Avatar Course
Avatar Course
Avatar Course
(by the "entities" who produced this file)
(Audience: Great!)
Maybe it's because we've grown up in a society that values
intellect very highly, that there's this little automatic
translation device we've installed that works like this: we
touch something, and when we touch it, we say "smooth." "Smooth"
is a sound that intellectually symbolizes a certain feel; _it's
not the feel_. Sometimes we touch something and as soon as we
can translate it into a word we go "Oh, that's smooth-felt
it-smooth, what do you want me to translate next?"
Feel joy without labelling it. Don't focus on _saying_ how you
feel, focus on _feeling_ how you feel.
And of course when you get into the idea of living for others,
you also get into the idea that others should live for you,
which begins to make them responsible for how you feel.
Now, if they talk, they probably won't end up feeling the same
because the words they translate their feelings into don't mean
the same to both of them. For example, she says "I hate you" to
describe the feeling of being hurt. He translates the words "I
hate you" into the feeling of being angry. Oh, what a mess!
When you're _not_ translating into words and you just hang out
with somebody for a little while, you'll soon be on their
wavelength. You'll feel the way they feel. This may explain the
high that one experiences from hanging out with holy men. It's
not just their words.
Somebody who looks like this (slumps body to look sad) can't say
"Aw, I'm feeling great." You are receiving conflicting data.
Unless you turn off the vibrations completely and rely solely on
the intellect, the person will leave you just a bit uneasy. You
stop and ask "Are you sure?"
You stop him because the experience isn't right. The experience
is on a telepathic, resonance level. It doesn't agree with your
translation of what the words "I'm feeling great" feels like. So
is the fellow lying to you? Maybe, maybe not. He may translate
this feeling (slumps) into the words "feeling great." Maybe
that's what "feeling great" means to him. Do you follow me?
"I feel good." Deep breath. "I feel good." Deep breath. "I feel
good." Deep breath. "I feel good." Deep breath. And if the
feeling you get doesn't fit your intellectual understanding of
that experience, who are you going to believe?
Now, did you actually feel the flesh, and bones, or did you feel
a person and a little embarrassment?
Feel the person again and feel the meat. Different, huh? Are you
starting to regain some experiential clarity?
Does anybody think that he's doing this wrong? That's a joke.
Now when you just live life and you feel what's going on, it
flows. When you resist it, you start to translate it and put
symbols on it, you shift into an intellectual appreciation of
life. Take a deep breath, relax, let it flow.
He's got all the explanations, and he's going around saying
"Well, it means this, and it means that." _But, only symbols
mean, life is experience_.
Feel alive!
You did that very well. When I asked you to find something
beautiful and experience it, it was pretty easy to do, but
actually it was an interpretation that you placed on something.
Oh, that's beautiful, that's ugly. That's wonderful, that's un-
wonderful-that's wonderless. So it wasn't the thing that caused
you to experience beauty, was it?
People who have the purpose to _feel create_; people who have
the purpose to avoid feeling _think_.
The most creative people not only feel, but they can translate
feelings into symbols that will arouse feelings in another. The
one who is avoiding feeling, often imagines the creative person
is enforcing feeling on him, and he usually counters with some
act of resistance. This causes suffering.
Later on, when the movement has lost some of its vigor, it can
be successfully resisted by those who fear change, who are
avoiding feeling; and one by one disaffected followers shift
back into an intellectual mode and _try to understand_ how they
could have acted so irrationally. Their usual solution is to
blame it all on the charismatic leader, whose spell they must
have fallen under.
The ancient Vedas were the essence, the feel of life. Their
purpose was to transmit from one being to another being what
life feels like.
It was said of the Vedas that they were the breath of the
eternal. That there was never a time when there were not Vedas;
that they actually preceded the appearance of man.
Some scholars say "Oh yeah, the Sanskrit stuff, ancient, here
are the Vedas," but the Vedas are actually any teaching that
brings a person to feel alive, you know? Something that cuts
through the level of symbols and wakes someone up.
Did I tell you the story about the dolphins, how the dolphins
perceive? No? OK, dolphins send out a sound wave and it bounces
off of things, and they continue to send out a sound wave, and
the sound wave going out bounces back and it hits the sound wave
they are continuing to send out, which creates beats as the two
sounds interfere with each other. From the interference pattern
of the two sounds, the dolphins get another sound which they
interpret into a three-dimensional picture of their world. "A
sunken ship over there, a lot of gold treasure over there."
