statedto be given both in the

morning and during midday. During summerseason,it should be done
during the morning hours, and during winter season,it should done
during the middaY.
Pradhamana Type of Inhalation Therapy
ir( vr{'ffir ril=t{r q}qqf 5+* {llioell
ffi E-r uraeasq EMqt
Hg FdqF{€A q F+erccrraf<: ll toz ll
R*q$ Ehici ErFT Hl
€ dnfr f{qfw{ q-ifr lgqrt rrfft q(tl I to3 tt
frffi *g ffi Eiqtffqtrur:I
qqrirs'ilqrd|"rr ftnunrSsqd:ttRtotl
Asperpradhamanatype of inhalationtherapy,the recipe
in powder form shouldbe blown by the physicianthroughhis
mouth into the nostrilsof the patient with the help of a tube
which is six ahgulas in breadth.After the morbid matter is
eliminatedfrom the headof the patient,the vigilant physician
should make him to drink warm water and give him food
ingredientsof which are light and in harmony with all the
threedosas.Thereafter,the patientshouldbe madeto stay in
a draught-freehouse.
After the body is cleansedof morbid matter, intake of
u n w h o l e s ome (d o q a -a g g ra va ti ng)r egimen makes the
aggravate d doqasto circulateall over the body giving rise to
severaldiseasespeculiarto that dosas.In that case,the wise
physician shouldadministertherapeuticmeasuresspecifically
required for the same aggravateddoqa.Complication arising
out of untimely administrationof inhalationtherapy should
be treatedon the sameline specifically suggestedfor each of
thesecomplications. ll07t/"-ll0 l
Complications Arising Out of Kapha, and Their Treatment
srfrd $H t* *i friwr Effir
Te Fd *$n+t$qr€i | | qlt | |

fu +.rqFfrfr "+fufiqq{tl
ir:r rfu5a; ffi:nttRtl
Severalkaphajatypeof ailmentsaremanifestedif snehana
(oleating)type of inhalationtherapyis administeredin the
following conditions:
(l ) During indigestion;
(2) After the intake of food;
(3) After drinking water;
(4) In a cloudy day;
(5) During coryzaof recentorigin;
(6) After bath;
(7) After the intake of sneha(potion of ghee);and
(8) After an anuvasana(unctuous)type of enema.
For thetreatmentof suchailmentsall the kapha-alleviating
therapeuticmeasurescontaining ingredientswhich are tlkq,la
(sharp),hot, etc.,are useful. t I I l-l 12 ]
Complications Causedby Vdyu, and Their Treatment
qn* fqtffi 'r{ qrqrqrFr6t qfu r
qr* rn*ur r*{ Ea: Frs{+(rrtrtt I qqQrl
icr trlir6{: Fd frE: €E<{Eur: r
ffi:, rF{r€if fi{ rtfiTqqtq ftr*qa: n qqytl
Several vatika type of ailments are manifested by the
aggravatedvayu if rukqa (ununctuous)type of inhalation
therapyis administeredin the following conditions :
( I ) If the patient is emaciated;
(2) lt the patient has takenpurgationtherapy;
(3) If the patient (woman) is pregnant;
(4) If the patient is afflicted with hard work; and
(5) If the patientis thirsty.
For the treatment of these ailments. all the snehana

(oleation), bymhar.ta
(nourishing), svedanc(fomentation)and
such other therapieswhich alleviate vdyu are useful. In the
caseof pregnantwoman, gheeand milk should be spe,cially
gi v e n . 1 i l 3 - l 1 4l
Timira and its Treatment
qrgffi fdnrf qstrs.TEl
s*: ffifrt: gzqfu trrerlqnttq rr
Inhalationtherapygiven to a patientwho is exceedingly
afflicted with fever aswell asgrief, andwho is alcoholiogives.
rise to timira (cataract).For the treatmentof this timira, the
patient should be given fr tdfij ana, I ep a (applicationof oi ntment
over the eyes) and puta-paka (1uice of the paste of herbs
covered with mud and cooked over fire) with ununctuous
ingredients. ll15l
Tne term 'Sitdfijana'means'srotoiijana'.It is alsointerpretedas
the collyrium preparedof bitter drugs.Accordingn Satatqa-tanta,
aiijana or collyrium is of threetypesas follows :
(l) Lekhana(which scrapesout morbid matterfrom the eyes).It
is generallypreparedof drugshavingpungent,sourandsalinQ
(2) Ropa4a(whichhelpsin thehealingof ulcers).It is preparedof
bitterdrugs.Becauseof coolingeffect,thesebitterdrugshelp
in correctingburningsensation andbecause ofununctuousness
they help in quick healing;and
(3) Prasadana(whichpromoteseye-sight).It is preparedof drugs
Puta-paka(uice extractedof thepasteof drugsby coveringit with
mudandthencookingthemudbolusoverfire) is prescribed in theabove
text for the treatmentof eye-disease. It is of two types, viz., lekhana
(which scrapesout the morbid materialfrom the eyes) and Samana
(which alleviatesthe dogas).
ln Sdlakya-tantra,puya-pdkais describedto be three types as
(l\ Snehana(which causesoleationof eyes);
(2) Lekhana(which scrapesout morbid materialfrom the eyes);

(3) Prasatlarra(which prolnoteseye-sight)'

Details of the methodsof their adrninistrationare not described
this work becausethesetherapiesarelargely usedin another
branchof ayurveda. ICaraka-sa mhitaprimarilydeal s with K aya- c ikitsa
head and
SAnkya-tarttra dealing with the treatment of diseasesof the
Pratimarfa Typeof InhalationTherapy
ri"- *6i Yfrq=f Fff qr*f Fd{l
, fuq rsTrf q.frfr T q *qqrtl rqqqI I
q vdqrr
TkT: *arfrfr <gr(YrdHfrr
q Arfu'fu fu, q qrd5-(r rqqe
Navana type of inhalationtherapyis of two types' viz"
snehana(which causesoleation) and3*91!.hana (which causes
of dosas)..Pratimarfla (applicationof oil in the
:jg:t4Qjy pe of i nhalation therapype{qt3-:" -qolhtheseactio ns.'
and it is harmless.
Forp ratimarsa, the the finger is dippedinto the medicated
oil and then appliedin the inner wall of the nostrils.It is not
n€cessaryto be snuffeddeeplyas is done in the caseof other
forms of inhalationtherapy.It can be usedin the morning or
at night in all the seasons.Even a healthypersoncan use this
type orinnalaton therapyfor promotinggood function [of the
oigunt in the headl. I I 16-117]
Two varieti es of ndvana type of inhalatiorr herapy are describe in
the above text only by the way of confirming that was stated
According to some phy\icians, in the above text, two varieties
inhalation therapy in general are described, and this includes snehana
i.ndSantanavarieties of inhalation therapy described earlier'
PratinrarSa type of inhalation therapy in which only 3 sr11fl
If oil is applied
the seaqor'r-s'
'. quantity otg!.111pPlrgi*-c31-bg-qlsdinall
in targe quiliity, itrJn ructt a iherapy can not be given in all the seasons'
For the lattentype, it is statedthat the oil which is appliedin the nostrils
ancl which reachesthe mouth with light snuffing is the
quantity of pratiar1c. This oil used for piatimar.fa should not be

degultitated becauseit may causeirritation (lit. secretion)in the throat.

The quantity irt which this oil when snuffed slightly reachesthe mouth
is the appropriate dose.
?rT sFilc5t-
ffrr qrrrr(yqrtrFr qqiuqFrttg q I
t$re finffi q+rr+q1s $qwr: I llqa | |
ffig as3q;{frfuqasn|
Fqr'{fuiM qqtqrqi satFtdtt Rqs| |
To sumup :
In this chapterdealingwith the successin the treatment
of three vital organs,the topics discussedare as follows :
( I ) Reasonsfor which threeorgans(viz., heart, head and
urinary bladder) are the most important ones; (vide
(2) Signs and symptomsof the afflietions of thesethree
vital organs,andtheir treatment;(vide versenos.6-8)
(3) Varities of the diseasesof these vital organs, and
medicamentsto be used for the treatment of these
ailments;and (vide versenos. 9-tl" 49)
(4) Method of administration of utta:ra-basti (urethral
and vaginal douche) and nasta-karmc (inhalation
therapy), their complications,and treatmentof these
complications.(vide versenos.49 tl2-l17)
I l18-l19]
FsFqdpr5,ed @ faqo*ga
ftk*qr+ nrsr{tqfrHq refrsqrq: nj tl
Thus, endsthe ninth chapterof Siddhi-sthdnadealing
with the "SuccessfulTreatmentof AilmentsCausedby the
Affliction of ThreeVital Organs" in AgniveSa'swork as
redactedby Caraka,and becauseof its non-availability,
supplemented by Drdhabala.
C H A P T E R- X

s{err* cffiftl En@npnrr: tt t ll
gPda gra qrrdmrlq: ll R| |
we shallnowexpoundthechapteron "EffectiveRecipes
of MedicatedErlema".
Thus,saidLord Atreya. I l-21
ln the previous chapter, severaldiseasesof three vital organs are
described. For the successful treatment of these diseases, effective
recipes of medicatedenemaare being describedin the presentchapter.
firer{r qff vrwrrf +g tg t+gt
'!!frr !rrcF: fiGRqErqiftqrdr(t tQtt
o ! Agnivesa,listento the discourseson effectiveand
usefulrecipesof basfd(medicatedenema)for variousdiseases
which bestowsuccess physicians.t 3 l
uponthe successful
Importanceof Basti TheraPY
: yfEsriq dftrar: FrT{l
d:dM:Frrl €qffillYll
ffi t+riryqanall\ll
Basti,if appropriatelyadministeredkeepingin view the
strength of the patient, dosas involved in the causationof
diseases,natureof the diseases,physical constitutionof the
patientandthe propertiesof differentgroupsof drugsprescribd
for different diseases,curestheseailment.

No therapeuticmeasureother than basti, cleansesthe

body quickly and easily, causesdepletionand nourishment
instantaneously,and is free from any adverseeffect. t 4-5 l
Before the administrationof bcsri (medicatedenema),it is necessary
to examinethe ten factorsalreadydescribedin Siddhi 3 : 6. Only a few
ofthese are describedin the abovetext becauseofcontextual propriety'
There are no doubt, other therapeutic measuresfor apatarparla
(depletion of tissues) tnd santarpana (nourishmentof tissues). But
these effects are obtained quicker by basti (in comparison to others).
to Purgation
Superiorityof Bastiin Comparison
Fsfuffiq.EMq slsqrErtr(l
errcsnq{+q ri, rrafdF-gilrf q'{tt e tt
Eiqrsr{ r
The purgation(includingemesis)therapyno doubt,causes
eliminationof dosas,'but it involvesintakeof recipeingredients
of which arepungent,tikqrya(sharp), hot,etc.Theseingredients
causeunpleasantness, eructation,nausea,cardiacdiscomfort
(ahydyatva) and pain in the gastro-intestinaltract.
- Infants_have,im,mutyfily _o-_f_!U:gqt_
Thereis diminution of tissuesandreductionin strengthin,qld
peogle.For both thesecategoriesof patients, viz., infantsand
old persons,purgationtherapyis contra-indicated. Asthdpana
type of medicatedenemacan,however,be given to both these
typesof patientswhich is excellentboth forthe eliminationof
doqas and nourishment of the body. This bcsri-therapy
instantaneouslypromotes strength, complexion, sense of
exhileration and tendernessas well as unctuousnessof the
body. [ 6-'128I
The term 'vireka' used in the text aboveimplies both emesis
(vamana) and purgation (virecana). Generally,however, this term
msans'purgation' only. If this generalimplication is accepted,then
vamana(emesis)is to be excludedfrom the perview of the above
'purgation' only can also
Alternatively, its generalmeaning,i.e.,
be taken in the presentcontext. Vanrana(emesis) and basti (rnedicated
enema)both haveentirely two different fields of action.Unlike emesis,
both Dasti (enema)and purgationtherapieswork in the field of colon.
Hence,the effects of thesetwo therapiesare comparedin the above text.
Three Typesof Basti
srgrsi ffig F Ffeq:netl
? P-FRI:l 13 l l
sqrrrdtti ?fr?r*ndhf dcn gdqrfelI
q*triild n*+g-uarqttqotl
Basti is of threetypes as follows :
(l) Anuvdsana(enemagiven with oil and such other
(2) Niruha (enemagiven with docoction,etc., added
with oil, etc.);and
(3) Uttara-basli (urethral and vaginal douche).
These different forms of medicatedenema are useful in
the following categoriesof ailments :
(l) Afflictions of the exterior(limbs) of the body by the
(2) For those who are suffering from contractures,
stiffness, fractures and pain; and
(3) Obstruction to the passageof feces, flatulenc6,
orroreXio,sawingpain, achingpain, etc.
For the patients afflicted with diseasescausedby heat,
cooling rgcipesshould be usedfor enema.For those afflicted
with diseasescausedby cold, luke-warm recipes of enema
should be administered. I
After determining the exact requirement of the patient,
enema shoultl be administered with recipes containing
appropriate; viz., hot or cold ingre{ients. [ 8t/2-10J

q{fra daofrqq qqr( qrfu5 ffi*5 I
ffi ffiqr Asfu TtT: Esffi:lltlll
r{ t
ggrffiilTfr{Tr1 arsrFq€rgm t qllRR ll
Nourishingtypeof medicated enemashouldnot be given
in the following conditions:
(1) Diseasesrequiringeliminationof aggravateddoqas;
(2) Patientswith adiposity even if they are otherwise
suitablefor elirninationtherapies;and
(3) Patients suffering from kuq1ha(obstinate skin
diseasesincluding leprosy) and meha (obstinate
urinary diseasesincluding diabetes).
Eliminative(evacuative)typeof medicatedenemashould
not be given to the patient suffering from consumption.
phthisis,weakness,fpinting andemaciationaswell asdryness
of the body. This type of enemais also contra-indicatedfor
patients whose life is sustainedbecauseof the retention of
feces. [ 1 l - 1 2]
The life of the patient suffering from consumption, excessive
weakness,etc., is sustainedby the retention of feces in the body. For
them, eliminative (evacuative)type of enema,and such other measures
for the purgation of stool are contra-indicated-- vide Cikitsa 8 : 88.
Dffirent Typesof Ingredientsfor VariousAilments
P'I'iRIT: qtreailqlrl
$s|{{eTrfur qkq6t q{ qq: g1; ererrtt
rw*F+tqr€ qaqpurqn tY tl
For aphrodisiaceffect and for the treatment of dtseases
causedby r akta (vitiated blood) andp itt a, the recipe of enema
containinghoney, gheeand milk is useful.
Recipesof enemacontainingtil oil, cow's urine,drandla

(vinegar) and salt are useful for the diseasescaused by

aggravatedkapha and vayu.
In the recipe of enema, ingredients like amla (sour
drinks), cow's urine, cow's milk, alcohol and decoctions
which arenot antagonistictodhdtus(doqasandtissueelements
responsible for the causation of the disease) should be
appropriatelyadded.Similarly, water which is the sourceof
nourishment(rasa-yoni)shouldbe addedto the recipe when
l[ ls warm. I 1 3 - 1 ]4
As a general rule, honey is added to a recipe of enema, it is
specifically mentioned here because,for aphrodisiaceffect, etc., honey
should be added in a higher quantity. It also shows that honey is an
essential ingredient in such recipes.
Suchof the ingredientslike amla (sourdrinks) asarenot antagonistic
to dhatus (doqas and tissue elements which are responsible for the
causationof the disease)shouldbe added,andthosewhich areantagonistic
to these dhatus should be excluded.
Water is the source matter for nourishment, and it promotes the
nourishing effect of the ingredientsaddedto the enema-recipe.It should
be added to all the enema-recipeswhen it is warm. Water is not to be
added to recipes directly, but it should be used for the preparation of
paste,etc., of the ingredients.
lCakrapani has provided some alternative explanations about
adding jala (water) to the as folldws : l
(l) Eventhough,not directly mentionedelsew[ere,the statement
in the above text should be treated as an authority for adding
water to the enema-recipe;
(2) The term 'jala'mentioned in the above text implies liquid
., (drava). Therefore,it providesjustification for the addition of
liq uids ( d rav as) like a mla (sour drink) in enema-recipes.A mla
(sour drinks), etc., becomerasa-yoni (sourceof nourishment)
becauseof their liquid nature; and
(3) Some scholarshold the view that addition of water is essential
only in citrrya-bastis (recipes for enema in powder form),
becausethe recipe in powder form has to be used for enema
o,nly after adding liguid to it. In another text, the recipe of
C-urya-basti is described as follows :
x I srDDHrSTHANA 371

