Self-Evaluation Checklist For Scientific Reports: What To Look Out For YES NO
Self-Evaluation Checklist For Scientific Reports: What To Look Out For YES NO
Self-Evaluation Checklist For Scientific Reports: What To Look Out For YES NO
Since being able to write good research reports is an essential part of your training in Biology, and
these reports account for a significant proportion of your grades, use this checklist to make sure that
your report meets all the requirements listed before you hand in your next report. Tick in the
appropriate columns and note the necessary improvements where needed. Then make the relevant
changes in your reports. You are encouraged to attach this checklist when submitting your report.
2. The Abstract …
a. summarizes the whole experiment in one paragraph.
b. provides concise information on the objective, procedure,
results, discussion and finally the conclusion of the
3. The Introduction …
a. provides a context for the research.
b. synthesizes information from the literature tracing the
development of knowledge of the problem and summarizes
its present state.
c. identifies gaps and inadequacies of current knowledge.
8. References Section…
a. contains accurate documentation of sources used.
b.. follows convention of documentation of the field
Writing in Science
I have checked to ensure that I have presented my points
in a logical sequence and used connectors to make it
easy for a reader to follow my points.
I have expressed myself in the most concise and
accurate way I can. There are no ambiguous statements
or pronouns that makes my writing unclear.
Sentence structure…I do not have fragments or run-on
sentences; I use the active voice instead of the passive
voice where possible.
I have run the spell checker through the text to ensure
there are no spelling mistakes.
© Dr. Elaine Khoo, 2005. The Writing Centre, University of Toronto at Scarborough. See terms and conditions for use