(Laughter) "A large fish over here."
Yes. And you know, I think we do that all of the time. That's
continually going on. It's just there. Ready to be tuned into,
and you tune into it by feeling. It gets invalidated when we
attempt to translate it into intellectual symbols, but what we
feel is what we feel.
(Audience: Great!)
(Brad: Would you read that one phrase about truth over again?)
Well, you know how you go into a room where someone's just had a
fight and been real upset and you'll find that you're actually
having to make an effort not to be upset? You shift into an
intellectual mode. In other words, you're resisting experiencing
the upsetness too, intellectualizing that if at least one of you
is calm, it'll be better? That may or may not be true, but
you'll find that you start to intellectualize when you resist
the feeling in the room. Maybe you say to yourself, "I'm not
going to let them upset me."
OK guys, you really feel good, but I'm going to end now.
One may choose his own attitude toward change, but meet change
he will. Everything flows.
But when one changes his attitude, and experiences what he has
chosen to experience (acknowledging oneself as source of the
beliefs that attracted the experience), he may then create new
beliefs as to what experience he will attract next.
The Exercises
To Experience: (vt) to
appreciate a perception without
judgments, categorization, or
Identify with the belief and feel what it feels like to hold
that belief.
Change you opinion of the object and again identify with it and
feel what it feels. Repeat to satisfactory result.
Change your opinion of the person and again feel what they
feel. Repeat to satisfactory result
Change your opinion of the belief and again feel what it feels
like to have that belief. Repeat until you achieve a
satisfactory result.
Write up as above.
Judgment; a criticism or
censure; an opinion.
Foundational Beliefs
Life is consciousness.
Secondary Origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is triggered by
the creation one intends. 2. an effort or
intention concerned with how a
primary origination is, was or will be
received. 3. an effort to monitor or
modify the origin point or receipt point
of a communication. 4. something that is
there other than what is knowingly
being created. 5. an unaligned effort.
Primary Origination
A Practical Example
Secondary Origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is triggered
by the creation one intends. 2. an
effort or intention concerned with
how a primary origination is, was or
will be received. 3. an effort to
monitor or modify the origin point or
receipt point of a communication. 4.
something that is there other than
what is knowingly being created. 5. an
unaligned effort.
Procedure: Coach has the student deliver the first line from
the Source List, "I'm happy to be me." Coach then asks student
to tell him any doubts, second thoughts, or physical sensations
that the line triggers.
Secondary Origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is triggered
by the creation one intends. 2. an
effort or intention concerned with
how a primary origination is, was or
will be received. 3. an effort to
monitor or modify the origin point or
receipt point of a communication. 4.
something that is there other than
what is knowingly being created. 5. an
unaligned effort
Good Coaching Questions:
3. The coach has the student voice a statement from the Source
List as a primary origination and then observe or discover any
secondary originations that are occurring spontaneously before,
during or after the primary origination. If the student is
willing, the coach may point out any secondaries that he
observes, or ask questions that will reveal secondaries, (e.g.
"Were there any doubts, second thoughts, or physical sensations
triggered by that line.")
These exercises can get very noisy and funny. Laugh a lot and
lighten up. Consciousness is a very light thing.
1. I am happy to be me.
2. I am right here.
5. I do it.
6. I decide.
7. I am source.
(The Avatar Master will check out and give the final pass on
this exercise.)
Secondary Origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is
triggered by the creation one
intends; 2. an effort or intention
concerned with how a primary
origination is, was or will be
received; 3. An effort to
monitor or modify the origin
point or receipt point of a
communication; 4. something
that is there other than what is
knowingly being created; 5. an
unaligned effort of any kind.
3. The coach has the student voice a statement from the reality
creation list below as a PRIMARY ORIGINATION and then locate any
secondary originations that are occurring spontaneously before,
during or after the primary origination. If the student is
willing, the coach may also point out any secondaries that he
observes, or ask questions that will elicit secondaries.
3. Life is funny.
4. Life is serious.
5. I am here now.
8. I am not a victim.
23. I am relaxed.
(The Avatar Master will check out and give the final pass
on this exercise.)
The only answer to the question
"Can I..." is _yes._
Exercise 5:
You are now outfitted with the tools necessary for managing
broad spheres of reality.
