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Evaluation and Comparision of Various Methods For Assessing Multiple Taurodontism: A Clinical Study

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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2018; 4(1): 131-135

ISSN Print: 2394-7489 Original Research

ISSN Online: 2394-7497
IJADS 2018; 4(1): 131-135
© 2018 IJADS Evaluation and comparision of various methods for
Received: 26-11-2017 assessing Multiple Taurodontism: A clinical study
Accepted: 27-12-2017
Avinash Tejasvi ML
Associate Professor, Department
Avinash Tejasvi ML and Harsha Bhayya
of Oral Medicine and Radiology,
Kamineni Institute of Dental Abstract
Sciences, Narketpally, Taurodontism is a morphologic feature of generally multi-rooted teeth with large pulp chambers and
Telangana, India shortened roots. As itis a developmental disturbance of a tooth that lacks constriction at the level of the
cement–enamel junction (CEJ). It is characterized by vertically elongated pulp chamber, apical
Harsha Bhayya displacement of the pulpal floor and bifurcation or trifurcations of the roots. Although permanent molar
Assistant Professor, Department teeth are most commonly affected, this change can also be seen in both the permanent and deciduous
of Oral Medicine and Radiology,
dentition, unilaterally or bilaterally, and in any combination of teeth or quadrants. In the present case we
Kamineni Institute of Dental
Sciences, Telangana, India
have used Shifman and Chanannel method as well as Seow WK, Lai PY method of calculation to
diagnose various types of taurodont teeth which is an unique feature of this report.

Keywords: Taurodontism, pulp chamber, dentition, tooth

The term “Taurodontism” was first introduced in 1908 and is defined as a morphologic change
of generally multi-rooted teeth with large pulp chamber which its pulpal floor and furcation is
apically displaced. This anomaly is the result of Hertwig's epithelial sheath inadequacy to
invaginate at the proper horizontal level. Taurodontisms can be seen unilaterally or bilaterally,
in any quadrants, and in both permanent and deciduous dentition [1]. Depending on the level of
furcation, taurodontism has been divided into mild “hypotaurodontism, moderate “meso-
taurodotism and severe “hypotaurodontism. In case of taurodontism radiographic evaluation
plays a vital role in diagnosis and further treatment planning in cases required with endodontic
There are few reports of multiple taurodontism not related to syndromes, here we report such
rare case of multiple taurodontism diagnosed with the aid of digital Orthopantomogram.

Case Report
A female patient aged around 24 year came with a chief complaint of missing tooth in the
lower anterior region was examined and sent for further treatment to prosthodontia and
conservative dentistry for the prosthesis of missing teeth and restoration of decayed teeth.
Patient was referred to department of oral radiology for Orthopantomogram for preoperative
implant assessment. An Orthopantomogram (Fig-1) was made which revealed an edentulous
area i.r.t teeth 31, 32, 41, 42 few decayed teeth in relation to 13, 14, 1724, 28, rotated teeth in
relation to 22, missing teeth in relation to 24, impacted teeth in relation to 18, 48 and few
restored teeth were present. Tooth in relation to 17, 16, 26, 27, 36, 37, 38, 46, and 48 showed
developmental abnormality showing large pulp chambers, bifurcation of these teeth were
pushed apically hence teeth had more appico occlusal height than the normal teeth and had
lack of constriction at the level of CEJ. Distance from the bifurcation of the root to the CEJ is
greater than the occluso-cervical distance was observed. Based on Shifman and Chanannel
method and Seow WK, Lai PY method individual tooth were calculated for assesment of
Harsha Bhayya
various types of taurodont teeth (Table-1 and Table 2).
Assistant Professor, Department The measurements made to diagnose taurodontism was based on Taurodontic index (TI) as
of Oral Medicine and Radiology, (Fig 2) which was calculated as TI= X / Y X 100. Degrees of taurodontism are categorized as:
Kamineni Institute of Dental Hypotaurodontism: TI 20-30; Mesotaurodontism: TI 30-40; Hypertaurodontism: 40-75. With
Sciences, Telangana, India this mentioned calculations the results are tabulated in Table 1.
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Table 1: Results achieved by Shifman and Channanel [2] index.

