Tax Report Summary
Tax Report Summary
Tax Report Summary
of a person which are not extinguished by his death okay so what is being taxed here guys
in this income taxation topic is the income of the estate and not necessarily the transfer of estate from a
decedent to its beneficiaries or to its heirs but what is being taxed here is the income derived by the
estate prior to the distribution of that particular estate to the heirs because the taxation of the transfer
of that estate to its beneficiaries will be considered in your transfer taxes
but again our focus here is the computation of the income tax due of the income of the estate itself
on the other hand when we talk about trust it is the right on a property real or personal held by one
party for the benefit of another so again just like your estate what is also being taxed here is the income
of trust when it is in the hands or it when it is in the custody of the fiduciary before it is being distributed
or before it is being transferred to the beneficiary of the trust
on the other hand trust would become a taxpayer if under the terms of the trust the fiduciary must
accumulate the income when we talk about fiduciary guys it is the um it is a person again who again
when we talk about fiduciary it is an individual who takes the custody of the property
being entrusted by the trust door to the beneficiary or in short fiduciary stands as the
okay so before the property will be distributed to the beneficiary due to inability of
that beneficiary to to take that propertymaybe due to the reason of minority of an individual or in short
an individual is still minor so that means that individual cannot have that property yet so therefore
there is that fiduciary who will take the temporary custody of the property that is being entrusted of the
okay when that fiduciary accumulates income over from that trust then that means such trust
a trust is also a taxpayer if under the terms of the trust the fiduciary may accumulate or
in short guys there is an income tax derived by an estate or a trust when these two estate and trust
earns an income ,,,, continues to earn an income
term of the trust the income of the trust hall be applied for the benefit of the grantor the income that
shall be applied for the benefit of the grantor shall be shall be subject or shall be taxable to the grantor
years income to
what will be our treatment if ever there are portion of the net income of the estate of that order of the
trust is being distributed to its beneficiary okay when an estate or trust is a taxpayer a distribution of the
year's income to an ear or beneficiary is considered as a special item of the deduction for the estate and
trust and a special item of income to the year or beneficiary so that means guys any distribution of
income from the income of the estate or trust will be considered as a deduction in computing for the
taxable income of the estate or trust
and on the other hand it is taxable income it will be added as other income on the point of view of the
yearor of the beneficiary the moment they have received their share in the net income of this estate or
okay now
take note that when there is an income from an estate or trust it will be taxed as if it is an individual tax
so therefore the format of computation for the taxable income and tax due of an individual taxpayer is
also applied in the competition of the taxable income and tax due of the net income of your estate or
trust so we have here for
so the allowed deductions for an estate or trust's income only comes into two ways first is the
allowed business expenses and second the distribution of the distribution of the year's income to the
heir or beneficiary so again guys simply to compute for the taxable net income of an estate or trust
just simply deduct your business expenses and any distribution made to the heir or to the beneficiary to
compute for the taxable net income and again
to compete for the tax due since again based on our um discussion earlier that the computation of your
tax you guys fornestate and trust will be computed as if it is an individual so therefore we will
also use the tax table to compute for the tax due of the estate of the or of the trust
that in the old tax code or in the nirc 1997 there is an additional exemption of 20000 that is given as
a deduction to compute for the taxable net income of the estate or or or of the trust but however
that 20 000 exemption was amended by train law therefore starting january 1 of 2018 your 20 000 basic
exemption is no longer applicable in computing for the taxable net income so that means deductions
that can only be deducted or that can be availed by the administrator of this trust or this estate is only
your business expenses and your distribution to heirs or beneficiary to compute for the taxable net
income okay
so there are times that there are several trusts within a common grantor and a common beneficiary
so what is the rule to be followed when there are several trusts with a common grantor and a common
beneficiary so when in terms of filing of separate returns
a separate return will have to be filed for each trust by the respective trustee or fiduciary
so for example there is one grantor or one trustor pero different trustee or different fiduciary pero
common beneficiary
so when that happened guys when there are multiple trusts with a common grantor and with a
common beneficiary there should be a separate return that will be filed for each trust by the respective
trustee or fiduciary however in terms of the computation of income tax for that particular trusts an
income tax shall be computed on the consolidated income so that means in computing forthe taxable
income of that trust from a common grantor
all of the income from those three trusts or from those multiple trusts will be combined to compute for
