PR1 - Handouts 1

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 A scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of facts that links
man’s speculation with reality.
 Good, a careful, critical, disciplined inquiry, varying in technique and method according to the nature and conditions of the
problem identified, directed toward the clarification or resolution of a problem.
 Aquino, the systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic or problem, analyzed and interpreted the data, and
presentation of research work.
 Manuel and Medel, the process of gathering data or information to solve a particular or specific problem in a scientific
 Parel, a systematic study or investigation of something for the purpose of answering questions posed by the researcher.
 Treece and Treece, it is the broadest sense in an attempt to gain solutions to problems. It is the collection of data in a
rigorously controlled situation for the purpose of prediction or explanation.
∑ = A purposive, systematic and scientific process of gathering, analyzing, classifying, organizing, presenting, and interpreting data
for the solution of a problem, for prediction, for verification of existing knowledge, all for the preservation and improvement of the
quality of human life.


In the 1950’s, the Philippines was second to Japan economically. Forty-five years ago, the Philippines were scientifically
ahead to most of the Southeast and East Asian nations as well as to Japan. But now, “the Philippines is less than a squeaky one tenth
of one percent.”
This fact is, indeed, embarrassing. One relevant indicator is the number of scientist, teachers and engineers engaged in
Research and Development (R&D) per 10,000 population. The figure for Japan is 40; for Korea 7; and the Philippines is 1.5. in Japan
the number of patents granted per year is around 45,000; in Korea 245; in the Philippines is 52. According to science officials, the
Philippines are among the cellar dwellers as regards the so-called technology index. If the United States is assigned 100 points, then
Japan gets 87; West Germany 45; and Philippines is a blushing negative 0.1.

PURPOSE OF RESEARCH (Aims, Objectives, Goals)

The main or principal purpose and goal of research is the preservation and improvement of the quality of human life. Good
and Scates, the purpose of research is to serve man and the goal of research is the good life.
Specific purposes and goals of research:
1. To discover new facts about know phenomena.
2. To find answers to problems which are only partially solved by existing method and information.
3. To improve existing techniques and develop new instruments or products.
4. To discover previously unrecognized substances or elements.
5. Discover pathways of action of known subtend and elements.
6. To order related, valid generalization into systematized science.
7. To provide basis for decision-making in business, industry, education, government, and in other undertaking.
8. To satisfy the research’s curiosity.
9. To find answers to queries by means of scientific methods.
10. To acquire a better and deeper understanding about one phenomenon.
11. To expand or verify existing knowledge.
12. To improve educational practices for raising the quality of school products.
13. To promote health and prolong life.
14. To provide man with more of his basic needs.
15. To make work, travel, and communications faster, easier, and more comfortable.


1. Research is systematic (Scientific Method) RESEARCHER
2. Research is controlled R – esearch-oriented
3. Research is empirical E – fficient
4. Research is analytical S - cientific
5. Research is objective, unbiased, and logical E - ffective
6. Research is employs hypothesis A - ctive
7. Research employs quantitative or statistical methods R - esourceful
8. Research is original work C - reative
9. Research is done by an expert H – onest
10. Research is accurate investigation, observation and description E – conomical
11. Research is patient and unhurried activity R - eligious
12. Research requires an effort-making capacity
13. Research requires courage
1. According to PURPOSE
a. Predicative or prognostic research – determining the future operation of the variables under investigation with the
aim of controlling or redirecting such for the better.
b. Directive research – determines what should be done based on the findings.
c. Illuminative research – concerned with the interaction of the components of the variable being investigated.
2. According to GOAL
a. Basic or pure research – done for the development of theories or principles and it is conducted for the intellectual
pleasure of learning.
b. Applied research – is the application of the results of pure research. This is testing the efficacy of theories and

3. According to the LEVEL OF INVESTIGATION

a. Exploratory research – studies the variables pertinent to specific.
b. Descriptive research – studies the relationships of the variable.
c. Experimental research – studies the effects of the variables on each other.
4. According to the TYPE OF ANALYSIS
a. Analytic approach – the research attempt to identify and isolate the components of the research situation.
b. Holistic approach – begins with the total situation, focusing attention on the system first and then on its internal
5. According to SCOPE
a. Action research – done on very limited scope to solve a particular problem which is not so big. It is almost problem-
a. Evaluation research – all possible course of action are specified and indentified and the researcher tries to find the
most advantageous.
b. Developmental research – focus is on finding or developing a more suitable instrument or process than has been
a. Quantitative or statistical research – statistics are utilized to determine the results of the study
b. Non-quantitative research – use of quantity or statistics is practically nil. Descriptive data are gathered rather than
quantitative data.
8. According to TIME ELEMENT
a. Historical research – describes the past.
b. Descriptive research – describes the present.
c. Experimental research – describes the future.


1. Tradition – this is accepting that customs, beliefs, practices, and superstitions are true and are parts of the daily lives of men.
No effort to find out whether they are true or not.
2. Authority – this is accepting without question, an opinion about a certain subject which is given by someone who is
considered an authority on the subject.
3. Inaccurate observation – this is describing wrongly what is actually observed.
4. Overgeneralization – this is establishing a pattern out of a few instances.
5. Selective observation – this is persisting to believe an observed pattern from an overgeneralization and ignoring other
pertinent patterns.
6. Made-up information – this is making up information to explain away confusion.
7. Illogical reasoning – this is attributing something to another without any logical basis.
8. Ego-involvement in understanding – this is giving an explanation when one finds himself in an unfavourable situation.
9. Mystification – this is attributing to supernatural power, the phenomena that cannot be understood.
10. To err is human – this is an attitude that admits the fallibility of man.
11. Dogmatism – this is an unwritten policy of certain institution and government prohibiting the study of topics that are believed
to run counter to the established doctrines of such institutions or governments.


Quantitative research Qualitative research
Associated with tradition Associated with naturalistic inquiry
Gathers numerical values as its data Gather narrative description as its data
Investigates concepts, constructs and variables Investigates phenomena and concepts
Uses deductive reasoning Use subjectivity that enriches the analytic insights
Uses control Gather information, insights that lead to search for futher
Gathers empirical evidence Takes place in the field
Takes place both in natural as well as in laboratory setting

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