Custom Gravity: Catlike Coding Unity Tutorials Movement
Custom Gravity: Catlike Coding Unity Tutorials Movement
Custom Gravity: Catlike Coding Unity Tutorials Movement
This is the fifth installment of a tutorial series about controlling the movement of a
character. It covers replacing standard gravity with a custom approach, through
which we support walking on a sphere.
This tutorial is made with Unity 2019.2.21f1. It also uses the ProBuilder package.
Up to this point we have always worked with a fixed gravity vector: 9.81 straight
down. This is su!cient for most games, but not all. For example, walking on the
surface of a sphere that represents a planet isn't currently possible. So we're going to
add support for custom gravity, which needn't be uniform.
Before we get complex, let's start by simply flipping the gravity and see what
happens, by making the Y component of the gravity vector positive, via the project
settings. This e"ectively turns it into antigravity, which should make our sphere fall
Fighting antigravity.
It turns out that our sphere does fly upward, but it initially clings to the ground.
That's because we're snapping it to the ground and our code assumes normal
gravity. We have to change it so it can work with any gravity vector.
1.1 Up Axis
We relied on the up axis always being equal to the Y axis. To let go of this
assumption we have to add an up axis field to MovingSphere and use that instead. To
support gravity that can change at any time we'll have to set the up axis at the start
of FixedUpdate. It points in the opposite direction that gravity pulls, so it's equal to
the negated normalized gravity vector.
Vector3 upAxis;
void FixedUpdate () {
upAxis = -Physics.gravity.normalized;
Now we have to replace all usage of Vector3.up with the new up axis. First, in
UpdateState when the sphere is in the air and we use it for the contact normal.
void UpdateState () {
else {
contactNormal = upAxis;
void Jump () {
jumpDirection = (jumpDirection + upAxis).normalized;
And we also have to adjust how we determine the jump speed. The idea is that we
counteract gravity. We used −2 times the gravity Y component, but this no longer
works. Instead we have to use the magnitude of the gravity vector, regardless of its
direction. This means that we have to remove the minus sign as well.
Finally, when probing for the ground in SnapToGround we have to replace Vector3.down
with the up axis, negated.
bool SnapToGround () {
if (!Physics.Raycast(
body.position, -upAxis, out RaycastHit hit,
probeDistance, probeMask
)) {
return false;
1.2 Dot Products
We can also no longer directly use the Y component of a normal vector when we need
a dot product. We have to invoke Vector3.Dot with the up axis and normal vector as
arguments. First in SnapToGround, when checking if we found ground.
bool CheckSteepContacts () {
if (steepContactCount > 1) {
float upDot = Vector3.Dot(upAxis, steepNormal);
if (upDot >= minGroundDotProduct) {
return false;
Our sphere can now move around no matter which direction is up. It's also possible
to change the gravity direction while in play mode and it will immediately adjust to
the new situation.
Flipping gravity halfway.
However, although flipping gravity upside down works without issue, any other
direction makes it harder to control the sphere. For example, when gravity aligns
with the X axis we can only control movement along the Z axis. Movement along the
Y axis is out of our control, only gravity and collisions can a"ect it. The X axis of our
input gets eliminated because we still define our control in the world-space XZ plane.
We have to define the desired velocity in a gravity-aligned plane instead.
As gravity can vary we also have to make the right and forward axes relative. Add
fields for them.
Vector3 upAxis, rightAxis, forwardAxis;
Use this new method in AdjustVelocity to determine the X and Z control axes, feeding
it the variable axes and contact normal.
void AdjustVelocity () {
Vector3 xAxis = ProjectDirectionOnPlane(rightAxis, contactNormal);
Vector3 zAxis = ProjectDirectionOnPlane(forwardAxis, contactNormal);
The gravity-relative axes are derived in Update. If a player input space exists then we
project its right and forward vectors on the gravity plane to find the gravity-aligned X
and Z axes. Otherwise we project the world axes. The desired velocity is now defined
relative to these axes, so the input vector need not be converted to a di"erent space.
void Update () {
if (playerInputSpace) {
rightAxis = ProjectDirectionOnPlane(playerInputSpace.right, upAxis);
forwardAxis =
ProjectDirectionOnPlane(playerInputSpace.forward, upAxis);
else {
rightAxis = ProjectDirectionOnPlane(Vector3.right, upAxis);
forwardAxis = ProjectDirectionOnPlane(Vector3.forward, upAxis);
desiredVelocity =
new Vector3(playerInput.x, 0f, playerInput.y) * maxSpeed;
desiredJump |= Input.GetButtonDown("Jump");
This still doesn't solve the problem that a control axis gets eliminated when it aligns
with gravity, but when using the orbit camera we can orient it such that we regain
full control.
