Test Unit 7: Listening Answer Key
Test Unit 7: Listening Answer Key
Test Unit 7: Listening Answer Key
My mum says I need to have a new one every three Answers: 1 Is; going to play football; Yes, he is.
months. I want an electric one for my birthday. 2 Is; going to go to the theme park; Yes, he is. 3 Is;
going to study maths; No, he isn’t. 4 Is; going to use
the computer; No, he isn’t.
I use this every morning after I have a shower. I
also use it in the evening after football practice. The 8 Look at the pictures and write
normal ones at home don’t fit in my rucksack, so I affirmative and negative sentences
take a special thin one when I go camping. using the words in brackets and the
correct form of going to.
I sleep in this when I go camping. It’s a bit Answers: 1 They’re going to explore the countryside.
like a blanket, but it’s warmer and much more 2 They aren’t going to go to the beach. 3 He isn’t
going to clean the windows. 4 He’s going to do the
comfortable. You can roll it in a special bag to washing up. 5 I’m going to visit the museum. 6 I’m
carry it easily. You can buy special ones for warm not going to go shopping.
weather, or for very cold weather.
9 Read Sara’s plans for the summer.
I really need to buy one of these so I can cut food,
open tins and repair things when I go camping. My What are your plans for the summer?
friend has got a very expensive one with scissors Write affirmative and negative
and a torch on it! But I think I just need a simple one sentences.
that fits in my pocket.
Answers: Students’ own answers.
Answers: 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 b
10 Name the objects that people take
4 Read Julie’s post and complete it by
when they go camping. Can you
matching sentences a–f to gaps 1–6.
think of three more?
Answers: 1 c 2 e 3 b 4 a 5 d 6 f
11 T
alk about Sandy’s plans for this
5 Read the article and write T (true),
weekend. Talk about what you are
or F (false).
and aren’t going to do this weekend.
Answers: 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 F
Part 1 1 blanket 2 waterproof jacket 3 sleeping
6 Read and circle the correct answers. bag 4 tent 5 penknife (three additional items: towel,
torch, map)
Answers: 1 the aquarium 2 river 3 learn about
Part 2 Students’ own answers.
animals 4 twice a week