"The recipe containing rasna, vaca, bilva, Satahva,ela, puttka,

kyqrla, madana-phala, ddru, ku;tha, saindhava, sour liquids, wann
water and oil is called curescolic pain""
Ingredientsfor Avapa
sE[{q13 VrdTrE?r('r{t tq\ | |
s{rqrqrqqfir1prfr:yffi i5 qR B: r
g-ffF{ F6 q.qrdrtar{Tra: trcrqsnFT
I rqq| |
Sura-ddru (deva-ddru),Satahva,eld, kustha,madhuka,
pippall, madhu (honey),sneha(fats like oil and ghee),drugs
which are urdhva-bhaga [hara) (cause upward motion in
gastro-intestinaltract) and which areanuloma-bhagafhara]
(cause downward motion in the gastro-intestinaltract),
sarqapa,sular and salt - theseare to be used (individually
or all together)asdvdpa(ingredientswhich are addedlater to
the recipe in small quantity) in recipesfor enema.
From amongsttheseingredientswhich are to be added
along vrith'what type of decoction and to which type of
enema-recipe will be describedlater. I 15-16 ]
Strong qnd Mild Enemas
lMFweS Enfug*qon ft$qd+Tffr: r
- qgftqrqfrqrqr :lltgll
For chronic, obstinate and serious type of diseases,
recipescontainingprati-vApa (ingredientsadded later) and
decoctionsof strong acting ingredientsshould be used for
anuvdsana(unctuoustype of enema)andnirltha (evacuative
type of enema). For other types of diseases(which are of
recentorigin, which are easily amenableto therapeuticsand
which are of mild nature)ingredientshaving only mild effects
should be used. l.r71
Niritha type of enema contains both, decoctions and avdpa
(ingredients which are addedin pasteform later). Even for anuvdsana,
decoctions are used for the preparation of medicated oil, etc., and to

theserecipesof medicatedoil, avapa of Satahva,etc., are added.As it

is in other texts,pippall, madana, ku;yha,|atahva.,madhuka and vaca
should be taken in appropriatequantity, made to a paste,and addedas
avapa to the recipe for uruvasarut(unctuousenema).
Enema Recipesfor Vayu, Pitta and Kapha
sTdrtfr*rfi: firqrt rrdVr:t
ffiSqr*r: y*;il?F':qrvq4: rrrcfuRrrrl
vrrflrtrrT EFqqofi T6dft qeftfl=rdr:I lti | |
zreTr:{"refi: z*sfi Rrn ift rdsFr& r
vrs* rrag:*A: ftrRrcs qskar: llRoll
qFgsT qrfigrs+<r q{rtrr qgqflefir I tRt | |
Tqa qrffit gp t tFr* T.T:I
: qstt q€il* ftttT: n?Rtl
grffiq qrird qfirufiTr grdqrl
EREr Fdw,dTn;a frrEro Earqt tRQtl
ftoq-cqFgrdFc ffiftSt
FqrRq\FilTn "qA
ffiqar FITT:nRYtl
Now, listento thecomprehensive descriptionof effective
enema-recipesfor different diseaseseach one of which is
describedin half (one line) of the following verses.These
recipescontain drugs which are harmoneousin potency and
proportion. In addition, dloSanas or dvdpas (ingredients
which are added later to the recipe) for each group are also
Ingredientsfor Vayu
(l) Bilva, agni-mantha,Syondka,kdimarya andpalalT;
(2) SAla-par,1i,prfni-parqi, byhatt, karylakari and
vardhamdnaka ( eraryQa); and
(3) Yava, kulattha, kola and sthird.
These three recipes are to be used as enema for vdtika

diseasesalongwith four typesof fat (oil, ghee,muscle-fatand

bone-marrow)and meat-soup.
Ingredientsfor Pitta
(l) Nala, vafijula (vetasa),vdnTra(a type of vetasa),
Sata-patra and Saivala;
(2) M afij iqgha,sdrivd, anantd,p ayasyd andyaqpi-madhu;
(3) Candana,padmaka, uiira and tuhga (punnaga).
The abovementiondthreerecipespreparedwith milk are
to be usedas enemafor paittika type of diseases,along with
sugar,honey and ghee.
Ingredientsfor Kapha
(l) Arka, alarka (manddra), eka;lhila (patha) and
(2) Haridrd, harltakl, bibhitaka, dmalaki, musta, plta-
ddru and kugannaga(kaivarta-mustakaor tagara);
(3) Pippati and citraka.
The above mentioned three recipes along with kqara
(alkali preparation),honey,cow's urine and a small quantity
of fat are to be used for kaphaja type of diseases. Il8-24l
Enema-recipes for Colon-cleansing
q Grqar*q ftq{r EFfrEFqfr | t?\ | |
uwor Vrffi ttto*t eifi{ffi€{.r q I rRq| |
TiqrfrT*Fr4r*qanffiqqr: t
Arnffi Ttr Tgdtm y(tiFfir:u?en)
The following four recipesare to be boiled with cow's
urine, andusedas enemafor cleansingcolon : -
(l) Phala,ftm-uta,ikEvdku,dhdmdrgavaand vatsaka;

(2) Sydma,haritaki, bibhttaka,dntalaki, sthira, dantl

and dravantT(a type of danti);
(3) Prakirya (karafija), udaklrya,nilinl (nlla-vuhna or
nllafij onika) and k;l r ir.rl;
(4) Saptala, Sankhinl,lodhra and fruit of kampillaka.
The four recipesillustratedabovecan be usedseparately
or jointly. t2s-27)
'k.;veda'askrtavedhana. This
[Cakrapani has interpretedthe term
term does not apearin the text. Perhapshe had a slightly different text.l
Enema-recipefor Promotion of Sentenand Muscle-tissue
q;rqffi qfr16rqtifrg.flqtr rrirwfrl
ffi "f$.reE6-dffi uRet l
srrsnFnrt5.€f xTGtT:Frhtrn "FmFrETI
wirrnr{t|Ef qffit {r,5Trirrdr: ilR3 tl
The following (four) enema-recipes
helpin thepromotion
of semenand muscle-tissue:
(l) KdkolT,kqlra-kakol|, mudga-pqrrfi and Satavarl;
(2) Viddri, madhu-yaql|,Syhgatakaand kaferuka;
(3) Fruit (seed) of dtma-guptd, mdqa, godhilma and
yava; and
G) Meat of aquaticandmarshyland inhabitinganimals.
Enema-recipefor AstringentAction
ffi qrFqr*rg qrdatgq{trft+l
FI6: @r: qE€ Vrfr fto#t Erttl:lllo ll
E-rq. TilT6 q nrufr sao$rart
qarsr: frIrei ffifr qiqrffir xflT:ll?lll
The following (four) enema-recipeshelp in producing
astringentaction :
( I ) Jivantl, agni-mantha,flower of dhataki, andvatsaka;

( 2 ) P r a g ra h a , kh a d i ra , ku qyha, faml, pindTtaka

(madana-p hala) and Yava;
(3) Privahgu, rakta-mul| (samahga),tarunl (drdma-
tarur4T) or nava-nmllika andsvarrla-yithika,'and
(4) Vaga,etc.,(treeshavinglatex),kirySukaandlodhra.
[ 3 0 - 3 1]
Enema-recip es fo r A rre st ing Excessiv e Secret ion
qFrura Td qfu F${g{+qqr
s,nqqffirfi,'qr qEf arSAtreqfi.€Tr I llR | |
The following (two) enema-recipesarrest excessive
secretionfrom the body :
(l) Milk boiled with vr.(c7raandpunarnava; and
(2) Milk boiled with akhu-parni and taryQulryaka.
t32 )
Enema- recip es fo r B urning-syndrome
(raq: qaqfrtffiefir: llQQll
The following enema-recipes cure ddha (burning
(l) Milk or ghee cooked with kalahkataka,karydekqu
(byhadikqu), and darbha, po[agala (hoggala) and
ikqu; and
(2) Milk or ghee cooked with utpala and such other
drugs (flowers of aquatic plants like nalina and
saugandhika). t 33 l
Enema-recipesfor Sawing Pain

ak: ffftwqrvfra: rrnggrEk:
ffieRa: g*drogqnqFdRnH:ut\ n)

Milk cooked with karbudara, ddhakl, nipa and vidula

(vetasa)should be cooled, and addedwith honey as well as
sugar.The physician should give enemawith this recipe to
cureparikartikd (sawingpain).
A wise and expert physician should give the enema of
milk cookedwith the stalksof |rl-parnl andkoviddra which
rs cooled,and addedwith honeyaswell as sugarto curepari-
kartika (sawing pain) 134-3s l
Enema-recipefor Gripping Pain
qfu: vrrcqFqdmf SrRrd {crka: I
Ra: yqrdd rAiC: vrftqfril{R qn ?q tl
Milk should be cooked with the stalks of Salmali. and
added with ghee. Giving enema with this recipe cures
p ravaharya(gripping pain).
Similarly, milk shouldbecookedwith thegum of Sdlmali,
and added with ghee. Giving enemawith this recipe cures
pravaharya(gripping pain). t 36 l
Enema-recipefor Correcting Over-action of Basti
fvqr: dtft*t 13: *ffg1-{T*{iilr:1 Qerl
;qiqF&ggsrs *+q frfu{T rrt: I
For correctingthe complicationscausedby over-action
(ati-yoga) of basti (medicatedenema), the following two
recipes for enemaare useful :
( I ) Milk boiled with afvavarohikd (aiva-gandhd, aiva-
kan.ta or ikquraka), kaka-na.sdand raja-kaseruka,
and added with honey, rasdfijana (daru-haridra
ghana-kvatha) and ghee; and
(2) Milk boiled with nyagrodha, (udumbara, aivattha
and plakqa), and added with honey, rasdfijana and
ghee. 137 - l
x I stDDHI srHAxl 377
Enema-recipeJor CorrectingHaemorrhage
gdfr ffi vrdmfrllQell
ffi ,:d qfrt at Wrs+*if*ulqrl
qd sad vfrd sqg{rdfttt
ll Yo ll

@ YvrgtllYtll
For arresting haemorrhage,thefollowing(three)recipes
of enema are useful :
(1)Milk boiled with byhatT,kqlra-kakolt,pySni-parnl
and Satdvari, and added with ghee, afiiana (daru-
haridrd ghana-kvatha),honev andsugar.This should
be administeredwhen cool;
(2) Mitk boiled with kasmerla, badarT,d-urvd,uflra and
priyahgu, and addedwith ghee,afiiana, honey and
sugar.This shouldbe administeredwhen cool; and
(3) Milk of cow, sheep,goat or buffalo shouldbe added
with the paste of I:aniya-group of drugs and the
fresh blood ofrabbit, deer,cock, cat, buffalo, sheep
or goat.
t l 2 -4 l l
[Cakrapani's commentary on the above text indicates that he had
different reading of the textl.
Enema-recipesfor Rakta-pitta and Prameha

t+q frffiT EIRf,{q: qWr: tt Y? ll

rs6fir+, gR g Ef,'rtf€t:
ftreteqc: ll Yl ll
Therecipecontainingmadh-uka, rnadhuka,drdk;d, d-urva,
ka1marya and candanashould be preparedin the above

mentionedmannerbyaddinghoneyandsugar.This medicated
enema[is useful for the treatmentfor rakta-pitta (an ailment
characterisedby bleedingfrom different partsof the body).1
Following theabovementionedprocedure,enemashould
be preparedof mafiji;tha, sarivd, anantd,payasyd,madhuka,
Sarkara (sugar), condana, drdkqa, madhu (honey), fruit of
dhatri and utpala which is useful for the treatment of rakta-
For prameha (obstinate urinary disorders including
diabetes),enemawith the decoctionof soma-valkais useful.
| 42-43 l Ji
Enema-recipefor Other Ailments
qil YY tl
fir€rt qtrt
KffiT ffi{ g;ft drna WrFEqqn y\ rl
For gulma (phantom tumour), atisara (diarrhoea),
uddvarta (upwardmovementof wind in abdomen),stambha
(stiffnessof limbs), sahkucita(contractionof limbs), sarvdnga-
roga (paralysisof the whole body), ekdhga-roga(parulysisof
one limb) and for such other diseases,an expert physician
should give basti (medicated enema) of effective recipes
containing different types of drugs appropriate to each of
theseconditionspreparedaccordingto the methodsdescribed
before. 144-4sl
ffi T{t: I
rr€rw{Tfrr{qd Fr: sffiFefi,rwenil yq tl iTen ErA qfitq,t yergfr r
qrffitl qd Et d ffi tteT T.T:n Ye tl
d ffifir+ tt q ga^: frrra qta ir
qK{n {urerilTr: n Ya r l

To sum up :
In this chapter,thirty sevenexcellentrecipescontaining
small number of ingredientswhich are easily available and
which have lessof adverseeffectsare describedas follows :
(l-3) Three recipesof enemafor vatika diseases;
[vide verseno.s l9-201
(4-6) Three recipesof enemafor paittika diseases;
[vide versenos2l-22]
(7-9) Three recipesof enemafor kaphaja diseases;
[vide verse nos.23-24]
(10-l3) Four recipesof enemafor cleansingthe colon;
[vide verse nos.25-27)
(14-17) Four recipes of enema for the promotion of
virility (includingthoseforpromotionof seminal
[vide versenos.28-29]
( I 8-21) Four recipesof enemawith astringenteffect;
[vide versenos.30-31]
(22-23)Two recipes of enema for arrestingexcessive
[vide verse no.32]
(24-25)Two recipes of enema for curing burning
[vide verseno. 33]
(26-27)Two recipesof enemafor curing sawing pain;
[vide versenos. 34-35]
(28-29) Two recipes of enemafor curing gripping pain;
[vide versenos. 36]
(30-31)Two recipesof enemafor correctingover-action
(ati-yoga) of basti (medicatedenematherapy);
I vide versenos.37 - tl,3g )


(32-34T) h r e e r e c i p e s o f e n e m a f o r a r r e s t in g
[vide versenos.38
(35-36)Two recipesof enemafor correctrngrakta-pitta
(an ailment characterisedby bleeding from
different parts of the body); and
[vide verse nos.42-43]
(37) One recipe of enema for correcting meha
(obstinateurinary diseasesincluding diabetes).
[vide verseno. 43] [ 46-48)
'ekatrimSat'is in a compound form (as printed in
[The term
Nirnaya Sagara Pressedition of l94l). It should correctly be read as
"ekal.ttriry1at" or"ekastrit.n(4t".This seemsto be an editorial error, :rnd
we have corrected the text.l
ffi{i{Ri frkrrn+ qffiHq
Thus, ends the tenth chapterof Siddhi-sectiondealing
with "Effective Recipesof MedicatedEnema"of AgniveSa's
work asredactedby Caraka,andbecauseof its non-availability
supplementedby Drdhabala.

C H A P T E R .X I


oTsn?T:qaq|iffirE qrcqrtTrq: | | t | |
VFaA Frd r1rqril+q: ll R ll
We shall now expound the chapter dealing with the
"Determination of Appropriatenessof Medicaments,etc., for
Enema,and its VeterinaryDosageto Achieve Success."
Thus, said Lord Afieya. I l-2l
In thepreviouschapterof this section,useof differenttypesof
fruitsfor enemaweredescribed.Thetherapeutic efficacyof thesefruits
for specific diseaseswill be describedin this chapter.Besides,the dose
of enema for different types of animals has not been described earlier.
This will also be described in this chaprer.
Description of enema for animals, viz., elephants,etc., is not
within the scopeof this text. still the description in this chaprerimplies
that basti (medicatedenema)therapy is useful even for the ailments of
animals, in addition to human beings.
Seminar to ResolveDisputes
tt,dqkqr€Rs+ rrFfrrEr u?tl

6tr(Yqf qetrEg@nxtl
To resolvethe disputeover the mostusefulingredients
from amongst madana-phala,etc., for asthapana-basti
(evacuativeenema),andto determinetheexcellenceof enema
with thesemadana-phala-,etc.,
in specificailments,sageslike
Bhtgu,KauSika,K6pya,Saundka, pulastyaandAsitaCautarna

cameto Lord Afieva who is richlv endowedwith liberal mind.

wisdom, memoryand mundaneknowledge. f , 3 - 4l
In the versenos.3- 14,a historicalfact, viz., the seminarwhich was
held to discuss the relative merits of different ingredients for basti-
therapy is describedin this text of santhita(compilations)in order to
prove the authenticity(respectability)of the staternentsmade here.
Opinion of Saunakaof Excellenceof fimlttaka
ffi et rF&er *q.aa,qr6 gftr*: I
Saunakasaid, "Amongst the fruits, Itmutaka is the
foremost in efficacy (for medicatedenema)becauseof its
effect to eliminate kapha andpitta". ltlr5l
ln Kalpa section (vide Kalpa 2 : 4) ilmutaka is described to
eliminate all the three doqas. However, from the above statement it
appearsto have the effect of eliminating both the kapha ald pitta-
Opinion of Vamakaon Excellenceof Kayu-tumbl
qrrrcs: 1l \ ll
Eg*4ffirsFtr-{Fil irwgtf<ard 1frser
eq+ ffi ia il(l
The King Vamaka said, "Becauseof low potency this
(fruit of fimutaka) is.less effective in disintegrating and
voiding of stool. On the other hand,Kagu-tumb7 which is the
bestasemeticshouldbe consideredto be excellentbecauseof
its action to eliminate the dosas(throughenema)".
| 5tlr- )
Opinion of Gautamaon Excellenceof Dhamargavo
rftildsed(l lq rl
Gautama said, "(Katu-tumbl) is anaphrodisiac(avrsya)
becauseof its hot, sharp, pungent and ununctuouseffects'
Dhamargava which is excellent for eliminating kapha and
p,itta may be consideredto be the best for basti (medicated
tlr7 I
xr I srDDHr

