We Did Different Activities, Two or Three People

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 What do you understand by Project Based Learning, according to your work with the teacher

last semester?

Actually, last semester we did something more dynamic and focused on something different

 What are the steps you followed in PBL last semester?

we did not follow steps, because I feel that the way the teacher taught us we learned more

 How many people were in each work group?

we did different activities, two or three people

 In your opinion what were the positive and negative aspects of working with PBL?

I liked the teacher's methodology very much, and that she worked on a problem that teenagers have a
hard time admitting

 What topics did you work on PBL last semester?

Body parts, personal love, accepting yourself as you are.

 What topic(s) would you propose for this semester?

I would like to work on the problems that teenagers suffer from that lead them to depression and not
wanting to love themselves

 Would you like to add any comment, question or suggestion for this semester's PBL work?

I wish we could work on the project ourselves, make it more dynamic and not boring.

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