General Theory
From 1992 Wizard's Lecture
(Section V of the Avatar(r) Materials)
The creations which you feel the effect of are being viewed
from the inside--this is the relationship between creature and
creation. The creations which you have control over are being
generated by you--this is the relationship of creator and
Very simply, you cease to identify with the creation. With your
attention on the creation, recognize: "This is not-I, this is my
Present time is a creation whose
limits lie just beyond the moment.
For example, when you turn off a light at the switch, you simply
interrupt, stop or take away the flow of energy to the light.
You discreate the light.
Well, actually, there are seven steps. There is one step that
was left out, which is the step you start with--exist. I assume,
since you are doing the Avatar Rundowns, that you are
existing--it's an addiction, you know.
Surrogate n.: one elected or
appointed to stand in place of
Step 1
So you start off with whatever you are resisting, and the first
step of the Creation Handling Procedure is to _identify with it
and really experience it_. Really feel it. Take the resist off
and really sink into it. Become it.
From the formless state of Avatar you can go back and forth into
existence and get a good feel for the limits of anything you
wish to experience.
When you are contained within the creation, you experience the
creation. You are the experiencer. When the creation is
contained within you, you are the source of the creation. You
are the creator.
Step 2
Every creation has boundaries. That may take some getting used
to, because sometimes the boundaries exist in realms that you
are only vaguely aware of. When you explore boundaries from the
inside, you expand your attention outward into whatever you are
experiencing. The boundaries will be perceived as a marked
decrease in the intensity of the experience.
I've got a story I'll tell you. I've told this story before. You
have to picture something. Picture clear transparent space.
Imagine perfectly clear transparent space above you as far as
you can put out your awareness, clear transparent space. To the
right of you as far as you can possibly imagine, clear
transparent space. To the left of you, as far as you can
imagine, clear transparent space. In front of you, as far as you
can imagine, clear transparent space. Behind you, as far as you
can imagine, clear transparent space. Below you, clear
transparent space. Everywhere, clear transparent space. And you
are everywhere in this endless, clear transparent space. Relax
and feel it. There is nothing to resist.
Now where do you think that came from? Huh? A tiny little
particle in your clear transparent space. You decide to ignore
it and just enjoy your clear transparent endless space. But
where does your attention go? On the particle. So you resist it
and what happens? It becomes more real.
So now, dry your baby tears and look around. You look out into
the universe from within a creation, within a creation, within a
creation, within a particle...it's space...clear transparent
Looking from the inside out, space, from the outside in,
curious, mystery, interesting, which is why you tend to get
yourself identified with things.
Step 3
The problem with judgment is that when you attach your belief
to something, you also attach you to it. You start to dribble
down this judgment anchored on some creation. A judgment is a
belief. You placed a belief on a creation. Now, you either drag
the creation around with you or you go into the creation and
start to experience it, but you experience it in accord with
your belief. Oh! Oh! It's sort of like an octopus waking up one
morning and finding out that he is all in his toes!
The saying should read, "Judge not, lest ye become the judged!"
If you label the physical universe just as it is, and you also
include your body and mind as part of the physical universe and
label it all just as it is, you will experience a shift in
viewpoint from within the physical universe to a vague sense of
being outside the physical universe.
Birth and death are the experiential
boundaries of life
When you reach this point, the things in the universe are your
And when you start to experience the universe from the outside,
which is a much nicer viewpoint, you get some pretty good ideas
about what you want to be involved in and what you would just
as soon pass on. All by itself, label it without judgment is a
powerful process.
Step 4
It's the creation. If you can be aware of it, it's what? It's
the creation. If it's got form, it's what? Creation, right? So
the recognition that something is a creation, that it's not
infinite awareness, disassociates you from it.
Step 5
Step 5 is _discreate_.
It's not an effort you make. It's the absence of creation; it's
the absence of effort. It's yours and you're creating it, and
suddenly, you decide you're not going to create it anymore.
That's discreation.
You will.
A creation can be anything: any event, any idea, any upset, any
impression. You continually create it in each new moment of time
until it's experienced. Exhale, inhale. It's your universe!
"This is the best argument I have
made yet for intentionally creating
something nice for another to
Step 6
Step 6 is _create_.
Of course, you can create a past for them. You can create
believable circumstances by which the belief will manifest.
