Persuasive Speech

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How many hours are left or remaining in your class or work?

And how far your

house to your school place? Is it enough to go in college? Maybe not if you have to
commute, but it is simply meant logging on to your school’s website, you could
complete a simple assignment, tutorials, discussion and giving activities given by the
online instructors without outgoing to your house and spend more time to your job,
family and friends. I’d like to enlighten you that we should open-minded and recognize
the various contain of online education. I’m assuming that none of you will not argue
that online education is impossible. You’ll agree, online education is beneficial.
However, I’m not sure all of us are getting interested. Am I right? I’d like to tell you,
then, not how to be an online learner/student but to persuade you to get some ideas
and support the online education. According to Ambient Insight Chief Research Officer
Sam S. Adkins, already about 450,000 K-12 students attend virtual schools or “cyber”
charters schools full time, 1.75 million students take online classes by the year of
2010. But this 2014 the situation changed. The number of students taking courses in
physical classrooms will drop to 40.49 million, while 3.78 million will take all their
classes online, and 6.6 million will getting classes online. It emphasize the numerous
students who studied through online classes.
Online education provide experiences in learning-by-doing. Communication is a
major concern to influence the development of online education. There have Internet
Connection. According to two pioneers of internet in the Philippines, Dr. William Torres
and Benjie Tan, internet is a global network connecting in the world wide and according
to Internet Live Statistics as of August 7, 2015, there was estimated 4 billion internet
users worldwide. The number of internet uses represents nearly 40% of the Philippine
population. About 20%, included users are students, undergraduates who are taking
online education. And the Gadgets/Technologies. 70% of students they are use their
laptops. The Philippines has the fastest growing internet audience in Southeast Asia.
The number of online users jumped 42% with online learners and the Online Education
Act. In the Senate of the Philippines, 16 th Congress. The Senate Bill No. 2274. Open
Learning and Distance education Act of 2014 filled on June 4, 2014 by Cynthia Villar,
Recto Ralph, Miriam Santiago Defensor, Jinggoy Estrada, Sonny Angara and Pia
Cayetano. This act, assigned to expand access to education through open learning and
online education in tertiary levels of education, appropriating funds therefore and for
other purposes. The Republic Act No 10650, Expanding Access to Educational
Services By Institutionalizing Open Distance Learning, were explained that the online
education/distance education is a mode of learning in which students and teachers are
physically separated from each other. It is student-centered, guided independent study,
making use of well-studied to deliver well-designed learning materials in various media.
It is also sometimes described as flexible learning and distributed learning. I share my
gather research to affirm this. I searched the universities in Philippines with have online
education. Then I found and I amazed this website. The Asian Institute for Distance
Education. Were located at Unit 302 Greenbelt, Mansion 106 Perea St. Legaspi
Village, 1229. Makati City. Their mission is to provide higher quality of education at
minimum cost to persons who; because of time, space, wok, physical and medical
reasons ,that cannot avail of regular schooling; thus depriving themselves of
opportunities for job placement, permanency and upward mobility. And I said, I do my
best. I explore and read all information contained in the website I
chatted them thru Gmail account and I’m not expected, so very easy to filled a form.
Then send, I wait a 20-30 minutes. They response my chat, “Hi Mary Ann, thanks for
your interest in AIDE! We are avail and thankful that you want to study and join this
online education. And I replied, direct to the issue I wanted to know “Your welcome, I
have a question before, how much the payment and cost to enroll and how many units
can I get?” Then, another 20 minutes wait. “In that case, you shall visit here in Makati,
and explain all your concerns and the cost, it depends on your wanted course. And
text/message me, for your schedule to contract and recognize more about in AIDE.” It’s
amazing, so easy! Another proof, a testimony by Filipino student that graduate in AIDE
through online. Fernando C. Basa, now a lawyer. He said: What I primarily wanted was
to acquire a degree as quickly and as painlessly as possible with enough time to
spare for me to do other things. As students of AIDE these are certainly the
advantages we have as to regular students, advantages that I happily availed myself
of, as am sure you all have. Surprisingly however, I got more than I expected, perhaps
far more than what I would have derived if I had enrolled in a regular school. I can say
without question that I would not be who, and where I am today, were it not for the
lessons I learned from AIDE. And by lessons I mean much more than academics.

Online education provide an excellent source for learning. (Lawrence, H.O, 2007)
There have Advantage of online learning education to the students. First, Lower cost,
tuition for online schools may or may not be less than for traditional schools charge and
less transportation fees. Next, Allows you to work and ability study at own pace,
students choose to attend online classes because they’re flexible and students have a
much easier time pursuing full-time while they study in their own pace. Then, Social
Interaction, instructions with instructors and peers will still happen as an online student.
It just happen through online video indeed. It help to focus more on independently
learning and your classes go quicker without some of distractions. And lessons
completed at a time that is convenient for the students.Last, the Flexibility, great option
for those who already have a time commitment with real-life experience in family and
work. Online classes will mold with your schedule log into your online courses at a time
that work best for you as opposed to having to attend a lecture at a specific time. The
Online courses benefits to the student’s career success. Online courses in business,
education, information technology, real estate and even health care allow you to
advance your career without disrupting your life. You can study at home, on your own
time at your own pace. A perfect choice for the working professional, online courses
are practical, focused, and relevant to your career.

Online education is more efficient way to train and perceive the sense of
discipline. The online experience is teaching self-discipline. (Geoff Chain). The
Engagement of online learners, tend to communicate thoughtfully. Some students are
find it difficult to speaking in class. Online student more comfortable virtual
communication as speaking and listening and Networking and Technology Skills,
students who take online classes become more proficient and comfortable with using
computers. Through assignments, discussion forums, students can learn to connect
with one another online and with information in meaningful and useful ways. The
distractions are limited as well as the project requires us to really indulged in our work.
The Self-Discipline tips for online students. In Self-paced learning one of the
drawbacks for online school is if you don’t have your own computer or stable internet
connection. You won’t save as much as time if you do not have your own online access
at home. However, even if you take your classes at a cyber cafe or quiet computer
shop, you can still create your own schedule and continue online classes. And you
make a schedule, the beauty of being an online student is the flexibility. You can work
whenever you want, or any day you want, wherever you want. Online courses offer
more flexible study schedule. This way, nothing gets forgotten and you don’t get

Our world is modernized day-by-day. Every field of life is trending from

traditional to digital way. We have online banking, online shopping, online education,
online communication, online news and affair, online business and so on. This has
reduced the burden in or shoulders and brain. And made our life much fast, which
gives us more time for leisure activities. Whether we admit, we primarily provide much
time in surfing in internet such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc... Why can’t we try
it? While you are surfing in internet, you can coincide study, learn, doing activities and
assignments given by the online instructors. A way you don’t wasting your time, instead
you learn better.

Online learning is a growing and exciting new way to learn about almost anything.
If there a course you have always wanted to take or a skills you have always wanted to
learn, but you don’t have time to attend, then online education might be your answer.
Online education can be your way out when you see no other option, to improve your
professional life. Would you dare to try and presume your time to interfere and join?
In the core of your minds, I assure, one of you quite confuse about this. So, we should
all get and gather about the assortment of education soon. If all of us now begin to
search and keeping in mind that it make us authentic, give us a better state of studying
and make the future years of our lives more rewarding, we find a job through online.
There is virtually something for everyone, all you have to do is find it; online education
continues open the doors and offer learning opportunities those who are interested and
that fascinates you.

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