2018-10-23 12 - 48 - 35balochistan-Sales-Tax-Act-2015
2018-10-23 12 - 48 - 35balochistan-Sales-Tax-Act-2015
2018-10-23 12 - 48 - 35balochistan-Sales-Tax-Act-2015
THE BALOCHISTAN SALES TAX ON SERVICES 2015 Act, 2015 (Act No Vi of 2015)
to provide for the levy of a tax on services provided,
rendered, initiated, received, originated, executed or
consumed in Balochistan.
Short Title, Extent and 1. (1) This Act shall be called the Balochistan Sales Tax
Commencement. on Services Act 2015.
(2) It extends to the whole of Balochistan except its
Tribal Areas.
(3) This Act shall come into force on and from 1st day of
July, 2015.
(4) Notwithstanding sub-section (3), the Government
may, by notification in the official Gazette, specify
services or class or classes of services in respect of which
tax shall be collected and paid with effect from the date
subsequent to and different from the date of the
commencement of this Act.
Definitions. 2. In this Act unless there is anything repugnant in the
subject or context:
(1) “Act” means the Balochistan Sales Tax on Services
Act, 2015.
(2) “Appellate Tribunal” means the Appellate Tribunal
established under law and notified by the Government
as the Appellate Tribunal for purposes of the Act;
(3) “Arrears”, in relation to a person, shall mean, on any
day, the tax due and payable by the person under the
Act or the rules before that day but which has not yet
been paid;
(4) “Assistant Commissioner” means a person appointed
as an Assistant Commissioner of the Authority;
The use of the word “he” in the Act shall be taken to
refer to any or all mentioned from (a) to (f) as required
in the context of the relevant provision;
A service shall remain and continue to be treated as
service regardless whether or not rendering thereof
involves any use, supply or consumption of any goods
either as an essential or as an incidental aspect of such
This sub-section deals with services provided by a non-
resident person to a resident person whether or not the
end consumers, if any, of such services are identifiable
for purposes of this Act or the rules.
(6) The persons who are required to pay the tax to the
Government in terms of sub-sections (1), (2), (3), (4),
and (5) shall be liable to registration for purposes of this
Act and the rules.
Value of a Taxable Service 7. (1) The value of a taxable service is the consideration
(by whatever name called such as charges or price ) in
money including all the Federal and the Provincial
duties, taxes or charges, if any, which the person
providing a service receives from the recipient of the
service but does not include the amount of the tax.
(3) In case the person who provides the service and the
recipient of the service are lower associated persons and
the service is supplied for no consideration or for a
consideration which is lower than the price at which the
person provides the service to other persons who are not
associated persons, the value of the service shall mean
the price at which the service is provided to such other
persons but does not include the tax.
Open market price 8. (1) The open market price of a service is:-
(a) the price, the service would fetch in an open
market transaction freely entered into between
persons who are not associated persons; or
(b) if it is not possible to determine an amount
under paragraph (1), the price, a similar service
would fetch in an open market transaction
freely made between persons who are not
associated persons, adjusted to take account of
the differences between the similar service and
actual service;
(c) determined on the basis of the market
conditions prevailing at the time and place at
which the service is provided.
Provision of Services Over a 9. (1) Where a service is provided over a period of time
Period of Time and payment for the same is made on a periodic basis,
the service shall be treated as comprising two or more
separate and distinct services each corresponding to the
part of the service to which each separate part of the
consideration relates.
(a) Where services are provided for a two years period
and payment is made on a semi-annual basis, the
provision of services for each six months period
constitutes a separate service
(b) Where an insurance company provides as insurance
policy over a five years period and receives a
premium on an annual basis, each premium relates
to a separate service.
(c) Note: The above illustrations are merely
explanatory and shall not be construed as
conclusive in any manner whatsoever.
Scope of Tax and Allied 10. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and the
Matters rules, there shall be charged, levied collected and paid
the tax on the value of a taxable service at the rate or
rates specified in the Second Schedule.
Person Liable to Pay Tax 11. (1) Where a service is taxable by virtue of sub-
section (1) of section 3, the liability to pay the tax shall
be on the registered person providing the service.
