Central Council of Indian Medicine New Delhi: Syllabus of Ayurvedacharya (Bams) Course Index
Central Council of Indian Medicine New Delhi: Syllabus of Ayurvedacharya (Bams) Course Index
Central Council of Indian Medicine New Delhi: Syllabus of Ayurvedacharya (Bams) Course Index
PART A 50 marks
1.Ayurveda Nirupana
1.1 Lakshana of Ayu, composition of Ayu.
1.2 Lakshana of Ayurveda.
1.3 Lakshana and classification of Siddhanta.
1.4 Introduction to basic principles of Ayurveda and their significance.
3. Dravya Vigyaniyam
PART B 50 marks
4. Gunavigyaniyam
4.1 Etymological derivation, classification and enumeration according to Nyaya-
Vaisheshika and Charaka, Artha, Gurvadiguna, Paradiguna, Adhyatmaguna.
4.2 Lakshana and classification of all the 41 gunas.
4.3 Practical / clinical application in Ayurveda.
5. Karma Vigyaniyam
5.1 Lakshana, classification in Nyaya.
5.2 Description according to Ayurveda.
5.3 Practical study/ application in Ayurveda.
6. Samanya Vigyaniyam
6.1 Lakshana, classification.
6.2 Practical study/ application with reference to Dravya, Guna and Karma.
7. Vishesha Vigyaniyam
7.1 Lakshana, classification.
7.2 Practical study/ application with reference to Dravya, Guna and Karma.
7.3 Significance of the statement “Pravrittirubhayasya tu”.
8. Samavaya Vigyaniyam
8.1 Lakshana
8.2 Practical study /clinical application in Ayurveda.
9. Abhava Vigyaniyam
9.1 Lakshana, classification
9.2 Clinical significances in Ayurveda.
1. Pariksha
1.1. Definition, significance, necessity and use of Pariksha.
1.2. Definition of Prama, Prameya, Pramata, Pramana.
1.3. Significance and importance of Pramana, Enumeration of Pramana according to
different schools of philosophy.
1.4. Four types of methods for examination in Ayurveda (Chaturvidha-Parikshavidhi),
Pramana in Ayurveda.
1.5. Subsudation of different Pramanas under three Pramanas.
1.6. Practical application of methods of examination (Parikshavidhi) in treatment
4. Anumanapariksha/Pramana
4.1. Lakshana of Anumana. Introduction of Anumiti, Paramarsha, Vyapti, Hetu,
Sadhya, Paksha, Drishtanta. Types of Anumana mentioned by Charaka and
4.2. Characteristic and types of Vyapti.
4.3. Lakshana and types of Hetu, description of Ahetu and Hetwabhasa.
4.4. Characteristic and significance of Tarka.
4.5. Practical study/ application of Anumanapramana in physiological, diagnostic,
therapeutics and research.
5. Yuktipariksha/ Pramana
5.1. Lakshana and discussion.
5.2. Importance in Ayurveda.
5.3. Practical study and utility in therapeutics and research.
6. Upamana Pramana
6.1 Lakshana.
6.2 Application in therapeutics and research.
2. Introduction to the authors of classical texts during Samhitakaal and their contribution:
Atreya, Dhanwantari, Kashyapa, Agnivesha, Sushruta, Bhela, Harita, Charaka,
Central Council of Indian Medicine |UG Ist year Syllabus 4
5. Introduction to the authors of Modern era –Gana Nath Sen, Yamini Bhushan Rai,
Shankar Dajishastri Pade, Swami Lakshmiram, Yadavji Tikramji, Dr. P. M. Mehta,
Ghanekar, Damodar Sharma Gaur, Priyavrat Sharma.
