Joint CHED MARINA Circular 01 s2019 With Annex B
Joint CHED MARINA Circular 01 s2019 With Annex B
Joint CHED MARINA Circular 01 s2019 With Annex B
In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known
as the "Higher Education Act of 1994"; RA No. 10635 and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) which established the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) as the Single
Maritime Administration of the Republic of the Philippines; the International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended
(STCW Convention , 1978, as amended); Executive Order (EO) No. 63 and its IRR which
further strengthened the authority of MARINA as Single Maritime Administration and, by virtue
of CHED Commission en banc (CEB) Resolution No. 271-2019 dated April 30, 2019, the
following policies, standards and guidelines (PSG) for the Bachelor of Science in Marine
Transportation (BSMT) and Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMarE) programs
are hereby adopted and promulgated.
This PSG was developed in pursuit of the educational reforms that include the
enhanced basic education curriculum through K to 12, the New General
Education Curriculum , and the ongoing quality assurance system for the
development, recognition and award of qualification to the BSMT and BSMarE
graduates based on the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) Level 6 and
International Standards.
Furthermore, this revised PSG serves the purpose of further ensuring the
compliance of BSMT and BSMarE programs with the pertinent requirements of
the STCW Convention , 1978, as amended , making them more responsive to
the needs of the industry and thereby maintaining the global competitiveness
of BSMT and BSMarE graduates and in particular, the Filipino seafarers serving
as officers in charge of a watch for international shipping.
In addition , based on the Guidelines for the Implementation of CMO No. 46, s.
2012, this PSG implements the shift to learning competency-based
standards/outcomes-based education. It adopts the competencies expected of
BSMT and BSMarE graduates as provided under the STCW Convention, 1978,
as amended , regardless of the type of higher education institution (HEI) they
graduated from .
Section 2. For purposes of this PSG , the following terms shall be construed as follows:
2.1. Approved TRB : Refers to the Training Record Book (TRB) designed by
the International Shipping Federation (ISF), GlobalMET or any other entity
and approved by the Maritime Admin istration in accordance with the
requirements of the STCW Convention , 1978, as amended .
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2.8. Completed Classroom Instruction (CCI) for OST: Referred to as
"Completed Academic Requirements" in previously issued PSGs, pertains
to the completion of the required courses under the BSMT or BSMarE
program prior to the OBT based on the Commission and Maritime
Administration approved curriculum.
2.11. Course Syllabus : A collection of elements that shows the plan for the
delivery of the course which includes competence , KUP and topics ,
intended learning outcomes , teaching and learning activities (TLA) ,
equipment, materials, and teaching aids, references, assessment, and
indicative number of hours.
For purposes of this PSG and the STCW Convention , the Diploma
serves as documentary evidence that the person whose name appears
therein has satisfactorily completed the mandatory education and training
for certification as an officer in charge of a watch .
2.16. Due Process: As used in this PSG , pertains to the guarantee that all
legal proceedings will be fair and that the concerned MHEI will be given
notice of the proceedings and an opportunity to be heard before the
Commission acts towards the closure of its BSMT or BSMarE program .
2.28. Seagoing ship: A ship other than those which navigate exclusively in
inland waters or in waters within , or closely adjacent to, sheltered waters
or areas where port regulations apply.
2.33. Unit: In line with CMO No. 40, series of 2008, one (1) unit of college
credit shall be equivalent to one (1) hour lecture or recitation each week
or a total of not less than seventeen (17) hours in a semester. Likewise,
one (1) unit of college credit is equivalent to two (2) or three (3) hours of
laboratory work, drafting, workshop or fieldwork each week for a total of
seventeen (17) weeks in a semester.
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All HEls, including state universities and colleges (SUCs), local colleges and
universities (LCUs), and autonomous and deregulated HEls, intending to offer
BSMT and/or BSMarE programs shall first secure approval from the
Commission before offering and conducting the said programs . The approval
shall be granted in the form of an Authority to Operate, upon recommendation
of the Maritime Administration , in accordance with this PSG.
If the partner is a domestic shipping company, the applicant HEI shall provide
objective evidence that such domestic shipping company has the capacity and
commitment to deploy cadets by showing the company's OBT program covered
by its Quality Management System , OBT Agreement and accreditation by the
Maritime Administration .
The applicant HEI shall also demonstrate its capability to comply with all the
requirements for the program being applied for in order to qualify for the grant
of a permit to operate .
The permit to operate shall initially cover the first and second year levels of the
program being applied for, and shall only be granted after the first and second
year level requ irements have been complied with.
Before the start of the second year of operation of the degree program , the
concerned MHEI shall apply for permit to operate the third year level of the
program. The third year permit to operate shall only be granted if compliance
with the first and second year level requirements is maintained and the third
year level requirements for the program being applied for have been complied
with . Otherwise, the permit to operate the first and second year levels of the
program concerned shall be revoked . The affected students shall be assisted
by the concerned MHEI in transferring to other institutions offering authorized
BSMT and/or BSMarE programs.
