Prevalens of Tree Nut Allergy
Prevalens of Tree Nut Allergy
Prevalens of Tree Nut Allergy
DOI 10.1007/s11882-015-0555-8
Abstract Tree nuts are one of the most common foods causing (8–11.4 %) and were predominantly from Europe. Prevalence
acute allergic reactions and nearly all tree nuts have been asso- of individual tree nut allergies varied significantly by region
ciated with fatal allergic reactions. Despite their clinical impor- with hazelnut the most common tree nut allergy in Europe,
tance, tree nut allergy epidemiology remains understudied and walnut and cashew in the USA and Brazil nut, almond and
the prevalence of tree nut allergy in different regions of the walnut most commonly reported in the UK. Monitoring time
world has not yet been well characterised. We aimed to system- trends of tree nut allergy prevalence (both overall and by indi-
atically review the population prevalence of tree nut allergy in vidual nuts) as well as the prevalence of OAS should be con-
children and adults. We searched three electronic databases sidered given the context of the overall recent rise in IgE-
(OVID MEDLINE, EMBASE and PubMed) from January mediated food allergy prevalence in the developed world.
1996 to December 2014. Eligible studies were categorised by
age, region and method of assessment of tree nut allergy. Of the
36 studies identified most were in children (n=24) and from Keywords Tree nut allergy . Systematic review . Prevalence .
Europe (n = 18), UK (n = 8) or USA (n = 5). Challenge- Epidemiology
confirmed IgE-mediated tree nut allergy prevalence was less
than 2 % (although only seven studies used this gold standard)
while probable tree nut allergy prevalence ranged from 0.05 to Abbreviations
4.9 %. Prevalence estimates that included oral allergy syn- Primary tree IgE-mediated allergic reaction upon exposure
drome (OAS) reactions to tree nut were significantly higher nut allergy to tree nuts that is due to a specific immune
response directed against tree nut allergens
Secondary IgE-mediated allergic reaction upon exposure
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Food Allergy tree nut to tree nuts that is due to cross-reactivity of
allergy specific IgE directed against non-tree nut
* Katrina Allen allergens
[email protected] Tree nut Presence of tree nut allergen-specific IgE
sensitisation measured by skin prick test (SPT) or specific
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Royal Children’s Hospital, IgE blood testing (sIgE)
Flemington Rd, Parkville 3052, Victoria, Australia Oral allergy A secondary tree nut allergy that occurs pre-
Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, syndrome dominantly in pollen-sensitised individuals,
Parkville, Australia (OAS) mediated by cross-reactive IgE responses to
Allergy and Lung Health Unit, Centre for Epidemiology and allergens present in pollen and other plants.
Biostatistics, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia Presents with oral pharyngeal symptoms
Department of Allergy and Immunology, The Royal Children’s (itching mouth/tongue)
Hospital, Flemington Road, Parkville, Australia Pollen food Another term for oral allergy syndrome
Institute of Inflammation and Repair, University of Manchester, syndrome
Manchester, UK (PFS)
54 Page 2 of 13 Curr Allergy Asthma Rep (2015) 15: 54
Embase(Jan 1996-Dec 2014) Medline (Jan 1996-Dec 2014)* PubMed (Jan 2013-Dec 2014)
n= 333
n=333 n=261
* The primary search was conducted in OVID MEDLINE and modified for EMBASE and PubMed. The
search involved a combinaon of three search groups as either MeSH terms or keywords, each of
which had to be present in order for an arcle to be included: 1) “nut s”, “tree nuts” or an individual
tree nut term; 2) “hypersensivity” or “allergy”; and 3) “prevalence” or “epidemiology”. The search
was limited to English language arcles. The exact search conducted in OVID MEDLINE is shown in the
box below.
