Outsourcing Policy, 2021: 1. As Per The Approved Organization Structure of AEGCL, 2021

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Outsourcing Policy, 2021

An Outsourcing Policy is pivotal for streamlining the process of recruitment of personnel on

fixed pay through labour contractors. This outsourcing policy is designed to set forth definite
guidelines to bring about uniformity in the following issues pertaining to fixed pay
employees in AEGCL.
a) Categorization of various fixed pay posts as per Order No.
MD/APDCL/62/2015/Pt/31 dated 22.03.2018
b) Guidelines for empanelment of labour contractors/outsourcing firms/agencies for
providing manpower at various locations of AEGCL.

1. As per the approved Organization Structure of AEGCL, 2021:

a) Following non-technical/non-core cadres shall be selected via Direct Recruitment
in future:
i. Office cum Field Assistant

b) Following cadres shall be enrolled as Outsourced workers under Fixed Pay

i. Dresser
ii. Attendant
iii. Bungalow Attendant
iv. Night Chowkidar
v. Cleaner
vi. Driver
vii. Security
viii. Transit Camp Caretaker cum Cook
ix. Mali cum Attendant
x. Lift man
xi. Plumber
xii. Pump Attendant
xiii. Telephone operator

2. Given below is the classification of above-mentioned Outsourced/Fixed Pay posts as

per the existing Employee Categorization structure of the Company:

Category of Name of Posts Existing Fixed Pay per

Employees month
Skilled Dresser/Driver/Plumber having Rs. 13,000/-
minimum 3 (three) years working
Semi-Skilled a) Dresser/Driver/Plumber having less Rs. 10,900/-
than 3 (three) years working experience.

b) Attendant/Bungalow Attendant/Night
Chowkidar/Security/Transit Camp
Caretaker cum Cook/ Mali cum
Attendant/Lift man/Pump
Attendant/Telephone operator who have
minimum 3 (three) years working
Unskilled a) Attendant/Bungalow Attendant/Night Rs. 9,700/-
Chowkidar/Security/Transit Camp
Caretaker cum Cook/ Mali cum
Attendant/Lift man/Pump
Attendant/Telephone operator who have
less 3 (three) years working experience.

b) Cleaner (whose experience will not

be counted).

3. Guidelines for empanelment of labour contractors/outsourcing firms/agencies for

providing manpower at various locations of AEGCL:
a) AEGCL shall invite tender to the shortlisted agencies mentioning detailed job-
requirement, qualification, experience and duration of engagement of specific
b) The agencies shall submit their proposal and quote the rate as per the price bid of
c) Agencies shall submit their detailed proposals which shall include the
qualification, age, post qualification experience, area of specialization,
positions/designations of proposed resources in line with the requirement. The
agencies will only submit the required CVs as enclosed in Annexure-1 for
d) AEGCL shall evaluate the resources for deployment based on qualification, age,
post qualification experience, area of specialization and personal interview. The
name of the selected individuals shall be intimated to the concerned empanelled
e) The salary of the selected candidates to be paid by the agency and the same shall
be reimbursed by AEGCL on submission of supporting documentary evidence
regarding the payment of salaries as well as statutory dues like EPF, ESI and
professional charges (if any) paid/deposited by the agency in respect of the
deployed individual.
f) In case the performance of a deployed resource is found unsatisfactory, more
competent resources shall be provided for interview & selection within 30 days,
else the other empanelled agencies that participated in the tender shall be
approached to provide the manpower. If it is found unsatisfactory continuously for
two times, then the agency will be debarred for two times to participate any tender
g) The resources proposed for interview & deployment must be working directly on
the agencies’ payroll for at least three months. The agencies shall not propose
resources which are recently hired by it and/or are going to be hired by it based on
requirement of AEGCL. However, in case of exigency, AEGCL may consider the
deployment of individuals beyond the payroll of the concerned empanelled
agency. In such case the selected candidates should be enrolled in the payroll of
the respective agency before deployment.

4. Working Protocol:
The deployed resources shall be required to:
a) Report to the concerned sectional head of AEGCL.
b) Report to the office as per the working hour as scheduled in respective
AEGCL offices where deployed.
c) Adhere to the working & holiday calendar followed by respective AEGCL
d) Seek prior approval from concerned sectional head before availing any
planned leave.
e) The deployed resource shall follow the rules, regulations and working protocol
f) The deployed resource shall not disclose any information/documents in the
form of soft or hard copy to anyone without written permission from the
concerned sectional head.
g) Location of work: The location of work shall be at various
Regional/Zonal/Circle/Divisional offices at different locations within the state
of Assam, as well as in the AEGCL Head office at Bijulee Bhawan, Paltan
Bazar, Guwahati in the state of Assam.

5. Terms and tenure of the empanelment:

a) The tenure of the empanelment shall be initially for 03 (three) years. In case of
requirement of AEGCL, the contract period may be extended up to another 2
(two) years subject to satisfactory performance with the same terms &
b) In case of insufficient response to any tender of AEGCL, AEGCL reserves the
right to send a fresh enquiry to the shortlisted agencies.
c) The Letter of Intent (LOI) or work order containing the fixed remuneration of
individuals and service charges shall be sent to the L1 Agency. The Agency
has to deposit Initial Security Deposit & Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as per
the rate mentioned in the tender enquiry within seven days of receipt of the

6. Subletting by the Empanelled Agencies:

The individuals proposed by the agencies should be on the payroll of the agency and
should be available to work with AEGCL, as and when the requirement of AEGCL
comes up. The agency is not allowed to subcontract, outsource or sub-let to any
third party. The replacement of the proposed individuals shall not be normally
allowed except in the case of resignation, medical incapacity or demise of such
individuals or any other extraneous circumstances beyond the reasonable control of
the agency. Such replacement shall be subject to availability of individuals of
equivalent or better qualifications and experience. Any replacement of individuals
shall be with the written approval of the concerned sectional head of AEGCL.
However, the AEGCL management reserves the right to refuse any such approval
without being bound to provide any reason or rationale for such decision.

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