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An application shall be deemed disapproved if applicant HEI , despite due
notice, has not complied with the required documents within the prescribed
period . Said action shall also apply even if the Commission has not issued a
notice/letter of disapproval of application.
Before the start of the third year of operation of the authorized program , the
concerned MHEI shall file an application for recognition of such program in
accordance with Section 57 of CMO 40 , series of 2008.
The recognition shall only be granted when all requirements for the complete
operation of the BSMT or BSMarE program , including the provision of OBT for
students who are completing the classroom instruction prior to the grant of
recognition , have been complied with . Otherwise, the permit to operate the first,
second and third year levels of the program being applied for recognition shall
be revoked .
3.4 All MHEls with existing BSMT and/or BSMarE programs currently
authorized by the Commission shall adhere to and comply with all the
requirements under this PSG. Such compliance shall be verified through a joint
Commission and Maritime Administration inspection and evaluation of the HEls
3.5 The offering or operation of BSMT and/or BSMarE programs without the
proper authority to operate as provided under this PSG shall be unlawful, illegal
and shall be dealt with accordingly under the pertinent existing laws, rules and
regulations of the Republic of the Philippines.
3.6 The permit or recognition shall be exclusive to the MHEI to which it was
granted and shall be subject to the conditions set forth therein . The permit or
recognition cannot in anyway be alienated or be subject of any contract.
3.7 BSMT and/or BSMarE program of any MHEI that failed to comply with the
minimum requirements provided under this PSG shall be subject to closure
after due process .
5.1. The degree name for the mandatory education and training for Officers in
Charge of a Navigational Watch shall be Bachelor of Science in Marine
Transportation (BSMT).
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5.2 The degree name for the mandatory education and training for Officers in
Charge of an Engineering Watch shall be Bachelor of Science in Marine
Engineering (BSMarE).
6.1. The BSMT program shall cover the study of navigation , cargo handling and
stowage , and controlling the safe operation of the ship and care for persons on
board the ship at the operational level.
6.2. The BSMarE program shall cover the study of marine engineering including
but not limited to propulsion system and its auxiliaries, electrical , electronic and
control engineering , maintenance and repair, controlling the operation of the
ship and care for persons on board the ship at the operational level.
7.2. Specifically, the BSMT program shall aim to produce competent Officers in
Charge of a Navigational Watch on seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or
more while the BSMarE program shall aim to produce competent Officers in
Charge of an Engineering Watch in a manned engine-room or as designated
duty engineer in a periodically unmanned engine-room on seagoing ships
powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW or more.
9.1. The following fields shall be considered as allied to the BSMT program for
purposes of determining the qualifications of faculty:
a. Mechanical Engineering
b. Electrical Engineering
c. Chemical Engineering
d. Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
e. Law
f. Meteorology
g. IT related fields
9.2. The following fields shall be considered as allied to the BSMarE program
for purposes of determining the qualifications of faculty:
a. Mechanical Engineering
b. Electrical Engineering
c. Chemical Engineering
d. Electronics Engineering
e. Industrial Engineering
f. Instrumentation and Control Engineering
g. Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
h. Law
i. IT related fields
The program outcomes for the BSMT and BSMarE programs are expressed in
the following set of learning outcomes :
10.3.1. BSMT
10.3.2. BSMarE
A Institution
Performance Indicator Metrics Targets
An attribute of the ideal Could include overall results The desired standards
graduate could be their of licensure examination or such as minimum values
ability to "apply their employment rates of of 70% passing rate in
professional skills to graduates, awards to the licensure examination ,
become experts in their graduates or to the 80% employment rate, 1
areas of specialization institution, or the MHEls award per year or
and expertise" involvement in the involvement in the
development of local and development of 2 local
reQional national policies policies
Page 10 of 42 or
@ ....
~ . j
B. Program
C. Course
12.1. MHEls authorized to offer BSMT program shall ensure that every student
thereof shall have acquired the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to
meet the standards of competence specified in Sections A-II/1 and A-IV/2 of the
STCW Code for certification as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch
serving on a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more and as Global
Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) Radio Operator, respectively .
12.2. MHEls authorized to offer BSMarE program shall ensure that every
student thereof shall have acquired the knowledge, understanding and skills
needed to meet the standards of competence specified in Section A-I 11/1 of the
STCW Code for certification as Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch in a
manned engine-room or designated duty engineer officer in a periodically
unmanned engine-room on a seagoing ship powered by main propulsion
machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more.
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The Commission and the Maritime Administration shall develop, adopt and
implement the minimum curriculum standards for BSMT and BSMarE programs
which shall be offered by the MHEls.
The structure of BSMT and BSMarE curricula was set based on the Curriculum
Map contained in Annex A of this PSG.