Opinion of BadiSa on Excellenceof Kutaja

irff{fr qrfti grdEvf} EnFqt q-6s5Rl I e tl
$.'5f g{r{rq # q q6q 6qfqqErp q;
BadiSasaid,"It (dhamargava)is the aggravatorof vayu,
it causesdepression(glani), andit reducesstrength(for which
it is not suitablefor bastior enema).On theotherhand,Kutaja
shouldbe consideredasexcellent[for enema]becauseit does
not reducestrength,and it alleviateskapha as well aspitta."
,lr- tlrg
[7 l
Opinion of Kapya on Excellenceof Krta-vedhana
ffiirrn{dFr q H'rq 3lTa ir(t I e | |
qrftt 6.E6fufl rrfti dfe:frr
Kapyasaid,"It (kuyaja)is veryviscid,itcauseselimination
of dosas through the upward tract (emesis),and it causes
aggravation of vayu Qtavana-kqobhi)[for which it is not
suitablefor bastior enemal.On the otherhand,Kyta-vedhana
which is vdtala (promoterof vayu) andwhich (instantaneously
eliminatesexcessivelyaggravatedkapha andpitta(is the best
drug for basti or medicatedenema)" Igrlo-rlog]
by Bhadra-i aunaka
r<sTkFd rrffilTffi. 4.{i qrftrqeqFrsfrn j ll
Bhadra-Saun akasaid,"The statement[regarding theutili ty
of Kyta-vedhanain enematherapy] is not correct becauseit is
pungent,and it reducesstrengthin excess. I g2t4]
The intention of mentioning the different opinions of sages(in the
aforesaid verse nos. 3-9) is to highlight the good effects as well as
shortcomings of different drugs for being used in enema therapy.
Atreya's Concluding Statement
FFdir*rrh tgF{' g|affir F{vrq gFqrrlr
sswr€ ta,*g F€d qrq wF{gilffiF<eRt I io tl
s{Fq# YFd Trffi Trafift-6r,
q C ffi{uf ftffintttl

Fd g;EFfdT rrtrrrfr ffigq; g tFtf Ernql

$eqs rrei tqrqi yqf *temt{ q qrrglln qRtl
s<t F,aerf F, rrfi ffiA El
qg{ rrqerqFmd ilqsq €e-{qrEffifr{t tqQ ll
qqfrt6ErqqrR. qnffiqrq qq{rj.dfr ql
$Frnq fuM llrris+g *+S FtrzrFn qx tl
Having heard to the (above mentioned) interesting
statementsadvancedwith reasoning,the Wise TeacherAtreya
admired the efforts of the speakers,and thereafter,delivered
the final judgement regarding the best among the fruits for
enemaas follows :
In your statements,all of you haveappropriatelydescribed
the beneficial effpcts and shortcomingsof different fruits [for
use in enematherapyl.There is no drug which is absolutely
free from shortcomingsor which is absolutelyfree from good
effects.Therefore,we should,(while selectingthe appropriate
drug for enema), think of a drug which possessesmore of
good attributes [for a particular ailment].
In the present context (of basti or medicated enema),
ilm-utaka (garagari) is useful for the treatment of kustha
(obstinate skin diseases including leprosy); kayu-tumbl
(ikqvaku) is for meha (obstinate urinary diseasesincluding
diabetes); fruit of kuyaja for heart-diseases;kogha-phala
(dhamdrgava) is for pdndu (anemia); and kyta-vedhana is
useful for udara (obstinate abdominal diseases including
Madana-phala is, however, not contra-indicatedin any
disease.It is sweetand slightly astringentas well as bitter in
taste. It is not ununctuous,and slightly pungent, hot and
viscid. Iteliminateskaphaandpitta,it acts(eliminatesdagas)
instantaneously, it is harmless, and it causes downward
'phala' (lit. fruit)
movement of vdyu. Therefore, the term
specifically indicates madana-phala (fruit of mafona) even
xr I srDDHr

thoughthereareseveralotherfruitswhich areusedin medicine.

I l0-14]
There are severalother fruits (phala) which are used in medicine.
'phala' without any prefix is mentionedin
But when the term the text,
it simply implies madana-phala, and no other fruit (like the one of
jimutaka), becauseof its therapeuticefficacy.

QueryAboutActionof Basti
g€dFd rq{Tclr€t $rtr$'{ q {eft tr?r:I
yfurqs gEr rrqFqd: rrffa: @t tRqtt
q|Wqq qfd qrFrart
qnqsil {ErriT: q yrfr{r( sda: E rqdEFd dqrtr I qq | |
The above statementof the Teacherwas duely honoured
by the assemblyof sages.Thereafter,all the disciples bowed
beforeHim with happinessandenquiredaboutthefollowing :
The Teacher has describedthe basti (medicatedenema)
to possessactionsand attributesfor curing all the diseases.
But it doesnotreachabovethe level of umbilicus becausethe
rectum through which it is administeredis locatedbelow this
umbilicus. Then, how is it possible for basti (medicated
enema)to eliminate morbid material (doqas)from all over the
body ? I rs-16
i.e. to possessall
Basti is describedto be sarva-gu4a-karma-krt,
the attributesandactions.By implication,basticaneliminateill doqas
like other therapies,viz., vamanc or emesis.Alternatively, it can
produceeffectsllke lahghanc(lightening)and byrphaqa(nourishing),
andit hastheattributesto promotestrengthandagni(powerof digestion
vr€it' T€rqtsF{fr: sg.frtftrr(l
*ffi q€ tqsff,e qT T-rpr€FT:r+tvgqqfr | | qs | |
d q6r{ qfuitwrFr€i {ffirj.dqrqFd qk: I
sffirrw rr(lfErw?q{Trrr( gvTrFfi$rqrFd | | ta I I
ThePreceptor repliedasfollows:

The body is sustainedby vayu becauseof its ability to

causedetachment(vighata) of any adhesion(sahga). Vayu,
aloneor alongwith dtherdosas(generally)getsaggravatedin
its own habitat (i.e. colon). Basti (medicatedenema),by its
purificatory action,causesdownwardmovementof thatvdyu
along with pitta, kapha and feces.Becauseof the alleviation
of this vdyu, all the diseasespervadingthe whole body get
alleviated. I 17-18 ]
'vighatat' in
Unterpretationof the tenn Cakrapani'scommentarry
seemsto suffer from some editorial defect.l
Vayu generallygets aggravatedin its own habitat, i.e. colon. This
is the baseof vayu which may also get aggravatedelsewherein the body.
Since basti or medicated enema causesalleviation of this basic vayu
(located in the colon or pakvaSaya),other conn ectedvdyuselsewherein
the body get automatically alleviated. This is already explained by the
citation of the simile of destructionof a tree by cutting its root (vide
Siddhi 2 : 16). This explains the cure of all the diseasesof the body by
simply correcting thevayu locatedin its basic habitat, i.e. colon.
ln SiddhiT :64, basti is describedto draw out all the dosasfrom
the foot to the headby itsvlrya (potency).This is describedin the above
text in accordancewith the query of disciples.
EnemaTherapyfor Animals
srlw*f q q qfttrrq*Efr q ir€zn6gr: r*Ea: u tR tl
After having understoodthe aforesaid concept in its
entirety by intelligence, the disciple (AgniveSa)enquired
about the curativesof diseasesaffecting elephants,camels,
cattle, horses,sheepand goats.
The Preceptor(Atreya)describedbasti(medicatedenema)
[as the excellent therapy for the treatmentof their diseases].
After further query,the Preceptorexplainedthe procedure
of administeringenema to these animals as follows (to be
discussedin subsequentversenos. 20-26). t 19 l

eptaclesfor Different Animals

erqrffi g wrq,r+{rrd e-qffr cfra rgqFlfiffifrr;11 1o ll
For giving enemato the elephantand camel,the urinary
bladderof goatand sheepshouldbe usedasenema-receptacle
For giving enemato cows andhorses,the urinarybladder
of buffalo should be usedas enema-receptacle'
For giving enemato goatsand sheep,the urinary bladder
of old ox (jaradgava)shouldbe usedas enema-receptacle'
O! blessedon (adressedto the discipleAgniveSa),this is
the opinion of veterinary physicians proficient in the
administrationof medicatedenemato animals- 1,201
Enema-nozzlefor Dffirent Animals
ffi q$ir+Firqqdffi <r,-<i,r
The lengthof enema-nozzles for differentanimalsshould
be as follows :
(a) Elephants: one aratni (length of the fore-arm);
(b) Camels: l8 ahgulas(oneahgula = 314th of an inch);
(c) Cattle and horses: l6 ahgulasi and
(d) Sheepand goats ; 10 ahgulas
It is statedto insert one fourth of this length of the nozzle
into the anusof the animal while administeringenema.l2l)
'respectively'.But in the
[Theuseof theterm'kramat'implies
abovetext fourtypes of are
nozzles described for to beusedfor sixtypes
of animals. In the verse no. 22, while describing the receptacles of
enema, these animals are coupled. In view of this, there will be three
gfoups of animals. Therefore, useof the term'kramdt' becomesirrelevant.
Cakrapani has not commented upon this discrepancy' Therefore, we
have taken two animals, viz., elephantand camel separatelybecauseof
the signiticant variation is their size, and put the remaining four animals
into three groups in the above translation of the text to justify the term
This view is supportedby the descriptionof the quantity of
enema-recipedescribedin the next verse no. zz to be used for different
categoriesof animals.l
Dose of Enema-recipefor Dffirent Animals
Wcrarerafre€ F+sZqr*r ?Terrqar{l
"rdrRg EFdgui
ftF€gE:F ?TsnsraEiaqrErrT gFq{al|qnr+s6eq: || RR||
The dose of the fluid to be used as niruha (evacuative
enema)for different animalsshould be as follows :
(a) Goats and sheep: oneprastha (64 tolas\;
(b) Cattle (cows, buffalo and horses) : two to three
prasthasdependingupon their physique;
(c) Camels : two a(hakas (one adhaka = 256 tolas): and
(d)Elephants: four aQhakas.
For anuvdsana(unctuoustype of medicatedenema),the
quantity of oil, etc., to be used for theseanimals should be
one-eighth of the quantity prescribed above for nirrrha
(evacuativetype of medicatedenema).
Enema-recipefor All Animals in General
EnPdf;f5eqg-fi ? ffi Erqr Vrdr6ruer rgrg{qr
frt-drfrv*g gs: FM FdqgTlf q fuq,eqrr ftrcqn RQI I
The recipecontaining[the decoctionofl ingredientslike
kalihga, kuggha,madhuka, pippafi, vacd, Satdhvd,madqne
and rasdfijana, and added with jaggery, rock-salt and two
varieties of pafrca-mlrla (bilva, Syondka,gambhdrl, pAtulA,
gat.ti-karika, 3dla-p an.ti, p y3ni -par4ti, byhati, kat.ttakarl and
goksura) is useful for all the types of veterinary enema.[23]
Additional I ngredients for Elephants
M:fu, I
The recipe describedabove (in verse no. 23) should be
addedwith [the decoctiono{J ingredientslike asvattha, vata,

a|va-karna, khadira,pragraha (Syonaka),fialaand fruits of

tala.Enema,alongwith theseadditionalingredients,is useful
for curing diseasesof elePhants. l 2 l 4 2 4l
Additional Ingredientsfor Cows
acm q qud @: uF+gn+Fq.**T:llRYll
vc6ffi r1qi Ea:r

The decoction of mudga-pan.rl,masa-parryl,dhava,Sigru,

pdga\, m.adhuka-sdra(heart-wood of madhuka), nikumbha,
cit r aka, p al dSa, bh utTka(ai amoda), sur ahva (deva -dar u) and
rohiqtt(ka{u-rohitrT)shouldbe usedin addition (to the drugs
describedin the verse no.23) as enemafor cattle-diseases.
1 2 4 2 1 4 - 2 1 4)2 5
Additional Ingredientsfor Horses
@ sfirqrrrrg qtffq'r: | | R\ | |
The decoction of paldia, dantl, sura-daru, kattrna and
dravanfi, in addition (to the decoction of drugs describedin
the verseno. 23) shouldbe usedfor enemato cure diseasesof
horses. 125
Additional Ingredientsfor Assesand Camels
The decoction of pllu, karlra, khadira, Samyaka and
leavesof drugs belonging to Bilvadi-group should be used in
addition (to the decoction of drugs describedin the verse no.
23) as enemafor the diseasesof assesand camels. l21426l
Additional Ingredientsfor Goats and Sheep
srqrfirfirqf frtrarqstrsi E6Frcffi*g rtnffi*trcql I ?q ll
Thedecoctionfo haritakT,bibhitaka,dmalakl,parfiqaka,
kapittha,karkandu,bilva andkola shouldbe usedin addition
(to the decoctionof drugsdescribedin the verseno. 23) as
enemafor the diseases of goatsandsheep. t 26

Query About PersonsAly-glt Exposedto Diseases. . ri

srcnFr*vT; Fa?rrgrr{Trqffi q rrgEs
Trwql6 qt {
-Yqrst${r' ffi sA quqfiEFr: l t Re l l
Thereafter,AgniveSaenquiredfrom the preceptorabout
the persons who are eternally sick, and also about their
treatment. The Preceptcrrreplied that the persons who are
eternally exposedto sicknessare the following :
@) Srotriyas (peoplebelongingto the priest class);
(b) Raja-sevakas(servantsof the King);
(c) Vefyas(courtesans);and
(d) paryya-jivins
<trSiJ"riiitil. tz7 I
Basti or medicatedenematherapyis also useful for personswho
are eternally exposed to illness becauseof their professions.These
categoriesof personsare describedin the above text.
tr!ilfr q#r
The priests(brahmins)arealwaysengagedin the studyof
the vedas, observanceof different types of sacred vows
(vratas), performanceof daily rituals (ahnika-kriya), etc.
They, thus,fail to attendto regimenswhich areusefulfor their
hea l t h . [2/429 )
King's Servants
King's servantsarealwayspreoccupiedwith suchactsas
would causethe gratificationof the King's mind. They cater
to the requirementsof other subordinatesof the King, and
they are_exposed to excessiveworry and fear; [thus, they fail
to attendto their regimenswhich are useful for their healthl.
[292t4] |
Courtesans I

@ Tsrfir(ft)TqrPrmrqqrfr.TrI

Depending upon the whims and the moods of men

(claints),the courtesandevotesherselfto their entertainment
constantlyby keepingher body clean, and by using various
cosmeticsas well as ornaments.[Thus, they fail to attendto
their regimenswhich are useful for their health.l 121429l
qqqfrFqr: il R3l l

M e r ch a n ts co n sta n tl y l e a d a sedentar ylife being

excessivelyattachedto greediness involvedin theirprofession
of selling and purchasinggoods.[Thus, they fail to attendto
regimeni which are useful for their health.l 129
CommonCausesof Their Diseases
qeq i Errrd*rrFrrd qqrq{* =r q q,rfffr!ilql
ffi $Tqk fuAsfr FETstrrll t t t Qot t
All the above mentioned four categoriesof persons
becomeeternally sick becauseof the following :
(a) They always suppressthe manifestednatural urges;
(b) They never take food in time;
(c) They always void stool, urine, etc., untimely; and
(d) They resort to different regimensuntimely.
Other persons (apart from priests, king's servants,
courtesansandmerchants)who resortto the abovementioned
irregularitiesalso becomeperpetuallysick. t 30 l
(/se of Phala-varti for Treatmentof Their Sickness
sfrF tr qaqffficn: gqfiqtrf ffi tr*qaEll Qqll
Becauseof the strppressionof natural urges' vdyu gets
aggravatedto causeconstipation and pain all over the body.
The physician, having ascertainedthis, should, in the
beginning, givg phala-varri (medicatedsuppository) well
preparedwith unctuousmaterial. t 3l l
Niruha and Anuvasana-basti

rgtFa qnh q rnaEnF{frrrrq X* ftrrgdg*t | ?R| |

qtssnft{qotg qEFffi qkqpr trdq+qr
ffi Trr{*r SM trgrr*m rfrr$ns+(n tQ tl
P unarnavd, era ryQa,nikumbha, cit raka, deva -dd r u, t r iv rt,
nidigdhika andmahd-pafica-mltla (b ilva, Syondka,gambha ri,
patala and gani-karika) should be cooked by adding cow's
urine, curd and whey. To this, oil, gheeand five typesof salt
(sa indhava, sdmudra, viQa,sauvar cal a andaudbhi da) should
be added.with this recipe, niruha type of enemashould be
given. After this, thepatientshouldbe givenfood preparedby
cooking with the meat-soupof animals living in arid zone.
Thereafter, he should be given anuvasana or unctuous
type of enema with Nikumbha-taila. | 32-33l
Medicatedoil preparedby cookingoil with thedecoctionandpaste
of danti is calledNikumbha-taila.Thismedicared oil is to be usedfor
OtherRecipesfor Basti
qcriF{rFf E,ame1-{.qter:rgigrcrrrorqqFrtl
€n+qffi<nr: n ?ytl
Ra: Fqr$rurf qerqqffi?: r
dQn€?Tr€qg.*r qTFmd
q,+{ fuF*r wregrsfr qT||?\||
Bald, rdsnd, phala (madana-phala),bilva, citraka, two
varieties of pafica-m-ula(bilva, iyondka, gambhdrl, payala,
ganikarika, Sdla-pan.ri, pyfni-panfi, byhetl, ka4pakdri and
gok;ura), fruit of kyta-mdla (aragvadha),yava andkulattha
should be boiled by adding onea(haka (256 tolds) of warer.
To this decoction,the pasteof kalihga, etc.,(videverse no.23
for details of these drugs), oil, ghee, jaggery and rock_salt
should be added.Enemawith this recipe is useful for persons
who are perpetually sick (vide verse no. 27). This enema
promotes their strengthand complexion.

