Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Lectured by Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati
Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Lectured by Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati
Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Lectured by Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati
Discovery Learning, a summary by Theresia Sri Nuryani, SRN: S891408043 produces students who are productive as they work with others and learn from
Most educators are united around the idea that students nowadays Underlying Principles
need “21st century-skills” to be successful as they encounter rapidly changing The underlying principles for discovery learning can be traced back to
technologies and information as well as the end to comprehend this complex the constructivist, Jerome Seymour Bruner, who initiated discovery learning in
global society. Such skills include critical thinking and problem solving skills, the 1960s. Bruner claims that “practice in discovering for oneself teaches one
creativity and collaboration, communication and collaboration, visual literacy, to acquire information in a way that makes that information more readily
etc. Though not a magic potion, discovery learning may provide answers for viable in problem solving (Bruner, 1961: 26). He further argues that learners
the challenge. construct their own knowledge and do this by organizing and categorizing
Literature review suggests that discovery learning is a method of information using a coding system. And the most effective way to develop a
teaching which is inquiry-based, that is, a method of teaching that focuses on coding system is to discover it rather than being told by the teacher (Bruner,
active, hands-on learning opportunities for students. Thus, the learning takes 1961). The philosophy later is known with “learning by doing”. Bruner
place within individuals and the instructional strategies are designed by the believed that science curriculum should help students to become problem
teacher. The learning experience takes place when the teacher plays a role as a solvers by using discovery and inquiry. Real learning takes place when
coach who provides clues to help students to come to solutions or discovery. In students become problem solvers; they interact with the environment around
other words, the discovery learning happens whenever the students are not them and discover solutions. When they discover their own solutions, they
provided with an exact answer but rather the materials in order to find the will better remember what is taught. He is against the idea that science is
answer themselves through problem-solution activities. In so doing, students merely the accumulation of insights from textbooks, they learn both concepts
are expected to draw on their own experience and prior knowledge and interact and problem solving skills. The curiosity to know can motivate them to solve
with their environment by exploring or manipulating objects, struggling with the problems (Bruner, 2004). Through discovery learning students learn to
questions, or performing experiments. (Ormord, 1995: 442) recognize a problem, find ways to solve by searching for relevant information,
The review also suggests that discovery learning is beneficial for develop a solution strategy, and execute the chosen strategy (Borthick &
students for the following reasons: (1) it promotes active participation of the Jones, 2000: 181).
students in the learning process; (2) it fosters students’ curiosity as they gain Bruner’s books The Process of Education (1960) and Towards a Theory
opportunity to experiment and discover for themselves; (3) it develops of Instruction (1966) have been widely read and recognized as landmark texts.
students’ life-long learning skills (problem solving and creative skills) as most They had a direct impact on policy formation in the United States and
adults learn on the job and in real life situations; (4) it individualizes the influenced the thinking and orientation of teachers and scholars. Bruner
learning experience so as to promote a sense of independence and autonomy believes that the goal of education is intellectual development. He describes
and to make them responsible for their own mistakes and results; and (5) it this theory as one of instruction rather than learning. His theory of instruction
Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Lectured by Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati.
has four components, namely: curiosity and uncertainty, structure of 3) Sequencing
knowledge, sequencing, and motivation. The description of each is outlined According to Bruner students should be led through content
by Hassard and Dias (2013: 227-229) based on Bruner (1966) Towads a sequentially, as this will help them to understand and transfer the
Theory of Instruction as follows: knowledge that is learnt. And sequencing should move form enactive
1) Curiosity and Uncertainty (hands-on, concrete or action-based), to iconic (visual representation
Classes should be designed in such a way as to offer experiences that or image-based), to symbolic (descriptions in words or symbols
will help students be willing and able to learn, called the having to do with the concept or language-based). He notes that this
predisposition toward learning. The desire to learn and to undertake progression depends on individual learning styles.
