Malmberg Raaijmakers Shiffrin 2019
Malmberg Raaijmakers Shiffrin 2019
Malmberg Raaijmakers Shiffrin 2019
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In this article we review the framework proposed in 1968 by Atkinson and Shiffrin. We discuss the prior context that led to its
production, including the advent of cognitive and mathematical modeling, its principal concepts, the subsequent refinements and
elaborations that followed, and the way that the framework influenced other researchers to test the ideas and, in some cases,
propose alternatives. The article illustrates the large amount of research and the large number of memory models that were
directly influenced by this chapter over the past 50 years.
This issue commemorates the 50th anniversary of the publi- instances refined and developed the concepts and theory and
cation of the chapter by Richard Atkinson and Richard in other instances led researchers and theorists to pose
Shiffrin titled BHuman Memory: A Proposed System and Its alternatives.
Control Processes.^ Many scientists have been introduced to
what is often called Bthe modal model^ in an Introductory
Psychology course. Many have cited the chapter in their pub- Background/Context
lications, usually in reference to the proposed distinction be-
tween short-term memory and long-term memory. However, In the late 1950s and the early 1960s there was a period of
the focus of the chapter’s 100 print pages was an investigation tremendous activity in experimental psychology and many of
of the role of control processes in all memory systems for both these developments contributed to what would become the
storage and retrieval. The chapter contained many studies of Atkinson-Shiffrin theory. Here we will highlight two of these
rehearsal in particular and used careful modeling to demon- developments. First, there was what is nowadays commonly
strate the validity of the concepts. A review of those modeling referred to as the cognitive revolution with its emphasis on
efforts reveals them to be state-of-the-art today, uncovering, attentional and decisional processes. The cognitive revolution
testing, and verifying fundamental processes of rehearsal, developed hand-in-hand with the flourishing of mathematical
storage, and retrieval. modeling that allowed learning and memory findings to be
In the first part of this article we describe the historical explained elegantly using very simple assumptions (for exam-
context for Atkinson and Shiffrin’s chapter, summarize its ple, dating perhaps to Bower, 1961, a number of very precise
main concepts, and review briefly the data and the quantitative yet simple mathematical models were developed to explain
models that gave support to the theory. In the second part we paired-associate learning results).
summarize some of the subsequent developments that in some
The cognitive revolution
* Kenneth J. Malmberg In the second half of the 1950s researchers in auditory and
[email protected] visual perception began to formulate the results of their re-
search in terms such as attention, short-term memory, and
Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, stages of information processing. An important milestone
USA was Broadbent’s Perception and Communication (1958) that
Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, summarized a large body of research in (especially) auditory
Amsterdam, The Netherlands perception. Broadbent reintroduced concepts such as primary
PBS, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA and secondary memory and emphasized the notion of
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attention as a filtering process. Broadbent also proposed re- and not by how it got there. In the simplest case, the Markov
hearsal as a means of reactivating information in primary or chain had only two states: learned and not-learned. Bower
short-term memory (Broadbent, 1958, p. 225-242). The view (1961) applied this model to a paired-associate learning task
that items were displaced (and hence forgotten) from short- and showed that the model quite precisely accounted for a
term memory by new incoming items (rather than by a time- large number of statistics (number of errors, trial of last error,
based process of decay) received support from the experi- number of runs of errors, etc.). These results set a very high
ments by Waugh and Norman (1965). In these experiments a standard for future modeling efforts.
probe-digit recall task was used in which participants were Initial applications of Markov modeling referred to external
presented with a long list of digits in which some items were elements that were or were not Bconditioned,^ but the states of
repeated. Whenever a repeated item (the probe) was presented the model soon came to reflect memory or learning in short-
they had to recall the item that had been presented previously term or long-term states. For example, Atkinson and Crothers
immediately after the probe item. Critically, the items were (1964) described a model with four states: a long-term state L
presented at either a rate of one per second or four per second, (reflecting that the item is in long-term memory), a short-term
separating the retention time from the number of intervening S (reflecting that the item is in short-term memory), a state F
items. For example, an interval of 2 s could be filled with (reflecting that the item is forgotten from short-term memory),
either two items or with eight items. Recall was determined and an initial state U (reflecting that nothing has been learned
almost completely by the number of intervening items rather about this item). In some versions forgetting from the short-
than by the number of seconds, strongly supporting a replace- term state was assumed to be a function of the number of other
ment and interference account of forgetting in short-term items presented between two presentations of an item. These
memory. ideas led fairly directly to the Atkinson-Shiffrin model in
While such results might suggest that only a small amount which there were short-term states (one of which was the
of information is available at any one time, experiments such rehearsal buffer) from which items were lost when replaced
as those from Sperling (1960, now a textbook classic) showed by subsequent items. Whereas early Markov models described
that a much larger amount of information is briefly available the transitions through states until a state of permanent storage
but is lost very quickly. Sperling went on to show that this was reached, the Atkinson and Shiffrin model placed much
information was transferred to and stored in higher level visual more emphasis on causes of forgetting, and upon failures of
short-term memories. Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) used the retrieval from all states of memory, including the Blearned^
term Bsensory registers^ to describe a variety of low-level state. This emphasis was seen in the detailing of strategies of
sensory systems that can hold large amounts of information retrieval. At the same time, Atkinson and Shiffrin placed em-
temporarily but from which only a few items are transferred to phasis upon strategies of storage.
higher-level short-term memories.
More generally, humans came to be viewed as complex Origins of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model
information processing systems, and a Bcomputer metaphor^
was often used to describe this new direction. The Atkinson- Atkinson and Shiffrin formalized concepts that date to the first
Shiffrin theory could be viewed as a culmination of these days of psychology; many of the ideas fundamental to the
various themes, presenting a much more complete framework modal model, such as the distinction between short-term
for learning and memory processes, one that still figures quite memories and long-term memories, can be found in early
prominently in textbooks as the Bmodal model of memory.^ writings such as James (1890), and the modal model was
informed by numerous findings resulting from the pursuit of
Developments in mathematical modeling experimental psychology, such as Ebbinghaus (1885).
