The document provides an overview of the card set for the Middle-earth: The Wizards collectible card game. It lists the different card types, including characters, resources, and artifacts. It also describes the contents of starter packs and booster packs, noting the number and rarity of cards included in each.
The document provides an overview of the card set for the Middle-earth: The Wizards collectible card game. It lists the different card types, including characters, resources, and artifacts. It also describes the contents of starter packs and booster packs, noting the number and rarity of cards included in each.
The document provides an overview of the card set for the Middle-earth: The Wizards collectible card game. It lists the different card types, including characters, resources, and artifacts. It also describes the contents of starter packs and booster packs, noting the number and rarity of cards included in each.
The document provides an overview of the card set for the Middle-earth: The Wizards collectible card game. It lists the different card types, including characters, resources, and artifacts. It also describes the contents of starter packs and booster packs, noting the number and rarity of cards included in each.
Sold in starters and boosters (no cards from other sets needed to play). A booster (15 cards, 36 boosters per display) holds 1 rare, 3 uncommons, and 11 commons. A starter holds a fixed set (at random), 3 rares, 9 uncommons, and 40 commons. R: rare; U: uncommon; CA1: once on general common sheet; CA2: twice on general common sheet; CB1: once on booster-only common sheet; CB2: twice on booster-only common sheet; F#: in # different fixed sets (out of 5). Look at the Fixed pack specs to see what cards are in in which fixed set. Thorin II R Gwaihir R Risky Blow CA Characters (hero) Thranduil F1 Halfling Stealth CB2 Roäc the Raven R Adrazar F1 Vôteli CB Halfling Strength CB2 Sacrifice of Form R Alatar F2 Vygavril R Hauberk of Bright Mail CA Sapling of the White Tree U Anborn U Wacho U Healing Herbs CA2 Scroll of Isildur U Annalena F2 Hiding R Secret Entrance R Aragorn II F1 Resources (hero) Hillmen U Secret Passage CA Arinmîr U A Chance Meeting CB Hobbits R Shadowfax R Arwen R A Friend or Three CB2 Horn of Anor CB Shield of Iron-bound Ash CA2 Balin U Align Palantir U Horses CA Skinbark R Bard Bowman F2 Anduin River CB2 Iron Hill Dwarves F1 Southrons R Barliman Butterbur U Anduril R Kindling of the Spirit CA Star-glass U Beorn F1 Army of the Dead R Knights of Dol Amroth U Stars U Beregond F1 Ash Mountains CB Lapse of Will U Stealth CA Beretar U Athelas U Leaflock U Sting U Bergil U Beautiful Gold Ring CA2 Lesser Ring U Stone of Erech R Bifur CB Beornings F1 Lordly Presence CB2 Sun U Bilbo R Bill the Pony U Lossoth U Sword of Gondolin CA2 Bofur CB Block CA Lucky Search R Tempering Friendship CB2 Bombur U Blue Mountain Dwarves U Lucky Strike CA Test of Form CA2 Boromir II F2 Book of Mazarbul U Magic Ring of Courage U Test of Lore CA2 Celeborn F1 Bridge U Magic Ring of Lore U The Arkenstone R Cirdan R Clear Skies R Magic Ring of Nature U The Cock Crows U Dain II R Concealment CA Magic Ring of Stealth U The Evenstar U Damrod U Cracks of Doom U Magic Ring of Words U The Great Eagles U Denethor II R Dagger of Westernesse CA2 Men of Anfalas U The Mithril-coat R Dori U Dark Quarrels CA2 Men of Anorien F1 The Old Thrush U Dwalin CB Dodge CA Men of Dorwinion U The One Ring R Elladan F1 Dreams of Lore CA2 Men of Lamedon U The White Tree R Elrohir F1 Dunlendings F1 Men of Lebennin U Thorough Search CA Elrond R Durin's Axe U Men of Northern Rhovanion U Tom Bombadil R Éomer U Dw. Ring of Barin's Tribe R Mirror of Galadriel U Torque of Hues U Éowyn U Dw. Ring of Bávor's Tribe R Miruvor CA Tower Guard of Minas Tirith F1 Erkenbrand F1 Dw. Ring of Drúin's Tribe R Misty Mountains CB2 Treebeard U Faramir F1 Dw. Ring of Durin's Tribe R Moon U True Fána R Fili U Dw. Ring of Dwálin's Tribe R Morannon R Use Palantir U Forlong CB Dw. Ring of Thélor's Tribe