Dustbins (or Garbage bins, Trash Cans, whatever you call them) are small plastic (or
metal) containers that are used to store trash (or waste) on a temporary basis. They are
often used in homes, offices, streets, parks etc. to collect the waste. In some places,
littering is a serious offence and hence public waste containers are the only way to
dispose small waste. Usually, it is a common practice to use separate bins for collecting
wet or dry, recyclable or non-recyclable waste.
In this project, I have designed a simple system called Smart Dustbin using Arduino,
Ultrasonic Sensor, and Servo Motor, where the lid of the dustbin will automatically open
itself upon detection of human hand. The smart dustbin is a carefully designed solution
that solves the social issue of waste disposal; the smart dustbin identifies the kind of
material being thrown inside it and segregates it into bio or non-biodegradable.
The main objective of this project is to
It also can detect the level of the trash that inside the dustbin.
If the dustbin is full of trash at the certain level, the lid will not open even when there are people who
want to throw out their trash.
dustbins are provided with a sensor which helps in tracking the level and weight of the garbage bins and
a unique ID will be provided for every dustbin in the city so that it is easy to identify which garbage bin is
In order to avoid the decaying smell around the bin harm-less chemical sprinkler is used which will
sprinkle the chemical as soon as the smell sensors detect the decaying smell.
Waste Management is all the activities and actions required to manage waste from inception to its final
disposal. So this can be done by implementing IoT based waste management using smart dustbin.
Scope for Future Work:
The main aim of this project is to reduce human resources and efforts along with the enhancement of a
smart city vision. We have often seen garbage spilling over from dustbins on to streets and this was an
issue that required immediate attention. The proverb “Cleanliness is next to god and clean city is next to
heaven” inspired us to conceptualized the project. Smart dustbin helps us to reduce the pollution. Many
times garbage dustbin is overflow and many animals like dog or rat enters inside or near the dustbin.
This creates a bad scene. Also some birds are also trying to take out garbage from dustbin. This project
can avoid such situations. And the message can be sent directly to the cleaning vehicle instead of the
contractor’s office. Swatch Bharat Abhiyan (English: Clean India Mission and abbreviated as SBA or SBM
for "Swatch Bharat Mission") is a national campaign by the Government of India, covering 4,041
statutory cities and towns, to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country. In our system,
the Smart dustbins are connected to the internet to get the real time information of the smart dustbins.
In the recent years, there was a rapid growth in population which leads to more waste disposal. So a
proper waste management system is necessary to avoid spreading some deadly diseases.