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The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 21 (2018) 219–227

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The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences

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Integrating GIS and HEC-RAS to model Assiut plateau runoff

Hesham Ezz a,b,⇑
National Research Centre, Bohouth St., Dokkii, Egypt
El Madina High Institute for Engineering and Technology, Giza, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the mountainous area of Assiut plateau in southwestern Egypt, a proposed road is designed to pass
Received 30 October 2016 through a flood path near Durunka village. A reliable and accurate information about natural hazards,
Revised 7 October 2017 could occur in this region especially flash floods, is required. Due to the lack of this information, a runoff
Accepted 6 November 2017
model is built adopting the Soil Conservation Service method for an un-gauged watershed of Assiut pla-
Available online 15 November 2017
teau. The hydrologic characteristics and soil type and cover for the study area are estimated during a site
visit. The watershed is delineated and the morphometric parameters are derived from analyzing the
SRTM3 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using Geographic Information System (GIS) to construct a hydro-
logical model. This model provides a good estimate about the magnitude of flash floods including the
Assiut plateau water velocities and depths using HEC-RAS. Two rainfall events are used in this analysis, the first event
Flood hazards is a storm with 50 years return period, and the second event is for highest precipitation value recorded in
Egypt this area. The model showed that the maximum water depth could occur is 4.01 m and the highest water
velocity is 11.75 m/s. The results of this study could help the decision makers in protecting the proposed
road and to minimize the flood hazards.
Ó 2017 National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-

1. Introduction promising approach to predict the runoff quantities and paths

based on the terrain of the study area and meteorological stations
In Egypt, as an arid region, flash floods are one of the main nat- surrounding it (Masoud, 2011).
ural disasters that cause loss in infrastructure and human life (De The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, which was
Roo, 1998; Boardman et al., 1994). Parts in Upper Egypt, Sinai, formerly called the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), developed the
and Red Sea coast are areas subjected to sever flash floods as pre- curve number method. The runoff curve number (CN) was devel-
vious records in 1976, 1982, 1996 and 2010 (El-Magd et al., 2010). oped from an empirical analysis of runoff from small catchments
The hydrological models applied previously in Egypt are simple and hill slope plots. The CN is based on the area’s hydrologic soil
and empirical (El Bastawesy et al., 2009). Many researches have group, land use, treatment and hydrologic condition. Soil Conser-
been conducted in Egypt to calculate the catchments area and vation Service curve number models (SCS, 1972) are commonly
the flash flood discharges for different purposes like runoff har- used for the purpose of predicting runoff in ungauged catchments
vesting or creating flash floods hazards maps (e.g. El Fakharany in arid areas like Egypt (Gheith and Sultan, 2002; Foody et al.,
and Dahab, 1997; El Shamy, 1988; El Rakaiby, 1989; Gheith and 2004). These models can be integrated with Geographical Informa-
Sultan, 2002; El-Magd et al., 2010; Masoud, 2011; Cools et al., tion System (GIS).
2012; Mahmoud, 2014; Abuzied et al., 2016). Various researches simulated flood in the floodplains using
There is always a lack of hydro-meteorological data that makes hydrodynamic models (Werner, 2004; Bates et al., 2005). These
the quantities of runoff are less predictable since it is hard to setup models numerically solves the one-dimensional and two-
any measuring devices in wadi path. So, runoff modeling is the best dimensional Saint Venant equations (Chatterjee et al., 2008). Many
numerical models have been developed for floodplain delineation
and flow simulation. Softwares, such as HEC-RAS (HEC River Anal-
Peer review under responsibility of National Authority for Remote Sensing and ysis System) from the US Army Corps of Engineer’s Hydrologic
Space Sciences. Engineering Center (HEC-RAS, 2001), MIKE11 developed at the
⇑ Corresponding author at: El Madina High Institute for Engineering and Danish Hydraulic Institute, Denmark (DHI, 1997), etc., have been
Technology, Giza, Egypt. extensively used for dynamic 1D flow simulation in rivers. In
E-mail address: [email protected]