The orbit camera is still awkward, because it always uses the world Y axis for its up
direction. So we can still end up eliminating a control axis when looking straight up
or down. Ideally the orbit camera aligns itself with gravity, which is both intuitive and
makes sure that relative movement always works as expected.
We use orbit angles to control the camera's orbit and constrain them so that it
cannot go too far up or down. We want to keep this functionality no matter which
way up happens to be. This can be done by applying a second rotation that aligns the
orbit rotation with gravity. Add a Quaternion gravityAlignment field to OrbitCamera for
this purpose, initialized with the identity rotation.
At the start of LateUpdate adjust the alignment so it remains synchronized with the
current up direction. In order to keep the orbit from changing erratically when an
adjustment is needed we have to use the minimal rotation from the current
alignment to the new one. The minimal rotation can be found via
Quaternion.FromRotation, which creates a rotation from one direction to another. In
our cause that's from the last aligned up direction to the current up direction. Then
we multiply that with the current alignment to end up with the new one.
void LateUpdate () {
gravityAlignment =
gravityAlignment * Vector3.up, -Physics.gravity.normalized
) * gravityAlignment;
The orbit rotation logic has to remain unaware of the gravity alignment. To make this
possible add a field to keep track of the orbit rotation separately. This quaternion
contains the orbit angle rotation and should be initialized in Awake, set to the same
value as the initial camera rotation. We can use a chained assignment for this.
Quaternion orbitRotation;
void Awake () {
transform.localRotation = orbitRotation = Quaternion.Euler(orbitAngles);
void LateUpdate () {
//Quaternion lookRotation;
if (ManualRotation() || AutomaticRotation()) {
orbitRotation = Quaternion.Euler(orbitAngles);
//else {
// lookRotation = transform.localRotation;
Quaternion lookRotation = gravityAlignment * orbitRotation;
Orbit camera aligned with leftward gravity.
This works when manually adjusting the orbit, but AutomaticRotation fails because it
only works when gravity points straight down. We can solve this by undoing gravity
alignment before we determine the correct angles. That's done by applying the
inverse gravity alignment to the movement delta, which we can get via the
Quaternion.Inverse method.
Vector3 alignedDelta =
Quaternion.Inverse(gravityAlignment) *
(focusPoint - previousFocusPoint);
Vector2 movement = new Vector2(alignedDelta.x, alignedDelta.z);
2 Spherical Gravity
We support arbitrary gravity, but we're still limited to the uniform Physics.gravity
vector. If we want to support spherical gravity and walk on a planet then we have to
come up with a custom gravity solution.
For this tutorial we'll use a very simple approach. Create a static CustomGravity class
with a public GetGravity method that returns a gravity vector, given a position in
world space. Initially we'll return Physics.gravity unmodified.
using UnityEngine;
As we use gravity to determine the up axis both for the sphere and orbit camera, let's
also add a convenient GetUpAxis method, again with a position parameter.
We can go a step further and include a GetGravity variant method that provides both
in one go. Let's do that by adding an output parameter for the up axis. We mark it as
such by writing out in front of the parameter definition.
It works like Physics.Raycast, which returns whether something was hit and puts the
relevant data in a RaycastHit struct provided as an output argument.
The out keyword tells us that the method is responsible for correctly setting the
parameter, replacing its previous value. Not assigning a value to it will produce a
compiler error.
The rationale in this case is that returning the gravity vector is the primary purpose of
GetGravity, but you can also get the associated up axis at the same time via the output
gravityAlignment =
gravityAlignment * Vector3.up,
) * gravityAlignment;
void FixedUpdate () {
//upAxis = -Physics.gravity.normalized;
Vector3 gravity = CustomGravity.GetGravity(body.position, out upAxis);
if (desiredJump) {
desiredJump = false;
body.velocity = velocity;
That way we can calculate the gravity's magnitude when needed, without having to
determine gravity again for our position.
And because we're using custom gravity we have to make sure that standard gravity
doesn't get applied to the sphere's body. We can enforce this by setting the body's
isGravity property to false in Awake.
void Awake () {
body = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
body.useGravity = false;
Although we've switched to a custom gravity approach everything should still work
the same. Changing Unity's gravity vector a"ects everything just like before. To make
gravity spherical we have to make a few changes. We'll keep it simple and use the
world origin as the center of our gravity source. The up axis is thus simply the
direction to the position. Adjust CustomGravity.GetUpAxis accordingly.
