Lithium Carbonate Recovery From Cathode Scrap of Spent Lithium-Ion Battery: A Closed-Loop Process
Lithium Carbonate Recovery From Cathode Scrap of Spent Lithium-Ion Battery: A Closed-Loop Process
Lithium Carbonate Recovery From Cathode Scrap of Spent Lithium-Ion Battery: A Closed-Loop Process
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Figure 1. Leaching rate of metals using different acids: (a) TFA33, (b) formic acid, and (c) formic acid with H2O2.
Figure 2. Leaching rate of each metal under varying formic acid concentrations (a) and solid to liquid ratio (S/L) (b).
Figure 3. Leaching rate of (a) Al, (b) Li, (c) Co, (d) Mn, and (e) Ni from the cathode scrap under different hydrogen peroxide concentrations and
optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES, iCAP 6300, Radial, 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Thermo Scientific). The morphology was observed by a
As the simplest carboxylic acid with an aldehyde, the formic
mineral liberation analyzer (MLA 250, FEI) which contains
an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS, EDAX GenesisSiLi) acid can be used as leachate and reductant to (1) separate the
and a scanning electron micrometer (SEM, Quanta 250). The cathode materials from aluminum foil of the cathode scrap and
crystal structures of solid materials were characterized by an X- (2) selectively recover lithium from the cathode scrap.
ray diffractmeter (X’pert PRO, PANalytical) with Cu Kα 3.1. Selective Leaching of Cathode Scrap. The acid
radiation. ionization equation of formic acid is described by
1664 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b03320
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 1662−1669
Environmental Science & Technology Article
Figure 4. Leaching rate of (a) Al, (b) Co, (c) Li, (d) Mn, and (e) Ni from the cathode scrap under different reaction temperatures and times.
Table 1. Kinetic Parameters during the Leaching Process with H2O2 Calculated Using the Surface Chemical Control Model
Co Li Mn Ni
−1 2 −1 2 −1 2 −1
T (K) k (min ) R k (min ) R k (min ) R k (min ) R2
303.15 0.01607 0.98776 0.01995 0.98296 0.01529 0.98876 0.01595 0.98788
313.15 0.02136 0.98592 0.02621 0.98059 0.02033 0.98623 0.02118 0.98534
323.15 0.03751 0.99746 0.04831 0.9964 0.03611 0.99787 0.03795 0.99802
333.15 0.05850 0.99684 0.07810 0.99774 0.05845 0.99684 0.06033 0.99758
343.15 0.06085 0.99476 0.08129 0.9989 0.0588 0.99504 0.06143 0.99633
353.15 0.05603 0.99845 0.07078 0.99994 0.05333 0.99908 0.05615 0.99886
Figure 6. XRD patterns of the precipitated Li2CO3 and standard powder diffraction peaks of Li2CO3 (a), SEM images of the precipitated Li2CO3
(b), particle size distribution (c).
6LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 (s) + 18HCOO−(aq) + 18H+(aq) (5) product transfer through the liquid film to the bulk
+ 3H 2O2 (aq) → 2C2H 2NiO4 (aq) + 2C2H 2CoO4 (aq) Leaching of metal values from the cathode scrap is a solid−
liquid−gas heterogeneous process, and it is a combination of
+ 2C2H 2MnO4 (aq) + 6CHLiO2 (aq) + 3O2 (g)
mass transfer, diffusion, and chemical reaction;42 thus, the
+ 12H 2O(aq) (4) leaching rate can be assumed to be controlled by liquid
boundary layer mass transfer (eq 5), surface chemical reaction
Under the conditions of 2 mol/L formic acid S/L of 50 g/L, (eq 6), or residue layer diffusion (eq 7)
temperature of 60 °C, and the addition of H2O2 from 2 to 12 X = k1·t (5)
vol %, the leaching rates of different elements from the cathode
scrap are shown in Figure 3. 1
The leaching rate of Al was not obviously affected by the 1 − (1 − X )3 = k 2·t (6)
concentration of H2O2 (Figure 3a), while the leaching rate of Li
increased significantly and reached almost 100% within 10 min 1 − 3(1 − X )3 + 2(1 − X ) = k 3·t (7)
(Figure 3b). Different from all of the other acid leaching
processes, the leaching rate of Ni, Co, and Mn under any where k1, k2, and k3 are the slopes of the fitted lines and t is the
hydrogen peroxide concentration increased rapidly within 10 reaction time (min). As shown in Figure S5, eq 6 (surface
min and then decreased steadily before reaching certain levels. chemical reaction control) exhibits the best fitting relevance
While hydrogen peroxide as a reductant helps to dissolve among the three rate controlling assumptions (the fitting data
manganese and cobalt in crystals of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2, the of eqs 5 and 7 are given in Figures S6 and S7 and Tables S2 and
dissolution of lithium and nickel are at the same time S3, respectively).