The curriculum of BSMT program shall have a total of 175 credit units consisting
of the Professional Courses, OBT, Physical Education (PE), National Service
Training Program (NSTP) and the General Education component following
CMO No. 20, series of 2013.
The curriculum of BSMarE program shall have a total of 179 credit units
consisting of the Professional Courses which include mechanical and electrical
workshop skills training as illustrated in the Table 1 below, OBT, PE, NSTP and
the General Education component following CMO No. 20, Series of 2013.
The outline and content of the curriculum for BSMT is based on the curriculum
map as presented in Annex A . The curriculum map includes the course title and
corresponding hours allocated to cover the delivery of prescribed competence,
knowledge, understanding and proficiency for the different functions outlined in
Table A-1I/1 and the specific knowledge and understanding under Table A-1I/2
of the STCW Code that are covered by this program.
The MHEls shall comply with the pre-requisites required and co-requisites for
the course concerned.
No. of Total Prereql
Courses Units per
Courses Course Units Coreq
a) Core Courses 8 3 24
NGEC 1- Understanding the Self
NGEC 2- Readings in Philippine History
NGEC 3- The Contemporary World
NGEC 4- Mathematics in the Modern
NGEC 5 - Purposive communication
NGEC 6 - Art Appreciation
NGEC 7 - Science, Technology, &
NGEC 8 - Ethics
Page 13 of 42
No. of Total Prereql
Courses Units per
Courses Course
Units Coreq
b) Elective 3 3 9
NGEC 9 - Math , Science, & Technology
NGEC 10 - Social Sciences &
NGEC 11 - Arts and Humanities
c) Mandated Course/s 7 17
Rizal- The Life and Works of Dr. Jose
1 3 3
Physical Education (PE) (1, 2, 3, 4) 4 2 8
National Service Training Program
2 3 6
(NSTP) 1 and 2
Nav 1 - Navigational Instruments with 4 (3-3)
Nav 2 - Terrestrial & Coastal Navigation 1 5 (5-0) Nav 1
Nav 3 - Terrestrial & Coastal Navigation 2 5 (3-6) Nav 2
Nav 4 - Celestial Navigation 3 (2-3) Nav 3
Nav 5 - Operational use of RADAR/ARPA 3 (2-3) D-Watch 1
Nav 6 - Operational use of ECDIS 2 (1-3) Nav 5
Nav 7 - Voyage Planning 3 (2-3) Nav6
Seam 1 - Ship, Ship Routines & Ship 4 (3-3)
Seam 2 - Trim, Stability & Stress 5 (5-0) Seam 1
Seam 3 - Cargo Handling and Stowage 3 (2-2) Seam 2
(Non-Dangerous Goods)
Seam 4 - Cargo Handling & Stowage 3 (2-2) Seam 2
(Dangerous Goods &
Seam 5 - Ship Handling & Maneuvering 3 (2-3) D-Watch 1
Seam 6 - Advance Trim , Stability & Stress 6 (6-0) Seam 2
D-Watch 1 - Collision Regulations 4 (3-3)
D-Watch 2 - Deck Watchkeeping with 3 (2-3) D-Watch 1
Bridge Resource Nav6
Management Mgmt 1
Met-O 1 - Meteorology & Oceanography 1 5 (5-0)
Met-O 2- Meteorology & Oceanography 2 4 (4-0) Met-O 1
Mar Power - Basic Marine Engineering 4 (4-0)
Marcom - Maritime Communications 5 (3-6)
BT - Basic Training No credit
(in accordance to Section 21 - Basic unit
ICT - Software Applications and Network 2 (1-3)
System used in Seagoing Ships
Mar Env - Protection of the Marine 3 (3-0)
Mar Law - Maritime Law 4 (4-0)
Mgmt 1- Leadership and Teamwork 3 (3-0)
Mgmt 2 - Integrated Management System 2 (2-0)
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SUMMARY OF UNITS Total number of Units
General Education Courses 50
Professional Courses 85
Onboard Training 40
Recommended elective Professional CoursesfTopics
1. Ship Operations and Shipyard Practice
2. Ship Superintendence and Chartering Practice
3. Ship Survey and Vetting Inspection
4. Port Management and Logistics
5. Trends , Issues, and Breakthroughs in the Maritime Industry
6. Emerging Technologies in the Maritime Industry
The outline and content of the curriculum for BSMarE is based on the
curriculum map as presented in Annex A. The curriculum map includes the
course title and corresponding hours allocated to cover the delivery of
prescribed competence, knowledge, understanding and proficiency for the
different functions outlined in Table A-1I1/1 and the specific knowledge and
understanding under Table A-II 1/2 of the STCW Code that are covered by this
The MHEls shall comply with the pre-requisites required and co-requisites for
the course concerned .
