Radiograph Thorax Vet Practice 2011
Radiograph Thorax Vet Practice 2011
Radiograph Thorax Vet Practice 2011
Small Animal
Danielle Mauragis, CVT, and
Clifford R. Berry, DVM, Diplomate ACVR
RadiOgRaphy LingO
• anode: an electrically positive terminal of a
radiographic tube that emits x-rays from the point of
impact of the electron stream from the cathode.
T his article is the first in a series of arti-
cles that will discuss various radio-
graphic positions and techniques.
The veterinary technician plays a critical
role in the development and maintenance
• Cathode: The negative side of the radiographic tube of a radiographic program at a veterinary
where electrons are emitted; it consists of the focusing practice. Thus, it is the responsibility of the
cup and filaments. technician to be familiar with the basics of:
• Cassette/detector plate: a light-proof housing for • Anatomy and positioning
radiology film, containing front and back intensifying • Technique and image formation
screens between which the film is placed. • Quality control of images made within
the radiographic suite.
• Collimation: This term refers to the process of adjusting
The purpose of this article is to review
an optical instrument so that the x-ray image includes
the 3 basic components of creating high-
the area of interest.
quality thoracic radiographs of the dog and
• Milliampere × second (mas): describes the exposure cat, including positioning, technique, and
setting of a radiology machine and determines the quality control of the final images.
radiographic density. mas is calculated by: With advances in imaging technology
mA (station number setting) x time (setting) = mAs (computed and digital radiography), errors
(eg, 100 mA × 0.10 sec = 10 mAs) in technique are less common; however,
• peak kilovoltage (kVp): The maximum voltage applied if anatomy is not appropriately collimated
across an radiographic tube, which controls the x-ray and positioning is inadequate, all imaging
penetration of the subject being imaged. studies can be rendered nondiagnostic.
A routine thoracic radiographic study
• peak inspiration: exposing film at peak inspiration
includes 3 projections: right and left lateral
maximizes the air in the lungs and the subject contrast
images and a ventrodorsal (VD) or dorso-
within the thorax.
ventral (DV) image.
a B
Figure 1. (A) Dog in right lateral recumbency with thoracic limbs pulled cranially. See text for anatomic boundaries of
collimated thorax. (B) Right lateral thoracic radiograph of dog in Figure 2A; notice the cranial location of the thoracic
limbs relative to the thoracic inlet.
a B
Figure 2. (A) Dog in left lateral recumbency with thoracic limbs pulled cranially. See text for anatomic
boundaries of collimated thorax. (B) Left lateral thoracic radiograph of the dog in Figure 2A; notice the cranial
location of the thoracic limbs relative to the thoracic inlet.
To set the collimation for the
thoracic anatomic boundaries of a
lateral image (right or left):
• Vertical Line of the Collima-
tion Light: Palpate the caudal
border of the scapula dorsally
and place the vertical line at
this point. This allows for the
cardiac silhouette to be in the
center of the image, giving a
true representation of the car-
diac size and shape. Figure 3. (A) Dog in ventrodorsal recumbency with thoracic limbs taped
• Horizontal Line of the Colli- and pulled cranially. The light marks the cranial border of the image that
mation Light: The horizon- is collimated to the level just cranial to the thoracic inlet. (B) Ventrodorsal
lateral thoracic radiograph of the dog in Figure 3A; notice the cranial loca-
tal line should be placed in
tion of the thoracic limbs relative to the thoracic inlet.
an imaginary plane so as to
bisect the thoracic cavity even-
a B
Ventrodorsal images
Positioning • Chondrodystrophic breeds, such as dachshunds
For the ventrodorsal view, the patient should be or basset hounds, because they are physically
placed in dorsal recumbency. unable to do so.
1. Using a V-trough helps keep the patient’s spine When presented with these types of patients ensure
and sternum aligned. that the head and neck are straight out in front of the
2. The thoracic limbs are taped together evenly and body and not obliqued to the left or right.
pulled forward with the patient’s muzzle placed
between the limbs (Figure 3, page 47). Collimation
3. The pelvic limbs are pulled caudally and secured. To set collimation for the ventrodorsal view, the land-
The technique described in Step 2 does not work marks are the same as the lateral projection:
well for: • Vertical Line of the Collimator Light: Place the
• Brachycephalic breeds, such as English bull- vertical line at the caudal border of the scapula.
dogs or pugs, that might have issues with upper This allows the cardiac silhouette to be in the cen-
airway disease or obstruction ter of the image.
a B
Figure 6. (A) Dog in ventrodorsal recumbency with the thoracic limbs taped in the humanoid position, down along
the dog’s side. This position results in the scapulae rotating externally and cranially instead of being superimposed
over the cranial lung lobes. The light marks the cranial border of the image that is collimated to the level just
cranial to the thoracic inlet. (B) Ventrodorsal thoracic radiograph corresponding to the dog in Figure 6A; notice the
externally rotated scapulae (arrows) and lack of superimposition over the cranial lung fields (compared with Figure 5).
• Horizontal Line of the Collimator Light: The For quality control of any diagnostic image, keep a
horizontal line should be placed directly over simple 4-step approach in mind:
the sternum so as to bisect the thoracic cavity 1. Determine if the technique is appropriate.
from left and right lateral. Palpate and place the 2. Ascertain if the appropriate anatomy is present
edge of the collimation beam at the cranial edge within the image.
of the manubrium; this places the caudal edge of 3. Check the positioning for laterality and straightness.
the beam to the 13th rib head at the level of the 4. Determine if projection was taken at peak of
thoracic spine. inspiration.
• In large-breed dogs (eg, Great Dane), it will be
necessary to take a cranial and caudal projection.
pOSiTiOning VETERinaRy paTiEnTS
dorsoventral images The following positioning devices can be used to
Positioning & Collimation help position patients and reduce staff members’
The dorsoventral radiograph is one of the hardest radio- exposure to radiation:
graphs to position consistently. The dorsoventral image • Elastic tape
best visualizes lesions in the caudodorsal lung lobes. • Plastic tongs
1. The dog is either in: • Positioning trough (foam or plastic)
• Ventral recumbency without the legs taped, • Rope and cleats along the side of the table
resulting in a “sphinx” position (Figure 4) or • Sandbags (particularly long snake-like sand bags)
• A frog-leg position (pelvic limbs).
The comfort of the patient is of utmost importance.
2. The thoracic limbs are pulled cranial and abducted.
3. The anatomic landmarks are the same as for a
ventrodorsal image.
addiTiOnaL ViEwS
humanoid projection
In a conventional ventrodorsal projection (with the
thoracic limbs pulled cranial), the caudal portion of Patient in lateral recumbency showing correct use
the scapulae are superimposed over the cranial lung of tape and sandbags; the dog is muzzled due to
fields (Figure 5). The humanoid projection obtains its history of biting (see Dog Bites: Protecting
no summation of the scapula with the cranial lung Your Staff & Clients, page 66)