Effect of Change in the Rate 13. If there is a change in the rate of tax, the taxable
of Tax service shall be charged to tax at such rate as is in force
at the time the service is provided.
Special Procedure and Tax 14. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act,
Withholding Provisions the Authority may, by notification in the official
Gazette, prescribe a special procedure for the payment
of tax, registration, book keeping, invoicing or billing
requirements, returns and other related matters in
respect of any service or class of services, as may be
Delegation of Power to 15. (1) The Government may, in accordance with article
Collect, Administer and 147 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of
Enforce Tax on Certain Pakistan, authorize the Federal Board of Revenue or any
Services other federal agency or person to administer, collect and
enforce the levy of tax on such taxable services as it may
notify and in such mode and manner and for such period
as may be prescribed and subject to such limitations,
restrictions and conditions as it may deem appropriate.
Collection of Excess Tax 17. (1) Any person who has collected or collects the tax
or charge, whether under misapprehension of any
provision of this Act or otherwise, which was not
payable as tax or charge or which was in excess of the
tax or charge actually payable and the incidence of
which had been passed on to the person to whom the
service was provided, shall pay the amount of tax or
charge so collected to the Government.
Time, Manner and Mode of 18. (1) The tax in respect of a taxable service provided
Payment during a tax period shall be paid by a person at the time
of filing the return in respect of that period under
chapter VI.
(4) The tax due on taxable service shall be paid by any
of the following modes:-
(a) through deposit in a bank designated by the
Authority; or
(b) through such other mode and manner as may be
specified by the Authority.
Joint and Several Liability 19. (1) Where a registered person receiving a taxable
of Registered Persons service from another registered person is in the
Where Tax Unpaid knowledge of or has reasonable grounds to suspect that
some or all of the tax payable in respect of that taxable
service provided would go unpaid as against the
requirements of this Act, such person as well as the
person providing the taxable service shall be jointly and
severally liable for payment of such unpaid amount of
the tax.
Sales of Taxable Activity or 20. (1) Where the ownership of any business providing
Transfer of Ownership taxable services is sold, transferred or otherwise
disposed of as an ongoing concern or activity, the fact of
such sale, transfer or other disposition shall be intimated
to the Commissioner within one month of the
occurrence of such fact by the former owner.
Estate of Deceased Person 21. The tax liability of a deceased registered person
under this Act shall be the first charge on his estate in
the hands of his successors.
Liability for Payment of Tax 23. Where any private company or business enterprise
in Case of Private is wound up and any tax chargeable on or payable by
Companies or Business the company or business enterprise, whether before, or
Enterprises in the course, or after its liquidation, in respect of any
tax period cannot be recovered from the company or
business enterprise, every person who was an owner of,
or partner in, or director of the company or business
enterprise during the relevant period shall, jointly and
severally with such persons be liable for payment of
such tax.
Assessment of Tax 24. (1) Where on the basis of any information acquired
during an audit, inquiry, inspection or otherwise, an
officer of the Authority is of the opinion that a
registered person has not paid the tax due on taxable
services provided by him or has made short payment,
the officer shall make an assessment of the tax actually
payable by that person and shall impose a penalty and
charge default surcharge in accordance with section 48
and 49.
Registration 25. (1) A person shall register under this Act, who:-
Voluntary Registration 26. (1) A person who carries on an economic activity but
is not required to be registered may apply for voluntary
registration at any time.
Compulsory Registration 27. (1) If the Authority is satisfied that a person who is
required to be registered and has not applied for
registration, the Authority shall register the person and
shall, not later than fifteen before the day on which the
registration takes effect, notify the person of the
registration, the day on which it takes effect, and the
registration number issued to the person.
Suspension of Registration 28. (1) Subject to sub-section (3), the Authority may
temporarily inactivate the registration of a person if it is
satisfied that the person:-
(a) is not entitled to be registered; or
(b) has failed to comply with obligations under this
Act or the rules.
(6) Where, after sixty days, the suspension has not been
withdrawn, the Authority may:
(a) institute proceedings against the person in
respect of the alleged non-compliance under
this Act;
(b) reinstate the person’s registration; or
(c) if neither of the actions in clauses (a) and (b) is
done, cancel the person’s registration.