U Mountains of Shadow CB Vanishment CA Frodo R Dw. Ring of Thrár's Tribe U Muster CA Variags of Khand R Galadriel R Eagle-mounts R Narsil U Vilya R Galva R Earth of Galadriel's Orchard U Narya R White Mountains CB Gamling the Old U Easterlings R Nenya R Wizard's Fire R Gandalf F2 Elf-song R New Friendship CB Wizard's Flame U Ghan-buri-Ghan U Elf-stone CB2 Old Friendship CB Wizard's Laughter U Gildor Inglorion F1 Elven Cloak CA2 Old Road CB2 Wizard's Ring R Gimli F1 Elves of Lindon R Orcrist U Wizard's River-horses U Gloin U Ent-draughts U Palantir of Amon Sûl R Wizard's Test CA Glorfindel II F1 Ents of Fangorn F1 Palantir of Annuminas R Wizard's Voice R Halbarad U Escape CA Palantir of Elostirion U Wood-elves F1 Haldalam R Fair Gold Ring CA2 Palantir of Minas Tirith U Woodmen U Haldir U Fair Sailing R Palantir of Orthanc U Woses of Old Pukel-land R Háma CB Fair Travels in Border-lands CA Palantir of Osgiliath R Woses of the Drúadan Forest U Imrahil U Fair Travels in Dark-domains R Paths of the Dead R Kili F2 Fair Travels in Free-domains R Persuasive Words CB Hazards Legolas U Fair Travels in Shadow-lands CA "Bert" (Burat) U Potion of Prowess CA Mablung U Fair Travels in Wilderness CA "Tom" (Tûma) U Praise to Elbereth U Merry U Far-sight CA "William" (Wûluag) U Precious Gold Ring CA2 Nori CB Favor of the Valar R Abductor CA Quickbeam U Oin U Fellowship CA2 Adûnaphel R Quiet Lands U Ori CB Fog U Agburanar R Rangers of Ithilien F1 Orophin CB Ford CA Akhôrahil R Rangers of the North F1 Pallando F2 Gates of Morning F5 Ambusher CA Red Arrow U Peath F1 Glamdring U Arouse Denizens CA2 Red Book of Westmarch U Pippin U Goldberry U Arouse Minions CA2 Reforging CA Radagast F2 Gollum U Assassin R Rescue Prisoners CA2 Robin Smallburrow F2 Gollum's Fate R Awaken Denizens CA2 Return of the King R Sam Gamgee U Great Ship R Awaken Minions CA2 Riders of Rohan F1 Saruman F2 Great-road CA Awaken the Earth's Fire U Ringlore U Theoden F1 Great-shield of Rohan U Balrog of Moria R Bane of the Ithil-stone R The Burden of Time U The Lonely Mountain F2 Some errata (as of July 28, 2000): Barrow-wight U The Great Goblin R The Stones R Akhôrahil: "...modifies any one Brigands CA2 The Nazgul are Abroad R The White Towers U character's body by -1 for the rest of Call of Home CA2 The Pale Sword R The Wind Throne F5 the turn." Alatar: " he must make a Call of the Sea U The Precious R Thranduil's Halls F1 corruption check immediately follo- Cave-drake CA2 The Ring's Betrayal U Tolfalas R wing the attack, and, if untapped, he Choking Shadows CA The Will of Sauron R Vale of Erech R must tap." Army of the Dead: " Clouds R The Will of the Ring R Variag Camp R May not be influenced by an Corpse-candle CA Thief R Weathertop F4 opponent." Assassin: Gives 2MP Corsairs of Umbar U Tookish Blood CB Wellinghall F1 Bill the Pony: his body is 10 Book Crebain CA Traitor R Woodmen-town CB of Mazarbul: "tap Book of Mazar- Daelomin R Twilight CA2 Wose Passage-hold CB bul..." (not the bearer) Corsairs of Despair of the Heart CA Uvatha the Horseman R Umbar: Add "May also be played Doors of Night F5 Wake of War U Regions at any sites in regions that are Andrast CB Dragon's Desolation U Wargs CA2 normally coastal sea." Cracks of Andrast Coast CB Drowning Seas U Watcher in the Water U Doom: "Only playable during the Anduin Vales CB2 Dwar of Waw R Weariness of the Heart CA2 site phase." Dodge: "his body is Anfalas CB2 Eye of Sauron R Witch-king of Angmar R modified by -1 for the resulting Angmar CB Fell Beast R Wolves CA2 body check." Great Goblin: Anorien CB2 Fell Turtle R Words of Power and Terror R "Unique. Orc. One Strike." Great Arthedain CB2 Fell Winter CA Ship: "Tap a character in target Foul Fumes CA Sites (hero) Bay of Belfalas CB company during the organization Amon Hen CA Belfalas CB Ghosts CA phase to play Great Ship on that Bag End F2 Brown Lands CB Ghouls CA company." "...contains a coastal sea Bandit Lair F3 Cardolan CB2 Giant CA2 region and no consecutive non-coas- Barad-dur R Dagorlad CB Giant