Instructions For Form 940: Future Developments
Instructions For Form 940: Future Developments
Instructions For Form 940: Future Developments
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service
Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 932000
Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Ogden, UT 84201-0046 Louisville, KY 40293-2000
Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota,
Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah,
Washington, Wyoming
Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands Internal Revenue Service Internal Revenue Service
P.O. Box 409101 P.O. Box 932000
Ogden, UT 84409 Louisville, KY 40293-2000
If the location of your legal residence, principal place of Internal Revenue Service Internal Revenue Service
business, office, or agency is not listed P.O. Box 409101 P.O. Box 932000
Ogden, UT 84409 Louisville, KY 40293-2000
EXCEPTION for tax-exempt organizations; federal, state, Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service
and local governments; and Indian tribal governments, Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 932000
regardless of your location Ogden, UT 84201-0046 Louisville, KY 40293-2000
Your filing address may have changed from that state requires an employer to make to its unemployment
! used to file your employment tax return in prior fund for the payment of unemployment benefits. They
CAUTION years. don't include:
• Any payments deducted or deductible from your
Credit for State Unemployment Tax employees' pay;
• Penalties, interest, or special administrative taxes; and
Paid to a State Unemployment Fund • Voluntary amounts you paid to get a lower assigned
Generally, you get a credit for amounts you pay to a state state experience rate.
(including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Additional credit. You may receive an additional credit
USVI) unemployment fund by February 1, 2021 (or if you have a state experience rate lower than 5.4%
February 10, 2021, if that is your Form 940 due date). (0.054). This applies even if your rate varies during the
Your FUTA tax will be higher if you don't pay the state year. This additional credit is the difference between your
unemployment tax timely. If you didn't pay all state actual state unemployment tax payments and the amount
unemployment tax by the due date of Form 940, see the you would have been required to pay at 5.4%. For wages
line 10 instructions. For wages paid to a work site paid to a work site employee, the CPEO is allowed the
employee, a CPEO is eligible for the credit whether the additional credit if the CPEO is allowed, under state law,
CPEO or a customer of the CPEO made the contribution to collect and remit contributions to the state
with respect to a work site employee. unemployment fund with respect to a work site employee.
State unemployment taxes are sometimes called
“contributions.” These contributions are payments that a
When Must You Deposit Your FUTA The tax rates are based on your receiving the
maximum credit against FUTA taxes. You’re entitled to the
Tax? maximum credit if you paid all state unemployment tax by
the due date of your Form 940 or if you weren't required to
Although Form 940 covers a calendar year, you may have pay state unemployment tax during the calendar year due
to deposit your FUTA tax before you file your return. If to your state experience rate.
your FUTA tax is more than $500 for the calendar year,
you must deposit at least one quarterly payment. Example. During the first quarter, you had three
employees: Mary Smith, George Jones, and Jane Moore.
You must determine when to deposit your tax based on You paid $11,000 to Mary, $2,000 to George, and $4,000
the amount of your quarterly tax liability. If your FUTA tax to Jane. None of the payments made were exempt from
is $500 or less in a quarter, carry it over to the next FUTA tax.
quarter. Continue carrying your tax liability over until your
cumulative tax is more than $500. At that point, you must
deposit your tax for the quarter. Deposit your FUTA tax by To figure your liability for the first quarter, add the first $7,000 of each
employee's wages subject to FUTA tax:
the last day of the month after the end of the quarter. If
$7,000 Mary’s wages subject to FUTA tax
your tax for the next quarter is $500 or less, you’re not 2,000 George's wages subject to FUTA tax
required to deposit your tax again until the cumulative + 4,000 Jane's wages subject to FUTA tax
amount is more than $500.
$13,000 Total wages subject to FUTA tax for the first quarter
Fourth quarter liabilities. If your FUTA tax for the fourth
quarter (plus any undeposited amounts from earlier $13,000 Total wages subject to FUTA tax for the first quarter
x 0.006 Tax rate (based on maximum credit of 5.4%)
quarters) is more than $500, deposit the entire amount by
February 1, 2021. If it is $500 or less, you can either $78 Your liability for the first quarter
deposit the amount or pay it with your Form 940 by
In this example, you don't have to make a deposit because your liability is
February 1, 2021. $500 or less for the first quarter. However, you must carry this liability over
In years when there are credit reduction states, to the second quarter.
you must include liabilities owed for credit reduction
with your fourth quarter deposit. If any wages subject to FUTA tax aren't subject to state
unemployment tax, you may be liable for FUTA tax at the
When To Deposit Your FUTA Tax maximum rate of 6.0%. For instance, in certain states,
wages paid to corporate officers, certain payments of sick
If your undeposited FUTA tax pay by unions, and certain fringe benefits are excluded
is more than $500 on . . .* Deposit your tax by . . . from state unemployment tax.