1. (hazelnut* or hazel nut* or cashew*or pistachio* or almond* or treenut* or tree nut* or pecan* or brazilnut* or brazil nut*
or walnut*).af. 2. Nuts/ae, im, po, to 3. prevalence 4. Epidemiology 5. food hypersensitivity/ or nut hypersensitivity 6.
allerg*.af. 7. (1 or 2) and (3 or 4) and (5 or 6) 8. nut hypersensitivity/ep 9. food hypersensitivity/ep and (1 or 2) 10. 7 or 8 or
9 11. limit 10 to english language
We subclassified the prevalence estimates and 95 % CI for tree nut prevalence data, which we have included in this review.
age, region and method of tree nut allergy diagnosis. The majority (n=28) of the studies were population-based cross-
For this review, the approaches used to determine tree nut sectional studies and the remaining eight were cohort studies.
allergy have been grouped as follows: Six studies did not provide participation rate details, ten studies
had a participation rate above 80 %, 13 between 50 and 80 %
1. Confirmed tree nut allergy—defined as food challenge and seven less than 50 %. One study by Greenhawt et al. in
confirmed tree nut allergy (OFC or DBPCFC) or recent American college students had a participation rate of only 3 %
history (<2 years) of IgE-mediated reaction with positive and reported a very high overall self-reported food allergy prev-
allergy testing (SPT or sIgE) undertaken as part of the alence of 54 % and a self-reported tree nut allergy prevalence of
study in the absence of a formal food challenge. 9.16 % (95% CI 6.8–11.9) [24]. This study has been included in
2. Probable tree nut allergy—defined as reported history the summary table, but the prevalence estimates not discussed as
(>2 years) of IgE-mediated reaction with allergy or self- part of the review since the participation rate was extremely low
report of doctor diagnosis (presumed to include allergy- and the study therefore not necessarily representative of the
specific history and testing). population from which it was sampled.
3. Self-reported tree nut allergy—defined as parent or self- The random effects meta-analysis showed heterogeneity to
reported tree nut allergy in the absence of data on allergy be too great to report pooled results (I2 >98 %, p=0.000 for all
testing. analyses).
4. Sensitisation only (allergy testing via SPT or sIgE, with-
out confirmation of clinical allergy). Tree Nut Allergy Prevalence by Age and Allergy Diagnosis
We performed a random effects meta-analysis and in an
attempt to address the significant heterogeneity observed The majority (n=24) of studies in this review were in children
across the studies stratified by age, region and method of tree and adolescents, four studies included both adults and chil-
nut allergy diagnosis. Statistical analyses were undertaken dren, six studies adults only and two studies reported an over-
using STATA 13 (Stata Corp, College Station, TX, USA). all tree nut allergy prevalence without age breakdown; in one
of these studies, participants were >15 years [23] and the
second <61 years of age [25].
Results Prevalence estimate ranges for all allergy definitions,
categorised by age, are outlined in Table 2. Seven studies used
Study Selection and Characteristics the most objective assessment of oral food challenge (or convinc-
ing recent history of allergic reaction together with positive
Figure 1 summarises the search methodology. The systematic allergen-specific IgE) with an overall prevalence range of 0–
search of the literature resulted in 333 articles after duplicates 1.6 %. Nine studies combined self-reported food allergy with
were removed. Title and abstract review identified 261 that additional objective assessment such as specific details regarding
did not meet the inclusion criteria. The remaining 72 articles doctor diagnosis or sensitisation details (sIgE/SPT) and were
and an additional ten records identified through manually classified as probable food allergy for this review. The overall
searching reference lists underwent full-text review. Forty probable tree nut allergy prevalence range was 0.05–4.9 %, with
six full-text articles were excluded (26 were in selected popu- only one study reporting adult data. However, the majority of
lations, seven did not report tree nut allergy prevalence, seven prevalence estimates for tree nut allergy were based on self-
did not include prevalence data and six were review articles). reported reactions (n=20 studies). The self-reported tree nut al-
Included studies are described in Table 1 (n=36).Twenty lergy prevalence range was wider for adults (0.18–8.9 %) and
six studies were designed to measure overall food allergy those studies including both adults and children (0.4–11.4 %)
prevalence and reported tree nut allergy as a study outcome, than those studies including only children (0–3.8 %). Overall
seven were studies specifically aimed at investigating tree nut self-reported tree nut allergy prevalence ranged from 0 to 11.4 %.
