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1.1 : Introduction :
Financial statements is a formal record of the financial activities and position of a business.
The key components of the financial statements are the income statement. Balance sheet and
statement of cash flows. The most important financial statement for the majority of users is
likely to be the income statement since is reveals a profit. Also the information listed on the
income statement is mostly in relatively current monetary value an s reorients a reasonable
degree of accuracy.
Profitability ratio is a class of financial metrice that are used to assess a business ability to
generate earning compared to its expenses and other relavent cost incurred during a specified
period time.
A statement of the assets liabilities and capital of a business and other organization at a
particular point in time detailing the balance of income and expenditure over the preceding
The Balance sheet provides a picture of the financial health of a business at a given moment
in time usually the end of a month or financial year.
It can tell you if owe move money that what you currently value of your assets and the
overall value of the business. The cash flows statement (CPs) measure how well company
menage in cash position many how well the company generates cash to pay its debt
obligations and fund its operating expresses. The cash flow statement complements the
balance sheet and income statement and is a mandatory part of a company financial report
since 1987.
1.2 : Objectives :
General objectives of the study is evaluate the profitability position of the selected company.
Specific objective :
The calculate relevant ratio regarding profitability of the concern.
The compare profitability position of the selected company over last 2 years.
To evaluate the financial position performance of the company specially on the basic
of profitability.
1.4 Methodology :
Nature of the study : The study is mainly descripted in nature were presented and analyzed by
describing the last 3 years profitability position.
Source of Data : Data were collected from secondary source. Specially from published report
of the company other information has been collected form website and text book.
Tools of technique : some financial and statistical tools are used for analysis the relevant data,
mean, SD, CV, ration analysis the relevant data, mean, SD, CV, ration analysis are used.
2.2 VISION :
Corporate Image : Building worldwide growth by building a better word.
Business culture : Building on local responsibility for internationals success.
Employee policy : Building our business on the knowledge of our people.
Market strategy : Building our growth on a solid base of earning.
Customer philosophy : Building customer stratification Because their success in our
Quality standard : Building on quality products to build our reputation.
2.4 VALUE :
Commitment to environment protection. Building on environmental care also makes
economics sense.
Commitment to Innovation : Building on new Technology is determines our future
Heidelberg cement Bangladesh Limited
Statement on Financial position
As the 31st December 2019
Heidelberg cement Bangladesh Limited
Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
for the year ended 31st December 2019
2019 2018
BDT 000 BDT 000
Sales 10,485.084 10,504.500
Cast of goods sold (7,948.110) (8,491.983)
Gross profit 2,536.974 2,012,517
Other operating income
Ware housing distribution and selling Exp. 17,111 19,418
Administrative expresses (373.396) (272.698)
(478.213) (452.210)
Operating profit 1,702.475 1,307.027
Non operating expenses/income (17,939) 171
Net finance income 312.162 434.613
Contribution to works profit participation fund (99.835) (87.091)
Profit before tax 1,876.563 1,654.721
Income tax expenses (494.551) (475.166)
Current year (522.000) (440.00)
Prair year (31.577) (4.173)
Defrred tax income 59.016 (30.993)
Profit for the year 10,401.982 1,179.555
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income 1,401.982 1,179.555
Earning per share (EPS) 24.81 20.88
determining the availability of suitable data, deeding on which methods are appropriate for
answering question of interest. Data analysis, presentational analysis is essential
understanding result from surveys, administrative and Pilot studies for providing information
on the data groups and analysis. Data were collected from Heidelberg cemen Bangladesh for
the year 2019 and 2018.
Comments : Gross Mergin of the company stands at 23.18% in 2019 which incressed from
19.16% in 2018. Please note, GPM was 23.18% in 2017. COGS Againest Sales were BDT
7.649 M in 2016 (76.82%) compered to BDT 8.492 M in 2018 (80% of sales). However
COGS against sales were BDT 7.948M in 2019 [70.80% of sales) which explained the
incress in GPM in 2019 from 2018.
3.2.2 : Net profit ratio :
Year 31.12.2017 31.12.2018 31.12.2019
Gross profit (BDT.000) 1,474,077 1,179.554 1,401,982
Gross Profit Growth (%) - (19.98) 18.86
Gross Profit Mergin (%) 14.80 11.23 13.37
Comments : Net Profit Margin increased Slightly from 11.23% in 2018 to 13.37 in 2019.
operating cost against sales in 2019 were BDT 951M (9.07% of sales) via-a-vis 7.72% of
operating expencess over sales in 2018. Which mainly explained the Improvement in net
profit Margin. Furthermore, please note. income tax against sales in 2019 has been 4.72%
via-a-vis 4.52% in 2018.
Comments : Operating profit margin decreased to 15.75% in 2018 and slightly improved to
18.26% in 2019. However OPM was houvarning at around 20.5% in 2017, The deterioration
is mairly attributed to the sharp incress. in selling and general administration expense and
salary expense in the subsequen year.
Comments : Return on investment decreased in year 2019 from 2018. (20.09%) to (16.92%)
Comments : Return on Equity decreased in year 2019 from 2018 (33.97% to 30.82%)
Total asset 37,24,986 35,84,283
Return on asset 44.42 53.52
Comments : Return of assets has increased in year 2019 from 2018 (44.42 to 53.52)
Year EPS
2015 22.85
2016 26.09
2017 20.88
2018 24.81
2019 26.69
Comments : It is found that EPS decreased of the company fluctuate from 20.88 (2017) to
26.69 (2019).
Year EPS
2015 05.00
2016 38.00
2017 38.00
2018 30.00
2019 3.00
Comments : It is found that DPS increased of the company fluctuate from 5 (2015) to 30
Gross margin of the company stands at 23.18% in 2019 which increassed from 19.16% in
Net profit margin increassed slightly from 11.23% in 2018 to 13.37% in 2019. operating
cost Against sales in 2019 were BDT 951 M (9.07%) of sales. Vis-a-vis 7.72% of
operating expencess over sales in 2018. Which mainly explained the improvement in net
profit margin.
Operating profit margin decreased to 15.75% in 2018 and slightly improved to 18.26% in
2019. However, OPM was hovering at around 20.35% in 2018. The deterioration is
mainly attributed to the sharp incress in selling and general administration expense and
Return on investment decressed in year 2019 from 2018. (20.09% to 16.92%). Return on
Equity decressed in year 2019 from 2018 (33.97% to 30.82%) return of assets incressed
in year 2019 from 2019 (44.42 to 53.52) it is fond that EPS of the company fluctuate from
4.2 : Recommendation :
This working capital management related recommended are of the statement of year ended
HCBL have to much Idle Cash because of their efficiency in working capital management
and conservation collection procedure. They were keeping lost of retained earnings in
Bangladesh and not investing in new project. To any scope they can remit this money by
giving more cash dividends. By giving cash dividends more they add can more there to value
parent company. In 2010 they have delcared that they mare using their own found of Tk 1260
HCBL Credit policy not very flexible. They have huge Idle fund to finance their A/R
But they are not doing this. In this satwed market they have the scope incress ales. But
they are not attemping for it. They are not willing to rate risk. But in Business. They
should maek more fixible credit policy to incress their sales add to agin more market
4.3 : Conclusion :
The company has maintained a consistent and stable growth other the years.
Despite the stable growth, the liquidity and leverge ratio have deterioted during 2018-
The reason could be attributed to the relatively order for the slowdown in infara structural
development project.
The company habited fine performance in mavgin management of it product. How every
during this time, the company has undertaken BMRE program in small scale. Coursing
and increases in term loan counteract in 2018 after the general election 2019.