b) Elective 3 3 9
NGEC 9 - Math , Science, & TechnoloQY
NGEC 10 - Social Sciences & Philosophy
NGEC 11 - Arts and Humanities
c) Mandated Course/s 7 17
Rizal - The Life and Works of Dr. Jose
3 1 3
Physical Education (PE) (1, 2, 3, 4) 4 2 8
National Service Training Program (NSTP) 1&2 2 3 6
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No. of t Units Total Prereq I
Courses per
Courses Units Co-req
Mach 1 - Hand and Measuring Tools 2 (1-4)
Mach 2 - Machining Tools 2 (1-4)
Mach 1
Mach 1
Mach 3 - Gas & Electric Welding 2 (1-4)
E Mat
Electro 1 - Basic Electricity 4 (3-3)
Electro 2 - Basic Electronics 3 (2-3) Electro 1
Electro 3 - Marine Electricity & Electrical
5 (3-6) Electro 1
Aux Mach 1 - Auxiliary Machinery 1 6 (5-3)
Aux Mach 2 - Auxiliary Machinery 2 5 (4-3) AuxMach 1
PPD - Power Plant Diesel 5 (4-3) Thermo
AuxMach 1
PASGT - Propulsion Ancillary Systems & Mech
3 (2-3)
Gas Turbine IChem
PPS - Power Plant Steam 6 (5-3) Auto 1
Electro 2
Auto 1 - Basic Control Engineering 4 (3-3)
Auto 2 - Marine Automation 4 (3-3) Auto 1
Maint - Maintenance and Repair AuxMach 2
3 (2-3) PPS
Mach 3
EWK1- Engine Room Watch keeping Prereq
Principles 1 AuxMach 2
3 (3-0) Co-req
EWK2- Engine Watchkeeping with
1 (0-3) Mgmt 1
Resource Management
Nav Arch- Naval Architecture for Marine Co-req
2 (2-0)
Engineering Mech
E Mat - Engineering Materials 4 (4-0)
Thermo - Thermodynamics 4 (3-3)
Draw - Maritime Drawing and Diagrams 1 (0-3)
IChem - Industrial Chemistry and Tribology 3 (2-3)
Mech - Mechanics and Hydromechanics 3 (3-0)
BT- Basic Training No
(in accordance to Section 21 - Basic Credit
Training) Unit
ICT- Software Applications and Network
2 (1-3)
System used in Seagoing Ships
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No. of t Units Total Prereq I
Courses per
Courses Units Co-req
Mar Env - Protection of the Marine
3 (3-0)
Mar Law - Maritime Law 4 (4-0)
Mgmt 1 - Leadership and Teamwork 3 (3-0)
Mgmt 2 - Integrated Management Systems 2 (2-0)
All MHEls shall strictly implement and abide by the guidance provided in CMO
No. 20, series of 2013 entitled "General Education Curriculum : Holistic
Understandings, Intellectual and Civic Competencies."
MHEls shall adhere to the program of study for BSMT and BSMarE programs,
which shall be prescribed by the Commission and the Maritime Administration .
MHEls shall adhere to the course specifications for BSMT and BSMarE
programs , as prescribed by the Commission and the Maritime Administration.
The following teaching and learning activities may be utilized in the course
delivery, but not limited to :
1. PeerfTeam Teaching
2. Micro-teaching
3. FilmlVideo Viewing
4. Interactive Learning
5. Reporting
6. Brainstorming
7. Class Discussion
8. Question and Answer Technique
9. Panel Discussion
10. Focused Group Discussion
11 . Workshop Activity
12. Buzz Session
13. Concept/Mind Mapping
14. Gallery Walk
15. Research Project
16. Seminar/Symposium
17. Debate
18. Study Tour
The MHEls shall also conduct a regular review of the prescribed curriculum
based on relevant national and international rules and statutory requirements
affecting maritime education and training , as well as feedbacks from faculty
members, students , school officials/personnel , end-users and other industry
stakeholders . The policies and procedures to this effect shall be embodied in
the MHEI 's Quality Standards System .
The result of such review shall be submitted to the Commission together with
a recommendation for revision of the curriculum , as necessary.
The MHEls may enhance their BSMT and/or BSMarE curricula according to
and as suited to their own context and mission. However, changes that may
affect the prescribed minimum curriculum standards shall be subject to
approval by the Commission and the Maritime Administration prior to
implementation .
20.2.1 . Any proposed revision or enhancement that may affect the prescribed
minimum curriculum standards shall be submitted in electronic and hard copies
at least one year before the intended implementation to Maritime Education
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Section (MES), Division of Programs with International Conventions, Office of
Programs and Standards Development of the Commission. The submitted
proposed revision or enhancement to the curriculum shall be reviewed jointly
by the Commission and the Maritime Administration for approval.
A revised curriculum shall take effect and be implemented on the intended year
of implementation after approval by the Commission and the Maritime
21.1. The Basic Training is a component of the BSMT and BSMarE programs.
For this purpose, the MHEls shall first apply and secure proper approval from
the Maritime Administration to offer the said course.