Further, it used and built on results and modeling from
A second important development was the progress that was Atkinson, Shiffrin, and colleagues in the years 1964–1968.
made in mathematical modeling, especially in the mathemat- A technical report in 1965 by Atkinson and Shiffrin
ical modeling of learning and memory processes. Estes (1960) previewed the later chapter by introducing a rehearsal buffer
had shown that in simple tasks learning might proceed in an for storage and retrieval, search processes for long-term re-
all-or-none fashion. This result implied that in Estes’ Stimulus trieval, and an emphasis on control processes.
Sampling Theory the learning could be described as involving
a single to-be-conditioned element (the one-element model). It
was an important advantage of such models with just a few Key concepts of the theory
elements that the learning process was a simple Markov chain,
a mathematical process that is relatively easy to analyze. The One might wonder why the chapter has had such a long-
fundamental property of a Markov chain is that the future lasting impact. Most of the current citations pertain to the
steps in the process are determined only by the current state memory structures of the theory. However, the chapter’s main
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focus was investigations of the control processes that operate likelihood that rehearsal in modes other than the verbal one
to store and retrieve from the various memories. The Atkinson was much more difficult, and the strong possibility that there
and Shiffrin chapter took a large step down the road of the could be recoding of non-verbal stimuli. Rehearsal may be
cognitive revolution by formally implementing several control viewed as Blow-hanging fruit,^ given its conscious availabil-
processes involved in the modal model and manipulating ity and ease of manipulation. However, just the opposite has
them empirically in order to test these new assumptions. proved the case: In different forms, variants, and extensions,
There are a number of key elements that characterized the investigation of rehearsal has dominated the field of memory
chapter. First, Atkinson and Shiffrin did not present one quan- ever since. A few examples suffice to make this point:
titative model to explain one memory task, but instead pre- Baddeley refined the concepts in different forms of short-
sented a general framework within which specific models for term or working memory such as the Bphonological loop^
specific tasks could be formulated, a theme that has continued (e.g., Baddeley & Hitch, 1974). Working memory with re-
in the developments of the model since. The distinction be- hearsal in different forms (say visual, auditory, phonological,
tween a general framework and task-specific models was verbal, and so on) has become a field in its own right, and is
mandated by the chapter’s emphasis on flexible control pro- presently used as tests for intelligence and for clinical assess-
cesses that were adaptive to the current task demands. This is ment (e.g., Engle, 2018). The presence and/or absence of re-
seen clearly in the second half of the chapter, which presented hearsal is likely the explanation for the different results and
a number of empirical studies in which task characteristics models of short-term recall, the presence of rehearsal likely
were varied and modeled by corresponding changes in the producing the results leading Sternberg (1966) to propose se-
assumptions regarding control processes such as the rehearsal rial exhaustive search, and the absence of rehearsal likely
buffer. producing the quite different result first obtained by McElree
A second major element of the Atkinson-Shiffrin theory and Dosher (1989) and then obtained and modeled by
was the distinction between a temporary short-term memory Nosofsky (e.g., Nosofsky, Little, Donkin, & Fific, 2011).
and a relatively permanent long-term memory. In their view, Storage of information in long-term memory has been tied
short-term memory was not a simple storage structure but it directly to rehearsal processes, both behaviorally and neurally
was also the part of the system where active control processes (e.g., Polyn & Kahana, 2008). Studies directly explore re-
had their effects so that the system could be termed Bworking hearsal through overt paradigms (Ward & Tan, 2004).
memory.^ Short-term memory was recognized to be a system Capacity limits of short-term and working memory have been
of multiple memories with differing modalities and character- tied to limits on control processes such as rehearsal and
istics. These were partitioned into very short-term memories, Battentional refreshing^ (e.g., Barrouillet, Portrat, & Camos,
termed Bsensory registers,^ and a longer lasting Bshort-term 2011) and such limits have been incorporated in cognitive
store^ with multiple modalities and a higher degree of control. architectures such as ACT-R (e.g., Anderson, 1990), SOAR
Thus, the idea was that there were multiple stages of process- (e.g., Laird, 2012), and EPIC (e.g., Meyer & Kieras, 1997a,
ing through various short-term memories with increasingly b). These examples are just the tip of a very large iceberg, but
abstract coding of the information. Although this description serve to illustrate the impact that careful study and modeling
seems to imply a forward flow of information from the senso- of control processes can have on progress in understanding
ry registers to short-term memory and then to long-term mem- cognition.
ory, Atkinson and Shiffrin made it clear that information The chapter made it clear that the rehearsal buffer was just
flowed both ways; for example, when the word Bcow^ is one component of a much larger system of short-term and
presented, semantic and associative information related to working memories, a system with a great of flexibility. For
the concept of Bcow^ is activated in long-term memory and example, different tasks could induce rehearsal of single
joins the information already in short-term memory. Thus, items, pairs of items, or other types and modalities of infor-
there is a constant flow of information between short- and mation. When the focus was on rehearsal capacity, this was
long-term memory, producing the momentary contents of defined by the ability to maintain n items over time, a capacity
short-term memory that in turn determines what is stored in resulting from the interaction of rehearsal rate and decay. It
long-term memory. was noted and shown that optimal capacity would be seen
The third and probably most critical component was the with ordered rehearsal. However, rehearsal was a control strat-
emphasis on active control processes, strategies used to en- egy, so which items are rehearsed and which are Bdropped^
code and store information and to retrieve information from from rehearsal are choices of the subject: Perhaps the oldest
the various memory stores. A key control process that was item is chosen to leave rehearsal (and subsequently lost), or
extensively investigated was rehearsal, a process that was as- perhaps a more Brandom^ choice is made.
sumed to be critical for the maintenance of information in According to the model, rehearsal has two main functions,
short-term memory as well as the transfer to long-term mem- maintenance and coding. Maintenance rehearsal is the primary
ory. The ease of verbal rehearsal was noted, as well as the use of the buffer when there is a goal to maximize the number
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of items held in short-term memory. Coding refers to the trans- are still reasons that hold true today. These include all-or-none
fer of information from short-term memory to long-term storage and forgetting, the causes of short-term decay/forgetting
memory. Such transfer was assumed always to involve a mix- and the difficulty of controlling rehearsal, the difficulty of
ture of automatic transfer (as seen for example in incidental interpreting results from clinical deficits to the hippocampal
learning tasks) and controlled processes (such as rehearsal and region, whether transfer from short-term to long-term memory
elaborative encoding). is continuous, all-or-none, or a mixture, and many others.