Reference Books:-
B) History of Ayurveda:-
1. Upodghata of Kashyapasamhita Rajguru Hem Raj Sharma
Paragraph of acceptance of Indian medicine
2. Upodghata of Rasa Yogasagar Vaidy Hariprapanna Sharma
3. Ayurveda Ka Itihas KaviraSuram Chand
4. Ayurveda Sutra Rajvaidya Ram Prasad Sharma
5. History of Indian Medicine (1-3 part) Dr. GirindrNath Mukhopadhyaya
6. A Short history of Aryan Medical Science Bhagwat Singh
7. History of Indian Medicine J. Jolly
8. Hindu Medicine Zimer
9. Classical Doctrine of Indian Medicine Filiyosa
10. Indian Medicine in the classical age AcharyaPriyavrata Sharma
11. Indian Medicine (Osteology) Dr. Harnley
12. Ancient Indian Medicine Dr. P. Kutumbia
13. Madhava Nidan and its Chief Dr. G.J. Mulenbelt
Commentaries (Chapters highlighting history)
14. Ayurveda Ka BrihatItihasa Vaidya Atridev Vidyalankara
15. Ayurveda Ka VaigyanikaItihasa Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
16. Ayurveda Ka PramanikaItihasa Prof. Bhagwat Ram Gupta
17. History of Medicine in India Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
18. Vedomein Ayurveda Vaidya Ram GopalS hastri
19. Vedomein Ayurveda Dr. Kapil Dev Dwivedi
20. Science and Philosophy of Indian Medicine Dr. K.N. Udupa
21. History of Indian Medicine from Dr. Jyotirmitra
Pre-Mauryan to Kushana Period
22. An Appraisal of Ayurvedic Material in
Buddhist literature Dr. Jyotirmitra
23. Mahayana Granthon mein nihita Dr. RavindraNathTripathi
Ayurvediya Samagri
24. Jain Ayurveda Sahitya Ka Itihasa Dr. Rajendra Prakash Bhatnagar
25. Ayurveda- Prabhashaka Jainacharya Acharya Raj Kumar Jain
26. CharakaChintana Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
27. Vagbhata Vivechana Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
28. Atharvaveda and Ayurveda Dr. Karambelkara
29. Ayurvedic Medicine Past and Present Pt. Shiv Sharma
30. Ancient Scientist Dr. O.P. Jaggi
31. Luminaries of Indian Medicine Dr. K.R. Shrikanta Murthy
32. Ayurveda Ke Itihasa Ka Parichaya Dr. RaviduttaTripathi
33. Ayurveda Ke Pranacharya Ratnakara Shastri
34. Ayurveda Itihasa Parichaya Prof. Banwari Lal Gaur
1.2 laLd`re~
THEORY - ONE PAPER - 100 marks
PART-A 50 marks
1- laKkizdj.ke~
2- foHkDR;FkkZ%
3- lfU/kizdj.ke~ ¼lfU/kfoPNsn%] lfU/kdj.ke~½
4- "kM~fyaxizdj.ke~ ¼’kCn:ik.;so½
5- /kkrqizdj.ke~ ¼/kkrq:ik.;so½
¼Hokfnx.kh; /kkrwuka iŒp yV~yksV~y³~ÈV~fof/kfy³~ydkjs"kq :ikf.k½
6- okP;iz;ksxk% ¼drZfj deZf.k HkkookP;iz;ksxk%½
7- leklizdj.ke~
8- izR;;k%
¼f.kp~] ä] äorq] 'kr`] 'kkup~] rqequ~] rO;r~] r`p~] DRok] Y;i~] Y;qV~] vuh;j~] erqi~]
bfu] ru~] brp~] v.k~] b´~] bd~] Ro] rk] "ku~] be~] fup~] r%] =] nk] /kk] rji~] rei~]
Vki~] ³ki~ ½
9- vuqokn%
A) From English / Hindi / regional language to Sanskrit
B) From Sanskrit to English / Hindi / regional language
C) Identification and correction of grammatical errors in the given sentences
The sentences for translation should be selected from the under mentioned
reference books-
PART- B 50 marks
1-½ vk;qosZnk"kZxzUFkk/;;ukÿe%&Stepwise method of study of Ayurveda Arsha Granthas (Sushruta Samhita, 25 marks
PART- A 50 marks
11. Aharapaka (Process of digestion): Description of Annavaha Srotas and their Mula.
Role of Grahani & Pittadhara Kala.
12. Description of Avasthapaka (Madhura, Amla and Katu). Description of Nishthapaka
(Vipaka) and its classification. Separation of Sara and Kitta. Absorption of Sara.
Genesis of Vata-Pitta-Kapha during Aharapaka process. Definition of the term
Koshtha. Classification of Koshtha and the characteristics of each type of Koshtha.
13. Agni – Definition and importance, synonyms, classification, location, properties and
functions of Agni and functions of Jatharagni, Bhutagni, and Dhatvagni.
PART- B 50 marks
Modern Physiology
a) Definition and mechanisms of maintenance of homeostasis. Cell physiology.