March 31 April 30 Example. Mary Smith and George Jones are
June 30 July 31 corporate officers whose wages are excluded from state
September 30 October 31 unemployment tax in your state. Jane Moore’s wages
December 31 January 31 aren't excluded from state unemployment tax. During the
*Also, see the instructions for line 16.
first quarter, you paid $11,000 to Mary, $2,000 to George,
and $4,000 to Jane.
If any deposit due date falls on a Saturday,
TIP Sunday, or legal holiday, you may deposit on the
next business day. See Timeliness of federal tax
deposits, later.
Same-day wire payment option. If you fail to submit a address (even if a payment is included) under Where Do
deposit transaction on EFTPS by 8 p.m. Eastern time the You File, earlier.
day before the date a deposit is due, you can still make • If you file an amended return for an aggregate Form
your deposit on time by using the Federal Tax Collection 940, be sure to attach Schedule R (Form 940). Complete
Service (FTCS) to make a same-day wire payment. To Schedule R (Form 940) only for employers who have
use the same-day wire payment method, you will need to adjustments on the amended Form 940.
make arrangements with your financial institution ahead of
time. Please check with your financial institution regarding Completing Your Form 940
availability, deadlines, and costs. Your financial institution
may charge you a fee for payments made this way. To Follow These Guidelines To Correctly Fill Out
learn more about the information you will need to give the Form
your financial institution to make a same-day wire Make entries on Form 940 as follows to enable accurate
payment, go to scanning and processing.
Timeliness of federal tax deposits. If a deposit is • Make sure your business name and EIN are on every
required to be made on a day that isn't a business day, the page of the form and any attachments.
deposit is considered timely if it is made by the close of • If you type or use a computer to fill out your form, use a
the next business day. A business day is any day other 12-point Courier font, if possible. Portable Document
er). Check the box on line 1b. Then fill out Schedule A For details on wages and other compensation, see
(Form 940) and attach it to your Form 940. section 5 of Pub. 15-A.
2. If You Paid Wages in a State That Is Subject
to Credit Reduction Example
A state that hasn't repaid money it borrowed from the
federal government to pay unemployment benefits is You had three employees. You paid $44,000 to Joan
called a “credit reduction state.” The U.S. Department of Rose, $8,000 to Sara Blue, and $16,000 to John Green.
Labor determines which states are credit reduction states. $44,000 Amount paid to Joan
If you paid wages that are subject to the unemployment 8,000 Amount paid to Sara
tax laws of a credit reduction state, you may have to pay + 16,000 Amount paid to John
more FUTA tax when filing your Form 940. $68,000 Total payments to employees. You would enter this
amount on line 3.
For tax year 2020, the USVI is the only credit reduction
state. If you paid wages subject to the unemployment tax
laws of the USVI, check the box on line 2 and fill out
2. Credit for timely state unemployment tax payments — How much did you pay on time? 2. .
• If line 2 is equal to or more than line 1, STOP here. You’ve completed the worksheet. Leave Form 940, line 10, blank.
• If line 2 is less than line 1, continue this worksheet.
3. Additional credit — Were ALL of your assigned experience rates 5.4% or more?
• If yes, enter zero on line 3. Then go to line 4 of this worksheet.
• If no, fill out the computations below. List ONLY THOSE STATES for which your assigned experience rate for any part of the
calendar year was less than 5.4%.
State Computation rate Taxable state Additional Credit
The difference between 5.4% unemployment wages at
(0.054) and your assigned assigned experience rate
experience rate (0.054 – .XXX
(assigned experience rate) =
computation rate)
1. . x . = .
2. . x . = .
3. . x . = .
4. . x . = .
5. . x . = .
If you need more lines, use another sheet and include those Total .
additional credits in the total.
Enter the total on line 3.
3. .
• If line 4 is equal to or more than line 1, STOP here. You’ve completed the worksheet. Leave Form 940, line 10, blank.
• If line 4 is less than line 1, continue this worksheet.
5. Credit for paying state unemployment taxes late:
5a. What is your remaining allowable credit? (line 1 – line 4 = line 5a) 5a. .
5b. How much state unemployment tax did you pay late? 5b. .
5c. Which is smaller, line 5a or line 5b? Enter the smaller number here. 5c. .
5d. Your allowable credit for paying state unemployment taxes late (line 5c x 0.900 = line 5d) 5d. .
• If line 6 is equal to or more than line 1, STOP here. You’ve completed the worksheet. Leave Form 940, line 10, blank.
• If line 6 is less than line 1, continue this worksheet.
7. Your adjustment (line 1 – line 6 = line 7) Enter line 7 from this worksheet on 7. .
Form 940, line 10.
Don't attach this worksheet to your Form 940. Keep it for your records.
The time needed to complete and file this form will vary depending on individual circumstances. The estimated average time is:
Form Recordkeeping Preparing, copying, assembling, and sending
the form to the IRS
Schedule A (Form 940) 16 hr., 1 min. 15 min.
Worksheet (Form 940) 1 hr., 41 min. 21 min.