Issuance of Tax Invoices 30. (1) A registered person providing a taxable service
shall issue a numbered and dated tax invoice containing
the following particulars:-
(a) name, address and registration number of the
service provider;
(b) name, address and registration number, if any,
of the service recipient;
(c) description of service or services;
(d) amount of the tax; and
(e) value inclusive of the tax.
Retention and Production of 32. (1) A person, who is required to maintain any record
Records and Document or document under this act, shall retain the record and
documents for a period of five years after the end of the
tax period to which such record or documents relate or
till the final decision in any proceedings including
proceedings for assessment, appeal, revision, reference
or petition, whichever is later.
Special Audit by Chartered 34. (1) The Authority may, by notification in the official
Accountants or Cost Gazette, appoint a Chartered Accountant as defined
Accountants under Chartered Accountants Ordinance, 1961 (X of
1961) or a Firm of Chartered Accountants or a Cost and
Management Accountant within the meaning of the
Cost and Management Accountants Act, 1966 (XIV of
1966) or a firm of Cost and Management Accountants,
for conducting a special audit to the records of any
registered person.
Returns 35. (1) Every registered person shall furnish, not later
than the due date, a true, correct and properly filled-up
return in the prescribed form to a designated bank or
any other office specified by the Authority, indicating
the tax due and paid during a tax period and such other
information or particulars as may be prescribed by the
Appointment of Authorities 39. (1) For the purposes of this Act and the rules, the
Authority may, in the prescribed manner and by
notification in official Gazette, appoint in relation to any
area or cases specified in the notification, any person to
be a:-
(a) Commissioner;
(b) Commissioner (Appeals);
(c) Additional Commissioner of the Authority;
(d) Deputy Commissioner;
(e) Assistant Commissioner;
(f) Audit Officer of the Authority;
(g) Inspector of the Authority or
(h) An officer of the Authority with any other
Distribution of Powers 41. (1) The Authority may, by notification in the official
Gazette, and subject to such limitations or conditions,
empower by name or by designation:-
(a) An Additional Commissioner to exercise or
perform any of the powers or functions of a
(b) A Deputy Commissioner to exercise or
perform any of the powers or functions of an
Additional Commissioner;
(c) An Assistant Commissioner to exercise or
perform any of the powers or functions of a
Deputy Commissioner; and
(d) Any other officer to exercise or perform any of
the powers or functions of an Assistant
Cognizance of Offence 43. (1) The Special Judge may, within the limits of his
jurisdiction, take cognizance of any offence punishable
by him upon:-
(a) a report in writing made by an officer, not
below the rank of Assistant Commissioner
with the approval of the Commissioner or by
an officer especially authorized in this behalf
by the Authority;
(b) receiving a complaint or information of facts
constituting such offence made or
communicated by any person; or
(c) his knowledge acquired during any proceeding
before him.
Application of the Code of 44. (1) The provisions of the Code of Criminal
Criminal Procedure, 1898 Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898), so far as they are not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, shall apply
to all proceedings of the Court of a Special Judge and
such court shall be deemed to be a Court of Session for
the purposes of the said Code and the provisions of
Chapter XXII-A of the Code, so far as applicable and
with necessary modifications, shall apply to the trial of
cases by the Special Judge under the Act.
Exclusive Jurisdiction of 45. No court other than the Special Judge having
Special Judge jurisdiction, shall try an offence punishable by the
Special Judge under this Act.
Place of Sitting 46. A Special Judge shall ordinarily hold sittings at his
headquarters provided that keeping in view the general
convenience of the parties or the witnesses, he may hold
sittings at any other place.
Persons who may Conduct 47. (1) An officer not below the rank of an Assistant
Prosecution Commissioner shall be competent to conduct
prosecution before a Special Judge for and on behalf of
the Government.
Offences and Penalties 48. (1) If a person commits any offence described in
column 2 of the Table below shall, in addition to and not
in derogation of any punishment to which he may be
liable under any other law, be liable to the penalty
mentioned against that offence in column 3.