Membrane physiology. Transportation of various substances across cell
b) Resting membrane potential and action potential.
c) Physiology of respiratory system: functional anatomy of respiratory system.
Definition of ventilation, mechanism of respiration, exchange and transport of
gases, neural and chemical control of respiration, artificial respiration, asphyxia,
hypoxia. Introduction to Pulmonary Function Tests.
d) Physiology of Nervous System: General introduction to nervous system, neurons,
mechanism of propagation of nerve impulse, physiology of CNS, PNS, ANS;
physiology of sensory and motor nervous system, Functions of different parts of
brain and physiology of special senses, intelligence, memory, learning and
motivation. Physiology of sleep and dreams, EEG. Physiology of speech and
articulation. Physiology of temperature regulation.
e) Functional anatomy of gastro-intestinal tract, mechanism of secretion and
composition of different digestive juices. Functions of salivary glands, stomach,
liver, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine in the process of digestion and
absorption. Movements of the gut (deglutition, peristalsis, defecation) and their
control. Enteric nervous system.
f) Acid-base balance, water and electrolyte balance. Study of basic components of
food. Digestion and metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Vitamins & Minerals- sources, daily requirement, functions, manifestations of
hypo and hypervitaminosis.
2. Rasa Dhatu:
Etymology, derivation, location, properties, functions and Praman of Rasa-dhatu.
Physiology of Rasavaha Srotas, Formation of Rasa Dhatu from Aahara Rasa,
circulation of Rasa (Rasa-Samvahana), role of Vyana Vayu and Samana Vayu in
Rasa Samvahana. Description of functioning of Hridaya. Ashtavidha Sara (8 types
3. Rakta Dhatu:
Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location, properties, functions and Praman of
Rakta Dhatu. Panchabhautikatva of Rakta Dhatu, physiology of Raktavaha Srotas,
formation of Raktadhatu, Ranjana of Rasa by Ranjaka Pitta, features of Shuddha
Rakta, specific functions of Rakta, characteristics of Raktasara Purusha,
manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Raktadhatu, mutual interdependence of
Rakta and Pitta.
4. Mamsa Dhatu :
Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location, properties and functions of Mamsa
Dhatu, physiology of Mamsavaha Srotasa, formation of Mamsa Dhatu,
characteristics of Mamsasara Purusha, manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of
Mamsa Dhatu .Concept of Peshi.
5. Meda Dhatu :
Etymology, derivation, location, properties, functions and Praman of Meda
Dhatu, physiology of Medovaha Srotas, formation of Medo Dhatu, characteristics
of Medasara Purusha and manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Meda.
6. Asthi Dhatu:
Etymology, derivation, synonyms, location, properties, functions of Asthi Dhatu.
Number of Asthi. Physiology of Asthivaha Srotas and formation of Asthi Dhatu,
characteristics of Asthisara Purusha, mutual interdependence of Vata and Asthi
Dhatu, manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Asthi Dhatu.
7. Majja Dhatu :
Etymology, derivation, types, location, properties, functions and Praman of
Majjaa Dhatu, physiology of Majjavaha Srotas, formation of Majja Dhatu,
characteristics of Majja Sara Purusha, relation of Kapha, Pitta, Rakta and Majja,
manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Majja Dhatu.
8. Shukra Dhatu:
Etymology, derivation, location, properties, functions and Praman of Shukra
Dhatu, physiology of Shukraravaha Srotas and formation of Shukra Dhatu.
Features of Shuddha Shukra, characteristics of Shukra-Sara Purusha,
manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhi of Shukra Dhatu.
12. Mala: Etymological derivation and definition of the term Mala. Aharamala:
Enumeration and description of the process of formation of Aharamala.
a) Purisha: Etymological derivation, definition, formation, properties, quantity
and functions of Purisha. Physiology of Purishavaha Srotas, manifestations
of Vriddhi and Kshhaya of Purisha.
b) Mutra: Etymological derivation, definition, formation, properties, quantity
and functions of Mutra. Physiology of Mutravaha Srotas, physiology of urine
formation in Ayurveda, manifestations of Vriddhi and Kshhaya of Mutra.
c) Sveda: Etymological derivation, definition, formation and functions of
Sveda. Manifestations of Vriddhi and Kshaya of Sveda. Discription of
Svedvaha Strotas
d) Dhatumala: Brief description of each type of Dhatumala.
