College of Art and Sciences Universiti Utara Malaysia

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MATRIC NO. :203698



Assalamualaikum and very good evening to Mrs. Asmarinda Ismail and all my friends.

I’m very glad for this opportunity to give a speech. The title that I will tell to you all today is

about “Why We Need A family”.

Family mean a fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two

parents and their childrens. Family is very important to us because value of love that has given

by our parents can make childrens feel someone care about them. For the example, the children

who has a lot of problems they can express their feelings to their parents. This situation can be

proof with a love from parents they can be a good listener and with easily the problems that have

been face by their childrens will be solve. I believe with parents love it is a good point why we

need a family.

Besides that, with a family we can get our goal achieving to be a successful person in this

world. This can be seen with a children came from a very care family who are raise the money

for their children’s education. Parents that who are care about their children’s education they will

send their children for extra class to make sure their children get flying colour in examination’s

result. Parents be able to sacrifice themself to make their children become a successful person. It

is clear that our family or parents are the most person we really need most because with them we

can be a useful person who can help them one day.

Furthermore, family is the most respondsible instituation to alert for their children’s safety.

Our life is getting modern than before and internet or others media become a factor to influence

many childrens especially teenagers by provide a lot of social issues. Teenagers who are lacking
with knowledge easily influence by criminals activities or others such as rape, taking drug and

many more.This situation make our parents worries and always think about alternative ways to

avoid their children and sometimes they will give a good advice to make sure their children not

involve with this things.Parents also need to know who is their children’s friends.Because friends

is the most person that can give a bad or good influence to them. With this, I think we really need

our family or parents because they are the main character to form our personality.

Family or parents very important in our life because they give to us about religious values.

To be a useful person we need grip on religion to face a lot of challenge that need a lot of patient.

For muslims, it is become a big respondsibility to parents to make sure their childrens follow the

Islamic ways. Muslims family need to teach their children how to recite Al-Quran, praying and

know about the sins and the good things. Obviously, religious values pervaded by parents to their

children to make sure they can be a good person this life and for their religion.

In conclusion, we really need our family because with them we know a lot of things in this

life and with them also we become a successful person. So we have to love and appriciate our

parents or family no matter what happens in the future.

Family is Important
Why is family important?

Through family we find ourselves as we give and receive support.

Family brings out the best and worst in each of us. As we yield to and serve others we learn to
love them and ourselves in the process. Many of us could never approach this form of
selflessness in any other way. There is something about a mother or a father, a son or a daughter.
There is a connection there that binds us and asks more of us then we are normally willing to
give. When we are true to ourselves and follow our feelings and share openly and honestly with
our loved ones we remember why family is important. And we are well rewarded for our
sacrifice as it enables us to better appreciate who we are. On the other hand, when we yield to
our selfishness and take our family members for granted or treat them poorly we lose our sense
of self-worth and begin to despise those whom we once loved.

In our day-to-day interactions with our family we find out by our words and actions what kind of
a person we are and what's most important to us. The character Levin in Anna Karenina put his
family first and found himself through faith in God focused by his suffering. In the story he
explained, "my life now, my whole life, independent of anything that can happen to me ... every
minute of it is no longer meaningless as it was before but has a positive meaning of goodness
with which I have the power to invest it." This "positive meaning of goodness" that Leo Tolstoy
began to unravel in Levin's life with the birth of his son can be acquired by each of us as we
strengthen our own family relationships.

Our families hold the keys to understanding and appreciating ourselves. Who can relate better to
us then our own brother or sister that shared so many experiences with us? Who can love us
more selflessly then our own mother or father who sacrificed daily for so many years to raise us?
The better we understand our parents and siblings the better we understand ourselves. This
understanding is most completely achieved as we look to our family's heritage with the help of
our oldest living relatives. By discovering the customs, practices and traditions of our ancestors
we uncover truths about our parents and ourselves. We find out how our grandparents treated our
parents and so on from generation to generation. We discover the ambitions and fears of our
forefathers along with their failures and triumphs. In the process of learning our family history
we uncover our past, understand our present and shape our future.

Family is important because we are important and we need a group of loyal supporters. It matters
what we think and feel and nobody cares more about us than the members of our families - at
least, that's how it should be and it starts with us. The better we are to our spouses, children,
parents or siblings etc. the more they will want to be better to us. When we can count on each
other and lean on each other then family works. If we waltz in on family when it's good for us
and run out when it's bad for us then we're not doing our part and will not find fulfillment there
or elsewhere. Family is not only for our pleasure or entertainment but for all facets of life: for
better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do we part - we
need a family and that family needs us. When we support our families we find ourselves

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