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Lythari are elves capable of transforming themselves into lupine form. Lythari are
beautiful and otherworldly, even for elves. In elven form they are tall, pale
skinned with light blue or green eyes and silver hair. Lythari in wolf form are
equally beautiful with pale gray or silver fur, and intelligent blue or brown eyes.
Lythari in wolf form leave no impression of danger and ferocity, but rather seem
friendly and companionable.

Creating a Lythari

Lythari is a template that can be added only to a chaotic good aligned elf
(referred to hereafter as the character). The Lythari is the shapechanger subtype.
The Lythari takes on the characteristics of the lupine animal (referred to hereafter
as the animal).
A Lythari possesses both the character's and the animal's special abilities in
addition to those set out below.
Hite Dice: Same as character or animal, or whichever produces the higher hit
point total.
Speed: Same as character or animal, depending on form
AC: The character or animals natural armour increases by +2
Attacks: Same as character or animal
Damage: Same as character or animal
Special Attack: Same as character or animal, plus the following:
Lytharic Emathy: Lythari are capable of emphatic communications between
themselves. They can issue simple commands such as "friend", "foe", "flee", or
"attack" when in animal form that is understood by Lythari both in character and
in animal form.
Gift of Lythari: Unlike lychanthropy, the shapechanging ability granted by the
Lythari is not a curse. It is a gift bestowed upon an elf by the Lythari for any
number of reasons. The most common is love. But, the bestowing of Lytharidom
for reasons such as friendship and gratitude are not unheard of. There is no
saving throw to resist becoming Lythari, because the infection and transformation
are voluntary.
Special Qualities: A Lythari retains all the special qualities of its animal and
character form, plus it gains the use of these listed below.
Alternate Form (Su): All Lythari can shift into animal form as though using the
polymorph spell. Unlike normal lychanthrope the Lythari's gear changes with the
transformation. However, the Lythari does not have a hybrid form as do most all
lychanthropes. Changing from character to animal form, and vice versa, is a
standard action. Upon assuming either form the Lythari regains hit points as if
having rested for a day. A slain Lythari remains in whatever form it was slain in.
Damage Reduction: A Lythari in character or animal form gains damage reduction
DR 5/magic and silver.
Saves: The base saves are as for character or animal, whichever is better. In
addition, Lythari receive a +2 racial bonus to Fort and Ref saves.
Abilities: Do not change from character to animal form
Skills: Lythari receive a +4 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks,
which stack with their elven racial bonuses. In animal form, these bonuses
increase to +8.
Feats: Same as character. A Lythari does not need Control Shape as do other
lychanthropes. There is no distinction between its two forms - it is both wolf and
elf and merely chooses which form it will take.
Climate: Same as character or animal
Organization: Solitary or in communal settings (2-12)
Challenge Rating: Same as animal or character (whichever higher) +2
Treasure : Standard
Alignment: Usually Chaotic Good; Lythari live in small, anarchic, communal
societies with no real leaders and complete equality for all members.
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3

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