In case the MHEls cannot offer the Basic Training component to its BSMT
and/or BSMarE students, the concerned MHEI shall enter into a Memorandum
of Agreement (MOA) with a maritime training institution (MTI) offering an
approved Basic Training course located within the region subject to the
following regulations:
21.1.1. the concerned MHEI shall submit to the Commission the following
documents as evidence of compliance with Section 21.1 of this PSG , and shall
be subject to verification and monitoring :
21.1.2. In case the MTI covered by the MOA is not located within the region ,
the concerned MHEI shall submit to the Commission the following documents,
in addition to the requirements in Section 21 .1.1.:
1. A written justification for such an arrangement; and
2. Parents' consent for concerned students attending Basic Training in MTI
covered by the MOA not located within the region .
21.1 .3. The MOA mentioned in this PSG must be valid . In case of any
complaint, the Commission and the Maritime Administration shall conduct a
verification visit of the MHEI and training institution concerned.
21.1.4. In case the MHEI decides to enter into a MOA with another or additional
MTI(s), the above regulations shall apply.
21.1.5. In case the MOA is terminated , the Commission must be immediately
informed of such termination.
22.1. As a general rule, MHEls shall ensure that all students in the BSMT
and BSMarE programs who have "completed classroom instruction for
OBT" as per Commission and Maritime Administration approved curriculum
shall be provided with OBT slot to finish their study and be granted with the
corresponding degree thereof.
22.2. The compliance of MHEls with the requirements under Section 22.1
above shall be determined by computing the percentage of OBT
deployment based on the total number of students who completed the
classroom instruction for OBT in a particular class. Provided that, students
who opted not to pursue or undertake the required OBT for whatever
reason, shall not be included in the computation of the percentage of
deployment. Provided further that, such students shall be required to
execute a duly notarized Affidavit of Undertaking stating clearly the
reason(s) for not pursuing such requirement. Provided finally that, the
notarized Affidavit of Undertaking shall be presented during inspection
and/or monitoring activities conducted by the Maritime Administration and
the Commission.
For this purpose, MHEls shall comply with the minimum required
deployment percentage as follows:
Number of
students who Not less
Completed the Not less Not less Not less than
Classroom than than than 80%
Instruction (CCI) 60% 60% 60% ofCCI
for OBT in a of CCI for of eCI for of CCI for effective for
particular class AY 2018- AY 2019- AY 2020- AY 2021-
prior to the 2019 2020 2021 2022
Academic Year of onwards
22.3. MHEls shall ensure that the requirement to execute a duly notarized
Affidavit of Undertaking for student(s) who opted not to pursue or undertake the
required OBT shall be duly disseminated by including such requirement in the
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Student's Manual/Handbook. They shall also conduct student orientation, or
post notices regarding such requirement in conspicuous places within the
MHEI's premises or in MHEl's website to ensure effective information
dissemination . Evidence of compliance with these requirements shall also be
presented during inspection and/or monitoring of the concerned MHEI.
22.5. All students shall be allowed to complete the OBT as well as other
graduation requirements within six (6) years after completion of classroom
instruction . Students who completed the OBT beyond six years shall be
required to undertake and complete a Refresher Course approved by the
Maritime Administration prior to the conferment of his degree.
22.6. In the event that there are new competence(s) and knowledge,
understanding and proficiency requirements prescribed under the STCW
Convention prior to graduation, the student(s) concerned shall first be required
to complete an Updating Course approved by the Maritime Administration prior
to the conferment of the degree.
The Dean of the College of Maritime Education may be anyone of the following :
24.2 Management Level Officer who shall have:
12 months of seagoing experience as "Management Level Officer;
3 years of teaching experience;
1 year of supervisory experience;
BSMT or BSMarE degree;
Master's degree preferably related to BSMTI BSMarE program ;
completed Training Course for Instructors (IMO Model Course 6.09)
completed Training Course on Assessment, Examination and
Certification of Seafarers (IMO Model Course 3.12);
.. Master or Chief Mate / Chief Engineer or Second Engineer
.... Third Officer or Second Officer I Fourth Engineer or Third Engineer
25.1. 8SMT
Page 22 of 42
25.1.2 Management Level Officer who shall have:
24 months of seagoing experience as **Officer in Charge of a
Watch ;
4 years of teaching experience ;
1 year of supervisory experience;
BSMT degree;
Master's degree preferably related to BSMT/ BSMarE program;
completed Training Course for Instructors (IMO Model Course 6.09)
and ;
completed Training Course on Assessment, Examination and
Certification of Seafarers (I MO Model Course 3.12).