Atkinson and Shiffrin also discussed in detail the mechanisms Finally, and this may now be seen as a rather obvious point,
of storage in and retrieval from long-term memory. They as- they emphasized that the properties of the short-term memory
sumed that there might be multiple traces of the same Bitem,^ system could not be derived from the results of simple Bshort-
each partial or mostly complete. Long-term traces are constantly term memory^ tasks since performance in all tasks is bound to
evolving and changing as new information is added to them. be a mixture of retrieval from short-term and long-term mem-
Retrieval from long-term memory was modeled as a search pro- ory. This idea was worked out in detail in the tasks and models
cess, governed by cues used to probe memory: Memory traces that were discussed in the second half of their chapter.
are sampled with a probability that is related to their strength. A This listing does not exhaust the concepts laid out and
sampled trace is examined for relevance through use of a recov- discussed by Atkinson and Shiffrin in their first 35 pages, but
ery process, a reconstructive process where activated features of a this introduction must stop short of repeating them. The re-
memory trace are used to retrieve other stored features in order to maining 65 pages of the chapter presented empirical studies
both judge relevance and generate an answer to the question that and careful modeling designed to test, verify, extend, and am-
was asked when the trace is judged relevant. Since sampling is a plify these concepts. There is a great deal of value in those
probabilistic process, successful recall is not guaranteed even if remaining pages because the empirical designs used for assess-
the information is available in long-term memory. Thus traces ment, and the testing carried out with detailed modeling, go far
may appear to be forgotten at one moment, but can subsequently beyond the conceptual discussion in the first part of the chapter.
be recalled. This notion that long-term forgetting is mainly due to Unfortunately we cannot review these because the details of
interference and search failure rather than decay has been a guid- the designs, results, and models would require space in this
ing principle in much of the work that was performed in later introductory article approaching that in the original chapter.
years by Shiffrin and his collaborators. All in all, the Atkinson-Shiffrin chapter was a major step
Quite a variety of control processes were discussed and stud- forward in comparison to less comprehensive and simpler
ied in the chapter: The chapter covered strategies of rehearsal, models that prevailed at that time. Pertinent today is the fact
storage, and retrieval of very short-term visual memory (e.g., the that it is far more complex and worked out than the simple
visual icon; Sperling 1960, etc.), and had extensive treatment of portrayals of the Bmodal model of memory^ found in most
search processes as the main process allowing recall from long- textbooks.
term memory (subsequently elaborated in great detail by
Raaijmakers & Shiffrin, 1980, 1981, in their SAM model).
Similar search models of long-term retrieval remain the gold Developments since the 1968 model
standard to the present day. The distinction between sampling
and recovery is sometimes used today as a distinction between The Atkinson-Shiffrin chapter had a strong influence on many
exploration and exploitation (e.g., Hills, Todd, Lazer, Redish, prominent memory models developed since the 1970s. Of
Couzin, and the Cognitive Search Research Group, 2015). course, Shiffrin and his colleagues are among those who pur-
Thus delineation, modeling, and testing of control processes sued such developments and refined and extended the model.
has not only permeated the field, but has remained a key com- Here we will briefly highlight several of these models, the
ponent of subsequent development of the Atkinson and Shiffrin SAM model of Raaijmakers and Shiffrin (1980, 1981), the
theory by the authors of this article, and by our collaborators, recognition model of Gillund and Shiffrin (1984), the REM
colleagues and students (as indicated later in this article). model (Shiffrin & Steyvers, 1997), the One-Shot-of-Context
The various control processes were embedded in and oper- model proposed by Malmberg and Shiffrin (2005), the
ated upon the various structural components of the memory SARKAE model of Nelson and Shiffrin (2013), and the dy-
system: the many forms of temporary short-term memories, namic model of Cox and Shiffrin (2017). These models build
such as the very brief memories termed sensory registers in a cumulative way on the underlying structure derived from
(largely for low-level less abstract information), various forms the 1968 model.
of short-term and working memories, and the relatively per-
manent long-term memories. Such a characterization remains The SAM model
the standard approach behaviorally and neurally to this day.
In addition, many issues were discussed as unresolved that The development of the SAM theory (Search of Associative
remain unresolved today, for reasons given in the chapter that Memory) started in 1978. The initial goal was to develop an
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extension of the search model initially proposed in 1968 1994; Rohrer, 1996; Wixted, Ghadisha, & Vera, 1997). Rohrer
Atkinson-Shiffrin paper and more extensively described in and Wixted (1994) showed that the characteristics of the cu-
Shiffrin (1970). It was, however, quickly realized that the mulative recall curves that they had observed closely matched
potential of the model was far greater and that the same archi- those predicted by the SAM model more than a decade earlier.
tecture could be used to model other paradigms such as cued They also demonstrated that in free recall the mean latency for
or paired-associate recall and recognition. Specific models a list of n strong items is equal to that of a list of n weak items,
based on the SAM theory were later developed for recognition even though the probability of recall will be much higher for
(Gillund & Shiffrin, 1984), interference and forgetting the stronger list. Wixted, Ghadisha, and Vera (1997) replicated
(Mensink & Raaijmakers, 1988, 1989), and spacing and rep- these results and also showed that in mixed-strength lists, the
etition effects (Raaijmakers, 2003). stronger items will be recalled faster than in pure-strength lists
The SAM model shares a number of assumptions with the and the weaker items will be recalled slower than in pure (all-
Atkinson-Shiffrin model, including the notion of an STS buff- weak) lists. All of these properties can be derived mathemat-
er as a model for rehearsal processes and the assumption that ically from a simplified random sampling model based on
storage in LTS is a function of the nature and duration of relative strengths, but Rohrer (1996) showed that they also
rehearsal in STS (Raaijmakers, 2008). The most important hold for more complex random sampling models with variable
innovation was the explicit introduction of the notion of re- strengths and a recovery threshold (as in SAM).