problem solving can be activated through problem activities in which 4) Motivation
students explore alternative solutions. And the condition for the Bruner suggests that extrinsic rewards from the teacher (such as
exploration of alternatives is “the presence of some optimal level of praise) should gradually decrease until students are wholly satisfied
uncertainty” which is related directly to the students’ curiosity to with their inward abilities to solve problems (or intrinsic rewards
resolve uncertainty. The design of the classroom activities should inherent in solving problems or understanding the concepts). He
arouse the students’ curiosity and encourage them to explore various believes that learning depends on knowledge of results when it can be
alternatives to solve the problem. used for correction. Thus, it is important that students receive
2) Structure of Knowledge feedback so they can develop knowledge and understanding. The
Bruner states that curriculum designers and teachers “must specify teacher can provide a vital link to the learner in providing feedback at
the ways in which a body of knowledge should be structured so that t first, as well helping the learner develop techniques for obtaining
can be most readily understood by the learner” since “ any idea or feedback on his or her own.
problem or body of knowledge can be presented in a form simple Based on these tenets of instructions, it can be summed up that the
enough so that a particular learner can understand it in a recognizable educational goals of discovery learning is to promote a thorough
form.” (Bruner, 1977) He believes that any domain of knowledge or understanding, developing meta-cognitive skills, and encouraging a high level
problem (concept) within that domain can be presented in three ways: of student involvement.
(1) by a set of actions (enactive representation or action-based), (2) by Classroom Techniques and Procedure
a set of images or graphics that stand for the concept (iconic Hassard and Dias (2013: 229) discuss the procedure for Using
representation or image-based); (3) by a set of symbolic or logical Discovery Learning as follows:
statements (symbolic representation or language-based). These 1) Begin discovery learning by presenting students with a scenario that
actions, images and symbols will vary from one problem (concept) to has a problem that they can solve. You can place a copy of this on
another, but knowledge can be represented in these three forms.
Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Lectured by Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati.
the overhead to allow all students to read it at the same time or make 2. Ask students to search for the similarities and differences in each
copies of it and distribute to students; expression. If they succeed in finding: AT is used to show an exact
2) Depending on the class, you might have students work individually or time, ON is used at a particular day or time, and IN is used to suggest
with partners; a period of time, ask them if there are any regularities underlying
3) Next, distribute copies of the task to students. Read the task aloud each expression. Be aware that although the teacher will deliberately
and discuss any questions students might have; guide students towards the rules to be discovered, students should be
4) Address the necessary vocabulary by using graphic organizers. Have left to a certain extent to discover the rules for themselves.
students fill in the graphic organizers using dictionaries and other Closing
reference materials. Tell them that they can consult someone nearby Discovery learning or constructivist learning is a method of teaching
if they have a question about the vocabulary. If there is other originated from Bruner for the teaching of science which is also applicable for
information that students need to know, present it at this time; foreign language teaching. This method can promote higher-level skills, such
5) Distribute materials and provide students time to work on the as critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration and communication. This
solutions to the problems; is also believed to build a deep understanding of major concepts as the
6) For the final activity, have students present their final projects to the students are effectively involved in the learning in the learning process.
class. If applicable, have students enter a competition showcasing Drawback might be present, especially with young learners, as they
their solutions. might come to misconception when teacher fail to detect problems. Free
Follows are examples of classrooms techniques using discovery learning, exploration of a highly complex environment may generate a heavy working
adopted from Ichiyama Yoko (2002) in teaching preposition for junior memory load that is detrimental to learning. There might might difficulties of
high school students. integrating the new information with what they have known. Therefore, it is
The Task suggested that teachers modify learning in such a way that it suits with the
Students are given modified text, a short one, in which the length and language condition and the cognitive level of the students.
is assessable to students.
1. Draw two lines to separate the blackboard into three columns. Head
each of the three columns with the following words: AT, ON, IN. ask
students to call out the sentences that use each expression. Write the
sentences in the appropriate column. Add more examples that use
the target expression. Modify and simplify the language to suit your
students’ English.