allergy prevalence and three studies included tree nut allergy Three studies based tree nut allergy prevalence on sensiti-
prevalence data as part of an investigation of peanut allergy sation alone (sIgE or SPT) without any clarification of pres-
prevalence or associated factors. ence of clinical allergy. One reported hazelnut sensitisation by
Quality assessment of the studies based on participation rate, SPT in Russian children of 0.8 % (95 % CI 0.4–1.1) and
ability of the study design to address tree nut allergy outcomes Finnish children of 6.3 % (95% CI 3.6–9.8) [52]. The second
objectively and inclusion of individual tree nut information re- study reported sensitisation based on SPT of 1.0 % in 7-year-
sulted in 28 studies graded as moderate and eight poor. Three of old children in the UK [40]. The third study in adults reported
the studies were assessed as poor because they were not de- sensitisation prevalence to hazelnut of 9.26 % and walnut
signed to measure tree nut allergy prevalence but reported some 2.98 % (overall 12.2 % (95% CI 11.7–12.7)) [20]. This was
Table 1 Summary of the characteristics of studies in review: studies published January 1, 1996–Dec 31, 2014 (alphabetical by author)
Reference Country Study design Allergy outcome Type of allergy N Participation Age Individual Prevalence Overall prevalence Study
rate (%) tree nuts measure % (95 % CI) (N) grading
Ahn et al. 2012 [17] Korea Cross- 2. Probable (self- Primary and 7882 97 6–13 years NA Point and 0.05 % (0.01–0.13) Moderate
sectional report of Dr secondary lifetime (4/7882)
diagnosis and sIgE)
Bedolla-Barajas Mexico Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 1126 NA 18–50 years Yes Point 0.18 % (0.02–0.64) Poor
et al. 2014 [18] sectional secondary (2/1126)
Ben-Shoshan et Canada Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 9667 34.6 All ages with NA Point Children 1.1.73 Moderate
al. 2010 [19] sectional 2. Probable (self- secondary breakdown (1.16–2.3)
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep (2015) 15: 54
Reference Country Study design Allergy outcome Type of allergy N Participation Age Individual Prevalence Overall prevalence Study
rate (%) tree nuts measure % (95 % CI) (N) grading
54 Page 6 of 13
Leung et al. 2009 Hong Kong Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 3677 83.6 % 2–7 years NA NA 1. 0.41 (0.2–0.7) Moderate
[29] sectional 2. Probable (self- secondary (15/3677)
report of Dr 2. 0.3 % (0.2–0.5)
diagnosis) (11/3677)
Marklund et al. Sweden Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 1451 97 13–21 years NA Point 11.37 % (9.5–12.8) Moderate
2004 [30] sectional secondary (165/1451)
Mustafayev et al. Turkey Cross- 1. Self-report Primary 6963 NA 10–11 years Yes Point 1.3.5 % (3.1,3.9) Moderate
2012 [31] sectional 2. Probable (detailed (223/6963)
history and SPT) 2.4.9 % (4.4,5.4)
3. Confirmed (OFC) (341/6963)
3.0.05 % (0.03,0.15)
Nicolaou et al. UK Cohort 1. Self-report Primary 1029 94.9 8 years NA Lifetime 1.0 % (0.4,1.8) Poor
2010 [32] (10/1029)
Orhan et al. Turkey Cross- 1. Self-report Primary 2739 78.2 6–9 years Almond Point 1.0.4 % (0.2,0.7) Moderate
2009 [33] sectional 2. Probable (SPT) and (11/2739)
3. Confirmed (OFC) walnut 2.0.14 % (0.03,0.4)
3.0 % (0,0.1) (0/2739)
Ostblom et al. Sweden Cohort 1. Self-report Primary 2563 69 4 years NA Point 3.8 % (3.1,4.6) Moderate
2008 [34] (98/2563)
Osterballe et al. Denmark Cohort 1. Self-report Specified primary 843 77 22 years Yes Point 1. Primary 0 % Moderate
2009 [35] and secondary Secondary 8.9 %
Penard-Morand France Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 7781 81 9–11 years NA Lifetime 0.2 % (0.1,0.3) Moderate
et al. 2005 [36] sectional secondary (10/6672)
Pereira et al. UK Cohort 1. Self-report Primary and 1532 48.7 11 and NA Point 1.6 % (1.1,2.4) Poor
2005 [37] secondary 15 years (26/1532)