* Master or Chief Mate / Chief Engineer or Second Engineer
** Third Officer or Second Officer / Fourth Engineer or Third Engineer
25.2 BSMarE
* Master or Chief Mate / Chief Engineer or Second Engineer
** Third Officer or Second Officer / Fourth Engineer or Third Engineer
Section 26 Faculty
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26.2. Faculty members teaching Professional Courses shall be holders of
relevant academic degree, experiences and credentials as follows:
Mach 1, 2 and 3
Electrical Electro 1 and 2
Engineering Electro 3 and Auto 2
(if with Shipboard
Chemical IChem
Naval Architecture Seam 2 NavArch
and Marine Draw
Law Maritime Law Maritime Law
Meteorology MetO 1 and MetO 2
Information ICT ICT
Industrial Mechanics and
Engineering Hydromechanics
Electronics Electro 1 and 2
Engineering Electro 3 and Auto 2
(if with Shipboard
Instrumentation Auto 1
and Control
BS Industrial Mach 1, 2, and 3
Technology with
a. completed the "Train the Simulator Trainer and Assessor Course" (IMO
Model Course 6.10) approved or recognized by the Maritime
Administration ;
26.8. MHEI shall ensure that it has a faculty evaluation system involving
students, peers and supervisor covered by its ass.
MHEls shall have a quality assurance mechanism and process which ensures
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27.2. The MHEls shall ensure that the assessment is conducted by a
designated Assessor with the following qualifications :
29.1.1. The final grade or rating given to a student shall be based solely on
scholarly performance in any course. Any adjustment or diminution to the final
grade for co-curricular activities, attendance or misconduct shall not be allowed .
Any final grade given to a student may be reviewed in accordance with
institutional academic processes.
1. Lecture Component
a. Written Examinations
b. Oral Examinations
c. Research works
d. Outputs such as project, portfolio, and others
2. Laboratory Component
a. Scientific and Technical Experiments
b. Demonstration of competences acquired
29.2.4. The scholastic records of every student for each academic term shall
be filed and maintained within the institution until the end of the next academic
term, for reference or examination purposes in case of any grievance or
complaint. Thereafter, such scholastic records shall be maintained via
electronic means.
30.1 MHEls shall ensure that the graduates of BSMT and/or BSMarE programs
shall be able to pass the assessment of competence prescribed by the Maritime
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Section 32. Carrying Capacity
MHEls should regularly submit to CHED a report on any change in the carrying
capacity on or before April 30 immediately preceding the start of any academic
The intake of students for all levels shall be computed with the following ratios
in mind.
Equipment to
Student Ratio
Chart Room: Chart Tables 1:2
Navigational Equipment: Marine Sextant 1:5
Ship's Bridge Simulator 1:4
GMDSS/Communication Simulator 1:4
Seamanship Room: Work Benches 1:8
Seamanship Room: Vises For Splicing 1:2
Seamanship Room: Painting Stage With Rigging 1:6
Seamanship Room: Boatswain's Chair 1:5
Personal Protective Equipment 1:1
Equipment to
Student Ratio
Drawing Table 1:1
Lathe Machine 1:5
Electric Arc Welding Machine 1:4
Gas Welding 1:4
Diesel Engine 1:8
For Operational diesel engine
(2 or 4 stroke whichever is available): 1:2
1. For engine of 5-20kW 1:4
2. For engine of 21-60kW 1:6
3. For engine of 61-100kW 1:8
4. For engine of 101-200kW
For non-operational : 1:8
Complete 400kW marine diesel engine
Steam Plant 1:8
Refrigeration 1:6
Pumps/ Compressors/ Separators 1:5
Test Instruments 1:1
Training Kit/Module 1:4
Main Switchboard 1:5
Process Control Simulator 1:4
Engine Room Simulator(ERS) 1:4
Personal Protective Equipment 1:1
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32.3. The carrying capacity of BSMT and or BSMarE programs in recognized
MHEls shall be reviewed annually to facilitate changes in the number of
enrollees depending on new investments in faculty recruitment and
development, equipment, facilities and opportunities for supervised OBT.
33.1. An MHEI shall own its institutional sites and buildings to conform with this
PSG . The institutional sites and buildings shall be designed and constructed in
conformity with the Fire Code and the National Building Code of the Philippines
and city/provincial ordinances . School buildings must be equipped with
adequate equipment, safety measures and procedures following paragraphs 2,
3, 4 and 5 of Section 26 of CMO No. 40, series of 2008 .
1. Institutional site/lot
2. Athletic field and/or gymnasium
3. Administrative Offices (General or Executive Office, Registrar,
Accounting , National Service Training Program (NSTP),
Guida nce/Placement office)
4. Medical and dental clinic
5. Toilets
6. Canteen/cafeteria
7. Faculty room
8. Student lounge
9. Library room
10. Laboratory room
11. Tool room
12. OST Office
13. Research and Extension Office
14. Adequate facilities for swimming or MOA with service providers
Laboratory rooms shall allow space appropriate to the size of the equipment
and the number of students. It should be well-ventilated and well-lighted,
contain the specific laboratory equipment and, where appropriate , adequate
water supply is provided. The following laboratory rooms shall be made
35.3.1. All laboratory equipment shall be owned by the institution and located
within the institutional site. There shall be sufficient number of equipment,
machinery, apparatus, supplies, tools and other materials, accessories and
consumables contained in ANNEX C of this PSG.
