Huber Disc Filter Rodisc®: Waste

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HUBER Disc Filter RoDisc®

– Rotary mesh screen

– Retention of filterable solids from the secondary
clarifier effluent
– Reduction of micropollutants using powdered active
carbon (PAC)
– Preliminary filtration in drinking water recovery from
surface waters and in UV disinfection applications

➤➤ The challenge ➤
➤➤ The solution
High hydraulic loads, insufficient tank depth and poor Our RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen is a filtration plant and
settling behaviour of the activated sludge are the most consists of up to 35 vertical discs installed on a horizontal
common causes for the poor performance of secondary shaft. Up to 65% of the disc surface is submerged in the
clarifiers. Frequently, secondary clarifiers are even unable filtrate during operation.
to reliably ensure the solids retention required. Overflow Each filter disc consists of 12 individual plastic segments
of flocks increases COD, BOD and phosphorus loads in the equipped with two filter plates each. The filter plates are
effluent and receiving watercourse with the result of covered with filter mesh on both sides. A thermal process
higher wastewater fees. is applied to fix the mesh. Each segment can be
Due to improved methods of analysis micropollutants exchanged individually in case the mesh should be
(pharmaceutical residues) are increasingly detected in damaged. The finest available mesh size is as small as
water and soil in Germany. Some of these substances 10 µm.
have a high damaging effect on the environment. Due to its small space requirement and modular design
Adsorption using powdered active carbon is a physical- the RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen can be tailored to suit
chemical separation process to remove such substances. any specific site requirements.
It is however of vital importance to prevent the ingress of
contaminated powdered active carbon into the water.
A subsequently installed filtration system is a quick,
efficient solution in order to achieve separation of

➤➤ The function
suspended material, such as sludge flocks or powdered The RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen is a gravity-flow
active carbon. Combined with preceding precipitation and filtration system. The wastewater to be treated flows into
flocculation a micro screen provides an easy-to-implement the horizontal shaft and from there through openings into
means for the reduction of phosphorus in effluents to very the filter discs which the water passes from inside to
low concentrations. This prevents eutrophication of outside. The filter discs remain in rest position at first
waters and excessive growth of algae and water plants. during the filtration process. The solids are retained on
the inner disc surfaces, which leads to gradual blinding of
the mesh, resulting in an increasing pressure differential.
An overflow weir ensures that the water level in the tank

remains virtually constant. The upstream water level rises

as the blinding process progresses. When the predefined
maximum pressure differential has been reached, the
solids are removed automatically from the filter surfaces.
The filter material is cleaned by spray nozzle bars. The
solids are removed by the slow rotation of the filter discs
combined with the high-pressure water jets which wash
the filtrate through the mesh from inside to outside
without the need to use fresh water as filtrate is used for
backwashing. The spray water and the solids contained
are collected in a trough and discharged axially from the
machine. The filtration process runs on continuously
whilst the filter discs are being cleaned.

Excellent separation of fine solids from the wastewater

flowing through the filter mesh with its small apertures

➤➤ The applications
Filtration of biologically treated wastewater material. Investment and operation costs are more than
The RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen is frequently utilised compensated because micro screening saves money for
for the separation of fine suspended material from downstream systems.
biologically treated wastewater within municipal and Treatment of water and wastewater in industries
industrial applications, especially if secondary clarifiers
Due to new legislation concerning direct or indirect
work insufficiently because they are too small or the
wastewater discharge, advanced wastewater treatment
settling behaviour of the activated sludge is poor for
at source is required. Removal of solids is also required for
example. Our RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen reliably
wastewater recycling because service and process water
achieves effluent values which are significantly better
must be virtually solids-free.
than the required limit values for filterable solids.
Reduction of micropollutants using powdered Special applications:
active carbon ➤ Wastewater within paper and pulp industry
It is possible today to identify the presence of a multitude ➤ Wastewater within plastic processing industries
of trace substances in surface waters and partly also in
➤ Treatment of service and process water, closing water
groundwater. The effects these substances have on the loops (e.g. in food and chemical industry)
ecosystems in our waters have not yet been fully
clarified. The removal of such micropollutants on sewage
treatment plants in an additional quaternary treatment
stage is therefore increasingly becoming a focal point.
The combined use of the RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen and
powdered active carbon is a treatment method which
ensures that the substances to be eliminated from the
wastewater are absorbed on the surface of the powdered
active carbon and reliably separated from the wastewater
flow by the RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen. The RoDisc®
Rotary Mesh Screen is vitally important in this concept as
it prevents the ingress of contaminated powdered active
carbon into the water.

Filtration to protect or increase the efficiency of

downstream treatment systems
A virtually solids-free flow is a prerequisite for effective
and efficient as well as trouble and maintenance free
operation of some subsequent treatment steps, such as
UV disinfection or membrane filtration. Our micro screens Activated sludge flocs sometimes are insufficiently
significantly reduce the concentration of suspended retained by the secondary clarifier.

➤➤ The user's benefits

➤ High hydraulic throughput capacity on a small

➤ Gravity system with low headloss, no lifting of
wastewater required
➤ Significant reduction of filterable solids, COD, BOD,
➤ Reliable removal of powdered active carbon for the
elimination of micropollutants
➤ Effluent standards are reliably met.
Reduced wastewater discharge charges
➤ Form-locked and chemical-resistant thermal fixation
of the mesh. 28 RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen units with 24 discs each
➤ No external wash water supply required as filtrate is treating about 8.5 m³ wastewater per second
used for cleaning
➤ For installation within a stainless steel tank or in
customer's concrete tank
➤ Continuous operation even during backwashing
➤ Easy exchange of individual filter elements without
the need for lifting devices

➤➤ Technical data
➤ 2230 mm disc diameter
➤ 2000 m3/h throughput capacity
➤ Up to 35 filter discs per machine
4 RoDisc® Rotary Mesh Screen units with 18 discs
➤ 2 - 100 µm mesh size
installed in a concrete tank

Backwashing of filter discs with filtrate – no external wash

water required

HUBER SE Subject to technical modification

0,2 / 8 – 5.2014 – 4.2005

Industriepark Erasbach A1 · D-92334 Berching

Phone: + 49 - 84 62 - 201 - 0 · Fax: + 49 - 84 62 - 201 - 810
[email protected] · Internet: HUBER Disc Filter RoDisc®

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