Similarly, for these patients, oil cooked with either

madhuka, phala (madana-phala), bilva or Satahva may be
used for anuvdsanaor unctuoustype of enema. [ 34 - 35 ]
Enema-recip es fo r I nfants
wmqg ffiFda, r
rdssqrs+ Frs€t ?TFrEruT:
a@Frszq€:FrqTq*:q{At tQqrl
Anuvdsana(unctuoustypeof medicatedenema) prepared
of the decoctionof drugsbelongingto Jivanly4-group (ilvaka,
rgabhaka, medd, maha-medd,kdkolT,kqlra-kakoli, mudga-
parryl,maqa-parrfi,jlvantT andmadhuka-- videSutra4 : 9 : I ),
andnirltha (evacuativetype of medicatedenema)preparedof
these very drugs without adding salt are useful for children.
There is no therapy other than niruha-basti which
effectively and rapidly promotes the growth of limbs and
physical strengthof both infants and old persons. t 36 l
6* rq16',:-
rRa?ngTrgfqer: rllFrrrdrqi Fda drGnql I le | |
To sum up :
In this chapterentitled "Phala-matra-siddhi"the topics
discussedare as follows :
( I ) Action of varioustypes of fruits;
I vide versenos. 5-14 ]
(2) Excellenceof basti-therapy;
I v i d e ve rsen o s. 1 5 -1 8]
(3) The nozzle for giving enemato animals;
I vide versenos. l9-22 )
(4) Enema-recipesfor cattle, etc.;
I vide verse nos.23-26 )
(5) Categoriesof personswho are perpetually sick; and
I videversenos.27-301


(6) Therapiesuseful for theseperpetuallysick persons.

I v i de ve rsen o s.3 l -3 6 ] l,37 I :r
Colophon l
qffi{ftf frfqrsn+ q,,qrrr*rnrfrn-
Thus,endstheeleventhchapterof Siddhi-section dealing
with the "Determination of Appropriatenessof Madana-
phala, etc., for Enema,and Its Veterinary Dose to Achieve
Success"in AgniveSa'swork as redactedby Caraka, and
becauseof its non-availability,supplementedby Drdhabala.


slc[rr cffiqnafirfA qr@trerm: | | I | |
Efd E FTr6 rrqqnrtq: | | R| |
We shall now expound:he chapterdealing with the
"tqeessful Applicationof ExcellentRecipesfor Medicated
Thus, said Lord Atreya. t t-21
[The term "uttara-basti" has beenexplained earlier (Siddhi 9 : 65)
to mean urethral or vaginal (uttoro) douche (basti).In that context, the
term'uttara' meanl the urethral and vaginal passagesbeing
positioned anterior to the anal opening (through which the normal basri
or enema is given). In the presentcontext, however, the term 'uttara'
'excellent', and'basti'
means implies "the recipes for enema". Thus,
this chapter deals with successful applic'dtion (siddhi\ of excellent
(uttara) recipes for medicated enema (basti).1
Post-therapeuticManagementof Patients
sTeT +s: dg.q wrTrRfif,:
Edd 5.vrFnTrF{ tfiqq|"r{qqr I I rl
vf*Tag rr#firrrerftqJ qfunnr*(n y tl
qcnsqs r6qf {uf M edq qt
rfrqr€ F qr$ m: vderErrqrtn: n \ tl
As afreshlyhatchedegghas tobehandledwith tenderness,
as a brimful oil-pot has to be handledwith care,and as the
cattle are protectedby a cowherdwith a staff in his hand,
similarly the physicianshouldcarefully protectthe patient


from theunwholesome (diets,regimens,etc.)factorsbecause

after the administrationof purificatory therapieshis body
undergoeschangesas follows :
( 1)The body of thepatientbecomesweakandemaciated;
(2) His digestivepower becomesweak;
(3) The ligamentsbinding his joints becomeloose;
(4) The (gastro-intestinal
becomeempty(emaciated) because of theelimination
of flatus, feces, urine, kapha (phlegm) and pitta
(5) The body becomesempty;and
(6) The patientbecomesintolerantto adversesituations
(like loud speech and other strong therapeutic
measures). t3-51
In the above text, the physician is advised to protect the tender
health of his patient after the administrationof elimiantion therapies
like emesis, purgation,nirltha (evacuativeenema) rnd Siro-virecano
(inhalation therapy).
In the next verseno. 6, the patientis advisedto be given p ey7 $hin
gruel), etc.,for the protectionof his health,Thesedieteticregimensare
required only after emesis and purgation. After niruha rnd Siro-
,virecana, such regimensare not necessary.
Three different similes described above indicate that in different
situations,the physicianis requiredto act differently, i.e. with tenderness,
carefulnessand protective attitude.
qfuraqnrnJ E qd nqrFr fic.qqr
T+nisilqqfE n,foT :nerl
@-rfrsRffiquil {rill
FrEfrtfr+ rd qa: q,qrffiEqt HiT:tt e tl
q-dserfdrffi Tsrqr @:r
q€rsrEq*+{ ySffi rrr<iqrqu e rl
After the administrationof purificatory therapy, the

physicianwho is adeptin handlingpost-therapeutic measures

should first of all give to the patient (gradually lighter to
heavier)diet beginningwithp eya(thingruel)andendingwith
ra sa (meat-soup)for thestimulation of agni (powerof digestion
and metabolism).
Thg patient should be given unctuous,sour, sweet and
pleasing (hfdya) food. Then he should be given dietetic
articleshaving sour and salinetastes.Later on, he should be
given thosearticleshavingsweeiandbitter tastes.Thereafter,
he shouldbe givenfood articleshavingastringentandpungent
The patientshouldbe given ingredientshaving mutually
contradictory tastes,and mutually contradictoryproperties
like unctuousnessand ununctuousness alternativelvtill the
normal diet (prakl"ti) is stored. t6-81
The term "peyddind......rasottare4c"means"a courseof regimen
beginning with thin gruel, etc., and endingwith meat-soup".It can also
be interpreted differently inasmuch as after emetic and purgation
therapies,the patient is required to be given peya (thin gruel), etc., and
after niruha (evacuative of medicated enema), rasa (mext-soup), etc.,
since there is lessof agnimandya (suppressionof the power of digestion
and metabolism), afterniruha, the patient can be given heavier food like
rasa (meat-soup), etc., This has already been explained before (vide
Siddhi I : 2l).
'rasa' in addition 'meat-soup', has another meaning,
The term , to
'taste'. Therefore,
i.e. the term "peyadind,.. rasottarena" mly also be
int-erpretedas "the patient should be given peyd, etc., (peyadina) after
which ingredients having different tastes(rasottarerya)are to be given.
If purgation therapy, etc.,.are not intended to be grven after the
emetic therapy, then for the restoration of health and promotion of
strength in the pudfied body of the patient, ingredientshaving different
tastes are to be given. According to some other scholars, ingredients
having different tastes-areto be used while preparing p eya (thin gruel),
etc. Ingrediehtp ltaving sour and sweet taste should be given in the
begintfiqg:in brdgf ro alleviate vayu in the colon, and to stimulate the
agni (enzywes'responsiblefor digestion), which is locatod in the gastro-
intestinal traCt above the colon, sour and saline ingredients are to be

given. Thereafter,for the alleviation of pitta (located tbove agni), sweet

and bitter ingredientsare to be given. Finally, astringentand pungent
ingredients are to be given for the alleviation of kapha which is located
still higher in the gastro-intestinaltract.
For the aforesaid purpose,i ngredients having mutually contradictory
tastes are to be used simultaneously one after the other. These four
couples of tastesare to be used in the preparationof peyd, etc. After the
twelfth meal time, the patient should be given his normal food.
Theseingredientshaving two tastesshould be used aliernatively,
i.e. one after the other. Similarly, ingredients having mutually
contradictoryattributes,viz., unctuousness andununctuousness should
be used one after the other alternatively till there is restoration of normal
diet. Snigdhc (unctuousness)and rukgc (ununctuousness)aredescribed
here only by way of illustration. Ingredientshaving other mutually
contradictoryattributesllkeguru (heaviness)andlaghu (lightness)can
be sirnilarly used.
Restoration of Normal Health
rrffi E€i{rtrTrFrg-c,:ftqtEq: r
qffiqq-ddtr* ffia: r$,fr rrn: il i rl
[After the intake of peya, etc., and ingredientshaving
different tastes as well as attributes], the patient is to be
consideredas having normal healthrestoredas indicatedby
the following factors :
( I ) Ability to take and digestvariousingredientshaving
all the different tastes;
(2) Non-obstructionto his naturalurges;
(3) Restorationof the zest for life;
(4) Sharpfunctioning of the senses;
(5) Return of strength;and
(6) Endowmentof strongwill power. t9l
A variantreadingin theplaceof 'asarysarga' in theaboveverseis
withoutgettingdefeated by predetermined impediments."
x r rl SIDDHI STHANA 399

Eight Impediments
qdr rSrcrrra: vffifr qdtql
ffi E Rqa:llqoll
sdqtd @t
q f€rtqd Fiqr{ll qqll
?Frcr ffi:r
Fqcr*e ET€rrT:T5{rn6qqll qRll
Till the health,as characteriz,edby the aboveis restored,
the'patient should avoid all the prohibited activities. He
shoul.dspecially avoid eight factors which are exceedingly
harmful. Theseare as follows :
(l) Uccaih bhasyaor-!9y{s1999h : This causespain in
the upper part of the bodY;
(2) Ratha-kqobha or jolts by ri{ing wooden cart
(conveyance): This cause$Pain all over the body;
(3) Ati-cahkramaryao1 lgng wayfaring : This causes
pain in the lower Part of the bodY;
(4) Ati-dsanaorconstantsitting : This causespain in the
middle part of the body;
(5) Aj\rrya_ol indigestion : This gives rise to diseases
caus"d bf*6.-mior uncooked material;
(6) Ahita-bhoiana or intake of unwholesome food :
This givesrise to dir"ur"s caus"ab;i fffferenf doqas;
(7\ Divd-svapnaor$egp duringday time: This gives
rise to diseasescausedby Eapha;and
i (8) Maithuna qr-gg-1ualintercourse: This gives rise to
diseasescaused by kqaya or diminution of tissue
elements. t 10-12l
D etails of Impedirnents
il ftr{ffifr ffiq'{q q. tlqarqt
qffiq firqq q€ftx qrqrrtllqQ ll
Now, I (refers to Atreya) shall appropriatelyexplain in
detail the signs,treatmentand effectiveydpana typeof bastis
(medicatedenemas)for eachof theseimpediments.
t I3 l
( I ) Complications of Loud and ExcessiveSpeech

Speaking loudly or speaking in excess [before the

restorationof normal health after the purificatory therapy]
gives rise to complicationsas follows :
(l) .Burning sensationin the head;
(2) Pricking pain in the templesand ears;
(3) Auditory dysfunction(deafness);
(4) ._Dryness
of mouth, pilates and throat;
(5) Fainting;
(6) Thirst, fever, tamaka (a feeling as if entering into
d a r kn e ss), sp a sti ci ty o f jaws, tor ticolis and
p t ya l i sm;
(7) Pain in the ghestand sidesof the chest;
(8) Hoarseness of voice;
(9) Hiccup and asthma;and
(10) Suchothercomplicarions.
t 14 (l) l
in excess)
is notmentionedasoneof
the impediments in the verse no. I l, this additional factor is described
in the above text becauseit sharesthe effects (complicati ons)of uccaift-
b hasya (speakingloudly).
(2) Complications of Jolting by Conveyance
rerafuvrq :@

Joltingcausedby riding conveyance[beforetherestoration

of normal health after purificatory therapy] gives rise to

complicationsas follows :
( I) of big and smalljoints;
(2) *ggti-"jldp$q\ilg pain injaws, nose'earsandhead;
pelvlc reglog meteorism,"gurgling
(3) Irritattq-l -1-1r'.fhe
nolse rn intestinesand flatulence;
(4) O-bstructionin the-fu-netioning of the heg{.qn{ ge"nse
piiil in ttt" hips, sidesof the chest,groin' scrotum'
and back;
(6) Weaknessof joints, shouldersand neck;
(7) Burning sensationin limbs;
(9) Such other comPlications. t 14(2)l
(3) Complications of Long Wayfaring
Long wayfaring [beforethe restorationof health after the
purificatory therapy]givesrise to complicationsas follows :
(l) Pain in the feet, calf regions,thighs,knees,groins,
waist and back;
(2) Astheniaand pricking pain in legs (sakthi);
(3) CramPsin the calf region;
(4) Malaise;
(5) Burning sensationin the shoulders;
(6) Swelling of the veins and arteris;
(i) ertn-a and cough; and
(8) Such other comPlications. t14(3)l
(4) Complications of ConstantSitting

constant sitting [before the restoration of health after

purificatory therapyl gives rise to complications like pain in
the hips, sides of the che-s-!,
groins, scrotum.,w_aistani uact<
which aredescribedearlierin respectofjolting by conveyance,
and such other complications.
t 14 (4) l
complications arisingoutof constant
those caused by the jolting in conveyances.These are speciaily
enumeratedhere because,in addition, sorne other complications
loosenessofjoints, etc., ariseexclusively by jorting in conveyances.
(5) Complications of Indigestion and Adhyasana
srtrqvmnqr g _
Indigestion and adhyaianc (intake of food before the
previous meal is digested) [before the restoration of normal
health after purificatory therapyl give rise to following
(l) of the mouth, flatulence,colic pain and
(2) Thirst, prostrationof the body, vomiting, diarrhoea,
fainting, fever and gripping pain;
(3) Ama-vigaorpoisoningeffectcausedby dma (product
of indigestion);and
(4) Such other complications; 14(s)l
only ajirna or indigestionis enumerated
in verseno. I I to be one
of theimpediments. Adhyasanaor takingfoodbeforethepreviousmeal
is digested,.thoughnot mentionedthere,alsoproduces amabecause of
which it is includedin rneabovetext.
(6) complicationsof unwholesomeFoodand lrregular Meal

Intake of irregularmealsandunwholesomefood
the restoration of normal health after purificatory therapy]
producescomplicationsas follows :
(l) Lack of desirefor taking food;
(2) Weakness,discolorationof the skin, itching, scabies
and prostrationof the body; and
(3) Sprue,_p-ilesand such other diseasescausedby the
aggravationof vayu. t 14 (6) l
Intakeof unwholesome(ahitasana)and irregular food( visamasana)
produces identical effects. Hence the latter, though not enumerated
verseno. I l, is describedin the above texr.
(7) Complicationsof Day-sleep

sleep during the day time [before the restoration of

n o r m a l h e al th a fte r p u ri fi ca to ry ther apyl pr oduces
complicationsas follows :
(l) Anorexia, indigestionand suppressionof the power
of digestion;
(2) staimitya (feering as if the body is covered with wet
(3) Anemia,itching,scabies,burningsensation,vomiting
and malaise;
(4) Impairment of the cardiac function, stiffness,
drowsinessand continuoussleep;
(5) Appearanceof nodules;
(6) Weakness;
(7) Red colorationof urine and eyes;and
(8,)Coating over rhe palate.
t 14 (7) t

(8) Complicationsof SexualIntercourse

: {$:, 3lc|-qqfr{et 5(:, ArciErA
qi, m Eqg, fis{rt FsrcT:, frEt:
Fq +g(, erqffiq
yegd Eq q (4);
Sexualintercourse[beforethe restorationof healthafter
purificatory therapy]producescomplicationsas follows :
( I ) Instantaneousloss of strength;
(2) Prostrationof thighs;
(3) Colicky pain in the head,region of urinary bladder,
anus, phallus, groins, thighs, knees,calf-regions
and feet;
(4) Palpitationof heart;
(S') Pain in the eYes;
Astheniaof the limbs;
(7) Bleeding through the seminalpassage;
(8) Cough, asthma, hemoptysis and asthenia of the
(9) Weaknessof lumbar region;
( l0) Paralysisof the part of the body or the whole body;
(11) Oedemain the scrotum;
(12) Retentionof flatus, stool and urine;
(13) Excessivedischargeof semen;
( 1 4 )N u mb n e ss, tre mb l i n g , deafness and visada
(15) Similar other comPlications;
(16) A feeling as if the anusis being cut;
(17) Pain in the phallus as if it is being cut;

(18) A feeling as if the mind is shrinking;

(19) Tremblingof the heart;
(20) Pain in joints; and
(21) A feeling as if enteringinro darkness.
t l4_(S)l
Thus, the abovementionedcomplicationsarise because
of the eight types of impedimeflts[describedin the verse
n o .I l l .
I t4l
( I ) Managementof complicationscausedby Loudspeech&
! T€*_
Now the successfultreatment of these complications
[arising out of impediments during the period of
convalescence]will be discussed.
complications caused by loud speech and excessive
speech can be cured by all the vdyu-alleviating measures
including the following :

, (l) Massageand fomentationtherapies;

(2) Upanaha(applicationof hot polutices);
(3) Dhuma (smoking rherapy);
(4) Nasya (inhalation therapy);
(5) upari-bhakta sneha-pdna(intake of medicatedghee
after the meal);
Intake of meat-soup,milk, etc., and
(7) Observanceof silence.
(2) -(4) M anagement of c ompri cati onsc aused by c onveyance-
jolting, etc.


