Perceptual & Motor Skills: Exercise & Sport
Perceptual & Motor Skills: Exercise & Sport
Perceptual & Motor Skills: Exercise & Sport
Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation, Southeast Missouri State University
Address correspondence to Thomas J. Pujol, Department of Health, Human Performance
& Recreation, MS 7650, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 or
e-mail ([email protected]).
its (Davies, 1968; Noonan & Dean, 2000; Macsween, 2001). Additionally,
since the protocol for the Å-R Test requires a single-stage, 6-min. exercise
bout against a constant workload, the test can be completed in a relatively
short period of time.
Since the original Å-R nomogram (Åstrand & Ryhming, 1954) was
shown to under-predict maximal oxygen uptake, Åstrand (1960) re-exam-
ined the data and found the nomogram was more accurate at higher lev-
els of work. In agreement with these findings, Davies (1968) found that the
original Å-R test most accurately predicts VO2max when the workload elic-
its a heart rate of 165–170 beats·min.-1 (bpm). Keren, Magazanik, and Ep-
stein (1980) also found that the predicted maximal oxygen consumption
was more accurate when exercise heart rates were elevated to the 165–170
bpm range. Recognizing the desirability of identifying a workload setting
to attain such heart rates during testing, Terry, Tolson, Johnson, and Jessup
(1977) developed and validated an effective procedure to identify a work-
load that elicited an appropriate heart rate for men. Specifically, Terry, et al.
(1977) produced a workload selection procedure, tested on a cross-valida-
tion group, with a reliability correlation coefficient of .65 and a mean per-
cent estimation error of 9%. The cycling reliability coefficient produced by
Terry, et al. (1977) was validated against a VO2max derived from a tread-
mill graded maximal exercise test. The relationship established by Terry,
et al. (1977) is reasonable, considering Åstrand and Ryhming's (1954) orig-
inal correlation coefficient was .71 with a mean estimation error of 10%.
When Åstrand (1960) introduced an age-correction factor, the original cor-
relation coefficient increased to .79 with a mean estimation error of 15%.
Åstrand and Rodahl (1977) indicated that the 10% mean estimation error
only applied to relatively well-trained individuals, and the mean estima-
tion error increased to 15% in the moderately-trained.
Since the original Åstrand and Ryhming (1954) study, very little re-
search has been conducted assessing the possibility of sex differences in
VO2max predictability. Terry, et al. (1977) produced a workload selection
predictability equation for young, recreationally active men. However, no
studies to date have attempted to produce an equation or procedure for
identifying a proper workload for the Å-R cycle ergometer test specifically
for women (Heyward, 2002).
Research goal. To develop a workload selection procedure for fe-
males that will reliably elicit a steady state heart rate (average
between minutes five and six) within the optimal range of 165–
170 bpm compared to the original Å-R cycle ergometer test.
The participants included 63 normal weight, apparently healthy, rec-
reationally active female volunteers between 18 and 41 years old. For in-
of flexion. A goniometer was used to ensure that the knee angle was with-
in the 5–10 ° range. The seated leg length measurement was taken with the
crank arm of the leg ergometer in the down position and foot parallel to
the floor. This measurement started at the greater trochanter and crossed
the middle of the lateral malleolus to the bottom of the foot. The measure-
ment of leg length was included in the analysis of data to account for dif-
ferences in torque due to leg length.
After measurement of resting variables, the participants performed
an Å-R submaximal cycle ergometer test at a workload setting of 100 W.
