Engineering Economics: Rate of Return Analysis
Engineering Economics: Rate of Return Analysis
Engineering Economics: Rate of Return Analysis
Engineering Economics
Techniques for Cash Flow Analysis
! Present Worth Analysis
! Annual Cash Flow Analysis
! Rate of Return Analysis
! Incremental Analysis
! Other Techniques:
! Future Worth Analysis
! Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis
! Payback Period Analysis
Rate of Return Analysis
! Internal Rate of Return
! Calculating Rate of Return
! Rate of Return Analysis
! Incremental Cash Flow Analysis
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Lender’s Viewpoint
! NPW=0
! PW of benefits - PW of costs = 0
! PW of benefits = PW of costs
! PW of benefits / PW of costs = 1
! EUAB -EUAC = 0
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
! Suppose you have the following cash flow stream. You invest $700,
and then receive $100, $175, $250, and $325 at the end of years 1, 2,
3 and 4 respectively. What is the IRR for your investment?
Calculating Internal Rate of Return
! Ways to find the IRR:
! 1. Compound Interest Tables (you
may need to use interpolation)
! 2. Trial-and-error
! 3. Numerically (Excel’s IRR function,
MATLAB, or other root finding
! 4. Graphically
! If you have a CFS with an investment
(-P) followed by benefits (non negative)
from the investment:
! The graph of NPW versus i will have
the same general form.
! It will decrease at a decreasing rate
and have a value 0 at some unique
value i*.
! Where the graph has a value 0
defines the IRR.
Example 1: Solution Using Interest Tables
! Given the following CFD, find i*
! PWB/PWC = 1
! 1252(P/A,i,5)/5000 = 1
Example 2: Solution Using Interest Tables
! An investment resulted in the following
cash flow. Compute the rate of return.
Example 3: Graphical Solution
! Given the following CFS, find i*
! PW of costs = PW of benefits
! 100=20/(1+i)+30/(1+i)2+20/(1+i)3+
! NPW=-100+20/(1+i)+30/(1+i)2+
Problem: 7-1
PWB = [$200 (P/A, i%, 4) - $50 (P/G,
i%, 4)] (P/F, i%, 1)
! Try i = 7%
! PWB=[$200 (3.387) - $50 (4.795)] (0.9346) = 409.03
! Try i = 8%
! PWB=[$200 (3.312) - $50 (4.650)] (0.9259) = $398.08
PWB= $300 (P/A, i%, 2) (P/F, i%, 1) + $400 (P/F, i%, 4) + $500 (P/F, i%, 5)
Problem 7-10
! Try i = 30%
! PWC=$500 + $100 (0.7692)= $576.92
! PWB=$300 (1.361) (0.7692) + $400 (0.6501) + $500 (0.2693)=
! PWC-PWB = 11.83
! Try i = 35%
! PWC=$500 + $100 (0.7407)= $574.07
! PWB=$300 (1.289) (0.7407) + $400 (0.3011) + $500 (0.2230) =
! PWC-PWB= 55.70
Rate of Return (RoR) Analysis
! Example statements about a project:
! The net present worth of the project is $32,000
! The equivalent uniform annual benefit is $2,800
! The project will produce a 23% rate of return
Rate of Return (RoR) Analysis
Rate of Return (RoR) Analysis
! Example: Which of the following two investment options
would you select?
! Option 1:
! Invest $2,000 today. At the end of years 1, 2, and 3 get $100,
$100, and $500 profit; at the end of year 4, you get $2,200.
! Option 2:
! Invest $2,000 today. At the end of years 1, 2, and 3 get $100,
$100, and $100 profit; at the end of year 4, you get $2,000.
Rate of Return (RoR) Analysis
! Find out the implicit interest rate you would be receiving; that is,
solve for the interest rate in which the PW of benefits are equal to
your payments $2,000.
! Option 1:
! 2000 = 100/(1+i)1+ 100/(1+i)2+ 500/(1+i)3+ 2200/(1+i)4
! IRR: i= 10.78%
! Option 2:
! 2000 = 100/(1+i)1+ 100/(1+i)2+ 100/(1+i)3+ 2000/(1+i)4
! IRR: i= 3.82%
Which deal would you prefer?
The Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR)
Incremental Cash Flow Analysis (ΔCFS)
! Suppose you must choose between projects A or B.
! We can rewrite the CFS for B as B = A + (B –A).
! In this representation B has two CFS components:
! 1. the same CFS as A, and
! 2. the incremental component (B –A).
Incremental Cash Flow Analysis (ΔCFS)
! Steps to conduct ∆CFS on two CFS’s:
! 1. Number them CFS1and CFS2, with CFS1 having the largest initial
(year 0) cost (in absolute value)
! 2. Compute ∆CFS = CFS1–CFS2 (It’s year 0 entry must be negative)
! 3. Find the IRR for ∆CFS, say ∆IRR
! 4. If ∆IRR ≥ MARR, choose CFS1; if not, choose CFS2
! Example: There are two cash flows: (-20,28) and (-10,15) and MARR
= 6%.
! 1.CFS1= (-20,28), CFS2= (-10,15)
! 2. ∆CFS = CFS1-CFS2=(-10,13)
! 3. ∆IRR = 30%.
! 4. ∆IRR > MARR => we choose CFS1= (-20,28)
Incremental Cash Flow Analysis (ΔCFS)
! In summary, we compute the CFS for the difference
between the projects by subtracting the cash flow for the
lower investment-cost project (A) from that of the higher
investment-cost project (B).
Why We Use ∆IRR in IRR analysis?
Problem 7-47
Year A B (B- A)
Problem 7-51
Problem 7-51
Year X Y X- Y
0 -$5,000 -$5,000 $0
1 -$3,000 +$2,000 -$5,000
2 +$4,000 +$2,000 +$2,000
3 +$4,000 +$2,000 +$2,000
4 +$4,000 +$2,000 +$2,000
Computed ROR 16.9% 21.9% 9.7%
! RoR analysis is often used but not always well understood
by practitioners
! RoR can be computationally difficult manually; a
spreadsheet model helps reduce solution time
! If an exact RoR is not necessary, use the PW or AW
! Use incremental analysis when using IRR