Pyrhonen et al. Finland Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 3308 69 1–4 years NA Lifetime 1.1.5 % (1.1,1.9) Moderate
2005 [38] sectional 2. Probable (self- secondary (49/3308)
report of Dr 2.0.2 % (0.08,0.4)
diagnosis) (7/3308)
Rance et al. France Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 2716 77.6 2–14 years Yes Point 0.7 % (0.4,1.1) Moderate
2005 [39] sectional secondary (19/2716)
Roberts et al. UK Cohort 4. Sensitisation Sensitisation 5848 42 7 years Yes Point 1.04 % (0.8,1.3) Poor
2005 [40] (SPT) only (61/5848)
Roehr et al. Germany Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 739 31.5 0–17 years Yes Point 1. NA Moderate
2004 [41] sectional 2. Probable (SPT) secondary 2. 2.7 % (1.6,4.1)
3. Confirmed (OFC) (20/739)
3. 1.4 % (0.7,2.5)
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep (2015) 15: 54
Table 1 (continued)
Reference Country Study design Allergy outcome Type of allergy N Participation Age Individual Prevalence Overall prevalence Study
rate (%) tree nuts measure % (95 % CI) (N) grading
Schafer et al. Germany Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 1537 60.7 25–74 years NA Point 1.8.5 % (7.1,9.9) Moderate
2001 [42] sectional SPT for hazelnut secondary (130/1537)
Shek et al. Singapore Cross- 1. Self-report Primary 25,692 74.2 4–6 years and NA Point 1.1.85 % (1.6,2.1) Moderate
2010 [43] Philippines sectional 2. Probable (self- 14–16 years (200/10775)
report of Dr 2.0.28 % (0.2,0.4)
diagnosis) (31/10,775)
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep (2015) 15: 54
Sicherer et al. USA Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 4374 62 All ages with Yes Point Children (<18 years) Moderate
1999 [44•] sectional secondary breakdown 0.2 % (0.05,0.4)
Adults (>18 yrs)
0.7 % (0.5,0.9)
Overall 0.5 %
Sicherer et al. USA Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 13,493 52 All ages with Yes Point Children (<18 years) Moderate
2003 [45•] sectional secondary breakdown 0.2 % (0.1,0.4)
Adults (>18 years)
0.1 % (0.4,0.6)
Overall 0.4 %
Sicherer et al. USA Cross- 1. Self-report Primary and 5300 42 All ages with Yes Point Children (<18 years) Moderate
2010 [46•] sectional secondary breakdown 1.1 % (0.05,0.4)
Adults (>18 years)
0.5 % (0.4,0.6)
Overall 0.6 %
Tariq et al. UK Cohort 1. Self-report Some Primary 1218 NA 4 years NA Point 0.1 % (0.02,0.6) Poor
1996 [47] participants had (2/1218)
Taylor-Black USA Cross- 1. Self-report Primary 368 43 4–12 years NA Point 1.82 % (1.06,2.9) Poor
et al. 2014 [48] sectional (17/932)
Venter et al. UK Cohort 1. Self-report Primary 798 55.4 6 years Yes Point 1. 1.37 % (0.8,2.5) Moderate
2006 [49] 3. Confirmed (OFC) (11/798)
3. 0.25 % (0.03,0.9)
Page 7 of 13 54
54 Page 8 of 13 Curr Allergy Asthma Rep (2015) 15: 54
the highest reported prevalence estimate of all four methods of
Study tree nut allergy definition.
1.0.65 % (0.43,0.9)
2.0.5 % (0.06,0.32)
Individual Prevalence Overall prevalence
% (95 % CI) (N)
Finland 6.3 %
Prevalence estimate ranges for each method of allergy defini-
Russia 0.8 %
tion are summarised by region in Table 3. Regional variation
in self-reported tree nut allergy prevalence is illustrated in
Fig. 2. Most studies were from Europe (n=18), the UK (n=
8), or the USA (n=5). There were three studies from Asia and
tree nuts measure
Europe. Two of these studies directly reported that all tree nut
3 years
allergy found in their study was due to OAS [35, 42] and the
Participation Age
third study did not specify the type of allergic reaction to tree
nuts, but overall 33 % of all allergy, to any food, was report-
edly due to OAS [30]. All other regions, regardless of allergy
rate (%)
Hazelnut was the most common tree nut allergy reported in six
1. Self-report
1997, 2002 and 2008 [44•, 45•, 46•]. Study design was
consistent across each sampling period and included a
Table 1 (continued)
2007 [51]
Venter et al
Vierk et al.