Spiders CA2 tal sea regions." Gwaihir: "You Barrow-downs F1 Dorwinion CB Gloom CA may discard Gwaihir during the Beorn's House F1 Dunland CB Greed CA organization phase to..." Horses: Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold CB Elven Shores CB Half-trolls of Far Harad CA "Playable only at the end of the Bree F1 Enedhwaith CB Hoarmûrath of Dír R organization phase." Lucky Search: Cameth Brin CB Eriadoran Coast CB Huorn CA "Reshuffle all revealed cards except Carn Dûm R Fangorn CB Indûr Dawndeath R the item back into the play deck." Caves of Ulund U Forochel CB Khamûl the Easterling R "Discard the item if the scout is Cirith Ungol R Gap of Isen CB2 Leucaruth R wounded by this attack." Mouth of Dancing Spire U Gorgoroth CB Long Winter CA Sauron: "Man" Muster: Should Dead Marshes U Grey Mountain Narrows CB Lost at Sea R read "Warrior only. An influence Dimrill Dale U Gundabad CB Lost in Border-lands CA check against a faction by a warrior Dol Amroth CB Harondor CB Lost in Dark-domains R is modified by adding the warrior's Dol Guldur R Heart of Mirkwood CB Lost in Free-domains CA prowess to a maximum modifier of Drúadan Forest CB High Pass CB2 Lost in Shadow-lands CA +5." The Old Thrush: "Cannot be Dunharrow R Hollin CB2 Lost in the Wilderness CA duplicated on a given attack." Dunnish Clan-hold F1 Horse Plains CB Lure of Creation U Rescue Prisoners: Gives (2)MP. Eagles' Eyrie CB Imlad Morgul CB Lure of Expedience CA "You recieve the marshalling points Easterling Camp R Iron Hills CB Lure of Nature CA2 for this card only when it is stored." Edhellond CB Ithilien CB Lure of Power R Ringlore: "Playable only during the Edoras F1 Khand CB Lure of the Senses CA site phase. Tap the sage and the Ettenmoors CA Lamedon CB Minions Stir U site." River: Should read "Playable Gladden Fields CA Lebennin CB2 Morgul Night R on a site. If a company that has Glittering Caves U Lindon CB2 Morgul-horse R moved to this site this turn does not Goblin-gate F2 Mouths of the Anduin CB Morgul-knife R tap a ranger, it must do nothing Grey Havens CB Northern Rhovanion CB2 Mouth of Sauron R during the site phase." Sacrifice of Henneth Annûn F1 Numeriador CB Mûmak (Oliphant) R Form: "+3 to any body checks." Himring U Nurn CB Muster Disperses CA (not -3) Slayer: Gives 2MP Irerock U Old Pûkel Gap CB New Moon U Thorough search: "except a greater Iron Hill Dwarf-hold F1 Old Pûkel-land CB * * Night CA item" Tolfalas: "...,greater ) Scroll Isengard F2 Redhorn Gate CB2 Old Man Willow U of Isildur only." Twilight: "This Isles of the Dead that Live R Rhudaur CB2 Olog-hai (Trolls) U card may be played at any time Lake-town CB Rohan CB2 Orc-guard CA during any players turn." Vilya: Lond Galen CB Southern Mirkwood CB2 Orc-lieutenant U Should read "Playable on Elrond Lorien CB Southern Rhovanion CB Orc-patrol CA2 only. +4 prowess, +2 body, +6 Lossadan Cairn CA The Shire CB Orc-raiders CA2 direct influence until the end of the Lossadan Camp CB Udûn CB Orc-warband CA turn. If Elrond is at Rivendell and Minas Morgul R Western Mirkwood CB Orc-warriors CA2 your play deck had at least 5 cards Minas Tirith F2 Withered Heath CB Orc-watch CA in it, you may take 3 resource cards Moria F3 Wold & Foothills CB2 Pick-pocket U of your choice from your discard Mount Doom U Woodland Realm CB2 Plague of Wights U pile and shuffle them into your play Mount Gram F2 Pûkel-men R deck. Elrond makes a corruption Mount Gundabad U Ren the Unclean R check modified by -3. Cannot be Old Forest CA River CA2 duplicated on a given turn." The Ost-in-Edhil U Rogrog R White Tree: "Discard the Sapling of Pelargir CB Shelob R the White Tree." Wizard's Ring: Rhosgobel F2 Siege R Replace "Ignore..." with "Cannot be Rivendell CB Silent Watcher R stored, stolen, or transferred." Ruined Signal Tower F2 Slayer CA Sarn Goriwing CA Smaug R Council of the Isles of the Dead that Live Shelob's Lair R Snowstorm R The Netherlands Shrel-Kain CB Storms of Ossë R Southron Oasis R The Balance of Things R Stone-circle R * [email protected]