Heart Rate Variability-Based Driver Drowsiness Detection and Its Validation With EEG
Heart Rate Variability-Based Driver Drowsiness Detection and Its Validation With EEG
Heart Rate Variability-Based Driver Drowsiness Detection and Its Validation With EEG
Abstract—Objective: Driver drowsiness detection is a key According to a study by Gottlieb et al., the risk of traffic acci-
technology that can prevent fatal car accidents caused dent occurrence increases regardless of the drivers’ subjective
by drowsy driving. The present work proposes a driver sleepiness when they have sleep apnea or their sleep duration is
drowsiness detection algorithm based on heart rate vari-
ability (HRV) analysis and validates the proposed method by insufficient [2]. In order to prevent accidents caused by drowsy
comparing with electroencephalography (EEG)-based sleep driving, a driver-assistance system that detects drowsy driving
scoring. Methods: Changes in sleep condition affect the au- and provides a warning would be effective.
tonomic nervous system and then HRV, which is defined In sleep medicine, electroencephalography (EEG) recording
as an RR interval (RRI) fluctuation on an electrocardio- is necessary for sleep scoring because sleep onsets and sleep
gram trace. Eight HRV features are monitored for detecting
changes in HRV by using multivariate statistical process stages are defined based on EEG [3]. Although EEG-based
control, which is a well known anomaly detection method. drowsiness detection methods have been developed [4]–[7], it
Result: The performance of the proposed algorithm was is difficult to record EEG accurately during driving since EEG
evaluated through an experiment using a driving simula- recording is intolerant to motion artifacts and puts significant re-
tor. In this experiment, RRI data were measured from 34
strictions on the body. Thus, various types of driver drowsiness
participants during driving, and their sleep onsets were de-
termined based on the EEG data by a sleep specialist. The detection systems that do not use EEG have been developed [8].
validation result of the experimental data with the EEG data Driver face image analysis and vehicle travel data analysis are
showed that drowsiness was detected in 12 out of 13 pre- used for detecting driver drowsiness [9]–[14]; however, these
N1 episodes prior to the sleep onsets, and the false posi- methods require installing special devices in a vehicle, such as
tive rate was 1.7 times per hour. Conclusion: The present a camera for face image acquisition or a data logging device for
work also demonstrates the usefulness of the framework of
HRV-based anomaly detection that was originally proposed accessing vehicle travel data.
for epileptic seizure prediction. Significance: The proposed Instead of installing devices in a vehicle, physiological infor-
method can contribute to preventing accidents caused by mation other than EEG can be used for drowsiness detection if
drowsy driving. drivers agree to wear a sensor that measures their physiolog-
Index Terms—Drowsy driving detection, heart rate vari- ical signals. Changes in sleep condition affect the autonomic
ability analysis, electroencephalography, anomaly detec- nervous system (ANS) as well as cardiac activities [15], and
tion, multivariate statistical process control. cardiac signals can be used for drowsiness detection. Chui et al.
proposed a drowsiness detection method based on an electro-
cardiogram (ECG) taken from drivers [16]. In addition, some
HE risk of traffic accidents in drowsy drivers is estimated
T to be four to six times higher than in awake drivers [1].
researchers have analyzed photoplethysmography (PPG) signals
for detecting drowsy driving [17]. Although they reported that
their proposed methods were able to achieve good performance,
Manuscript received May 9, 2018; revised September 7, 2018 and Oc- it is difficult to obtain good ECG or PPG signals stably due to
tober 21, 2018; accepted October 26, 2018. Date of publication Novem- motion artifacts. Besides, these methods would require a heavy
ber 2, 2018; date of current version May 20, 2019. This work was sup-
ported in part by the JST A-STEP under Grant 12103409, in part by the computational load because the sampling rate of ECG is usually
JSPS KAKENHI under Grant 17H00872, in part by the Hattori Hokokai more than several hundred Hz.
foundation, in part by the SECOM science and technology foundation, Heart rate variability (HRV), which is the RR interval (RRI)
and in part by the SEI Group CSR Foundation. (Corresponding author:
Koichi Fujiwara.) fluctuation in an ECG, is a well-known physiological phe-
K. Fujiwara is with the Department of Systems Science, Kyoto Univer- nomenon which reflects activities of ANS [18]. Fujiwara et al.
sity, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan (e-mail:, [email protected]). proposed an epileptic seizure prediction algorithm utilizing
E. Abe, K. Kamata, C. Nakayama, T. Hiraoka, and M. Kano are with
the Department of Systems Science, Kyoto University. HRV analysis [19]. HRV changes before an epileptic seizure
Y. Suzuki is with the Tokyo Medical and Dental University. because changes in cardiovascular regulation begin ten minutes
T. Yamakawa is with the Kumamoto University. to several seconds before seizure onsets [20], [21]. In addition,
Y. Sumi, F. Masuda, M. Matsuo, and H. Kadotani are with the Shiga
University of Medical Science. several studies have reported changes in HRV associated with
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBME.2018.2879346 sleep stage transitions [22]–[24].
