ATR Haldor Topsoe
ATR Haldor Topsoe
ATR Haldor Topsoe
Until now, large-scale ammonia production in single line configuration has suffered from a lack of
demonstrated plant concepts with proven feasibility and competitiveness and traditionally, the
industry has perceived 3,500 MTPD as the limit in single line capacity. However, the
commercialization of the catalyst, SK-501 FlexTM, has enabled that the benefits of low S/C
autothermal reforming technology (ATR) is now available to the ammonia industry. Consequently,
ammonia plants with single line capacities above 6,000 MTPD solely based on industrially proven
equipment sizes and catalysts could become plant owners’ preferred choice due to resulting benefits
from economy of scale.
T his paper presents Haldor Topsoe’s new ing GTL industry, which suffered from the lack
ammonia process based on advanced au- of a cost effective solution that could meet the
tothermal reforming. H2/CO ratio needed for the Fischer-Tropsch
process and produce syngas in large single line
Ammonia plant owners will benefit from an in- capacity at the same time.
novative and very competitive technology ap-
plication defying existing single line plant ca- The ATR technology became a real game
pacity limits while staying within referenced changer removing the limitations that other
applications of technology elements. The pro- technologies had in reaching the optimal syngas
cess is equally suitable for stand-alone ammonia composition. The advanced ATR technology
plants and for integrated urea complexes. It is provides plant owners with a huge leap towards
also an inherently safer process than the conven- economy of scale in combination with signifi-
tional. cant operational expenditure (OPEX) improve-
ments through lower specific net energy con-
Haldor Topsoe pioneered advanced autothermal sumption (SNEC), high reliability and uptime,
reforming throughout the 1990ies and commer- lower requirements for operators and reduced
cialized the low steam-to-carbon (S/C) ATR maintenance. Today, the combined industrial
technology in 2002. The first industry to take operation exceeds 70 years and both industries
advantage of this unique technology was the regard the ATR technology as highly successful.
The technology is continuously developed and
The ATR based ammonia technology is not only Shift section - by-product formation close to
about a change in reforming technology. Reduc- zero
ing the reforming S/C ratio from 3 to 0.6 has a
huge impact on the entire process scheme. This The conventional plant based on tubular reform-
calls for innovative re-design of various plant ing has a shift section containing a high temper-
sections, the main challenge being a workable ature shift step followed by a low temperature
shift section. shift step. A standard high temperature shift us-
With the ATR based ammonia technology the a Fe/Cr based catalyst that cannot operate at S/C
use of two high temperature shift reactors in se- ratio below 2.6. To overcome this limitation,
ries, a nitrogen wash to remove the CO, and re- Haldor Topsoe installed the first charge of SK-
cycling of shift by-products has resulted in nu- 501 FlexTM in an industrial plant in 2014.
merous benefits such as by-product formation The temperature profiles from the HTS reactor
being reduced close to zero. Several conven- at the industrial reference (Figure 4) show that
tional process steps such as methanation, purge SK-501 Flex™ is successfully resistant to poi-
gas recovery, ammonia absorption and hydrogen sons, at start-of-run and after 28 months of op-
recovery become obsolete, thus resulting in less eration.
need of compressor/recycle power and signifi-
cantly reduced sizes of high-pressure equipment
and piping.
Table 1. Comparison of main differences between a conventional and an SMR based ammonia plant
Table 2. Potential reduction in CO2 emission
The most important parameter when designing
and operating an ammonia plant is safety, both
Proven design in terms of personal safety, environmental im-
pact and process reliability. All new design
A main criterion for the development of the work needs to address these key issues.
ATR based process has been to utilize known
and industrially proven process steps and The ATR based plant significantly improves all
equipment. three parameters. It offers several benefits that
• The low S/C ATR reforming concept has make it inherently safer than conventional plants
been in industrial operation since 2002 and and it has the potential to bring down the num-
it is referenced up to an equivalent ammonia ber of days with lost production significantly.
capacity above 6,000 MTPD (6,613 STPD).
• The high temperature shift reactors are with- Personal safety and fieldwork
in referenced size at a capacity of 4,000
MTPD. The main difference between the conventional
• Topsoe’s SK-501 FlexTM catalyst has been and the ATR based process design is the reform-
in industrial operation since 2014. ing section. It is well known that tubular reform-
• The CO2 removal section is within refer- ing involves a great deal of manual operation in
enced size at an equivalent ammonia capaci- the field, and that it can be difficult to imple-
ty above 6,000 MTPD (6,613 STPD). ment and maintain a comprehensive Safety In-
tegrated System (SIS) for this technology for the
• The synthesis gas drier and wash section is
same reason. Scaling up the conventional tubu-
industrially proven and available from a
lar reforming capacity does not change this situ-
number of suppliers.
ation. The amount of work in the field will in-
• The synthesis gas compressor/turbine is
crease and more field operators will be required.
within referenced size at an ammonia capac-
ity of 4,000 MTPD (4,409 STPD). Larger
compressors/turbines are in industrial opera-
tion in other industries.
• The ammonia converter is within referenced
size up to a capacity above 4,000 MTPD
(4,409 STPD).
• The refrigeration compressor is within refer-
enced size up to a capacity above 4,000