trieval cues and the specification of how these were used to The SAM model elevated context to a central and critical
direct memory search. Rather than using a single strength role in storage and retrieval, a role that has only grown in
value as in the original model, SAM assumes that different empirical and theoretical importance in the years since
types of information are stored in the memory trace. A critical (particularly as seen in the modeling of Kahana, Howard,
aspect of the model was the notion that not just item and inter- and their students and colleagues, for example in Polyn,
item information are stored but also context information. The Norman, & Kahana, 2009; see also Klein, Shiffrin, & Criss,
simple strength value that was used in the Atkinson-Shiffrin 2007). The SAM model specifically separated out context and
model was replaced in SAM by an activation value that was content information and used them multiplicatively in retriev-
equal to the product of the association strengths between the al. There are many reasons for treating context and content as
cues used during a specific memory search and the stored having differentiable roles, but a key difference lies in the
memory traces. This rule implies that the search set for a probe degree to which context and content are stored and used in
using cues X and Y is formed by the intersection of the search retrieval implicitly or explicitly. Context often consists of
sets for each cue separately. The activation value so defined Bbackground^ information that is not experimentally varied
was then used in the same sampling and recovery equations and is not the focus of the task. For example, the task might
that were the cornerstone of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model for require words to be remembered, but the font in which the
free recall (see also Shiffrin, 1970). words appear, the color of the computer monitor background,
A property of both the initial memory search model and the ambient noise in the experimental setting (and much
(Shiffrin, 1970) as well as the SAM model is the proposal that more along these lines) are usually not varied and not the
retrieval is a function of both the relative and the absolute focus of the task; yet some of this information is stored in
strength of the target item. That is, the probability of a suc- memory and used as retrieval cues.
cessful retrieval is decreased as the number of items on the list The proposal in SAM of contextual retrieval cues was
decreases (decreasing the relative strength) and it increases as initially made to make the memory search focus on the
the target item is studied longer or in a more elaborative way most recently studied list (as in most memory experi-
(increasing its absolute strength). Mensink and Raaijmakers ments). The basic idea of context as a retrieval cue was
(1988) showed that this property enabled SAM to predict a very much Bin the air^ at the time when SAM was being
number of otherwise hard to explain findings in the interfer- developed (Bower, Monteiro, & Gilligan, 1978; Smith,
ence literature. For example, the finding that in an A-B, A-C Glenberg, & Bjork, 1978; Smith, 1979), but this was the
interference paradigm there is advantage for the interference first time that this idea was integrated in a formal model of
condition compared to the control condition in the latency of memory. Whereas in the Raaijmakers and Shiffrin (1981)
recall even when the two conditions are equated in terms of analysis of free recall a constant context was assumed dur-
probability of recall (Anderson, 1981) can be easily explained ing presentation and testing of a single list, Howard and
by a model in which the latency of correct recalls is a function Kahana (1999) made the reasonable assumption that con-
of the relative strength only (as it is in Shiffrin’s memory text varies even within a single list and that upon retrieval
search model as well as in SAM; see Mensink & of a specific trace not just the item information would be
Raaijmakers, 1988, p. 450). Impressive support for this mem- retrieved but also the stored context information. They
ory search model was obtained by Rohrer and Wixted and showed how such a model could account for a number of
their colleagues (Wixted & Rohrer, 1994; Wixted & Rohrer, detailed aspects of recall processes.
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Later studies showed this to be a highly useful approach. memory (cf. Malmberg, 2008; Ratcliff & Murdock, 1976)
For example, Mensink and Raaijmakers (1988) showed that it but also models of categorization (Smith, Shoben, & Rips,
provided a mechanism that allowed the model to deal with 1974).
many classical interference and forgetting phenomena. The A shortcoming of the signal detection model was that it did
same model was also used to provide an explanation for spac- not describe how the familiarity of stimulus was obtained. In
ing and repetition effects (see Raaijmakers, 2003). While the 1980s, a new wave of formal models of familiarity was
these models focused on gradual and more or less automatic developed, marking a highpoint for mathematical psychology
contextual changes within an experimental session, the same (Hintzman, 1988; Humphreys, Bain, & Pike, 1989; Murdock,
framework could be used to model situations where the 1982). Collectively, these models became known as global-
changes in context are more abrupt. A common hypothesis matching models. Like Atkinson and colleagues, Gillund and
is that participants are able to construct a new mental context Shiffrin (1984) assumed that the familiarity of the stimulus is
if the situation makes it necessary to separate the currently generated via a parallel activation of traces and wed this model
studies items from previously studied ones. Such an idea of recognition to the model of retrieval described by
was used by Sahakyan and Kelley (2002) to account for di- Raaijmakers and Shiffrin within the SAM framework. The
rected forgetting phenomena. Malmberg, Lehman, and elegant blend of search and familiarity generation was
Sahakyan (2006) implemented this hypothesis in a model achieved by assuming that the two processes were not inde-
based on SAM (and REM, see below), and showed that the pendent, but closely dependent: For search, each sample was
model accounted well for the existing data. Similarly, Jonker, defined by a ratio of the trace strength activation to the sum of
Seli and MacLeod (2013) proposed an explanation for such activations across all (above threshold) traces. As de-
retrieval-induced forgetting based on the idea that items pre- scribed above, activation was due to a match of the content
sented in different phases of the experiment get associated to and context cues in the probe to the content and context infor-
different contexts. In sum, the SAM model and its variants mation stored in the trace. Recognition was assumed to be a
greatly extended the explanatory power of the original mixture of Bfamiliarity^ and search processes, the degree of
Atkinson and Shiffrin model. each varying due to different task demands. Critically, the
familiarity component was assumed to be the denominator
Initial research on recognition memory of the sampling rule.
