2010 06 02 - DR 1

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filfnis is anlnlt{al'Statement ofOrganization ft^ .-'==:!= il
E ttris is anarnended'Statement of oryanization l[999t9qlil
' Stder?efdnn sf be fild utffiln 1Odaysof wnnfte wpting a ntibufruts,mat<ing
ex@ Comm.#
inaming d&ts ex@fing g7&. Attplndmgtamusfbe filedwithln30 daysof a dtarge. lrdexed
EffectveJanuary1,2O10,all shemenb ad reporbfiled by newcommitteesfur stateofficemustbe filed Audited
efecfonfcaflyand efiediveJanuary1,291?-all ffiemenb and reportsfiled by a[ commiteeabr €ilateofie
mustbo fild eleslronlcally.
S:tatePACg and
COMMITTEENAME J J lacanaiaate'scommiteemustlncludethecandldateslctnameinthenanreofthecommifiee.)lfamentllrgcommiteon
putoldnameln ( ).
"Z ,t
JohnParsonsforSupeMsor = =
IMPORTANT:Indlcab type of commltbe you are repordngfor: fS___l
( t lSffitltldleglslatvefJudgeStandlngbr R€GntonGandldab (2fstabrkle PAC(3 tS@My (4tGomty Cantat Commltb$ *:
(sJcountyCandlq# (6lcttyCandldaie (TFchoolBerdorOthqPolltcalsuHMelon@ndld& (SlCoungPAC (glctgpAC; =:;
( 10 lsch@l Board ot O'therPollflcal SubdMslon PAC ( 1l I Ballot lssqe 0ndgClng lpmmttbe Involrredln mul0ptectty/corintrbaildbsueSf, -

Name J J
UbHfr4ry"r-dzh"s UamngnCOreJ J

Phone1515)-911368 Phone ( )
*r.' jpar$ns@olvatelecom.
net a llail


tur/agatnstcanOOzn<OAdrccate for ballot lssue(s)
Comment or doscription: I Advocate aqalnst bllot lssue(st
All Candlrlates Enbr: . Couilyn-el Candldfrs and Ballot lssue CommltGesEnbr:
offcesought COUntYSuPervisor
poriti@tl%rty(if applicabnl Democrat (lf active lisf of counte
Dl€trlct DateofEtection:June 8, 2010
for Elefon: 2010
[mus[ lnalcn commluee name, (;ansrqa.EFame& Aqorcss or parcnt EnonttpAcs. tt appticadel.
+ + AfFliaE or Sponsor
John Parsonsfor SupeMsor JohnParcons
Nameof FinandalInsilitrnionftype
of Accor.nrt J J MailingAddre .t J
StateSavingsBank/ checking 8027Hvuy.F-17West
MailingAddress .t .1, City J J S:tateJ { ap.t J
102SouthMainStneet Baxter, lA 50028
cfty J J srabJ I ap J J
Baxter, Ptrone1d41 | 521'7553
lA 50028
*n on [email protected]

STATEMENTOF AFFIRMATION: Byfillng ftls documentth€ commlbatfnns ore bllowtng:

l. The commitbe and all p€rsonsconned w'th $e commltbe undersiandftat they sre $bJect to thE lal|'s ln lowa Code chapbrc 68A and 688 and the adminlsrHivE
rule in Chapter351 of the lowa Admlni€fialiyeCode.
2. That lowa Codo secdon684402 and rulo 351-4.9 requhothe filing of disdosrr€ reportsand that lhe failureb file these reportson or bobre lhe requheddue dats
subjecb the canddab or chairpeFon(h fie c6e of committee othertfian a candd&'6 commitbE)b the artomstic asseesmentof a chrilpenaltyatd tfte pebte
lmpeiton of oher criminaland cMl sanctions.
3. That lowa Code sec-tion68A405 and rules 351-f.38lhrough 4.43 reguire$e placementof the words'paid for byeand t re namEof ihe committe€on all political
matetialsexceptfor those items exemptedby etatub or rule. A commitse fid wlsh€ to r€gistsra commitbE namofor purpose of ueingthe elrorbr "paid br b1f and
doc not ffiEnd to crossthe $750 lllhg thresholdshal file tfie Form DR€FA brm In lieu of fitingthls form.
4. That lowa Code seclion684503 and rules 3514.44 through4.52 prohlbitihe recelptof corporab contibutione by all committeG exceptfor ballot lssue PACS.
5. A canddats and a candidate'ecommitee nlay only expendcampalgnfunds as permittsdby lowa code 6e.dons mA.301 through68A.303and rute35't-4.25.
6. Thattfie commitee will coniinue b file di€closurE reporb until all activity has ceased, commitbe funds epent, debte resolved, and a final report and a E&tement ot
has been filed.

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