0018-9294 © 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution
requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
In the present work, a new HRV-based driver drowsiness During N1, the muscles are still active, the eyes open and close
detection algorithm is proposed by utilizing the framework of moderately, and persons can be easily awakened by a sensory
HRV-based epileptic seizure prediction [19]. Abnormalities in stimulus. Thus, driver drowsiness should be detected prior to
the HRV data of drivers are monitored by multivariate statis- the N1 onset (sleep onset), when a driver can be easily wakened
tical process control (MSPC), which is a well-known anomaly by a stimulus.
detection algorithm used in manufacturing industries [25]–[27]. It is noteworthy that we cannot define a sleep onset with the
The proposed algorithm is simpler than previous HRV-based accuracy of less than 30 seconds because sleep scoring is based
methods [28]–[30] because the number of HRV features it uses on the 30-second EEG epoch-based method.
is just eight and MSPC is a linear method. Driving simulator
experiments were performed to validate the proposed method,
in which EEG-based sleep scoring by a sleep specialist was used B. Heart Rate Variability Analysis
as a reference. The R wave is the highest peak on an ECG, and the RR
interval (RRI) [ms] is defined as the interval between an R
II. RELATED WORKS wave and the next R wave. HRV is the fluctuation of RRI,
which is a physiological phenomenon reflecting ANS activities.
HRV-based drowsiness detection methods have been pro- Thus, HRV analysis has been used for monitoring stress, and
posed. Vicente et al. proposed a drowsiness detection method cardiovascular disease [33], [34].
that uses HRV analysis and linear discriminant analysis Although there are two types of HRV features–linear fea-
(LDA) [28]; however, the method uses ECG-derived respiratory tures and nonlinear features–this work uses the former, simply
information in addition to HRV, and ECG signal analysis is still because the extraction of nonlinear features requires a long-
needed. Although Li et al. proposed a drowsiness detection sys- term RRI measurement for stable calculation [35], which is not
tem that utilizes the support vector machine (SVM), their system appropriate for real-time applications like drowsy driving de-
utilizes driver face images as well as HRV [29]. A neural net- tection. The linear HRV features are classified into time domain
work (NN)-based drowsiness detection model was developed features and frequency domain features [18].
by Patel et al. which uses the power spectral density (PSD) The following time domain features can be calculated from
of RRI fluctuation as input variables of the NN model [30]. the original RRI data [18].
Their method would require a large amount of computational r MeanNN: Mean of RRI.
resources because the NN model is complicated and its number r SDNN: Standard deviation of RRI.
of input features is 900. A simple methodology for detecting r RMSSD: Root means square of the difference of adjacent
drowsy driving should be developed for realizing a wearable RRI.
drowsy driving detection system. r Total Power (TP): Variance of RRI.
r NN50: The number of pairs of adjacent RRI whose dif-
III. METHOD ference is more than 50 ms within a given length of mea-
Although EEG measurement is necessary for detecting sleep surement time.
onsets [3] in sleep medicine, it is difficult to measure EEG Frequency domain features cannot be extracted since the raw
during driving. The proposed algorithm adopts HRV instead of RRI data are not sampled at equal intervals. Thus, the raw RRI
EEG, and EEG-based sleep scoring is used as the reference for data are interpolated by using spline and resampled at equal
the proposed algorithm. This section explains EEG-based sleep intervals. The following frequency domain features can be ob-
scoring and HRV briefly and proposes an HRV-based drowsiness tained from the power spectrum density (PSD) of the resampled
detection algorithm. RRI data, and the PSD can be calculated by using Fourier anal-
ysis or an autoregressive (AR) model [18].
r LF: Power of the low-frequency band (0.04 Hz–0.15 Hz)
A. EEG-Based Sleep Scoring in a PSD. LF reflects both the sympathetic and parasym-
Sleep consists of REM (rapid eye movement sleep) and pathetic nervous system activities.
NREM (non-REM sleep), which is categorized into three lev- r HF: Power of the high-frequency band (0.15 Hz–0.4 Hz)
els: N1, N2, and N3 [3]. N1 is also called transitional sleep or in a PSD. HF reflects the parasympathetic nervous system
light sleep. According to the sleep scoring manual [31], sleep activity.
stages are discriminated based on the 30-second epoch-based r LF/HF: Ratio of LF to HF. LF/HF expresses the balance
EEG scoring method. The N1 onset (sleep onset) is defined by between the sympathetic nervous system activity with the
the epoch in which α wave (8–13 Hz) activity is attenuated parasympathetic nervous system activity.
