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The Master Cleanse Summary

The Master Cleanse - Instructions

Stanley Burroughs has designed his Master Cleanse to both
cleanse and nourish the body at the same time; unlike water
fasting which only cleanses the body, but could possibly leave
it in short supply of minerals, vitamins and energy. The Master
Cleanse assumes that all disease is one disease, which is a
body that is not clean, a body of toxins. When we expel the
cause of all disease, the body will become clean and healthy.

The Master Cleanse book states that lemons and limes are the
richest source of minerals and vitamins of any food known to
man. They are also available year round, in all parts of the
world. Maple syrup is also very high in minerals and sugar,
which helps to sustain the body through the cleansing process.
Cayenne pepper helps to stimulate the body’s cleansing
process, and also breaks up the mucus that is clogging the

The Master Cleanser book highlights the disastrous effects of

eating meat on the body; eating flesh robs the body of the vital
organic sodium compound (not to be confused with sea salt or
table salt, organic sodium is ONLY available from food),
which helps to buffer acids and poison. Once the body
becomes deficient in organic sodium and other minerals, the
body loses its natural PH balance and become weak. At this
point the body becomes susceptible to all kinds of diseases
and infections. This is the primary cause of stomach ulcers,
and almost all other diseases. The acid in the stomach needs
organic minerals to create the mucous, which protects the
precious stomach wall lining.

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The Master Cleanse Summary

A complete kit with all the ingredients you need for the
cleanse including maple syrup, mint and laxative tea, cayenne
pepper and sea salt can be purchased here

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The Master Cleanse Summary

The Purpose of the Master Cleanse:

 To dissolve and remove toxins and mucous from the
 To clean the kidneys and digestive system.
 To cleanse the glands and cells of the body.
 To remove waste and hardened matter in the joints and
 To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries
and blood vessels.
 To create a healthy blood stream.
 To return youthfulness to everybody, even the elderly.
When to use the Master Cleanse:
 When sickness has developed.
 When the digestive system needs a clean.
 When a person has become overweight.
 When the body needs to be rebuilt and better
assimilation of nutrients and food is needed.

How often should one do the Master Cleanse?

The Master Cleanse can be performed three or four times a
year to keep the body in a normal healthy condition. But the
diet may be undertaken more frequently for serious problems.

How long does one do the cleanse for?

The diet should be followed for a minimum of 10 days or
more. Up to 40 days and beyond, may be safely followed for
extreme cases.

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The Master Cleanse Summary

How to prepare the Master Cleanse

-Two tablespoons of fresh organic lemon or lime juice,
(approximately half a lemon). Do not use bottled or canned
lemon juice.
-Two tablespoons of genuine maple syrup (grade B or C, the
darker ones). Not Maple flavored sugar syrup.
-1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper or to taste
-8 ounces of water (250ml), at room temperature

Combine all the above ingredients in a jar and shake together.

Drink the mixture.

How much should I drink?

It is recommended to drink 6 to 12 glasses of the Cayenne,
maple syrup and lemon mixture per day.
No other food or juice should be taken during the time of
the Lemonade diet.
The lemonade mixture contains all the vitamins, minerals,
nutrients and energy your body requires. Do not take vitamin
pills. Overweight people can use less maple syrup, and for
people who are underweight they can use more. Never vary
the amount of lemon juice per glass.

Your body should be having three to four bowel movements a
day, even though you are not eating any solid food. You will
be passing the waste from your body, which was stored in the
form of toxins and mucous. If you are not feeling well on the
cleanse, it is probably because you are not going to the
toilet enough. In this case it may be a good idea to take either
some herbal laxative tea or use internal salt water bathing.

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The Master Cleanse Summary

There are many excellent herbal laxative teas available, which

contain ingredients such as senna and cascara sagrada bark.
The herbal laxative tea can be taking each night before going
to bed.

Directions for internal salt water bathing:

Prepare a full quart (1 litre) of lukewarm water and add two
level teaspoons of sea salt (more for coarse salt) and drink it
first thing in the morning. You should do this on an empty
stomach, and the salt water will cleanse the entire intestinal
tract. Usually within 1 ½ hours you will go to the toilet.

It is not recommended to take supplements or vitamins while

on the Master Cleanse.

How will I feel while on the lemonade diet?

Many people will feel great while on the Master Cleanse and
will be able to continue with their normal daily routine. Other
people however, who have a lot toxins in the body or have
been addicted to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or coffee, may have
cleansing reactions at certain times. In these cases toxins will
be stirred up, as the body releases them from the various
areas. Pain may be felt in the joints, headaches, nausea or
vomiting and diarrhea can also occur. In these cases it is
recommended that the person rest more. Be sure you are
having three to four bowel movements a day by taking herbal
laxative tea and the internal salt water bathing and try to keep
a positive attitude and refraining from eating food and going
off the diet. It is important to stay on the Master Cleanse diet
to continue removing toxins from the body, so the body may
enter a healthy state once again. It is usually found that once
the Master Cleanse has finished, the person’s addictions will
be removed.

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The Master Cleanse Summary

How to End the Lemonade Diet Cleanse

The following instructions for ending the lemonade diet are
very important. Be sure to adhere to them.

First and second day after the diet:

Three 8 ounces glasses of fresh orange juice during the day.

Day three
Orange juice in the morning.
Raw fruit at lunchtime and the raw fruit or raw vegetable salad
at night.

After this point that person is ready to return to their normal

diet, assuming it was a vegetarian one. It is recommended to
eat a vegetarian diet or one of raw fruits, vegetables and nuts
as this is the most health giving.

Thank you and God Bless, may your life be

filled with Peace and Happiness.

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