PART –B 50 marks
Modern Physiology
1. Haemopoetic system – composition, functions of blood and blood cells,
Haemopoiesis (stages and development of RBCs, and WBCs and platelets),
composition and functions of bone marrow, structure, types and functions of
haemoglobin, mechanism of blood clotting, anticoagulants, physiological basis of
blood groups, plasma proteins, introduction to anaemia and jaundice.
2. Immunity, classification of immunity: Innate, acquired and artificial. Different
mechanisms involved in immunity: Humoral (B-cell mediated) and T-Cell mediated
immunity. Hypersensitivity.
3. Muscle physiology – comparison of physiology of skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles
and smooth muscles. Physiology of muscle contraction.
4. Physiology of cardio-vascular system: Functional anatomy of cardiovascular
system. Cardiac cycle. Heart sounds. Regulation of cardiac output and venous
return. Physiological basis of ECG. Heart-rate and its regulation. Arterial pulse.
Systemic arterial blood pressure and its control.
5. Adipose tissue, lipoproteins like VLDL, LDL and HDL triglycerides.
6. Functions of skin, sweat glands and sebaceous glands.
7. Physiology of male and female reproductive systems. Description of ovulation,
spermatogenesis, oogenesis, menstrual cycle.
8. Physiology of Excretion – functional anatomy of urinary tract, functions of kidney.
Mechanism of formation of urine, control of micturition. Formation of faeces and
mechanism of defecation.
9. Endocrine glands – General introduction to endocrine system, classification and
characteristics of hormones, physiology of all endocrine glands, their functions and
their effects.
13. Urine examination –Physical examination, chemical examination. Test for normal
constituents of urine. Detection of specific gravity and reaction of urine.
Distribution of Practical marks
1. Laboratory Practical - 20
2. Human Experiment - 15
3. Spotting - 15
4. Prakriti Saradi pariksha - 20
5. Practical Record - 10
6. Viva- voce - 20
Ayurvediya Kriyasharir - Ranjit Rai Desai
Kayachikitsa Parichaya - C. Dwarkanath
Prakrit Agni Vigyan - C. Dwarkanath
Sharir Kriya Vigyan - Shiv Charan Dhyani
Abhinava Sharir Kriya Vigyana - Acharya Priyavrata Sharma
Dosha Dhatu Mala Vigyana - Shankar Gangadhar Vaidya
Prakrita Dosha Vigyana - Acharya Niranjana Dev
Tridosha Vigyana - Shri Upendranath Das
Sharira Tatva Darshana - Hirlekar Shastri
Prakrita Agni Vigyana - Niranjana Dev
Deha Dhatvagni Vigyana - Vd. Pt. Haridatt Shastri
Sharir Kriya Vigyana (Part 1-2) - Acharya Purnchandra Jain
Sharir Kriya Vigyana - Shri Moreshwar Dutt. Vd.
Sharira Kriya Vijnana (Part 1 and 2) – Nandini Dhargalkar
Dosha Dhatu Mala Vigyana - Basant Kumar Shrimal
Abhinava Sharir Kriya Vigyana - Dr. Shiv Kumar Gaur
Pragyogik Kriya Sharir - Acharya P.C. Jain
Kaya Chikitsa Parichaya - Dr. C. Dwarkanath
Concept of Agni - Vd. Bhagwan Das
Purush Vichaya - Acharya V.J. Thakar
Kriya Sharir - Prof. Yogesh Chandra Mishra
Sharir Kriya Vigyana - Prof. Jayaram Yadav &Dr. Sunil Verma.
Basic Principles of Kriya-Sharir (A treatise on Ayurvedic Physiology ) by Dr. Srikant
Kumar Panda
Sharir Kriya – Part I & Part II – Dr. Ranade, Dr. Deshpande & Dr. Chobhe
Human Physiology in Ayurveda - Dr Kishor Patwardhan
Sharirkriya Vignyan Practical Hand Book– Dr.Ranade, Dr.Chobhe, Dr. Deshpande
Sharir Kriya Part 1 – Dr.R.R.Deshapande, Dr.Wavhal
Sharir Kriya Part 2 – Dr. R.R.Deshapande, Dr.Wavhal
Ayurveda Kriya Sharira- Yogesh Chandra Mishra
Textbook of Physiology - Gyton & Hall
A Textbook of Human Physiology – A.K.Jain
Essentials of Medical Physiology - Sembulingam, K.