S.No Offences Penalties Section
1 Any person who is requiredSuch person shall be liable to pay a penalty 25
to apply for registration of ten thousand rupees or five percent of
under this Act fails to make
the amount of the tax he would have been
an application for
liable to pay had he been registered,
registration before
whichever is higher. In the case of non-
providing any taxable compliance of compulsory registration, the
services minimum penalty shall be ten thousand
If such person who is required to get
himself registered under this Act, fails to
get registered within ninety days of
providing taxable services, he shall be
further liable, upon conviction by a Special
Judge, to imprisonment for a term which
may extend to one year or with fine which
may extend to the amount of the tax he
would have been liable to pay had he been
registered, or with both.
2 Where any person fails to Such person shall be liable to pay a penalty 35
furnish a return within the of five thousand rupees provided if a
due date return is not filed within fifteen days of
the due date, a penalty of hundred rupees
for each day of default shall be levied.
3 Where any person fails to (a) Such person shall be liable to pay a 3, 4, 10
deposit the amount of the penalty of ten thousand rupees or five 11, 17,
tax due or any part thereof percent of the tax payable for that period, 18 and
in the time or manner laid whichever is higher 68
down under this Act or the (b) If the amount of the tax due is not paid
rules. even after the expiry of a period of sixty
days of issuance of the notice for such
payment by an officer, not below the rank
of Assistant Commissioner, the person
shall be further liable, upon conviction by
a Special judge, to imprisonment for a
term which may extend to three years, or
with fine which may extend to the amount
of the unpaid tax, or with both.
(c) No penalty shall be levied if any
miscalculation is made for the first time
during a year.
4 Any person who fails to Such person shall pay a penalty of ten 30, 31
maintain record required thousand rupees of five percent of the total and 32
under the Act or the rules. tax payable for the tax period for which he
has failed to maintain the required record,
whichever is higher.
5 Where a registered person Where such person is a Company, it shall 30, 32,
who, without anybe liable to pay a penalty of ten thousand 53 and
reasonable cause, in non- rupees. 57
compliance with the
Where such person is not a Company, he
provisions of this Act fails shall be liable to pay a penalty of five
to produce records on thousand rupees.
receipt of notice from the Where such person fails to produce the
Authority or any officer of record within sixty days of receipt of the
the Authority directing notice, he shall be liable to pay the penalty
him to produce such prescribed for the offence at serial No. 4
records. above.
6 Any person who knowingly Such person shall be liable to pay a penalty General
or fraudulently: of twenty thousand rupees or one hundred
(a) submits a false or forged percent of the tax payable for the tax
document to any officer of period to which the offence relates,
the Authority; or whichever is higher.
(b) destroys, alters,
Such person shall be further liable, upon
mutilates or falsifies the conviction by a Special Judge, to
records; or imprisonment for a term which may
(c) makes a false statement, extend to five years or with fine which
false declaration, false may extend to an amount equal to the tax
representation, false
payable for the tax period to which the
personification, or gives offence relates, or with both.
any false information.
7 Where any person who Such person shall be liable to pay a penalty 31, 32
denies or obstructs the of twenty five thousand rupees or one and 56
access of an authorized hundred percent of the tax payable for the
officer to the business tax period to which the offence relates,
premises, registered office whichever is higher. Such persons shall,
or to any other place where further be liable, upon conviction by a
records are kept, or Special Judge, to imprisonment for a term
otherwise refuses access to which may extend to five years, or with a
accounts of records. fine which may extend to an amount equal
to the tax payable for the tax period to
which the offence relates, or with both.
8 Where any person Such person shall be liable to pay a penalty 2 (43)
commits, cause to commit of up to five hundred thousand rupees, but
or attempts to commit tax not less than twenty five thousand rupees,
fraud, or abets or connives or one hundred percent of the tax payable
in the commission of tax for the tax period to which the offence
fraud equal to twenty five relates, whichever is higher.
thousand rupees or more. Such person shall, further be liable, upon
conviction by a Special Judge, to
imprisonment for a term which may
extend to five years, or with fine which
may extend to an amount equal to the tax
payable for the tax period to which the
offence relates, or with both.
