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Tarea 4
Helping dogs have the best owner! If we take a moment to think about how important dogs
are in our lives, we could realize that they are the most common animals that man has at
home. Dogs are also a good company because I have seen people living alone and they
cheer up those people, even dogs can be the security of our house while we're not there. I
want to tell you that I am one of the people who loves dogs and other animals, because they
like us, were created by God. I want to make you reflect about taking the time to educate
dogs, how to love them and how to be ready to have a dog.
We need to take the time to educate, and protect them because there are people who love
dogs but at the same time there are people who mistreat them I have watched some news on
TV that there have been bad people who kill dogs without thinking it twice. But people
don’t know how dogs have been educated by their owners at home because dogs have the
behavior that the owner transmit to them. If owners give love to them, they will give love
them but if owners hit them, they could even bite someone unintentionally.
Loving dogs and the best point to start to create a lovely dog. Apart from it, dogs need
good nutrition, to be taken care of physically because sometimes there are people that just
have dogs at home but they don’t take them to the veterinarian and dogs need to be
pampered. Also they need to be protected by vaccines and owners don’t do it. But giving
dogs these kinds of things is not enough. We have to give them what they need.The
possession of a pet in our home implies a series of authorities related to their care and
attention that we should know. Once I wanted to get a dog but I couldn’t because I didn’t
have the time to be with him because I was studying. In addition didn’t have enough money
to have a pet. If we want buy or adopt one we must follow a series of recommendations
specific to these aspects: For this we must be willing to dedicate part of our time to the new
pet, be patient and persevering, share part of our free time with the animal and know how to
act firmly in the face of his possible behavior.
If you are ready to have a dog and to get these responsibilities, do it. But if you aren’t, do
not take the decision to buy or adopt a dog because they will suffer. With the time, do not
do it just because you like dogs. Do it because you love them and you will have the time
and the patience to care for them. I am sure that if you do it, you will leave your mark on
them and they will leave their mark on you because they are the best friends you can have.
They will never betray you and they will be with you in good times and in bad times.
As you realized, these advices can help us to give love, not only to dogs, but also to all
animals in general because they are living beings who feel love or bad behavior of people.
Also, we are going to create the best dogs because as you treat animals so they will behave
but the most important we are not going to be alone.