tree nut allergy prevalence was found over the three time
Some studies are included in more than one category as they reported prevalence estimates obtained using more
than one allergy assessment method.
significantly (0.2 % in 1997, 0.5 % in 2002 and 1.1 % in observed for peanut over the same time periods (0.4 % in
2008). Proportionally, the increase was greater than that 1997, 0.8 % in 2002 and 1.4 % in 2008).
Table 3 Summary of the range of reported prevalence estimates for tree nut allergy according to allergy assessment method and region
Table 4 Percentage of tree nut allergics reporting reactions to the individual tree nuts by region
Region, study details (country) % of tree nut allergics reporting reactions to the individual tree nuts (number with specific tree nut
allergy/total number with any tree nut allergy)
Burney et al. 2014 [20] (multi-country) Hazelnut 76 % (1605/2121), walnut 24 % (517/2121)
Caffarelli et al. 2011 [21] (Italy) Hazelnut 100 % (2/2)
Mustafayev et al. 2012 [31] (Turkey) Hazelnut 42 % (104/243), walnut 34 % (83/243), pistachio 22 % (55/243)
Kaya et al. 2013 [26] (Turkey) Walnut 66 % (4/6), hazelnut 17 % (1/6), pistachio 17 % (1/6)
Osterballe et al. 2009 [35] (Denmark) Hazelnut 75 % (56/75), Brazil nut 31 % (23/75), walnut 5 % (4/75), almond 3 % 2/75)
Rance et al. 2005 [39] (France) Hazelnut 53 % (10/19), walnut 32 % (6/19), almond 10 % (2/19), cashew 5 % (1/19)
Roehr et al. 2004 [41] (Germany) Hazelnut 100 % (10/10)
Sicherer et al. 1999 [44•] Walnut 37 % (24/65), cashew 12 % (5/65), Brazil nut 12 % (8/65), almond 11 % (7/65),
Sicherer et al. 2010 [46•] pecan 11 % (7/65), hazelnut 4.6 % (3/65), macadamia 3 % (2/65), unspecified 9 % (6/65)
Walnut 48 % (41/84), cashew 34 % (29/84), pecan 30 % (26/84), almond 29 % (25/84),
pistachio 22 % (19/84), Brazil nut 22 % (19/84), hazelnut 20 % (17/84),
macadamia 20 % (17/84), pine nut 13 % (11/84)
Venter et al. 2008 [50] Brazil nut 33 % (2/6), almond 33 % (2/6), hazelnut 17 % (1/6), cashew 17 % (1/6)
Venter et al. 2006 [49] Almond 33 % (1/3), Brazil nut 33 % (1/3), hazelnut 33 % (1/3)
Roberts et al. 2005 [40] Walnut 24 % (10/41), Brazil nut 24 % (10/41), almond 22 % (9/41), cashew 15 % (10/41),
Tariq et al. 1996 [47] hazelnut 7 % (3/41), pecan 7 % (3/41)
Hazelnut 50 % (1/2), cashew 50 % (1/2)
Bedolla-Barajas et al. 2014 [18] Walnut 100 % (2/2)
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep (2015) 15: 54 Page 11 of 13 54
Acknowledgement This review forms work as part of VMc PhD, EuroPrevall study. This is the first review paper of food allergy
funded by the Centre for Food and Allergy Research (CFAR). prevalence to include tree nut allergy prevalence estimates, but
was limited to Europe.
Compliance with Ethics Guidelines 13.• Nwaru BI, Hickstein L, Panesar SS, Roberts G, Muraro A, Sheikh
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and Allen declare no conflicts of interest. systematic review and meta-analysis is an update on the
Zuidmeer review which was limited to Europe and is the first
review of worldwide food allergy prevalence to include tree nut
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does allergy prevalence estimates.
not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any
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