promoted.29 The best condition of H2O2 (concentration of Figure S8 as well as Table 1 gives the fitting lines by
30 wt %) was chosen to be 6 vol %. A comparison of the assuming chemical reaction control leaching. It can be found
recovered Al foil with formic acid leaching with and without that two distinctive stages exist for the leaching rate against
hydrogen peroxide is given in Figure S3, indicating clean Al foil temperature in the range of 30 to 80 °C. From 60 to 80 °C, the
can be obtained by adding H2O2. values for k2 (indicating the reaction rate constant) are nearly
3.1.3. Effect of Reaction Temperature. The effect of identical proving that the temperature has insignificant effect on
reaction temperature on leaching efficiencies of metals was the leaching process when the temperature is high enough. In
investigated under the following experimental condition: 2 the range of 30−60 °C, the data can be described by the
mol/L formic acid, 6 vol % of 30 wt % H2O2, S/L ratio of 50 g/ empirical Arrhenius law as
L, and the temperature range of 30−90 °C. As shown in Figure Ea
4, the leaching rate of Al is not effectively affected by k = Ae− RT (8)
temperature and there is only a slight increment of the leaching where R is the universal gas constant, A is the pre-exponential
at 90 °C. With the increase of temperature from 30 to 60 °C, factor, Ea is the apparent activation energy, and T(K) is the
the slope of leaching curves for all the metals are noticed to be absolute temperature. The equation can be further converted
increased suggesting the fact that the leaching process is an into
endothermic reaction process.29 The leaching behavior of Ni,
Co, and Mn was found to be very different from that of Li and Ea
ln k = ln A −
Al, where peak extraction rate in the leach solution can be RT (9)
noticed at the early stage of the leaching. Afterward, the
By plotting lnk vs 1/T in Figure 5, the apparent activation
leaching rates of Ni, Co, and Mn decrease significantly energy with H2O2 for Co, Mn, Ni, and Li can be obtained as
especially at high temperatures (60 to 80 °C), which can be 37.17, 39.38, 38.47, and 38.29 kJ/mol, respectively (Table S4).
attributed to the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide when the Similarly, the apparent activation energy without H2O2 addition
reaction temperature is higher than 60 °C41 (Figure 4). It can for Co, Mn, Ni, and Li (based on the data in Figure S9) was
also be noticed that the leaching rate is not significantly 41.52, 41.64, 41.16, and 43.61 kJ/mol, respectively (as shown in
improved after 60 °C by further increasing the leaching the Figures S10 and S11 and Tables S5 and S6).
temperature (detailed leaching rate against time at the early 3.3. Recovery of Lithium Carbonate. After formic acid
stage can be found in Table S1). leaching, the Al foil in the residue can be easily separated by
3.2. Apparent Mechanisms of Metal Recovery. To sieving (Figure S3). The mass fraction of each element in the Al
identify the apparent leaching mechanisms of the cathode scrap foil can be analyzed by ICP-OES and given in Table S7 where
using formic acid, kinetics analysis was carried out in the mass fraction of Al is found to be 99.98%.
accordance with the leaching behavior of different metals. The leach solution is processed according to aforementioned
During the decomposition of the cathode materials in formic procedures to precipitate out the remaining Ni, Co, and Mn.
acid solution, the binder (PTFE) and the acetylene black Subsequently, lithium carbonate can be obtained by adding
conductive agent remain to form a gray residue layer with loose excessive (110%) saturated Na 2CO3 to obtain lithium
and porous structure after the leaching reaction is completed. carbonate which is slightly soluble in water, and the solubility
As shown in Figure S4, the dissolution of a particle of the decreases with the increasing of temperature.43 The XRD
cathode material includes the following steps: (1) mass transfer pattern of the obtained lithium carbonate is shown in Figure 6a,
of reactive ions through liquid film, (2) diffusion from the and it agrees well with the standard pattern peaks.
residue−film interface to the reaction interface through the To accurately calculate the purity of lithium carbonate, the
residue layer, (3) chemical reaction at the residue−particle precipitated Li2CO3 was further dissolved by aqua regia and its
interface, (4) product diffusion through the residue layer, and mass fraction of metals was measured by ICP-OES (Table S8).
1667 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b03320
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 1662−1669
Environmental Science & Technology Article
From Table S8, the mass fraction of lithium is accounted for Notes
99.90 wt %. The authors declare no competing financial interest.
The SEM images of the precipitated Li2CO3 are illustrated in
Figure 6b, and it can be noticed that the precipitated Li2CO3
was presented as massive agglomerates of numerous primary
The authors acknowledge the financial support for this research
sheets. The particle size distribution (Figure 6c) is found to be from National Science−Technology Support Plan Projects
10.64 ± 1.47 μm. (2015BAB02B05), CAS Pioneer Hundred Talents Program
The mass fraction of Na+ among the metallic ions in the (Z.S.), and project Nos. 2016M591259 (China Postdoctoral
solution after precipitation is found to be 98.20%, where the Science Foundation for X. Zhang) and ZF1224 (Shanghai
anion through the entire leaching process is mainly HCOO−. Cooperative Centre for WEEE Recycling).
The solution can be further processed to prepare NaCOOH or
directly used for leather processing after pH adjustment,44 and
the Ni−Co−Mn precipitates are ready for precursor prepara-
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