1110-9823/Ó 2017 National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
220 H. Ezz / Egypt. J. Remote Sensing Space Sci. 21 (2018) 219–227

addition to the 1D models, some of the most widely used software steady flow model like HEC-RAS the water surface profile and
for 2D modelling are FLO 2D (O’Brien, 2006), MIKE-21 (DHI, 2000), water velocities can be well predicted along the wadi path.
DELFT-FLS (Hesselink et al., 2003), and DELFT-3D (Stelling and This paper aims to predict and quantify the magnitude of the
Duinmeijer, 2003). maximum flash flood can occur from multiple ungauged catch-
Recently, the GIS has become an essential tool in hydrological ments in Assiut plateau area, near Durunka village, using GIS,
modeling because of its capability in handling large amount of spa- SCS model, and HEC-RAS. The main objective is to estimate the
tial and attribute data. It has a lot of great features such as map possible water depths, and velocities could occur from a flash flood
overlay and analysis, help for deriving and aggregating hydrologic in order to determine a safe road level which is proposed to pass
parameters from different sources such as soil, land cover, and through this flood path. This flood path has a bad history since a
rainfall data if available (Cheng et al., 2006; de Winnaar et al., flash flood occurred in November 1994 caused to at least 200 peo-
2007). The GIS environment has the ability to extract the hydrolog- ple were killed in Durunka village (Hedges, 1994).
ical variables needed from a good quality digital elevation models
(DEMs), such as catchments shapes, flow directions, slopes, path
lengths, and watershed delineation (Jenson and Domingue, 1988; 2. Study area
Wilson and Gallant, 2000). Together with a one-dimensional
Assiut plateau drainage basin is located in the West bank of the
Nile valley. Our study area is named the ‘‘flood path” of Durunka
village in Assiut by the locals. This flood path is hydrologically
studied in this research since it is the best route for the proposed
road connecting Assiut airport with Assiut City Fig. 1. The terrain
of the study area is characterized by a high variability of elevations,
and ridges surrounding the flood path as shown Fig. 2. The study
area is a natural desert with scant natural vegetation as typical
condition in Mediterranean arid zone. The lack of vegetation cover
helps in collecting and transporting most of the precipitations with
minor losses discharging the water downstream towards the vil-
lage. The drainage basin occupies the area between latitude 27°
9:50 N to 27° 5:80 N, and longitude 31° 8:50 E to 31° 110 E.
The assiut plateau ‘‘Drunka Formation” is composed of hard,
crystalline, massive to thin laminated, algal, burrowed and some-
times chalky limestone (Khalifa et al., 2004). The Lower Eocene
Drunka Formation is a thick carbonate platform and is subdivided
into two units. The Lower one is 34 m in thickness and comprises
four emergence carbonate cycles. The upper unit measures 99.75m
in thickness, and also comprises emergence carbonate cycles.

3. Climate conditions

The study area is a typical arid environment where summer is

hot and dry while the winter lower temperatures are displayed
with few rainfalls. The rainfall is very irregular and the rain storms
are rare but intense which initiate and control the occurrence of
flash flood events. Meteorological data for the study area is
obtained from a weather station installed near the drainage basin.
The station WMO code is 62392 and its coordinates are 27° 120 N,
and 31° 100 1200 E. The meteorological data covers 39 years from
1979–2014 as shown in Fig. 3. The shown data is for the maximum
daily precipitation that occurred in each year. The figure shows the
event occurred in November 1994, with an intensity of 60 mm,
Fig. 1. Proposed road centerline and the stream networks crossing it.
which causes the flood disaster in Durunka village. In this study,

Fig. 2. Photograph showing the flood path terrain in two different locations.
H. Ezz / Egypt. J. Remote Sensing Space Sci. 21 (2018) 219–227 221




Precipitation (mm)





Fig. 3. Precipitation data from Assiut weather station.