How about if you created that for the last fifty lifetimes
you've been preparing for success. You have developed the skill
to see any situation from a point of view of spotting the
opportunities in it. Success is an inherent skill that comes
with being you. It's as much a part of you as breathing. You
can't do anything but succeed. You just stumble into success,
because you've been prepared for it for so long. You can't help
being a success. And then suddenly, in your clear transparent
space of success, there is this little particle of failure...
Now the next question, which is still part of the step six
creation, is how far can you push this procedure? Can you create
yourself to fly? Can you create anti-gravity about your body and
make it float? Can you create yourself to disappear? I guess it
depends upon what you have already identified yourself with.
How far you can go is something that only you can explore. It
is probably different for different explorers.
Harry: Think of the worst, god-awful guy you can imagine. You
have some idea of him, right? Well, it's your creation. It's
yours, and if you refuse to experience it, sooner or later...
(laughter) it's waiting for you.
Comment: Seems like when you're creating your new image, the
Creation Handling Procedure process is working backwards from
discreate to experience. Is that correct?
Comment: That would explain the, "It's always darkest before the
dawn" phenomenon. Creating counters creating. Finally you just
quit counter-creating and experience the creation. Then it falls
away and you're left with the creation that you were trying to
create all along.
The point is, the people who were the most caved in and the most
negative (and still are, by the way) were the ones who were
protesting any negative statement! And their "no neg" policy was
a negative statement. Here are people in sales who have to go
out and make sales against all kinds of negative response, and
they are saying, "Don't hit me with a neg, I'm too sensitive."
It was incredible.
Audience: Yeah!
(Audience: Good!)
Well, there are some bits and pieces that I want to go over with
you. This technology keeps growing. It's really exciting from a
research point of view. The Avatar process just keeps digging
deeper and deeper. And while we're actually starting to hit
limitations now, they are so far beyond the prior point of being
limited, that we never had any idea that these limitations even
existed. So we're starting to expand into some pretty wild
stuff-alternate realities, different levels of consciousness,
group consciousness, mass consciousness, some really far out
stuff. I want you to be aware of them so if you hit something
unusual you're not thrown into doubt about your sanity or
immediately invalidate or limit yourself from experiencing it.
Our ability to limit ourselves seems to be unlimited. So I
really want to tell you truly, in the truest sense of the word,
you are explorers.
(Audience: Great!)
I want to start off with the idea of _victim_. We've all run
into the idea of somebody being a victim, or being victimized,
or appearing to be a victim and we've all run into the idea, at
least abstractly, that "There are really no victims." Nobody can
really be a victim of another's creation. The guy is just
pretending to be a victim to screw our minds, or worse. And the
viewpoint that I had, carried of victim for a long time, was a
victim is trying to communicate that you're bad source. In a
way, he actually has this evil intention, that he's putting out
to you to tell you that you have done something really bad, and
that he's a victim of your actions. _This was the old
It made them feel strong and very proud to save the dolphins.
And it took awhile for them to realize that it was the game they
were playing.
Dolphins also play saviors and save each other. The first
interrelation between dolphin and man was stories of sailors
being saved by dolphins. So the dolphin "save" game has been
around for awhile.
So the next time you look at a victim and you say "Hey, he's
faking it and I ought to kick him," instead, recognize that he's
trying to be of service to you. It's a lot easier to experience.
Get back into the dolphin consciousness. It's a game--come play,
you know, fun! No victims.
Most of us have.
When you expand out and reach this unknown, you have a sense of
the form of the thought you're holding, the belief you're
holding, the desire, whatever you've been experiencing. That's
what we mean by define the limits of it Very simple.
Get the idea? You sit right in the middle, between two
creations, neither of which you want anything to do with. Well,
you can either pick one and ease into it or learn to live with
the doubt. As long as you're experiencing something, even if
it's mysterious, you can expand until you hit the unknown around
it, but if you're not experiencing anything, it's an unknown.
When you expand out, you'll run into what you were resisting. So
experience resisting it, define it, label it, disassociate and
discreate it and you're on your way again. It was a minor glitch
that you've handled.
(Audience: Yes.)