All tests were performed at the same pedal rate (50 rpm) prescribed for
use in the Å-R Submaximal Bicycle Test. The selected workload of 100 W,
which is the upper limit of the 75 to 100 W suggested resistance, was de-
termined based upon the Å-R (1954) test for a conditioned woman. All
leg ergometry was performed on a Monark 828E leg ergometer (Monark,
Stockholm, Sweden). The leg ergometer was calibrated daily using a 1-kg
weight. The participants cycled at a workload of 100 W for 6 min., while
heart rate was recorded at the end of each minute. Steady state was de-
termined by a heart rate response that did not differ by more than 5 bpm
between minutes five and six. All participants in the experimental group
reached steady state, as determined between minutes five and six of the
cycle ergometer test. If any participant's heart rate did not reach 165 bpm
by the last 2 min. of the test, she returned the following day at the same
time and performed the test with an additional 25 W workload. This pro-
cedure was repeated until a heart rate between 165 and 170 bpm was at-
tained. Conversely, if the heart rate of the first cycle ergometer test exceed-
ed 170 bpm, then the workload was reduced by 25 W for the subsequent
test. If the heart rate elicited by a test at one workload was below 165 bpm
and the following workload elicited a heart rate above 170 bpm, then the
heart rates were plotted against workload to interpolate to the physical
work capacity-165 bpm line. Of the 32 participants in the experimental
group, 18 completed two or fewer trials before identifying the workload to
elicit a heart rate between 165 and 170 bpm. No participant in this group
completed more than four trials. The average number of trials completed
was 2.5, with a minimum of 24 hours separating each test.
The muscular endurance of the leg extensors was measured to assess
any potential influence on the response to the cycle ergometer workload
in the experimental group. If such a relationship existed, the muscular en-
durance variable would be included in the prediction of workload. The
muscular endurance of the leg extensors was measured by a 1-min. maxi-
mal repetition protocol on a leg press machine. The tests were performed
on a selectorized resistance training machine using a resistance equal to
one-half of the participant's body mass. A 10-repetition warm-up at ap-
proximately one-quarter body mass preceded the test. If the exact resis-
tance desired, one-half body mass, was not selectable, then the pin was
placed in the next closest pin setting above the one-half body mass po-
sition. One repetition included movement from the knees horizontally
above toes and vertically above hips to a full knee extension position. The
number of correct repetitions during a 1-min. period was recorded.
Data from the experimental group were used to develop a multiple
linear regression equation that would allow for prediction of the appro-
priate workload at which an Å-R submaximal bicycle test should be per-
formed. The data were entered into a stepwise regression for the purpose
of identifying such an equation.
Cross-validation Group
Initially, 31 participants were assigned to the cross-validation group.
Two participants completed the initial 2-min. 100 W workload test but
were unable to complete the subsequent female-specific Å-R submaximal
bicycle test due to dizziness and/or nausea, and were therefore excluded
from the study. Prior to testing, age, height, body mass, blood pressure,
and heart rate were assessed after the participant rested in a supine posi-
tion for 10 min.
The seat height of the leg ergometer was adjusted such that the partici-
pant's knee was bent at a 5 to 10 ° angle when the pedal was in the down
position. Each participant completed a 2-min. cycling session at 50 rpm
against a standard resistance of 2 Kp (100 W). The heart rate obtained at
the end of the 2-min. cycling session was then inserted into the regres-
sion equation, developed from the experimental group, to predict the new
workload for the Å-R Test. Calculated workloads were adjusted appropri-
ately in 25 W increments. For example, if the calculated workload selection
was 112 W, a workload of 125 W was used in the Å-R test. The participants
were required to perform a 10-min. rest period, ample time to fully recover,
between the 2-min. cycling session and the Å-R Submaximal Bicycle Test.
After the workload selection was calculated, the 6-min. Å-R Test was
performed. Heart rates at the end of minutes five and six were used to de-
termine attainment of steady state. The last steady state (average of minutes
five and six) heart rate was used to predict VO2max using the Å-R nomo-
gram (Åstrand & Ryhming, 1954). A Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient and an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were used to estab-
lish the relationship between the directly measured VO2max obtained from
the graded maximal exercise test and the Å-R predicted VO2max.
Statistical Methods
Data from the experimental group were analyzed by a multiple linear
regression for the purposes of identifying an equation that would predict
the appropriate workload to elicit a heart rate of 165 to 170 bpm. There-
fore, the workload that elicited a heart rate between 165 and 170 bpm, in
the experimental group, was the criterion measure. The criteria for inclu-
sion of variables in the multiple regression was p < .10, and the criteria for
exclusion was p > .05.