Table 1
Flood frequency analysis by Log-Pearson III distribution method.

i Return period (yr) Probability (%) Precipitation (mm)

1 1.05 95.2 0
2 1.25 80 0
3 2 50 1
4 5 20 5
5 10 10 11
6 25 4 24
7 50 2 39
8 100 1 58

Log-Pearson III distribution is used to calculate flood frequency as

shown in Table 1. From the this analysis, an event of 50 years
return period with intensity equals to 39 mm is selected for the
first scenario. The second scenario is the largest rainfall event
occurred in 1994 with a precipitation intensity equals to 60 mm.
In the first scenario, the 50 years is considered a suitable return
period for hydrological studies in designing rural roads.

4. Materials and methods

4.1. Digital elevation model

Digital elevation model (DEM) is a digital representation of the

surface terrain. The DEM of the study area is constructed, using a
GIS software, from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) of 1-
arc second grid spacing (30 m). The flood path is refined with a grid
budget 5  5 m spacing using a survey team with a ‘‘Total Station” to
have a better elevation accuracy as shown in Fig. 2. The refined sur-
face is then blended to the SRTM DEM of the study area for a better
water depths and velocities modeling. The DEM is essential to calcu-
late topographic parameters needed in watershed delineation such
as basin slopes, slope length, and shape. Also, it is important in esti-
mating the hydrologic parameters such as flow direction, flow accu-
mulation, stream networks, longest flow length, and watershed
delineation as shown in Fig. 4. The figure shows the elevations of
the study area surface in meters after projecting it to UTM WGS84
36 N, since the raw data set comes in different projection. Fig. 4. The digital elevation model (DEM) of the study area.
222 H. Ezz / Egypt. J. Remote Sensing Space Sci. 21 (2018) 219–227

Table 2
Results of the hydrology model for the study area at P 1 ¼ 39 mm, and P2 ¼ 60 mm.

ID Area S Q1 Q2 L Tc D Qp1 Qp2

(km ) (m/m) (mm) (mm) (km) (h) (h) (m3 =s) (m3 =s)

1 7.82 0.0339 12.05 27.17 6.10 0.98 0.30 26.55 59.87

2 2.2 0.0371 12.05 27.17 3.00 0.55 0.17 13.34 30.08
3 0.62 0.0396 12.05 27.17 1.35 0.29 0.09 7.14 16.10
4 1.32 0.0423 12.05 27.17 1.85 0.36 0.11 12.23 27.58
5 1.92 0.0338 12.05 27.17 2.20 0.45 0.13 14.28 32.20
6 1.94 0.0336 12.05 27.17 2.90 0.56 0.17 11.64 26.24
7 4.72 0.0323 12.05 27.17 4.80 0.83 0.25 18.92 42.66

Table 3
Flow change locations and values along the flood path for P 1 ¼ 39, and P2 ¼ 60 mm.

Catchment Station P 1 = 39 mm P 2 = 60 mm
R Qp1 (m3/s) R Qp2 (m3/s)
U/S end 4513 4.76 10.73
7 4025 23.68 53.39
6 3775 33.20 74.86
5 3225 44.84 101.10
4 2350 57.07 128.67
3 1950 64.21 144.77
2 1275 77.55 174.85
1 525 104.10 234.72

4.2. Watershed delineation

The watershed delineation for the study area was carried out by
using ArcGIS software. All the morphological parameters needed
can be estimated using the embedded functions in the ArcGIS
including determining the catchments boundary, flow direction
and accumulation. Fig. 5 demonstrates the catchments generated
in the ArcGIS after specifying seven outlets. The location of the out-
lets are determined according to the proposed road alignment. In
other words, each outlet refers to an extra flow added to the main
flood path along the road alignment. The figure shows the area of
the catchments, and their average slopes.
Fig. 5. Model-generated catchments of the study area using ArcGIS.

