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System Gomponents
UL EX-4510 3-146 Pag€ 1-1

CV-98 Valve/Cylinder Shipping Assembty

T}le cylinder is tactory flled wih lNERGEll6 agert A single
Component Approvals '
cylinder lmy be us€d oi muliple cylirdq"s can b€ manifoHed
togethsr lo oblain the required quanity of agpnt for total ffood- C)/lirner Steel M€EIS DOT
ing. The cylinder valve can be ac{./ated decuically, pneumali 3A43000
calv, andor nranualv wnh app.oved van/e adration compo- Brass
nems. All valves are equipped widr an anti-recoil leatrre.
Salety Reliet Valve Brass
Th€ cylinders are shippd wilh a mainlenanc€ record card
and prolective shipping cap altached to the threaded neck Vatve/Cy'inder uL Lisred (Ex-4510)
of each cylinder. This cap entirely encloses and prolects
lhe valve whale in shipfi€nl. Shippinq Cap Sleel
> The equaval€nl length ol the vatue is equal lo 38 ff. (11.6 m)
of 112 in. Sch. zl0 pipe.

Shipping Nomiml Cylinder I

Aclual ERGEI Approximare Dimension Dimensijon
Ass€rnHy Size Agent Ouanrfiy wethl B
PaIl l{o. ft.3 (m3) t-3 m3 lb. (ks) in. (cm) in. (cm)
43.,952 575 (16.3) 572 (16.2) 322 (1$\ 68.5 (174.0) 11.0 (27.9)

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CV48INERGE \ratue
The CV-98 vatue has a ten (10) year warranty. The valve
requirss no inbmal maintenane. The valve is s€aled
closed and musr not be disassembl€d. ll Lhere is ever a
malfunctbn ol lhs CV-98 valve, the complete valve must ba
sent back to ANSUL lor wananly replac€m€nl- ll the exleF
nal seal is brokan, the waranty i6 voided.
rOlE: Lrs€ Flexible Bend, Pan lb.427042, whd allaching
€lve lo suppv pipe d nbilold.



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