Devyani Totala - Sweden Un Goals

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UN DEVELOPMENT GOALS IMPLEMENTATION IN SWEDEN The Global Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development The Global Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development seek to end poverty and hunger, realise the human rights of all, achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources. The Global Goals are integrated and indivisible, and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental. Leave no one behind’ (LNOB) is an overarching principle of the 2030 Agenda. It is both a prerequisite and goal for sustainable development, and should permeate all our efforts to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) SWEDEN = Sweden is also the Nordic Region’s most populous country, with around 10.2 million inhabitants, more than two million of whom live in and around the capital, Stockholm. The northern parts of the country are sparsely populated. Inland lakes and largae rivers cover almost 10% of Sweden’s land mass. Despite the country’s enormous coniferous forests, it still has 27,000 km2 of arable land. ‘sAmsterdam Helsinis ‘emand¥amn stoiity tockholm ESTONIA LATVIA 9a LITHUANIA, ‘Vins seMinsk BELARUS Kaliningrad gi ‘Warsow POLAND The Global Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sweden is considered to be one of the countries in the best position to deliver on the 2030 Agenda and reach the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the global Paris Agreement on climate change from COP21 and the New Urban Agenda (NUA). According to the UN, prerequisites for a successful urban development are a high level of decentralisation and local democracy as well as relevant financing at a local level. No other region in the world is characterised by such a far-reaching municipal self-government as the Nordic cities and municipalities. In ad on, there are few other examples of local government which have such an extensive self-financing through income tax at a local level. GOAL 1: Pen aS MRR pa IC) NO POVERTY PRESENT EFFORT The Instrument of Government stipulates, Sweden's aid has met or exceeded inter alia, that the public institutions are to the UN goal that at least 0.7 per work for all citizens to be able to attain cent of annual GNI shall go to aid participation and equality in society and Sweden's own goal is to allocate 4 counteract discrimination on grounds such per cent of GNI to development as gender, ethnicity, religion or other cooperation, and since 2006 belief, functional disability, sexual Sweden's aid has amounted to about orientation or age 1 per cent of GNI CHALLENGES disposable income has increased within all groups of society, but to a lesser degree among those with lower incomes, which means that income disparities have become greater. differences in income between women and men, and increasing the disposable income of certain vulnerable groups, such as children and adults in families with scant income, people with disabilities and of the many newly arrived immigrants who have come to Sweden in recent years. GOAL 2: CLC ears aL) Oe REL mele s ZERO HUNGER Bree Cerrone PRESENT occurrence of malnutrition in children is marginal Data instead points to an increase in overweight and obesity in society over the past decade. There are differences and inequalities in eating habits and health that are closely associated with socio-economic situation, educational level and income. Data shows an increasing productivity in Swedish agriculture. Swedish animal production has a low use of antibiotics. CHALLENGES Sweden’s challenges regarding Goal 2 include tackling the population's increasing overweight and obesity, ensuring environmental sustainability and biodiversity in agriculture and strengthening all sustainability dimensions in the entire food chain. EFFORT Swedish development cooperation is to contribute to responsible investments for increased productivity and sustainability in agriculture (including forestry) and for sustainable fisheries. GOAL 3: GOOD HEALTH & WELL- ELAS) PRESENT = The Health and Medical Services Act (2017:30) stipulates that care shall be delivered with respect to the equal value of all humans and the dignity of every individual. The Government has made several, extensive efforts to raise the quality of elderly care, increase security for the elderly. there has been a slight upward trend in the life expectancy of both women and men. CHALLENGES = taking measures for health equity, including the reduction of disparities in health and well-being between different groups in society and improving quick and equal access to healthcare for all who are in need of it unhealthy eating habits is one of the greatest risk factors for ill-health and premature death in Sweden. COU aa Pree Lae er Co EFFORT = working to draw greater attention to non-infectious diseases, internationally and in national health programmes to prioritise financial support for child and maternal care and for sexual and reproductive health and rights Increasing antibiotic resistance is a major and growing health risk and challenge globally. Sweden has a national strategy to combat such resistance.. GOAL 4: QUALITY EDUCATION PRESENT Primary, lower secondary and upper secondary school is free of charge, and attendance at primary and lower secondary school is compulsory.. Postsecondary education is also free of charge Access to university and university college studies, without an upper age limit, creates a lifelong opportunity for higher education.. CHALLENGES all students should have the same opportunities for learning regardless of conditions and background Boys generally achieve poorer school results than girls. girls and young women, who