Exemptions and Transfers: Business Management With A Major in Marketing
Exemptions and Transfers: Business Management With A Major in Marketing
Exemptions and Transfers: Business Management With A Major in Marketing
and transfers
Business Management
with a major in Marketing
Campus Brussel
How to apply
for exemptions?
In this document you will find information on how to apply for
exemptions in general and how to apply for exemptions if you
transfer from the BBA Programme at KU Leuven.
Application procedure for 2. Allow 14 days from receipt of your full applica-
tion, together with supporting paperwork, for
exemptions in general processing.
You may be eligible to apply for credits for prior - You must have achieved a pass in all degree
learning if you hold relevant credits from other modules relating to your application for
degree programmes. credit for prior learning.
1. Please make sure to submit your request for - Your academic qualification must be less
exemptions to your BBM-counsellor: bbm@ than 5 years old.
odisee.be 3. You will be asked to provide documentation to
support your credit application. All documents
must be in English, French or Dutch. Any transla-
tions must be formally certified by the University.
You will need to provide in hard copy:
- Evidence of modules completed and marks/
grades gained (usually a transcript)
- Evidence of the equivalency of the learning
outcomes (for example a
content list). Good quality copies or scanned
versions may be used. Original documents
are sent at the owner’s risk.
- You may need to include with your applica-
tion the syllabi and exam papers for each
module relevant to your application.
- From mid-August onwards more information
on how to apply for exemptions can be found
on the student portal: student.odisee.be/en >
Study > Exemptions.
How to apply for exemptions if you are transferring
from the BBA Programme at KU Leuven?
In the comparative table below you will find a survey of the equivalent
course units for which you can apply for exemptions. The courses in bold
are courses for which you could already enroll in the second year of BBA at
KU Leuven.