9 Where any person violates Such person shall be liable to pay a penalty 70
any embargo placed on of twenty five thousand rupees or ten
providing of service in percent of the amount of the tax sought to
connection with recovery be recovered, whichever is higher.
of the tax Such person shall, further be liable, upon
conviction by a Special Judge, to
imprisonment for a term which may
extend to one year, or with fine which may
extend to amount equal to the amount of
the tax sought to be recovered, or with
10 Where any person Such person shall be liable to pay a penalty General
obstructs any officer of the of twenty five thousand rupees or one
Authority in the hundred percent of the tax payable for the
performance of his official tax period to which the offence relates,
duties under this Act or the whichever is higher.
rules Such person shall be further liable, upon
conviction by a Special Judge, to
imprisonment for a term which may
extend to one year or with fine not
exceeding fifty thousand rupees or with
11 Where any person who Such person shall be liable to pay a penalty General
fails to fulfill any of the of five thousand rupees or three percent of
conditions, limitations or the tax payable for the tax period to which
restrictions prescribed in a the offence relates, whichever is higher.
notification issued under
any of the provisions of the
Act or the rules.
12 Where any person who Such person shall be liable to pay a penalty General
contravenes any provision of ten thousand rupees of three percent of
of this Act or the rules for the tax payable for the tax period to which
which no penalty has the offence relates, whichever is higher.
specifically been provided
in this section.
13 Where any person repeats Such person shall be liable to pay twice the General
an offence for which a amount of penalty provided under the Act
penalty is provided under for the said offence.
this Act.
14 Where any person:- Such person shall pay a penalty of twenty General
(a) knowingly and without five thousand rupees or one hundred
lawful authority gains percent of the amount equal to the loss
access to or attempts to caused to the tax revenue.
gain access to the Such person shall further be liable, upon
computerized system; or conviction by the Special Judge, to
(b) unauthorizedly uses or imprisonment for a term which may
discloses or publishes or extend to one year, or with fine which may
otherwise disseminates extend to an amount equal to the loss
information obtained from caused to the tax revenue, or with both.
the computerized system;
(c) falsifies any record or
information stored in the
computerized system; or
(d) knowingly or
dishonestly damages or
impairs the computerized
system; or
(e) knowingly or
dishonestly damages or
impairs any duplicate tape
or disc or other medium on
which any information
obtained from the
computerized system is
kept or stored; or
(f) unauthorizedly uses
unique user identifier of
any other registered user
to authenticate a
transmission of information
to the computerized
system; or
(g) fails to comply with or
contravenes any of the
conditions prescribed for
security of unique user
Exemption from Penalty and 50. The Government may, by a notification in the
Default Surcharge official gazette, exempt any registered person or any
taxable service from payment of the whole of any part of
the penalty and default surcharge subject to such
conditions and limitations as may be specified.
Recovery of the Tax not 52. (1) Where by reason of inadvertence, error,
Levied or Short-levied misconstruction or for any other reason, any tax or
charge has not been levied or has been short levied, the
person liable to pay such amount of the tax or charge
shall be served with a notice, within three years of the
relevant tax period requiring him to show cause for
payment of the amount specified in the notice.
Power to Summon Persons 53. (1) An officer may summon any person whose
to give Evidence and attendance he considers necessary either to tender
Produce Documents evidence or to produce documents or any other thing in
any audit, inquiry, investigation or proceedings which
such officer is making for any of the purposes of this Act
and the rules.
(2) All arrests made under this Act shall be carried out
in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code
of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898).
Procedure to be Followed 55. (1) When an officer arrests a person under section
on Arrest of a Person 54, he shall immediately intimate the fact of arrest of
that person to the Special Judge who may direct such
officer to produce that person at such time and place and
on such date as the Special Judge considers expedient.
Authorized Officers to have 56. (1) Any officer authorized in this behalf by the
Access to Premises, Stocks, Authority by notification in the official Gazette, shall
Accounts and Records have free and full access to the business premises,
registered office or any other place where any business
records or documents required under this Act and the
rules are kept or maintained by any registered person or
a person liable for registration or whose business
activities are covered under this Act and the rules or
who may be required for any inquiry or investigation in
any tax fraud committed by him or his agent or any
other person; and such officer may, at any time, inspect
the records, data, documents, correspondence, accounts
statements, utility bills, bank statements, information
regarding nature and sources of funds or assets with
which his business is financed, and any other records or
document, including those which are required under any
other law maintained in any form or mode and may take
into his custody such records, statements, diskettes or
documents, in original or copies, in such form as the
officer may deem fit against a signed receipt.