AB ( x ) AC ( y ) AB/AC ( x/y ) Taurodontic index (TI): Diagnosis CB/R
Tooth number
In mm In mm by schifman et al., method AB/AC X 100 Kim soew et al., Method
17 9.15 13.41 0.68 mm. 68 % Hypertaurodontism
16 11.34 13.25 0.85 mm 85% Hypertaurodontism
26 7.4 11.80 0.62 mm 62% Hypertaurodontism
27 8.03 11.32 0.70 mm 70% Hypertaurodontism
36 5.15 11.43 0.45 mm 45% Hypertaurodontism
37 4.18 9.97 0.41 mm 41% Hypertaurodontism
38 4.53 9.84 0.46 mm 46% Hypertaurodontism
46 4.06 12.25 0.33 mm 33% Mesotaurodontism
47 2.79 10.06 0.27 mm 27% Hypotaurodontism
48 6.10 10.57 0.57 mm 57% Hypertaurodontism
Point A: Lowest point at the occlusal end of the pulp chamber.
Point B: Highest point at the apical end of the chamber.
Point C: Apex of the root.
X: distance from A to B
Y: Distance from A to C
A tooth is considered as taurodont if X divided by Y is equal to or greater than 0.2mm.

Table 2: Results achieved by Seow WK, Lai PY [3] Index.

Tooth number CB In mm R In mm CB/R by Kim soew et al., Method Diagnosis
17 28.70 5.16 4.32 Hypertaurodontism
16 36.04 8.33 5.56 Hypertaurodontism
26 31.00 8.30 3.73 Hypertaurodontism
27 28.44 5.21 5.45 Hypertaurodontism
36 24.21 9.55 2.53 Hypertaurodontism
37 21.44 9.24 2.32 Hypertaurodontism
38 23.46 5.91 3.96 Hypertaurodontism
46 23.51 10.40 2.26 Hypertaurodontism
47 21.85 8.59 2.56 Hypertaurodontism
48 24.51 4.96 4.94 Hypertaurodontism