Analysis of data from the cross-validation group included a Pearson
product-moment correlation and an ICC between the directly measured
VO2max and the VO2max predicted from the Å-R nomogram after employ-
ing the workload selection procedure. The mean difference between directly
measured VO2max and predicted Å-R VO2max was determined. Compari-
son of the mean difference between the average heart rate (e.g., average of
minutes five and six) of the experimental and cross-validation groups was
analyzed by an independent-samples t test. A Bland-Altman analysis was
performed to test the agreement between the directly measured VO2max
and the Å-R predicted VO2max. A range of agreement was defined as preci-
sion of ±1 and upper and lower limits of agreement ± 2 standard deviations.
All analyses were performed using the SPSS Version 22.0 statistical software
package (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL), with statistical significance set at p < .05.
The characteristics of the participants in the two groups are shown in
Table 1. As indicated in Table 1, the matched-pairs technique did effective-
ly match the groups based upon measured VO2max.
Table 2 shows the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients
between the measured variables of the experimental group against work-
load and measured VO2max. Significant correlations were found between
workload and body mass, and between resting heart rate and leg press
weight. Additionally, a significant relationship between VO2max and height
was found (p < .05). The correlation between workload and minute-by-
minute heart rates was assessed for the experimental group.
A new workload prediction equation was identified in the experimen-
tal group by a multiple linear regression, which included the following
variables: age, height, weight, resting heart rate, resting blood pressure,
minute-by-minute exercise heart rate, standing leg length, and quadriceps
leg strength. The results of the multiple regression procedure revealed
several suitable equations, and all assumptions of the multiple regressions
were met. However, the most appropriate predictive model equation was
Experimental Cross-validation
Variable (n = 32) (n = 29)
Age, yr. 22.1 2.4 22.0 4.3
Body mass, kg 64.7 10.4 62.0 7.2
Height, cm 166.3 5.2 165.5 5.1
VO2max, mL·kg−1.min.−1 45.6 8.5 45.5 6.8
Resting HR, beats·min.−1 65.8 9.3 63.2 11.2
SBP, mm Hg 112.1 11.5 115.5 8.9
DBP, mm Hg 64.3 12.4 78.2 7.2
Leg press weight, kg 36.2 5.9
Leg press repetitions in 1 min. 28.9 5.7
Standing leg length, cm 89.5 3.6
Seated leg length, cm* 88.4 3.8
*Leg length measured when subject was seated in test position on the
leg ergometer.
The calculated workload setting derived from the new predictive equa-
tion 119.7 ± 21.3 W was significantly different from the original Å-R cycle er-
gometer test (100 W) for the cross validation group (p < .001). Furthermore,
the directly measured VO2max vs the Å-R predicted VO2max showed a
Pearson product-moment correlation of .70, SEE = 4.84 mLO2˙kg−1˙min.−1,
GROUP (N = 32)
Variable Workload Measured VO2max
Age, yr. .25 .10
Body mass, kg .45† −.31
Height, cm −.06 −.35*
Resting HR, bpm −.38* −.21
SBP, mm Hg −.03 −.06
DBP, mm Hg .23 −.05
Leg press weight, kg .62† −.19
Leg press repetitions in 1 min. .05 .09
Standing leg length −.23 −.19
Seated leg length −.05 −.29
*p < .05. †p < .01.
Experimental Cross-validation Cohen's
Variable t df p
Predicted workload, W 100 0 119.7 21 −5.22 59 < .001 −1.30
Final heart rate (mean
of min. 5 and 6) in 159 17 165 8 −1.74 59 .09 0.45
Å-R Test, bpm
Predicted VO2max,
37.4 7.8 38.9 9.9 −0.67 59 .50 −0.17
Measured VO2max,
45.6 8.5 45.5 6.8 0.06 59 .95 0.02
Mean difference
Measured VO2 max−
–8.2 8.5 –6.5 7.0 −5.0 59 < .001 −0.77
Predicted VO2max
Note.—M = mean; SD = standard deviation.
