Wind and Wave Loads
Wind and Wave Loads
Wind and Wave Loads
The loads that an offshore structure is subjected to are divided in two categories: those due to
the function on the structure (Functional loads) and those due to the environment
(Environmental loads). The first category includes static or dynamic loads from the operation of
the structure, the weight of the structure, the buoyancy etc. The second category includes loads
that come from the direct or indirect interaction of the environment with the structure, such as
wind load, wave load, earthquake load, current load etc. (Mavrakos, 1999).
The two main loads that are being calculated in this project are wind load on the tower and on
the rotor of the turbine and wave load on the jacket legs.
In accordance with DNV, the force due to wind that an element is subjected to is calculated from
the equation:
Fw = CqAsina
q = 1/2 ρV2tz
q: air pressure.
C = KC∞
C∞: shape coefficient for elements with infinite length given in accordance with Reynolds
number. 1/10
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Re = DVtz/v
K: Reduction coefficient of C∞ due to finite length of the element as a function of the l/d ratio
where l is the length of the of the element and d is the dimension of the cross section (height or
width) measured vertically to the wind direction.
Table 1: Reduction coefficient k due to finite length of the element given as function of l/d
(Mavrakos, 1999).
Vtz: Average value of the wind β speed at height z m from the average sea surface for time t
which is calculated from the equation:
Vtz = αV1hr10(z/10)β
V1hr10 Average wind velocity value at 10m height from the sea surface for 1hr time.
α, β Values used when the average time used for velocity measuring is not the same as the one
for V1hr10. 2/10
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For the purposes of this project we have taken into consideration:
Vtz: Average value of the wind β speed at height z m from the average sea surface for time t
which is calculated from the equation:
D: = 5m
L: = 90m
a: = 90deg
V1hr10 = 9m/s (so that the velocity at the top of the tower is V = 12.5m/s which is the rated
power of the turbine)
and the coefficients we choose from the graphs and matrices are
α: = 1
β: = 0,15
C∞ = 0,61
K: = 0,884
All the other values are calculated with the equations provided.
With the aid of MATLAB program we have produced the graph of the distributed wind load along
the height of the tower using the force per meter equation:
Fw /dz = CqDsina
As we can imagine the force is bigger as we get higher from the sea level. By integrating the
force along the height of the pile we get the total force which is Fp=3201 N. 3/10
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The output data at a rated speed of 12.5 m/s are shown below using the BEM prediction code:
We can see that the total force on the rotor is quite significant with its value being Fr=867771,7
By repeating the same procedure for higher speeds we have the summarized results: 4/10
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The procedure here was to operate turbine at constant rotational speed, so that tip speed ratio
was adjusted as wind speed was varied. This procedure is called feathering and it is used so
that maximum power is obtained at each speed. Beyond rated speed of 12.5 m/s, the blade
pitch was varied to maintain power constant at about 7.2 MW (with 83% conversion of
mechanical power to electrical). As we can see from the results, rotor thrust in fact reduces as a
result of the blades being set to run at very small angles of attack (low lift and low drag). Thrust
coefficient Ct falls dramatically as a result (Ragheb, 2009).
Another way of controlling wind turbines and keeping power output at the rated value when the
wind speed goes up is passive stalling, where the blades turn gradually the other way and avoid
the abrupt stalling as the wind speed reaches its critical value. We can see that now the thrust
loading goes up as the wind speed rises, but not significantly. It increases a little and then
stabilizes at a relatively high value. Thrust coefficient falls but not so dramatically as in the case 5/10
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of feathering. The results from the code as well as the pitch angle and thrust graphs can be
seen below where we note that the thrust
the pitch load
angle for
and the graphs.
thrust rated speed is the same for the two
approaches (Ragheb, 2009).
Wave loads 6/10
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For the calculation of the force on a body (one jacket leg in our case), which is in a non-
permanent flow of a real fluid, the inertia forces (Froude-Krylov and radiation forces) and the
drag forces are combined (W. Kaufmann, 1958). This assumption was made from Morison who
calculated the force per meter of a cylindrical body with the presence of harmonic waves. For a
hydrodynamically thin body (D/λ <1/5) the difraction forces can be neglected and so from
Morison equation we have:
CF1 = - 1/8cM ρg πD H sinh(kd)/cosh(kd)
CFD = 1/16cD ρgDH 2kd + sinh(2kd)/sinh(2kd)
ρ: water density 1025 kg/m
g: standard gravity 9.81m/s
D: cylinder diameter
H: wave height
k = 2π/λ
λ: wave length
d: water depth
ω: wave frequency which depends on the water depth and can be calculated with the following
k = 2π/λ
2 2 2 2
ω = k gd ω = kgtanh(kd) ω = kg
T = 2π/ω
For the purposes of this project we have taken into consideration South West of England
Regional Development Agency, 2006 and Coastal engineering technical note, 1985: 7/10
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H = 5m
D = 1,05m
D = 40m
λ = 45,52m
Cm = 3
Cd = 1,5
All the other values are calculated with the equations provided.
Using the MATLAB program the force plotted along with the time has the following form:
We can see that the maximum value of the wave load is Fw=65299.3 N.
By multiplying this force by 2 we will have, in approximation, the total force of the two legs at
the wave front. So Fw=130598.7 N. Of course we must not forget in reality The angle of the
wave may be different between these two legs, brackets will also accept significant wave forces
as well as the other two legs will accept radiation forces.
Again with the aid of MATLAB program we have produced the graph of the distributed wave load
along the height of the tower using the force per meter equation:
2 2
Fx(Z) / dz = -cM ρπH /2 D/4 ω cosh[k(z+d)]/cosh(kd) sin(ωt)
2 2 2 2 2 2
+ cD ρ/2 D H /4 -cM pπH /2 D Hω /4 ω coshω [k(z+d)]/sinhω (kd)
As the equation depends on time we have plotted the amplitude of the force using the
C = √A+B 8/10
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We can see that the maximum force is closer to the sea surface, as the amplitude of the motion
decreases with depth.
The calculation of the current force will be made using the drag equation which is presented
FC = 1/2Cd ρU A
Cd: drag coefficient as a function of Reynolds number, here taken approximately 0.38 (Graph 1)
Re = DU/v
v: kinematic viscosity of water, here taken 1,307??10?^(-6) m^2/s (The Engineering Toolbox
website) at temperature of 10? (National Oceanographic Data Center website)
ρ: water density 1025 kg/m
As a conclusion we can say that the wave load and wind load of the rotor are of the same
magnitude, but in our case the latter is about seven times bigger. The force on the pile can be
considered relatively small in comparison with the others. Also, load from currents as well as
wind load on the pile is comparatively not important and given the fact that it does not generate
big bending moments it is not a major factor in design. So to sum up, wind load is probably the
one that need to be taken into serious consideration when designing and building an offshore
wind turbine. 9/10
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