35.3.2. The institution shall provide the necessary audiovisual room and
facilities with appropriate equipment in support of the teaching-learning process
such as video, sound system, multi-media projectors, and others.
35.3.3. "Sufficient and appropriate" means that the number of such teaching
aids and equipment shall be proportionate and adequate to the number of
students enrolled in a particular course based on the carrying capacity
requirement of this PSG so as to ensure their sufficient exposure to the
equipment and attainment of the required outcomes.
All MHEls offering or intending to offer the BSMT and/or BSMarE programs
shall provide for their own simulator equipment required under this PSG. Such
equipment shall comply with the standards as prescribed in accordance with
Regulation 1/12, Section A-I/12 and Section B-I/12 of the STCW Convention,
1978, as amended , which are specifically provided under ANNEX C of this
Section 37. All MHEls shall establish a QSS that covers the administration, implementation ,
delivery and supervision of their approved BSMT and/or BSMarE programs to
ensure achievement of defined objectives that will lead to acquisition of
competence as prescribed in the STCW, represented by the program outcomes
specific to the discipline as specified under Sections 10.3.1 and 10.3.2 of this
PSG, respectively.
37.1. The QSS of an MHEI shall cover and include, among others , the following
key elements:
.2 an expressed Quality Policy and the means by which such policy shall
be implemented;
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.4 the Operational Techniques and Activities to ensure quality control and
stated institutional and program outcomes, shall include:
a. Document development (drafts, reviews , approval)
b. Control of Records
c. Internal audits
d. Management Reviews
e. Handling of Non-conformities, including Root Cause Analysis;
f. Review of new international and local ru les and regulations versus
the programs offered , in order to determine the need for
revision/updating/developing courses/facilities/equipment;
g. Broad statements that describe the career and professional
accomplishments that the program is preparing the graduates to
achieve .
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The quality standards should be applied to both management and
operational levels of the activity, and should take account of how it is
managed, organized , undertaken and evaluated , in order to ensure that
the identified goals are achieved .
39.1. The faculty of MHEls shall pursue research that reflects scholarship of
application , integration, teaching , or, in exceptional instances, scholarship of
39.2. The faculty shall provide opportunities for all students to integrate
research into required projects and activities (e .g. formulation of a navigation
plan ; formulation of a plan for the management of a marine environment, among
Section 40. Extension Services
Every MHEI shall have extension services relevant to the maritime industry.
The following must be observed:
Section 41. Every MHEI shall establish a guidance system that will monitor the progress of
the student's scholastic performance and personality development. MHEls
shall adhere to the following admission and retention criteria .
Students intending to enroll in the BSMT or BSMarE program shall comply with
the minimum requirements for admission as follows:
The MHEI shall have a policy on the administration of the following admission
.1 IQ Test;
.2 Personality Test; and
.3 Math, Science and English .
.1 have the physical capability to fulfil all the requirements of the basic
training as required by Section A-VI/1 , paragraph 2 of the STCW
.2 demonstrate adequate hearing and speech to communicate
effectively and detect any audible alarms;
.3 have no medical condition , disorder or impairment that will prevent
the effective and safe conduct of their routine and emergency duties
on board the ship;
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.4 not suffering from any medical condition likely to be aggravated by
service at sea or to render the student unfit for such service;
.5 not taking any medication ; and
.6 adhere to the minimum in-service eyesight standards set out in
Table A-I/9 .
42.3.2 The physical and medical fitness test shall be conducted by a DOH-
accredited Medical Practitioner for conducting medical examination for
a) academic delinquency;
b) violation of rules and regulations of the institution;
c) failure to settle due tuition and other school fees , and other
d) sickness or disease that would prevent the student to handle the
pressures of school work or his continued presence thereat would be
deleterious to other members of the academic community; and
e) the closure of a program by the institution, or the closure of the
institution itself;
43.2. In case of transfer of a student, MHEls shall strictly observe the provisions
under Sections 95 and 96 of CMO 40, series of 2008.
43.3 The OBT shall not be considered as substitute to the one-year residency
requirement in an MHEI for graduation if the period of such OBT enrolled in the
concerned MHEI is less than one (1) year.
A. MHEI's Responsibility
The concerned MHEI shall take full accountability and responsibility of any
adverse effect to the students affected by such closure without prejudice to any
civil and criminal liability under existing laws. MHEI shall inform the affected
students of the closure and shall advise to immediately report to the
concerned CHED Regional Office.
The MHEI shall remain obligated to furnish the necessary credentials and
records to students affected by the closure and cause the preservation of all
academic records of students by submitting electronic copies of the same to
the CHED Regional Office (CHEDRO) concerned .