(2) The registered person, his agent or any other person
specified in sub-section (1), shall answer any question or
furnish such information or explanation as may be asked
by the authorized officer.
Searches under Warrants 58. (1) Where any officer has reason to believe that any
documents or things which in his opinion, may be useful
for, or relevant to, any proceedings under this Act are
kept in any place, he may after obtaining a warrant
from the Magistrate or from the Commissioner, enter
that place and cause a search to be made at any time.
Revision by the 61. (1) The Commissioner may, of his own motion or on
Commissioner an application made in writing by a registered person
for revision, call for and examine the record of any
proceedings under this Act in which an order has been
passed by an officer subordinate to him.
Revision by the Authority 62. (1) The Authority may, of its own motion, call for
and examine the record of any departmental
proceedings under this act or the rules for the purpose
of satisfying itself as to the legality or propriety of any
decision or order passed therein by an officer.
Appeals 63. (1) Any person, other than the Authority or any of
its employees, aggrieved by any decision or order passed
under section 60 by an officer of the Authority other
than Commissioner may, within thirty days of the date
of receipt of such decision or order, prefer an appeal to
the Commissioner (Appeals).
Procedure in Appeal 64. (1) The Commissioner (Appeals) shall give notice of
the day fixed for the hearing of the appeal to the
appellant and to the officer of the Authority against
whose order the appeal has been made.
Appellate Tribunal 66. (1) The Appellate Tribunal shall consist of two
judicial and one technical members.
(8) The Government may from time to time increase or
decrease the number of members of the Appellate
Tribunal by way of notification.
Appeal to the Appellate 67. (1) Where the taxpayer or an officer not below the
Tribunal rank of Additional Commissioner objects to any order
passed by the Commissioner (Appeals), including an
order under sub section (4) of section 64, the taxpayer or
the officer may appeal to the Appellate Tribunal against
such order.
Disposal of Appeals by the 68. (1) The Appellate Tribunal may, before disposing if
Appellate Tribunal an appeal, call for such particulars, documents, records
or information as it may require in respect of the
matters arising from the appeal or cause further inquiry
to be made by the officer of the Authority.
Reference to the High Court 69. (1) A reference to the High Court shall lie only if a
question of law is involved in a case.
(7) If the tax liability is reduced by the High Court and
the Authority decides to seek leave to appeal to the
Supreme Court, the Authority may, within thirty days of
the receipt of the judgment of the Court, apply to the
High Court to postpone the refund until the decision by
the Supreme Court.
Deposit of the Tax Demand 70. Where in any appeal, the decision or order appealed
while Appeal is Pending against relates to any tax demanded under this Act, the
person who has filed the appeal shall, pending the
appeal, deposit the admitted amount of the tax based on
the return filed under section 35 or as may be
determined by the Commissioner (Appeals) or the
Appellate Tribunal where such return has not been filed.
Alternate Dispute 71. (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act
Resolution or the rules, any registered person aggrieved in
connection with any dispute pertaining to:-
(a) the liability of the tax against the registered
(b) the extent of waiver of default surcharge and
(c) relaxation of any procedural or technical
irregularities and condition of any
(d) prescribed time limitation; and
(e) any other specific relief required to resolve the
dispute, may apply to the Authority for the
appointment of a committee for the resolution
of any dispute mentioned in detail in the
Recovery of Arrears of Tax 72. (1) Subject to sub-section (2), where any amount of
the tax is due from any person, the officer of the
Authority may:-
(a) deduct the amount from any money owing to the
person from whom such amount is recoverable
and which may be at the disposal or in the
control of such officer or any officer of the
(b) require by a notice in writing any person who
holds or may subsequently hold any money for
or on account of the person from whom tax is
recoverable to pay to such officer the amount
specified in the notice;
(c) require by a notice in writing any bank to attach
that person’s bank accounts;
(d) seal the person’s business premises till such time
as the amount of the tax is paid or recovered in
(e) attach and sell any movable or immovable
property of the person from whom the tax is due;
(f) recover such amount by attachment and sale of
any movable or immovable property of the
guarantor, person, company, bank or financial
institution where a guarantor or any other
person, company, bank or financial institution
fails to make payment under such guarantee,
bond or instrument.