Directly Measured VO2max
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Group Predicted Å-R VO2max
and 170 bpm, (b) the accuracy of the new prediction equation Å-R cy-
cle test predicted VO2max compared with the directly measured VO2max
(by incremental treadmill test to exhaustion), and (c) the possible exis-
tence and performance of a workload prediction equation alternative to
the workload selection procedure from the original Å-R cycle ergometer
test (Åstrand & Ryhming, 1954).
In the experimental group, the final heart rate (average of minutes
five and six) after conducting the original Å-R cycle ergometer test was
below the optimal 165–170 bpm range. A large standard deviation is be-
lieved to be, at least in part, the reason the 159 ± 17 bpm heart rate was not
significantly different (p = .09) from the minimal 165 bpm optimal range
cutoff point. On the other hand, the cross-validation group exhibited a fi-
nal heart rate (average of minutes five and six), after conducting the new
predicted workload Å-R cycle ergometer test, of 165 ± 8 bpm. Based upon
these results, the new predictive workload equation elicited a heart rate
that was within the optimal heart rate range of 165–170 bpm. Moreover,
the elicited heart rates exhibited a much lower standard deviation, which
is a very strong indicator of the increased precision of the new predictive
workload equation. Keren, et al. (1980) found that eliciting a higher heart
0 20 40 60 80
the present study. Moreover, the new prediction equation workload had a
lower mean percent error than that of other comparable studies (Åstrand
& Ryhming, 1954; Glassford, et al., 1965; Von Döbeln, Åstrand, & Berg-
ström, 1967; Davies, 1968). Both Terry, et al. (1977) and Glassford, et al.
(1965) found a 9.0% mean error using treadmill-derived VO2max as the
criterion measure, while the current study found a 4.2% mean error. The
standard error of the estimate (SEE) VO2max in this study was comparable
to that reported by Jessup, et al. (1975; 4.8 mL˙kg−1.min.−1 vs 4.17 mL˙kg–1˙
min.–1). In further support, the SEE in the present study was comparable to
the results for a subgroup of young women in a pair of studies by Siconol-
fi and colleagues using a modification to the age adjustment (Siconolfi,
Cullinane, Carleton, & Thompson, 1982; Siconolfi, Garber, Lasater, & Car-
leton, 1985). The original Å-R nomogram has separate scales in attempt to
account for sex differences in body mass. However, the notion of imple-
menting a sex-specific workload-predictive equation, leading to a more
accurate original Å-R cycle ergometer test VO2max prediction, is very pos-
sible based upon past and current studies’ research findings.
While the new workload prediction equation of the current study was
better than most comparable studies at predicting a workload to elicit a
more optimal heart rate, the ability to predict VO2max was also better than
the original Å-R cycle ergometer test. The mean difference between the di-
rectly measured VO2max and the Å-R predicted VO2max for the experi-
mental and cross-validation groups was significantly different. However,
the experimental group displayed a slightly larger mean VO2max differ-
ence (−8.2 ± 8.5 mL˙kg−1˙min.−1) compared to the cross-validation group's
mean VO2max difference (−6.5 + 7 mL˙kg−1˙min.−1). This is an indicator that
by applying the new workload prediction equation to the original Å-R cy-
cle ergometer test, the predicted VO2max was more accurate and precise
for the current study's sample.
The Pearson reliability coefficient (r = .70) and ICC (.68) found in the
present study were both higher than those found by Terry and colleagues
(1977). Moreover, both of the reliability coefficients from this study are
comparable to the original study by Åstrand & Ryhming (1954), which
was R = .71. In a sample of 30–39-yr.-old women, Zwiren, Freedson, Ward,
Wilke, and Rippe (1991) found the mean VO2max from treadmill tests was
similar to that predicted by the Å-R nomogram, with a reliability coeffi-
cient of .66. Åstrand and Ryhming (1954), Glassford, et al. (1965), Patton,
Vogel, and Mello (1982), Keren, et al. (1980), and Davies (1968) all found
higher reliability coefficients than that found in the present study when
using an age adjustment. For female participants of a comparable age to
the cross-validation sample in this study, Siconolfi, et al. (1982, 1985) found
a higher reliability coefficient when using an adjustment formula.
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