Complicationsbecauseof jolting by conveyance,long

wayfaring and excessivesitting can be cured by all vdyu-
alleviating therapies like oleation, fome_ntation,etc. The
patient shtuld avoid the causativefactors.' t 15 (2) l
(5) Managementof complications caused by Indigestion &
erffitrretqage*f sW:{*datrfiffi-
complications arisingout of indigestionand adhyasana
(taking food before the previous meal is digested)can be
cured by the following :
( l ) A d m in i stra ti o n o f e me ti c ther apy in or der to
completelytakeout theundigestedmaterial[from the
Q\I!f!"-sv-e,1a (dry or ununctuousfomentation); and
(3) Administration of medicamentswhich arelahghaniya
(producing lightening effect on the body)' pdcanlya
(carminative)and trtpantya(digestivestimulant)'
(6)Management causedbylrregulsrMeal
of comptications
& Unwholesome Food
ftqqrffdrYrqmi *qac: ffirn: (x);
Complicationarisingout of irregular meal and intake of
unwholesomefood can be cured by appropriatetherapiesfor
the alleviation of respectivedoqaswhich arc aggr^vated.
(7) Managementof Complications Causedby Day-sleep
Complicationsarising out of day-sleepcan be cured by
all the kapha-alleviatingmeasuresincluding the following :

(I) Dhuma-pana(smokingtherapy);
(2) Langhana(fasting or lightening therapy);
(3) Vamana(emetictherapy);
(4)Siro-virecana (therapyfor the eliminationof morbid
matterfrom the head);
6) VyAyAma(physicalexercise);
(6) Ruksa-afana(intake of ununuctuousfood);
(7) Arista (intake of alcoholicpreparations);
(8) Administrafionof drugswhich areilipantya(digestive
( 9 )P r a g h a r s a n a ( f r i c t i o n m a s s a g e,) u n m a r d a n a
(kneadingthe body) andparisecana(hot affusion),
(8) Manage,nent of Complications Caused by Sexual
t?{.r$rmi : fiwrffitituq*rr:, delTEtrirarr:
Eqr3rr6rtr:*6r: r+6fdEr+qrrqrq{ir*sgqrF{
q; Trer5Tqkv1*g
fuiHr(r Itqu
Complicationscausedby sexualintercoursecan be cured
by the following :
(l)Administration of milk and ghee cooked by adding
drugsbelongingto Iwaniya-group(f:aka, ysabhaka,
medd, maha-meda,kiko Ft,ksira-kako Ft,mudga-pardi,
mdqa-p arrfi ,jlvanti andrnadhuka- vide Sfitra 4 : 9 : l);
(2) Administration of fomentation,massageand upandha
(application of hot poultice) which are the alleviators
of vdyu;
(3) Intake of food, promotive of virility;
(4) Intake of unctuousfood and application of unctuous

(5) "Yapanaand anuvdsanatypes of medicatedenema;

(6) If thereareurinarymorbidities,andpain in the region
of urinary bladder,thenuttara-basti(urethraldouche)
should be given with oil cooked by adding milk
boiled with vidAri-gandhadi and Itvanlya groups of
drugs. tls l
To the pasteand decoction of drugs belonging to Vidari-gandhadi
and.fivaniyc groups, milk and oil should be added and cooked' This
medicated oil shou{d be used for uttara-bcsrl (urethral douche).
( I ) I Mustadya Yapana-basti)

qRr€rcn qrEfr* {q:

ga: v*va: gffi qk: {ffiiwdrfftrfi: @

E{: TIEIT qtrqq+

rrd {qrqrT:IRT (q)'
6IFIEF|=TTIgr{{Sfr (U;
Yapanatypeof basll (medicatedenemafor the promotion
of longevity) canbe administeredat all times.The recipesfor
this type of medicatedenemawill be describedhereafter.
Onepala each of mustd, u31ra,bald, dragvadhr, rdsnd,
mafij i qtha,, t rdyamd1td,p unarnava, bib hTtaka,
guQuci, Sdla-parryi,brhatT,karplal<ariandgok;ura should be
cut into small pieces.To this, eight fruits of madana should
be added.The whole recipe should then be washed well and
cooked by adding one a(haka (256 tolas) of water till one-
fourth of waterremains.To this decoction,:twoprasthas(128
tolas)of,cow'smilk shouldbe added,andboiled againtill two
prasthas of the liquid remains.To this liquid, half prastha of
the soup of the meat of animals inhabiting arid zone, ghee

taken in quantity equal to honey (as prescribedin earlier

enema-recipes),and the pasteof Sata-kusuma(1ata-puspa).
madhuka, fruit of kutaja, rasafijana,priyahgu as well as a
little of saindhava(rock-salt)should be added.This recipe,
when luke-warm, shouldbe usedfor enema.
This medicated enema has the following therapeutic
effects :
( I ) It promotessemen,muscletissueand strength;
(z)lt cures ksata-ks1nc(consumption),cough, gwlma
(phantomtumour),colic pain,irregularfever,bradhna
or vardhmc (inguinal swelling), kuryQala(circular
movementof wind), uddvarta(upwardmovementof
wind in the aMomen), pain in the pelvic region,
dysuria, asrg-rajah (menorrhagia), visarpa
(erysipelas),pravdhi&a(dysentery)and headache;
(3) It cures stiffnessof knee-joints,thighs, calf regfions
and the region ofurinary bladder;
(4) It cures aimarl (calculusin the urinary tract artd in
other parts of the body), insanity, piles, prameha
(obstinate urinary disorder.sincluding diabetes),
flatulence,vata-rakra(gout) and diseasescausedby
aggravatedpitta as well as kapha;
(5) It instantaneouslypromotesstrength;and
(6) It rejuvenatesthe body. t16(l)l
It is specifiesin the abovetext that theseyapanatypes of medioated
enema can be given at all times. By implication, nirltha type of basti
(medicated enema) cannot be given at all times.
These are called yapana-basti becausethey prolong eapana) the
span of life.
( 2) [ EranQa-mulddyaYdpand-basti]
q:rrsrrdrrd{rv[r(vqq"ivnffi gFqqoitTffr qilr4FrR|fi.r
rilq..*} lwlrser;srl n.{* qqftt{rflq* tqErtrfd qFtrfrrF{
Eruwr. qtaTF{ q,FTrF{qrczt y{r€ vfrTtr* Srrnt q}qt

qrqt{ q'qr{iXt
qwatffitstrqgtigdgf Fna.€+di
dftqrtsrqr KfuYsrdftffi@-
q (?);
Six palas of the root and leavesof erar4Qa'and onepala
each of Sala-parnt,pyini-parni, byhatT,kangakdri,gokqura,
r dsnd, a3vagandhd, guQ-uci,va r qabh u Qtunar nava)' d r agvadha
and deva-ddru should be cut into pieces, washed well, and
cooked by adding onea(hakc of water and one-fourthddhaka
of milk till onefourth of theliquid remains.To this decoction,
the pasteof Sata-kusuma(Sata-puqpa),kusgha,rnust . - ippall,
hapuqd,bilva, vqcd,fruit of vatsaka,rasafiiana,priyahgu and
yavdnl shouldbe added.By addinghoney,ghee,oil and rock-
salt,this recipe,when luke-warm,shouldbe given in the form
of niruha (evacuativeenema)once' twice or three times.
- This medicatedenemais useful for all, specially for the
following typesof Persons:
( l) Pleasure-lovingPeoPle;
(2) Those having tender health;
(3) Those indulging in sex in excess;
(4) Emaciatedpersonsand thosesufferingfrom phthisis;
(5) Old persons;
(6) Personssuffering from chronic piles; and
(7) Personsdesirousof progeny. t 16 (2) l
(3) [ Sahacarddya Yapana-bast"i
ir6q qqm (e);
Following the abovementiorredprocedure,enema-recipe
can be preparedof milk boiled with sahacnra, bald, root of
darbha andsdriva. l16(3)l
arenot specifiedhere.
The therapeuticeffectsof this enema-recipe
Theseare, however,describedin the versenos. 20-22.

(4) [ Brhatyadi Yapana-basti]

Aen rr€RTTrrgqirff-
ffi{q*+6fta: (x);
Milk should be boiled by adding byhati, kar.rgakdri,
Satavariand,chinna-ruhd.Tothis milk, thepasteof madhuka,
madana and pippal7 should be added. Following the above
mentioned procedure(describedin para 16-2)enema of this
recipe should be given. t 1 6( 4 )l
The therapeuticeffectsof this enema-recipeare not specified in the
above text. These are, however, described in the verse nos. ZO-22
(5) [BalAdya Yapana-basti- First Recipe]
aerr -
q€rw qTfiq€fiFit5,t{ qg-
Eaffidgr#{ €ffi
Milk boiled withbald, ati-bald, viddrl,|ni-
parryl, byhati, kar.tpakarika,root of darbha, parilsaka,
kaimarya. fruit of bilva and yava should be added with the
pasteof madhuka andmadanaalong with honey, gheeas.well
as sauvarcala. Enema with this recipe instantaneously
promotes strength, and rejuvenatesthe body of persons
suffering from cough, fever, gulma (phantomtumour), pliha
(splenic disorders) and ardita (facial paralysis). This recipe
also instantaneouslypromotesthe strength,and rejuvenates
the body of personswho are afflicted with excessivesexual
indulgenceand alcoholism. t 16 (5) l
(6) [Balddya Yapana-basti-- SecondRecipe J

qrti q wffi @d wrd Ti qga66{agrf,5qr-

One pala each of bald, ati-bald, rdsnd, aragvadha,

madana, bi tva (fruit), g uQltc-t,p unar navd, er ar\Qa, a3vagandhd,
sahacara,paldsa,deva-ddru,bilva(root),Syonaka, gambharl,
p apl a, gani kdr ika, 3al a p ar ry|,p y3ni p a r ry1,brhatl, karytakar7
andgokqura, andtwo prasytas eachof yava, kola, kulattha as
well as iu;ka-mulaka shouldbe boiled by adding one drorla
of w aterti ll fw ep raslras ( vide commentary) of liqu id remains'
To this straineddecoction,the paste of madhuka,madana,
Sata-puqpa,kustha,pippafi, vacd, fruit of varsaka,rasafijana,
priyahgu and yavdnTshould be added.By adding jaggery'
ghee,oil, honey,milk, meat=soup, sourvinegar(amla-kaniika)
ind saindhva, this recipe,when luke-warm, should be used
for enema.
This enemacuresthe following ailments:
(l) Retentionof semen,urine and stool causedby the
(2) Gulma(phantomtumour),hyd-roga(heart-diseases)'
flatulence,bradhna (inguinal swellings), stiffness
of the sidesof the chest,back and lumbar region,
unconsciousness and diminution of strength.
t 1 6( 6 )l
The quantity of decoction to be preparedshould be sufficient for
threeenemas,i. e. five p r asthas.The generalrile (parib hc;a) prescribed
for the preparation of decoction should be followed in the present
(7) [ Hapuqddya Yapana-basti]
Egqr&'gq} Egurr4quuFq: ffia: ffi ngga-
Affiarr"rgffi, qrird
Half kutlava of hapusa and one kuQavaof half-crushed
grainsdf yava shouldbe borledby addingwaterand milk till
the quantity of liquid left over is equal to the quantity of milk.
This shouldbe addedwith honey,ghee,oil and'rsck-salt,i[and
administeredfor enerlral.
This medicatedenemahas the following effects :
(l) It cures vdta-rakta(gout) afflicting the entire body;
(2) lt curesretentionof stool and urine;
(3) It cures affliction by ailments causedby ex,cessive
sexualintercoursewith women;
(4) It alleviates vdyu; and
(5) It promoteswisdom,intellect, agni(powerof digestion
and metabolism)and strength. t 16(7)l
In theKashmirrecension of caraka-saryhita,
earlier(in l6-l) arestatedto be addedto the aforesaidenema-recipe.
(8) [ Laghu-pafica-muladyaYapana-basti]
Asrgf*q,qrq: ffiAt
F{F5d*dcrqur: ffi qfra: (a);
Decoctionof laghu-pafica-milla(i ala-parnl, pySni-parnl,
byhatl, karygakariandgok;ura) preparedby boiling with milk
and water should be addedwith thepasteof pippari,madhuka
andmadana. Addedwith jaggery, ghee,oil and rock-salt; this
recipe should be administeredas enema.
Enema with this recipe is useful for consumptionand for
personsemaciatedbecauseof vi;ama-jvara (irregular fever).
(9) [BqlAdyaYapana-basti
-- ThirdRecipe]
Eight p ala s of bald, at i -bald, apdmdrga anddtma -g uptd,
and one afijali of half crushed barley should be made to a
decoction[by boiling with milk andwater].To this decoction,
jaggery, ghee,oil and rock-salt should be added,and used for
enemaas before.
This enemais exceedinglywholesomefor,old and weak
persons,andforpersonshavingdiminishedsemenand blood.

( I0) [Baladya Yapana-basti-- FcturthRecipe]

' q,qrqrrr+{ q€rtn qcren
uegmrqrfiFffiif rqrTft+ qk qsr( (r");
The decoctionof bala, madhuka,vidarl, root of darbha,
mrclvTkaandyava should be boiled by adding goat's milk.
This decoctionshould be mixed with the pasteof madhuka
andmadana. This recipe should be addedwith honey, ghee
and rock-salt.
Enema with this recipe is useful for personssuffering
from fever. t 1 6( 1 0 )l
The decoction of bala, etc., should be addedwith goat's milk and
boiled till the quantity of the rernainingliquid is equal to the quantity
of miik addedto it.
( t I ) t Sati-parnvadva

Rootsof Sali-parni,pr|ni-parni andgoksura,kaSntarya,
par-usaka,fruits of khariura andflowers of madhuftashould
be addedwith oneprasthaeachof goat'smilk and water, and
cooked.In this decoction,the pasteof pippalt, madhuka and
utpala shouldbe mixed. Added with gheeand rock-salt,this
recipe shouldbe used as enema.
This medicatedenema is useful for weakened sense
faculties and emaciationcausedby visama-jvara (irregular
fever). t16(11)l
( l2) [sthiradi Yapana-basti]

@ sri
rre[: sd q1qff
qRa@ q€tqqiwfigr Efr urrtr q€il* trrEvIll qq ll
Five palas of sthiradi pafica-mula (1ala-parry\,pySni-
parryl, brhatl, karytakari and gokqura), and five prasrtas of

Sali, qaqyika,yava, godhuma and masa should be boiled by

addinggoat'smilk andreducedto one-fourth.In thisdecoction,
equal quantityof the sap of hen's egg shouldbe mixed. By
adding honey, ghee, sugar,rock-salt and sauvarcalato this
recipe, enemashouldbe given.
This medicatedenemais exceedinglyaphrodisiac,and it
promotesstrengthas well as complexion.
Thus, endsthe descriptionof twelve recipesfor yapana
type of basti (medicatedenemafor promotionof longevity).
t 16l
[In his commentary,Cakrapdnihasinterpretedthe Lerm'eraka' ts
'hoggala'. This
term does not appearin this text. Perhaps,Cakrapani
had a slightly different text.l

Extension of Recipe No. Twelve

q.€Sq@rzn(t tqetl
The abovementionedenema-recipe can alsobe prepared
by substitutingthe sapof a hen's egg with that of the eggs of
Sikhi (pea-hen),gonarda (hill-partridge),hamsa (swan) or
sarasa (crane). l, 17I
[Cakrapani has describedtheseextendedrecipes as ofthree typss.
In fact, this number should be three to comply with the total number of
recipes as 216 (vide verse no. 28 describing the summary of these
recipes). There seemsto be some editorial error becauseof which four
types ofeggs aredescribedin the aboVetext. In verseno. 24,theegg of
sdrasa is not mentionedl.
( I 3) [Tittiradya Yapana-basti ]
qfrRfr : Errelg:Trt|Er6q:qgTfrqq:fuq: IrrtrgqrqgE5lrr-
\il-{+ T{Trq=eI(t);
Pafica-mula (3ala-p arni, pf Sni-p arryi,byhwtl,kantakari
andgoksurc)shouldbe boiledwith milk. To this milk, soup
of themeatof tittiri, mayfuraandraja-herytsa, andthepasteof
fata-puqpd, madhuka, rdsnd,,kulaja, madana-phala and

pippalT should be added.This recipe should be mixed with

ghee, oil, jaggery and rock-salt,and usedfor enema.
Enema with this recipe promotesstrength,complexion
and semen.This rejuvenates the body. t l8 (l) l
( I a ) [ Dvi-pafica-muladya Yapana-basti]

vr*rqgg.rg.{i r*qftr*,rqrri qfiqr+ <fu. 1q;.
Drugs belonging to two types of pafica-mila (bilva,
Syondka, gambhdrl, palala, ganikarikd, Sdla-parnl, prfni-
parqtl,brhatl, karylakariandgokqura)andchicken-soupshould
be boiled by addingmilk till one fourth of the liquid remains.
To this liquid, the paste of pippatl, madhuka, rasna and
madana shouldbe added.By addingsugar,honey and ghee,
this recipe should be usedfor enema.
Enema with this recipe promotes the strength of the
personswho are addictedto excessivesexualindulgence.
t l 8 ( 2 )l
( I 5) [ Mayuradya Yapana-basti]