Agent 73. (1) For purposes of this Act and subject to sub-
section (2) and (3), the expression ‘agent’ in respect of a
registered person, means:-
(a) where the person is an individual under a legal
disability, the guardian or manager who receives
or is entitled to receive income, financial gains or
benefits, funds, money or property on behalf, or
for the benefit of, the individual;
(b) where the person is a Company (other than a
Trust, a Provincial Government, or local
authority in Pakistan ), a Director or a Manager
or Secretary or Accountant or any similar officer
of the company;
(c) where the person is a Trust declared by a duly
executed instrument in writing, whether
testamentary or otherwise, any trustee of the
(d) where the person is a Provincial Government,
or local authority in Pakistan, any individual
responsible for accounting for the receipt and
payment of money or funds on behalf of the
Provincial Government or the local authority;
(e) where the person is an Association of persons, a
Director or a Manager or Secretary or
Accountant or any similar officer of the
Association or, in the case of a firm, any partner
in the firm;
(f) where the person is the Federal Government,
any individual responsible for accounting for the
receipt and payment of moneys or funds on
behalf of the Federal Government; or
(g) where the person is a public international
organization, or a foreign government or
Political sub-division of a foreign government,
any individual responsible for accounting for he
receipt and payment of moneys or funds in
Pakistan on behalf of the organization,
government, or political subdivision of the
government; or
(h) when any person is expressly or impliedly
authorized by a registered person to be his agent
for all or any of the purposes of this Act.
Liability and Obligations of 74. (1) Every agent of a person shall be responsible for
Agents performing any duties or obligations imposed by or
under this Act and the rules on the person, including the
payment of the tax,
Liability of the Registered 75. A registered person shall be responsible for any and
Person for the Acts of his all acts done by his agent.
Power to Make Rules 78. (1) The authority may, with the approval of the
government and by notification in the official Gazette,
make the rules for carrying out the purposes of any of
the provisions of this Act.
Computerized System 79. (1) The Authority may prescribe the use of a
computerized system for carrying out the purposes of
this Act and the rules including the receipt of
applications for registration, returns and such other
declarations or information required to be provided
under this Act and the rules from such date and for such
registered persons or class of persons as the Authority
may, by notification in the official Gazette, specify.
(2) The Authority may regulate the conduct and
transaction of business in relation to the submission of
returns or other information to the Authority by the
persons required to transmit or receive any information
through the computerized system, including matters
such as the grant of authorization, suspension and
cancellation of authorization and for security of the
information transmitted or received through the
computerized system.
Service of Orders and 80. (1) Subject to this Act, any notice, order or
Decisions requisition required to be served on an individual for the
purposes of this Act shall be treated as properly served
on the individual if:-
(a) personally served on the individual or, in the
case of an individual under a legal disability
the agent of the individual;
(b) send by registered post or courier service to
the individual’s usual or last known address in
Pakistan; or
(c) served on the individual in the manner
prescribed for service of a summon under the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (V of 1908).
(3) Where an association of persons is dissolved, any
notice, order or requisition required to be served under
this Act, on the association or a member of the
association may be served on any person who was the
principal officer or a member of the association
immediately before such dissolution.
Correction of Clerical Errors 81. (1) Any clerical or arithmetical error in any
assessment, adjudication order or decision may, at any
time be corrected by the officer of the Authority who
made the assessment or adjudication or passed such
order or decision or by his successor in office, through
an order made under this section.
Issuance of Duplicate of the 82. An officer of the Authority not below the rank of the
Tax Documents Assistant Commissioner may, on payment of one
hundred rupees, issue an attested copy of any document
filed by a registered person with the Authority.
Power to Issue Orders, 83. The Authority may issue such orders, instructions
Instructions and Directions and directions, not inconsistent with this Act and the
rules, to all officers of the authority, as it may deem
necessary to implement, administer or enforce the
provisions of this Act and the rules.
Officers of the Authority to 84. (1) All officers of the Authority and other persons
Follow Orders employed in the administration of this Act and the rules
shall observe and follow the orders, instructions and
directions of the Authority.
