Section5 - Tender and Contract Forms
Section5 - Tender and Contract Forms
Section5 - Tender and Contract Forms
Package No.
Package Maintenance of existing Pavement with Carpeting & Seal Coat work from Ch.48800 m
Description Howlader Bari to Ch. 50400 m Near Talukder Bari of Signboard-Morelgonj-Rayanda-
: Sharankhola-Bogi Road R-773 under Bagerhat Road Division during the year 2020-2021.
e-Tender Submission Letter (Form e-PW2-1)
Name :
Attachment 1: Written confirmation authorising the above signatory to submit the Tender, in
accordance with ITT.
Tenderer Information Form (e-PW2-2)
Tenderer Information Form (Part-1)
Name :
1. Name of the Tenderer: 2. Registered e-mail ID of the Tenderer:
In order to confirm the above statements the Tenderer shall submit , as applicable, the documents mentioned in ITT
Sub Clause 17.1 (d)
[Payment received for each year of works in progress or completed, using rate of exchange at the end of the period
Financial Year Amount in BDT
In order to confirm the above statements the Tenderer shall submit , as applicable, the documents mentioned in ITT
Sub Clause 17.1 (d)
3.3 Liquid assets available to meet the construction cash flow [ITT Sub Clause 10.1(b)]
No. Source of Financing Amount Available
In order to confirm the above statements the Tenderer shall submit , as applicable, the documents mentioned in ITT
Sub Clause 17.1 (d)
Name, address, and other contact details of Tenderer Bankers and other Procuring Entity(s) that may provide
references, if contacted by this Procuring Entity
Name of Works Contract successfully completed during last 5 years from IFT date within only PE's
Organization e-PW2-3 (A)
Name of Works Contract successfully completed during last 5 years from IFT date within only
PE's Organization e-PW2-3 (A)
Table (A) List of Successfully Completed Contract under PE’s Organization during the last 05
Name : years form IFT Date
(A) List of Successfully Completed Contract under PE’s Organization during the last 05 years
form IFT Date
Name of Works Contract Value of Works Contract
SL successfully completed successfully completed Date of Upload Completion
during the last 5 years during the last 5 years Actual
No. Certificate
from IFT date under only from IFT date under only Completion
PE's organization PE's organization
List of On-going Works and Current Commitment(s) during last 5 years from IFT date under all PE's
Organization e-PW2-3(B)
List of On-going Works and Current Commitment(s) during last 5 years from IFT date under all
PE's Organization e-PW2-3(B)
(B) List of On-Going Works/Current Commitment under any PE’s Organization
Name :
(B) List of On-Going Works/Current Commitment under any PE’s Organization