4.3. Surface runoff calculations

To calculate the peak flow discharged from each catchment, the

Soil Conservation Service (SCS, 1972) method is used. This method
Excess rain ( ) of duration D was developed originally to be used in small agricultural catch-
ments in USA, and now is adapted to be used in arid areas of Saudi
Arabia and USA (Graf, 1988; Walters, 1990). Also, the SCS method
is approved to be used in rural roads protection according to the
D Egyptian code of practice for urban and rural roads (ECP, 2008).
Runoff in arid regions occurs only when the storm intensity
exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil. The SCS runoff method
Q (m3/s; cfs)

uses the Curve Number (CN) to abstract the total rainfall hyeto-
Qp graph into an effective rainfall hyetograph to model a hydrograph
for each catchment outlet, giving an account of hydrograph char-
acteristics (lag time, peak flow, base time, etc.) to catchment
parameters (area, length, slope, soil type, land cover, etc)
(Masoud, 2011).
The excess rainfall, Q, is a function of the cumulative precipita-
tion excluding the initial losses, Ia , and a maximum potential reten-
tion value, S, as shown in Eq. (1)

Tp Tr = 1.67 Tp ðP  Ia Þ2
Q¼ ð1Þ
ðP  Ia þ SÞ

Time (hr) where Q ; P; Ia , and S are all in mm. The initial losses term, Ia , is con-
sidering the infiltration, soil type, land cover, evapo-transpiration,
Fig. 6. SCS triangle hydrograph. interception, and surface depression storage. The initial losses is
H. Ezz / Egypt. J. Remote Sensing Space Sci. 21 (2018) 219–227 223

commonly defined as 20% of the maximum potential retention

value, S, in arid catchments. The maximum potential retention
value, S, is a function in CN as shown in Eq. (2)
100  CN
S ¼ 254 ð2Þ

where the CN is a hydrologic rock-soil-cover coefficient which rep-

resents the runoff potential on each catchment. The CN is a function
of the Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC), land use, and soil
type. The AMC is a function of the total rainfall for the 5 days pre-
ceding a given storm event. According to CN tables in Cronshey,
1986, the range of CN lies between 63 and 88 in arid and semiarid
rangelands. In this case the CN is estimated to be 85 according to
the predefined hydrologic soil groups based on the site visit.
According to the SCS triangle hydrograph shown in Fig. 6, the
peak runoff discharge, Q p , can be calculated by Eq. (3)

Qp ¼ ð3Þ
0:5D þ 0:6T c
where: Q p : peak runoff discharge (m3 /s); A: catchment area (km );
D: excess rain duration (hr) and equals to 0.5La ; La : lag time (hr) and
equals to 0.6T c ; T c : concentration time (hr), and can be calculated
using Kirpich formula, Kirpich, 1940, as shown in Eq. (4)

Tc ¼ ð4Þ
where: L: maximum hydraulic flow length (km); S: average catch-
ment slope (m/m).

5. Results and discussion

The results of the hydrology model expressed in the previous

section is shown in Table 2. The table shows the peak discharge
flowing from each catchment for the two scenarios. The first sce-
nario is for an event with a return period of 50 years as discussed
before with P = 39 mm. The second scenario is for the highest rain-
Fig. 7. Outlets or crossing locations for the study area.
fall event recorded in 1994 as shown in Fig. 3 where P = 60 mm.



Elevaon (m)

Staon 3275 m
Crical Secon




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Staon (m)

Bed Elev WS Elev (P=39mm) WS Elev (P=60mm) Road CL Elev

Fig. 8. Water surface profiles in the two scenarios.