The conceptual basis of the Atkinson and Shiffrin model
Around the same time that Shiffrin was creating the search and the SAM model requires that recall based on a memory
model of retrieval during recall, Atkinson began to describe a search be an option during a test of recognition. Gillund and
model of recognition memory (Atkinson, Hermann, & Shiffrin were unable to identify data that required the dual-
Wescourt, 1974; Atkinson & Juola, 1973, 1974; Juola, process assumption, partly because Gillund and Shiffrin fo-
Fishler, Wood, & Atkinson, 1971). For a number of years, cused their modeling on the accuracy of recognition, whereas
recognition was viewed as a simpler task than recall because Atkinson and colleagues focused on the speed of recognition.
it does not necessarily require the generation of episodic de- In addition, Gillund and Shiffrin focused on standard item
tails from memory, and hence some of the problems encoun- recognition, whereas Mandler et al. focused on more complex
tered by the verbal-learning theorists were empirically ad- recognition tasks. The question concerning the extent to which
dressed by extending that research to recognition memory recall and familiarity affect recognition has been the subject of
testing (Crowder, 1976 for a review). Specifically, signal- intense debate ever since, and the relationship between the
detection models seemed sufficient, whereby the response speed and accuracy of recognition proved to be critical in
generated by the subject was based on the strength or famil- subsequent developments of the dual-process approach. We
iarity of the stimulus (Egan, 1958; Parks, 1966). However, will return to this topic after introducing the retrieving effec-
Mandler, Pearlstone, and Koopmans (1969) proposed that rec- tively from memory family of models.
ognition could be performed by either assessing stimulus fa-
miliarity or by recollecting episodic details associated with the The Retrieving Effectively from Memory (REM) model
stimulus. These models became known as dual-process
models, and according to Atkinson and Juola’s model, recog- The assumption that recognition was based on global famil-
nition decisions are made quickly when either the familiarity iarity (the summed activation across all memory traces)
of the stimulus fails to exceed a low-decision criterion or sur- proved highly useful and as described below seems to
pass a high-decision criterion, but when the familiarity of the describe performance in a wide range of simple recognition
stimulus was insufficient for making a decision, a slower tasks. However, Ratcliff, Clark, and Shiffrin (1990) failed to
search of memory is conducted for episodic details that could find support for a critical result predicted by the model, a result
be used to further inform the decision. This decision model at variance with almost the whole family of extant global-
influenced not only subsequent models of recognition matching models, the so-called list-strength effect. This effect
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refers to the prediction that recognition performance should applied this model to unintentional and intentional forgetting
decrease if the strength of the other items on the list increases, (directed forgetting) and also formulated a new version of the
just as the performance decreases with increases in the number buffer model. This SAM-REM model represents the most
of other items. Both of these should increase noise (or vari- sophisticated model that grew out of the framework set forth
ability) and hence should decrease the signal-to-noise ratio. by the Atkinson-Shiffrin 1968 model. This version of the
This misprediction was resolved in a plausible and elegant model has become more detailed and more rigorously speci-
fashion by assuming that as items get stronger they become fied, but nonetheless shares many of the basic assumptions
less similar to other traces — they become differentiated from with the original Atkinson-Shiffrin model; to name a few, a
them. The drop in similarity causes the activation of compet- buffer model for rehearsal in short-term memory, experiences
ing non-target traces to decrease (Shiffrin, Ratcliff, & Clark, stored as separate memory traces, and recall based on a prob-
1990). abilistic sampling process that in turn is based on the activa-
While this assumption was conceptually plausible, Shiffrin tion values of the individual memory traces.
and Steyvers (1997) developed a more principled solution (the With the development of the REM models of familiarity
REM model) that leads to this prediction. Their solution was and search, research once again turned to the influence of
based on the idea that the system makes an optimal decision, these processes on recognition. Indeed, new methods for test-
optimal in the sense of taking into account the information ing recognition memory and for analyzing the data led to a
stored in memory and the rules that govern such storage (the resurgence in research on the topic. Many researchers en-
assumptions that the model makes about memory storage). To dorsed models assuming that recognition is mostly due to
be more specific, the REM model incorporated this idea by familiarity alone (Dunn, 2004; Wixted, 2007), while others
assuming that recognition decisions are based on a rational, endorsed dual-process models (Reder et al., 2000; Tulving,
Bayesian decision process. In order to implement this ap- 1983; Yonelinas, 1994, 2002). Atkinson and Shiffrin sug-
proach, REM adopted multidimensional traces to represent gested in 1968 that the focus should not be on which recog-
past events and knowledge. The assumption was not novel; nition process is correct, but rather what mix of these process-
models of categorization and indeed almost all the other es is best suited for a given task, an approach still likely opti-
global-matching models assumed multidimensional represen- mal today.
tations. However, new theoretical power was created when A good example of this approach occurred when
they were combined with the Bayesian/rational architecture Malmberg and Shiffrin published two articles featuring exten-
of REM. The basic idea is straightforward: Trace activation sive formal modeling in REM in the same issue of JEP:LMC.
rises when more features match between memory probe and The Malmberg, Zeelenberg, and Shiffrin (2004) article rebut-
trace, and drop when more features mismatch. If a trace is ted research suggesting that use of the benzodiazepine mid-
stored more strongly and it differs from a probe (a test of a azolam selectively impaired the search component of the dual-
different item), then mismatching features increase and acti- process model by showing that the REM model of familiarity
vation decreases (see also Criss, 2006; Criss & McClelland, predicted the complex set of observations on the assumption
2006). For a recent application of the differentiation mecha- that midazolam impaired encoding of traces by introducing
nism to understanding the consequences of testing memory, noise to memory traces (Hirshman et al., 2002). On the other
see Kılıç, Criss, Malmberg, and Shiffrin (2017). hand, Malmberg, Holden, and Shiffrin (2004) found that a
dual-process model was required to account for the
Recognition and recall in REM Interestingly, this Bayesian registration-without-learning phenomenon (Hintzman,
solution leads to a global-matching model for recognition in Curran, & Oppy, 1992). The upshot was concrete evidence
which the decisions are based on the average likelihood ratio within the framework of the Atkinson and Shiffrin theory that
of all memory traces (the likelihood ratio of that trace at times recognition was driven by the familiarity of the stim-
matching the test probe). Note that this is similar to the ulus, at other times the full outcome of the search process was
SAM model if one substitutes the likelihood ratio’s for more important.
