Preparing A Construction Cash Flow Analysis Using Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology

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The paper discusses how Building Information Modeling (BIM) can be used to automate the cash flow analysis process for construction projects.

Cash flow analysis determines the actual profit and estimates the required cash resources each month. It is important for managing projects but currently requires extensive information gathering. Mismanaging cash flow can disrupt projects or cause bankruptcy.

Currently, cash flow analysis is a lengthy process that requires completing quantity takeoffs, scheduling, cost estimating, and assessments first. It also cannot be done until after a project is awarded.

KICEM Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management www.jcepm.

Online ISSN 2233-9582

Preparing a Construction Cash Flow Analysis Using

Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology

Hyunjoo Kim1 and Francois Grobler2

Accepted February 1, 2013

Abstract: Construction is a competitive industry and successful contractors must be able to win bids to obtain projects. Cash flow
analysis not only determines actual profit at the end of the project, but also estimates required cash resources or cash ballances at
the end of every month. Cash flow analysis is important in managing a construction project; however, it requires extensive
information that is not immediately available to the general contractor. Before contractors can perform cash flow analysis, they
must first complete a series of pre-requisites such as the quantity take off, scheduling, and cost estimating, followed by accurate
assessments of project costs incurred and billable progress made. Consequently, cash flow analysis is currently a lengthy, uncertain
process. This paper suggests improved cash flow analysis can be developed using data extraction in Building Information
Modeling (BIM). BIM models contain a wealth of information and tools have been developed to automate a series of process such
as quantity takeoff, scheduling, and estimating. This paper describes a prototype tool to support BIM-based, automated cash flow

Keywords: Building Information Modeling, cash flow analysis, ifcXML, planning

I. INTRODUCTION and scheduling estimates are dependent on the quantity

takeoff. Consequently, cash flow analysis cannot be
Managing and forecasting the cash inflows and
completed until the entire quantity takeoff, estimation,
outflows of a construction project is crucial to ensuring
and schedule are completed. Once the contractor has a
the success of a project. Due to contractual payment
time-phased expense plan, further values such as payment
delays and retention of cash inflows “many construction
lags and retentions must be considered before the
projects have negative net cash flows until the very end of
contractor is finally prepared for cash flow analysis.
construction when the final payment is received” [1].
This process, which requires collecting a large amount of
Mismanagement of cash flow can result in times when
information, is known to be tedious and can be improved
cash availability is critically low, which could disrupt the
upon with technological advancements.
project or even result in bankruptcy for the contractor.
Cash flow analysis can generally not be performed
The Surety Information Office concluded that the
until after the project is already awarded to the contractor
contractor’s inability to forecast cash flow is the primary
because of the large time requirement to complete the
accounting issue that results in financial default [2].
process. Being able to predict when a project will put the
Despite being an essential component of project
most strain on cash resources, however, could be a
management, very few tools have been developed to
powerful forecasting tool during the bidding stages of a
expedite or facilitate the cash flow process.
project. For companies involved in multiple projects, this
Although there are spreadsheet-based software tools
early forecasting could ensure that it has the necessary
available to aid in performing cash flow analysis, these
financial assets before contractually accepting new
applications require an extensive procedure prior to
liabilities. By automating the cash flow process,
getting to the cash flow analysis. Cash flow forecasting
contractors will be able to utilize this tool as soon as they
relies on a time-phased expense plan for each activity
receive a BIM model.
throughout the life of the entire project. This time-phased
expense plan is essentially a project schedule with
expected costs assigned to each activity (a cost-loaded
schedule). This cost-loaded schedule is dependent on the Research on cash flow analysis has been focused on
anticipated planned values of each construction activity, making cash flow analysis more accurate and more
the estimated duration of each activity and the sequencing detailed. Many of the early cash flow models in the
of all the activities. Subsequently, the cost estimations 1970’s did not account for the time lag between cost

¹ Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology and Construction Management, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City
Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223; PH (704) 687-5095; FAX (704) 687-6577; email: [email protected] (*Corresponding Author)
Principal Investigator, Principal Investigator, USA Corps of Engineers, Engineering Research and Development Center, PH (217) 373-6723; (FAX)
217-373-6724; email: [email protected]

Preparing a Construction Cash flow analysis Using Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology

payments [1]. The model suggested by Park et al adjusts the various software applications used between the
the weight percentage of cost categories compared to the estimator, architect, structural engineer, etc.
remaining budget through the project duration based on Consequently, buildingSMART (formerly the
actual work performed and actual earned values. International Alliance of Interoperability (IAI)) created
Although their research offers a more accurate way to Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), which provided “a
manage cash flow during project construction, it neither common data schema that makes it possible to hold and
expedites the cash flow process nor allows the contractor exchange data between different proprietary software
to perform cash flow analysis earlier in the project life applications” [5]. The prototype suggested in this paper
cycle. relies on a file format called IFCXML, which combines
Past researchers have recognized that increased data advantages of the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and
quantity and data quality yields more accurate cash flow Extensible Markup Language (XML). XML is a schema
forecasts. As with any type of forecasts, however, a created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to
certain amount of uncertainty is inevitable. To deal with structure, store, and transport information in a machine-
ambiguous data, Chen et al. [3] applied fuzzy systems readable format [6]. Together, these two schemas create a
theory to cash flow management for construction firms at source file for building information models that contains
the project level. Kishore et al. [4] applied fuzzy system internationally recognized data standards, whilst also
theory for managing cash flow at the company level. organized in a manner that is both machine-readable and
Their research helps identify the most pessimistic and a global standard for information publication and
most optimistic scenarios for cash flow; however their information exchange [7]. This prototype cash flow tool
proposed models still require extensive manual processes utilizes the IFC 2x3 XML file (*.ifcxml) file type.
for the contractor.
Although previous research proposes new algorithms Design BIM Model and Save it as
for cash flow analysis, a deficiency remains for
automation technologies applied to financial analysis. Extract Quantity Information
While neglecting cash flow, the construction industry has
developed advancements in the areas of scheduling, cost Create Quantity Takeoff Table
estimating, and quantity takeoff. Scheduling is aided by
software packages such as Primavera and MS Project;
Create estimate based off Quantities
estimators often rely on software packages like
Timberline, and quantities can be automated with
Within Budget Increase Productivity
products like Innovaya’s Visual Quantity Takeoff.
Although the software solutions appear abundant for the
Create Schedule
aforementioned tasks, the amount of software for
automating cash flow or integrating all these tasks into Within Desired
one software solution seems negligible. This indicates a Completion
need for automation technologies to be applied through
cash flow analysis for construction projects. Create Cost-Loaded Schedule

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Apply Markup to Final Estimate

Figure 1 depicts the entire process leading up to the

decision to bid on a project starting with the creation of a Perform Cash Flow Analysis
BIM model. Although not all projects have BIM models,
this prototype relies on BIM technology and thus this Is Profit Enough?

BIM model is used as the starting point of our process.

Cash flow forecasting requires the three processes of BID Project
quantity takeoff, scheduling, and cost estimating. FIGURE I
Therefore, automating and integrating these processes is a CASH FLOW PROCESS DIAGRAM
prerequisite for automating the cash flow analysis. Prior
to delving into the methodologies of each process, it is After all the information is gathered from the BIM, it
important to understand what makes this automation must be processed for takeoff, scheduling, and estimating.
possible. The prototype works by gathering information In this prototype, the information is combined with
from the BIM model’s file by “reading” through it and certain assumptions that will be discussed in depth to
“grabbing” relevant information. Since the program achieve certain output files. For takeoff, scheduling and
must “read” the source file, it needs to be in a “language” cash flow, this output file is a text file that can be
that it recognizes. This “language” is the ISO-based imported into MS Excel or MS Project as a Delimited file
industry standard of IFC/ifcXML. with either semicolons or tabs used as delimiters.
Although BIM files contain a wealth of information, Contractors will be able to perform this entire process
this information is generally formatted in a native file with only a few clicks of a mouse, and will have
format that can only be utilized by the software program generated a cash flow analysis within minutes. This
that created it. This encumbers interoperability between research proposes a prototype tool for automating cash

Vol.3, No.1 (Special Issue) / Mar 2013
Hyunjoo Kim and Francois Grobler

flow and explores the potential for the integration of cash exact definition and calculation rules depend on the
flow analysis and BIM technology. method of measurement used.” [bSI 2011] Volumes (and
all other information) correlate with various building
IV. FEASIBILITY STUDIES elements through a series of nodes that are identified and
related to each other by ‘id’ and ‘ref’ attributes. Every
The model used for the case study is a building
node that has a ‘ref’ number will have a corresponding
envelope of a two-story office building with a building
node that contains the same number but as an ‘id’
footprint of 5950 square feet. The foundation of the
attribute. These ‘id’ numbers make each value unique to
building is orthogonal and the building has two entrance
its relating building element. Thus, one must follow the
doors with multiple large windows on each floor. Figure
trail of ‘id’ and ‘ref’ attributes to discover which building
2 shows a screenshot of this model in a BIM program.
element a certain “GrossVolume” is describing. For
This type of model would be used for business
example, all gross volumes are labeled under the node
development strategies or schematic design purposes,
“<GrossVolume>”, however, this has a parent node that
which indicates that the contractor would even be able to
has an ‘id’ number that matches a ‘ref’ number that can
conduct cash flow analysis very early in the design
be traced back to its relating building element such as
process. The model must be saved in the ‘.ifcxml’
‘IfcSlab’ or ‘IfcWall’. Below is a visual representation of
format for the prototype to be able to read the file. Once
the nodes that must be used to trace information back to
saved in this format, the prototype software can extract
its related building element –a wall in this particular case.
necessary data; generate quantity takeoff, scheduling, cost
Figure 4 is a simplified tree of these relationships to show
estimating, and cash flow analysis.
how the desired quantitative and material information is
related to a building element. The complete ifcxml tree
A. Data Extraction
contains many more nodes with information that although
The prototype utilizes computer code that performs is used to generate the BIM model, is not necessary for
syntactic analysis to extract information needed to creating the quantity list, thus the complete complex tree
generate a quantity takeoff (QTO) from the ifcXML file. is not shown. This process is repeated for each building
All information within an ifcXML file is organized within element to obtain the necessary lengths, areas, and
a tree of nodes that are labeled with industry standard tag volumes for slabs, walls, roof, etc. A similar process is
names. Because the information is stored in ifcxml also required to obtain the number and size of the doors
format, it is possible for a computer program to navigate and windows. As seen in Figure 3, material and layer
any ifcxml file and extract the requested information. information is stored in a similar manner but with
Ifcxml documents store spatial measurements (as well as different node tags. To get to the final material names and
other information) of each building element under thicknesses, you must first navigate through a series of
specific tags (or nodes). Each of these nodes can contain nodes. At the top of the tree is the
attributes, values, and text that store additional ‘IfcRelAssociatesMaterial’ node. Under this node you
information about the specific building element. will find which building element the material layers relate
to. Once all the information is extracted from the source
file, it is stored into arrays until called upon for output.

B. Quantity Takeoff
The data arrays contain all the necessary quantity and
material information that is later used for the scheduling
and estimating processes. The program stores these data
arrays internally. In other words, the user cannot readily
view these arrays. The user can, however, create an
output file to manually check the quantity takeoff. The
prototype creates a simple text file as an output. This file,
however, can be imported into excel with semicolons as
FIGURE II the delimiting character to signify a new cell. The
THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL USED FOR CASE STUDY spreadsheet created by the prototype includes material
information such as layer names, material names, layer
The buildingSMART International (bSI) has developed thickness, area, and volume. For doors and windows it
open data standards for information found in building also includes operation type. Table 1 shows a portion of
information models. These standards make the process of the quantity takeoff spreadsheet generated from the text
locating information within the source files much easier output file. Within the BIM model, building elements
and reliable. This standard schema is the ifcxml format such as slabs, windows, doors and windows are assigned
and the particular version used in this prototype is version unique names. Generally these names are generic and
2x3. Gross volumes, for example, are located under the numbered (i.e. Wall 1, Wall 2, Etc). The names for these
tag name “GrossVolume”. Gross Volume is defined by elements were included in the spreadsheet, which allows
bSI as “Total gross volume of the [building element], not you to find that particular building element in the 3D
taking into account possible openings and recesses. The software and visualize its location within the structure.

KICEM Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
Preparing a Construction Cash flow analysis Using Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology


Layer Perimeter Area
Name Layer Set Name Material Name Width(in) Volme(CF)
Thickness (inches) (sqFt)
Slab-02 Slab-04” on gravel_1 03┃Concrete Random 3.999999952 4560 7.999999952 5950 3966.666643
Slab-01 2ⅹ12 + 3/4” Plywood_1 06┃ Plywood-1/8” ply 0.75 4560 12 5950 5950
Slab-02 2ⅹ12 + 3/4” Plywood_1 06┃ Plywood-1/8” ply 0.75 4560 12 5950 5950
Wall-01 Wall 2ⅹ4+1/2” Gyp.Board 09┃ Gypsum- Board 0.49999 4.49999 120 250
Wall-02 Wall 2ⅹ4+1/2” Gyp.Board 09┃ Gypsum- Board 0.49999 4.49999 120 300
Wall-03 Wall 2ⅹ4+1/2” Gyp.Board 09┃ Gypsum- Board 0.49999 4.49999 120 350
Wall-04 Wall 2ⅹ4+1/2” Gyp.Board 09┃ Gypsum- Board 0.49999 4.49999 120 500
Wall-05 Wall 2ⅹ4+1/2” Gyp.Board 09┃ Gypsum- Board 0.49999 4.49999 120 200
Wall-06 Wall 2ⅹ4+1/2” Gyp.Board 09┃ Gypsum- Board 0.49999 4.49999 120 400
Wall-07 Wall 2ⅹ4+1/2” Gyp.Board 09┃ Gypsum- Board 0.49999 4.49999 120 500
Wall-08 Wall 2ⅹ4+1/2” Gyp.Board 09┃ Gypsum- Board 0.49999 4.49999 120 600
Wall-09 Wall 2ⅹ4+1/2” Gyp.Board 09┃ Gypsum- Board 0.49999 4.49999 120 100
Wall-10 Wall 2ⅹ4+1/2” Gyp.Board 09┃ Gypsum- Board 0.49999 4.49999 120 600

Name Height(in) Width(in) Panel Depth(in) Operation Type
2 80 36 1.251968504 single_swing_right
3 84 72 double_door_single_swing

Name Height(in) Width(in) Panel Depth(in) Operation Type
21 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
5 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
9 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
8 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
11 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
10 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
14 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
13 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
17 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
16 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
15 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
20 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
19 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
18 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel
7 60 118.5 1.75 single_ panel

Vol.3, No.1 (Special Issue) / Mar 2013
Hyunjoo Kim and Francois Grobler

Daily Labor Mat Total
ID Description Crew Unit Labor Equipment Total
Output Hours erial inc.O&P
Edge forms, wood, 4 use,
03 11 1365 3050 C-1 600 0.053 LF 0.27 21 0 2.37 3.54
on grade, up to 6” high
CIP SOG 3500 psi, not
03 30 5340 4650 C-14E 60.75 1.449 CY 117 59.5 0.51 177 222
incl finish, 4” thick
03 24 10 0600 SOG #3-#7 2.3 13.91 Ton 760 650 1410 1875

Studs, 8’ high wall,

06 11 1040 6140 2 Carp 0.92 17.39 Mbf 375 725 1100 1525
06 11 1018 2740 Joist Framing 2x12 2 Carp 1.75 9.143 Mbf 530 380 910 1175
06 16 23 0200 Subflooring 3/4 2 Carp 1250 0.013 SF 0.58 0.53 1.11 1.46

Roof Deck Insulation

07 22 16 0030 Fiberboard low density 1 Rofd 800 0.1 SF 0.64 0.35 0.77 1.05

Entrance Doors and

08 11 16 0020 Frames Aluminum, 2Sswk 2 8 ea 745 375 1120 1475
narrow stile
08 11 16 0300 6”x7” opening 2Sswk 1.3 12.31 ea 1075 575 1650 2200

Although importing into excel gives the user an preferred unit value in RS Means). To produce an
opportunity to visualize the quantities, changes made to estimate, line items from the RS Means handbook were
the excel file will not be recognized by the prototype chosen and matched with the gathered quantities.
program. The excel file simply shows the output Table 3 demonstrates the type of information used in
information of the arrays stored within the prototype. the RS Means handbook. The “CIP SOG 3500 psi” line
The user would have to change the data within the arrays item, for example was applied only to the bottommost
for the prototype to recognize them. To alter the original slab quantities. Being only a prototype, it does not
data in the arrays one must make changes to the original account for different types of slabs yet. At this time it
3D model or the source code of the prototype. only has the cost factors for a limited number of items
used for the example model. For the program to expand
C. Estimating and cover more scenarios for different projects, it would
need to have a more extensive internal library. The unit
Once the all the quantities are gathered, the next step is
cost used in the prototype is from the “Total inc. O&P”
to estimate their costs. In order to assign a cost factor to
column, which includes cost for materials, labor,
the quantities, the program must be able to recognize
equipment, as well as overhead and profit. The daily cost
what the quantities belong to. This is achieved by storing
for each activity is found assuming a linear cost curve for
additional information such as relating building elements
each activity. This is simply calculated by dividing the
and material type with the quantities. Once the program
total cost of the activity by its total duration. This
knows which quantity to use, it is also important to make
assumes that the cost of an activity is evenly distributed
sure that it is in the right units. The preferred units for
throughout its duration. Because cash flow analysis is
each item is determined by the unit values given from the
generally performed on a monthly basis the schedule is
RS Means book. The prototype is written so that is
then broken up into monthly segments. Site work and
automatically converts to the desired units. For example,
MEP systems are not modeled, and therefore not
the dimensions for concrete slabs are initially in inches or
accounted for.
cubic feet, which are converted into cubic yards (the

KICEM Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
Preparing a Construction Cash flow analysis Using Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology


Duration ES EF LS LF TF FF DF Critical Path
Prepare Site 5 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 yes
Formwork Foundation Slab Phase 1 2 5 7 5 7 0 0 0 yes
Construct Foundation Slab Phase 1 14 7 21 7 21 0 0 0 yes
Rough Carpentry Phase 1 10 21 31 21 31 0 0 0 yes
Install Doors & Windows Phase 1 3 31 34 34 37 0 0 0 no
Roofing Phase 1 4 31 35 31 35 0 0 0 yes
Install Insulation Phase 1 3 34 37 34 37 0 0 0 yes
Install Gypsum Walls Phase 1 10 37 47 37 47 0 0 0 yes
Finish Roof Phase 1 3 35 38 46 49 11 11 0 no
Interior Paint Phase 1 7 47 54 47 54 0 0 0 yes
Install Wall and Door Trim Phase 1 1 54 55 54 55 0 0 0 yes
Finish and Paint Trim Phase 1 2 55 57 55 57 0 0 0 yes
Exterior Paint Phase 1 6 57 63 65 71 8 8 0 no

Formwork Foundation Slab Phase 2 2 7 9 19 21 12 12 0 no

Construct Foundation Slab Phase 3 14 21 35 21 35 0 0 0 yes
Rough Carpentry Phase 2 10 35 45 35 45 0 0 0 yes
Install Doors & Windows Phase 2 3 45 48 48 51 3 0 3 no
Roofing Phase 2 4 45 49 45 49 3 0 3 yes
Install Insulation Phase 2 3 48 51 48 51 0 0 0 yes
Install Gypsum Walls Phase 2 10 51 61 51 61 0 0 0 yes
Finish Roof Phase 2 3 49 52 74 77 25 25 0 no
Interior Paint Phase 2 7 61 68 61 68 0 0 0 yes
Install Wall and Door Trim Phase 2 1 68 69 68 69 0 0 0 yes
Finish and Paint Trim Phase 2 2 69 71 69 71 0 0 0 yes
Exterior Paint Phase 2 6 71 77 71 77 0 0 0 yes

Punchlist 5 77 82 77 82 0 0 0 yes
Project Closeout 5 82 87 82 87 0 0 0 yes

D. Scheduling handbook 2010. The quantities were converted to the

indicated units in RS Means and multiplied by the “labor
A schedule was created for the building based off the
hours” factor to obtain durations in hours. The activities
quantities and building elements extracted from the
were then sequenced in a sensible manner in the order
model. The durations for each activity were determined
demonstrated in Figure 4 with a few assumptions
using historic values from the RS Means Construction
described below. To help sequencing, the project was

Vol.3, No.1 (Special Issue) / Mar 2013
Hyunjoo Kim and Francois Grobler

divided into 2 phases to allow different trades to work inches. Gypsum installation is assumed to be at a level 4
simultaneously on different phases of the project. finish. Interior painting is assumed to be 2 coats and
Windows and doors are assumed to be able to be installed includes a smooth finish with brushwork and exterior
at the same time and thus started at the same time after painting is also 2 coats applied to stucco with rollers.
the rough carpentry is completed. Roofing will also be Table 3 is a summary table of the activities. The activities
started after rough carpentry and will be worked on are assigned predecessor relationships and can be
simultaneously with the installation of windows and imported into Microsoft Project. The original output file
doors. The schedule assumes 8-hour workdays, and 40- is a simple text file with the columns separated by tabs.
hour workweeks. Walls are designated as 2”x4” MS Project is able to import this text file and recognize
construction from the model; however, stud spacing is not the tab delimiters. Once in MS Project, the schedule can
called out. This model accounts for a stud spacing of 16- be viewed in the traditional Gantt chart view (Figure 4).

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Summations
Direct Cost 23088 24934 5939 10920 10186 120069
2648 2860 5843 1253 1168 13772
Tatal Cost 25737 27794 56782 12173 11354 133840
Markup 0.05 1287 1390 2839 609 568 6692
Total Worth 27024 29184 59621 12782 11922 140532
Client Retainage 2702 2918 5962 1278 1192 14053
Payment Due 24321 26265 53659 11503 10730 126479
0 0 24321 26265 53659 11503 24783 140532
with Delay
0 0 24321 50587 104246 115749 140532
Cash Outflow -25737 -27794 -56782 -12173 -11354 0 0 -133840
Cumulative Worth 27024 56207 115829 128610 140532 140532 140532
Cumulative Outflow -25737 -53531 -110313 -122486 -133840 -133840 -133840
Cumulative Income 0 0 24321 50587 104246 115749 140532
Cumulative Interest 0 -257 -795 -1663 -2399 -2719 -2927
Overdraft -25737 -53788 -86787 -73562 -31993 -20810 3765
Interest 1% -257 538 -868 -736 -320 -208 0

Indirect Cost = Direct Cost * 12%
Tatal Cost = Indirect Cost + Direct Cost
Markup = Direct Cost * 5%
Total Worth = Direct Cost + Markup
Client Retainage = Total Worth *10%
Payment Due = Total Worth - Client Retainage
Payment with Delay = Payment Due delayed by pay periods
Cumulative Payments = Sum of Payment with Delay
Cash Outflow = -(Tatal Cost)
Cumulative Worth = Sum of Total Worth
Cumulative Outflow = Sum of Outflow
Cumulative Income = Sum of Payment with Delay
Cumulative Interest = (Cumulative Outflow n-₁ + Cumulative Income n-₁ + Cumulative Interest n-₁)*1% + Cumulative Interest
Overdraft = Cumulative Outflow + Cumulative Income + Cumulative Interest
Interest 1% = Overdraft *1%(only applied to negative Overdrafts)

E. Cash Flow a percent markup applied. Markup is defaulted at 5

percent in this model; however the user can change this to
The cash flow spreadsheet that is generated has built in
any value. It is common for owners to hold a certain
formulas that are based on certain inputs and assumptions.
percentage of payments until the end of the project called
The only input is the first row, which is the Direct Costs.
client retainage. The model accounts for a 10 percent
Direct costs for each month are the cost estimates from
client retainage of the total worth at the end of each
the schedule in monthly segments and are automatically
month. The payment due values is the total worth less the
entered into the spreadsheet. The prototype assumes all
client retainage for the work completed at the end of that
work is self-performed. Indirect Costs are set to a default
month. This payment however, isn’t realized by the
value of 12 percent of the direct costs, but can be adjusted
contractor usually until 2 months after the actual month.
if the company has a more accurate value based on their
The 2-month lag time is common practice and comes
previous projects. The sum of the direct cost and indirect
from roughly 3-4 weeks of contractual agreement that the
costs gives the total cost. Total worth is the total cost with

KICEM Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
Preparing a Construction Cash flow analysis Using Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technology

owner has to review the Schedule of Values compared to Total Worth, Cash Outflow, and Payment with Delay,
actual work performed. respectively. Most contractors must borrow money for the
The remaining time of the 2-month lag accounts for the large cash outflows and thus pay interest. The cumulative
time it takes the bank to process the payment and release interest item is calculated as the previous month’s interest
funds once the owner approves the work. This lag is plus 1 percent of the sum of the previous months
represented by the row “Payment with Delay” in the Cumulative Outflow, Cumulative Income and Cumulative
spreadsheet. Similar to client retainage, contractors Interest. Overdraft is the ultimate target value for
normally apply a retainage to their subcontracts. calculating cash flow because it indicates a surplus or
Although no subcontracts are assumed in this model, the debt. Overdraft is essentially the sum of all cash inflows
spreadsheet is formulated to account for a 10 percent and outflows at any given time of the project. A positive
retainage to be paid at the finish of the project. number means a net gain; a negative number means a net
Payments to subcontractors are also subject to a 2 month loss. The final Overdraft value will indicate whether the
delay, and are represented as “Sub Pay with delay”. All project was profitable or not. Overdraft is calculated by
expenditures for that month are included to calculate the sum of Cumulative Outflow, Cumulative Income, as
Cash Outflow and are calculated by adding Total Cost well as Cumulative Interest. The spreadsheet also
and the Sub Pay with Delay for the given month. It is also calculates for 1% interest on all months where the
necessary to calculate the cumulative values of worth, overdraft has a negative value. Table 5 is a summary of
outflow, income, which are the cumulative values for all the equations used within the spreadsheet.

Figure V

A cash flow line chart is a visual representation of cash slightly lesser value. The cumulative payment line
flow trends and is helpful to visualize peaks and troughs coincides with the cumulative worth line at the last month
of cash availability as shown in Figure 5. The graph because of the owner retention money that is released
shows trends for cumulative payments, cumulative cash with the last payment. The cumulative outflow line
outflow, cumulative worth, and overdraft. The two lines represents the summation of all expenses made by the
in the positive values represent cumulative worth and contractor, and thus is always negative. The overdraft line,
cumulative payments. Cumulative worth represents how however, is the sum value of all contractor expenses and
much the project is worth inclusive of markup. payments received. The overdraft is the most telling of
Contractors expect to receive payments equal to the worth the trend lines. It always starts off in the negative
at the conclusion of the project, and expect payments direction because the first payment is always delayed.
equal to worth less owner retention throughout the project. When this line crosses the horizontal axis, the contractor
This is reflected in the trend lines as you can notice the has broken even. It is important to note times when this
cumulative payments trend line lags behind the line becomes very negative. If the contractor is borrowing
cumulative worth line by two months and also has a money, a very negative overdraft value also means higher

Vol.3, No.1 (Special Issue) / Mar 2013
Hyunjoo Kim and Francois Grobler

interest. It is also important to note that this line should scenarios for each model, which would be potentially
terminate in the positive field at the end of the project. useful for value engineering decisions and bidding
This would indicate a net profit. Being able to generate strategies. Contractors who are considering bidding on
this graph within minutes or receiving a 3D model would multiple projects would be able to quickly perform cash
tell a company if a project is expected to be profitable, flow analysis for each project and determine which one
and during which months when they can expect the has the best possibility to earn the highest profit margins.
project to place a large strain on its financial assets. The The contractor could then focus its resources on preparing
company would also be able to adjust the markup bids for only the most profitable projects.
percentage, and perform the analysis again to determine
optimal markup based on profit and bidding strategy. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Note: This paper was originally published as the
conference paper in the ICCEPM 2013 and awarded as
The proposed methodology demonstrates that an one of the best papers. Through a rigorous review
automated cash flow analysis is possible based on the process, the paper has been invited to be a special version
information from a building information model. of JCEPM.
Furthermore, the framework of this prototype utilizes
ifcXML, an international industry standard; which creates REFERENCES
interoperability between users and recognized on in [1] H. Park, S. Han, J. Russell, “Cash Flow Forecasting Model for
international level. The purpose of this prototype is to General Contractors Using Moving Weights of Cost Categories”,
demonstrate that cash flow analysis, which is historically Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, vol. 21, no.4, pp.
a difficult and tedious task, can be automated with the 164-172, 2005.
[2] Surety Information Office (SIO), “Why Do Contractors Fail?”,
help of BIM technology and ifcXML standards. Further Retrieved September 18, 2011, from
development can add details to the cash flow automation
program such as applying fuzzy systems theories or
[3] C.W. Chen, C.H. Tsai, C.P. Tseng, M.H.L. Wang, P.Y. Chung, “A
adding the option to apply ‘S-curves’ rather than linear novel fuzzy regression approach on managing target cash balance
curves. The cash flow analysis can also become more for construction firms”, Proceedings of the 17th IASTED
accurate with a more detailed model. This type of model International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Montreal,
would have much more information but because of the Canada, pp. 224-225, 2002.
standard ifcXML schema, this data would be similarly [4] V. Kishore, D. Abraham, J. Sinfield, “Portfolio Cash Assessment
machine-readable. The prototype would have to be Using Fuzzy Systems Theory”, Journal of Construction
Engineering and Management, ASCE, vol. 137, no. 5, pp. 333-
expanded to accommodate for this increase in 343, 2011.
information, although the methods for retrieving the
additional data would be similar. [5] buildingSMART International Ltd., “The buildingSMART data
model”, Retrieved August 31, 2011, from
This research intends to make aware that current
technology is available and capable of automating the classes-ifc/?searchterm=ifc.
cash flow process. Further development and research is
[6] buildingSMART International Ltd., “IfcSlab”, Retrieved August
warranted for the program to be used on more complex 31, 2011, from
projects. This includes adding built-in libraries for
scheduling and estimating to account for different types b.htm.
of construction project, materials, and activities. [7], “Introduction to XML”, Retrieved August 31,
As Park et al. [1] pointed out, the accuracy of cash 2011, from
flow models is dependent on how they manage [8] T. Liebich, N. Nisbet, “ifcXML Implementation Guide”,
unpredictable factors such as time delays, cost overrun, International Alliance for Interoperability Modeling Support
change orders, etc. This accuracy can be increased during Group, Version 2.0, June 29, 2007.
the construction phase as more information and
conditions are revealed. Because this prototype is
generated from a BIM model, it can only be as accurate
and detailed as the model. Consequently, updated cash
flow analysis reports could be performed at any stage of
the project as long as the BIM model reflects the most
current changes.
A unique value of this prototype is dramatically
automating the time required to generate cash flow
analysis. Traditionally, contractors could spend weeks
performing the quantity takeoff, scheduling, cost
estimating, and cash flow analysis. This prototype offers
a method that can produce a cash flow in minutes.
Architects will often propose multiple designs, each
represented by its own 3D model. With this technology,
contractors would be able to quickly compare cash flow

KICEM Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management

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