224 H. Ezz / Egypt. J. Remote Sensing Space Sci. 21 (2018) 219–227

5.1. Watershed modeling values are calculated and defined as shown in Table 3. The table
shows the accumulated discharge at each station along the flood
Using the geographic information system (GIS) environment, the path. The stations are located where the road is crossing an outlet
study area watersheds are delineated, stream networks are demon- of a catchment as shown in Fig. 7.
strated, and all the hydrologic parameters are computed including For the whole path, manning’s coefficient is set to be 0.045 since
slopes, lengths, CN. . .and etc. Finally, the peak discharge for each the path can be defined as mountain stream and its bed is covered
catchment is calculated. These data are used as an input to the with gavels, cobbles and few boulders (Te Chow, 1959). The flow
HEC-RAS to model the water depths and velocities along the flood regime in HEC-RAS is set to be mixed. The upstream boundary con-
path. dition is set as a critical depth, while the downstream end is set as
In HEC-RAS, the flood path is defined through 181 cross sections a normal depth.
extracted from the DEM of the study area. The sections are 25 m After fulfilling all the input data and boundary conditions in
apart. They cover the whole length of the flood path which is HEC-RAS, the simulation is done as a steady state analysis. Fig. 8
4513 m. The cross sections width are 200 m. The peak discharge demonstrates the water surface profiles for the two scenarios at

Fig. 9. Different cross sections along the flood path with water surfaces for the two scenarios.
H. Ezz / Egypt. J. Remote Sensing Space Sci. 21 (2018) 219–227 225

P 1 ¼ 39 mm representing an event with 50 years returning period, scenario is 11.35 m/s at station 2950 m. On the other hand, the
and P2 ¼ 60 mm representing the maximum event happened to maximum water depth occurred at the second scenario, at
the study area. The flood path bed level is also shown in the figure P1 ¼ 60 mm, is 4.01 m at station 1875 m where the water velocity
and the proposed road vertical profile is shown as well. From the is 1.51 m/s, while the maximum velocity occurred at the same sce-
figure it is shown that the minimum free board is 4.94 m between nario is 11.75 m/s at station 1975 m. From these numbers it is rec-
the water surface and the road at station 3275 m. This minimum ommended to make a proper protection to avoid these high
section occurs when simulating the second scenario at velocities. These high velocities can cause a huge bed and sus-
P 2 ¼ 60 mm. This free board is safe enough for the road design, pended sediment transport which is a crucial parameter and must
and insures that no overtopping will occur. Six cross sections along be took into consideration. The effect of this sediment transport
the flood path are demonstrated in Fig. 9 showing the water sur- lead to massive destruction and might cause to failure of the road
face and the road levels for the two scenarios. The figure shows (Etemad-Shahidi et al., 2010). In these sections the hazard comes
that the road elevations along the path is higher than the water from the high velocities and sediment transport not from the over
surface with a safe distance. topping since the road profile is high enough from the water sur-
Fig. 10 demonstrates the water depths and velocities along the face all along the path. Further research must be done on sediment
flood path for the two scenarios. It is shown from the figure that transport using numerical models since these models use water
the maximum water depth occurred at the first scenario, at depths and velocities as an input. Both models HEC-RAS and MIKE
P 1 ¼ 39 mm, is 3.08 m at station 1875 m where the water velocity 11 can be used to simulate the sediment transport for this case
is 1.08 m/s, while the maximum velocity occurred at the same (Kourgialas and Karatzas, 2013).

Assuit_Flood_108 Flood_CL

Vel Chnl PF 1

Hydr Depth PF 1
Hydr Depth (m), Vel Chnl (m/s)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Main Channel Distance (m)

Assuit_Flood_108 Flood_CL

Vel Chnl PF 2
Hydr Depth PF 2
Hydr Depth (m), Vel Chnl (m/s)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Main Channel Distance (m)

Fig. 10. Water depths and velocities along the flood path in the two scenarios. PF1 represents P 1 ¼ 39 mm, and PF2 represents P 2 ¼ 360 mm.
226 H. Ezz / Egypt. J. Remote Sensing Space Sci. 21 (2018) 219–227

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