SAM’s strength values, although SAM’s strength values were To reconcile the different conclusions and to relate the
a function only of the overlap of features, the number of different recognition models within a coherent framework,
matching features. The similarity between the REM and Malmberg, Holden, & Shiffrin (2004) noted that recognition
SAM models for recognition (both based on a global sum over paradigms in which foils produce about as much familiarity as
all memory traces) also suggested that the REM model might targets likely would require an additional recall process, as
be generalized to recall if one substitutes REM’s likelihood when the task uses words and requires decisions concerning
ratios for SAM’s activation values. This approach was first the plurality of a studied word. This approach was extended to
investigated by Diller, Nobel, and Shiffrin (2001) and greatly associative recognition, which is another task that requires the
extended by Malmberg and his colleagues (e.g., Lehman & discrimination of targets from otherwise familiar foils (Xu &
Malmberg, 2009, 2013; Malmberg & Shiffrin, 2005). They Malmberg, 2007) and investigated by various means of testing
Mem Cogn
memory in different contexts (Malmberg & Xu, 2007). For Murnane and Phelps (1995), which at the time was not con-
instance, the search process seemed to play a more important sidered important. However, when taken together with the
role when all foils were similar to a target versus when testing results from the implicit memory literature, it suggested that
only involved a few similar foils and when the recognition a fixed amount of context is stored each time a word is en-
decision required a confidence rating in addition to a yes-no countered in both the newly formed episodic trace and the
decision. In addition, speed accuracy trade-off functions show existing lexical/semantic trace. Hence, spaced repetitions in-
that under conditions when targets and foils are similar, accu- crease the amount of context stored in memory, whereas other
racy improves in a non-monotonic fashion, suggesting that the strengthening operations do not. This became known as the
search component of retrieval requires additional time to pro- Bone-shot^ hypothesis.
vide the episodic details required to reject familiar foils The one-shot hypothesis could explain differences in
(Dosher, 1984; Gronlund & Ratcliff, 1989). Malmberg massed and spaced study on priming, but needed validation
(2008) synthesized these findings in an integrated dual- in some other setting. To test the one-shot hypothesis,
process framework in which it is assumed that a control pro- Malmberg and Shiffrin carried out a series of studies based
cess governs the contribution of familiarity and search in a on the list-strength findings of Ratcliff, Clark, and Shiffrin
manner that makes the performance of the recognition most (1990) and the theory in Shiffrin, Ratcliff, and Clark (1990).
efficient with respect to the goals of the subject and conditions The new studies were designed to test the hypothesis that in
of testing. It is interesting to note that the initial name of REM tasks requiring memory for content, content would be given
was in fact the retrieving efficiently from memory theory. explicit encoding and hence storage in memory, during the
entire period the item was available for study, but that context
Integration of implicit and explicit memory in REM Soon after would be stored only for a brief period of time (a second or
the REM model was developed, it was realized that it could be two) for each separate spaced presentation. The results pro-
generalized to a number of other memory paradigms, includ- vided compelling evidence that context was indeed stored
ing paradigms such as lexical decision and implicit memory. differently than content, getting Bone shot^ of automatic stor-
Schooler, Shiffrin, and Raaijmakers (2001) showed how the age (for a second or two) upon each presentation of an item.
model could account in a simple way for priming effects (i.e., Thus, longer study, massed repetitions, and elaborative re-
implicit memory) in perceptual identification and hearsal would lead to additional encoding of content that
Wagenmakers et al. (2004) developed a model based on would continue during the period of the presentation, but con-
REM for lexical decision. A key innovation of these models text would be stored only for the first second or two at a given
were concrete descriptions of episodic and lexical/semantic presentation, but would be stored again at each subsequent
memory traces. In prior models, the focus was on incomplete presentation.
and error-prone episodic traces associated with a single learn-
ing context (or a small number). The models of implicit mem- SARKAE
ory and lexical/decision focused on access to lexical/semantic
traces, which were assumed to be relatively complete and The relationship between experience and knowledge
accurate representations of knowledge. Importantly, lexical/ continued to be the subject of intense research. Nelson and
semantic traces represent not only knowledge about an item Shiffrin (2013) Bclosed the loop^ between encoding and re-
but all the contexts in which that item has been encountered or trieval, and between episodic short-term traces and weak and
used. In this sense, knowledge is assumed to be strong long-term traces in an article titled BThe Co-Evolution
decontextualized and therefore readily available for use. of Knowledge and Event Memory.^ The model was termed
Priming is predicted on the assumption that each time a word Storage and Retrieval of Knowledge and Events, with acro-
is encountered new contextual elements are added to its nym SARKAE. It started with the assumption that events are
lexical/semantic trace, making it more available than it would stored individually, as contextually defined episodic traces, in
be if the word was not recently used. both short-term memory and long-term memory. It then de-
Malmberg and Shiffrin (2005) reviewed a number of tasks scribed the way that knowledge is formed through accrual of
in which testing was either explicit and implicit, and, in gen- individual events that are sufficiently similar (as when an item
eral, explicit memory performance increased if items were is repeated). On the other hand it described how an event
given immediate repetitions (or longer study times) or spaced occurrence accesses and retrieves knowledge and thereby pro-
repetitions at study. Yet massed and spaced study often pro- duces coding of the features that represent the event in short-
duced quite different patterns of results in the performance of term memory.
implicit memory task. Specifically, whereas spaced repetitions The theory was supported by two studies in which novel
enhanced priming, massed repetitions or increases in study items, Chinese characters, were learned over the course of
time did not. Interestingly, a similar pattern of results had been several weeks, with individual characters learned to different
observed in the context-dependent memory literature by degrees. The first study trained with a visual search task. In
Mem Cogn
this study the effects of frequency could have been due to models and the core assumptions originating with the
increased similarity of high frequency characters due to in- Atkinson and Shiffrin chapter in 1968.
creased co-occurrence. The second study trained by having
subjects make perceptual matching decisions for the same
character in slightly differing physical forms, eliminating co- Challenges and alternatives to the theory
occurrence. The training in both studies was followed by tests
of episodic recognition memory (a traditional episodic mem- We have no desire to defend a theory that is now fifty years old
ory task), pseudo-lexical decision (tapping access to knowl- against changes sparked by new findings and new ideas. All
edge), and forced-choice perceptual identification (a form of theories and models in all domains of science are wrong, but
perception). The large effects of training frequency in both the good ones are useful. Due to the inherent variability in
studies demonstrated an important role of pure frequency in behavior that is seen in humans, theories and models are par-
addition to differential context and differential similarity. The ticularly crude approximations to reality. Thus, as we consider
SARKAE model was implemented quantitatively and applied challenges and alternatives to Atkinson and Shiffrin, they
to all three transfer tasks, bridging the usual research and should be judged by the degree to which they add or subtract
theory gap between perception, short-term memory, and from the usefulness of the theory.
long-term retrieval.