The parts of each tooth comprising the crown, body, and root form the Cynodont. This alteration in the Hertwig’s epithelial
were identified using the following definitions: Crown (C) - root sheath involves failure of the epithelial diaphragm to
from the deepest part occlusal surface to the cementoenamel form a bridge prior to dentin deposition resulting in large pulp
junction (CEJ); Body (B)-from the CEJ to the root furcation; chambers. It has been indicated that the anomaly typify a
Root (R) from the root furcation to the apices according to primitive pattern, a specialized or retrograde character, a
Shaw 1928. mutation, an X-linked trait, an atavistic feature, an autosomal
A tooth is considered as taurodont if CB divided by R (Fig-3 dominant trait or familial. Although it has been described that
and Fig-4) ratio ranges from 1.10 - 1.29 be classified as the it can be associated with genetic defects, certain syndromes.
Hypotaurodont group, those in the range from 1.30 - 2.00 as Pathogenesis revolves around several theories
the Mesotaurodont group, and those > 2.00 as the • An unusual developmental pattern, a delay in the
Hypertaurodont group. With this calculation the ratio calcification of pulp chamber.
achieved and diagnosis was made accordingly and is tabulated • An odontoblastic deficiency and an alteration in
in Table-2. Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath.
• Some believe that taurodontism is most likely the result
Discussion of disrupted developmental homeostasis [5].
Though a taurodont tooth is a morphologic abnormality, How much displacement and/or morphologic change that
clinically cannot be differentiated from a normal tooth constitutes taurodontism always leads difference of opinion.
because its body and roots lie below the alveolar margin. In literature there exists an objective analysis of cases
Taurodont tooth can be identified only through routine presented, more preferred is subjective diagnosis. it is not
radiographic examination. This developmental anomaly most only the size that matters in pulp chamber and roots, but also
of the time an isolated one, but it is also seen in association the position of the body of the tooth in relation to the alveolar
with several syndromes, familial inheritance, and genetic margin. Various authors have proposed various categorization
malformation and it has been reported in literature. The term indices.
‘taurodontism’ was however first stated by Sir Arthur Keith in In 1928 Shaw classified this condition as hypotaurodontism,
1913. The origin of this term is from Greek “tauros” which mesotaurodontism and hypertaurodontism based on the
means “Bull” and “odontos” which means “Tooth” [4]. relative displacement of the floor of the pulp chamber. This
Taurodontism may affect primary or permanent dentition, subjective, arbitrary classification led normal teeth to be
although permanent is more prominent, and primarily affect misdiagnosed as taurodontism. In 1977, Feichfnger and
the molar teeth and rarely premolars. Only few cases are Rossiwall stated that the distance from the bifurcation or
reported, where multiple teeth are affected by taurodontism. trifurcation of the root to the cemento-enamel junction should
Theories concerning the etiology of taurodontism have been be greater than the occluso-cervical distance for a taurodontic
diverse and is commonly attributed to the failure of tooth. Shifman and Chanannel in 1978 proposed a new
invagination of the epithelial root sheath sufficiently early to classification and is the widely used system till now. The
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distance between the Lowest point at the occlusal end of the molars may appear similar to taurodonts; however, an
pulp chamber roof (A), to the highest point of the floor (B), identification of wide apical foramina and incompletely
divided by the distance from A to the root apex is 0.2mm or formed roots may also be considered [6].
greater and distance from B to CEJ is greater than 2.5 mm [4].
In our presented case the calculations were done for Clinical Considerations
individual molar teeth to evaluate the exact diagnosis which is The clinical implications of taurodontism have potentially
presented in (Table 1 and Table 2). Both the methods revealed increased chance of pulp exposure due of decay and dental
the similar values for assessing taurodontism, hence both the procedures. It may complicate prosthetic and/or orthodontic
methods are validated for diagnosing taurodont tooth. treatment planning. Taurodontism, although not very common
Clinically, a Taurodont appears as a normal tooth because the have to be highlighted due to its influence on diverse dental
body and roots of a Taurodont tooth are not clinically seen treatments.
and they are present below the alveolar margin, so diagnosis
of taurodontism is usually a subjective determination made Endodontic considerations
from diagnostic radiographs. Involved teeth assume a An Endodontist’s view, taurodontism presents a challenge
rectangular shape rather than tapering towards the roots. The during negotiation, instrumentation and obturation in root
pulp chamber is extremely large with a greater apico-occlusal canal therapy. Because of the complexity of the root canal
height than normal and lacks the usual constriction at the anatomy and proximity of buccal orifices, complete filling of
cervical region of the teeth with exceedingly short roots. The the root canal system in taurodont teeth is challenging [7].
bifurcation or trifurcation may be only a few millimetres
(mm) above the apices of the roots [6]. Surgical considerations
The extraction of a taurodont tooth is usually complicated
Syndromes associated with taurodontism [5] because furcation is shifted more to the apical third. It has
Amelogenesis imperfecta, Down’s syndrome, Aperts also been reported in literature that the large body with little
syndrome, Focal dermal hypoplasia or goltzgorlin syndrome, surface area of a taurodont tooth is embedded in the alveolus.
Ectodermal dysplasia, Hypophosphatasia, Hyperphosphatasia- This feature would make extraction less difficult as long as
oligophrenia - taurodontism, Microcephalic dwarfism - the roots are not widely divergent [8].
taurodontism Microdontia - taurodontia-dens invaginatus,
Oculo-dento-digital dysplasia, Oral-facial-digital, Type II, Prosthetic considerations
Rapp-hodgkin syndrome, Dyskeratosis congenital, Klinefelter For the prosthetic treatment of a taurodont tooth, it has been
syndrome, Tricho-dento-osseous syndrome, Mohr syndrome, recommended that post placement be avoided for tooth
Wolf-hirschhorn syndrome, Lowe syndrome, Smith-magenis reconstruction. Because less surface area of the tooth is
syndrome, Williams syndrome, Mccune-albright syndrome, embedded in the alveolus, a taurodont tooth may not have as
Van der woude syndrome. Many of these disorders which are much stability as a Cynodont when used as an abutment for
mentioned above will be having oral manifestations, with either prosthetic or orthodontic purposes. Lack of a cervical
taurodontism as one of the feature which can be detected on constriction would deprive the tooth of the buttressing effect
dental radiographs as alterations in the morphology or against excessive loading of the crown [9].
chemical composition of the teeth.
Periodontal considerations
Differential diagnosis Taurodont teeth may, in specific cases, offer favorable
Metabolic conditions such as Pseudo hypoparthyroidism, prognosis. Where periodontal pocketing or gingival recession
hypophosphatasia, and hypophosphatemic vitamin D-resistant occurs, the chances of furcation involvement are considerably
and dependent rickets, the pulp chamber may be enlarged but less than those in normal teeth because taurodont teeth have to
the teeth are of relatively normal form. Early stages of demonstrate significant periodontal destruction before
dentinogenesis imperfecta, where the appearance may furcation involvement occurs [10].
resemble the large pulp chambers. Moreover, the developing

Fig 1: OPG showing multiple taurodont teeth

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Fig 2: Measurements for taurodontic teeth by Shifman and Channanel method

Fig 3: Measurements of crown body and root length measuredin millimeters on a mandibular first permanent molar as shown by Seow and Lai.

Fig 4: Diagrammatic representation of normal (cynodontic) toothand three subtypes of taurodontic teeth as proposed by Shaw (1928).

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