March 6 2011

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March 9 (Wednesday) 7 PM Prayer Day service led by Dr. Murray

March 12 (Saturday) 7 PM Informal service at Mel Trotter Mission.
March 6, 2011 March 12 (Saturday) 7 PM (YABS) Young Adult Book study. We will be
studying Heaven and Hell: chapter 5 Heaven Matters.
MORNING: Christian Joy
Scripture: Philippians 4: 1 - 9 March 13 (Sunday) Young Peoples meeting after the evening service.
Text: Philippians 4: 4 Snack:
March 16 (Wednesday) 7:30 PM Elders Meeting.
EVENING: Christian Fear March 19 (Saturday) 7 AM Men’s Breakfast Bible Study at church.
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13-21
Text: 1 Peter 1:13-17 From the Dorcas Guild: Our project for March is “The Spring Cleaning
Project.” We are collecting the following items for the seminary/HRC food
pantry: Laundry Soap, Bar Soap, Shampoo, Toilet Paper, and cleaning
products. We will be collecting the entire month of March. Please place
your donations in the church kitchen. Thank you for your support.
SONG SERVICE (5:50 PM) – Psalter 136 all & Psalter 65 :1,4

“Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in ~ Church Family ~
the LORD his God:” Psalm 146: 5
Please Remember in Our Prayers:
 Timothy Huckstead is home with his family. This is reason for much
~ From The Consistory ~ thanksgiving. May God continue to sustain this family in His care. Jeff and
Visitors, welcome. Jen Klaasen and their children are also blessed with health and strength.
We hope you are blessed through worshiping with us today. Let us continue to remember these busy families in our care and prayers.
 The following group is working in Guatemala. They plan to put an
 Candidate Mr. Derek Baars is conducting our services today. addition on the AMG office building located at the large Verbena School and
 The Sunday School/Catechism classes’ (beginners – 7 grade) are
th do some medical exams. Bas Van't Voort, Mike Moorman, Mark Arnoudse,
asked to meet upstairs today. Parents and grandparents are welcome to Pete VanKempen, Laurina VanderSloot, Karen VanderSloot, Pete, Jan &
join us for the singing. The Psalter of the month is #418: 1, 2, 3. Please Bill VanStrien, Dan Boom, Don May, Dick Robinson, Natalie Kok, Eric
review with your children. Wielhouwer, Cora Beute, Sherry Beute and Doug Banka. We request your
 Next Sunday, Dr. David Murray will lead our worship, D.V. prayers for a safe and profitable trip.

 Dr. David Murray will lead our Prayer Day service on, March 9 at 7 PM  Our brother Brian Kamwendo lost his dear wife, Joy, Thursday evening,
February 24th 2011. Burial took place Sunday, February 27th. Brian's
 Please pray for our denomination, that the Lord would call and prepare contact email is [email protected]; phone 00265993381254;
men to serve Him in sacred ministry within our congregations. Next month postal address: Rev. Brian Kamwendo, Kasungu CCAP, P.O. Box 60,
the pre-synod committee meetings take place for the well being of our Kasungu, MALAWI.
 Let us remember this family and our student Rob VanDoodewaard's
~ Calendar ~ “The Lord willing...” James 4:15
family as they mourn the loss of their loved ones. Please also remember
Taunya's needs as she expects to soon deliver their baby.
Forgotten Man Ministries Dinner (Tuesday, March 8 or Thursday,
Shut-ins: Mr. Rokus DeBlaay, Mr. Vincent Faasse, Mrs. Dorothy
March 10) Punch bowl at 6 PM. Dinner begins at 6:30. Contact Sonia
Hitchcock, Mrs. Kay Kwekel, Mrs. Winifred Nordyke, Miss Henrietta
Wielhouwer at 616.364.3071 or [email protected] with questions.
Sikkema and Mrs. Mina Wierenga.
March 8 (Tuesday) 9:30 AM Ladies Bible Study. Coffee is at 9.30. Lesson
Servicemen: Dan Arnoudse, Jacob Hubach and Tyler Prince.
starts at 10. Nursery is provided. Women of all ages are welcome.
~ Mission Update~
A bit of history - After Rev. Everts left Cubulco in 2008 there has not been
an ordained pastor stationed there. Since that time various ministers have
come on a somewhat (ir)regular basis to preach the Word and administer
the sacraments. In between an edifying word would be given by the other
missionary families (Kattenberg, Bout, VanMinnen) and by the obreros, who
have had some theological training by attending the Bible Institute over the
years. For the last year a certain Pastor Carlos has been coming quite
regularly on weekends to preach the Word. There was some hope that he
would be the next minister to be stationed in Cubulco but the churches did
not have the liberty to extend a call to this man. Currently some other
Guatemala pastors who have the potential of being called to Cubulco are
being asked to come and preach so that the churches have the opportunity
for evaluation. Please pray that the Lord will send the right man to this area
that he might be instrumental in building up the churches there.
~ Nursery ~
Mother In Charge – March: Jennifer Pennings
Today: AM A: Margaret Kleyn, Naysi Pennings
B: Ruthanne Karel, Aileen Rittner
PM A: Cheryl & Annelise Moerdyk
B: Lisa VanStrien, Kimberly Kleyn
Prayer Day: Meta Moerdyk, Jen Pennings
Next Week: AM A: Sonia Wielhouwer, Lydia Karel
B: Julie Timmer, Rene` VanderHart
PM A: Betsy Prince, Rineke Ude
B: Melanie VanderBoon, Heidi Pronk

~ Ushers ~
Today AM Bill Moerdyk PM Pete VanStrien
Next Week AM Sam Moerdyk PM Tom Karel Jr.

~ Offerings ~
Today 1 collection: General
2 collection: Building
Box at Exits: Guatemala Mission
Prayer Day: Trinitarian Bible Society
Next Week 1 collection: General
2 collection: Building
Box at Exits: Denominational
Song Service: 136: all and 65: 1,4

March 6, 2011 LITURGY
Morning Service March 6, 2011
Evening Service
Votum & Salutation
Votum & Salutation
Psalter: 129: 1, 3, 4
Psalter: 280: 4
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 1: 13-21
Psalter: 110
Text: 1 Peter 1: 13-17
Scripture Reading: Philippians 4: 1 - 9
Apostles’ Creed
Text: Philippians 4: 4
Psalter: 7
Pastoral Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
Psalter: 92: 3, 7, 8
Psalter: 90: 1, 5, 6, 7
Sermon: Christian Joy
Sermon: Christian Fear
Psalter: 84: 2
Psalter: 176: 1, 3
Offertory Offertory
Psalter: 156: 3, 4 to the tune of #1 Psalter: 308: 3, 4
Benediction Benediction
Doxology: 163: 2, 3 Doxology: 373: 9, 10
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