Working memory
Cox and Shiffrin (2017): A dynamic approach
to recognition memory
BThe short-term store is the subject’s working memory;
Space only allows a hint of this research. For most of the 50 it receives selected input from the sensory register and
years since Atkinson and Shiffrin the Bmicro-structure^ of long-term store^ (Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968, p. 90)
encoding of presented events, and the behavioral conse-
quences of encoding that evolves over short time periods Conventional wisdom pits Atkinson and Shiffrin’s modal
(say 1 s or less) has been ignored in memory modeling. model against Baddeley and Hitch’s (1974) working memory
Even in models that jointly predict accuracy and response model. However, we regard this debate as one more of per-
times, the typical approach has ignored the differential time spective than reality. The working memory model is an in-
course of perception of individual features and groups of fea- stance of the modal model’s short-term memory store and
tures (e.g., Ratcliff, 1978). Cox and Shiffrin assumed that control processes. Although there are differences, the similar-
features arrive over time, with certain types of features arriv- ity between the audio-verbal-linguistic store and the phono-
ing slower than others. These features arrive on the basis of logical loop and the similarity between the concept of the
retrieval from knowledge. To model recognition memory, the central executive and the concept of control processes, makes
model assumes that at each moment in time the then current it clear that it will be difficult to empirically distinguish the
features, including context, are compared to event traces that two versions. Of course, the experimentation generated by the
had been stored previously. This comparison produces a cur- debate concerning working memory was very useful, leading
rent value of Bfamiliarity^ that changes as new and different to a better understanding of the different forms of short-term
features are encoded and join the probe in short term memory. memory, capacity limitations, and control processes. An ex-
The resultant value of familiarity Bsaturates^ as all the features ample is found in the specification of a visual short-term store.
in the current event become encoded. Thus there are decision Atkinson and Shiffrin considered the then extant evidence for
boundaries for Bold^ and Bnew^ responses that converge pro- such a store, but at the time evidence was indeterminate.
portionally to the degree of expected saturation. The resultant Following the research by Shepard and Metzler (1971) and
model predicts a variety of findings that had not been ex- others (e.g., Jonides, Smith, Awh, Minoshima, & Mintun,
plained previously, especially findings from signal-to- 1993), it became more and more apparent that something like
respond experiments. A key to the success of the predictions a visuo-spatial sketchpad was operating as a working memory.
is the idea that certain features are encoded earlier than others.
Thus physical features like shape are encoded before higher Four outstanding issues: Rehearsal, the short-term
level features such as meaning and associations. This research store, continuous distraction, and contiguity
produced novel insights regarding word frequency, speeded
responding, context reinstatement, short-term priming, simi- On many occasions the Atkinson and Shiffrin chapter has
larity, source memory, and associative recognition, revealing served as a benchmark against which new ideas are measured,
how the same set of core dynamic principles can help unify and instead of which alternatives have been proposed. Part of
otherwise disparate phenomena in the study of memory. Yet the influence of the chapter was due to the use of formal
this model builds in cumulative fashion on the sequence of models consistent with the overall framework to test the ideas
Mem Cogn
within settings from a wide variety of experiments. This was a & Glass, 1975). This led researchers to ask why maintenance
somewhat novel approach at the time, and set a standard for rehearsal benefits recognition and not free recall. However,
publications in the best journals that lasted for many years. this was the wrong question. Lehman and Malmberg (2013)
Despite its influence, or perhaps due to it, the Atkinson and reanalyzed Craik and Tulving’s results and found that in-
Shiffrin framework has been routinely criticized. This criti- creases in maintenance rehearsal actually improved free recall,
cism could itself be viewed as a success, given the goal of confirming Atkinson and Shiffrin’s speculation in contrast to
science should be progress, and everyone should want to see Craik and Tulving’s original conclusion. Other results thought
old ideas be refined or replaced. Thus, the fact that most in- to provide evidence against the role of maintenance rehearsal
troductory text books published in the past couple of decades in storage are actually predicted by the model. For instance,
present the dual-store model as disconfirmed in one way or Wixted and McDowell (1989) found that extending rehearsal
another testifies to the utility of the theory. At the same time, was beneficial to free recall only when it was provided in the
comprehensive theories of memory, be they cognitive (e.g., beginning or middle of a study list. These results suggested to
ACT-R, TODAM, or connectionist models) or neuroscientific them that additional rehearsal given to end of list items does
(O’Reilly, 2006), adopt the central tenets of the approach, such not affect their long-term storage. However, the results are
as a dual store framework, and the fundamental importance of actually quite consistent with the buffer model accounts of
control processes. In addition, some of the criticisms are based classical results such as those of Rundus (1971) and
on confusions and these deserve clarification (see Murdock (1962). That is, buffer models predict that additional
Raaijmakers, 1993, for a discussion of the sources of rehearsal would have no effect on immediate recall, as recall
confusion). would be initiated by retrieving the items that were being
rehearsed, and increases in the amount of time devoted to
Rehearsal A fundamental characteristic of the Atkinson and rehearsing an item strengthen the encoding of a long-term
Shiffrin model is that the contents of STM are under the episodic trace, but additional rehearsal does not affect the
control of the subject. The results of Rundus (1971) clearly representations of the items being rehearsed.
linked rehearsal with the ability to freely recall from long-term Malmberg and Shiffrin (2005) accounted for levels of pro-
versus short-term memory. The fact that there are substantial cessing effects on the assumption that maintenance rehearsal
benefits of one sort of rehearsal, often termed elaborative, and tends to produce storage of information about the physical
that the chapter placed greatest emphasis on a type of mainte- form of the stimulus, but elaborative rehearsal produces great-
nance and rote rehearsal, has led some to reject the Atkinson er storage of meaning. When combined with the plausible idea
and Shiffrin framework (Craik & Lockhart, 1972; Craik & that retrieval cues tend to be dominated by meaning informa-
Tulving, 1975). Yet this very point was made in the chapter: tion, the joint effects of maintenance and elaborative rehearsal
are no surprise. Additional findings consistent with this hy-
pothesis, showing the joint effects of form and meaning
BWhen the subject is concentrating on rehearsal, the encoding, were reported by Criss and Malmberg (2008).
information transferred would be in a relatively weak
state and easily subject to interference. On the other Retrieval from short-term store The Wixted and McDowell
hand, the subject may divert his effort from rehearsal results mentioned in the previous paragraphs highlight another
to various encoding operations which will increase the assumption of the Atkinson and Shiffrin chapter, that the
strength of the stored information.^ (p. 115) traces in STM are in a privileged state, allowing them to be
retrieved easily, with little interference from traces in LTM. A
This prediction, that there are modest benefits of mainte- criticism of this assumption is found in Cowan (1998,
nance rehearsal and added benefits of elaborative rehearsal, following Shiffrin, 1973) proposing that items in the focus
has of course been confirmed many times. In addition to the of attention are simply in a relatively active state in LTM
original experiments reported by Atkinson and Shiffrin, and not immune from interference from other traces in LTM.