One other question that sometimes comes up: A person will have a
pain and they handle it and they wonder "where did it go?" Well,
if you consider _all that is_, nothing can go anyplace. So the
somatic is actually one focus of consciousness and what the
person is doing is changing his focus of consciousness. He's
creating an alternate reality where he doesn't hurt And all
possibilities of realities exist simultaneously and it's your
choice which one you choose to focus on. Now if the pain is part
of a reality that also contains sympathy or achievement, you may
choose to live with the pain as the price of focusing on that
(Audience: OK. Now when you speak of shells, could you look at
that in a sense as alternate realities that are bordered by
unknowns? You get a big convolution. Could you really get a real
package there? You got evaluation, unknown, evaluation, the
whole thing snares.)
1. Identify with the creation and experience it.
Let your course supervisor know when you are ready for
your initiation session.
2. Recognizable gains.
The answers he gives are the _only, only, ONLY_ criteria for
determining if satisfactory results have been achieved with the
Avatar Materials.
The individual will assert that sight, sound, feeling, etc., are
sensations _of_ the body and that he is not dealing with
impressions upon consciousness. He is not likely to treat kindly
any suggestion you might make about him "imagining" that he
sees, or imagining that he feels, etc. Nor should you attempt to
launch into any great proofs or demonstrations of the _idea_
that his senses are his own imagined translations of various
electronic signals originating from specialized body organs.
Just steer him into the process and let him run with it.
An Identity: a self-image; an
image of self; a collection of
ideas that serves as a
manifestation of consciousness.
Disassociation from and discreating certain impressions or
complete layers of impressions, particularly those that have
"resistance" created in them, may produce energy phenomena
similar to mild convulsions.
Select a quiet, comfortable and relaxed space.
First of all I want to tell you about some of the wins that
people have had on the Avatar Process. Unbelievable! They
stretch your credibility. People are handling things that they
couldn't handle in any other way, things that they've spent
their entire life trying to handle. And they are handling them
in days, hours, minutes--unbelievable! _Unbelievable!_
It has been a very long time since anyone has managed anything
close to this perspective on the progress of civilization. And
we've only begun!
Well, you see how Avatar flies right into the teeth of that.
We're actually looking at a process now that takes a person from
a material meat-density body to a very high level of spiritual
beingness, to an unlimited being. It's no longer a belief that
we've got to suffer and do this for 50 years and go through all
of this in order to arrive at some nirvana. So this may test
your credibility, in which case we'll just handle your beliefs
on it later, but Avatar is making an effect in mass
consciousness that makes the idea of a planetary disaster no
longer necessary. We don't have to have earthquakes, floods,
volcanos and tip the planet over to achieve planetary
transformation. It's no longer a necessary event because we are
starting to work into that area of mass consciousness. You are
changing a lot more than your personal life. The implication of
what's going on here, what's occurring, probably goes right
through the ceiling of your credibility. But believe me, it's
going to become real as you play more with this material.
OK? That's a little off the point of what we're going to talk
about, but that is our new perspective on things. Nothing
handles limitations faster than the creation handling procedure
in Avatar. You can shovel limitations off by the dump truck
load. You locate a limitation, you label it, you disassociate
from it, you discreate it, is that fast enough? Oh, but there's
go to be a lot of suffering, right? Got to be a lot of
preparation, right? You got to prove to yourself a lot of times
that you're not actually limited, right? Label those beliefs.
Recognize they're not you. Recognize you're only creating what
you're experiencing. You don't need to create the belief.
Thereafter you don't need to experience what the belief brought
about. Just unbelievable. You can produce a no limit being with
the Avatar materials.
But still, the evidence appeared after the belief, not prior to
the belief. So you can sort this backwards always, and find out
what must that guy have believed in order to have experienced
The guide can get very skillful. A question that a guide can ask
are "What effort do you believe is necessary for you to be able
to do that?" This starts uncovering the limiting beliefs. The
guide can run the person through the steps if he wants, gently
saying "OK, experience it, expand to the outside of that idea,
label it without judgment," and so on. But what he is really
doing is translating the reality the person is experiencing into
the belief the person must be holding to experience that
reality. Then getting the person to identify and experience the
belief, define it, label it, disassociate from it, and discreate
it. It's very neat. Would you like some examples of it?
(Audience: Yeah.)
All right, let's see. M, would you come right up here and sit
right there?
(M: Sure.)
All right. What skill or ability would you like to be better at?
(M: Yeah. I think like I've heard things such as you have to be
very careful in raising a child or he'll grow up to be a mass
Would you really experience that belief for me ... how careful
you have to be, if you don't want to produce a mass murderer.