the taxable income okay
apportionment of the consolidated income tax to the different trusts after computing the total tax due
of the combined taxable income from the different trust you simply apportion the total income tax due
to the different trust
we have here taxable income of trust 1 over total taxable income of all trust times consolidated income
to compute for the income tax due to be shared or to be paid by trust one okay
so in short the formula will be for example for trust one so in our illustration earlier we
assume that there are three trusts so taxable income of trust1 over taxable income of all trust of all the
three trusts times the consolidated income tax which has been computed with the combined taxable
income of the three trusts
okay and then the tax payable of each trust or each trust shall pay an income tax still due
minos income tax already paid by the fiduciary of the trust if ever there's any
if ever there are if ever there's already amount paid of tax per fiduciary or per trustee such will be
deducted to compute for the total income tax still due but of course if each trust each fiduciary of the
trust hasn't paid anything as a form of income tax due then that
means automatic whatever is the income tax aportion to every trust will be equal to its income tax
these concepts
if it is an individual so therefore the same tax table will be used in computing for the tax due that we
have used no in computing for the tax due of an individual
so it's the same tax table section 24a it's the revised
so again same rule you just simply compute your taxable income and refer the taxable income on this
range of income with its respective tax rates andtax due okay we have here
the estate of mr indiano has 800 000 gross income before expenses of
accordance with the will of mr indiano so upon the competition of our taxable
again we simply deduct these allowable expenses of 200 000 and this 300 000 which is distributed to the
taxable income
for an estate or for a trust is somehow
so again we simply deduct business expenses of 200 and distribution to the heirs worth 300 000 to our
total gross income of 800 000 so that means our taxable income is 300 000
so again using the tax table guys it belongs to the range of 250 to 400 000 so that means for the
gross income this is from um this is from your gross sales minus any sales adjustments less your cost of
goods sold plus your other income other operating and non-operating income so that will be
designated an irrevocable trust to a property in favor of j and appointed kj
so we have here kevin as our grantor or the trustor we have jay the beneficiary and we have
guys that only a revocable trust are taxable okay when the trust
it is revokable it is not subject to tax okay it will not be taxable if the trust designated is revocable i'd like
you to*take note of that
earned 1.5 million income before expenses of 200 000. and trust fees of 50 000 okay trust fees meaning
so that means we have a total deduction of two hundred thousand as our expenses
of 1.5 million
thus giving us a total taxable income of 1 million 150 000 so using the tax table
it belongs to 800 000 to 2 million range so that means for the first 800 000 it will be subjected to 130
000 tax due in excess of 800 that will be subject to 30% tax rates so that means we have 350 000
times 30
who will pay for this tax due of two hundred thirty five thousand
the ones who will pay this two hundred thirty five thousand is the
fiduciary who will pay this income tax due to the bir using of course the amount or the money from
there are
okay for example don jose designated three trusts all in favor to his son joe so there
we have only irrevocable trust are subject to tax so that means we need to disregard trust
now for the purposes of taxation guys for the purposes of computing the taxable income
of the trust of this specific trust needless to say we need to combine all the taxable income
of trust1 and trust2 to compute for the combined taxable income which will be our basis
the trust
okay so in this case we have here combined operating income of 700 000 or combined
gross income of seven hundred thousand so that's from trust one and two of
three hundred
to our operating income of 700 000 so we have a taxable income of 630 000
it belongs to um
so again what's the rule 87500 will be the total amount that will be paid as tax due
but take note these 87 500 will be shared by both trust1 and trust2
okay so in short ej and bj will be
contributing an amount to satisfy this 87500 tax due but the question is how are
we going to
how are we going to compute for the share so we simply compute by having
270 000
taxable income
then multiply it by your total tax due of eight seven thousand five
the entire 500 000 of trust three including the 50 000 income distribution
okay so it is not subject to tax on the point of view of the trust but
on the
that we need to consider when there is actually multiple income from from common grantor
short topic in taxation for estate and trust let us consider first
shall file the return the following persons acting in any fiduciary capacity shall income the initial file the
income tax return for an estate or trust okay so it's either the guardian
administrators, receivers
will pay
who will file the income tax return and at the same time
guys the income tax due will be coming from the income of the
estate and the trust not on the personal packet of whoever is the
or trust has a gross income of 50 000 or more during the taxable year and then
the tax code so it's either one of the two fiduciaries or it's either one
or two
or will suffice the compliance requirements of the tax code it's not necessary that for example you have
three um difuciaries
st and trustees
for an estate
reserve that
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