5 Spreadsheet-Aided Dryer Design
5 Spreadsheet-Aided Dryer Design
5 Spreadsheet-Aided Dryer Design
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All content following this page was uploaded by Zacharias B Maroulis on 19 August 2015.
Given the characteristics of input streams
the characteristics of output streams
the equipment characteristics
Calculate the operating conditions
Identification Database Process model
Given the characteristics of input streams worksheet worksheet
the characteristics of output streams
the operating conditions
Calculate the equipment characteristics FIGURE 5.2 Simulator architecture on a spreadsheet
TABLE 5.7 Visual Basic Subroutine for Process Optimization
Cell Content in ‘‘Process’’ Spreadsheet
Sub optimum( )
1 Sheets(‘‘Process’’).Activate
Range Name Content
2 SolverReset
Technical data Data 3 SolverOk SetCell: ¼ Range(‘‘objective’’), MaxMinVal: ¼ 1,
Design variables Data ByChange: ¼ Range(‘‘variables’’)
Process specifications Data 4 SolverAdd CellRef: ¼ Range(‘‘constraints’’), Relation: ¼ 3,
Economic data Data FormulaText: ¼ 0#
Process model Formulas 5 SolverSolve UserFinish: ¼ True
Process constraints Formulas 6 Beep
Economic model Formulas End Sub
Technical data
Design variable Excel graph
TABLE 5.15
Design Variables
(b) to investigate the effect of one design variable on Y kg/kg db Drying air humidity
an economic variable (Figure 5.7); (c) to analyze the T 8C Drying air temperature
effect of two design variables on a technical variable V m/s Drying air velocity
(Figure 5.8); (d) to summarize the results of the design D m Belt width
on a synoptic report (Figure 5.9). Any other analysis
FIGURE 5.6 Process flow sheet implemented in the spreadsheet ‘‘Flow sheet.’’
FIGURE 5.8 Analyze the effect of two design variables on a technical variable, using the ‘‘Two-Dimensional Table’’ and
‘‘Chart’’ tools, supported by Excel.
Drying Air
Fresh Air Flowrate Fa = 11 ton/h
Recycle Air Flowrate Ff = 137 ton/h
Belt Dryer Design Report page 2/5
Drying Air Temperature T = 90 ⬚C
Drying Air Humidity y = 0.1 kg/kg db
Drying Air Velocity V = 1.5 m/s
Technical Data Drying Pressure P = 1 bar
Ambient Temperature To = 25 ⬚C
Density Ambient Humidity Yo = 0.01 kg/kg db
Water rw = 1.00 ton/m3 Water Activity at Drying Conditions aw = 0.20–
Air ra = 1.00 kg/m3
Dry Material rs = 1.75 ton/m3
Material Flow Rate F = 0.1 ton/h
Initial Moisture Content Xo = 10 kg/kg db
Specific Heat Target Moisture Content X = 0.10 kg/kg db
Water Cpw = 4.20 kJ/kgK Equiliblium Moisture Content Xe = 0.05 kg/kg db
Water Vapor Cpv = 1.90 kJ/kgK Particle Size d = 0.01 m
Air Cpa = 1.00 kJ/kgK Drying Time Constant tc = 0 0.54 h
Drying Time t = 2.87 h
Dry Material Cps = 2.00 kJ/kgK
Latent Heat Drying Rate W = 0.99 ton/h
Steam Condensation ΔHo = 2.50 MJ/kg Dryer Length L = 12.6 m
Dryer Width D = 2 m
Other Dryer Mass Holdup M = 3.16 ton
Dryer Volume Holdup H = 5.06 m3
Heat Transfer Coefficient Us = 0.10 kW/m2K
Belt Area Ab = 25.3 m2
Void Fraction of Loading ε = 0.40– As =
Air Heater Transfer Area 130 m2
Belt Velocity u = 4.40 m/s
Antoine Equation Loading Depth Zo = 0.20 m
for Vapor Pressure of Water a1 = 1.19E+01
a2 = 3.99E+03 Thermal Load
Oswin Equation a3 = 2.34E+02 Water Vaporization Qwe = 0.63 MW
Solid Heating Qsh = 0.08 MW
for Material Isotherms b1 = 7.35E−04 Qah =
Air Heating 0.20 MW
b2 = 1.75E+03
Total Thermal Load Q = 0.91 MW
Drying Kinetics Equations b3 = 4.00E−01
c0 = 5.00E−01 Electrical Load
c1 = 1.40E+00 Belt Drive Eb = 27.8 kW
c2 = −2.50E−01 Fan Ef = 34.1 kW
c3 = −1.65E+00 Total Power Requirement E = 62.0 kW
Belt Driver Power Equation c4 = 1.20E−01
Pressure Loss Equation e1 = 2.00E+00 Performance
Thermal Efficiency n = 0.69−
f1 = 2.00E+00
Specific Rate of Evaporation r = 39.1 kg/hm2
Equipment Cost
Belt Dryer 538
Heat Exchanger 47
Fan 14
Total Ceq = 599 k$
Operating Cost
Electricity 25
Heating Steam 182
Annualized 150
Equipment 207
Total TAC = 357 k$/y