Expand right to the outside of that belief. Label it.
Effortlessly recognize "This is not-I," permit it to discreate.
(M: Did you see that fall right off in front of my face?
(M: Ah, yes, that some people on the planet aren't ready for
spiritual enlightenment.)
(M: No, do you want one, another one on being a better mother?)
(M: OK.)
Expand right to the outermost limits of that idea, label it. Now
effortlessly recognize "this is not-I."
(M: It feels like it just kinda fell like a ... pop! That was
Permit it to discreate.
(M: Right.)
OK. Now let's take up this idea of what a good mother would be.
(M: A good mom would be somebody who watches their child grow,
and can guide them, and say the right thing at the right time
and teach them things.)
OK. With loving tolerance, experience being both a good mom and
a bad mom.
(M: OK.)
Permit it to discreate.
Now, how about this thing about the world not being ready for
spiritual enlightenment?
Thank you.
(L: Write.)
Label it.
Effortlessly recognize, this is not-I. Discreate.
That it's hard. OK. Really experience that it's hard to write.
Not I?
(L: Nope.)
(L: OK.)
Is that difficult?
(L: OK.)
Permit it to discreate.
(L: The only effort I can see will be slowing the hand to write
it down.)
Thank you.
* * *
(Audience: Yeah!)
(Audience: Sure!)
Go for a hard skill. Go for a real tough skill. What would you
really like to do?
Oh. Good.
OK. With loving tolerance, identify with the idea that you've
got to know a lot in order to make things come out alright.
Permit it to discreate.
(M: It's like rain. It just falls away.)
(M: OK.)
(M: OK.)
(M: OK.)
Label it.
Permit it to discreate.
(M: Let's see, I'd probably have to take all these courses.
There'd be Dale Carnegie, and several public speaking
engagements, and just a whole lot of stuff that you have to
(M: Yeah.)
Label it.
Permit it to discreate.
(M: Let's see, oh, I'd have to look real nice, the body has
to be healthy, in good condition.)
OK, really experience this idea that you have to look real
Expand right to the outermost limits of that idea.
(M: Yeah, that one goes the length of my body. All right)
Permit it to discreate.
That's all?
You're right.
(M: That is, that's incredible. I just feel, there's all this
energy that's pouring off me.)
Thank you.
* * *
It's unlimited as to how you apply it. Any skill you want, if
you don't have it, there must be some belief intervening between
you and acquiring that skill. You can handle those beliefs.
Then, if you believe that you have to believe that you have the
skill, handle that one too.
It folds back and forth on itself. I run into people who believe
they have to make a certain affirmation in order to have a
certain ability. That's a limiting belief. Handle anything you
find. Do you want psychic skills, extrasensory abilities, to
communicate with other dimensions, perceive other realities,
communicate with the mass consciousness? These things are all
impossible, right? They used to be! OK. Thank you very much.
Creature: Consciousness
choosing to exist as a particular
Any belief that one has that "It just can't be this easy"
should be identified, lovingly experienced, defined, labeled,
disassociated from and discreated.
It is this easy!
Repeat steps 1-5 until you are satisfied that you have
handled any limitation you do not wish to experience.
(Reference: Creativism:
Belief and Experience, Section I)
Many self-image ideas exist within that idea of self that we are
being. The self-image ideas we identify with determine how we
will view ourselves and what we will experience. If we identify
with the self-image of being a victim, we will view ourselves as
victims and experience all sorts of tragic evidence to support
our belief. If we identify with the self-image of being unable
to establish a relationship, we will view ourselves as a loner
and evidence of loneliness will abound. If we ... do you get the
A. You dislike
B. You feel critical of
C You feel judgmental toward
D. You fear
E. You pity
F. You don't want anything to do with
G. You feel are unsupportive of you
H. You consider evil
I. You consider selfish
J. You consider especially negative
K. You do not fully accept
L. You could never love again
1. Select a name from your list and _identity with_ the _idea_
you have of that person. Feel as you believe they feel. When you
have identified successfully, you will begin to recognize the
belief as something you have resisted being.
Good morning!
Some of what you have run into creations that don't appear to
discreate. Somebody dubbed them persistent masses, and that's
probably as good a label as any.
And you push it off someplace, since you don't believe you
created it. Unconsciousness is not something that happens to
you; it's something you create. If you can't experience
something as source, there's no danger that you'll discreate it.