Concise Medical Physiology - Chaudhari, Sujit K.
Principals of Anatomy & Physiology - Tortora & Grabowski
Textbook of Medical Physiology- Indu Khurana
PART-A 50 marks
1. Shariropkramaniya Shaarira
Sharira and shaarira vyakhya (definitions of sharira and shaarira), shadangatvam (six
regions of the body), anga pratyanga vibhaga (sub divisions). Mrita sharir samshodhan.
Shaarira shastra vibhaga, shaarira gyan prayojana . Constitution of purusha according to
dhatubheda, panchabhautikatvam, trigunatmakatvam, tridoshamayatvam, karma purusha,
and doshadhatumala-mulakatvam.
2. Paribhasha Shaarira
Kurcha, kandara, jala, asthisanghat, seemanta, seevani, rajju, snayu and lasika.
3. Garbha Shaarira
Garbha definitions, explanation of shukra, artava, garbhadhana. Role of tridosha and
panchmahabhuta in the fetal development. Beeja, beejabhaga and beejabhagavayava,
linga vinischaya, masanumasika garbha vriddhi-krama, garbhottpadakbhava,
garbhavriddhikara bhava, garbha poshana, apara nirmana , nabhinadi nirmana. Aanga
pratyanga utpatti.
5. Asthi Shaarira
Asthi vyakhya, number, types, asthi swaroopa, vasa, meda and majja.
6. Sandhi Shaarira
Sandhi vyakhya, numbers, types of asthi sandhi.
8. Peshi Shaarira
a) Peshi vyakhya, structure, types, number and importance.
b) Description of Peshi.
Marma: definition, number, location, classification, clinical importance with viddha lakshana.
Explanation of trimarmas. Detail description of marmas.
PART-B 50 marks
2. Anatomical Terminologies
Anatomical position, Planes, and explanation of anatomical terms related to skin, fasciae,
bones, joints and their movements, muscles, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, nerves,.
3. Embryology
Definitions and branches of embryology. Embryo and fetus. Sperm and ovum, fertilization.
Cleavage. Germ layers formation and their derivatives. Laws of heredity, Sex determination
and differentiation, Month-wise development of embryo. Foetal circulation, placenta
formation, Umbilical cord formation.
4. Osteology
Bone: Definition, ossification, structure and types. Description of bones with clinical
5. Arthrology
Joints: Definition, structure types and movements. Description of joints of extremities,
vertebral joints and temporomandibular joint with their clinical anatomy.
6. Cardiovascular system
a. Definition, types and structure of arteries and veins.
b. Description of heart and blood vessels with their course and branches.
c. Pericardium with applied aspect.
7. Lymphatic system
Definition, types and structure of lymph vessels, lymph glands with their clinical aspect.
8. Myology
a) Structure and types of muscles.
b) Description of muscles; their origin, insertion, actions, nerve supply and clinical anatomy.
1. Respiratory System
a. Bronchial tree and lungs with their clinical aspects.
b. Respiratory tract: nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchial tree.
c. Pleura with its clinical aspects.
d. Diaphragm.
2. Digestive system
3. Urinary System
Urinary tract: kidney, ureter, urinary bladder and urethra with their clinical aspects.
4. Reproductive system
a. Male Reproductive system: reproductive organs, tract and glands (prostate and seminal
vesicles) with their clinical aspects.
b. Female reproductive system: reproductive organs, tract and glands with their clinical
5. Endocrinology
Definition, classification & description of endocrine glands (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid,
thymus and suprarenal glands) with clinical aspects.
PART B 50 marks
6. Nervous System
Nervous system: definition, classification and its importance. Description of brain and spinal
Description of peripheral nervous system: cranial and spinal nerves, nerve plexuses, and
autonomic nervous system, formation and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid and blood supply
of brain and spinal cord.
7. Sensory organs
Description of structures of eye, ear, nose, tongue and skin with their clinical aspects.
Distribution of marks
1. Spotting - 20 marks
2. Dissected organs and histology slides - 20 Marks
3. Bones, joints, marma - 20 Marks
4. Surface & radiological anatomy - 10 Marks
5. Practical records - 10 Marks
6. Viva-Voce - 20 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Reference Books :-
Central Council of Indian Medicine |UG Ist year Syllabus 17
Part A 60 marks
Part B 40 marks
Reference Books: