Elval Colour Cladding Etalbond Pe and Etalbond FR PVDF Coated Composite Aluminium Cladding Panels

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Elval Colour S.A.

3rd.Km Inofyta Peripheral Rd

32011, Saint Thomas
Tel: 00 30 226 205 3564 Fax: 00 30 226 205 3581 Agrément Certificate
e-mail: ecs@elval-colour.com 07/4464
website: www.elval-colour.com Product Sheet 1


This Agrément Certificate Product Sheet(1) relates to
Etalbond PE and Etalbond FR PVDF Coated Composite
Aluminium Cladding Panels, for use as external cladding
or internal lining.
(1) Hereinafter referred to as ‘Certificate’.

• factors relating to compliance with Building
Regulations where applicable
• factors relating to additional non-regulatory
information where applicable
• independently verified technical specification
• assessment criteria and technical investigations
• design considerations
• installation guidance
• regular surveillance of production
• formal three-yearly review.


Strength and stability — the products can resist the surface loadings normally encountered in the UK
(see section 6).
Resistance to mechanical damage — the products have satisfactory resistance to mechanical damage
(see section 8).
Behaviour in relation to fire — The Etalbond PE product with open and closed joints has reaction to fire
classifications to EN 13501-1 of E and B-s1, d0 respectively. The Etalbond FR product with open joints has a
classification of B-s1, d0 to BS EN 13501-1. The use of the products is restricted to buildings up to 18 metres in
height, unless specific conditions are met (see section 9).
Weathertightness — the products have adequate resistance to the passage of moisture (see section 11).
Durability — under normal conditions, the products will perform effectively as a cladding with an ultimate life of at
least 30 years. The coating will retain a good appearance for at least 20 years in non-corrosive environments and at
least 15 years in severe industrial environments (see section 13).
The BBA has awarded this Certificate to the company named above for the products described herein. These
products have been assessed by the BBA as being fit for their intended use provided they are installed, used and
maintained as set out in this Certificate.
On behalf of the British Board of Agrément

Date of Fourth issue: 27 March 2018 John Albon – Head of Approvals Claire Curtis-Thomas
Originally certificated on 17 August 2007
Construction Products Chief Executive
The BBA is a UKAS accredited certification body – Number 113.
The schedule of the current scope of accreditation for product certification is available in pdf format via the UKAS link on the BBA website at www.bbacerts.co.uk
Readers are advised to check the validity and latest issue number of this Agrément Certificate by either referring to the BBA website or contacting the BBA direct.
British Board of Agrément
Bucknalls Lane tel: 01923 665300
Watford clientservices@bbacerts.co.uk
Herts WD25 9BA ©2018 www.bbacerts.co.uk
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In the opinion of the BBA, Etalbond PE and Etalbond FR PVDF Coated Composite Aluminium Cladding Panels, if installed,
used and maintained in accordance with this Certificate, can satisfy or contribute to satisfying the relevant
requirements of the following Building Regulations (the presence of a UK map indicates that the subject is related to
the Building Regulations in the region or regions of the UK depicted):

The Building Regulations 2010 (England and Wales) (as amended)

Requirement: A1 Loading
Comment: Buildings clad with the products will satisfy this Requirement provided they are
adequately fixed to suitably designed walls and supporting substructures. See section 6
of this Certificate.

Requirement: B2(1) Internal fire spread (linings)

Comment: The use of the products may be restricted under this Requirement. See sections 9.1 to
9.4 of this Certificate.

Requirement: B3(2)(4) Internal fire spread (structure)

Comment: The use of the products may be restricted under this Requirement. See section 9.1 to 9.4 of
this Certificate.

Requirement: B4(1)(2) External fire spread

Comment: The products are restricted under this Requirement. See sections 9.1 to 9.6, 9.8 and
9.10 to 9.13 of this Certificate.

Requirement: C2(b) Resistance to moisture

Comment: The products can satisfy this Requirement. See section 11 of this Certificate.

Regulation: 7 Materials and workmanship

Comment: The products are acceptable. See section 13 and the Installation part of this Certificate.

The Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (as amended)

Regulation: 8(1)(2) Durability, workmanship and fitness of materials
Comment: The products can contribute to a construction satisfying this Regulation. See sections
12 and 13 and the Installation part of this Certificate.

Regulation: 9 Building standards applicable to construction

Standard: 1.1(a)(b) Structure
Comment: Buildings clad with the products will satisfy this Standard provided they are adequately
fixed to suitably designed walls and supporting substructures. See section 6 of this

Standard: 2.4 Cavities

Comment: The products can contribute to satisfying this Standard, with reference to clauses
2.4.2(1)(2), 2.4.3(2), 2.4.7(1) and 2.4.9(2). See section 9 of this Certificate.

Standard: 2.5 Internal linings

Comment: The products can contribute to satisfying this Standard, with reference to clause
2.5.1(1)(2). See section 9.1 to 9.3 of this Certificate.

Standard: 2.6 Spread to neighbouring buildings

Comment: The products are not classified as ‘non-combustible’ and are therefore restricted under
this Standard, with reference to clauses 2.6.4(1)(2), 2.6.5(1) and 2.6.6(2). See section 9 of
this Certificate.

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Standard: 2.7 Spread on external walls
Comment: The products are not classified as ‘non-combustible’ and are therefore restricted under
this Standard, with reference to clause 2.7.1 (1)(2). See section 9 of this Certificate.

Standard: 3.10 Precipitation

Comment: The products can contribute to satisfying this Standard, with reference to clauses
3.10.1(1)(2) and 3.10.5(1)(2). See section 11 of this Certificate.

Standard: 7.1(a)(b) Statement of sustainability

Comment: The products can contribute to meeting the relevant requirements of Regulation 9,
Standards 1 to 6, and, therefore, will contribute to a construction meeting a bronze
level of sustainability as defined in this Standard.

Regulation: 12 Building standards applicable to conversions

Comment: Comments in relation to the products under Regulation 9, Standards 1 to 6 also apply
to this Regulation, with reference to clause 0.12.1(1)(2) and Schedule 6(1)(2).

(1) Technical Handbook (Domestic),

(2) Technical Handbook (Non-Domestic).

The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 (as amended)

Regulation: 23(a)(i)(iii) Fitness of materials and workmanship
Comment: (b)(i) The products are acceptable. See section 13 of this Certificate.

Regulation: 28(b) Resistance to ground moisture and weather

Comment: The products can be used to satisfy this Regulation. See section 11 of this Certificate.

Regulation: 30 Stability
Comment: Buildings clad with the products will satisfy this Regulation provided they are
adequately fixed to suitably designed walls and supporting substructures. See section 6
of this Certificate.

Regulation: 34(a)(b) Internal fire spread — Linings

Comment: The use of the products may be restricted under this Regulation. See sections 9.1 to
9.4 of this Certificate.

Regulation: 35(2)(3) Internal fire spread — Structure

Comment: The use of the products may be restricted under this Regulation. See section 9.1 to 9.4
of this Certificate.

Regulation: 36(a)(b) External fire spread

Comment: The products are restricted under this Regulation. See sections 9.1 to 9.6, 9.8 and 9.10
to 9.13 of this Certificate.

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016
Information in this Certificate may assist the client, designer (including Principal Designer) and contractor (including
Principal Contractor) to address their obligations under these Regulations.

See sections: 1 Description (1.4) and 3 Delivery and site handling (3.3) of this Certificate.

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Additional Information

CE Marking
The Certificate holder has taken the responsibility of CE marking the products in accordance with ETA 14/0145 and
ETAG 034 2012. An asterisk (*) appearing in this Certificate indicates that data shown are given in the manufacturer’s
Declaration of Performance.

Technical Specification

1 Description

1.1 Etalbond PE and Etalbond FR PVDF Coated Composite Aluminium Cladding Panels consist of two 0.5 mm thick
aluminium sheets (to the thickness tolerance quoted in BS EN 485-4 : 1994) adhered to either a low-density
polyethylene core or a flame retardant core, respectively. The products are available in overall thicknesses of 4 and
6 mm.

1.2 The aluminium sheet is grade AW 3105 to BS EN 573-3 : 2013, temper designation H44 to BS EN 515 : 2017 and is
coated on the top surface with a primer, a pigmented PVDF basecoat and a clear PVDF topcoat, giving a total coating
thickness of 30 to 35 µm. The reverse side is coated with a protective primer 5 µm thick.

1.3 The products are available in a range of standard and metallic colours, at gloss levels between 30% and 45%.

1.4 The products have the characteristics given in Table 1.

Table 1 Characteristics

Characteristic (unit) Etalbond PE Etalbond FR

Thickness (mm)
4 6 4 6
Weight per unit area (kg·m-2) 5.5 7.4 7.4 10.5
Flexural Strength (MPa) ≥85 ≥85 ≥100 ≥85
Flexural Modulus (MPa) ≥12,000 ≥12,000 ≥19000 ≥19000
Panel widths (mm) 1250, 1270, 1500, 1570, 1640 and 2000
Panel lengths (mm) 1000 to 8000

2 Manufacture
2.1 During manufacture the inner core is extruded and, in a continuous process, an adhesive is applied to the core
which is then faced with the top and bottom pre-coated aluminium sheets. The bond is formed by temperature and
pressure under controlled conditions. The products are subsequently cut to a range of panel sizes.

2.2 A self-adhesive protective film is applied to the top surface during manufacture.

2.3 As part of the assessment and ongoing surveillance of product quality, the BBA has:

 agreed with the manufacturer the quality control procedures and product testing to be undertaken
 assessed and agreed the quality control operated over batches of incoming materials
 monitored the production process and verified that it is in accordance with the documented process
 evaluated the process for management of nonconformities
 checked that equipment has been properly tested and calibrated
 undertaken to carry out the above measures on a regular basis through a surveillance process, to verify that the
specifications and quality control operated by the manufacturer are being maintained.

2.4 The management systems of Elval Colour S.A. have been assessed and registered as meeting the requirements of
BS EN ISO 9001 : 2015 by Bureau Veritas (Certificate GR15.2101Q version No 2).

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3 Delivery and site handling
3.1 The products are normally delivered to site on trailers and unloaded by crane. The site must have adequate access
and a suitable surface for this traffic.

3.2 During transport, the edges and corners of the panels must be protected against damage and the panels restrained
to prevent abrasion.

3.3 On site, the products should be stored on a firm, dry base, on dry timber bearers at a maximum spacing of 900 mm,
away from the possibility of damage and covered to prevent ingress of water. They should be stored as close as
possible to the building on which they are to be installed and handled in accordance with the Manual Handling
Operations Regulations 1992.

3.4 When required for installation, the products should be lifted from the stack rather than dragged across it.

Assessment and Technical Investigations

The following is a summary of the assessment and technical investigations carried out on Etalbond PE and FR PVDF
Coated Composite Aluminium Cladding Panels.

Design Considerations

4 Use
4.1 Etalbond PE and FR PVDF Coated Composite Aluminium Cladding Panels are suitable for conversion into factory-
produced cladding cassettes, or may be used as flat panels for non-loadbearing external cladding or internal lining fixed
to a substructure. When used on external walls in new or existing buildings, the products are restricted to buildings up
to 18 metres in height.

4.2 The design and installation of cladding cassettes manufactured from the products is specific to each individual
situation and is outside the scope of this Certificate.

4.3 The substrate wall and the sub-frame to which the panels are fixed must be structurally sound and constructed in
accordance with the requirements of the relevant national Building Regulations and Standards.

4.4 All design aspects of the installation should be checked by a suitably qualified and experienced individual, such as
a structural engineer. Specific construction details, eg flue penetrations, can be obtained from the Certificate holder.

4.5 When used as open-jointed cladding, any insulation (not covered by this Certificate) installed behind the panels
must be suitably fixed to the supporting wall and protected to resist the forces of wind suction. Insulation should be of
a rigid type (eg boards or batts) and, where its performance could be diminished by moisture, a breather membrane
should be provided over its outer face. The ventilation pathway behind the cladding must not be allowed to become
blocked, nor the insulation dislodged where it may be vulnerable to wetting.

4.6 To allow for longitudinal expansion, a suitable gap between adjacent support rails must be provided. The cladding
panels must not be installed across this gap.

5 Practicability of installation
The products must only be installed by competent cladding contractors experienced with these types of products.

6 Strength and stability

6.1 The panels are capable of transmitting their self-weight and wind load to the structure, but the
adequacy of fixing of the sub-frame to the structural frame or substrate is outside the scope of this
Certificate and must be verified by a suitably qualified and experienced individual.

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6.2 The design of the substructure, the geometry of cassettes, and the type and frequency of the fixings used should
take into account the likely loading on the system, including wind loading, and the allowable deflection of the panels
between fixings, and should be undertaken by a suitably qualified and experienced individual. Individual cassette and
substructure designs are outside the scope of this Certificate.

6.3 Wind loads should be calculated in accordance with BS EN 1991-1-4 : 2005 and its UK National Annex. Higher
pressure coefficients applicable to corners of the building should be used as recommended in this Standard.

6.4 The supporting substrate wall must be able to take the full wind loads, as well as any racking loads, on its own.
No contribution from the cladding panels and the sub-frame may be assumed in this regard.

7 Workability
7.1 The products can be worked by conventional techniques including cutting, routing, bending, drilling and punching.
It is essential that the correct tools, in good condition, are used to prevent any damage to the coating, and that any
swarf is removed.

7.2 Large radii bends down to a minimum of 60 mm can be achieved using rollers. Tighter bends may be achieved by
first routing out the core material along the line of the bend, in accordance with the Certificate holder’s instructions.

8 Resistance to mechanical damage

In normal circumstances, the products have adequate resistance to abrasion and scratching. Hard body impacts may
result in indentation damage to the outer skin of the products, but paint adhesion will be maintained.

9 Behaviour in relation to fire

9.1 A silver-grey coloured sample of 4 mm thick Etalbond PE was tested to DIN EN ISO 11925-2 and
classified as E in accordance with DIN EN 13501-1 : 2010 [classification report KB-Hoch-141286(1)].
Silver-grey samples of the same product in thicknesses of 3 and 6 mm were tested with closed joints(2)
in an assembly in accordance with NF EN 13823 : 2013, and classified as B-s1, d0 in accordance with
NF EN 13501-1 : 2013 [classification report Safran 18059-13/1(1)].

9.2 Argent metallic samples of 4 and 6 mm thick Etalbond FR were tested to BS EN ISO 11925-2 : 2010 and
BS EN 13823 : 2010 with 20 mm open joints(3) in assemblies in accordance with BS EN 13823 : 2010 and classified*
as B-s1,d0 in accordance with BS EN 13501-1 : 2007 [classification reports WF 391665 and WF 391666(1)].

(1) Copies are available from the Certificate holder.

(2) Closed joints are created when the panels are formed with a recessed edge flange which allows them to be installed without an air gap
between them and minimises the exposure of core material to the external environment.
(3) Open joints are created when the product is installed as flat panels with an air gap between them, resulting in the core material being
exposed to the external environment.

9.3 The performances stated in sections 9.1 and 9.2 may not be achieved by other colours in the range. The
performance of other colours should be confirmed, as required by the relevant national Building Regulation.

9.4 The reverse side specification was tested to BS 476-6 : 1989 and BS 476-7 : 1997, and achieved a Class O or ‘low
risk’ classification as defined in the national Building Regulations.

Etalbond PE

9.5 The product, installed with open joints, is only suitable for use more than one metre from the
boundary on buildings less than 18 metres in height.

9.6 For houses in Scotland, and for all buildings in England and Wales and Northern Ireland, the product, installed
with closed joints, is suitable for use on, or at any distance from, the boundary.

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9.7 For flats and maisonettes, and non-domestic buildings in Scotland, the product, installed with
closed joints, is suitable only for use more than one metre from the boundary.

Etalbond FR

9.8 For houses in Scotland, and for all buildings in England and Wales and Northern Ireland, the
product is suitable for use on, or at any distance from, the boundary.

9.9 For flats and maisonettes, and non-domestic buildings in Scotland, the product is suitable only for
use more than one metre from the boundary.

Etalbond PE and FR

9.10 Etalbond PE and Etalbond FR are not classified as being ‘non–combustible’ or of ‘limited
combustibility’ (‘non-combustible’ in Scotland) and so their use is restricted to 18 metres in height (1)
unless a full scale fire test to either BS 8414-1 : 2015 or BS 8414-2 : 2015 has been conducted for the
specific wall construction under consideration, and the other requirements of BRE Report BR 135 : 2013
have been satisfied.

9.11 The products are not classified as ‘non-combustible’; therefore, calculations for unprotected areas may apply,
dependent on the fire resistance characteristics of the wall.

9.12 For resistance to fire, the performance of a wall incorporating the products can only be determined by tests
from a suitably accredited laboratory, and is not covered by this Certificate.

9.13 To limit the risk of fire spread between floors in buildings subject to the national Building Regulations, fire
barriers must be incorporated in the cavity behind the panels as required under these Regulations, but should not
block essential ventilation pathways. Guidance on fire barriers can be found in BRE Report BR 135 : 2013.

(1) Also completely restricted in Scotland for domestic high-rise buildings.

10 Compatibility
To prevent electro-chemical corrosion, direct contact with copper, water run-off from copper installations, or direct
contact with lead in coastal environments, should be avoided. Fixing devices must be of, or compatible with,
aluminium. Precautions must also be taken (eg by using a strip sealant) to prevent direct contact with timber preserved
with copper or fluoride compounds or treated with a fire retardant.

11 Weathertightness

11.1 The products, when incorporated into cladding systems designed and installed in accordance with
conventional good practice and section 15, will adequately resist the passage of moisture.

11.2 The substrate wall to which the products are fixed must be watertight and reasonably airtight, satisfying the
requirements of the relevant national Building Regulations.

11.3 Joints between panels should be adequately baffled to minimise the amount of water entering the cavity by
wind-driven rain. The cavity should be designed to ensure that any water collecting there due to rain or
condensation will be removed by drainage and ventilation.

11.4 The air space between the back of the panels and the supporting wall or insulation should be as wide as
possible, and should allow for normal building tolerances.

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12 Maintenance
12.1 Regular maintenance inspections should be carried out to ensure that gutters and downpipes are
present and in good order, and that flashings and fixings are secure.

12.2 Maintenance painting should be considered at the intervals defined in section 13.3, or earlier if a high
aesthetic standard is required. The Certificate holder can recommend a suitable paint and maintenance system.

12.3 In some areas (eg industrial areas and where cladding is sheltered directly beneath a soffit), it may be
necessary to clean the installation periodically, both to restore its appearance and to remove potentially corrosive
deposits. This can be done by hosing with water, using a neutral detergent.

13 Durability
13.1 The products will perform effectively as external cladding panels or internal linings with an ultimate
life of at least 30 years.

13.2 The aluminium substrate is durable and will perform satisfactorily in all normal atmospheric conditions,
including marine and industrial, but excluding the immediate vicinity of, and downwind from, sources of abnormal
corrosive contaminants such as chemical works, cement works and copper foundries.

13.3 The performance of the coating will depend upon its environment, location and aspect face. It will retain a
good appearance for at least 20 years in non-corrosive environments and at least 15 years in severe industrial

14 Reuse and recyclability

The products contain aluminium, which can be recycled.


15 Procedure
15.1 The installation of Etalbond PE and Etalbond FR PVDF Coated Composite Aluminium Cladding Panels should be
carried out in accordance with the Certificate holder’s instructions and the relevant parts of:

 BS 5250 : 2011
 Profiled sheet metal roofing and cladding — A guide to good practice (National Federation of Roofing Contractors)
 MCRMA(1) Technical Paper No 12 Fasteners for metal roof and wall cladding : Design, detailing and installation
 MCRMA Technical Paper No 5 Metal Wall Systems Design Guide.
(1) The Metal Cladding and Roofing Manufacturers’ Association.

15.2 The design and installation of cladding cassettes manufactured from the products is specific to each individual
situation and is outside the scope of this Certificate.

Technical Investigations

16 Tests
Tests were carried out on samples of Etalbond PE and the results assessed to determine:

 effect of artificial weathering

 resistance to sulfur dioxide
 resistance to marking and staining
 resistance to impact
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 resistance to abrasion
 resistance to scratching
 adhesion of paint coating
 inter-layer adhesion.

17 Investigations

17.1 An assessment was made of external test reports for Etalbond PE and Etalbond FR relating to:

 fire testing to BS 476-6 : 1989

 fire testing to BS 476-7 : 1997
 fire testing to BS EN 13501-1 : 2007
 flexural properties (before and after ageing)
 resistance to salt spray
 adhesion of paint coating
 inter-layer adhesion
 resistance to hard and soft body impact
 chemical resistance.
 impact resistance
 delamination strength after ageing.

17.2 The manufacturing process was evaluated, including the methods adopted for quality control, and details were
obtained of the quality and composition of the materials used.

17.3 Visits were made to existing sites to assess the products’ performance in use.

17.4 A survey of known users of the products was carried out to establish their performance in service.

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BRE Report BR 135 : 2013 Fire performance of external thermal insulation for walls of multistorey buildings
BS 476-6 : 1989 + A1 : 2009 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Method of test for fire propagation for
BS 476-7 : 1997 Fire tests on building materials and structures — Method of test to determine the classification of the
surface spread of flame of products
BS 5250 : 2011 + A1 : 2016 Code of practice for control of condensation in buildings
BS 8414-1 : 2015 + A1 : 2017 Fire performance of external cladding systems — Test method for non-loadbearing
external cladding systems applied to the masonry face of a building
BS 8414-2 : 2015 + A1 : 2017 Fire performance of external cladding systems — Test method for non-loadbearing
external cladding systems fixed to and supported by a structural steel frame
BS EN 485-4 : 1994 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Sheet, strip and plate — Tolerances on shape and dimensions for
cold-rolled products
BS EN 515 : 2017 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Wrought products — Temper designations
BS EN 573-3 : 2013 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Chemical composition and form of wrought products —
Chemical composition and form of products
BS EN 1991-1-4 : 2005 + A1 : 2010 Eurocode 1 — Actions on structures — General actions — Wind actions
NA to BS EN 1991-1-4 : 2005 + A1 : 2010 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 — Actions on structures — General actions —
Wind actions
BS EN 13501-1 : 2007 + A1 : 2009 Fire classification of construction products and building elements — Classification
using data from reaction to fire tests
BS EN 13823 : 2010 Reaction to fire tests for building products — Building products excluding floorings exposed to the
thermal attack by a single burning item
BS EN ISO 9001 : 2015 Quality management systems — Requirements
ETAG 034 : 2012 Cladding kits
EN ISO 11925-2 : 2010 Reaction to fire tests — Ignitability of products subjected to direct impingement of flame —
Single-flame source test
MOAT No 43 : 1987 UEAtc Directives for Impact Testing Opaque Vertical Building Components
DIN EN 13501-1 : 2010 Fire classification of construction products and building elements — Classification using data
from reaction to fire tests
NF EN 13823 : 2013 Reaction to fire tests for building products — Building products excluding floorings exposed to the
thermal attack by a single burning item

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Conditions of Certification

18 Conditions
18.1 This Certificate:

 relates only to the product/system that is named and described on the front page
 is issued only to the company, firm, organisation or person named on the front page – no other company, firm,
organisation or person may hold claim that this Certificate has been issued to them
 is valid only within the UK
 has to be read, considered and used as a whole document – it may be misleading and will be incomplete to be
 is copyright of the BBA
 is subject to English Law.

18.2 Publications, documents, specifications, legislation, regulations, standards and the like referenced in this
Certificate are those that were current and/or deemed relevant by the BBA at the date of issue or reissue of this

18.3 This Certificate will remain valid for an unlimited period provided that the product/system and its manufacture
and/or fabrication, including all related and relevant parts and processes thereof:

 are maintained at or above the levels which have been assessed and found to be satisfactory by the BBA
 continue to be checked as and when deemed appropriate by the BBA under arrangements that it will determine
 are reviewed by the BBA as and when it considers appropriate.

18.4 The BBA has used due skill, care and diligence in preparing this Certificate, but no warranty is provided.

18.5 In issuing this Certificate the BBA is not responsible and is excluded from any liability to any company, firm,
organisation or person, for any matters arising directly or indirectly from:

 the presence or absence of any patent, intellectual property or similar rights subsisting in the product/system or any
other product/system
 the right of the Certificate holder to manufacture, supply, install, maintain or market the product/system
 actual installations of the product/system, including their nature, design, methods, performance, workmanship and
 any works and constructions in which the product/system is installed, including their nature, design, methods,
performance, workmanship and maintenance
 any loss or damage, including personal injury, howsoever caused by the product/system, including its manufacture,
supply, installation, use, maintenance and removal
 any claims by the manufacturer relating to CE marking.

18.6 Any information relating to the manufacture, supply, installation, use, maintenance and removal of this
product/system which is contained or referred to in this Certificate is the minimum required to be met when the
product/system is manufactured, supplied, installed, used, maintained and removed. It does not purport in any way to
restate the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, or of any other statutory, common law or
other duty which may exist at the date of issue or reissue of this Certificate; nor is conformity with such information to
be taken as satisfying the requirements of the 1974 Act or of any statutory, common law or other duty of care.

British Board of Agrément

Bucknalls Lane tel: 01923 665300
Watford clientservices@bbacerts.co.uk
Herts WD25 9BA ©2018 www.bbacerts.co.uk

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