@ ftgwrQfir;qm: rrw&qqfu qqar

qfra qErr(@ qcqutfi{ (e);
The gall-bladder,feather, legs, beak and intestinesof
peacockshouldbe removed.The meatof this peacockshould
be added with one pala each of Sala-parryl,,
brhatl, kar.tyakariand gokqura, and cooked by adding water
and milk till the liquid remainsis equal to the quantity of milk.
To this liquid, the paste of madana, pippaFt, viddrT, Sata-
kusumd (flata-puqpa) and madhuka should be added. By
further adding honey, ghee and rock-salt,this recipe should
be used for enema.
Enema with this recipe promotes the strength and
complexion of personswho had diminished functioning of

their sensoryfaculties and motor organs becauseof over-

in d u l g e n c ei n se x. t 18 ( 3) l
Extension of Recipe No. Fifteen
qdg (v);
The above mentionedenema-recipecan be preparedby
substitutingpeacock-meatwith the meatof animalsand birds
of the following categories:
(l) Viskira (gallinaceousbirds);
(2) Pratuda (peckerbirds);
(3) Prasaha (animals and birds who eat by snatching
their food); and
(4) Varicara (birds moving in the water).
Similarly, different types of fish like rohita can be usbd
in the place of the meat of peacock.But, while preparing
enema-recipeswith fish, milk should not be added.[ l8 (4) ]
Theserecipesare I 15 in numberas follows :
(l) Twenty recipescontainingbirds belongingto vi;kira-group
(gallinaceous birds),viz.,ldva,etc.,(group-I)and vartaka,
, etc.,(group-Il) asdescribedin S-utra27:47-49. Actually2l
birdsaredescribedthere.Mayura(barhi)or peacockis oneof
thesebirds.Sinceenema-recipe with peacockmeatis already
describedin therecipeno. 15,this bird is to be excludedfrom
the perviewof the descriptionmadein the abovetext.
(2) Thirty.recipescontainingthe meat of birds belongingto
pratuda4roup(peckerbirds)asdescribedin Suta27:50-52.
.[Ourtranslationof this text on page503 of vol. I is not in
conformitywith Cakrapdni'scommentaryherel.
(3) TW"liV ninerecipescontaining themeatof anirnalsandbirds
belon-glngto prasaha-group (those whoeatby snatchingtheir
food) as describedin Slttra 27:35-37.
(4) Twentysevenrbcipesconlainingthemeatof birds belonging
to ambucaraor vdricara-group(thosemoving in water) as
described'in Sittra2T:41:44. [Our translation of this text on

pages501-502of Vol. I is not in conformity with Cakrapdni's

commentary here].
(5) Nine recipescontaining(the rneatof) fish, like rohita. Thus,
in total there are I 15 enema-recipeswith the meat of these
animals and birds.
(r6)I Godhadya Yapand-basti ]
qqfu rftFIt ffgq: -
dg.frlqfiffi {€r.r=T:svrefrcrwqrrqtqRr*tw.tqrrqa-
fetrc*s 1q1.
Drugs belonging to the group of pafica-m-ula(bilva,
lyondka, gambhdrl, pagala aordgaryikarika)and ten palas of
the meatof i guana(godha), IEongoose(nakula), cat(ma ri a r a)
and mouse(muqik| shouldbe cookedby addingmilk. To this
liquid (containing milk), the paste of pippati and phala
(madana-phala) should be added. This should further be
addedwith rock- salt,sauvarcala,sugar,honey, ghee and oil,
and used for enema.
Enema with this recipe is exceedingly useful for the
following :
(l) Promotionof strength;
(2) Rejuvenationof the body;
(3) Healing the phthisis-lesion;
(4) Curing ailments caused by the compression of the
(5) Correcting fracturescausedby riding ralha (wooden
cart), elephantand horse;
(6) Curing vata-balasaka (an ailment caused by the
simultaneousaggravation of vdyu and kapha), and
such other diseases;and
(7) Curing uddvarta (upward movement of wind in the
abdomen) and retention of urine, stool as well as
semencapsedby the aggravationof vdyu. t l8 (5) l

(17) [Kurmadya Yapana-bastiand Ten Other Extension


ve qn<tffi
qgq+q: (q);
The meatof any one of kurma (tortoise)-groupof aquatic
animals, should be boiled with milk. Thid-milk should be
addedwith the soupof thetesticlesof vrsa(bull), elephantand
horse,the sapof the eggsof nakra (crocodile),hamsa(swan)
andkukkura(hen),honey,ghee,sugarand rock-salt.To this,
the pasteof ikqurakaaswell asthe fruitof atma-guptashould
be added,and usedfor enema.
Enemawith theserecipespromotestrengthof evenan old
person. t l8 (6)l
'kftrmadya' meaning 'kurma, etc.,' includes ten other
The term
animals llke karknta(crab), matsya(fish), SiSumara(esturinecrocodile),
timii,tgila (whale), Sukti (pearl oyster), Saitkha(conch-shell), uQra (cat-
fish), kumbhira (crocodile), culuki (gangetic dolphin) and makara
(great Indian crocodile) in addition to kurma (tortoise). The recipe
preparedwith the meat of tortoise is to be enumeratedas one of the 29
main recipes. The other ten prepared with the rqmaining ten animals
described before are to be treated as extension recipes.
( I 8) [ Karkalo-rasAdta Ydltana-bastiI
@: qqgTtrvfdt qk:, Fdt irwa:
q{rr$r: i
rt 5{: (u);
Soup of the meat of karkagaka(crab) addedwith the sap
of the egg of ca{aka,honey,gheeand sugarshouldbe usedas
Enemawith theserecipesareexceedinglyaphrodisiac.If
milk boiled with uccataka, ikquraka (kokilakqa) and dtma-
gupta is taken after the administration of theseenemas,then
the personbecomescapableof having sexualintercoursewith
many (lit. hundred)women. t l8 (7)l

[Cakrapani has enumeratedthis as the enema-recipe,and the

subsequentone as the eighteenthrecipe.Perhapsthe text of this work
availablewith hirn had diff'erentparagraphicorder.We have,however,
given the number to this recipe in the order in which it appearsin the
presentedition of the text.l
The term "ityete bastayalq"me:rning "these enelnas" refers to the
effectsof l7th, l8th & | 9th recipes.[The last one is placedbefore this
recipe by Cakrapani.l
( I9) [Go-vrsAdyaYapana-basti]

: fihffiqfw: (a);
Milk boiled with the testiclesof go-vrsa(bull), goat and
pig, karkayaka andcataka shouldbe addtd with [the pasteofl
ucca{a, ikquraka (kokilaksa) and dtma-guptd, honey, ghee,
rock-salt and small quantity of sea-salt,and usedfor enema.
[Enemawith this recipeis exceedinglyaphrodisiac,and
it enablesa personto indulge in sex with many women.]
t l 8 ( 8 )l
(20) [ Daf amuladya Yapana-basti


To five prasytas of the decoction of dafla-mula (bilva,

Syonaka, gambharl, pagala, ganikarikd, Sdla-parni, prfni-
pan.ti, brhatl, karytakariandgoksura) andthemeatof peacock,
swanas well asdomesticfowl, fourprasy,fcsof oil, gh,ee,vasd
(muscle-fat)and majja (bone-marrow)shouldbe added.This
liquid should be addedwith the pasteof Sata-pulpA,mustA
and hapuqa.By adding salt (rock-salt),this recipe should be
used for enema.
This enema cures vatika diseasesafflicting feet, ankle-
joints, thighs,knee-joints,calf-region,lumbarregion,groins,
urinarybladderregionandtesticles. t l8 (e)l

Extenstionof RecipeNo. Twenty

q,*t qwqi tqr, (q");
Following the abovementionedprocedure,enemashould
be given with the meatof the following categoriesof animals
and birds :
(l) Myga (animalsinhabitingdry land/forests);
(2) Viskira (gallinaceousbirds);
Q) Anupa (animalsinhabitingmarshytand); and
(4) Bilefiayt (animalsliving in the burrows in earth).
t 1 8( 1 0 )l
Theseextensionrecipesare59 in numberas follows :
(l) Seventeen recipeswith the meatof mfgas(anirnalsliving in
dry land forests- vide Sutra2T : 45-46).
(2) Nineteenrecipeswith themeatof viqkiras(gallinaceous birds
- vide Suta 27 : 47-49).Out of the 2l gallinaceousbirds
describedin Sutra-sthdna,maylro (peacock)and kukku1a
(domesticfowl) areto be excludedbecauserecipewith their
meatis alreadydescribedin the recipeno. 20.
(3) Ninerecipeswith the meatof anupas(marshylandinhabiting
animals-videSutra 27:39).
(4) Fourteenrecipeswith the meal-ofbile1ayas(animalsliving in
burrowsin theearth- videSutra2T:39). [Our translationof
this texton p. 501of Vol. I of this work is in confonnitywith
Cakrapini'sview here.l
(2 1) I Madhvadya Yapana-bastil

@: Irqlq[dq€3 ft*rarufggtn\
qfirffi Tr5qfuffirnr{: (qq);
Two prasytasof madhu (honey) and ghyta (ghee) should
be addedwith two prasftas of warm water. To this, half pala
[of the paste] of Sata-puqpaandhalf akqa of rock-salt should
be added.Enemawith this recipeis exceedinglyaphrodisiac.
It curesmfutra-kycchra (dysuria),anddiseasescausedby pitta
as well as vdyu. t18(n)l

(22) [ Sadvo-ghrtadyaYapana-basti
Fourprasthasof freshlycollectedghee,oll,vasa(muscle-
fat) andmajja (bone-marrow)shouldbe addedwith [the paste
ofl half pala of hapusa,and half akqaof rock-salt,and used
for enema.
This enemais exceedinglyaphrodisiac,It curesmuta-
krcchra (dysu-'na)
and diseasescausedby pitta.It rejuvenates
the body. t l 8 ( 1 2 )l
(23) [ Madhu-tailadya Yapana-basti
qgkf v{:!rEf vrdgsqnftlef+*rqrqfqrg.fri ffi
@ qrrquikt F t,r5* Eqdfr tvr€t"r:@-
Four prasytasof madhu (honey) and taila (oil) should be
added with [the paste ofl half pala of Sata-puspa,and half
ak;a of rock-salt.
Enema with this recipe producesthe following effects :
( I ) Stimulatesthe power of digestion(trtpana);
(2) Nourishesthe body (byryharya);
(3) Promotes strength and complexion (bala-var4a-
(4) Producesno harmful effects (nirupadrava);
(5) Promotesvirility exceedingly(vrsyatama);
(6) Rejuvenatesthe body (rasayana);
(7) Cureskrimi (parasiticinfestation), kuqyha(obstinate
skin diseasesincluding lepi6sy), uddvarta (upward
mqvementof wind in theabdomen), gulma(phantom
tumour),arflas(piles),bradhna (inguinal swelling),
pfihan (splenicdisorder)andmeha(obstinateurinary
disordersincluding diabetes). t l8 (r3)l

Qa) [Madhu-ghytadyaYapana-basti- First Recipe]

ilrqgfdnqf qq€.d qRa : ffit qreuflffi+ gqdfr
tmrr* (qx);
Similarly, nradhu(honey) andghrta (ghee),addedwith
equalquantityof milk shouldbe mixed with the pasteof drugs
describedabove(in recipeno. 23).
Enemawith this recipe has the following effects :
( I ) It promotesstrengthand complextion (bala-varrya-
(2) lt produces aphrodisiac effect exceedingly
(3) It causesno adverseeffects (nirupadrava);
(4) It curesinflammationof urinary bladderand phallus
(basti-medhra-paka),, sawing pain (parikartika),
dysuriaQnutra-kycchra) anddiseases causedby pitta;
(5) It rejuvenatesthe body (rasdyana). t 18 (14) l
[According to Cakrapani,six recipes(no. l9 to 24) endingwith the
presentone, arecalledMadhu-tailika-bastibecausehoney (madhu) and
orl (taila) arepredominantlyusedin theserecipes.But exceptingrecipe
no.23, noneothersof theserecipescontainhoneyandoil predominantly.
He perhaps had a different text.l
(25) [Madhu-ghrtadva Yapand-basti-- SecondRecipeJ
: (t\);
Similarly, honey (madhu) and ghee (ghrta) should be
addedwith equalquantityof meat-soupand [the pasteofl one
aksa of musta. This enema-recipeprepared according to
earlier procedure(recipe no. 23) curesvata-bal asa (an ailment
causedby aggravatedvdyu andkapha),pada-har.Ja(tingling
sensationin the feet), gulma (phantomtumour), contraction
(stiffness)of lumbar region,thighs and knee-joints,and pain

in the regionof urinarybladder,scrotum,phallus,lumbar

regionandback. t 18 (15)l
[This enema-recipeis not numberedin Cakrapani'scommentray.]
(26) [ Suradya Yapana-basti]

TrFrqqilqk: qd'qrtrn|.r-{r:(tq);
Seven prasftas of surd (a type of alcohol), sauviraka
(vinegar), kulattha-soup,meat-soup,honey, ghee and oil
should be added with the paste of mustd and iatdhva. This
recipeaddedwith salt may be usedfor enemawhich curesall
the vdtika diseases. t 1 8( 1 6 )l
[Thisrecipeis notenumerated
in Cakrapani's
I Dv i -pafica-muladya Yapana-basti ]
rilTrfisq: $rdrqiTqd-

Two types of pafica-milla (roots of bilva, Syondka,
gambhdrl, p agala,ganil<arika,Sala-p ar ryi,pySni-p anli, byhati,
kantakdri and gokqura), triphala (haritaki, bibhitaka and
amalaki), bilva (fruit) andmadana-phalashould be boiled by
adding cow's urine. To this decoction,the paste of kutaja,
rnadana-phatla,mustd and paghashouldbe added.By adding
rock-salt, yava-ksdra (an alkali preparationof barley), honey
and oil, this recipe shouldbe usedfor enema.
This enemashould be used for the treatmentof diseases
causedby kapha, bastyagopa(flatulence in the region of the
urinary bladder), retention of flatus and semen, anemia,
indigestion, visucika (choleric diarrhoea) and alasaka
(intestinaltorpor). t l8l
[According to Cakrapani, some scholarsdo not apceptthis text as
authentio becuase it adds one more recipe to the total no. of 29 as
summarised in the verse no. 27, znd also becausethis recipe is already
described in siddhi 3 : 59-60. Therefore, we havs left it unnumbered.l
x r rl SIDDHI STHANA 425

Recipes of Anuvasana-basti
Q7 ) t SatAvaryadiSneha-bastil
q.{rqrrq{{run"rafr fsdmiTsgniwrt*qiirdrgdffitq-
qrffidld€F(, -

a€,rt -
nraift rcarq;1ran'{@f gqqqqfi{Tq,if
fri f*r+rrrqrfai rqmrvfr:qfQqtrrd*dfltf rrqaEt:qunr*-
ffigfrrffi@qff qffiRrnn
qsErfrq rsrfisfff qffifirvt"i fusrq (q);
Now we shall describeoleatingrecipeshaving excellent
Oneprastha eachof the juice of Satavarl, gudwci, ikqu,
vidarl, amalakT,drakqa and kharjZra should be taken out
separatelywith the help of instruments(mechanically).To
this, two prasthaseachof ghee,oil, cow's milk, buffalo-milk
and goat-milk should be added.This should then be added
with the paste of jivaka, ysabhaka,medd, mahd-nnedd,tvak-
kstri ( vary3a -Iocc na), 3r hgagaka, madhlulikd, madhuka, ucca1d,
pippati, seeds of pu;kara, nllotpala, flower of kadamba,
punQarikaandkeSara.The recipeshouldbe cookedby adding
oneprastha of the meat-soupof pl.rata and tarakqu, and the
sapof the eggs of kukkuya,ca(aka,cakora, maftAk$a(kokila),
barhi, jivafifraka, kulinga and harytsq,vqsd (muscle-fat),
majja (bone-marrow),etc.
After having worshippedLord Siva, this cooked sneha
(medicatedfat) should be placedon the back of an elephant
with a white umbrella held over it, while chanting Vedic
mantrasandblowing conch-shellaccompaniedwith thebeating
soundof palaha-(hand-drum)as well as bherl (kettle drum).

To this medicatedfat, honey,one-thirdin quantity thereof,

should be added.With auspiciousbenedictions,prayersand ,
worshipping of the gods, this recipe shouldbe administered
as enema.
This enema-recipeis exceedingly wholesome for the
following :
( I ) Personsindulging in sexualact in excess;
(2) Personssufferingfrom loss of semen;
(3) Patientssuffering from ksata-ksina(phthisis) and
vi qama-j va ra (irregular fever);
(4) Women suffering from.gynecic disorders,sterility
and rakta-gulma (uterine tumour);
(5) Women whose offsprings succumbto death before
or after delivery;
(6) Women sufferingfrom amenorrhoea;and
(7) Personshavingdiminishedmuscle-tissueand blood.
It is an excellentrasdyana(rejuvenatingtherapy),and it
curesappearance of wrinkleson the skin (vali) and graying of
hair Qtalita). t 19 (l) l
[Cakrapani has interpreted'puqkardk;a' ts "a type of swan". But !
this term does not appear in the above text. Perhapshe had a slightly
different text.] The chanting of mantras,etc. is prescribedhere in order
to counteractenvisibledemoniacfocus,attachinghuman mud and body.
(28) [ BalAdyaSneha-basti]
ffi ysrq,nFtqerMnTlqs{+ffi req,srs-
+*f tr{erqdrtqqtrteqiqr

q-€rb Fr Trq+(r erertMqr frf{r ffi qfril qsr(t t{
T*yr?frt€a[ T qrdrd qrFqqrge gFm6rc*

Ei6ursTrg*adqfud-g.(@f Eqrr*++fi
q qinlirtT: (R);
One hundredpalas of each of bald, goksuraka,rdsnd,
a|vagandhd, Satavari and sahacara should be crushed into
small pieces and boiled by adding one hundred dronas of
water till one-fourthof the liquid remains.This liquid should
then be filtered out by a cloth. This shouldthenbe cookedby
adding the following ingredients:
(l) One prastha eachof thejuice of vidarl andarnalaki;
(2) One prastha eachof the meat-soupof goat, buffalo,
pig and bull;
(3) One prastha eachof the sapsof the eggsof domestic
fowl, pea-hen,swan, kdraryQavaand sarasa;
(4) One prastha each of gheeand oil;
(5) Eight prasthasof milk; and
(6) Paste of candana, madhuka, madhulikA, tvak-kqiri
(va\n3a-Iocana), bi sa, mp.tdla, ni Iotp aIa, p agoIa, d tma-
guptd, anna-pdki (odana-paki), tala-mastaka,
kharjfura, mydvlkd, tamalaki, karyyakdri, jivaka,
ygabhaka, kqudra-saha (mudga-parryi),mahd-saha
(maqa-p an.t-t), 3atdvari, medd, p ipp afi, hfib er a, tvak
Following theprocedureof therecitationof Vedic mantras
and such other rituals describedearlier (in respectof recipe
no.27), enemawith this recipe shouldbe given.
By this enemaa personbecomescapableof having se*ual
intercoursewith many (lit. hundred)women.This enemadoes
not involve any restriction of diet or regimenon the part of the
patient.It promotesvirility, strength,corpulenceandlongevity.
Itcures wrinkles (van)on the skin andgrayingof hair (palita).
It is exceedingly wholesome for patients suffering from
phthisis, loss of semen, viqama-jvara (inegular fever) and
gynecicdisorders. tle(2)l