Nelson (1977) directly tested the effects of maintenance re- Lehman and Malmberg (2013) provided a direct test of the
hearsal and levels of processing on free recall, cued recall, and privileged-state assumption. In this experiment, the length of
item recognition. For all three memory tasks, both a semanti- the study list was varied over an extensive range, and memory
cally oriented encoding task and the amount of time the sub- was tested via immediate free recall. The critical data con-
ject spent encoding during study benefited memory. Such cerned the relationship between the probabilities of first recall
findings notwithstanding, the results of several item recogni- as a function of serial position. As usual, items from the re-
tion experiments, using manipulations very similar to those cency portion of the serial position curve were most likely to
used by Craik and Tulving for free recall, showed that recog- be recalled, but they were also most likely to be recalled first,
nition accuracy improves with increases of maintenance re- and this first recall probability was unaffected by the length of
hearsal (e.g., Glenberg, Smith, & Green, 1977; see also Darley the study list. Moreover, the amount of time it took subjects to
Mem Cogn
recall the first item was unaffected by the length of the study There is one aspect of the data presented by Kahana and his
list. Given that more items were studied on long lists than colleagues that cannot be so easily explained within the SAM
short lists, these findings indicate that the long-term traces model, namely the clear preference both for recency and non-
stored during study did not interfere with the retrieval of traces recency items to show a preference for a forward recall order.
from STM. For example, in a typical free recall paradigm, recall of item N
is more often followed by recall of item N+1 than N-1. Such a
Continuous distraction For over 40 years, the effect of contin- tendency was not predicted by the Atkinson and Shiffrin mod-
uous distraction has been widely believed to be problematic el, nor by SAM or REM. However, there are plausible ac-
for the Atkinson and Shiffrin model: Interpolated and atten- counts other than the context account. For example, items
tion demanding tasks during the study of a list of items pro- (such as pairs) that are presented sequentially may be stored
duces a normal looking free-recall serial-position curve, with as an associated group with a forward coding, a coding that is
pronounced recency, and reduced probability of recall for po- used for retrieval order when the trace of the group is sampled.
sitions prior to the recency portion (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974). Some evidence favoring such an account over the context
In addition, there were findings that with a distracting task, the account was obtained by Lehman and Malmberg (2013),
recency portion of the serial position curve remains even after who showed that the usual lag-recency effect was eliminated
a delay that would normally eliminate the recency effect when studied items were broken into two item chunks.
(Bjork & Whitten, 1974). This result casts doubt on the ex-
planation given by Atkinson and Shiffrin that the lack of re- Inhibition Another type of criticism has been raised against the
cency for delayed free recall is due to the removal of items Atkinson-Shiffrin framework, a criticism that applies to all
from the rehearsal loop. They suggested the combined results theories that attribute a major part of forgetting from long-
were better explained by a temporally based retrieval process. term memory to interference due to competitive retrieval pro-
However, a different explanation is also available: The long- cesses. This criticism comes from proponents of the inhibition
term recency observed in the presence of continuous distrac- account for forgetting (e.g. Anderson, 2003; Bäuml, 2008).
tion could be due to changes in context during study coupled According to this view, forgetting can be due to the active
with a test probe that uses primarily recent context. Such an suppression of incorrect memory traces that are activated
assumption can also explain the dissociations that have been when one tries to retrieve the correct target trace. This active
observed between the short-term and long-term recency ef- suppression hypothesis has been claimed to uniquely account
fects (see Davelaar, Goshen-Gottstein, Ashkenazi, for a large number of findings from various experimental par-
Haarmann, & Usher, 2005; Raaijmakers, 1993). Lehman adigms, such as directed forgetting, part-list cuing, retrieval-
and Malmberg (2013) demonstrated that the SAM-REM mod- induced forgetting and the think/no-think paradigm. However,
el indeed accurately accounts for both the short-term and long- these claims have themselves been criticized by several re-
term recency effects. searchers, including Lehman and Malmberg (2009), Verde
(2012), and Raaijmakers and Jakab (2013), who point out
Contiguity In 1996, Kahana reported a robust tendency to alternative explanations for the findings that are consistent
recall items from adjacent serial positions during free recall, with the modal model accounts and more generally with
which he referred to as the lag-recency effect. Interestingly accounts that attribute retrieval failure to competition and
and reminiscent of Raaijmakers and Shiffrin’s work on part- interference. Raaijmakers (2018) presents a review of the is-
list cuing, Kahana worked within the SAM framework to sues, concluding that what the field needs is a more formalized
show that lag recency could be explained by a model that account of the inhibition hypothesis, echoing the strategy that
assumed information retrieved from memory on prior trials Atkinson and Shiffrin advocated in their chapter.
is used on subsequent trials as a retrieval cue. Hence, items
from adjacent and nearby serial positions tend be recalled in
proximity because they were co-rehearsed and inter-item as- Concluding comments
sociations were created between them. However, this model
was abandoned in preference for a model that accounted not Much, probably most, of the Atkinson and Shiffrin model
only for short-term recency and lag-recency effects but also remains in regular use today, albeit sometimes under alterna-
long-term recency and lag-recency effects (Howard & tive terminology. Its success can be measured both by the
Kahana, 2002). The long-term lag-recency effect may be alternative accounts it has sparked and by the research that
accounted for within the SAM framework by assuming that has extended and refined the original.
upon retrieval of an item the subject not only uses that item as In this article we have reviewed a number of the develop-
a subsequent retrieval cue (as assumed in SAM), but also ments that have extended the Atkinson and Shiffrin frame-
recovers context information from the retrieved memory trace work. We and others have adapted the framework to accom-
and uses that context information as the new context cue. modate new findings that have been discovered since 1968
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