generally achieve better school results, experience mental ill-health to a greater extent than boys and young men. eee) COTO Co a et Bremer Tu ee ern EFFORT focus on national education systems, including teacher training of good quality. to prioritise financial support for child and maternal care and for sexual and reproductive health and hts Increasing antibiotic resistance is a major and growing health risk and challenge globally. Sweden has a national strategy to combat such resistance. ON et ES GOAL 5: GENDER ERR au) EQUALITY renee PRESENT EFFORT established a national gender A dedicated feminist foreign policy equality agency, which is to commence its has been adopted. activities in January 2018 It aims to strengthen women’s Government has formulated an explicitly rights, representation and access to feminist policy entailing that gender resources. equality shall play a decisive role in the Gender mainstreaming is setting of priorities, both nationally and consistently applied in all Swedish internationally. development cooperation, both the gender distribution of the Riksdag has bilateral and multilateral been relatively even, and the same is generally true at the local and regional levels for elected representatives in municipalities and county councils.. CHALLENGES effectively combating all discrimination against women in society, eliminating disparities in salaries and employment rates between women and men Ceo) VIP O=T WV 3 cee PE aus AND SANITATION Cae nec Une int ia ts PRESENT EFFORT = Access to clean water and sanitation is = Sweden contributes through special largely met for all inhabitants in Sweden. development cooperation With regard to the global indicators, the interventions to improve access to preliminary assessment can be made that clean water, sanitation and hygiene, Sweden fulfills the targets. especially for women and children. Legislation and directives adequately Sweden also helps to protect the cover most areas included by the goal. world’s natural wetlands and aquatic environments through membership in the Ramsar CHALLENGES Convention. = drinking water supply might at times be threatened due to low groundwater levels. the withdrawal of freshwater as a proportion of available renewable water resources is low need to increase the protection of groundwater resources GOAL 7: AFFORDABLE & ICEL OCS RCC) CLEAN ENERGY PRESENT Access to energy is good in Sweden and is largely not a problem.. energy intensity decreased by 10 per cent. Between 2008 and 2014 Swedish Energy Policy Commission proposes that the target should be that electricity generation shall consist entirely of renewable energy in 2040 and that energy efficiency shall be 50 per cent higher in 2030 than in 2005 CHALLENGES Sweden already has a high proportion of renewable energy in the transport sector, but further measures are needed, such as a greater introduction of electric vehicles, greater use of biofuels and societal planning that makes transport more effective. Co vara EFFORT As part of its international development cooperation, Sweden provides support for interventions in developing countries in order to promote cost-effective, renewable and low-carbon energy solutions. GOAL 8 Cee Tu DECENT WORK & ECONOMIC *tstainable economic growth, Ue uuu GROWTH PRESENT The average hourly wage for women was SEK 172 in 2045 and for men SEK 196 in the same year. The informal sector in Sweden, excluding agriculture, amounted to 3.9 per cent of total wage payments. CHALLENGES Sweden already has a high proportion of renewable energy in the transport sector, but further measures are needed, such as a greater introduction of electric vehicles, greater use of biofuels and societal planning that makes transport more effective. EO ue ae EFFORT Sweden is an important actor within the international Aid for Trade initiative Sweden's development cooperation supports the capacity of low and middleincome countries to develop institutions and systems so that these will make an effective contribution to a sustainable and inclusive development. GOAL 9: INDUSTRY, a INNOVATION & CICS Ce ear uu] STC C RUS u INFRASTRUCTURE PRESENT Domestic emissions from the transport sector have been decreasing for several years, in part through a greater use of biofuels and improved energy efficiency in road traffic. Greenhouse gas emissions from domestic transport constitute about a third of the total emissions in Sweden CHALLENGES The digital services under development are to be user-friendly so that they do not risk increasing inequality for different groups in society. SC EFFORT Sweden is an important actor within the international Aid for Trade initiative Sweden's development cooperation supports the capacity of low and middleincome countries to develop institutions and systems so that these will make an effective contribution to a sustainable and inclusive development. GOAL 10: REDUCED Coreen) INEQUALITIES Bae PRESENT EFFORT Domestic emissions from the transport Sweden is an important actor within sector have been decreasing for several the international Aid for Trade years, in part through a greater use of initiative biofuels and improved energy efficiency in Sweden's development cooperation road traffic. supports the capacity of low and Greenhouse gas emissions from domestic middleincome countries to develop transport constitute about a third of institutions and systems so that the total emissions in Sweden these will make an effective contribution to a sustainable and CHALLENGES inclusive development. The digital services under development are to be user-friendly so that they do not risk increasing inequality for different groups in society. ECC UC meu) GOAL 11: SUSTAINABLE _ «ttlements inclusive, safe, Cee cra ce