PHASE 2 NCP (Injury, Risk For Bleeding)

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Age: 14 yrs.

Sex: Female
Subjective: Injury, risk for  Platelets are blood Short term: Nursing
“Ang sakit parin bleeding related cells called  After 6 hours of Interventions: After 6 hours of
ng pakiramdam to altered clotting thrombocytes and nursing  Establish  To gain nursing
ko” As verbalized factor as help your blood interventions, rapport and patient’s trust interventions, the
by the patient. evidenced by clot, so you stop the patient will good working and patient was able
decreased in bleeding. Low be able to condition with cooperation. to demonstrate
“Nilalamig ako at platelet count platelet count is demonstrate the patient. behavior that
napakasakit ng secondary to the also called behaviors that reduced the risk
tiyan ko.” presence of thrombocytopenia. reduces the risk  Assess for  The G.I track for bleeding:
dengue fever. When your for bleeding: signs and (esophagus  The patient’s
When asked to platelet levels are  Gaining symptoms of and rectum) is total fluid
rate the pain from Rationale: lower than good G.I bleeding or the most usual intake at the
1-10, patient Platelets play an normal, your appetite nosebleeding. source of end of the shift
stated: important role in blood isn’t able to  Increase in Note for color bleeding due to is 1,900cc.
“Kung irarate ko clotting and clot as it should, fluid intake of the stool, its mucosal
yung sakit 7 sya bleeding. In putting you at a  Avoidance vomitus and fragility.  The patient
kasakit.” people with a low higher risk for of dark urine. was relieved
platelet count, excessive bleeding. colored from
Objective: bleeding is more The lower your foods/fluid  Observe for  Sub-acute abdominal
likely to platelet count, the s and eating presence of disseminated pain.
VS taken: occur,even after a higher your risk food rich in petechiae, intravascular
 TEMP: 38.9C slight injury. Low for bleeding. vitamin C. ecchymosis, coagulation  The patient’s
platelet count may  Eradication bleeding from may develop temperature
 Fever result of one or more secondary to was
 Chills inspontaneous weakness sites. altered clotting maintained to
 Abdominal bleeding.(Merck or factors. normal
pain Manual, 2009,Sec. restlessness temperature
 Vomiting 3, chapter 49)  Monitor vital  An increase in 36.6C.
signs specially pulse with
pulse and BP. decreased
blood pressure  The patient
can indicate was able to
loss of rest or sleep.
blood volume.  The patient
 Encourage use  In the presence vomiting.
of soft of clotting
toothbrush, factor
avoid straining disturbances,
for stool, and minimal
forceful nose trauma can
blowing. cause mucosal

 Avoid dark  Dark colored

colored foods foods or fluids
or fluids. may mask

 Encourage  To boost body

patient to eat resistance to
food rich in infections that
vitamin C. may lead to

 Encourage  Rest promotes

patient to rest body recovery
more. from ached
 Increase fluid and pains.
intake as
indicated.  Body needs 3-
3.5L of water
daily as the
body has
sensible and
water losses.
More water
intake surely
aids I the
recovery of the
patient and

 Monitor Hb,  These are

Hct, WBC and indicators of
platelet count anemia, active
every 12 bleeding or
hours. impending

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