and replaced by low-amplitude, mixed-frequency activities that The guideline recommends that RRI is measured for two to
occupy more than 50% of the epoch. five minutes for HRV analysis, and the sampling rate of ECG
Drivers may feel drowsiness shortly before N1, which causes should be more than 200 Hz for precise R wave detection [18].
mild cognitive dysfunction, and some researchers have at- A precise RRI sensor is needed in order to realize an HRV-
tempted drowsy EEG identification [32]. On the other hand, based drowsy driving detection system. Although the Holter
falling asleep directly contributes to traffic accidents. N1 usu- monitor is generally used for measuring ECG outside hospi-
ally occurs between wakefulness and deeper sleep stages. tals, its use in daily life is difficult since the Holter monitor
Fig. 2. RRI data of L2 (top) and Ld1 (bottom). Fig. 3. RRI data of N2 (top) and Nd2 (bottom).
Fig. 6. HRV features derived from N2. the 90% confidence limits. Although the 99% or the 95% confi-
dence limits are usually adopted in MSPC for suppressing false
positives, this research used the 90% confidence limits because
it is important to prevent erroneous drowsiness detection from
the viewpoint of safety. The parameter τ̄ was determined as ten
seconds according to [19].
Fig. 12. The awake α waves associated with a false positive by the Q statistic in episode X6.
The occurrence of microsleep may be dangerous particularly useful for drowsiness detection, although it cannot be used for
in situations that demand constant alertness, such as driving sleep stage scoring.
or working with heavy machinery. Microsleep decreases the The sensitivity of the proposed method achieved almost the
capability for task execution, which is equivalent to a mild cog- same level as conventional camera-based drowsiness detection
nitive dysfunction; however, falling asleep directly contributes methods [8]; however, most of the latter use facial expression
to the occurrence of traffic accidents, since N1 sleep is equiv- evaluation by referees or subjective evaluation by questionnaires
alent to complete cognitive dysfunction. In fact, the multiple instead of EEG-based sleep scoring for driver sleepiness eval-
sleep latency test (MSLT), which measures the elapsed time uation. Because it is impossible to detect precise N1 onsets,
from wakefulness to N1 onset, is correlated to the risk of traffic microsleep, and awake α waves by facial expression evalua-
accidents [45], [46]. Thus, the target of the proposed algorithm tion and questionnaires, there is a possibility that previous re-
is the N1 onset instead of microsleep. Future studies are needed searchers overlooked such sleep-related phenomena.
to evaluate whether the proposed methodology for detecting the It is concluded that the proposed HRV-based drowsy driving
N1 onset is also applicable to microsleep detection. detection algorithm is more promising than other conventional
According to an evaluation of the EEG data and videos, most methods with respect to accuracy as well as practical use.
false positives occurred in correspondence with participant’s
motion. The drowsy driving detection model was constructed by
using HRV data collected during driving in which participants VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
sat in a seat and rarely moved. Because few HRV data with A driver drowsiness detection method was proposed utilizing
body motion were contained in the modeling data, fluctuations the framework of epileptic seizure prediction, by which multi-
of HRV caused by body motion in the validation data were ple HRV features are extracted from the RRI data and MSPC
detected as false positives. For example, there were eight false monitors abnormalities in the extracted HRV features. The ex-
positives of the T 2 statistic in participant F, seven of which perimental result showed that 12 out of 13 pre-N1 episodes were
occurred when his EEG was contaminated with electromyogram detected prior to sleep onsets, and the false positive rate was
(EMG) artifacts caused by body motion. about 1.7 times per hour. The experimental result was discussed
Xaio et al. developed an HRV-based sleep stage scoring from the viewpoint of sleep science. This work demonstrated
method using random forest (RF), which is an ensemble learn- the usefulness of the framework of HRV-based anomaly detec-
ing technique using multiple decision trees [47]. Their method tion because it can be applied to driver drowsiness detection as
classifies sleep condition into awake, REM, and NREM and well as epileptic seizure prediction.
the accuracy of their method was 72%–88%, even though it Limitations of the study include the properties of the col-
uses a total of 41 HRV features consisting of nonlinear fea- lected experimental data, such as a highly controlled laboratory
tures, time domain features, and frequency domain features as environment, the limited number of participants, and the fact
input variables [48]. It is difficult to compare their sleep stage that all participants were young Japanese persons. Accordingly,
scoring method with the proposed drowsiness detection algo- more studies are required to confirm our results by using well-
rithm from the viewpoint of performance, because the purpose matched groups of participants in a real driving environment.
of their method is to discriminate sleep stages, while that of the The proposed method requires drivers to put some elec-
proposed method is to detect drowsiness prior to the N1 onset; trodes on the skin before driving, because precise RRI mea-
however, the proposed drowsiness detection method is much surement based on ECG is needed for HRV analysis. Since it
simpler than their method since the proposed algorithm uses is burdensome for drivers to attach electrodes before driving, a
only eight HRV features and a linear model. This indicates that new type of electrode that is easy to use should be developed.
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