CITIES & COMMUNITIES PRESENT EFFORT = Slums do not exist in any conventional = growing cities faced by many low sense; virtually all homes in Sweden's and middle-income countries, such cities have functioning water, sewage, as health and heating and orderly street networks with environmental problems, inequality, lighting and functioning waste management poverty and security problems. urban areas use relatively more land per Sweden provides the least resident. developed countries with a limited rules exist for urban planning, which support for the construction of requires consultation with civil society and resilient buildings using local residents in areas to be developed, altered resources. or planned for the future CHALLENGES = challenges regarding sustainable urban development with good security, and satisfying the need for more housing. to work preventively for disaster risk reduction in accordance with national and local action plans in line with the Sendai Framework. GOAL 12: RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION eee UCC ea a) Bianca PRESENT Greenhouse gas emissions within Sweden’s borders decreased by 14 per cent between 2008 and 2044. At the same time, emissions have continued to increase in other countries, including countries from which Sweden imports goods and services. In its 2017 Budget Bill, the Government presented a strategy for sustainable consumption. A special focus is given to food, transport and housing, which account for the largest share of private consumption. rules exist for urban planning, which requires consultation with civil society and residents in areas to be developed, altered or planned for the future CHALLENGES challenges linked to the goal of contributing to and achieving sustainable consumption and production environmentally, socially and economically, at home and outside Sweden. EFFORT The Government has adopted an action plan for a toxic-free everyday environment for the period 2014- 2020, which entails measures to reduce exposure to hazardous substances in the everyday environment, with a particular focus on children. In June 2016, the Government presented the National Public Procurement Strategy. Through this strategy, the Government wants to demonstrate the benefits achieved through a strategic approach to purchasing GOAL 13: CLIMATE ACTION PRESENT Sweden’s greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 25 per cent in 1990-2015. Changes regarding the heating of housing, as well as industry and waste landfills, have above all contributed to the emissions reduction. there has been an increase in consumption- based emissions, which occur in other countries, but which are caused by Swedish consumption... rules exist for urban planning, which requires consultation with civil society and residents in areas to be developed, altered or planned for the future CHALLENGES finding methods for strongly, effectively and quickly helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions both in Sweden and in other parts of the world. RCCOn Cue IuL LS COOL Rea e QD Ky EFFORT The Government provides local support for climate investments through the Climate Leap initiative. . The initiative started in 2045 and has provided support for just over 480 different measures in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in different parts of the country. Sweden wholeheartedly supports the 2015 Paris Agreement and the goal to keep global warming below 2 degrees GOAL 14 COEUR TCC hme CCRC UC Ruy eee eae IC LIFE BELOW WATER PRESENT = Sustainable fisheries through the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sustainable management of protected areas in collaboration with local populations through the Blue Action Fund reduced marine littering through the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and strengthened work on oceans and climate through the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). CHALLENGES = Sweden faces a series of interrelated challenges, individually and in cooperation with other coastal states, for achieving all the targets under the this goal development. EFFORT = The Government provides local support for climate investments through the Climate Leap initiative. In 2016, Sweden adopted measures entailing that at least 10 per cent of its marine areas are protected. Together with Fiji, Sweden initiated the major UN Ocean Conference in New York in June 2017, which aims to promote the measures necessary to achieve Goal 14. CRU ene GOAL 15 of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage eee Eee Ceca tee nee eae ar LIFE ON LAND J eeverse land degradation and halt biodiversity coon PRESENT EFFORT = The proportion of woodland of Sweden's total = Sweden is party to the Treaty on land area is 69 per cent and has been stable _—- Plant Genetic Resources and to the at this level since at least 1990. Nagoya protocol, which both aim to The ongoing integration of ecosystem promote access to, and the services in decision-making, and the reasonable and equitable sharing of, development of green infrastructure, will the benefits arising from the use of contribute to the enhancement of ecological genetic resources. functioning of land-based ecosystems. CHALLENGES = The maintenance and further development of sustainable forest management, in accordance with forest policy, environmental objectives and other priorities, requires further work to ensure biodiversity, to counteract and adapt to climate change and to stimulate increased growth and employment Sweden's challenges mainly lie in the broad, multi-stakeholder collaboration to live up to its own goals, such as the generational goal, and goals for the environment, employment

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