(29) [ SahacaradyaSneha-basti
@Ed*dr+d -

, qd, qrerlqr
sff<qr frftrcT fir€ qfr qerrqrge ffi Tsrrr)

One hirndredpalas of sahacara should be added with
four dronas of water, and cookedtill one droryaof the liquid
remains.This decoctionshould then be strainedout. and
cookec{by adding the following ingredients:
( I ) One prastha eachof the juice of vidarl and sugar-
{2) Sixteenprasthasof milk;
(3) Oneprastha eachof gheeand oil;
(4) Pasteof one aksa eachofbala, madhuka,madhuka,
candana, madhulika, sdrivd, medd, maha-meda,
kdkoli, ksira-kdkoFt,payasya, aguru, mafrjistha,
vydghra-nakha, 3a17,sahacara, sahasra-vlrya
(durva), varahga (gu(a-tvak) and lodhra, and two
akqasof sugar.
This recipe should be administeredas enema while
reciting Vedic mantras and performing other sacredrituals.
This enemahas the following effects :
(l) It is a panaceafor all the diseases;
(2) It rejuvenatesthe body;
(3) It is the best therapyfor delicatewomen living in
(4) It curesk;ata-kqirya(phthisis),pain causedby vayu
' 'and pitta, asthmaand cough; and

(5) When usedby addinghoney,onethird in quantity of

the recipe, it cureswrinkles (vall), graying of hair
(palita), and promotescolour, complexion, beauty
strength,muscletissuesand semen. t l9 (3) l
Augmenting Potency of Basti Recipes
F*t TTrr{aT:*5cnrq: qfr fu{e yrcFrFf,.r:
q'rqf +Aqerrr<rdFrfr I I t3 r r
If thepatientis affluentenough,thentheabovementioned
rejuvenating sneha-bastis(unctuous enemas) should be
preparedby cooking for onehundredtimes(iata-paka)or one
thousand times (sahasra-paka) for the promotion of their
potency and strength. tlel
For Sata-pakamd sahasra-pdtc,somephysicianscook the fat
(gheeandoil) only onceby adding100or 1000timesof theprescribed
TqFfr ?Er-
yA* i[Rf.r: dc,r ?rrrrrffim: I
Tacrrmrqrgurfq Tq1-aiwffiFm;1 Rotl
ffi I
q*+{gwrr{r: q{ggg rilfrn r: n Rt tl
=rrfrqttrnqrm=rf Ttrq.n qlEFffirqT:I
urqrcFera q€r: rfuqRcnFfirFfr:il ?Rtl
The above mentionedoleating enema-recipesare called
Ydpana-basfis.Thesearenot contra-indicatedeitherfor healthy
persons or for patients or for old persons. They promote
semenand musculartissueof persons,excessivelyindulging
in sex.Thesearepanaceasforall diseases, andaresuitablefor
administrationin all the seasons.They help sterile women and
men to budget offsprings. Theserecipesare suitablefor both.
sneha-basri(unctuousenema) andnirftha-basti (evacuative
120- 221

Theserecipesof yapana-boJri thepurposes

serve.both of snehana
of morbid from
material the body).
tarqrm +rff rr€j qe1F{flvrRwr€ q I
rfr*ci rrrs$ qFRTA*S 'rF€-cqtI R?ll
While using the above mentioned yapana-bcstis, the
patient should avoid physical exercise,sexual intercourse,
intake of alcohol,intake of different typesof honey and cold
water, eating full meal andjolting by conveyances' f' 23 )
irrr cFteST:-

ffi: FTt{rn t RYll

ftffis Fgn qqfrnhsrqqfiFr: r
:re Tigrffi{*q ffifi*{ GFRt-€t:
tt R\ ll
Evr q.ffig EEfq.dt qrrq: I
qffit FA *t' ll Rell
*trr ffi ftrnr e vft +sviliftl
Thus, in brief, twenty nineyFpana-bastisincluding three
sneha-bastisaredescribedabove.In addition, the following
extendedcatagoriesof enema-recipes are also described:
I (l) to (3) Threebastiswith theeggsof Sikhi(pea-
hen), gonarda (adjutant)and harysa
(swan)which are to be preparedin the
sameway like the methoddescribedfor
the egg of henin parano. l6(12). [vide
parano. 171
II (4) to ( I 18) Twentyrecipeswith the meatof viqkiras
(gallinaceousbirds),thirty recipeswith
pratudas(peckerbirds),29 recipeswith

prasahas(animalswho eat by snatching

food), 27 with aquaticanimals,and nine
recipeswith fish, etc., which are to be
prepared on the line suggestedfor the
enema-recipewith the meat of pea-cock
in para l8(3). [vide parano. 18(4)]
ilI (l 19) to (128) Ten recipeswith the meat of karkata,
etc.,which are to be preparedon the line
suggestedfor klrrma in para no. l8(6).
IV ( I 29) to ( 187) Seventeen recipeswith themeatof mrgas
(animals dwelling in dryland forests),
ninteenrecipeswith the meat of viskiras
(gallinaceousbirds), nine recipes with
th e me a t o f a n -upas ( m ar shy land
withbhu1ayas(animalsliving in burrows
on the earth) which are to be preparedon
line suggested for therecipesof domestic
fowl and pea-cock in para no. 18(9).
[vide parano. l8(10)]
Thus, when classifiedin detail, the 29 original recipes
and 187 extendedrecipes make for 216 recipes in total.
[ 24-27t1,]
Augmenting Potency of Recipes
(i qrf*.{igm,r: g@ TqttR4tl
qTftrtr T{KtrriTrd a grft r
Use of the abovementionedenema-recipes by adding
honey makesa personexceedinglyvirile. When fortified
(with honey),theydo notallowanyover-action
under-action (ayoga). tl229
I28t/2- )
Managementof N on-eliminatedRecipes
Eg€r* Frcffi qrr *t ydftnar: n Rqtl
: ftPfia F: I

If, becauseof mild nature, the administeredenema-

r e c i p e s , d e scri b e da b o ve , d o n ot get eliminated, then
immediately asthap ana-bast i (evacuativeenema)containing
cow's urine and othersharpingredientsshouldbe given.
tlz- tl230l
AdverseEffectsof ExcessiveUseof Yapana-bastis, anclTheir
ffiearsT d*qT ffi F*qn r ?qrl
gRf irsq Ffar*d qTq=Tr=r!F$-?T: I
Excessiveuseof theseydpana-basris givesriseto oedema.
loss of the power of digestiqn,anemia,colic pain, piles.pari-
kartika (sawing pain), fever and diarrhoea.
For the treatmentof theseailments,the patientshouldbe
given aristas (medicated wines), milk, sidhu (a type of
alcohol), etc., and therapiesfor the promotion of digestion.
Therefore,yapana-bastishouldbe usedjudiciously. and
should not be usedcontinuously(as a matter of habit).
[3ot/2- 7
Intpediments and rheir Management
F$drrfucqefir11itrgE: rftfficr: | | l? | |
frrrdturEcr{.ffis+ rH wErr
Different factors (e.g. loud speech) which' cause
impediments,and their managementareseparatelydescribed
earlier in detail (in verse/paranos. l0-15).
The patient should always be guarded against these
impeding factors. t1233
[32t12- |
Diefrn it ion of " Siddhi-sthdna"
, qCrir qrtrfr{rqgqq q,Tqnrrqr{n ?Qtl
Tffi rrnri rerr+frf€renrf qalr
The section (sthdna)describingthe successful(siddhi)

administrationof elimination therapy (emesis,etc.), the

c o m p l i c a t i o n sa ri si n go u t o f th e i r mal- adm inistr ation,
managemenr<if thesecomplicationsis called" siddhi-sthdna".
In addition to the topicsdescribedin the text above,Siddhi-sthana
alsodealswith the preparationof recipestbr emesis,etc.,and prevention
of complicationsbecauseof non-eliminationof ingredientsof the
Merits Achievedbv Stuclv
il ?Yil
ffi srftmf ffi{ *rmrr
{rdwgdvr: Fn€elaM qrfu gq-fr{t |?\tt
fuE qr5.ffn # sru*Fd frfu{r q6:tl
Thus, this treatisecomprising one hundred and twenty
chapterswhich expoundsthe statementJof the safeTtr$i
was propounded by AgniveSa,endowed with therapeutic
wisdom for the benefit of all the living beings.
The systematicstudy of this treatiseendows a person
with longevity,fame,health,abundantfulfilment of the three
basic desiderata of life and unsurpassableprbfessional
a c c o m p l i s h me ni nt th i s w o rl d . tl2- tl236)
AgniveSa,while composingthis treatisefollowed the statements
of his preceptor Atreya.
Tri-varga or the three basic desiderata of human beings are :
dharma (performanceof duties), artha (satisfactionof senseswith their
objects or acquirementof wealth) and kdnn (fulfilment of desires).
The term 'puskala' implies mok;aor salvationwhich is the fourth
basic desire of human beings. Alternatively, it may be treated as an
epiihetof the term'trivarga' meaningthereby'abundant'fulfilments of
the three basic desire of desiderataof life-
'siddhi' (accomplishment)
The term implies the perfectionachieved
by the administration of therapiesfor the treatment of diseases.
"Vidhina palhan" (systematicstudies)implies the procedureof
study as described in Vimana 8 : 7 .

Study of these 120 chaptersof this treatiseas statedabove endows

a person with longevity, etc. Theseeffects are producedby the religious
merits obtainedby the studyof this sacredtext, andalsoby the initiation
of measuresasexpoundedin the treatiseafter its proper comprehension.
P ratisamskartd or Redactor
ftrsarrqFaffi rfFsqeetFqwrqll Qqll
ffi g;€t ira 5uqi q gr{eqr
srtrr*irqFr( er4;lrrtftr€Fa*ilQsll
rfqtf rtrsquf F*rrrHree{et
A redactorexpandstheconcisestatementsandabbreviates
ihe very prolix onesin an old work, and thus,puts it in a new
Therefore, Caraka, possessedwith excellent wisdom
redactedthis illustrious treatise,which however,is incomplete
inasmuch as (almost) one-third of this redactedtext was
missing (not availableat the time of Drdhabala).
I36tl2- |
In theoriginalworkof AgniveSa, sometopicsweredealtwith in
greatdetail,andsomeotherstooverybrieflywhichhindered its proper
comprehension. To removethesedefects,the redactormadeefforts.
This redactionwasdoneby Caraka.
A detaileddescriptionof varioustopicsprovidedin the original
text was no doubt, suitablefor the thenreaders(students).But it was
redactedto enabtethe scholarsof thesedays(at the time of redaction)
to understandthe text properly. [Thus, the original text was not
defective.It wasgoodenoughfor thereaders(students)of that period.
Along with thepassage of time,therequirementof thereaderschanged
for which a redactionof thetext wasfelt necessary to caterto the needs
of thereaders of that period (of redaction).
I As it is said,"a text in brief
is notunderstandable anddetailedtextis not comprehensible. Therefore,
an originalold text is redactedto makeit newwhich is neithertoo brief
nor too prolix.
AgniveSa-saqrhita, asredactedby Carakahadonehundredchapters.
But at the time-ofD1$habala, one-thirdof this text was not available.
The one-thirdof this text comesto forty chapters.As the subsequent
statementin verseno. 40 indicates,Dg{habalasupplemented 4l non-

availablechapters.There is not much of differencebetween40 and 4l .

Therefore,one should not considerthe approximatestatementof one-
third cr 40 chaptersin the place of 4l as a mistake'
DyQhabalaand His Supplementations
ffig.T q.qfr {rsrs
sTqtrgrrj E-dffid El?T:

vqEvrdr frffin{tuf t{lFdft{: I

D1{habala,born in Pafica-nada-pura(presentPunjab)
supplemented these(non-available) chaptersafterpropitiating
Lord Siva, the protector of all creatures,to make the work
By culling matter from severalimportant treatises'he
compiled and restoredl7 chaptersof Cikitsa-sthdna,andall
the chaptersof Siddlri as well as Kalpa-sthanas.
This text is not deficient in words (1abda) or their
implications (artha) concerningmedicalscience,andit is free
from blemishesof textual compositions.In addition, it is
decoratedwith 26 relevanttqntra-vukfis(canonsof scientific
exposition). [38t12- I
Mentionof Pafica-nada-pura as the placeof birth implies that
Dfdhabalawas born in the best the regions(pradeSas).
He hascompileddatafrom otherimportxnt(vife;a)treatises,viz.,
Theterm 'uficcha'impliescollectionof smallgrains(lying in the
'1ila' impliescollection(cayana)ot
farm after harvesting).The term
essential(sdra)small grainsscatteredhereand therein the farm.
The term "vise;oficcha-Siloccayat?t", therefore,suggeststhat
Carakahad compiledthe essenceof the treatises,and Drdhabalahad
compiledtheleft out data(like left outgrains)from thesetreatises.[This
showsthe humility or modestyof Drdhabala.l
Blemishesof treatisesare fourteen in number, and they are
explainedin Vimana8 : 3.

Tantra -yuktis ( Canons of Exposition)

azrRrqruf *rfr ilaeftef: vErFr? | | yq | |

q'Tr€rlil I
Fffft ffi rfF{.m f{ffirq.{u yv tl
Fe{qRr-[StFtT: I
Tantra-yuktisor canonsof compositionare as follows :
(l) Adhikararyaor subjcctmatter
(The centralthernethe authorintendsto expoundin a
treatisewhich the authorcomposesa treatise.For example,in
Sutra | : 6-7, it is stated that this ayurvedic treatise is
presented in preven_t_ e4 c,gle__{iqe-1_qe_g_which
impedimentsto the path oja4 iAdlvidual willing ro perform
righteous on the context of duties. Here the diseases,the
treatise,etc. constitutethe adhikararlr.l
or the centraltherne.)
(2) Yogaor union
(Justifying a statemenr by purring roge_lhe1
words-in order to e31[a_i,q
the point from various ingie.s. For
example,origin of the embryofrom maternalfactor, etc., has
been explained on the basis of logical terms hke pratijfia,
hetu,uddharane,uponayaandnigamanain SAfira 3 : I 0- I I 4. )
(3) Hetvartha or extensionof argument
(!hen a stale_ment is madein a particularcontext that is
applicableto other situatipnsas well. For example,in Sutra
12 : 5, habitual intake of homologousmatter is stated to
increasedhatus. The term 'dhdtu' in this context implies
doqasas well Uesi&s tisbueelements.The statementmade
liere is in the context of vayu-closa.The same principle is
applicable to other situationslike the augmentationof the
quantity of rasa, etc.)
x r rj SIDDHI STHANA 437

(4) Padartha or implication of words

(One, two or many words individually or jointly may
carry specific (teachnical)meanings.For example,the term
'dravya' standsfor five mahabhutasa_nd dtman, and the two
terms "dyuqal.rvedal.t"(scienceof life) standfor the treatise
on avui6da.)
(5) Prade1aor partial enunciation
(When there are many objectivesof a topic and all of
these cannot be explainedin one place. then in a given
situation,only a partial statementis made [in the form of a
samplel.For example,in S-utra27 :329 while explainingthe
properties of various types of anupdnas or post-prandial
drinks, it is stated, "Anupdnas in their entirety cannot be
explained, and only a part of these,including some of the
commonly used onesare described.)
(6) UddeSaor concise statement
(Making a concisestatementhaving wider implications.
For example, the scopeof dyurveda is describedin Slttra | :
24 as hetulihgauqadhijfianaryt,i.e. the knowledge of the
etiology, signsof treatment,or managementof healthypersons
and patients.)
(7) Nirde9a or amplification
(Theabovementiondconcise statement
is provided
later. The explanationof hetulihgauqadhijrtdna
later in Siltra | :44-53.)
($ VAkya-feqaor supply of ellipsis
(Sometimes,in order to make the statementlighter or
smallerin size,certainpartsof it areomitted,and this ellipsis
has to be inferred with referencetclthe context. For example,
in the statement'pravyttihetunbhavandm'(vide Sutra 16 :
28), the verb 'asti'has to be inferredthoughit is not specifically
mentioned in the text. Without this verb the sentenceis

incomplete.Similarly,while describingthesoup(rasa)of the

meat(mdmsa)of animalsinhabitingdry landforests(iahgala),
only jangalajailq rasail.tis mentioned (vide Siddhi I : 9). In
this statement,the term'ntarps4'has to be insertedto make
the meaningcomplete.Sinceit is not mentionedin the text, it
has to be inferred.)
(9) Prayojana or object
(It is the_flgp,ose,f_orwhiEh a !{?tif-e_ !s g,g"mp-osed.
example, the purposeof composing Caraka-sarythitais to
provide information regarding measuresto be adopted for
achieving equilibrium of dosas and dhatus - vide Sutra
,"(I 0),llpadeSaor authoritativeinstructions

tffie preceptor'sinstructionsare included in a treatise.

