Personal SWOT
Personal SWOT
Personal SWOT
Strengths Weaknesses
I worked as cleaner, shop assistant, kitchen porter, Lack of Business Knowledge.
waiter. Sometimes I felt that I should improve my behaviour and
Internal Cleaning training, and I have been trained as manager be more professional.
assistant. Lack of career planning.
Lv2 Music Production and performance. I work 35 hours weakly and it is difficult to manage my
Lv2 Sports and Leisure activities. studies with my work.
Advance IT skills using different software (Excel, Power Sometimes I’m not focus and start thinking in
point, Words). unnecessary things.
I’m really good speaking with people. I work 5 days a week, after University I always go straight
I’m high self-confident, there is nothing I cannot do. away to my workplace, I do not have enough time to
I love risk and challenges in my life. complete my work.
I’m very open mind and respectful with others. When winter and cold come, I become lazy.
I used to by a football leader in Spain for this reason I Sometimes I make too many jokes.
have high level of communication and empathy skills. My English should be better.
I am very enthusiastic, positive and passionate.
I am a hardworking person.
I love to make people around me feel comfortable with
Opportunities Threats
I have been working in many different places and people The first year, my colleagues gave me work that they had
and this gave me the opportunity to improve my social to do and not me, taking advantage of my lack of
communication skills. knowledge.
External My manager has been trained me as assistant manager, In my current workplace my supervisor always changes
opportunity to grow in the company. my role and place me in another without reason.
My duties in my workplace is prepare meeting rooms for Is difficult to grow when you are a cleaner, people don’t
event, this give me the opportunity of knowing how expect nothing from me.
business event works. Sometimes people do not treat me as the way I do.
I also have the opportunity to hear some conference When I used to be at college teachers.
from Amazon.
When I used to be in college, teachers didn't give me the
necessary support and preferred to take me away