Condonation of Time-limit 86. (1) Where any time or period has been specified
under any of the provisions of the Act or the rules
within which any act or thing, including submission of
an application, filing of a return or payment of tax, is to
be done, the Authority may permit such application to
be made or such act or thing to be done within such
time or period as it may consider appropriate.
Bar of Suits, Prosecution 87. (1) No suit shall be brought in any Civil Court to set
and other Legal Proceedings aside or modify any order passed, any assessment made,
any tax levied, any penalty or default surcharge imposed
or any tax made under this Act.
(2) No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall
lie against the Government or against any public
servant in respect of any order passed in good faith
under this Act.
Removal of Difficulties 88. (1) The Government may pass such order, for
removing any difficulty or for bringing the provisions of
this Act into effective operation direct that provisions of
this Act shall, during such period as may be specified in
the order, have effect subject to such adaptations
whether by way of modification or addition or omission
as it may deem to be necessary or expedient.
Repeal and Saving 89. (1) The Balochistan Sales Tax Ordinance, 2000 (II
of 2000) is hereby repealed.
(Mir Khalid Hamayun Langov)
Advisor to the Chief Minister for
Finance Department
Balochistan Provincial Assembly
(Classification of Services)
(see sub-section (38) of section 2)
Classification Description
(1) (2)
(1) (2)
Classification Description
(1) (2)
98.13 Services provided by banking companies, insurance companies,
cooperative financing societies modarbas, musharikas,
leasing companies, foreign exchange dealers, non-banking
financial intuitions and other persons dealing in any such
9813.1000 Services provided in respect of insurance to policyholder by an
insurer, including a reinsure.
9813.1100 Goods insurance.
9813.1200 Fire insurance.
9813.1300 Theft insurance.
9813.1400 Marine insurance.
9813.1500 Life insurance.
9813.1600 Other insurance.
9813.2000 Services provided in respect of advances and loans.
9813.3000 Services provided in respect of leasing.
9813.3010 Financial leasing.
9813.3020 Commodity or equipment leasing.
9813.3030 Hire-purchase leasing.
9813.3090 Others.
9813.3900 Services provided in respect of musharika financing.
9813.4000 Services provided by banking companies in relation to;
9813.4100 Guarantee.
9813.4200 Brokerage.
9813.4300 Letter of credit.
9813.4400 Issuance of pay order and demand draft.
9813.4500 Bill of exchange.
9813.4600 Transfer of money including telegraphic transfer, mail transfer and
electronic transfer.
9813.4700 Bank guarantee.
9813.4800 Bill discounting commission.
9813.4900 Safe deposit lockers.
9813.4910 Safe vaults.
9813.5000 Issuance, processing and operation of credit and debit cards.
9813.6000 Commission and brokerage of foreign exchange dealings.
9813.7000 Automated Teller Machine operations, maintenance and
9813.8000 Service provided as banker to an issue.
9813.8100 Others.
9813.9000 Service provided by a foreign exchange dealer or exchange
or money changer.
98.14 Services provided by architects, town planners, contractors,
property developers or promoters, interior decorators.
9814.1000 Architects or town planners.
9814.2000 Contractors of building (including water supply, gas supply and
sanitary works), roads and bridges, electrical and mechanical
including air conditioning), horticultural works, multi-discipline
works (including turn-key projects) and similar other works.
9814.3000 Property developers or promoters.
9814.4000 Landscape designers.
Classification Description
(1) (2)
9814.9000 Others.
Classification Description
(1) (2)
Classification Description
(1) (2)
(Taxable Services)
[See section 3]
Part A
Description Rate of tax
9812.1990 Others 19.5%
9812.6210 Copper Line based 19.5%
Part B
Description Rate of tax
Services provided or rendered by marriage halls,
9801.3000 15%
lawns, pandal and shamiana
9805.9000 Share transfer agents 15%
9813.1400 Marine insurance 15%
Automated Teller Machine operations, maintenance
9813.7000 15%
and management
9819.3000 Rent a car and automobile rental service 15%
9823.0000 Franchise services 15%
Services provided or rendered by persons engaged
9836.0000 in inter-city transportation or carriage of goods by 15%
road or through pipeline or conduit