For example, first of al-l,oleation(_sneha)therapy should be
admini stered,ind only"thereafter,fo mentation (sve.da) therapy
should be given to the patient- vide Sitra l3 : 99.)
(ll) Apade1aor reasoninga statement
(When a statgmentis made,the reasonfor-making such
a statementshould be provided. For example, among the
pollutions of vayu (air), jala (water), defa (land) and kala
(time), the latter onesare more seriousthan the former ones
becausethe latter onesare more unavoidable- vide Vimdna
3 : 10.This unavoidability(dusparihdryatva)is the reasonfor
making the statement.)
(12) Atide1aor indication
({qpgd9_tlgtement might indicatenon-specifiedobjects.
For example,in Siltra 9 :34, it is stated,"The regimensnot
specified in this chapter are also to be adopted if these are
wh o l e s o m e ". )
(13) Arthapatti or implication
(A statement may imply an unspecified object. For

example,it is statedin S'utra7:61, "One shouldnot takecurd

at night". By implication,curd can be takenduring the day
(14) Nirnqta or decision
(The cpn-c-lusion drawn after proper examinaticrn'For
example,it is statedin Sutra l0 : 3, "sixteen aspectsof
treatment,four eachrelatingto thephysician,drug,attendant
and patient,describecl earlier aresine (luanon for good health
provided these are applied appropriately". This proper
application (ltukti-Vukta)representsthe decision (nirnava)
after proper examination.)
(I5) Prasangaor restatement
(A statement made earlier is repeated in view of
contextuace.For example,the statementregardingthe wrong
utilization,etc.,of sensesmadein S-utrall :37 is repeatedin
SAfira I : I l8-126 becauseof contextualpropriety')
(16) Ekanta or categoricalstatement
(In a generalstatementspecificfactorsare mentionedin
order to emphasisea specific point. For example, while
describing the purgative effect of trivyf, the term "niiafi
Sarlradoqotthah" meaning morbid matter (dosa) of one's
'nija'used hereis
own (nija) body (Sartra),is used.The term
just for emphasis.)
(17) Anekdntaor compromisingstatement
(A statementmade for explaining another view-point
without upholdingit. Forexample,while explainingthe death
of personsfor want of medicines,it is statedthat even the
diseasesof these persons are not (always) amenable to
therapeutic measures- vide S-utral0 : 5.)
(18) Apavarga or excePtion
(A statementmaderegardingexllptions to generalrules.
For example,asa generalrule, intakeof stalefood is prohibited.

But in the caseof meat, etc., the stale (dried) ones are not
prohibited.In fact, asexceptionsto the geneialiule, thesea-re
permitted- vide Sltta 8 : 20.)
(19\ Vipary)ayaor reconfirmationof implied opposite
(A statementmade to reconfirm the implied meaning.
For example, it is statedthat the fac!o1q;,e$pa5f-bl9,forthe
ggug{ign _ofrhe disea.sgsare not whol,e5omefor the patient.
By implication, factors having opposite attributel-arc
wholesomefor the patient.But this is reconfirmedin another
statementmade subsequently- vide Nidana 3 : 7.)
(20) Pwrva-pakqaor amplification of earlier statement
For exah-pl{ having stated that all types of fish
should not be take_n with.milk, the statementis amplified-by
the statementtlili cilicimatype of fish speciallyshouldnot be
takenwith milk - vide Sutra 26 :84.)
(21) Vidhdna or correct interpretation
(Sometimesa statementmadeearlieris furtherexplained
in orderto bring out its correctimplications.For example,the
statementto the effect that the passages(of waste products)
get afflicted by the vitiated malas or waste products, is
interpretesin a subsquentstatementpointingout that a feeling
of heavinessin the passageimplies the increasein the quantity,
and lightnessimplies decreasein thequantityof wasteproducts
(malas)- vide Sfitra7 :42-43. ,' ,
According to some,this term 'vidhdna'meansdescription
in correct order. Forexample,tissueelementsaredescribedin
their appropriate sequence,rasa, rakta, etc. - vide Cikitsa
l5 : 16.)
(22) Anumata or confession

lNon-contradiction of a different view. For example, the


author has quoted anotherview regardingthe rnethodto be

followed for the extraction of the dead foetus, and has not
contradictedit. By implication, the authorhas acceptedit -
QT VvAklrydnaor explanation
(Explaininga topic to makeit comprehensibleby peoplc
having different intellectual quotients. For example, the
condition of the foetusduring the first month of pregnancyis
describedin detail - vide SArira 4 : 9.)
(24) SarytSaya
or doubt
(Descriptionof different view-pointson a selectedtopic
leaving the conclusionuncertain.For example,the causeof
procreation is describeddifferently by various authors as
mother (ovum), father (sperm), svabhdva (nature), para-
nirmd4a (super-naturalforce) or yaddrcchd(accidental.not
predetermined)- vide S-utraI I : 6.)
(25) Atltaveksaryaor retrospectivereference
(Sometimes,the text refers-tethe_description sf-agr_v-_qp*
topic madeearlier.Forexample,while desiiibing thetreatment
of jvara (fevei),'li referenceis madeto the fomentaiontherapy
details of which were describedearlier - Cikitsa 3 : 269.)
(26) Andsataveksanaor prospectivereference
(Sometimeswhile describinga topic, a referenceis made
to a recipe which is to be describedlater. Foieiample, while
describingthe treatmentof fever, Tikta-sarpisis describedto
be used.Detailsof this recipeare,however,describedlater.)
(27\ Svasafijfiaor use of technical terms
(Sometimes,the authorusescertaintechnicaltermswhich
are generally not found elsewhere. For example, jentdka,
holdka, etc. - vide S-utra14 :39-40.)
QD lhya or deduction
(Sometimes,regardinga statementmade in the text, (he

physicianis advisedto usehis own power of discretion.For

example,while describingingredientsof a recipe,thephysician
is advisedto ignore the inappropriateones accordingto his
own discretion dependingon a specific situation - vide
Virnana8 : 149.)
(29) Samuccayaor specification
( S o m eti me s,th e te rm 'ca ' meaning ' and' is used
repeatedlyafter eachitem which imply all theseitems are to
'ca' is used after
be taken together.For example,the term
var7a (complexion),svara (voice), etc., in Indriya I : 3 to
emphasisethat all theseitemsareto be consideredtogetherto
determinethe spanof life of a person.)
(30) NidarSanaor illustration
(Sometimes,a topic is illustratedwith similesin order to
make it understandable by intelligentand unintelligentalike.
For example,it is statedthat the useof a drug with which the
physician is well acquaintedworks like ambrosia- vide
Slrtra | : 124.)
(31) Nirvacana or citation of analogy
(Sometimes,an example is given in order to facilitate
easy comprehensionof a topic by scholarlyphisicians.For
example, the causative factor for the anihilation of beings
cannot be comprehendedbecausesuch factors are unpre-
'timel. Time is always in
dictable.This is on the analogyof
the process of quick movement. It automatically goes on
changingor destroyingitself - S-utra16 :32.
NidarSana (item no. 30) facilitates comprehensionof a
topic by both intelligent and unintelligent physicianswhereas
nirvacana is exclusively for intelligent physicians.
The term 'nirvacana'canalsobe explainedasdefinition.
For example, the disease'visarpa' is defined as the ailment
which moves (sarpati) in different directions (vividha) -
vide Cikitsd 2l : I l.)
x r rl SIDDHI STHANA 443

(32) Samvogaor injuction

'niyoga' in the place of
[Cakrapanihas used the word
in the text.]
(Sometimes a statementis made in order to emphasise
absolutenecessity.For example,it is statedthat the patient
(under goingjentdkatherapy)shouldnot leavethe bencheven
if he gets fainted owing to excessiveheat - vide Siltra
(33) Vikalpa or option
(Sometimesthe author gives different optionE to the
patient. For example, he has advised several alternative
measuresfor thetreatmentof madhu-meha(diabetes mellitus)
like the decoctions of khadira or kusa - vide Cikitsa 6 : 46.\
(34) Pratyutsdra or rebuttal
(Sometimestheauthorquotesdifferentviews eachrefuti ng
the other. For example, vdryovida is statedto hold the view
that thb diseasesare causedby rasa-dhatu, and this view is
refuted by Hiranydksa who holds the view that these are
causedby six basicelements,viz., five mahabhutasand the
consciouselement- vide S-utra25 : 13-15.)
(35) Uddhdra or reaffirmation
(Sometimesthe author establisheshis own view after
refuting anotherscholar'sview. For example,the statement
that diseasesare causedby the unwholesomenessof such
factors, the wholesomenessof which is conducive to
procreation- vide S-utra25 :29)
(36'l Sambhavaor possibility
(Sometimes the place of origin or the infrastructure of
manifestation is to bejudged from the ailment. For example,
descriptionof piplu, vyanga,nilikd, etc., implies their location
in the face.) t 4lt l2-t| 245I
[Along with thetranslationof thetext,Calcrppdni,s

respectof eachof the t antr a -y uktls(canonsof composition) is fu rn i shed

after each item in Parenthesis'l
Bhattdra-haricandrahas describedfour additional tantra-yuktis,
viz., pariprasna, vydkararly, vyutkrAnnbhidhana andhetu. ParipraSna -,
is included in uddeila(no. 6), vyakararlais included in vyakhyar,4(no.
23) and vyfikrAfiAbhidhana is included in nirdeSa (no' 7)' Hetu
(accordingto Cakrapani)includesdifferentpremises(modeof acquiring
knowledge), like pratyak;a or direct observation vide vimdna 8 :
In addition to the above mentioned 36 tantra-yuktis, there are
fifteen types of vyakhyas or explanations, seven types of kalpana or
arrangements,twenty one types of urthasrayas or implicltions, and
fourteen tantra-do;as or det'ectsin composition. Theseare not mentiond
here becauseof their descriptionin Uttara-tantra.
lThis is a significant sratement.unlike suSruta-saqthfta
A ;gatiga-hydaya, Caraka- Saryh itah:ds IJttara -t antra or Uttara- sthltna.
May be, in Cakrapani'stime this subsidiarytext was availablewhich is
no lnore extant. This rnight alternatively be a subsequentinterpolation
in Cakrpani's commentarY'
There is a mention of Ilttara-tantra in the text itself in verse no.
50. Cakrapani himself has quoted the views of experiencedphysicians
accordingto whom the text in verseno. 50 is unauthentic.But he hirnself
has not refuted the authenticityof this text'l
Availabitityof Tanta-Yuktis
r*qqnrqrffi'qE+dtftgeVr, uy\ | |
q*,aft ETT* rrqrqTftrfdt acml
tantra-yuktrJ or canons of
these tantra-yuktis
All these composition are
or composltlon arc
adopted in their entirety in treatises which are composed in
both aphoristicand expository styles.However, in treatises
which are composedexclusively in aphoristic style, such
canonsare found onlY PartiallY | 45t12-t1246l
When a treatiseis composedin aphoristic style, all thesecanonsof
composition are not adopted. Only a few of these canons are found in
such concise texts.
I mportance of Tantra-Yuktis
qqrsq-ffi€qrs: rfrfr ffi qsITI lYq | |

ffi a?rFr {tfia:l

As the sun causesblossomingof the lotus pond (lit.
forest) and as the lamp enlightensthe [dark] house,similarly
the knowledge of these tantra-yukfisservesthe purposeof
awakening(blossoming)and enlighteningof the physician.
[ 46t l2-t| 2477
Asthesuncauses lotus,similarlytantra-yuktis
of aclosed
(cano-nsof composition)help the physicianto understandin detail the
aphoristic statementsin a treatise.As a tomp fretpsTn visna-liSingthe
objectskept in a dark room, sirnilarly tantra-yuktjslike /rerr (included
tl, -
in yoga or arrangement- vide item no. 2 under the verse no.4l
|/ 45), etc,.. of
z !9lg tle i_1u.lde,rstandingrhehidden meaning
the statementsmade in the treatise.
Thus, thesetailtra-yuktis help in the exposition of the aphoristic
statements,and in the understandingof the hidden meanings.
Assi stance of Tantra-yuktis in Under standing Other Treati ses
qi{fir{fr q*6 vItA Fr6snwfi ITfr: llYs ll
Tt vntalrqqllTr{I gFtifirqr( rga* t
effiqrfrfr vn€{TerqlaFtr ftrqr Fnrqr
;nfor16lfr vng1efilrh rrrrqWi r[s[|tyz||
The physician who has good grasPeven of only one
treatisecan also underft-andother treatisesquickly becauseof
his proficiency in tqntr_a-yuktisor canonsof composition. As
a person fails to acquire wealth [in spite of his best efforts]
when fortunedesertshim, similarlaonewho is notconversant
w_1S yanyya-yulgtis (canons of e*positioildoes not underJianO
the real impli,cationsof treatiseseven if he has studied many
of them. [ 47r lr _49|
Proper and Improper Understandingof Treatises
gttr ftsuifu vn€*waFtargerqg
I lrIftf iltq F vns ws q rqfrllYs ll
CffFrltilr: sqqre ftreaffi gq: r
rs*r*rcf'qT*q il€rFr Ttrr*qc:l l1qo| |

As a Qadlyhadk"d y:*ep_oq personhimself,

similarly,a badly-understood treatisecauses harmto thbuser
,rliffiJ; h,4frU;
as a properly handledweapon
Irgtecrs-the-xser fiom the enemy, similarly the treatise wel_!
understood becomes a source of protection against the
opponents. enablethe physicianto critigqlly gtryglg
merits and demerits,and comprehendthe real implicationsof
statementsin this treatise(ayurveda),thesetantra-yukrii oi
canonsof expositionwill be explainedin detail in the Uttara-
tantra or supplementarysectionof this work. [ 4e-50]
As agrq$n{lgd WeaBsn may 9-399e-
lnjury to thehandof the user,
andsuchotherdemages, similarlya misunderstood treatisemay cause
hann to the physicianhimself.because of wrong 4dm,inistration of
A weapon
ryrldiggg1,ents. correctlyhandledmay protect the personfrom
attacks by docoits, etc. Similarly, a p_ryggly _understq_o{11eatis_9_may
p!ys19ia1 and his patients from the attacks of diseases.
[The last two lines of this text regardingthe elucidationof tantra-
yuktis in Uttara-tantra or supplementarysection is kept in parenthesis
by the editor of the text. Perhaps, he considered this text to be of
doubtful authenticity. Cakrapani had these lines in the text which he
commentedupon. He hascited this text asapprovedby somephysicians.
He has also quotedthe opinion of seniorphysicianswho consideredthis
text as unaunthenticbecause,accordingto them, no such Uttara-tantra
or supplernentarytext is found in Agnive6a'swork. Interestingly,while
quoting the opinion of seniorphysicians,he himself has not refuted the
authenticityof this text. In this connectiona referencemay also be made
to his commentaryon verse no.4l-44.1
Merits of Studying This Treatise
ftr5vlFd*.firrmr gffis, t
qqh @:n\ttl
After studyingthis text in its entiretywith appropriate
meaning,thephysicianwho hasreflecteduponthestatements
madein it with concentrationof mind, who hasappliedthe
xrr I srDDHr

text constantlyin practice,and who hasdevelopedthe power I

of retention, recollection, description and righteousness i
becomesbestowerof happinessand life (longevity)to human
beings. t 5l l
Cqs ffqvrqrt* & fd€R fran
ftTiff fuFq.€i q rTM rTggrrt I
qF6n{r€ WrrgtR* qfri rqt r r
qffiT€{qffi T ?r#{dr
srF,T@ TA il\Ytl
ffierrtrf+rqadqqrtq qqffir?rq)
| rqq| |
The physician who has .in his memory this treatise
containingtwelve thousand[versEsand proseparagraphs]is
verily the knower of its implications._,He has the power of
discriminationandhe is proficientin thetreatmentof diseases.
Sucha personcannotfail to diagnosea diseaseand initiate its
[appropriate] treatment.
The therapeuticmeasuresdescribedin AgniveSa'swork
are useful both for healthy persons[to maintain their positive
health and prevent occurrenceof diseases]and patients [to
cure their diseasel.
Whatever[medicalknowledge]is availableelsewhereis
includedin this text. andwhateveris not availableherecannot
be found elsewhere.
The treatise of AgniveSa as redacted by Caraka has
reachedup to its [final] eighth section called Siddhi-sthana.
For the accomplishmentof this Siddhi-sthdna,the final touch
in brief is givenby Drdhabala. [ 52-ss]
[Eightlinesof thetextaboveareunauthenticaccording
to Cakrapani.
Further,the abovetext is describedhereto be "dvddasa-sdhasri,i.e.
composed of twelve thousand verses and prose paragraphs.

Notwithstanding variations in the numbering of verses and prose

paragraphsin the different editions of this work, the total number of the
verses and prose paragraphs in 120 chapters does not exceed ten
thousandwhich is significantly at variancewith what is stated in the
original text here.Apart from the possibility of an error in the statement
made in the abovetext, it is likely that the original text had actually l2
thousand verses and prose paragraphs,and some of these were lost
subsequently.Alternatively, this staternentincludes the nurnber of
versesand prose paragraphsof Uttara-tantraor Uttara-sthfuta which is
no more extant. Since the other two important ayurvedicclassics,viz.,
SuSr uta-saryhitamd Astahga-hydayahavesuchsupplementarysections,
the possibility of Caraka-saryhitAhavingsucha supplementarysection
cannot be brushed aside, notwithstanding the confusing statements
(acceptanceand later refutation)in the existing editionsof Cakrapani's
drf1Ri fi rF€Trrr+Ftrtefi KFFf6{|'n
Thus, ends the twelfth chapterof Siddhi-sectiondealing
with "Measuresto Attain Perfectionin the Administration of
Uttara-ba.sfi(trmportantRecipesof Enema)" in Agnive$a's
work asredactedby Caraka,andbecauseof its non-availability,
supplementedby Drdhabala.
[At the end, Cakrapanihasgiven geneologicaldetails.] His father's
name was Narayana Datta. He was the supervisor (medical advisor) of
the kitchen, and Minister of the King (Naya-pala)of Gau(a kingdom
(presentBribhum district West Bengal).His elder brother's name was
Bhanu Datta, and he was the royal physician with the title "Antarahga' .'.
They belonged to the reputed clan

qqrqFr< qtErtra{l

Thus, endsCaraka'streatise.


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