That's a persistent mass. It's a neat trick. Probably the whole
physical universe is nothing more than a persistent mass. It's
also a good way to divide yourself up into many entities, create
races and plant and animal kingdoms. If you believe the creation
is separate from you, it doesn't take any great leap of faith to
believe that the consciousness in that creation must be separate
from you as well.
And now you can create another layer of unknown on the first
unknown. Second layer--"I don't know if I want to get rid of it
or not." Layers of unknowns, usually with wrong conclusions
sandwiched in between. Things like: "I've tried everything."
"Well, it's always there when I look." And the king of all wrong
conclusions, "It's not mine!"
So you experience the belief that you don't know. But did you
ever consider that maybe you also created the belief that you
didn't know? Naaa! (Laughter)
Rather than resisting the fact that you don't know, or that you
haven't found out what it is, just realize how exciting the
progress you're making is. You can experience an unknown. It's
exciting to experience an unknown. We're wrapped in one, you
Sometimes you have to peel layers off. Some people have a lot
more confront on unknowns than others. An unknown motivates
some people to create--that's where rumor and gossip starts.
It's not the way to achieve Avatar.
Gee, thanks. Since you are so nice, I'll give you one more
little thing we've been working on. It's called a worm. A worm
is a computer hack word that refers to a sub-program, or a
sub-routine, that's contained in certain computer programs.
Every time the computer program goes on line, the worm makes a
little progress in whatever it's been programmed to do. Some
worms eat away at and eventually destroy the program. They're
parasitic worms. Other worms operate so that each time you turn
the program on, they recalculate how long since you last used
the program. They're monitor worms. The principle behind a worm
is that it's connected with some function of the main program so
it works automatically.
It's your universe. Make it work for you. You're the creator.
You can create stuff like that in your universe.
The very idea of the word persistent means, "I don't like it."
But, yeah, I believe that if you could love it enough that it
would just fling you right through the unknown that surrounded
it. And you'd be in it just like that. Love allows forgiveness,
and forgiveness takes off judgment. I think that would be a key.
It's probably why love is such a valuable tool.
There are black worms and white worms. That's a black worm. The
white worm is, you can get rid of it. Good worms and bad worms.
Worm wars! (laughter) You all have a champion worm that is
handling everything that comes up, every time you breathe. A
guardian angel if you will.
A reality is what a viewpoint views,
directs attention to.
Persistent Masses
Note: Any events, beliefs, feelings, etc. that come up while one
is following the intensity of the feeling down to the core
creation should be addressed with CHP only if they are blocking
the student from reaching the core creation.
4. Disassociate.
5. Discreate.
Modify, or change _the SELF_, and you will change the way
in which an individual experiences reality, or more accurately
expressed, you will change the particular facet of reality upon
which the person focuses.
5. Allow it to discreate.
Avatar Archives
Star's Edge International
900 Markham Woods Road
Longwood, FL 32779
Avatar Archives
Star's Edge International
900 Markham Woods Road
Longwood, FL 32779
Mass: (adjective) of or
relating to the mass of people;
participated in by or affecting a
large number of individuals;
also, viewed as a whole.
Collective Reality: an
agreement shared by a number
of people.
Mass-consciousness: any
shared consciousness of a large
number of individuals (a large
group, nation, country, or the
world as a whole) that is co-
creating beliefs.
Apparently, the opportunity exists to create and install new
beliefs, perhaps through an emissary, in the mass-consciousness.
This is currently a power wielded most irresponsibly by the
press. Perhaps Avatar in some degree may change this.
With my love,
Harry Palmer
In achieving a goal, the last few feet are sometimes the hardest
The difference in potential between where you are and where you
are going may have dwindled. You may find that to maintain your
creative energy, the goal must move forward as you do.
4. Leave it alone.
When you are comfortably re-integrated, please sign your
checksheet and turn your notes and materials in to your Avatar
Master. If you wish, do a final write-up of your experiences on
the course.
Perhaps, and only perhaps, you would like to assist with the
mission of introducing the Avatar materials to the world.
Imagine what it would be like if everyone knew what you now
know and had the skills you now have.
Thank you for the gift of days you shared with us.
Until we meet again, as we must ... I send you all the love you
can imagine me sending. I do love you most dearly and welcome
you, AVATAR.