True gravity varies with distance. The further away you are the less you are a"ected
by it. But we'll keep its strength constant, using the configured Y component of
Unity's gravity vector. Thus we can su!ce with scaling the up axis.
public static Vector3 GetGravity (Vector3 position) {
return position.normalized * Physics.gravity.y;
Note that when walking and jumping on a tiny planet it is possible to end up stuck in
an orbit around it. You're falling down, but forward momentum makes you fall
alongside the surface instead of toward it, just like a satellite.
This can be mitigated by increasing gravity or the planet's radius, allowing air
acceleration, or by introducing a drag force that slows you down.
2.4 Pushing Away
Our sphere and orbit camera work with custom gravity, but everything else still relies
on the default gravity to fall down. To make arbitrary objects with Rigidbody
components fall toward the origin we'll have to apply custom gravity to them as well.
We could extend the existing Rigidbody component to add custom gravity, but that
would make it hard to covert objects that already have a configured Rigidbody. So
we'll create a new CustomGravityRigidbody component type instead, which requires the
existence of a body and retrieves a reference to it when it awakens. It also disables
regular gravity.
using UnityEngine;
public class CustomGravityRigidbody : MonoBehaviour {
Rigidbody body;
void Awake () {
body = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
body.useGravity = false;
To make the body fall toward the origin all we have to do is invoke AddForce on it in
FixedUpdate, passing it our custom gravity based on its position.
void FixedUpdate () {
CustomGravity.GetGravity(body.position), ForceMode.Acceleration
Messing with cubes on a sphere.
That happens for the same reason that our sphere jittered. It's especially noticeable for
fast-moving objects when the camera is moving as well. If it's too obvious you could
make the cubes interpolate their position. It's also possible to add logic to turn on
interpolation only when needed.
3.2 Sleeping
A downside of applying gravity ourselves each fixed update is that the Rigidbody no
longer goes to sleep. PhysX puts bodies to sleep when it can, e"ectively putting them
in stasis, reducing the amount of work it has to do. For this reason it is a good idea
limit how many bodies are a"ected by our custom gravity.
One thing we could do is check whether the body is sleeping at the start of
FixedUpdate,by invoking the body's IsSleeping method. If so, it's in equilibrium and
we shouldn't disturb it, so return immediately.
void FixedUpdate () {
if (body.IsSleeping()) {
CustomGravity.GetGravity(body.position), ForceMode.Acceleration
But it never goes to sleep, because we apply an acceleration to it. So we have to first
stop doing that. Let's assume that if the body's velocity is very low it has come to
rest. We'll use a threshold of 0.0001 for the square magnitude of its velocity. That's
0.01 units per second. It it's slower than that don't apply gravity.
void FixedUpdate () {
if (body.IsSleeping()) {
CustomGravity.GetGravity(body.position), ForceMode.Acceleration
That doesn't work, because bodies begin stationary and can also end up hovering in
place for a moment for various reasons while still in the air. So let's add a float delay,
during which we assume that the body is floating but might still fall. It always resets
to zero except when the velocity is below the threshold. In that case we wait one
second before we stop applying gravity. If that wasn't enough time to make the body
move then it should've come to rest.
float floatDelay;
void FixedUpdate () {
if (body.IsSleeping()) {
floatDelay = 0f;
CustomGravity.GetGravity(body.position), ForceMode.Acceleration
Red is awake, yellow floats, and gray sleeps.
Note that we do not force the body to go to sleep ourselves. We leave that up to
PhysX. This is not the only way to support sleeping, but it's easy and su!cient for
most simple situations.
That happens because PhysX keeps making tiny adjustments, either changing very
slowly or oscillating between two states. This can occur when there is a nearly-stable
collision state.
3.3 Staying Awake
Our approach is fairly robust but not perfect. One assumption we make is that
gravity remains constant for a given position. Once we've stopped applying gravity
the bodies remain where they are, even if gravity were to suddenly flip. There might
be other cases where our assumptions fail as well, for example bodies might move
very slowly, or the floor might disappear while we're floating but not yet sleeping.
Also, we don't need to worry about sleeping if a body is short-lived anyway, like
temporary debris. So let's make it configurable whether a body is allowed to float so
it can go to sleep.
bool floatToSleep = false;
void FixedUpdate () {
if (floatToSleep) {
CustomGravity.GetGravity(body.position), ForceMode.Acceleration
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