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B. Program of Assistance to Students Affected by the Closure of BSMT
and/or BSMarE programs
Upon receipt of the implementing order of the CEB , the CHEDRO shall
formulate together with the concerned MHEI, other MHEls in the area ,
representative of the students affected , an exit plan detailing the program of
assistance .
The CHEDRO shall immediately provide a report to the Comm ission as to the
number, names and other pertinent details of the affected students at each
year level and the exit plan. Further, the CHEDRO shall notify the affected
students and parents of the status of the program and the assistance
hereunder provided , through any reasonable means available.
For third year students who have completed the Classroom Instruction , they
shall be advised by the CHEDRO to decide whether they will continue to
pursue the maritime program or other programs. For those who will pursue
the BSMT or BSMarE per existing PSG , they shall be advised to immediately
report to the concerned CHEDRO wh ich shall provide assistance for
transferring to a recognized MHEI.
The MHEI which accepted the affected students shall submit to CHEDRO a
report containing the number, names and other pertinent details at each year
The maximum Teaching Load for faculty teaching students affected by closure
shall be as follows :
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Using the CHED Implementation Handbook for aBE and ISA as reference, a HEI shall develop
the following items which will be submitted to the Commission when they apply for a permit
for a new program :
Section 45. A complete set of institutional and program outcomes, including its proposed
additional program outcomes.
Section 46. Proposed curriculum , and its justification, including a curriculum map.
Section 47. Proposed performance indicators for each outcome. Proposed measurement
system for the level of attainment of each indicator.
Section 48. Proposed outcomes-based syllabus for each course , arranged in sequence
following the curriculum matrix.
Section 49. Administration , faculty, and staff profile with supporting documents.
Section 51. List of library, laboratory, and classroom facilities and equipment, with
supporting documents.
Article XIII
55.1. Surveillance
55.2. Sanctions
55.2.1. Non-compliance with the provisions of this PSG , after due process ,
shall make it imperative for the Commission to impose sanctions upon the
recommendation of the Maritime Administration based on the following
55.2.2. The sanctions for MHEls offering the BSMT and/or BSMarE programs
shall be based on the outcome of the monitoring visits or institutional
performance in the following different key areas of evaluation , thus:
The monitoring shall follow the procedures set forth in the existing CHED-
MARINA Memorandum Circular on Monitoring and Evaluation.
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Rendition of Order/Decision . Upon the lapse of the period for the filing of a
Show Cause Order or upon of the evaluation of the Position Paper submitted,
MARINA shall forward the case to the TPME for its recommendation and
submission to the Commission en banc for the imposition of sanctions in
accordance with laws, rules and regulations, and other applicable MARINA-
CHED issuances.
a. New evidence had been discovered which materially affects the order,
directive or decision;
b. Grave errors of facts or law or serious irregularities have been committed
prejudicial to the interest of the HEI.
Upon receipt of the Motion, the Commission shall forward the same to the
TPME for its recommendation and the TPME shall submit its recommendation
to the Commission en bancoThe Commission en banc shall act on the Motion
for Reconsideration.
Effect of Pendency of Petition for Review/Certiorari with the Court. The filing
and pendency of a petition for review with the Court of Appeals or certiorari with
the Supreme Court shall not stop the execution of the decision of the
Commission unless the Court issues a restraining order or an injunction .
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Section 59. Non-applicability of Certain Benefits of Autonomous or Deregulated
All MHEls with autonomous or deregulated status shall enjoy all the benefits
appurtenant thereto , except for the following :
a) Exemption from the issuance of Special Order (S .O.) for their graduates of
BSMT or BSMarE programs ;
b) Free from regular monitoring and evaluation by CHED of their BSMT or
BSMarE programs ; and
c) Privilege to determine and prescribe their curricular programs.
All MHEls with levels I, II , III or IV program accreditation for BSMT or BSMarE
shall enjoy all the benefits appurtenant thereto, except for the following:
All issuances, PSGs issued before the effectivity of this Joint Memorandum
Circular which are inconsistent with the provision of this PSG are hereby
deemed repealed , amended , modified or superseded accordingly.
If any part or provision of this PSG shall be held unconstitutional or invalid, other
provisions hereof which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force
and effect.
Upon effectivity of this Joint CHED - MARINA Memorandum Circular, all MHEls
shall comply and adhere to the PSGs herein prescribed based on the following
considerations :
63.1. Curriculum
63.1.1 MHEls shall continue to adopt and implement the curriculum that was
approved prior to the issuance of this Joint CHED-MARINA Memorandum
Circular until Second Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020 only.
63.1.2 Starting First Semester of Academic Year 2020-2021 , MHEls shall adopt
and implement the maritime education program standard curriculum which shall
be prescribed and made available by the Commission and Maritime
Administration on or before 31 March 2020.
This PSG shall take effect immediately after 15 days following its publication in
the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.
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